Mount Elbrus is the highest mountain in Russia. Where is Elbrus located? Elbrus mountain where the country is located


Address: Russia, Caucasus
Height: 5642 m (western peak), 5621 m (eastern peak)
First ascent: July 22, 1829
Coordinates: 43°20"57.4"N 42°26"51.6"E


The stunning Mount Elbrus, which attracts climbers, ski lovers and fans of active recreation, is actually a volcano.

Surprisingly, not everyone knows about this: for most, Elbrus is one of seven wonders of Russia(according to the 2008 vote), picturesque slopes along which you can ski down with a breeze, and the virgin, even somewhat “unearthly” beauty of the Elbrus region.

Scientists call Elbrus a stratovolcano, which means that from time to time thick streams of lava erupt from a conical vent, which, due to their viscosity, do not spread over long distances, but solidify not far from the point of their emission. That is why Elbrus “grows” with each eruption and is currently considered the highest mountain peak in Europe. By the way, the volcano has two peaks: one of them (western) has a height of 5642 meters, and the second (eastern) has a height of 5621 meters. The two peaks are separated by a saddle with a height of 5200 meters and a length of 3 kilometers.

First summit ascent

According to documents that have survived to this day, the first conquest of the eastern peak of Elbrus took place in 1829. The expedition was led by Georgy Arsenievich Emmanuel, who, despite his Hungarian origin, led the Caucasian fortified line. In addition to numerous scientists included in the expedition by the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1000 military personnel and guides who knew the secret paths and the least dangerous slopes took part in the ascent to the peak.

Most likely, according to the assumption of modern historians, people visited the peaks and gorges of Elbrus long before 1829. However, according to documentation, it is generally accepted that the first conquest of Elbrus was the ascent of a scientific expedition led by Emmanuel.

Volcano name: history of origin

Alas, it is currently unknown where the name Elbrus came from. Most scientists are inclined to believe that the name of the mountain comes from the Iranian word “Elborz”, which literally translates into Russian as “brilliant or sparkling.” There is a mountain in Iran called Elburz, probably for this reason, many associate the origin of the name of the highest point in Europe with the Iranian language. In fairness, it is worth noting that the rest of the scientists, who, although in the minority, argue that the name Elbrus may come from the Armenian or Georgian language. The answer to the question of where the name of this mesmerizing volcano came from will most likely never be found: you need to delve too deeply into the history of mankind to solve this problem.

Battle for Elbrus

During the Great Patriotic War, fierce battles were fought for the peaks of Elbrus, in which the famous German division, named after the most beautiful mountain flower, “Edelweiss,” took part.

The division was staffed exclusively by physically hardy people who lived in mountainous areas and were able to hit a target with the first shot. The mature age of some of the best Wehrmacht soldiers allowed them to fight in the mountains and survive in deserted areas where it was almost impossible to get food, endure severe frosts and strong gusts of wind.

As is known from the history of the Second World War, the battle for the Caucasus began on July 25, 1942. Less than a month later, soldiers from the Edelweiss division occupied the Shelter of Eleven and Krugozor bases, and after some time conquered the peaks of Elbrus, on which they hoisted flags with swastikas. It would seem that the feat was accomplished, but the rise of the German soldiers infuriated Hitler. “Crazy, deranged people, stupid climbers! While Wehrmacht soldiers are waging a fierce struggle for every square kilometer of the Caucasus, they decided to “play.” These climbers, who climbed Elbrus for the sake of their own pride, must be put on trial!” Hitler shouted in rage. “Why do we need this bare peak that no one needs? They are not aware of what they are doing. Our flags should hang on the buildings of Sukhumi, and not fly where even birds cannot see them,” A. Speer recorded these words of Adolf Hitler in his diary.

Stalin, apparently, thought quite differently. After the last German units were expelled from the Caucasus at the end of winter, Soviet soldiers re-conquered the peaks of Elbrus. Flags with swastikas were destroyed, and on the western and eastern peaks the banners of the USSR proudly glowed.

The volcano is only dormant

Elbrus, as mentioned above, is a Mecca for climbers, mountaineers and skiers. Tourism brings Kabardino-Balkaria the lion's share of income to the local budget. Therefore, the authorities, according to some scientists, are silent about the danger that awaits not only tourists, but also local residents whose houses are located near the volcano. “Elbrus could wake up at any moment, the eruption will be very powerful!” say experts, based on a number of studies they have conducted.

