"The mountain around which the wind whirls." Elbrus


I don’t know how to characterize it more correctly - sclerosis or deja vu? I remember exactly what I wrote about this. But today I spent the whole morning shoveling through my computer archive (it must be said, a large and confusing one) and found nothing. I tried to find it on the Internet - also to no avail. Maybe it was in the letters that I accidentally deleted during the next cleaning of the computer? Or maybe he didn’t write anything, but only wanted to write, saying this topic to himself many times?

Early in the morning (!), making a plan for the next "cleansing" of the accumulated photos, I came across a record of a flight trip to Terskol, and there the phrase "which mountain is the highest in Europe?" The traditional question about knowledge of geography for those who come to Terskol... I wrote about it, but not where? I didn’t find it, I began to look for info on the Internet - I finally got confused.

In short, you need to clearly record what I remember and add what I found today.

What is the highest mountain in Europe?

Answer: unknown! Some sources say - Elbrus in the Caucasus, others - Mont Blanc (Alps).

With the heights of the vertices, there is a fairly clear definition.

Elbrus- 5642 m (Western summit) and 5621 (Eastern). Although some sources hold other values ​​(for example, 5633 - it looks like the arithmetic mean of two peaks). The mountain is located in Russia. On the edge of the short Side Range, a few kilometers north of the Main Caucasian Range. It is undeniably the highest peak in the Caucasus and Russia.

Mont Blanc.There are discrepancies here. The Russian Wikipedia says - 4808 m.
In the English WikiPedia - 4010, it is specified that these are the data of the latest measurements made in 2002. Before that, it was believed that its height was 4807 m (I remember this value from childhood). The summit is in France, the border between France and Italy runs along mountain range Mont Blanc is a little south of the summit.

Regarding the "most", here's what it says:
Mt. Elbrus (west) stands at 5,642 meters (18,510 ft) and it is the highest mountain in Europe. Mont Blanc or Monte Bianco (French and Italian- "White Mountain") is the highest mountain in the Alps and in Western Europe.

Three additional boundary lines on the map show alternative, mostly non-geographic, boundary definitions:
Line A - goes through the vertices Ural mountains and further along the Ural River
Line B - runs along Kuma-Manych depression and further along the Sea of ​​Azov
Line C - follows the watershed of the Caucasus Mountains

Note! Wikipedia believes that almost the entire Caucasus belongs to Europe (the border along the Araks).

So, what happens: there is no unequivocal answer to the question "is Elbrus in Europe or in Asia"? Those. everyone can choose the one that he likes, referring to an authoritative source suitable for the occasion.

But it should be noted here: all sources admit that there is no scientific justification for this or that version of the border between Asia and Europe based on geological or geographical concepts (climate, tectonics, etc.). From this point of view, it is necessary to talk about a single continent of Eurasia.

By the way, here it is necessary to recall the difference between the concepts of "mainland" and "part of the world." The division into continents is made on the basis of separation by water space from other continents, and parts of the world are rather a historical and cultural concept. So, With this point of view North Caucasus(and perhaps the entire Caucasus), most likely still refers to Europe.

OK. Geographical boundary is a controversial concept. But the height marks are quite measurable values.

As we noted above, there is no particular discrepancy regarding the heights of the peaks. But for some other points of Elbrus there are.

How high is Shelter 11? I always thought - at an altitude of 4200 m (Wikipedia also says). But in some Internet publications I found - 4100 (perhaps these are typos).

But about the Pastukhov rocks - complete confusion. I have always believed (according to various sources) that their height is 4810 m. This was fundamental: it was believed that going up to the rocks could be equated with climbing Mont Blanc (although conquering Mont Blanc is an order of magnitude more difficult).

Wikipedia (and a number of other sources) says otherwise - 4700 m (and in some places I found even lower - 4600 m.)

It is also written there that the Saddle of Elbrus is located at an altitude of 5200, although I remember the figure of 5300 m.

That, perhaps, is all.

This one shows 4 photos: Elbrus from the side of Cheget (this is my picture) and from Kislovodstvo (below), as well as Mont Blanc - a view from France (above) and from Italy.

