Walk through the French provinces. West of France


Finally posting pictures from this year's summer trip - " big Adventure in the southern provinces of France "with DSBW. Route: Nice - Avignon - Pont du Gard - Nimes - Carcassonne - Bordeaux - Cognac - Angouleme - Sarlat la Caneda - Rocamadour - Toulouse - Arles - Marseille - and another 4 days of rest in Nice. The tour is very interesting and beautiful, especially if you are interested in Roman architecture... Personally, I'm more interested in the Black Virgins - so for me this tour turned out to be quite rich and informative, although in some cities (I brought a list from Moscow where I could see the Black Virgins along the route Madonna) had to look for them, and in some places there were some small adventures.

The main disadvantage is that we got to the most unfortunate time, the end of July - the beginning of August. Who cares, but by the middle of the tour I was just ill from the heat (although a whole day of walking for my own pleasure in Bordeaux somewhat corrected the situation). If interested, I can tell you about the organizer and the guide.

And the pluses ... but what can I say about them, they are all in the photographs.

Market in Nice


Avignon. Square in front of the Papal Palace.

In Avignon, at that time, there was exactly a theater festival, and throughout the central part, artists gave their little performances.

View of the Saint-Benezet bridge (pont d "Avignon from a song that every Frenchman is said to know; in other matters, the motive is familiar even to me)

The Pont du Gard is a stunning monument of Roman architecture...

And a little memory of our tourist ancestors (pay attention to the date in this "Vasya was here")

Gallery on the first level of the bridge. Here, it seems to me, the scale and power of the structure is very well felt ...

Roman arena at Nimes (1st half of the 1st century AD)

She's inside. The entire amphitheater can be walked around on top, although physical conditions are needed appropriate - you constantly have to climb up and down rather big days. But it's worth it!

And this is just my personal very strong impression. Something like a stone mound, and among the stones ... faces. What does this mean - I don't know

Bordeaux, St. Andrew's Cathedral

Local entertainment - a fountain on the Garonne embankment. Just an area covered with a thin - barely covers the feet - layer of water. Personally, I took off my shoes and frolic. The locals are clearly having fun with the same.

Of course, there were some Roman ruins here too...

Triumphal Arch

And this is a statue in front of the building of the medical faculty. The students were clearly celebrating graduation...

Sardya la Caneda. Center for the production of foie gras, by the way! Therefore, the geese here - honor and respect

In general, this is real medieval city with very narrow and very crooked streets, in which it is not surprising to get lost

And this is Rocamadour - a major European pilgrimage center, part of the Way of Santiago.

This is a castle and three churches, partly built on a small platform on a rock, partly carved right into this rock.

From the churches up to the castle, a winding road leads, symbolizing the way of the cross of Christ; once pilgrims passed it on their knees. And in one of the churches one of the Black Virgins is kept

(sorry for the quality)
Toulouse. Pink City! Once upon a time, only bricks could be built here; and now a house made of any material will certainly be painted or at least trimmed with red or pink


Arles. There is also a Roman amphitheater here, but in some places it has already been restored in our time.

Van Gogh used to be treated here


From above, from the magnificent cathedral, the city blesses Notre Dame de la Garde

And in the cathedral itself there is a wonderful silver statue of the Virgin

In the group of islands, the middle (and smallest) is the same island on which the If castle is located. Unfortunately we didn't get it.

And here is the castle closer (behind it you can see Notre Dame de la Garde)

Cathedral of La Major

We went to Grasse ourselves while we lived 4 days in Nice. A small cozy town, although crawling to it from the station (rather high uphill) is not so easy. There are also elegant streets ...

And those where Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, apparently, lay in wait for his victims

And this is the panorama of Cannes - we stopped on the road from Grasse

And this is Monaco - Monte Carlo - another one of our independent trips.

It’s a pity that you can’t shoot in the prince’s palace, although everything is clear - the palace is residential, and, standing on the gallery of the courtyard, you don’t know - what if the prince is personally watching you from the window of his wing? If you do, be sure to take the tour! They give out headphones, there is a tour in Russian (and very good Russian), and I highly advise you to see the palace itself. We also visited an exhibition dedicated to Princess Grazia Patricia - actress Grace Kelly. How local resident love their royal family! The English also love their queen, but they also tease her and scold her... And here - such a touching love...