Particular concern is expressed by Lev Denisov, who calls on the authorities to reconsider their policies and think about what they are investing huge amounts of money into. “A restless volcano can destroy the entire infrastructure of the region in a few hours and take the lives of thousands of people,” Denisov said in his address. In addition to a possible eruption, the so-called “pulsating glaciers” pose a particular danger. It was they who led to the tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge.

Monument to the “Heroes of the Elbrus Defense”

However, neither the authorities of Kabardino-Balkaria nor high-ranking officials from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations want to listen to the scientist’s arguments. Denisov’s opponents say: “Several more centuries may pass before the eruption, but we don’t see any cause for concern yet.” Naturally, in this context, the word “may” is scary. After all, this does not exclude the possibility that Elbrus may “wake up” in the very near future. Who will be right, Lev Denisov and his group of researchers, or his opponents, only time will tell. While in the Elbrus area, you should never forget about your own safety and strictly follow the instructions of the instructor. It is worth remembering that people constantly die and go missing in the gorges and on the slopes of the mountain: everyone knows that in 2002, during the collapse of a glacier in the Karmadon Gorge called “Kolka”, the most popular actor and director Sergei Sergeevich Bodrov disappeared.

“I’m standing at the top, I’m happy and speechless...”

Thanks to government decree Russian Federation, with the active support of the authorities of Kabardino-Balkaria, tourism infrastructure is developing in the Elbrus region by leaps and bounds. The most convenient tourist centers, hotels with “luxury” rooms, ultra-modern ski lifts, rentals of modern mountain and ski equipment are just a small part of what a tourist who comes to the highest peak in Europe can count on.

You can conquer one of the mountain peaks, from which a truly stunning view opens, on one of the expeditions. They are constantly organized here by companies that have received a special license for this type of activity. Climbing Elbrus always takes place under the guidance of a professional climber who knows all the subtleties and nuances of conquering the mountain peak. It was thanks to the training of these people that climbing Elbrus became practically safe. However, before you decide to climb the highest mountain in Europe, you should soberly assess your strength. For a person in poor health, such a journey can end tragically. Although, almost all expeditions are equipped with radio communications with special stations. In the event of any dangerous situation, a helicopter with experienced rescuers on board rises from a special platform. Before the ascent, the group leaders once again try to determine the physical condition of each participant and, in case of any doubts about his endurance, recommend postponing the conquest of the peak, and it is better to enjoy the beauty of the Elbrus region on this trip, which is quite difficult to describe in words.

Elbrus is the most famous mountain in the world. It is an object of universal attention, a dream for people who prefer extreme sports, and an object of admiration for tourists. Almost every traveler knows where Mount Elbrus is located, and therefore dreams of going to the distant and unexplored Caucasus.

For many, the Caucasus is the territory that is worth visiting. After all, everyone knows that it is here that you can feel complete freedom from the hustle and bustle and fully enjoy, truly, incredible landscapes. For a long time, it was considered the place on Earth that could be called “paradise.” Nature has rewarded the area with unusually beautiful relief and diversity. flora. The air here is clean and transparent, which is the main feature of this territory.

The Caucasus is a mountainous region of Eurasia, which has a whole variety of amazing places, but perhaps the most famous of them is Elbrus. This mountain has become " business card» area, since it is precisely this area that attracts many tourists. It is worth noting that the country is divided into two parts - South and North, conventionally called two half-worlds. Of course, the two parts are united by common traditions and culture, but tourist attendance is different.

What is the famous mountain?

The formation of this point began more than 218 thousand years ago. Since that ancient and forgotten time, lava and tuff have erupted 15 times. It’s impossible to say whether it’s a lot or a little, but it was they who gave humanity such an extraordinary gift.

Elbrus is a stratovolcano in the Caucasus, it is called the highest point in Russia. It is one of the Great Seven of the world's most famous peaks. Its location is unique, since it is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Externally, it is a double-peaked cone-shaped volcano that has not erupted for a very, very long time (the last eruption dates back to 50 AD).