Only mountains can be better than mountains - Vysotsky sang and was right. Mountains have always attracted people. Brave people, despite the cold, lack of oxygen, dangers and difficulties stubbornly "climbed" to the heights. What drew them there? Curiosity? Want to test yourself? Thirst for glory? Do you want to prove your superiority to yourself and others? Thirst for knowledge? It is difficult to find any logic in the inexplicable craving of people for mountains.
Recall the past years, when during the Great Patriotic War the German mountain division "Edelweiss" with fierce battles broke through to the very high mountain Europe - Elbrus, to install Nazi flags on its top. Why did the pragmatic Germans need to spend their energy on conquering this peak? Did Hitler even need such proof of his own greatness?
Mountains are the greatest creation of mother nature. They are great, powerful and eternal. Representatives of the species Homo sapience are deprived of these qualities. Rising to the sky they try to join great secret of the universe, and having reached the top, they begin to see clearly. Against the backdrop of the cold gigantic peaks, everything that they lived before seems petty and insignificant.
Let's take a virtual journey and climb to the tops of the highest mountains of all the continents of the Earth and enjoy the fantastic landscapes that open before the eyes of brave climbers. Maybe we will be able to comprehend the secret of these natural monuments.

The main Caucasian Range, "under the command" of the mighty Elbrus, "cuts through" a dense veil of clouds (Photo source:).

Everest (Asia) - Height: 8848 meters Chomolungma) is the highest peak of our planet, part mountain system Himalayas. For many climbers, this mountain is the most desired trophy. But not everyone can climb this mountain. As a result, mountain climbers are sometimes forced to face cynical decisions about whether to rescue those in distress or continue on their way. Often the rescue of climbers in distress on high altitude it is simply not possible, since here every step here is given with incredible difficulty. Therefore, on the slopes of the mountains you can meet the bodies of dead climbers. You can familiarize yourself with very "unsightly" stories and photographs.

Photo on the left: the road to Everest, photo on the right: base camp at an altitude of 8300 meters (Photo source:).

Aconcagua (South America) - Altitude: 6962 meters
the highest peak in the Andes mountain range South America. Aconcagua "in combination" is the highest extinct volcano in the world.

In the photo, ant-sized climbers make their way forward towards the summit. A giant whirlwind of snow is circling above them (Photo source: ).

Sunrise over Aconcagua. The majestic panorama of the Andes appears in all its guise before the brave climbers (Photo source:).

McKinley (North America) - Height: 6194 meters
The summit of Alaska occupies an honorable third place among the highest peaks of the continents in our ranking.

Giant McKinley against the backdrop of the coniferous forests of Alaska (Photo source:).

View from the heights of McKinley. A dense blanket of clouds "creeps" on the peaks (Photo source:).

Kilimanjaro (Africa) - Altitude: 5895 meters
The highest point in Africa - the mountain is located in the northeastern part of Tanzania. It is a very unusual sight to see a snowy peak in the sultry African savannah. Recently, scientists have been sounding the alarm, the Kilimanjaro ice cap is rapidly decreasing in volume. Over the past decades, 80% of the ice on this mountain has already melted. As the main culprit of this process, climatologists call.

African elephants against the backdrop of the snowy peaks of Kilimanjaro are a very unusual sight (Photo source:).

On the way to Kilimanjaro. The landscape is fantastic (Photo source: ).

View of the veil of clouds from the highest point of the African continent (Photo source:).

Elbrus (Europe) - Height: 5642 meters
In Russia, there is also a mountain-record holder - this is the highest peak in Europe -. Elbrus is part of the Main Caucasian Range and is located on the border of the two Russian republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. In the past (about 50 AD) Elbrus was an active volcano.

Handsome Elbrus (Photo source:).

Camp on the spurs of Elbrus (Photo source:).

Panorama of the mountains, opening to climbers from the top of Elbrus (Photo source:).

Silent and mysterious land of snows and clouds of Elbrus (Photo source:).

Unusual atmospheric phenomenon. The shadow of the top of Elbrus in the morning haze (Photo source:).

The beauty of the Elbrus region. End of all seasons. Green alpine meadows and spurs of Elbrus covered with snow (Photo source:).

At the top of Elbrus - a fantastic world of white snow and clouds (Photo source:).

Vinson Massif (Antarctica) - Height: 4892 meters
The coldest continent of the planet - Antarctica also has its mountains. The highest of them were discovered relatively recently, at the end of the 50s of the last century. The Vinson Massif is part of the Ellsworth Mountains and is located 1200 kilometers from the southernmost point of the planet.