Prince's Palace

"Changing of the Guard"

Piece of Formula 1 track

And in the city there are such racing cars

Famous Casino

A small educational program: Black Virgins (Black Madonnas, Black Virgins, Vierges Noires) are statues of the Mother of God, made of black / dark material or painted black. The Madonna has been revered at all times, and why her images were made black, no one knows. I rummaged through a lot of things (although, unfortunately, I could only read articles written in Russian and English), as a result I found out: serious researchers are quite cautious, with reservations "probably it can be" they say that these are possibly remnants of Celtic cults - Catholic converts so tried to cross their old beliefs and gods with a new religion; this is the most common version. "Obsessed" (Eco defined them very well) say about the same thing, but categorically (somewhere I even met the theory that some of these statues are former statues of Isis with Osiris). Perhaps there is some truth in this - some of the statues are very far from traditional Catholic images and are more reminiscent of statues from Easter Island.

So. Notre-Dame de Rocamadour I posted above. Here it is closer - this is an ordinary postcard, I took a photo on the Internet

12th century, possibly - 9th. One of the few originals so old that have survived - most often I personally met either copies or just newer statues.

This is Notre-Dame de la Daurade in Toulouse.

It is from 1806, made instead of a statue that was destroyed during the revolution, but it is very different from the original. She is considered the patroness of expectant mothers.

In Toulouse, according to my list, there should have been another statue, but there were some misunderstandings with it. I was looking for Notre-Dame du Palais - a statue of dark stone, should now be on the Jesuit church. We found this church in the middle of the night ... There is this statue:

In principle, everything is correct - a stone, not that light.

And then on the tour we found this one:

It is located above the entrance to the Notre-Dame du Taur church and also fits the description in all respects (to be honest, it’s rather meager)). In short, I'm still confused. While the hands do not reach, contact the author of the list from where I took the information and consult.

Another statue was in Arles, but, unfortunately, we did not see it - there was not much time in the city, according to the program it was in the evening, and the church, which I suspected that the Black Mother of God was there))), was closed.

But we found the Black Mother of God in Marseille - Notre-Dame de la Confession

She is in the Basilica of the Abbey of Saint-Victor, wood, 13th century.

And finally - the same statues from Chartres Cathedral:

Notre-Dame de Sous-Terre

Notre-Dame du Pilier

(photo stolen on the official website of the cathedral)

This charming tour can be visited not only as an independent tour, but also as an extension of your trip to Paris. During it, you will make fascinating excursions around Normandy, Brittany and the Loire River Valley, get acquainted with their history, natural and architectural sights, visit castles that once belonged to the French nobility.
One of the oldest French cities, Rouen will open up to guests as a Viking city and the ancient capital of Normandy. On the Old Market Square you will hear a story related to the Maid of Orleans. Honfleur is the most beautiful sea ​​port, along the picturesque streets of which it is pleasant to stroll, slowly examining the beauties of the Old Town. Deauville is considered a city of aristocrats, being a luxurious resort on the English Channel. Despite the significant destruction during the war years, Caen still remains one of the most interesting cities in northern France in terms of architecture. For many centuries, Mont Saint-Michel Abbey flaunts on a rock in the middle of waters and quicksand, combining natural uniqueness, architectural merit and mystical history. Angers, due to its historical past, is considered the most English of the French cities.
The Loire Valley is another unique area in France. No one can name the total number of castles located on its territory, but each of them is the owner of a unique history and architecture. So, Chenonceau is called the castle-bridge, as it is thrown over the river, Amboise is partially glorified by the name of Leonardo da Vinci, Chambord is considered one of the most romantic castles in France.

Tour program

Arrival. Optional program in Paris.

Paris - Rouen - Honfleur - Deauville - Caen
08:00 – meeting with the guide. Transfer to the city of Rouen (Rouen) (135 km) - a Viking city, the ancient capital of Normandy and the modern capital of the Upper Normandy region. Rouen is one of the largest, oldest and most beautiful cities France. In Rouen, a sightseeing walking tour is provided with an inspection of the magnificent Rouen Cathedral, as well as a walk along the Old Market Square, associated with the history of Joan of Arc, and along Gros Orloge street with its old clock tower.
Transfer to the city of Honfleur (92 km) - one of the most beautiful seaports in France. Walk through the Old Town with picturesque streets, salt warehouses of the 17th century, old docks and the old quarter of Enklo. Walk along the embankment of St. Catherine, visit the church of the same name - a rare example of wooden architecture of the 16th century.
Travel to Deauville (18 km) - a luxurious resort on the English Channel with the widest sandy beach and the famous boardwalk with "named" cinema booths. A city of aristocrats, casinos and romantic stories inspired by Claude Lelouch's cult film Man and Woman. walking tour around town.
Transfer to Caen (60 km). Architecturally, Caen is one of the most interesting cities in Northern France. Walking tour of the city. Overnight at the hotel in Caen.