Each nationality has its own name for the volcano mountain, which, increasingly, in translation means “height”, “elevation”, “highest point”. Such definitions are not accidental, because they are based on the coordinates of the height above sea level. By the way, the exact height of the mountain was first determined back in 1883. This was done by the famous academician and scientist V.K. Vishnevsky. He indicated and recorded data according to which Mount Elbrus has a height of 5421 m. These figures became unchanged, because no transformations were observed in the volcano. Until this time, accurate data simply did not exist.

It should be noted that the mountain remained an object of research for a long time; each new ascent provided new information, which was recorded in the necessary documentation. Today this place is interesting for various reasons, so let’s find out where Mount Elbrus is located on the map of Russia and how can an ordinary traveler find it?

Correct coordinates

Of course this place is famous local residents, and you can easily find the treasured mountain. But, in order not to worry, it is better to find out about everything in detail before the trip. First you need to find general information about the place you are interested in, then analyze the territory and note the data you need.

Many travelers have developed a search pattern that is based on data from cartographic sources. From them you will know that Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, exactly 130 kilometers west of the city of Nalchik, within the northern part of the Main Caucasus Ridge. To find where Elbrus is located on the map, you don’t need special knowledge and skills, since the most detailed maps and well-known routes. It won’t be difficult for you to find the object, it will be much more difficult to conquer it, and therefore we will continue our preparation.

About modes of transportation

Depending on what you are going to travel on, you need to choose the right approach to the mountain. Since this place is specific and not close to civilization, there is no better means of transportation than a car. Further, the route will be on foot, as expected leisure. There is another option - to travel by bus, but it is only suitable for large excursion groups. If you are traveling with a small group of like-minded people, then a car would still be more appropriate.

Where to start climbing?

Of course, everyone has their own rules and principles for relaxation, but when it comes to Elbrus, the first departure point is the village of Azau. Experts recommend acclimatizing and spending some time here (1-2 days), and then hitting the road.

Remember that the best time to get to the mountain is in the summer, when there are no obstacles on the way. The period from September to September is a unique time in every sense and it is best suited for every tourist.

Regarding July and August, it must be said that this is the optimal period due to the fact that the weather is incredibly warm and stable, there is no dampness, rain or any noticeable temperature changes. But sometimes surprises happen, and therefore you should be prepared for anything in advance, because the Caucasian weather is very often unpredictable, remember this. For this reason, when planning a route, one extra day is always included. A winter climb is possible, but the weather is against you here as it can be very cold at this time of year, down to -40 at the summit.

Many return here at other times of the year, after the first ascent, to appreciate the beauty in other contrasts. For others, coming here becomes a challenge, since the low air temperature becomes an obstacle. It is important to note that it is always beautiful here, only in its own way. Different times provide the opportunity to see unique features that would not be noticeable in another season. Also remember that there are always a lot of tourists here, so you won’t be alone.

Mountain coordinates:

43.3469353 north latitude

42.4528694 east longitude.

Unsolved mystery

There is one main question: when Elbrus will wake up and whether this will happen in the future, scientists have not yet given an answer. This means that climbing it will be possible for a long time, so it’s time to start your preparations for such an amazing point on our planet. After all, if an eruption takes place, the danger will be incredible. Firstly, there will be a release of ash and lava, and the possibility of unprecedented flooding from melting glaciers will increase.

Mount Elbrus fascinates not only climbers, but also ordinary travelers. From year to year, tourists come to the foot of the mountain to see the grandeur and power of the peak. Few people remain indifferent and disappointed. This mountain, shrouded in secrets and legends, incredible ascents of the past and present make it even more attractive and popular.

In contact with

Geographical characteristics

Elbrus is marked on the map of Russia, between the two republics - Karachay-Cherkess and. The nearest city at the foot of Mount Tyrnauz is the city of Elbrus.

The summit has two highest peaks, the height of the eastern peak is 5621 meters, and the height of the western peak is 5642 meters. The distance between them is 1500 meters. The average steepness of the slopes is 35 degrees. Academician V.K. Vishnevsky was the first to determine the height of Elbrus, and it was 5421 meters.

23 glaciers flow down from the slopes of the mountain. The area of ​​glaciers is 134 square kilometers. The maximum length of glaciers is about 7–9 km. Their total area has decreased by 19% over the past 100–150 years. The glacier that flows into the Kuban Valley has shrunk by 33%. Elbrus glaciers feed three large Caucasian and Stavropol rivers:

  • Kuban;
  • Malku;
  • Baksan.

