The most beautiful villages in Russia. The most beautiful villages in Russia Villages in the mountains of Russia


The most beautiful village in Russia is located in Buryatia. This is the village of Bolshoy Kunaley. The descendants of Old Believers resettled to Siberia in the 18th century live here. The All-Russian Association “The Most Beautiful Villages of Russia” held a ceremony and installed a corresponding sign at the entrance.

1. The Buryat village of Bolshoi Kunaley was settled by Semeysky Old Believers in 1765.

2. The peculiarity of the village is its houses. Made of timber, they are all painted in bright colors, with carved shutters and painted fences, and are somewhat reminiscent of a children's fairy tale.

3. Now the population of Bolshoi Kunaley is about 1 thousand people, who are mainly engaged in agriculture.

4. It is interesting that most of the houses in Kunaleya do not have front gardens. But they always have huge vegetable gardens - the Old Believers are always distinguished by their great diligence and thriftiness.

5. Unfortunately, many houses on the streets of Kunaleya stand with closed shutters - the Old Believer villages, although they are not completely dying, like most villages in the country, people are still leaving.

6. Family houses always have high windows, because most of the house is occupied by a cellar, where supplies from the garden are stored.

7. The name of the most beautiful village in Russia comes from the name of the Kunaley river, which is translated from Buryat as “fold, assembly” - because there are many falls in the middle of the taiga. The first settlers arrived here in the 1730s.

8. Semeyskie recreate folk costumes and preserve ritual folklore. The Bolshekunaleysky Folk Choir is the oldest song group in Siberia and the Far East, almost 90 years old. The famous Semey chant of Russian folk songs of the Kunalei singing school is studied in many music institutes, schools and colleges. The choir has toured abroad more than once, including in the USA, Europe, and Japan.

9. How do you choose the most beautiful village in Russia? “Applicants” are assessed according to several criteria. Experts pay attention to how often fairs and festivals are held in a locality, get acquainted with its history, and evaluate how harmoniously it fits into the surrounding landscape. An important role is played by photogenicity, road condition, ecology and accessibility for tourists, etc.

Residents of the village of Kinerma, recognized in 2016 the most beautiful village in Russia, made a demand to limit the number of tourists due to the lack of opportunity to receive everyone, said the head of the Ministry of Culture of Karelia Alexey Lesonen.

Residents of a Karelian village asked to periodically cover the road sign to limit the number of incoming tourists, which exceeds its recreational capacity.

Created in 2016 Association of the most beautiful villages of the Russian Federation, which wants to popularize rural tourism, added a third participant at the beginning of summer. Following the Yaroslavl village of Vyatskoye and Arkhangelsk Pogost, Karelian Kinerma entered it.

A small village, where only 5 people permanently live, is located 105 kilometers from the city of Petrozavodsk and 1000 kilometers from the capital of Russia.

The first mention of the village of Kinerme dates back to 1563. Today there are 16 houses preserved there, 6 of which are considered architectural monuments.

Five people live permanently in the village: the Kalmykov family and their neighbor Ivan Alekseevich Ershov, who is in his 90s.

In the summer, the population of Kinerma increases to 22 people: those who prefer city life to rural silence and regularity come.

Today Kinerma lives off tourism. The revival of the village began in the 2000s after the creation of the Friends of Kinerma Foundation (Kinnermäen ystävät). The founders are neighbors from Finland, they helped with the restoration of houses, the creation of a museum and taught the Kalmykovs the intricacies of the tourism business.

Now the village can accommodate several dozen tourists at a time. The cost of living is 2,500 rubles per person, including three meals a day. It is prepared by the keeper of Kinerma Nadezhda Kalmykova.

Although local residents try to preserve the authenticity of the village, all possible conditions are created here for tourists. The guest house, where the village museum is located, has a modern bathroom and shower. Those who want to experience village life can spend the evening in a black bathhouse.

Nadezhda Kalmykova with her husband and two sons moved to the village from Petrozavodsk ten years ago. An ordinary city dweller, a culturologist - as Nadezhda herself says, “a representative of a generation cut off from the village” - she realized that It is better to raise children in the village. Today, her 13-year-old son Ivan does not want to leave Kinerma; he prefers fishing trips to the Internet, but admits that he still sometimes likes to play on the computer console with his brother.