This is what the Vinson Array looks like from space (Photo Source:

Geographic Description



Climbing history

Elbrus(Karach.-Balk. Mingi tau) - a mountain in the Caucasus, on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Elbrus is located north of the Main Caucasian Range and is the highest peak in Russia. Considering that the boundaries of the European part of the world are ambiguous, Elbrus is often also called the highest European mountain peak.

Geographic Description

Elbrus is a two-peak cone of the volcano. The western peak has a height of 5642 m, the Eastern one - 5621 m. They are separated by a saddle - 5200 m and are separated from each other by about 3 km. Last eruption dates back to 50 AD. e. ± 50 years.

According to the climbing classification, Elbrus is rated as 2A snow-ice, the passage of both peaks - 2B. There are other, more difficult routes, for example, Elbrus (W) along the NW ridge 3A.


According to one version, the name Elbrus comes from the Iranian Aitibares - "high Mountain", more likely - the Iranian "sparkling, brilliant" (like Elburs in Iran). The Georgian name Yalbuz is from the Turkic yal - "storm" and buz - "ice". The Armenian Alberis is probably a phonetic variant of the Georgian name, but the possibility of a connection with the common Indo-European base, to which the toponym "Alps" goes back, is not ruled out.

Other names:

  • Mingi tau - eternal mountain (Karachay-Balkar).
  • Elburus - guide of the wind (Nogai).
  • Ashartau - snowy mountain of aces (Kumyk).
  • Jin-padishah - the king of mountain spirits (Turkic).
  • Albar (Albors) - high; high mountain(Iranian).
  • Yalbuz - mane of snow (Georgian).
  • Oshkhamakho - mountain of happiness (Kabardian).
  • Uryushglumos - mountain of the day.
  • Kuskamaf is a mountain that brings happiness.
  • Shat, Shat-mountain - the old Russian name (from Karach.-Balk. chat, chat- protrusion, hollow, that is "mountain with a hollow")


Adylsu, Shkheldy, Adyrsu gorges, Donguz-Orun and Ushba massifs are very popular among climbers and mountain tourists. Elbrus is the most popular ski resort in Russia.


The total area of ​​Elbrus glaciers is 134.5 km²; the most famous of them: Big and Small Azau, Terskol.


It is mainly concentrated on the southern slopes, where the pendulum and chairlift are located. The lift height of the cable car is 3750 meters, there is a shelter "Barrels", which is more than ten six-seater insulated residential trailers and a kitchen. Currently, this is the main starting point for those climbing Elbrus. At an altitude of 4000 m, the highest mountain hotel "Shelter of the Eleven" is located, which burned down at the end of the 20th century, on the basis of the boiler room of which in given time a new building was rebuilt, also actively used by climbers. A number of residential 12-seater trailers and a kitchen have been installed. In the evenings, the work of a diesel generator is organized with the supply of electricity to the trailers. Pastukhov rocks are located at an altitude of 4600-4700 m. Above the Pastukhov rocks in winter there is an ice field. From a height of 5000 the so-called oblique shelf begins - a trail with a smooth climb. The standard route to the Western and Eastern peaks passes through the saddle. From the saddle, both peaks rise to a height of about 300 m.

Since 2007, work has been underway to build a rescue shelter (“Station EG 5300”) on the saddle of the mountain (height 5300 m). The shelter will be a hemisphere of a geodesic dome with a diameter of 6.7 m, installed on a gabion foundation. In 2008, a reconnaissance of the area was carried out, a base camp was prepared, and the design of a shelter began. In 2009, the structures of the dome were made, construction work began: gabions were erected by the expedition members, the elements of the dome were transported to the construction site (including using a helicopter). Completion of construction is planned for 2010.

On the north side, the infrastructure is poorly developed, and is represented by several huts on one of the moraines (at an altitude of about 3800 m), which are used by tourists and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a rule, this point is used for climbing the Eastern peak, the path to which passes through the Lenz rocks (from 4600 to 5200 m), which serve as a good guide for all climbers.

Climbing history

In 1813, Russian academician V.K. Vishnevsky for the first time determined the height of Elbrus (5421 m).