Mont Saint Michel - Saint Malo - Angers
Start of the day in Le Mont-Saint-Michel - (125 km). The abbey of Mont Saint-Michel is a real gem of medieval Gothic, an island-abbey, an island-mirage on granite rock among quicksands, swift tides, one of the pilgrimage shrines of the Christian world. Mont Saint-Michel is listed as a UNESCO site and has no analogues in the world in terms of its combination of architectural merit, mystical history and natural uniqueness. The abbey, dedicated to Michael the Archangel, has been rising on the mountain since the 7th century and has been attracting the curious, the suffering and the faithful for all these centuries. Today, Mont Saint-Michel is the second most visited place in France after Paris.
Moving to Saint-Malo (54 km) - a fortress city, the eternal rival of the Norman Mont Saint-Michel, a refuge for formidable corsairs, a place of the most powerful tides in Europe, the birthplace of the discoverer of Canada, Jacques Cartier. The program includes a walking tour of Intra Muros – ancient city, enclosed in a ring of fortress walls, from which a beautiful sea panorama and a view of the ancient forts opens. After the tour, you can buy real Breton souvenirs and delicacies in the shops of the city.
Moving to Angers (Angers) (198 km), walking tour of the historical center of the English city France, which became the cradle and "second capital" of the English royal Plantagenet dynasty. A majestic fortress with 15 formidable bastions reigns over the city and the river for many centuries, the foundation of which was laid in the 9th century, defending against the Norman raids, by the warlike and cruel owner of these places - Fulk Nerra, Count of Anjou. The city at all times found itself at the crossroads of wars from the pre-Roman era to World War II, which miraculously spared the city.
Accommodation in Angers.

Amboise - Chenonceau - Chambord - Paris
Loire Valley. Visiting the castles of Chenonceau, Amboise (internal inspection) and Chambord (external inspection).
Transfer to Chenonceau (Chenonceau) (159 km) - one of the most beautiful and elegant castles of the Loire Valley, a castle-bridge that spans the Cher River. "Castle of the Five Ladies", owned by the beautiful mistress of Francis II, Diane de Poitiers. The castle is deservedly recognized as a masterpiece of architecture and is under the protection of UNESCO.
Amboise (20 km) - a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture, a favorite castle of the Valois kings - Charles VIII and Francis I; the place where Leonardo da Vinci made his last brilliant discoveries. Here the great Italian lived his last years(in the nearby Clos-Luce castle), found eternal rest and left his magical "Mona Lisa" to the French crown as a token of gratitude.
Chambord (58 km) is one of the most recognizable and romantic castles in France. It was built by order of King Francis I of Valois, a connoisseur of the arts, the founder of the Renaissance in France, the patron of Leonardo da Vinci. This castle served as a hunting residence for the king, and at the same time gave him a great opportunity to be closer to his beloved, Countess Turi, who lived nearby.
Transfer to Paris (178 km).

If desired, a program in Paris. Departure.

Tours to France are one of the most popular destinations among all lovers and connoisseurs of quality rest. This multifaceted country is incredibly attractive both for beginners in terms of foreign holidays and for sophisticated travelers.

France fully satisfies the curiosity of connoisseurs of sights, replenishes the wardrobes of stylish fashionistas, and tempts gourmets with the splendor of its cuisine. Noisy cities, picturesque provinces and luxurious beaches - no one can resist such beauty and diversity!

So different and always beautiful

The starting point for most tours of France was and still is Paris. But having paid due attention to the capital with its brilliant gloss, be sure to visit other big cities countries. By visiting the cities of Normandy - Rouen and Deauville, Etretat and San Malo, you will get a complete impression of the culture, history and modernity of France.

You can enjoy the mild climate of the southern regions, watch the life of movie stars on the coast of Nice, Cannes, Marseille and Monaco. Tours to France, including visits to these cities, will appeal to connoisseurs of beauty and harmony. After all, here for every lover beach holiday hotels open their doors for every taste and budget.

French provinces - witnesses of centuries of history

Traveling through various provinces with their unique sights will allow you to plunge into the depths of the fascinating history of these places. And the tour operator in France WAND will help you with this.