During excursions around the village, son Ivan - winner of the republic in the Karelian language- is attentive to details, happily talks about village life, shows how a Russian stove works, and helps his mother prepare delicious Ivan tea.

Located in the very center of Kinerma. She is more than 250 years old. Services are held here only once a year - on August 10, the day of the celebration of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God.

On other days, you can get here, as well as other non-residential buildings, only with a guide - someone from the Kalmykov family.

The lack of benefits of civilization here is compensated by ingenuity.

In addition to receiving tourists, the Kalmykov family is engaged in agriculture. Living in a village and eating food from a store is not serious.

The Kalmykovs' hut has several living rooms. There is also a large dining room for tourists, where everyone gathers for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The name of the oldest Karelian village consists of two words: “kiner” - a gentle slope, and “myaki” - a mountain, which clearly describe the location.

Russia is a vast country with many beautiful places. Wide open spaces and picturesque views are what attract tourists. At the same time, I increasingly want to see quiet places. Small villages, parks - all this perfectly conveys the closeness to nature.

The old villages of Russia are just what you need to relax and take a break from the bustle of the city. And if the village is also beautiful, rich in picturesque views, then everyone will certainly want to see it.
Of all the available country houses with nature, the following are especially famous:

A village located in the Omsk region. It attracts, first of all, the incredible expanses of Siberia and its beauty. Local residents who sincerely love their native land also deserve special attention.

There is an opinion that the village of Okunevo received special significance after the arrival of one of the Indian guru’s students. Once in the village, the woman lived there for a few years, after which she returned to her homeland.

The fishing industry is especially developed in Okunevo. Active work is underway in creative workshops. Summer is the height of the season, a time for all kinds of holidays and events.

Siberian taiga, fresh air, healing lakes and interesting people around – Okunevo in the Omsk region is a place definitely worthy of attention.

This village received its “second” life relatively recently. Picturesque views, beautiful old houses - all this was abandoned and fell into disrepair. Everything changed after one of the architects noticed the settlement in the Kaluga region.

So, thanks to Vasily Shchetinin, Nikolo-Lenivets became an open-air museum. Every detail here is made by hand, by painstaking craftsmen. Intricate figures and many other interesting objects located right on the ground, among “pure” landscapes.

An ancient and incredibly beautiful village in Komi. It is located on the banks of the Pechora River and attracts the attention of people from all over the country.

The village residents are mainly descendants of Novgorod Old Believers. It is interesting that behind the shoulders of each resident, of course, lies the story of his ancestors, who fled here in the hope of hiding from Nikon’s transformations.

In addition to the wide, boundless open spaces, you can see ancient crafts and their results in the village. The chests of each of the houses here contain embroidery, woven towels and many other handicrafts.

The residents themselves also retained their attachment to ancient customs. People of all ages take to the streets to dance, walk and have fun. The village even has its own fairy tales and songs! It is simply impossible to meet them anywhere else.

The population of the village is quite large, about 7 thousand people. There is a hotel, a small airport and several museums.

A village with such a complex name is located in the Yakut region. It is interesting to see how people adapted to such harsh living conditions. The second name of Oymyakon is “pole of cold”.

Indeed, the temperatures here are very low. According to some researchers, this place can rightfully be considered one of the coldest places on the entire planet.
It’s interesting to see the “white” color of the nights during the summer, to go fishing and take a walk on the tundra.

The population of the village is about 500 people, each of whom is busy with his own business. Fishing, cattle breeding and crafts are widespread here.

Varzuga is located in the Murmansk region, just two dozen kilometers from the White Sea.

Among the most interesting attractions here is the Assumption Church, built in 1674 without one nail, as well as the Museum of Life, etc.
The traditional occupation of local residents is fishing and making dough figures.

A village located in the Arkhangelsk region. One of the main attractions is the St. Nicholas Chapel with a centuries-old history.

Vershinino is famous for its traditional holidays. The key occupation of the village residents is making northern bread, prepared according to an old recipe.