The first successful ascent to one of the peaks of Elbrus was made in 1829 during an expedition led by General G. A. Emmanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line. The expedition was of a scientific nature (the Elbrus expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences was organized from Pyatigorsk, about which there is a record in Diana's grotto; see also Alpinism in pre-revolutionary Russia), its participants were: academician Adolf Kupfer - geophysicist, geologist, founder of the Main Physical Observatory in St. Petersburg , physicist Emily Lenz, zoologist Eduard Minetrier, founder of the Russian Entomological Society, botanist Karl Meyer, who later became an academician and director botanical garden Russian Academy of Sciences, artist-architect Joseph (Giuseppe–Marco) Bernardazzi, Hungarian scientist Janos Besse. The auxiliary service of Emmanuel's expedition consisted of 650 soldiers and 350 Cossacks of the line, as well as local guides.

Kupfer, Lenz, Meyer, Minetrier, Bernardazzi, 20 Cossacks and guides participated directly in the ascent. However, the lack of experience and the poor quality of climbing equipment forced most of the participants to turn back. Further ascent continued only four: Emily Lenz, Cossack Lysenkov and two people from the group of guides - Hilar Khachirov and Akhiya Sottaev. At an altitude of about 5300 m, due to lack of strength, Lenz and his two escorts were forced to stop. The first to climb the eastern peak at about 11 am on July 10, 1829 was the Karachay (according to other sources - Kabardian) guide Hilar Khachirov. This event was marked by a gun salute in the camp, where General Emmanuel watched the ascent through a powerful telescope.

At the location of the camp, a commemorative inscription was carved on one of the stones ( below and in Fig.), the location of which was lost over time. It was discovered by Soviet climbers already in the 20th century (accidentally, 103 years later - it was hidden under a centuries-old layer of lichens).

During the reign of the All-Russian Emperor Nicholas I, camped here from July 8 to 11, 1829, the Commander of the Caucasian Line, General of the Cavalry Georgy Emanuel;

with him were his son, George, 14 years old, sent by the Russian government Academicians: Kupfer, Lenz, Menetrie and Meyer, also an Official of the Mining Corps Vansovich, Mineralnye Vody Architect Ios. Bernardazzi and the Hungarian traveler Iv. Besse.

Academicians and Bernardazzi, leaving the camp located 8,000 feet (i.e. 1,143 fathoms) above the sea surface, entered Elbrus on the 10th to 15,700 feet (2,243 fathoms), but only the Kabardian reached the top of it 16,330 feet (2,333 fathoms) Hilar.

Let this humble stone pass on to posterity the names of those who were the first to pave the way to achieving Elbrus, which is now considered impregnable!

The first successful ascent to the western, the highest peak, was made in 1874 by a group of English climbers led by F. Grove and a Balkar guide A. Sottaev, a participant in the first ascent.

The first person to climb both peaks of Elbrus is the Russian military topographer A. V. Pastukhov. In 1890, accompanied by four Cossacks of the Khoper regiment, he climbed to its western peak, and six years later, in 1896, he conquered the eastern one. Also, Pastukhov for the first time compiled maps of the peaks of Elbrus.

In August 1974, three completely standard (without winches and traction control chains) UAZ-469 vehicles reached the glacier on Mount Elbrus at an altitude of 4000 meters during a test run.

Now Elbrus is very popular for climbing, both in mountaineering and mountain tourism.

Elbrus during the Great Patriotic War

Because of its symbolic meaning as highest point In Europe, Elbrus became the scene of a fierce confrontation during the Great Patriotic War, in which units of the German mountain division "Edelweiss" participated. During the Battle for the Caucasus on August 21, 1942, after occupying the Krugozor and Shelter of Eleven mountain bases, the German Alpine riflemen managed to install German banners on the western peak of Elbrus. By the middle of the winter of 1942-1943, the Wehrmacht was driven off the slopes of Elbrus, and on February 13 and 17, 1943, Soviet climbers climbed the western and eastern peaks of Elbrus, respectively, where Soviet flags were hoisted.

The mountains of the Caucasus are amazing and beautiful. Snow-covered Elbrus attracts everyone. The reserved places of the Elbrus region are especially beautiful with ski resorts, cable cars and a ski track 35 km. It has a rather mild climate and wonderful landscapes. But the Caucasus is not only beautiful, it is very severe. Many climbers died from snow avalanches and rockfalls, from unpredictable weather and sheer cliffs...

