Let's draw Noah's Ark. Noah's Ark Noah's Ark in pencil


The Ararat anomaly is the first Noah's Ark at an altitude of 4275 meters (according to some sources - 4725 meters). Now let's return to earth again. A second ark was unexpectedly discovered on the ground - at an altitude of about 2000 meters and about 20 km south of the “Anomaly”.

In 1959, Turkish pilot Kurtis took an unusual photograph of an object that looked like a ship. Its length is about 160 meters, width - 59 meters, height - 15 meters. These dimensions almost coincide with the dimensions indicated in biblical traditions (in the Bible, the length was 300 Egyptian cubits or 515 feet (156.97 m), the width was 59 cubits or 30.87 m, the height was 20 cubits or 10.46 m).

American Ron White, after studying the photographs, suggested that these were the legendary remains of the ark, and in 1977 he went on an expedition to this place. The expedition used metal detectors, an underground radar scanner with recorders, and carried out chemical tests - all of which yielded amazing results.

On the right side, near the stern, vertical protrusions protruding from the clay are visible; then these protrusions are located at equal distances. Chemical analysis showed that the organic matter of the wood was replaced by mineral substances, but the shape and internal structure of the tree was preserved, although outwardly it looked like stone (petrified trees are found all over the globe, so this could well have happened to the ark).

Expedition geologists believe that the object is now located about a mile below its original location, as it was carried away by a mudflow during the 1948 earthquake, which is confirmed by local residents. They say that the ark "miraculously" appeared around this time, they previously knew about the existence of the ark, but did not notice it.

It is assumed that all of the ship's superstructures collapsed into the hull and over time turned into fossilized debris. When scanning with a radar, its internal structure was revealed and symmetrical linear formations (partitions?) were discovered. With the help of a drill, White obtained “samples from the hold.” The GalbraithLabs laboratory, where they were sent, showed the presence of manure, pieces of horn and animal hair (?) in them. When examining the fossilized wood, it was discovered that some specimens consisted of glued three-layer boards, as in the production of plywood, and the outside of the boards was once coated with bitumen.

Also found were rods driven into petrified wood (?) which turned out to be iron! The metal detector also found strange rivets containing iron, aluminum and titanium. This alloy forms a thin film of aluminum oxide that protects against corrosion, and titanium gives strength - is this Stone Age technology?

A few kilometers from the ark, White discovered huge anchor stones with holes drilled in them, through which they were tied to the ship with hemp rope - a common practice among seafarers in ancient times. Images of eight crosses were found on the stones, supposedly symbolizing eight people who escaped the flood, as well as a destroyed block of stone depicting 8 people sailing in a boat (there are suggestions that the engraving was made by pilgrims). The age of the stone was approximately 5000 years.

All these discoveries left archaeologists indifferent. However, enterprising residents of a nearby town with the ancient name Nasar opened a center for tourists in 1987 near the ark found by Wat - come and see!

American explorer Richard Bright, who has undertaken a number of expeditions to Ararat since 1984, even made a drawing of Noah's Ark based on the recollections of those who claimed to have seen it, although high-quality photographs would have been more convincing. Most likely, this is a drawing of the ark from the Ararat anomaly.

In 1985, American entrepreneur T. McNellis, a resident of Germany, traveled through the foothills of Ararat and talked with local residents. Many of them are convinced that the ark can be easily found. “Go left along the edge of the Aor abyss up the slope, then turn left again and after a while along this path you will reach the ark.” How simple! They explained to him that the ark was not visible from the lower ledges, since this ship, which had been sliding from the top of the mountain for thousands of years, now lies quietly under the dense ice cover of a huge glacier. Another ark?

American astronaut James Irwin was also fascinated by the search for the ark. In 1989, during another expedition to Ararat, he filmed an unusual brown object resembling a large box. After viewing the film, some Western scientists suggested that this was indeed the ark, but skeptics were not silent. Anomaly again?

In 2004, the Russian Kosmopoisk team undertook an expedition to both arks and recognized the ark at an altitude of 2000 meters as a “natural formation,” while the ark in the Ararat “anomaly” is real. Then, in 2004, autumn turned out to be the hottest in at least the last half century. Local old-timers then, for the first time in their entire lives, saw from afar, from the foot, on the top of Ararat, the same object that the Cosmopoisk expedition saw for the first time in the same September (first also from the foot, then close up).