Until now, the exact boundaries between Asia and Europe have not been determined, so the mountain is often considered one of the highest mountain peak Europe and are equated to the mountains of the “Seven Summits”. The double-peaked stratovolcano was formed on an ancient volcanic base. It is believed that these two peaks are completely independent volcanoes and do not depend on each other. Both peaks have their own distinct shape and a clearly defined crater.

Finding a mountain on a map is not difficult, since today a wide variety of maps and public routes with detailed descriptions.

general description

Elbrus - height, which is famous for its ancient history. The age of a mountain is determined by the condition of its upper part. Its top has a vertical fault. Last eruption highest peak Russia happened around the 50s AD. e.

The mystery of the name of the mountain

Where is Elbrus located? Perhaps almost every schoolchild in the country can answer this question. But few people know where the name of the mountain comes from. It is worth noting that the peak has more than one name and has about a dozen in total.

Today it is very difficult to understand which name appeared first. If we talk about the modern name, then according to one version, it comes from the Iranian word “aytibares”. Translated, it sounds like a high or shiny mountain. The peak in the Karachay-Balkar language is called “Mingi-tau”, which translated into Russian means “mountain of thousands”. But there is also another name for the Balkars - “Minge-tau”, which translates as “mountain saddled”. Modern representatives of this community call Elbrus - “the mountain around which the wind swirls” (“Elbrus - Tau”).

Names in other languages ​​are also common:

  • “Jin padishah” - “lord of spirits” (Turkic);
  • “Orfi - tub” - “mountain of the blessed” (Abkhazian);
  • “Yal - buz” - “snow mane” (Georgian).

Local climate

Climate is formed under the influence of seasonal air masses mountainous region. Climatic conditions characteristic of mountainous terrain. The Elbrus region is characterized by a pattern of good and bad weather.

In summer the cycle is a week. In the first days of June the weather is worse than in July. The climate during this period is humid and cool. The temperature at an altitude of 2 thousand meters sometimes reaches +35 degrees, and at higher altitudes – +25 degrees. Autumn begins from the end of August. Winter comes already in October, at an altitude of more than 3 thousand meters. At this point the average temperature is -12 degrees. The absolute minimum was recorded at minus 27 degrees. Spring comes only at the beginning of May. During this period, snow melts actively at around 3 thousand meters. Often it comes down in the form of wet avalanches.

The higher the height, the thicker the cover. Thus, 60–80 cm is the average thickness of the top cover. There is more snow on the northern slopes than on the southern ones. At higher altitudes, eternal snowfields and firn fields remain. Due to them, the mass of all Elbrus glaciers increases.

Volcanic activity

Elbrus is considered an extinct volcano. When studying the mountain, geologists examined its layers, which contain the ash of the volcano. It has been proven that this particular ash was formed since ancient times as a result of eruptions. Having studied the first layer, scientists found that the first eruption of the peak occurred around 45 thousand years ago. e. The subsequent one is the second layer, formed after the eruption of the Mount Kazbek volcano. It was formed about 40 thousand years ago.

Today it has been precisely proven that it was the second eruption that was the most powerful, even by modern standards. People - Neanderthals, living at the foot of the mountain at that time, were forced to leave settled places in search of more favorable living conditions. It has been established that the last time the volcano erupted was 2 thousand years ago BC. e.

The history of climbing Elbrus

Back in 1829, the first conquest of Elbrus was made. The leader of the ascent expedition is Georgy Emmanuel. The members of the scientific expedition were famous physicists, zoologists, botanists, geologists and other scientists. It was they who became the pioneers and conquerors of the highest peak on Earth - eastern part of Elbrus.

In 1868, a re-climbing of the eastern part of the mountain was carried out by an English group of scientists. In the same year, the first conquest of Mount Kazbek was accomplished. The western peak of Elbrus was conquered in 1874 by climbers from England; the expedition guide was A. Sottaev.