"stone art"
Northern Elbrus. This stone is against the handsome Elbrus. Someone tried to carve his portrait in stone.

at the foot of Elbrus

blossoming foot of Elbrus

from the slope of Elbrus Djilysu

Elbrus is a stratovolcano located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. It is deservedly considered the highest peak in Russia. And due to the fact that the border between Europe and Asia is ambiguous, it is often also called the highest mountain peak in Europe.

Lenticular cloud over Elbrus

Elbrus covered with a "veil"

rhododendron slopes of Elbrus

puffball mushrooms on the shore of Kyzylkol

raincoat near Elbrus

"goofy party" at the foot of Elbrus

In the Karachay-Balkar language, the mountain is called “Mingi-tau”, which can be roughly translated into Russian as “resembling a thousand mountains” (a mountain of thousands). This name refers to the incredibly huge size of Elbrus, which has always been admired by the indigenous people of this region.

off the trail from the Devil's Bridge

Northern Elbrus. The area near the Kalinov bridge, nicknamed by the people as Devil's. According to the legends, near the sacred mountain Alatyr (Elbrus) there was the Iriysky (paradise) garden, and the Smorodina river flowed, separating the earthly world and the afterlife. Above Currant Kalinov is a bridge that connected these two worlds. On it from one world to another penetrated the souls of the dead. To drive across the Kalinov Bridge, the daring hero had to fight a snake with three heads. It is easier to defeat evil in the face of various snakes that threaten good. Stepping on the Kalinov Bridge - the last frontier before the kingdom of Morana (Mary), there is no time to think, the choice between Good and Evil is predetermined by all previous life. It is no coincidence that Kalinov Bridge in folklore is a place of battles between knights and evil spirits.

stone mushrooms
Northern Elbrus. Birdzhal tract. At an altitude of over 3000 meters above sea level, the so-called "mushroom field" on the slopes of Elbrus. This is a flat, slightly inclined area to the north, of small size. Only 250 meters by 100, but how many “mushrooms” fit here for every taste: both with flat hats and those similar to mushrooms on a strong leg. Some of them are higher - up to five or more meters, others are lower - from two to three meters.

at the foot of Elbrus from the north side

So much brightness and light! Colors of mountains and colors of summer!
These wonderful spaces! And white mountains!
Mountain air, aroma! I'm glad to inhale with all my chest!
The land is magical and wonderful, a flowering meadow under heaven!!!...


Some Balkars, however, dispute this pronunciation of the name and assure that it is more correct to call it “Minge-tau”, and this is no longer a “mountain of thousands”, but a “mountain saddled”. So Elbrus began to be called only after the first person climbed to its top in 1829. In local areas, it is customary to rename mountains in honor of the one who first climbed them, so this theory also has the right to life. Modern Balkars call the mountain "Elbrus-tau" and it can be translated as "a mountain around which the wind is spinning."

waterfall "Sultan"

In the Northern Elbrus region, in the Djily-su tract, there is the Sultan waterfall - amazing in beauty natural monument, 40 meters high. The Kyzylkol River (this is the name Malka has in its upper reaches, originating from the Ullu-chiran glacier hanging from Elbrus), having cut through the lava ridge, falls down from a many-meter height, connecting with the waters of the Birzhanly-su River at the exit point of warm narzans.

Northern Elbrus region. The rivers flowing from the slopes of Elbrus carved deep canyons in the lava. All the trails go up the slopes, and a waterfall stream rages and roars underfoot.
along the path over the canyon

The Garabashi-su River falls from the slopes of Elbrus with such a spectacular waterfall. locals They called it "Girl's braids" for the similarity of jets with loose hair. Behind the jets there is a convenient grotto, from where the mountains of the Caucasus Range look spectacular through the water.

Before every waterfall
I want to fall down
These tears are pouring down
The mountains are crying... But about whom?...

Inna Kashezheva

in the gorge of the Zugulla river

View from the Cullumcol Valley

And in the distance in front of you, dressed in a blue mist,
The mountain rose above the mountain, and in the host of their giant was gray-haired.
Like a cloud, Elborus is two-headed, terrible and majestic
Everything shines with beauty...