But couldn't there have been several arks? It is foolish to assume that all of the antediluvian humanity built only one ark and only one Noah was saved, and even in Blavatsky we find mention of “wars” on which many people were saved.

In 2009, Chinese archaeologists, together with Turkish archaeologists (a group of 15 people), arrived on an expedition to Ararat, and on April 27, 2010 they announced the legendary find to Agence France-Presse. Researchers claimed that they not only found the remains of Noah's Ark, but also visited inside. Near the top of Ararat, researchers found seven wooden compartments buried under the snow, which allegedly housed various types of animals. According to the Chinese, the sections they found were made of cypress planks, each 20 cm wide, and the planks were fastened together with spikes. The age of the structures is 4800 years, based on radiocarbon dating carried out in Iran. They captured all this in photos and videos. However, they do not disclose the exact location of the find. The fact that the dimensions of their ark are only 12 m x 5 m, which is somewhat small for an ark, also inspires suspicion. The researchers exclude the version that the found structure could have been a destroyed dwelling on the grounds that “this place is uninhabited.”

As the Hürriyet newspaper reported with reference to the administration of the province of Agri, the Turkish authorities did not confirm the statement about the discovery of the remains of Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat (a high-ranking representative of the administration of the Turkish province said: “Chinese scientists allegedly conducted research here in 2007 and in 2009, but there is no evidence of this!”).

One way or another, humanity does not want to do without the ark, and in Hong Kong, Noah’s Ark was built by Chinese millionaire evangelists in compliance with all biblical proportions. The Kwok brothers are representatives of the largest construction company in Hong Kong, SHKP. They built a 137-meter-long ark and created 67 pairs of fiberglass sculptures depicting animals. The Ark, with an area of ​​27 thousand square meters, is located on the island of Ma Wan. On the floors of the Ark there is a restaurant, an exhibition hall, a hotel, a theater, a cinema hall, a theme park and other delights.

Another ark was built in 2007 on Mount Ararat by Greenpeace. Its appearance was supposed to draw public attention to negative climate change.

The last life-size ark is being built by the Scandinavians for the 2012 Olympics in London. Let's see.

Let's continue the theme of biblical stories in the visual arts. This part is dedicated to one of the most important plots of the Book of Genesis - the Great Flood and its characters - the patriarch Noah and his sons: Shem, Ham and Afet.
Noah was a descendant of Adam and Eve through one of their sons, Seth. By the way, regarding the question of whether all humanity is the descendants of the killer Cain. As you can see, no. This is evident primarily from the story of the Flood.
Noah was usually depicted as a white-bearded old man. Being the first after Adam among the Old Testament patriarchs, Noah, according to theological constructions, is one of the patriarchal “types” of Christ. And the Flood was likened by the early Church Fathers and apologists to the sacrament of Christian baptism. Noah's Ark has been a frequent subject in Christian art from the earliest times. Thus, in the Roman catacombs, he personified the new Christian concept of the Resurrection, since converts were already perhaps familiar - through Greek and Egyptian mythology - with its idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dead traveling on a ship to another world. And soon the ship as such became a generally accepted symbol of the Christian Church itself. For example, the part of a Christian church intended for parishioners is called “nave”, i.e. “ship”.

In the story of Noah and the Flood we can highlight four main storylines:
- Construction of the Ark;
- Great Flood;
- Sacrifice But I;
- Noah's drunkenness.

Construction of the Ark (Gen. 6: 14 - 22)

Seeing the immorality of the human race, God decided to destroy it and save only the righteous man Noah and his family, ordering him to build the Ark and take on board “a pair of every creature.” As a rule, artists ignored the technical details of the Ark's construction, which are given in the Book of Genesis. In early Christian paintings in the Roman catacombs, the Ark is simply a coffin-like box. In medieval art the Ark is a kind of floating house, but in Renaissance art it becomes a real ship, and the sons of Noah are depicted building it under the supervision of the patriarch. And when the Ark is depicted as already ready, Noah herds pairs of animals on board.