During a scientific expedition to map the Caucasus in 1890–1896, an ascent was made to the eastern and western mountains of Elbrus. The expedition was headed by a Russian scientist and military topographer - A.V. Pastukhov. It was he who left behind detailed maps of the area and Mount Elbrus - photo. For his exploration of the Caucasus and Elbrus, part of the cliffs of Elbrus (the southern part) was named in honor of Pastukhov. The height of the Pastukhov rocks is 4800 meters.

In 1891, the shortest ascent time in history was recorded - only 8 hours. The ascent began at the foot of the southern slopes and ended at the eastern summit.

Swiss climbers, for the first time in history, in 1910 accomplished the so-called Elbrus Cross. They climbed two peaks simultaneously, as part of one expedition.

The first woman to conquer Elbrus - A. Japaridze (1925).

Soviet climbers made the first winter ascent in 1934. And in 1939, the first ski descent from Elbrus was carried out by Moscow skier V. Gippenreiter.

From the first part of the twentieth century, climbing Elbrus began to become widespread. Thus, in 1928, 32 groups of climbers carried out the ascent; in 1935, about 2,016 people visited Elbrus, and in 1960, 1,395 climbers.

In 1963, he climbed on a motorcycle Berberashvili - Soviet athlete. In 1997, already by car, the whole team conquered the summit. And in 2015, the Russian athlete A. Rodichev climbed the mountain with a barbell that weighed 75 kg.

The 2016 climb to Elbrus is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Russian climbers A. Kuimov and S. Baranov climbed with the help of an ATV to a height of 5642 meters.

Nowadays, climbing Elbrus is not difficult. For tourists and travelers the path is made easier by shelters - parking lots and cable cars.

The highest peak in Russia belongs to mountain system Caucasus mountains. This is the double-headed Elbrus, located on the border of two Caucasian republics - Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. The highest mountain in Russia has a height of 5642 meters. Some researchers have awarded it the title of the highest in Europe, but this is not entirely true. The Alpine Mont Blanc (4807) is indeed inferior in height to Elbrus. But Elbrus is located north of the Main Caucasus Ridge, along which the border of Europe and Asia passes. The side ridge, to which Mount Elbrus belongs, clearly belongs to Asia.

Mount Elbrus - photo

First mentions of highest peak Russia in historical literature can be found in the “Book of Victories”. In the descriptions of Tamerlane’s military campaigns there is information that the “great lame man” climbed Elbrus in order to pray there.

At the top of Elbrus

Mount Elbrus - photo

The Caucasus also attracted conquerors at a later time. During the Great Patriotic War, the German special service Ahnenerbe, which was engaged in research, showed great interest in the Elbrus region. paranormal phenomena and occult forces. During the battle for the Caucasus, a special group was allocated from the mountain riflemen of the Edelweiss division, who in 1942 planted German flags on both peaks of Elbrus. Soviet troops removed them in February 1943, and the Battle of Shelter of Eleven went down in history as the highest altitude battle of the Second World War. To this day, frozen bodies of the dead and various ammunition are found in Caucasian glaciers.

Elbrus is an extinct volcano with two peaks. They are connected by a saddle at an altitude of approximately 5300 meters. The lower peak, which has a height of 5621 meters, is considered by geologists to be younger in age. It has retained a clear crater and a regular cone shape. The older peak of Mount Elbrus, which lies to the trap, has been significantly destroyed.

Two peaks of Elbrus - photo

The greatest peak of the Caucasus last erupted around 50 AD. This does not allow us to call the volcano extinct, since volcanoes that have not erupted in human memory are called extinct. Volcanologists prefer to call it dormant and believe that the peaks of its activity occurred during periods of 30, 100 and 220 thousand years ago. The structure is made of volcanic ash, cooled lava and tuff, arranged in layers.

Mount Elbrus - photo

Mount Elbrus - photo

The slopes of Elbrus, relatively flat at the bottom, above 4000 meters acquire a steepness of up to 35 degrees. It is easier to climb from the east or south, since on the northern and western slopes there are a lot of steep sections with elevation differences of up to 700 meters.

Scheme of the route for climbing Elbrus

All of the Caucasus is characterized by altitudinal zonation, expressed in the alternation of natural zones as it rises from the foot to the top. On Elbrus the snow line is located at an altitude of 3500 meters. Here the alpine meadows end and above there are only rocks, snow and glaciers. Since the snow does not melt above this line, the mountain always has a snow-white cap, which allows it to be called Little Antarctica. This cap is clearly visible in the photo of Mount Elbrus.

