Aircraft TU 204 100. Medium-haul passenger aircraft


The Tu-204 aircraft was developed in the 1980-1990s to replace its predecessor Tu-154, which was a breakthrough in Soviet and Russian aviation shipbuilding. The line of models of this vessel has 50 different variations, which are designed for passenger, cargo, special and VIP transportation. Each new version of the aircraft used developments and successful design solutions of existing modifications, combining various variants of the aircraft with the ultimate purpose of its use.

  • Tu-204 100 - 10 tons more take-off weight.
  • Tu-204 200 - more fuel tanks, which increases the flight distance.
  • Tu-204 100E - the cabin is equipped with English-language equipment, improved engines.
  • Tu-204 100V - further improvements to the technical equipment of the previous model.
  • Tu-204 100V-04 - this modification takes into account international noise level requirements.
  • Tu-204 120 - this model featured foreign avionics and new engines from England. The model was sold to Egypt in the amount of five units.
  • Tu-204 300 - in this variation the fuselage is shortened, which reduces the number of passengers. Flight distance increased. The model meets all international standards.
  • Tu-204 300A - the model was specially designed for administrative flights in order to increase the flight distance.
  • Tu-214 is a successful modification of the aircraft with a higher take-off and payload weight.
  • Tu-204SM is the most successful variation of the original model. It has been completely revised specifications using previous successful modifications. This model can compete with Western manufacturing titans such as Boeing.

In addition to passenger models, there are cargo versions of the Tu-204, as well as planned versions of the aircraft, the release of which is expected in the coming years.

Stages of creating Tu-204 aircraft

The idea of ​​creating a new model passenger aircraft originated in the USSR in the 1970s.

Initially, its design and technical equipment were supposed to be similar to the Tu-134 and 136 aircraft. However, over time, emerging nuances made it similar to its foreign counterparts.

Model of the original three-engine version of the Tu-204

Disputes arose over the number of engines. The original two engines were planned to be replaced by three, but in the 1980s it was finally decided to add two engines to the design and mount them on the wing pylons, which was a qualitatively new solution for Soviet aircraft construction.

In 1987, preparations for production of the Tu-204 were in full swing.

A year later, a test copy of the aircraft was produced. A year later, the first flight of the Tu-204 was made. By the end of 1993, all tests of the suitability of the model were successfully completed. In 1995, the Tu-204 aircraft received all the necessary certificates for its admission to air transportation. Since 1990, serial production of machines of this modification began.

General characteristics of Tu-204

The characteristics of the Tu-204 reflect its modernity and reliability.

Aircraft in this category meet international standards for noise, air pollution and safety.

In this regard, Tu-204 models freely fly on flights to the European Union, Asian and American countries.

The Tu-204 aircraft, the photo of which can be compared with its images of its predecessors, differs from them in the location of the engines and the massiveness of the structure. Its strength is its ability to fly and land with both engines out of order.

The design of the aircraft uses lightweight and durable composite materials and aluminum alloys, and the shape of the wings and a spacious gas tank located in the tail of the aircraft significantly improve its maneuverability.

For the first time in Russia, the Tu-204 has a remote control system that allows landing in low visibility conditions, which reduces the risk of accidents.

The Tu-204 cockpit is equipped with the latest technology to minimize the pressure on the aircraft's pilots.

There are 6 screens installed on the dashboard, with the help of which pilots fully control the status of the entire aircraft with the support of satellite communications.

Crew cabin

The wings and landing gear of the Tu-204 are made using a special technology that simplifies the flight and landing of the aircraft. The aircraft is equipped with a modern air supply system inside the cabin, produced directly from the ship's compressors. The air temperature is automatically maintained at a given level.

The model's hydraulics consist of pumps driven by an engine.

In case of breakdown there are additional pumps.

The likelihood of an emergency due to icing of engines and their components, as well as the cockpit windshield, is eliminated due to a number of technical improvements.

Leading Soviet, and then Russian and foreign experts in the field of aircraft design were involved in the development. The result exceeded all expectations: the resulting model meets all international standards, has an advantageous design and is economical.

The expected demand for the Tu-204 was accordingly high, and high hopes were placed on the model. It was assumed that this aircraft would completely displace its outdated predecessors and mark the beginning of a qualitatively new level of civil aviation.

However, the aircraft of this model did not live up to the expectations placed on them. First of all, this was hampered by the high cost of the Tu-204 aircraft. It is more than twice as expensive as the Tu-154.