Great Flood (Gen. 7:8 - 19)

According to the Bible, at the beginning of the Flood, the rain fell continuously for forty days and forty nights, until even the mountains were hidden under water. The Flood itself lasted 150 days. When the water began to subside, the Ark landed on Mount Ararat. To find out if the land was suitable for habitation, Noah sent out a raven, which did not return. He then sent out a dove twice, which returned the second time with an olive leaf in its beak. Sent a third time, the dove did not return. After this, Noah brought out his family and animals so that they would “be fruitful and multiply on the earth.”
In this plot, wicked people, doomed by God to destruction, are depicted by artists as running from rising water, trying to escape from certain death in the trees and hills. The Ark is floating among endless waters.

Noah's Sacrifice (Gen. 8: 20 - 22; 9: 1 - 17)

As a sign of gratitude to God for his salvation, Noah built an altar and offered a sacrifice. This sacrifice was accepted by God, and He said: “And there will be a rainbow in the cloud, and I will see it, and I will remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living soul of all flesh that is on the earth.”
In this plot, as a rule, a rainbow is depicted, meaning a sign of God’s promise not to cause more floods.

Noah's drunkenness (Gen. 9: 20 - 27)

On the newly acquired land, Noah cultivated the land and took up viticulture. One day, after drinking too much wine, he fell asleep in his tent, naked and drunk. This is how Ham saw him, laughed at his father and reported this to his brothers - Shem and Afet. These two sons of Noah came with clothes, approached their father in such a way as not to see him naked and covered his nakedness.
"Noah woke up from his wine, and knew what his youngest son had done to him; and he said, Cursed is Canaan; he will be a servant of servants to his brothers."
Noah is sometimes shown planting his grapes, but the most common version shows him lying intoxicated next to a cup of wine. Next to him are his sons: Ham, mocking his father, and his two brothers, covering Noah with a cloak.

A number of Christian theologians saw in the ridicule of Noah a prototype of mockery of the crucified Christ. And Jewish commentators claim that Ham not only laughed at his naked father, but also castrated him. They argue that this point was deliberately omitted from the Book of Genesis.

To be continued.

Thank you for attention.

Sergey Vorobiev.

In eastern Turkey, on the Anatolian coast, not far from the borders with Iran and Armenia, there is a mountain covered with eternal snow. Its height above sea level is only 5165 meters, which does not allow it to be among the highest mountains in the world, but it is one of the most famous peaks on Earth. The name of this mountain is Ararat. In the clear air of the early morning, before the clouds cover the peak, and at dusk, when the clouds go away, revealing the mountain appearing against the background of the evening pink or purple sky before the eyes of people, many look at the outline of a huge ship high on the mountain.

Mount Ararat, on the top of which Noah's Ark should be located, is mentioned in the religious traditions of the Babylonian kingdom and the Sumerian state, in which the name Ut-Napishtim was given instead of Noah. Islamic legends also immortalize Noah (in Arabic Nuh) and his huge ark-ship, but again without even indicating the place of his stay in the mountains, which here is called Al-Jud (peaks), they mean Ararat and two other mountains in the Middle East. The Bible provides us with approximate information about the location of the ark: “... the ark stopped on the Ararat mountains.” Travelers, who for centuries made voyages with caravans to Central Asia or back, repeatedly passed near Ararat and then said that they had seen the ark near the top of the mountain, or mysteriously hinted at their intentions to find this ark ship. They even claimed that amulets were made from the wreckage of the ark to protect against illnesses, misfortunes, poisons and unrequited love.

Beginning around 1800, groups of mountain climbers with quadrants, altimeters, and later cameras climbed Ararat. These expeditions did not find the true remains of the huge Noah's Ark, but they did find huge ship-like traces - in the glaciers and near the very top of the mountain they noticed massive columnar formations covered with ice, similar to wooden beams hewn by human hands. At the same time, the opinion was increasingly established that the ark gradually slid down the mountainside and fell apart into numerous fragments, which were now probably frozen into one of the glaciers covering Ararat. If you look at Ararat from the surrounding valleys and foothills, then, with a good imagination, it is not difficult to see the hull of a huge ship in the folds of the mountainous terrain, and notice some elongated oval object in the depths of the gorge or a not entirely clear dark rectangular spot in the ice of the glaciers. However, many explorers who claimed, especially in the last two centuries, that they saw a ship on Ararat, in some cases climbed high into the mountains and found themselves, as they claimed, in close proximity to the ark, most of which was buried under ice.