Buryat region. All the houses here are painted in motley bright colors. Lots of green hills, old crafts.

It seems that everything here is imbued with an ancient spirit. And even the local residents are people with their own history.

Yaroslavl region. Rich in all kinds of museums (more than 10).

Village residents are indispensable participants in frequently held competitions.

The village of Srostki - Altai Territory. Countless meadows and grasses are what perfectly describe the expanses of Srostok.

One of the most beautiful villages in Russia is the birthplace of actor Vasily Shukshin. Now there is a museum. It hosts thematic readings.

The village of Bogolyubovo is located in the Vladimir region. All its architecture is in the style of the twelfth century.

A large number of Holy buildings and their appearance (unlike modern buildings) made this place one of the most interesting places in Russia.

Even the foundation of one of the oldest castles has been preserved here.
As for the local residents, these are the most ordinary people. Increasingly, cars are being replaced by boats, which help them move around the area during the flood period.

I'm kind of tired of the city. And I decided to live in the village. Moreover, my profession allows me to: guide ecological tours. I chose the village right away. It’s called Preobrazhenovka and is located in the Dobrovsky district of the Lipetsk region. Surrounded by a large forest. Just what I need for my tours. And in general, I always wanted to live in the forest. I even wrote an essay about this: Well, I thought about comfort... And in Preobrazhenovka: asphalt on all the streets, sidewalks, flower beds everywhere, a swimming pool, an artificial grass field for football and tennis, shops, a well-maintained beach on the pond, Wi-Fi... No worse than the city ! And you don’t need to travel anywhere, everything is accessible on foot. And - a little more than a hundred inhabitants in total in the village! Small, cozy. Simply paradise! By the way, for 5 years in a row (!) in the federal competition, Preobrazhenovka was recognized as the most comfortable rural settlement in Russia. I am building a house on its forest edge. And I invite you to live in our village! Here is my photo report about her. (Photos are by the author, and some are taken from the village website http://preobrazhenovka.rf).

Preobrazhenovskaya school. Also among the best in the country: both in terms of equipment and quality of training. There are only 5-6 students per class. Quality comes from this, too! :)

Preobrazhenovka administration building. It’s October, the leaves have fallen off the birches, but we have flowers!

And this is a summer composition. There are many of these on the streets of Preobrazhenovka.

Local pool. I managed to choose a good background for it. :)

Football field with a school in the background.

One of the views of the village center. On the right is the building of the cultural and sports complex, with a hotel for tourists.

Beach near the local pond.

Church under construction.

View of the Preobrazhenovka shops.
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In 2014, an association appeared in Russia designed to identify and unite rural settlements with outstanding historical, cultural and natural heritage. Its goal is to preserve and develop the tourism potential of the best settlements in the country. Recently, the first item appeared on the list of this organization - experts named the most beautiful Russian village /

The village of Vyatskoye in the Nekrasovsky district of the Yaroslavl region was recognized today as the most beautiful village in the Russian Federation, as well as the first among the members of the Association of the most beautiful villages in Russia. Today, about 20 settlements are applying to join the association. All participants are subject to strict criteria, both aesthetic and architectural, as well as cultural and historical. The presence of objects of cultural significance in the locality, as well as objects that are natural monuments, is welcomed. But at the same time, the settlement should be residential, and not a museum.

The village of Vyatskoye is located in one of the most beautiful and environmentally friendly places in the Yaroslavl region. The village is located on the Lyubimskaya road, 30 km from Yaroslavl and 300 km from Moscow. These places have a rich and interesting history and are distinguished by picturesque landscapes. It is enough to mention that the village is located on a plain, famous for its web of rivers and lakes. There is also a wonderful mild climate here.

As for the cultural and historical heritage, to date 30 out of 50 objects of cultural and architectural value have been restored in the village of Vyatskoye. These are mainly almshouses, tea houses and taverns, peasant and merchant houses. From the point of view of urban planning, the village can be attributed to the complex of the 18th–19th centuries. The planning structure of the village has not changed here for several centuries.

Travel lovers will definitely be interested. Here it is - an exotic idyll!