V.A. Zhukovsky.

Elbrus at dawn

Elbrus has not one, but two peaks. The western peak rises to 5642 meters, and the eastern peak to 5621 meters. The distance between the two peaks is approximately 3000 meters. For the first time, the height of Elbrus was determined by the Russian academician Vikenty Karlovich Vishnevsky in 1813. There are 22 glaciers on Mount Elbrus, which give rise to the sources of three rivers: Baksan, Malka and Kuban.

The most favorable time for visiting Elbrus and climbing it is from July to August, when the weather is most stable. In summer, the local temperature rarely drops below -8 degrees Celsius. But as you climb the mountain, the temperature can drop to -30 degrees. Winter in these places is quite severe, and it lasts here from October to April. Climbing up the mountain winter period almost tantamount to voluntary suicide.

lonely cloud

Pos. Terskol. Elbrus. A cloud appeared over the Cheget peak (translated as the Top in the shade, it must be understood in the shadow of Elbrus, because it is against it and much lower in height) a cloud appeared. From Georgia. This is a signal that the weather will deteriorate and it will snow. But it's nothing. Even good for skiers and snowboarders. Well, for the avalanche service - work: forcibly lowering snow masses.

from a glade in the tract Dzhylysu

On average, climbers spend a little less than one week climbing the top of Elbrus. Nowadays, climbing Elbrus can be greatly facilitated. After all, it is much easier to use the cable car and immediately be at an altitude of about 3750 meters. At this height there is a shelter "Barrels", which consists of ten six-seater insulated barrel-shaped trailers and a specially equipped kitchen. It is from this place that most of the ascents of Elbrus begin today.

The very first ascent to the eastern summit of Elbrus was made in 1829 during an expedition led by Russian General Georgy Emmanuel. The expedition was of a scientific nature and among the members of the detachment were geologists, physicists, zoologists, botanists and other representatives of the scientific world. The first to climb Elbrus was the Karachai guide Kilar Khachirov. This event went down in history as the first case of conquering one of the greatest peaks of the planet Earth. To this day, Elbrus is one of the most popular peaks for climbing among climbers around the world.

The height of Elbrus is 5642 m above sea level. Such a giant is visible from almost anywhere in the Caucasus. Elbrus is a great place for an overview of the surrounding gorges and peaks. The territory of Georgia and the ridges descending in steps to the sea are perfectly visible.

From time to time, climbers on the top of Elbrus can simultaneously see the Caspian and Black Sea. All this depends on temperature, pressure and other parameters, due to which the viewing radius can increase significantly. In 2008, Elbrus was recognized as one of the seven wonders of Russia, according to the results of the voting "7 Wonders of Russia".

Elbrus from Kyzylkol gorge

According to scientists, Elbrus has not reminded of itself for quite a long time, but despite this, the current degree of activity does not give specialists a reason to classify it as an extinct volcano, now it has the status of "sleeping". The volcano is indeed quite active in external and internal activities. In its depths there are still hot masses that heat the local "Hot Narzans" - springs saturated with mineral salts and carbon dioxide, the temperature of which reaches +52°C and +60°C. In the bowels of the volcano, the life of many famous springs of the medical resorts of Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and the entire region of the Caucasian Mineral Waters begins.

foundation stone

He is over 200 years old, and this causes involuntary awe and respect. After all, as the memorial plaques on the gates of the fortress say, Pushkin, Lermontov, General Yermolov, Count Vorontsov, and Infantry General Emmanuel, who attempted to climb Elbrus, walked, walked, rode here.

sculpture of a poet

In the Northern Elbrus region there is still a clearing where he camped with the Cossacks, and it is called Emmanuel's glade.

"castles" on the background of Elbrus
Northern Elbrus. Here are two almost identical elongated pointed pyramids. Through them, like a gate, enter those who descend to Djilysu through the Chatkara pass and the ice lake Dzhikaunkengyoz. If they talk about Dzhilysu as a heavenly place, then these pyramids are “gates to paradise”. By the way, the pyramids look wonderful against the backdrop of the snow-white snows of Elbrus.

Northern Elbrus. "An eagle spreading its wings"... The slopes of Elbrus, where molten lava meets ice, are covered with different "sculptures", which lovers of natural sculptures give different names.