Legends about an unusually large wooden ship, which has survived entire civilizations over millennia, do not seem absolutely plausible to many. After all, wood, iron, copper, bricks and other building materials, with the exception of huge rock blocks, are destroyed over time, and how can they survive in this case? wooden ship on the top? This question can be answered, apparently, only this way: because this ship was frozen in the ice of a glacier. On the top of Ararat, in the glacier between the two peaks of the mountain, it is cold enough to preserve a ship built from thick logs, which, as is mentioned in messages coming from the depths of millennia, “were carefully tarred inside and out.” In the reports of mountain climbers and aircraft pilots about their visual observations of a ship-like object that they noticed on Ararat, they always talk about parts of the ship covered with a solid shell of ice, or about traces within the glacier, reminiscent of the outline of a ship, corresponding to the dimensions of the ark given in the Bible : “three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.”

Thus, it can be argued that the preservation of the ark mainly depends on climatic conditions. Approximately every twenty years, exceptionally warm periods occurred in the Ararat mountain range. In addition, every year in August and early September it is very hot, and it is during these periods that reports appear of footprints found on the mountain big ship. So, when a ship is covered with ice, it cannot weather and rot, like a number of extinct animals known to scientists: Siberian mammoths or saber-tooth tigers and other mammals from the Pleistocene era found in Alaska and northern Canada. When removed from the ice captivity, they were completely intact, even in their stomachs there was still undigested food.

Edward Hicks. "Noah's Ark"

Since certain areas of the surface of Ararat are covered with snow and ice throughout the year, searchers for the remains of a large ship could not notice them. If this ship on the mountain is covered with snow and ice all the time, extensive special research is needed. But it is very difficult to carry them out, because Mountain peak According to the residents of the surrounding villages, it is fraught with danger for mountain climbers, namely that supernatural forces are protecting Ararat from people’s attempts to find Noah’s Ark. This “protection” manifests itself in various natural disasters: avalanches, sudden rockfalls, severe hurricanes in the immediate vicinity of the peak. Unexpected fogs deprive climbers of the ability to navigate, so that among snow and ice fields and deep gorges they often find their graves in icy, bottomless cracks covered with snow. In the foothills there are many poisonous snakes, wolf packs are often found, very dangerous wild dogs, bears inhabit large and small caves in which climbers often try to make a halt, and, in addition, Kurdish bandits reappear from time to time. In addition, by decision of the Turkish authorities, the approaches to the mountain were guarded for a long time by gendarmerie detachments.

Many historical evidence that something similar to a ship was noticed on Ararat belonged to those who visited nearby settlements and cities and admired Ararat from there. Other observations belong to those who, traveling with caravans to Persia, passed along the Anatolian plateau. Despite the fact that many of the evidence dates back to ancient times and the Middle Ages, some of them contained details that modern researchers noticed much later. Beroes, Babylonian chronicler, in 275 BC. e. wrote: “... a ship that sank to the ground in Armenia,” and, in addition, mentioned: “... the resin from the ship was scraped off and amulets were made from it.” Exactly the same information is given by the Jewish chronicler Josephus, who wrote his works in the first century after the conquest of Judea by the Romans. He presented a detailed account of Noah and the Flood and, in particular, wrote: “One part of the ship can still be found today in Armenia ... there people collect resin to make amulets.” In the late Middle Ages, one of the legends says that the resin was ground into powder, dissolved in liquid and drunk as a medicine to protect against poisoning. The references of these and other ancient writers to this ship tar are interesting not only because they clearly correspond to certain passages in the book of Genesis, but also because this huge ship turned out to be quite accessible centuries after the Flood, and because it gives a fairly realistic explanation of that the wooden posts and beams from which the ship was built were well preserved under a layer eternal ice high on the mountain.