Mount Elbrus - photo

The total area of ​​glaciers is 135 square kilometers. Among the largest are Big and Small Azau, as well as Terskop. They serve as the basis for the nutrition of the Caucasus, including Kuban. Numerous tongues of glaciers descend into valleys, where they melt, leaving sediments.
The first documented ascent of the eastern, lower peak took place in 1829. Kabardian Kilar Khashirov, who served as a guide for the Russian expedition, climbed it on July 22.

The height of Mount Elbrus was a great irritant for climbers, and in 1874 highest point The Caucasus was conquered by the command of Florence Grove. The true record holder for ascents was a simple hunter Ahiya Sottaev. He was not only the first to visit both peaks, but also made nine ascents, the last one at a more advanced age. At that time he was 121 years old!

Elbrus region is popular tourist area. Thanks to volcanic heat, hot mineral springs. Their temperature reaches 60 degrees. Bathing in the springs is used in the prevention and treatment of many types of diseases.

Alpine hotel "Shelter of Eleven"

These places are popular among ski lovers. They offer numerous trails equipped with ski lifts. On most of them the season lasts from October to May, but on peaks above 3800 meters skiing is possible all year round. There are many fans of extreme sports. They get to the very tops of the mountains using helicopters and descend on skis or snowboards. Often such extreme athletes become the culprits of avalanches.

Shelter "barrels"

The tourist attractiveness of Elbrus increased after the Olympics in Sochi. It was used to attract not only Russian, but also foreign tourists and winter sports enthusiasts to the region. This was partially successful, and for foreigners Mount Elbrus is now associated not only with the highest point in Russia, but also with high-quality ski slopes.

Thus, the height of Mount Elbrus, which is more than five and a half kilometers, can become not only part of geographical statistics, but also a starting point for the development of an entire region.

Views from the top of Elbrus

Snowboarding and skiing are practiced here; tourists from all over the world come to the mountain in order to be at the highest point in Europe or to follow the routes at the base of the mountain range. People come here for new experiences, incredible sensations, and pristine nature. It is simply impossible to visit the top of the Great Mountain and remain the same.

But what do we really know about Elbrus?

From a geography course it vaguely emerges that height of Mount Elbrus in meters 5642, this is what we tried to remember when drawing the borders of Europe on the contour map.

In this article we want to remind readers about the most interesting facts about Elbrus and just tell us more about this ancient volcano.

Elbrus is the highest point in Europe.

Geography lesson: Mount Elbrus

What do we know about Elbrus from geography lessons and Wikipedia?

This is an ancient extinct volcano (it began its formation two to three million years ago), located in the Caucasus on the border of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, the height of Elbrus (5642 m) is usually designated by the highest - Western - peak, and one and a half kilometers from it there is the Eastern peak, which is inferior in height to only 11 meters; between them lies the Sedlovina pass (5416 m).

From the time of its formation to the present day, Elbrus, under the influence of various natural disasters, has completely changed its outline up to ten times.

It’s hard to believe, but various earthquakes, landscape changes, precipitation, winds and other “misfortunes” erased the mountain to the ground, but then erupting with renewed vigor, Elbrus again turned into a huge mountain.

It is believed that the “youngest” crater, which we now know as the East Summit, ultimately remained active.

There are 23 glaciers resting on the slopes of Elbrus; they give rise to such rivers as the Kuban, Baksan and Malku. Environmentalists are of considerable concern about the melting of glaciers against the backdrop of a general deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet.

Elbrus is considered an easy mountain to climb, but this is a deceptive impression. We will try to consider in detail the biggest misconceptions about climbing Elbrus in another article.

It’s worth talking about the weather on the slopes separately: in summer, at the foot of the ancient volcano, the temperature can be about +22-25 C°, and at the peak at the same time it will be down to -27C°. In addition, the ancient volcano is famous for its sudden changes in weather: experienced guides try to go out with climbing groups in the dark (at 3 or 4 a.m.) in order to have time to go up and down with the group before lunch, when the sun is shining and visibility is excellent. During the entire observation period, not a single rain was recorded at the Elbrus meteorological station (altitude 4250 m): precipitation falls only in the form of snow. February is usually the coldest month on the mountain, and it is better to conquer the peak in August, when all the cracks and cracks appear on the surface of the ice.