Normandy, Brittany, Alsace and Lorraine, Corsica ... - all of them are known to us from books and films. With WAND you will be able to see with your own eyes the beauty of these provinces of France and, as if by a time machine, be transported into the distant past. You can trace almost all milestones of European palace architecture by visiting the Castles of the Loire Valley.

intoxicating atmosphere

Burgundy, Bordeaux, Champagne, Cognac - the "fragrant" names of these regions and cities give rise to the mind of a sophisticated connoisseur of memories of the best French wines, famous brands of champagne and cognac. With the leading tour operator WAND, everyone has the opportunity to touch the mystery of the production of real wines and cognac, which have no analogues in any country in the world.

Cozy cafe on the streets with wicker furniture

Warm, hospitable and generous Provence, warmed by the southern sun, appears before tourists. Lovely provincial towns are home to numerous gastronomic masterpieces that attract travelers from all over the world. Juicy fruits, real French cheeses, delicious seafood, fragrant Provence herbs - this unforgettable cocktail will impress any gourmet.

Buying a ticket to France and not visiting Provence is just a crime for lovers gastronomic tours who know a lot about really good food.

Better mountains can only be the mountains of France

The fertile nature has awarded this hospitable country not only with a magnificent coastline, but also with one of the most picturesque mountain ranges. french alps can offer holidays for every taste.

Modern comfortable hotels ski resorts France: Courchevel, Chamonix, Meribel, Les Menuires will become perfect place to celebrate the New Year.

Day 1 Moscow - Nice: Arrival V Nice.Detailed information on recommended flights from Russian cities and transfers is available in the "Recommended Flights" section under the tour description. Transfer and hotel accommodation. We also organize transfers from Genoa. Free time.

After noon Nice walking tour , founded by the ancient Greeks, which in the 19th century turned into a popular seaside resort European aristocracy. Many artists linked their fate with Nice. IN Matisse Museum there is one of the largest collections of paintings by the master. IN Marc Chagall Museum the works of the famous artist on biblical themes are presented. Free time.

Day 2 Nice - Verdon Gorge - Moustiers San Marie - Roussillon - Marseille: Departure for a journey through the south of France along the picturesque national roads. Visit along the way Verdon Gorgewith a stop at Lake St. Cross. Then You will stop at a mountain village Mouster Saint Marie(~ 140 km), then you will stop at Roussillon(~ 100 km), which is a member of the Association of "the most beautiful villages in France", with a short tour and his famous natural park with ocher hills. Free time for lunch.

Then you will go to Marseille (~ 95 km). Accommodation at a hotel in Marseille. Free time. While in Marseille you should definitely tryBouillabaisse - Provencal fish soup, which is usually prepared for 2 - 3 people and will cost about € 50 - € 60. Marseille Bouillabaisse can be tasted, for example, in a restaurant Les Miramar at Quai du Port 12.Alternatively, you can also have a good dinner at the restaurant. Toinou at Cours Saint-Louis, 3 located near the Old Port. Here you can try almost everything that local fishermen catch: oysters, shrimps, crabs, mussels, scallops, snails, which are delivered here 6 times a day!

Day 3 Marseille - Avignon: Sightseeing tour of Marseille, a port city in southern France, founded by Greek merchants in the 7th century. BC. At the top of the city is the Romano-Byzantine Basilica of Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde, which offers a magnificent view of Marseille and is included in a city tour. The most famous modern buildings are the Radiant City complex, designed by Le Corbusier, and the CMA CGM Tower skyscraper by architect Zaha Hadid.

Free time. Recommended to visit Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations- a building in the form of a huge black cube near the Old Port. From the rooftop of the museum, there are wonderful views of the Mediterranean Sea and the old port, and the building itself is connected footbridge with Fort Saint-Jean - St Jean of the 17th century. On the roof of the museum there is a good restaurant with author's cuisine Le Môle Passédat- Address Quai du Port, 201. Lunch according to the "formula" will cost ~ €20 here. moving Avignon(~ 105 km). Hotel accommodation.

Day 4 Avignon - Pont du Gard - Nimes:Walking tour of Avignon - medieval city, famous for the Papal Palace of the XIV century. Papal Palace - a monument of history and architecture, an object world heritage UNESCO and one of the largest palaces in Europe. Avignon hosts an annual Theater Festival. Free time in Avignon. Recommended to visit papal palace, along which you can walk with an audio guide in Russian. If you climb to the very top, you can see beautiful panorama Avignon overlooking the famous Pont d'Avignon and the river Rhone. Free time for lunch.