Josephus, in his “History of the Jewish War,” makes the following interesting remark: “The Armenians call this place a “dock,” where the ark remained forever, and show parts of it that have survived to this day.” Nicholas from Damascus, who wrote “Chronicles of the World” in the 1st century after Christ, called Mount Baris: “... in Armenia there is a high mountain called Baris, on which many fugitives from the global flood found salvation. There, on the top of this mountain, one man stopped, sailing in an ark, the fragments of which were preserved there for a long time.” Baris was another name for Mount Ararat, which in Armenia was also called Masis. One of the most famous travelers of the past, Marco Polo, passed near Ararat on his way to China in the last third of the 15th century. In his book “The Travels of the Venetian Marco Polo” there is a stunning message about the ark: “...You should know that in this country of Armenia, on the top of a high mountain, Noah’s Ark rests, covered with eternal snow, and no one can climb there, to the top, so Moreover, the snow never melts, and new snowfalls add to the thickness of the snow cover. However, its lower layers melt and the resulting streams and rivers, flowing into the valley, thoroughly moisten the surrounding area, on which a rich grass cover grows, attracting in the summer numerous herds of herbivorous large and small animals from all over the area.”

This description of Mount Ararat remains relevant to this day, with the exception of the statement that no one can climb the mountain. His most interesting observation is that snow and ice melt the ground and water flows out from under the glacial ice. It is especially important to note that modern researchers have discovered wooden beams and posts processed by human hands in glacial cracks. The German traveler Adam Olearius visited Ararat at the beginning of the 16th century and wrote in his book “Journey to Muscovy and Persia”: “Armenians and Persians believe that on the mentioned mountain there are still fragments of the ark, which over time have become hard and durable like stone "

Olearius's remark about the petrification of wood refers to beams that were found above the border of the forest zone and are now located in the Etchmiadzin monastery; they are also similar to individual parts of the ark that were found in our time by the French climber and explorer Fernand Navarre and other travelers. The Franciscan monk Oderich, who reported his travels to the pope in Avignon in 1316, saw Mount Ararat and wrote about this: “The people living there told us that no one climbed the mountain, since it probably could not please To the Almighty...” The legend that God does not allow people to climb Ararat is still alive today. This taboo was broken only in 1829 by the Frenchman J.F. Parrot, who made the first ascent to the top of the mountain. The glacier on the northwestern slopes of the mountain is named in his honor. Half a century later, essentially, a competition began for the right to be the first to find the remains of Noah's ship. In 1856, “three atheist foreigners” hired two guides in Armenia and set off on a journey with the goal of “refusing the existence biblical ark" Only decades later, before his death, one of the guides admitted that “to their surprise, they discovered the ark.” At first they tried to destroy it, but they failed because it was too big. Then they swore that they would not tell anyone about their discovery, and they forced their accompanying people to do the same...

In 1876, Lord Bryce, at an altitude of 13 thousand feet (4.3 kilometers), discovered and took a sample from a piece of processed log 4 feet (1.3 meters) long. In 1892, Archdeacon Nuri, along with five accompanying people, observed a “large wooden vessel” near the summit. True, “his testimony remained unconfirmed. In 1916, during the First World War, the Russian pilot V. Roskovitsky reported in a report that he observed a “lying large ship” on the slopes of Ararat from an airplane. Equipped by the Russian government, despite the war, the expedition began searching. Subsequently, the direct participants claimed that they had achieved the goal, photographed and examined in detail. Apparently, this was the first and last official expedition to the ark. But, unfortunately, its results were lost in Petrograd in 1917, and the territory of Greater Ararat was captured by Turkish troops.

In the summer of 1949, two groups of researchers went to the ark at once. The first, consisting of four people led by a pensioner from North Carolina, Dr. Smith, observed only one strange “vision” at the top. But the second, consisting of Frenchmen, reported that “they saw Noah’s Ark... but not on Mount Ararat,” but on the neighboring peak of Jubel Judi. There, two Turkish journalists subsequently allegedly saw a vessel measuring 500 x 80 x 50 feet (165 x 25 x 15 meters) containing the bones of sea animals. But three years later, Ricoeur's expedition found nothing of the kind. In 1955, Fernand Navarre managed to find an ancient ship among the ice; from under the ice he removed an L-shaped beam and several planks. After 14 years, he repeated his attempt with the help of the American organization Search and brought several more boards. In the USA, the radiocarbon method showed the age of the tree to be 1400 years old; in Bordeaux and Madrid the result was different - 5000 years old!