During the years of production, which occurred in the 90s, there was simply no need and opportunity to purchase large quantities of this model.

The number of flights was rapidly declining, and financial problems prevented the purchase of new aircraft models. There is reason to believe that the unsuccessful release period of this model subsequently slowed down its popularization and demand in the market.

To date, the number of Tu-204 units produced is 40 units. Some of them were sold abroad. In modern Russian aviation

Oddly enough, airlines prefer to purchase non-new Boeings to update and replenish their aircraft fleet. Therefore, numerous laudatory reviews of the Tu-204 aircraft did not help it take a leading position in the market.

Red Wings Airlines has the largest number of Tu-204 aircraft. There are six units of this model in its aircraft fleet.

Transaero owns five aircraft of this brand. The Tu-204 could also be found on flights of Perm Airlines, S7-Siberia Airlines, Aviastar and Orenair. The situation of the Tu-204 is complicated by the lack of a large number of produced vehicles.

This is what makes production profitable, but there are few orders for the Tu-204. Some companies planning to purchase these machines subsequently went bankrupt. However, the state is committed to supporting the production of this model. Thus, two units of equipment were ordered by Russian Post.

The advantage of the Tu-204 is that it has a crew of only 2 people, which increases its economic efficiency.

Location of seats on the Tu-204 aircraft

The photo of the Tu-204 interior reflects its convenience and sufficient space for a comfortable flight.

The interior layout of the Tu-204 Red Wings is characterized by the presence of only one type of class - economy.

In total, the board can accommodate 220 passengers. However, seats in different parts of the plane vary in terms of comfort and space. Conventionally, all zones can be divided into several types.

Convenient places

Seats in the first row are traditionally considered good, due to the absence of other passengers in front.

But at the same time, the space between the seats and the partition is limited, which will make flying difficult for tall people.

Rows 9 and 28 have the advantage of only two seats, which will please passengers flying in pairs. There's plenty of room in the front to stretch your legs. However, there are serious restrictions on placement in these seats: due to the close proximity to the emergency exit, pregnant women, elderly people, disabled people and passengers with children will not be seated there. This rule is dictated by safety precautions, since in the event of an emergency there should be adults and healthy people near the emergency exit. Therefore, if you do not meet one of the above points, you will be transferred.

Seats 10A, F and 29 A, F are located next to 9 and 28 on the edges. There are no seats in front of them, so there is more than enough legroom. These seats have no restrictions, so experienced passengers sell them out the fastest.

Places with certain inconveniences

In rows number 8 and 27, it is not possible to change the position of the seat back due to the emergency exit being located behind.

This can create some discomfort for those who cannot sit in one position for a long time and people suffering from back pain.

In row 35, seats C and D are located on the edges of the aisle. Possible inconvenience is created by the proximity of toilets, due to which passengers constantly pass by a large number of people who can touch those sitting.

Bad places

The most uncomfortable seats in the cabin are located at the rear of the plane.

The seats in these seats do not change the position of the backs, and the close proximity of the toilets not only carries the risk of an unpleasant odor, but also increases the concentration of passengers nearby, which is why the noise in these seats interferes with a quiet flight.

Regular places

The remaining places have a standard set of characteristics.

Here, as in the above points, a lot depends, including on the neighbors in the row. You can make a comfortable flight from any seat and vice versa.

In addition to the categories of seats presented above, seats can be divided into categories, the choice of which is determined by the individual needs of each person.

Thus, a seat by the window will brighten up the flight for those who like to look out the window and enjoy the view of the clouds, but it can become unbearable for people with aerophobia. Also, if you need to frequently go to the restroom, such places will create discomfort both for the passenger himself and for his neighbor. The light from the portholes will disturb the sleep of those who sleep in the dark.

Aisle seats are convenient for those who want to often get up and move around the cabin without disturbing the person sitting next to them. When boarding from the aisle, you can get to the exit faster. The advantage of these places also lies in the absence of a neighbor on one side.

However, passengers and flight attendants passing by may inadvertently touch those sitting in the aisle and disturb them. It is convenient to sit in the middle for those who do not want to see the porthole and sit right next to the aisle.

The disadvantages would be having passengers on both sides and having to stand up to allow those sitting by the window to exit.

Choosing the right seat on a Tu-204 plane

To ensure that the flight brings minimal inconvenience, you should take care in advance about your preferences in choosing a seat. The plane's diagram can be visually viewed on the airline's website.