In the afternoon, a trip to the monument of the Roman era - the aqueduct bridge Pont du Gard(~ 25 km). The Pont du Gard is the highest surviving ancient Roman aqueduct at 275 meters long and 47 meters high. UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Then excursion to Nimes(~ 30 km) with a tour of the ancient Roman Arena for 23,000 spectators, built under Caesar, and the temple of Mason Care, erected under Emperor Augustus. We recommend visiting the Arena inside - it is still used for concerts - it has amazing acoustics. Free time. Return to the hotel in Avignon (~ 44 km)

Day 5 Avignon - Orange - Baux-de-Provence: excursion trip to Provence. First you go to the city Orange(~ 30 km). Orange, which was under Emperor Augustus one of the most flourishing centers of Roman Provence, is famous today mainly due to Ancient Roman theater which hosts music festivals during the summer months. This theater in the form of a horseshoe is unparalleled in terms of the degree of preservation: the rear wall is over 100 meters long, in the central niche stands a statue of Emperor Augustus 3.5 meters high. Next to the theater is a wonderful museum dedicated to the history of Ancient Rome.

Moving to a picturesque village Baux de Provence , which is included in the Association of "the most beautiful villages in France", leads a serpentine road (~ 60 km). We recommend climbing to the very top of Baux-de-Provence, visiting the fortress and looking at the magnificent landscapes of Provence from above. Tour day ends Wine tasting at Chateauneuf du Pape*. Return to Avignon.

Day 6 Avignon - Gordes - Senanque - Aix-en-Provence: Transfer to the medieval village proud(~ 50 km). Small stop. Medieval buildings dating back to the 12th century have been preserved here. Proud was remembered by many for the movie "Good Year". Small stop at Abbeys of Senanque(~ 5 km), located against the backdrop of lavender fields.

Moving to Aix-en-Provence(~ 75 km) - a university town in Provence, where the famous post-impressionist painter Paul Cezanne was born. The city is also known forEuropean Academy of Music and many ongoing art festivals. Tour of Aix-en-Provence. Free time. Accommodation at the hotel in Aix-en-Provence.

Day 7 Aix-en-Provence - Arles - Camargue - Carcassonne: Moving to Arles(~ 80 km). Hiking by city trip Arles, one of the historical cities in the south of the country, associated with the history ancient rome. Moving to Camargue(~ 12 km) regional natural Park South of France. Moving to Carcassonne(~ 228 km). Accommodation at the hotel in Carcassonne.

Day 8 Carcassonne - Bordeaux:Walking tour of the walled city of Carcassonne, one of the most beautiful fortified cities of medieval Europe: a double ring of fortress walls, 52 towers with a length of fortifications of 3 km. It was here that Kevin Costner was filmed in the film "Robin Hood", the scenery for which was the walls of this famous fortress. Free time for lunch. Moving from Carcassonne to Bordeaux(~ 340 km). Accommodation at a hotel in Bordeaux.

Day 9 Bordeaux - Cognac - Angouleme: Walking tour of Bordeaux. A trip through the picturesque surroundings of Bordeaux with a visit to the city Cognac(~ 125 km). You will learn all the secrets of Cognac production technology and will be able to take part in a small tasting. You will learn what "Angel's Share" is. Then the city awaits you Angouleme(~ 47 km) with his famous cathedral. In the evening return to the hotel eh in Bordeaux.

Day 10 Bordeaux - Saint-Emilion - Rocamadour - Narbonne: Moving to Saint-Emilion (~ 50 km) - delightful medieval town on a hilltop above a valley of vineyards on the right bank of the Dordogne.

Moving to Rocamadour(~ 180 km) - a medieval city on top of a cliff overlooking the Dordogne Valley, with an amazingly beautiful scattering of medieval houses, churches and terraces, a place of pilgrimage for believers and tourists, one of the three most visited attractions in France. Excursion Rocamadour. Free time for lunch. Moving to Narbonne(~ 320 km). Hotel accommodation.

Day 11 Narbonne - Sigean - Nice: Walking tour of Narbonne. Moving to the safari park Sijan(~ 22 km). Sigean Safari Park is considered a unique African wildlife sanctuary in France. Sizhan is interesting in that you cannot see the usual enclosures here, in which their inhabitants huddle closely. All collected animals are in conditions close to their usual habitat and roam freely around its territory. Entrance tickets are paid on the spot 35 euros. Transfer to Marseille (~ 280 km). Free time for lunch. Moving to Nice (~ 200 km) - the capital of the Cote d'Azur of France. Hotel accommodation.