Following Navarro, John Liby from San Francisco went to Ararat, having recently seen the exact location of the ark in a dream, and... found nothing. Seventy-year-old “Poor Liby,” as journalists dubbed him, made seven unsuccessful ascents in three years, during one of which he barely managed to escape from a bear throwing stones! Tom Crotser was one of the last to make five ascents. Returning with his trophy board, he exclaimed in front of the press: “Yes, there are 70 thousand tons of this wood, I swear on my head!” And again, radiocarbon analysis showed the age of the boards to be 4000-5000 years old... The history of all expeditions (official ones, at least) ends in 1974. It was then that the Turkish government, having placed monitoring posts along the border line on Ararat, closed the area to all visits.

In parallel with the “land” expeditions, evidence of the ark comes from pilots. In 1943, two American pilots, while flying over Ararat, tried to see something similar to the outline of a large ship from a height of several thousand meters. Later, while flying along the same route, they took with them a photographer who took a photograph that later appeared in the American Air Force newspaper Stars and Stripes. In the summer of 1953, American oilman George Jefferson Green, flying in a helicopter in the same area, took six very clear photographs from a height of 30 meters of a large ship half buried in the rocks and sliding down a mountain ledge of ice. Greene subsequently failed to equip an expedition to this place, and when he died nine years later, all the originals of his photographs disappeared.

(A photograph of Durupinar taken by a Turkish pilot in 1957 was published: * American Magazine en:Life magazine:Life in 1957 *

In the late spring or even summer of 1960, American pilots of the 428th Tactical Aviation Squadron, stationed near Ada) in Turkey and under the auspices of NATO, noticed some kind of ship-like structure on the western spur of Ararat. About this flight, the American captain Schwinghammer wrote in 1981: “A huge cargo cart or rectangular boat in a water-filled crevice high up on the mountain was clearly visible.” Moreover, he argued that the object was slowly sliding down the slope and should have gotten stuck among mountain ledges and stone blocks. In 1974, the American organization "Earth Research Technical Satellite" (ERTS) took photographs from a height of 4600 meters of the mountain spurs of Ararat. The photographs, obtained with multiple magnification, clearly presented this extraordinary object lying in one from the clefts of the mountain, “very similar in shape and size to the ark.”

Noah's Ark on the state emblem of Armenia

In addition, the same area was photographed from an altitude of 7,500 and 8,000 meters, and the resulting images of glacial formations were quite consistent with what had been seen earlier by pilots who spoke of seeing an ark or other unusual object. However, not a single object recorded from such a height, even with high magnification, can be completely confidently identified with the ark, because it is more than half hidden under the snow or is in the shadow of rocky ledges. In 1985, T. McNellis, an American entrepreneur living in Germany, traveled through the northwestern and northeastern foothills of Ararat and communicated a lot with the local residents, most often old Turkish officers who had received military education in Germany, and young Turks working part-time in Germany in last years. Many of them are firmly convinced that the ark can be easily found: “Go left along the edge of the Aor chasm up the slope, then turn left again and after a while along this path you will reach the ark.” They explained to him that the ark was not visible from the lower ledges, since this ship, which had been sliding from the top of the mountain for thousands of years, now lay quietly under the dense ice cover of a huge glacier.

So, there is a lot of evidence about the existence of the ark. But in order for them to become reliable, it is necessary to find the ark itself. Maybe now, due to the general warming of the international climate, expeditions to Ararat will resume? In the meantime, we can only hope that the ancient ship preserved in the ice will not crumble while waiting for researchers.

Lately we have been drawing fairy-tale characters and drawing pedagogical conclusions from fairy-tale plots, sometimes unexpected, sometimes lying on the surface. But now that Lent has arrived, I have a desire to talk about things more serious than simple fairy tales. And at the same time, the fear arose that the reader might place the stories of Holy Scripture on the same level as human fiction, thus lowering the meaning and significance of the inspired words. Therefore, I consider it my duty to warn you in advance against this oversight.