Scientists are still arguing: should we expect the awakening of the great volcano? Modern research and high-precision measuring instruments indicate activity in the bowels of the mountain (at a depth of more than six kilometers), but this is a normal phenomenon for a “former” active volcano and transfer Elbrus to the list active volcanoes Scientists are in no hurry yet.

Magma cooling in the heart of the mountain saturates the springs reaching the surface with carbon dioxide. This is how the famous healing (and simply beautiful) narzans are formed.

Climbing Mount Elbrus

The infrastructure of Elbrus consists of three lines of cable cars, several shelters and hotels.

The A158 highway goes all the way to the foot of Elbrus.

It is worth noting that developed infrastructure exists only on the southern side of the mountain, while the northern side boasts only a few huts where climbers or emergency workers stay if necessary.

People come to Elbrus, of course, not only for the sake of climbing. There are beautiful slopes here that are favored by skiers and snowboarders, and the magnificent trails of the Elbrus region attract hikers of all abilities.

In order to reach the level of 3780 meters, you can only use one of the branches cable car.

Let's look at all types of “transport” available to tourists on Elbrus.

The first road (cable-pendulum) appeared on the slopes back in 1969. It was possible to climb to a height of almost 3,000 (Krugozor station). In 1976 its length increased by 500 meters and extreme point became the Mir station.

A chairlift line was stretched from the Mir station to the Gara-Bashi station. In the early 2000s, a new gondola-type line began operating parallel to the old one. The construction of the new road was completed at the end of 2015, the last section was launched (to Gara-Bashi).

Thus, you can climb along the new line from beginning to end or with “transfers” along the old lines.

In addition to cable car lines, Elbrus also has drag lifts.

Fans of winter sports are attracted by Elbrus with a variety of slopes and, of course, the stunning beauty of nature.

Shelters on Elbrus

We look at six shelters available to hikers who decide to climb to the top of the Great Mountain.

To begin with, let’s define the word “shelter”, and to be absolutely precise, we are interested in “high-mountain shelter”.

High mountain shelter- this is a durable shelter (house or hut), which serves primarily to provide reliable protection from difficult weather conditions. Such buildings are built not only for travelers; rescuers and shepherds actively use the shelters.

We will climb up the mountain and “stop” a little at each shelter.

So, our story ended at the mark in 3780 meters above sea level, at the final station of the Gara-Bashi cable car, this is where Shelter "Bochki"

The shelter received this name because of the shape of the houses (they really look like barrels). The house can accommodate up to six people.

All amenities and a kitchen are located in a separate house.

For a comfortable stay on site, it is recommended to take with you toilet paper, wet sanitary napkins, bags for things, water vessels (thermos and/or flask), slippers, and a belt bag for documents and valuables.

"Hassan's Shelter"
A little further from the Gara-Bashi station there is the Hasan Shelter (height 3750 meters). These are three trailer houses that can accommodate 12 people. The kitchen, as usual, is located in a separate trailer and is equipped with gas stoves. A stream flows nearby, which is suitable for use in the summer months; the rest of the time, tourists and climbers use melted snow as drinking water.

Shelter "LeapRus"
In 2012, the shelter (or, as all press releases say, “the highest mountain hotel in Europe”) “LeapRus” was opened. High-tech houses, similar to parts of a spaceship, are equipped with the latest technology.

This is perhaps the most expensive of the options we are considering, but heated floors, delicious breakfasts, round-the-clock electricity and “full service” may be of interest to some of the readers.

There is the possibility of staying in rooms for up to 12 people, with a separate cooking area. The price may include breakfast or three full meals a day.

In general, the main feature of this high-altitude eco-hotel is the complete release of the tourist’s head from everyday problems - literally all of them can be solved by the administrators.

The most famous shelter on Elbrus can be considered "Shelter of Eleven"

Let us immediately note that the famous “Shelter of Eleven” was never restored after the fire (later it was completely dismantled) and now construction of a modern hotel with the same name is underway. However, the timing of its commissioning remains variable.