Day 12 Nice:


Day 12 Nice: Free time in the morning. After noonTour in Monaco On the way, stop at the medieval the village of Eze towering at an altitude of 427 meters above the peninsula of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, from where beautiful views on Cote d'Azur, with a visit Perfume Factory and Perfume Museum. In your free time in Monaco, we recommend visiting the magnificent aquariums at the Oceanographic Museum and the Garden of Exotic Plants. Fans of vintage cars will be interested in the Automobile Museum of the Prince of Monaco. Return to Nice.

Day 13 Nice: sightseeing trip Cannes - Grasse with a visit to the perfume museum. Cannes- the site of the famous Cannes Film Festival and the city Grass- the capital of French perfumery, located 20 km from the sea, has retained its provincial charm. You will see picturesque Old city, on the streets of which old perfume shops still work.

Day 14 Nice: Free time. Transfer to Nice airport.

What you should definitely try while visiting these places are, of course, "rillettes" (finely chopped and fried pork or goose in lard), "rillons" (greaves), pâtés and many other dishes typical of this region, made from wild boar and pork. And don't forget some of the best goat cheese in France. As for sweet dishes, they are also on top here: is it necessary to introduce one of the most famous French desserts "Tarre Tarin" - a hot apple pie with caramel. The region also produces numerous wines: red, white, rosé, dry, soft or sparkling, among which the most famous are Chinon (Chinon), Bourgueil (Bourgueil), Vouvray (Vouvray), Sancerre (Sanscerre), Pouilly-Fume (Pouilly-Fumé) or Cheverny (Cheverny).

Poitou Charente


From Poitiers to the "walled city" of La Rochelle, passing through the town of Cognac, whose name is associated worldwide with the famous alcohol, take the opportunity to taste the amazing local cuisine, originating in the vineyards and fishing harbors of the Atlantic Ocean. Only mussels are prepared here according to unique traditional recipes...

Poitou-Charentes is a place that invites travelers to discover a unique union of maritime and terrestrial culture, gastronomy and landscapes. As for cheese, there is not much of it in this region, but the oil here is excellent: this region, the only one in France, produces the highest quality branded butter with a delicate nutty flavor, which is subject to the strictest control.

North - Pas de Calais

Nord Pas de Calais

The Pas de Calais region reveals to travelers its seaside scenery with dunes and cliffs. The traditional image of the region paints a picture of flat, deep countryside dotted with large, low and square farms where mussel dishes know no bounds and beer flows like water. Of course, in the north there are also ports and beaches where you can see lovers of all sports, such as sailing, and where you can have fun in the many casinos along the coast. And the favorite sweets of children and adults here are waffles, cakes with sugar and mints ("Betises de Cambrais") of local preparation.

Île de France


Historically, the Île-de-France region has always supplied Paris with vegetables, fruits, dairy products and meat. But despite the fact that intensive development around the French capital has seriously changed environment, this region has remained agricultural on a massive scale. Every year holidays and fairs of local products are merrily celebrated here: wines and cheeses, of which the most famous varieties are Coulommiers and Brie, as well as watercress, strawberries, blueberries, mirabelle, apples, hops, from which beer is made , cider and turkey. Some products used in cooking still bear the name of the city in which they were produced, such as the famous Chantilly cream.

In this region, and not far from Paris, you can quickly find yourself in nature, in a small hotel located next to the forest of Fontainebleau (Fontainebleau) in the charming village of Barbizon (Barbizon) - a wonderful place known for its school of landscape painters, which gave rise to nineteenth century famous names such as Corot, Millet, Rousseau; or visit Auvers-sur-Oise, where Van Gogh spent the last years of his life and painted his most famous paintings, such as the Church at Auvers.


The Ardennes: all seasons are good to visit this region, which has managed to preserve its natural beauty with care! In winter it is ideal for skiing, in summer - for walking in the forest, in autumn - for hunting and contemplating magnificent landscapes, golden colors of falling leaves ... Hikers will gladly set off to storm the ancient mountain ranges, or hide in the thick of the forests, which gave rise to a lot of all kinds of fantastic legends that have been handed down to this day. The Champagne region, right at the foot of the mountains, already by its name makes it clear where champagne was born, whose producers, from the most famous to the independent, compete in the field of quality and sophistication. Champagne produces wine for special occasions and holidays, presenting it around the world as a unique drink that symbolizes luxury in French.