So, everyone knows that the ship for salvation from the Flood was built not by a professional, but by an amateur. It was impossible to call him an amateur, since Noah (and today we will talk about him) had never before even thought about large-scale shipbuilding. But he was not in the habit of arguing with the Creator, so he submitted and believed the threat, which was unreasonable from a human point of view (after all, people at that time had never observed rain).

Time passed calmly in those days, the weather was favorable, and dew washed the fields rich in harvest every morning. People were sociable and, in the absence of remote means of communication, quickly learned both good and bad from each other.

But, as we know, bad traditions are much more stable than good thoughts. Unfortunately, on a land that had already been desecrated by fratricide, quite soon human habits became unbearable for the heart, which retained the virtues. Fortunately, Noah had reliable support - his wife and three married sons. In total, eight people lived in his house, including Noah himself.

Before the flood, people lived for an incredibly long time, so construction proceeded slowly - more than a hundred years. And although Noah directly answered the questions of his neighbors, without hiding anything or adding anything to the words of the Lord, there were many misunderstandings. And how much ridicule the pious family endured! More than once or twice, the women of Noah’s house washed themselves with tears from caustic human comments and from fear of the future. Fortunately, at least no babies were born to them during construction.

So, while the men were doing carpentry, the women were preparing provisions for the impressive “crew” of the floating monastery. After all, in addition to people, a couple of every creature on earth had to climb, crawl, fly and jump onto the ark. To be more precise, it should be mentioned that the so-called clean – suitable for sacrifice – cattle should have arrived in sevens, male and female. The Lord commanded so.

At the appointed hour, people and animals settled down in the belly of the ship. Nothing happened for seven days. The women looked questioningly at their husbands. Noah prayed. Finally the waters of the flood came to earth. The skies darkened, and it was as if windows had opened for rain torrents. Noah wanted to save one of his neighbors, but God closed the doors of the ark. It is not for you, man, to know the judgments of God.

It rained for forty days and forty nights, people and animals fell asleep and woke up to the sound of the noisy elements. For another hundred and fifty days the water rose to hide even the most high mountains. And only inside the ark was life glimmering: people were talking, animals were chewing their cud, birds were singing in every possible way. Lizards rustled and grasshoppers chirped. The flies buzzed, stretching their wings. The ship existed as a complexly organized system, as a great biogeocenosis, as a seed of the earth, waiting for a favorable time to open up, release life and again spread it across the face of the planet...

So, let's depict Noah's Ark!

We will need:

— Base – a sheet of whatman paper or tinted paper for working with pastels (sold in stores for artists);
— Packaging cardboard (3-4 pieces approximately A4 size);
— White paper for drawing figures of animals and people;
- Colour pencils;
— Scissors, glue stick, double-sided tape.

First of all, we remove the cardboard from the top layer so that our “building material” resembles wood. Cut out parts of the ark. As we know from the Bible, this ship had three “floors.” It is quite difficult to glue packaging cardboard to the base with any kind of glue, so at the stage of assembling the composition it is better to use double-sided tape.

Then we draw different animals - which ones turn out better. We depict Noah's family. We cut out the resulting figures and place them on the ark. That's it, you can decorate the nursery with a new painting!

The home in which early childhood is spent is always imprinted as something sacred, resistant to external storms. Memories of everyday troubles and troubles in the lives of parents are often smoothed out, and you want to keep some bright, kind moments in your memory. The way you sit on daddy's lap. Or how mom reads a fairy tale and grandma fries pancakes. Like a grandfather bringing home a live rabbit or setting up a Christmas tree. Everyone, I’m sure, can remember similar soul-warming episodes.

While telling the parable of the prodigal son in Sunday school, I really wanted to say: “Children, always remember that your parents will accept your requests for forgiveness. Don’t be afraid to admit your wrongdoings to us!” We wanted to, but we didn’t dare, and we bypassed this moment. Unfortunately, I cannot promise this even to my children. The habits of communicating on the go, asking more rather than giving, looking strictly, and being ashamed of the fruits of one’s upbringing in front of people do not make it possible to fully understand and accept children. Yes, kids are noisy, clumsy, they create a mess and a hole in your wallet. They don't give us privacy. They are our mirror, and it is all the more embarrassing to look into it.

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