Shelter "Kotelnaya"
On the site of the former boiler house of the famous Shelter, the Boiler House Shelter was built. The two-story building is located 1.5 hours walk from the Gara-Bashi station at an altitude 4100 meters. The area can accommodate up to 50 people. There are rooms for groups of 4 to 6 people and a large room for 12 beds. Electricity here is supplied from a generator and “turns on according to a schedule for several hours a day (there may be situations when there is no electricity at all; the generator does not work in winter).

The main source of water is snow, and in the summer months - streams from the glacier.

Shuvalov's Shelter (Sherapi Hut)
On the southern slope of Elbrus there is a small building designed to accommodate 20 people. Sherapi Shelter offers accommodation in rooms with 6 or 8 beds. There are gas stoves in the kitchen, but there is no electricity at all. The source of water is a glacier in summer or snow in unlimited quantities the rest of the time.

Shelter "Maria"

Literally a few meters from the Shuvalov shelter is the Maria shelter. The conditions are almost the same as at the Boiler House: kitchen with gas, electricity for a few hours and only in the summer, access to water - glacier or snow.

Shelter "Esen"
The shelter for 20 places is located between the former “Shelter of the Eleven” and the Shuvalov shelter, at an altitude of 4100 meters.

Conditions are the same as in other shelters: kitchen, gas, water from available sources on the mountain.

Climbing routes to Elbrus

(according to various sources - there are about a dozen of them), we will look at the most popular ones on this moment routes. Separately, we note that Elbrus is deceptively considered one of the easiest mountains to climb. We wholeheartedly affirm that this impression is very deceptive and the ascent can become a real test, and for some, the last “adventure” in life. The forces of nature are merciless and unpredictable. We advocate a responsible attitude towards the process of preparation, acclimatization and safety of the group and do our best to convey the message to our readers: climbing Elbrus on your own or as part of an unprepared group is DANGEROUS for your life.

The normal acclimatization period for Elbrus is considered to be 8-10 days. An attempt to climb to the top without first preparing the body for the difficult conditions of high altitudes is fraught with catastrophic consequences for the body and poses a danger not only to the climber, but also to the entire group. Try to plan your ascent, taking into account the time required for acclimatization of the body, or better yet, contact the managers of the My Way Tourist Club and don’t think about anything like that. Mountains do not tolerate fuss.

Classic route (Climbing the southern slope)

One of the most popular routes climbing Elbrus. This climb is qualified as 2A. Groups usually start from the final station of the Gara-Bashi cable car, then overcome a difficult climb upward (the road has almost no deviations) to an altitude of approximately 5000 meters above sea level. On the way, you have the opportunity to stop at the “Kotelnaya” shelter. At around 5,000 meters, the route deviates slightly from the original axis, and tourists reach the saddle (5,416 meters). From the saddle, groups climb to one of the peaks, according to the original route.

The average climbing time from the Kotelnaya shelter to one of the peaks is taken to be 6 hours for a prepared group.

Classic route (Climbing the northern slope of Elbrus)

This route is also classified 2A. The beginning of the route is the base camp (2500 meters). A transfer is usually organized to the camp or you can get there on your own. From a height of 2500, the group rises to a mark of 3700 (Northern Shelter), then there is the opportunity to traverse to the saddle (5416 meters) and climb to the Western peak or conquer the Eastern peak of Elbrus through the Lenz rocks.

This route is considered more difficult due to the poorly developed tourist infrastructure of the northern slope.

Route along the Achkeryakol lava flow (eastern edge)

This route is considered one of the most difficult. The group starts from the village of Elbrus, moves along the gorge, pass and Irikchat glacier, where the Achkeryakol lava flow begins, the movement along which ends at the Eastern peak of Elbrus.

We would like to remind readers once again that climbing Elbrus cannot be considered an “easy walk.” The climate at altitude is very changeable; it gets dark in the mountains very quickly and the level of visibility drops to almost zero in a matter of hours. In addition, precipitation in the form of snow, which occurs very often here, can also reduce visibility, which can lead to loss of landmarks.

My Way Tour Club organizes tours during the most favorable periods, in compliance with all safety regulations. Our trips are registered with special services; the group is accompanied only by the most experienced guides and instructors with many years of climbing experience, as well as employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

For everyone who wants to get acquainted with the Great Mountain, we have specially prepared, which can also serve as an excellent period for acclimatization before the subsequent ascent to one of the peaks.