Called "the garden of France" by Voltaire, Alsace-Lorraine is a land of prosperity, and this prosperity is very contagious here. Mountainous and flat terrain impartially divide the territory of the region between them, spreading out to the Rhine, the natural border with Germany, and towering over the mountains of the Vosges and Jura. On this land, nature has not suffered from industrial expansion. The local gastronomy here is very diverse and skillfully combines French and German cuisines. Those with a sweet tooth will greatly enjoy the many local delicacies, such as "Kugelhopf" (Kügelhopf) - something resembling a bun with raisins and almonds. When you know that this region is rich in apples, pears, cherries, mirabelles, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, blackthorns, lingonberries and more, it becomes much clearer why Alsatians give such preference to confectionery with a particularly high reputation. Almost every single city has its own specialty, such as "Bergamotes de Nancy" (bergamot flavored sweets from Nancy), "Madeleines de Commercy" (Madeleine biscuit cake from Commerce) or the famous "Sauciases de Straubourg" (Stpacburg sausages).


Franche Comte

The best time to visit this region, from April to October, will allow you to fully enjoy the sun, gently warming over herbs and flowers, enveloping the air with thousands of delicate aromas. Franche-Comté invites you to wander the mountains and taste the special local gastronomy, in which cheese is the main ingredient, for example, in dishes such as "raclette" or "fondue", prepared on the basis of hot cheese. There is even a variety bearing the name of the region - "Comte", which is produced in the mountains and has a special sweetish aftertaste. In Franche-Comté you will also try the traditional ham with the divine taste (and name) "Jesus de Morteau" ("Jesus of Morteau"), made from pork shoulder. It should be noted that the city of Morto is famous for its sausages of all kinds and varieties, thereby conquering gastronomes.

Cheeses: local cheese "Morbier" ("Morbier"), easily recognizable by a strip of grayish color in the middle. Another variety, "Beaufort" ("Beaufort"), is produced in the summer in wooden houses on high pastures with cows. And then he is placed in a damp cellar, where he "reaches" for another two years. The structure of the tissue of this cheese variety is quite grainy, and the taste is flowery-sweet. It has a mild taste of hazelnut and is saturated with the rich aromas of the mountains.



Burgundy is a region whose name speaks volumes to wine lovers. The natural beauty of this region is diverse: on the one hand, it is spread by carefully manicured vineyards, protected by forged iron gratings - the pride of happy owners, and on the other hand, it is bordered by dense oak forests. Burgundy is a country of farms, fairy tales, delicious wines and a blackcurrant cream liqueur that gave rise to the world famous and widely consumed aperitif "Kir", named after one of the mayors of the city of Dijon, who served this drink at every official reception in the city hall . But above all, Burgundy is a land where you will feel at home thanks to the exceptional hospitality and friendliness of the locals.

Cheeses that you should definitely try during your visit: Epoisses ("Epuas"), Langres ("Langre") and Charolais ("Charolais"); as for cheeses made from cow's milk, as well as from spring to late autumn, fresh goat cheese Chevre frais ("Chevre Frais") and Montrachet ("Montrachet") for goat cheese lovers. It is also impossible to forget that Burgundy is extraordinarily rich in high quality wines such as Nuits-Saint-Georges, Chablis, Meursault, Montrachet, Pommard, Beaune, Bourgogne-Aligote, Volnay and Vosnes-Romanee. Of the local products, it is worth noting sausages and, of course, the famous mustard from Dijon, which has become famous throughout the world.

Auvergne et Center

The center of France remains for the most part a sparsely populated area, due to the difficult conditions of internal communication for many centuries and the harsh climate. This land will reveal to you all its breadth and beauty of volcanic landscapes, verdant hollows, turbulent streams, clean lakes and warm springs with healing water. The chain of mountain ranges has 8 volcanoes, "sleeping" for eight millennia, and is the largest volcanic ensemble in Europe.

The region has a huge civil and military heritage dating back to the Middle Ages, and castles and Romanesque churches towering on mountain ledges testify to a rich past, being ranked among the masterpieces of French architectural art.

Akiten and the Atlantic Pyrenees

Aquitaine and Pyrenees-Atlantiques

Traveling through this region, you will make a real journey through time! This is where the center of the prehistoric world truly concentrated, in periods from 300 thousand years to 10 thousand years BC. Many thousands of deposits and about half of the caves of all France have been preserved here, including the famous cave "de Lascaux" (grotte de Lascaux), classified as a world heritage of mankind.