During geological studies of Elbrus, layers containing volcanic ash from two ancient eruptions were discovered. The first layer is the eruption of Elbrus itself, which dates back to a period of about 45 thousand years ago. The second layer is the eruption of the Kazbek volcano, which occurred about 40 thousand years ago. It was after the second powerful eruption that the inhabitants of the local caves (Neanderthals) left these places and set off to look for more favorable conditions for life.

The last eruption of Elbrus occurred approximately in the 50s of our era, that is, about 2000 years ago.

over the Malki canyon Northern Elbrus region. national park. Dzhylysu tract, which adjoins directly to the slopes of Elbrus.

Interesting Facts

Mount Elbrus is mentioned in the myths of Ancient Greece. After all, it was to this mountain that the god Zeus chained Prometheus because he gave fire to people.

Elbrus from the slope of the Tashlysyrt ridge

During the Great Patriotic War, during the battle for the Caucasus, the German mountain rifle division "Edelweiss" captured the mountain bases "Krugozor" and "Shelter of Eleven", and also installed Nazi banners on the western peak of Elbrus. German newspapers of that time were full of enthusiastic articles that fascist flags were installed on both peaks, and the climbers were awarded an iron cross and a token with the inscription "Hitler Peak", since the Nazis planned to rename Elbrus to "Hitler Peak".

next to the snow

Elbrus belongs to the list of "Seven peaks", in which, in addition to it, there are the following highest peaks of six parts of the world: Chomolungma in Asia, Aconcagua in South America, McKinley in North America, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Vinson Massif in Antarctica and Punchak Jaya in Australia and Oceania.

A very beautiful sky in the mountains of the Caucasus, it is velvety purple, studded with diamonds of bluish and yellow stars. I want to watch endlessly ... and breathe.

Glade of Emmanuel and Elbrus

Mount Elbrus fascinates not only climbers, but also ordinary travelers. From year to year, tourists come to the foot of the mountain to see the greatness and power of the peak. Few remain indifferent and disappointed. This mountain, shrouded in secrets and legends, incredible ascents of the past and present make it even more attractive and popular.

In contact with

Geographic characteristics

Elbrus is marked on the map of Russia, between the two republics - Karachay-Cherkess and. The nearest city at the foot of the Tyrnauz mountain is the city of Elbrus.

The peak has two highest peaks, the height of the eastern peak is 5621 meters, and the height of the western peak is 5642 meters. The distance between them is 1500 meters. On average, the steepness of the slopes is 35 degrees. Academician V.K. Vishnevsky first determined the height of Elbrus, and it was 5421 meters.

23 glaciers flow from the slopes of the mountain. The area of ​​glaciers is 134 square kilometers. The maximum length of glaciers is about 7–9 km. Their total area has decreased over the past 100–150 years by 19%. The glacier that flows into the Kuban valley has decreased by 33%. Elbrus glaciers feed three large Caucasian and Stavropol rivers:

  • Kuban;
  • Malku;
  • Baksan.

Until now, the exact boundaries between Asia and Europe have not been defined, so the mountain is often referred to as the highest mountain top Europe and are equated with the mountains of the Seven Peaks. The two-peak stratovolcano was formed on an ancient volcanic base. It is believed that these two peaks are completely independent volcanoes and do not depend on each other. Both peaks have their own distinct shape and a clearly defined crater.

Finding the mountain on the map is not difficult, since today a wide variety of maps and public routes are available with detailed descriptions.

general description

Elbrus - height which is famous for its ancient history. The age of the mountain is determined by the state of the upper part. Its top has a vertical fracture. The last eruption of the highest peak in Russia occurred around the 50s AD. e.

Mystery of the name of the mountain

Where is Elbrus located? Perhaps, almost every student in the country will answer this question. But where the name of the mountain comes from, few people know. It is worth noting that the peak has more than one name and has a total of about a dozen.

Today it is very difficult to understand which name appeared earlier. If we talk about the modern name, then according to one version, it comes from the Iranian word "aytibares". In translation, it sounds like a high or brilliant mountain. The peak in the Karachay-Balkar language is called “Mingi-tau”, which is translated into Russian as “a mountain of thousands”. But there is also another name for the Balkars - “Minge-tau”, which translates as “mountain saddled”. Modern representatives of this community call Elbrus - "a mountain around which the wind is spinning" ("Elbrus - tau").