Land of sun, fishing and mountain landscapes, this region of marvelous beauty stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to mediterranean sea. It's nice to sunbathe on white sandy beaches or hide in the shade of pine forests.

Southern Pyrenees and Languedoc-Roussillon

Midi-Pyrenees and Languedoc-Roussillon

This region of France, rich in rivers, lakes and ponds, will conquer lovers of fishing, light clothing and the sun! Mosaic paintings of vegetable gardens, orchards and vineyards give a complete picture of the local nature, which from time immemorial has been conducive to the development of the region, which at the same time explains the richness of culture - the cradle of Romanesque-French art.

The wines of the southwest, less known than those of Bordeaux, are strong and generous in taste: among them you will find Bergerac, Montbazillac, Pecharmant, Jurancon, Cahors and Bearn... The Roussillon area is more specialized in soft and sweet wines, such as Muscat de Rivesaltes and Banyuls.

Provence and Cote d'Azur

Provence et Cote d'Azur

Cote d'Azur, which is a place of resort life of stars and popularity, is famous all over the world for the splendor of hotels, luxury yachts, the Cannes Film Festival... We urge you to get out for at least a couple of days and go a little further from the coast, making unforgettable walks and submitting to the beauty of harsh and barren landscapes, where the ocher colors of the earth echo the bright blue of the sky and sea, and the greens of pine and oak forests - with the whiteness of limestones. The Cote d'Azur is full of whole carpets of lavender and fluffy mimosa, enveloping villages and villages in a multi-colored fog.

Each individual Provence market has its own characteristics and its own unique character. Here, delicate roses from local gardeners coexist with fresh fish caught overnight, and vegetables and fruits from local gardeners, decorating the stalls, are generously soaked in the sun. All this bouquet of the freshest products makes up wonderful salads, for example, the famous "nice salad" with anchovies or "mes-clun" (a mixture of different types of lettuce and aromatic herbs), so refreshing in the summer.

And the Mediterranean Sea, in turn, endows with "stone" fish, which is an excellent part of dishes such as "bouillabaisse" (fish stew with garlic and spices) and "bourride" (burrida - a type of fish soup with garlic sauce), so typical for Marseille and the Côte d'Azur The local cuisine is in perfect harmony with the surrounding sunny landscapes and warmth: the high quality of olive oil, honey and nougat, fruit jams and goat cheese speaks for itself.

Cheeses, as noted above, are mainly prepared from goat's milk: Banon de Provence, Picodon and Pelardon.

The best wines of the region include: Gigondas, Beaume-de-Venise, Bandol and Cassis.

Rhone Alpes

From the valley of the Rhone to the Swiss border, an area of ​​Grenoble walnut trees and vineyards flaunts, growing in a staircase above the river flowing below. For most French people, today's Lyon bears a strong resemblance to the Paris of the 1930s. Indeed, a passing tourist, finding himself in the second largest city in France, can get acquainted with the past and the present, from traditional, unshakable cuisine to the gastronomy of tomorrow, thus crossing several decades in just one day. It should be noted that in terms of gastronomy, Lyon and its region occupy one of the most privileged places, largely due to the huge number of bistros called bouchons ("bouchon", that is, cork), which comes from the usual corks that close bottles from - for wine. Authentic homemade dishes are prepared here according to local recipes that have no analogues: "poulets de Bresse", "gratin dauphinois", sausages and local sausages of all kinds and stripes, and all this is served with young Beaujolais wine. The region also knows how to please lovers of sweets. In Lyon, for example, one of the best chocolate manufacturers in the world is "Bernachon", which perfectly prepares both confectionery products, like the "President" cake, specially released in honor of Francois Mitterrand, and chocolates. And Bresse waffles with cream and sugar are so tasty and popular that they are sold in all bakeries and pastry shops in the region.

Cheeses: "Arome de Gene" refers to cheeses typical of the Lyon region, which are usually soaked in vodka made from grape pomace. And here is another kind of cheese, "Saint-Marcelin", made from cow's milk and looking like a small, flat spool in the shape of a puck. In Savoy, there are dozens of different varieties of "Tommes de Savoie" (special Savoyard cheese), some of which have spicy or peppery flavors.

As for wines, Beaujolais, Vin de Savoie, Vin de Paille, Vin Jaune, Hermitage and Cote-Rotie are worth trying.

"Privilege", No. 2, 1997