Common names in other languages:

  • "Jin padishah" - "master of spirits" (Turkic);
  • "Orfi - tube" - "mountain of the blessed" (Abkhazian);
  • "Yal - buz" - "snow mane" (Georgian).

local climate

The climate is formed under the influence of seasonal air masses mountainous area. Climatic conditions characteristic of mountainous terrain. For the Elbrus region, the circularity of good and bad weather is characteristic.

In summer, the cycle is a week. In the first days of June the weather is worse than in July. The climate during this period is humid and cool. The temperature at an altitude of 2 thousand meters sometimes reaches +35 degrees, and at a higher altitude - +25 degrees. Autumn comes from the end of August. Winter comes already in October, at an altitude of more than 3 thousand meters. At this point, the average temperature is -12 degrees. The absolute minimum is fixed at minus 27 degrees. Spring comes only at the beginning of May. During this period, snow is actively melting at levels of 3 thousand meters. Often it descends in the form of wet avalanches.

The higher the height, the greater the thickness of the cover. Thus, 60–80 cm is the average thickness of the summit cover. There is more snow on the northern slopes than on the southern ones. At higher altitudes, eternal snowfields and firn fields remain. Due to them, the mass of all Elbrus glaciers is increasing.

Volcanic activity

Elbrus is considered an extinct volcano. When studying the mountain, geologists examined its layers, which contain the ashes of the volcano. It is proved that this particular ash was formed as a result of eruptions since ancient times. After examining the first layer, scientists found that the first eruption of the peak occurred about 45 thousand years ago. e. The next - the second layer, was formed after the volcanic eruption of Mount Kazbek. It was formed about 40 thousand years ago.

Today it is precisely proved that it was the second eruption that was the most powerful, even by modern standards. People - Neanderthals, living at the foot of the mountain at that time, were forced to leave settled places in search of more favorable living conditions. It has been established that the volcano last erupted 2 thousand years ago BC. e.

The history of climbing Elbrus

Back in 1829, the first conquest of Elbrus was made. The leader of the climbing expedition is George Emmanuel. Famous physicists, zoologists, botanists, geologists and other scientists were members of the scientific expedition. It was they who became the pioneers-conquerors of the highest peak of the Earth - eastern part of Elbrus.

In 1868, a second ascent by an English group of scientists to the eastern part of the mountain was carried out. In the same year, the first conquest of Mount Kazbek was made. The western peak of Elbrus was conquered in 1874 by climbers from England, the expedition was led by A. Sottaev.

During a scientific expedition to map the Caucasus in 1890-1896, an ascent was made to the eastern and western mountains of Elbrus. The expedition was headed by a Russian scientist, military topographer - A.V. Shepherds. It was he who left behind detailed maps terrain and Mount Elbrus - photo. For the study of the Caucasus and Elbrus, in honor of Pastukhov, part of the rocks of Elbrus (the southern part) was named. The height of the Pastukhov rocks is 4800 meters.

In 1891, the shortest ascent time in history was recorded - only 8 hours. The ascent began at the foot of the southern slopes and ended at the eastern peak.

Swiss climbers, for the first time in history, in 1910 carried out the so-called Elbrus Cross. They climbed two peaks at the same time, as part of the same expedition.

The first woman conqueror of Elbrus - A. Japaridze (1925).

Soviet climbers made the first winter ascent in 1934. And in 1939, the first ski descent from Elbrus was carried out by the Moscow skier V. Gippenreiter.

From the first part of the 20th century, climbing Elbrus began to be of the most massive nature. So, in 1928, 32 groups of climbers carried out the rise, in 1935 about 2016 people visited Elbrus, and in 1960 - 1395 climbers.

In 1963 he climbed on a motorcycle Berberashvili - Soviet athlete. In 1997, already on the car, the whole team conquered the summit. And in 2015, the Russian athlete A. Rodichev climbed the mountain with a barbell that weighed 75 kg.

The ascent of 2016 to Elbrus is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Russian climbers A. Kuimov and S. Baranov climbed with the help of an ATV to a height of 5642 meters.

Nowadays, climbing Elbrus is not difficult. For tourists and travelers, shelters make the way easier - parking lots and cableways.