Taking into account the above recommendations, the advantages and disadvantages of each seating area of ​​the cabin, you can choose the seat you need from those available.

This is convenient to do during online check-in or directly at the airport at flight check-in. Airport employees are required to provide free information about the location of seats in the cabin and inform about the availability of unoccupied seats.

If for some reason the seat does not suit you, you can ask the aircraft staff for a transfer, subject to availability of seats. Pay attention to the location of your window seat relative to the cardinal directions.

This way you will not be blinded by the bright sun and will be able to comfortably watch the flight from the porthole window.

In contact with To replace the Tu-154 passenger aircraft on airlines. Produced since 1990 at the Aviastar-SP plant in Ulyanovsk, and also since 1996 at KAPO named after S. P. Gorbunov

in Kazan (modification of Tu-214).

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    Encyclopedic YouTube

    ✪ Tu-204 - at the wrong time, in the wrong place. History and description of the liner

    ✪ The TsPK air fleet was replenished with another Tu-204-300 aircraft

    ✪ Tu-334 is a bird left in the nest. History and description

    ✪ Tu-204-300 received ETOPS120 certificate


History of creation

Choice of concept

The first developments of a new medium-range passenger aircraft to replace the Tu-154 appeared at the Tupolev Design Bureau in 1973, although proposals were put forward for further modernization of the Tu-154, similar to the project for a radical modernization of the Tu-134 - Tu-134D. In the process of working on the new aircraft, many different schemes and layouts were considered, which led to the three-engine scheme of a wide-body aircraft, designated Tu-204. The initial design provided for voluminous luggage spaces for standard containers with cargo; the vehicle became double-decker due to some oversizing of the fuselage, which made it possible to maneuver in operation the ratio of loading between passengers and cargo, and to optimize losses associated with the seasonality of transportation and changes in passenger traffic.

On August 11, 1981, a government decree was issued on the creation of a medium-range aircraft with three D-90 engines and a modern level of fuel consumption. In 1982, the construction of the model was completed, but this project was not found further development. During the development process, the designers abandoned the three-engine option and switched to designing the aircraft using a twin-engine design with engines suspended on pylons under the wing (for the first time in the practice of the Tupolev Design Bureau). The project was completely redesigned and became the basis for the detailed design of the Tu-204.


The use of computer technology has made it possible to optimize the design-power scheme, carry out automated weight control, and also program the process of machining parts on computer numerical control (CNC) machines. Thanks to the use of a program for designing external contours, it was possible to ensure the analytical smoothness of the wing surface with its very complex aerodynamic shape, as well as to increase the accuracy of the lining of the slipway equipment for individual units and moving elements in comparison with the traditional plaz-template method.

When developing the aerodynamic configuration, special attention was paid to the choice of wing contours, as the main element ensuring the aerodynamic efficiency of the aircraft as a whole. When determining the shape of the wing, a complex of APAK calculation programs was used, as well as parametric tests of 26 models of wing options in TsAGI wind tunnels.

In order to reduce weight, the developers decided to widely introduce composite materials based on carbon, glass-organoplastic and hybrid materials into the aircraft design. Together with VIAM, a large amount of experimental work was carried out to study composite materials on samples and experimental products, as a result of which a directive technology for the manufacture of composite parts for the Tu-204 was developed and implemented. The weight of composite materials used on the aircraft amounted to 14% of the weight of the structure.

During the development of the design, other technological innovations were also introduced: long-length monolithic prefabricated panels, wing panels without skin joints, large-sized fuselage skin sheets and improved fasteners, including titanium, were used. The use of long semi-finished products and large-sized sheets made it possible to significantly reduce the number of joints on the fuselage, as a result of which the weight of the structure was reduced and the quality of the external surface of the aircraft was improved. Particular attention was paid to increasing the corrosion resistance of the structure. The thermal and sound insulation scheme has been improved, drainage valves have been installed in the lower part of the pressurized cabin, and the paintwork has been strengthened. The design uses new materials with improved characteristics of toughness, low-cycle fatigue, low crack growth rates, as well as high-strength materials with good fatigue characteristics.

By the time the design was completed, they decided to mass-produce the aircraft at the Ulyanovsk Aviation Industrial Complex (UAIC) named after. D. F. Ustinova (since 1992 CJSC "Aviastar-SP"). The first Tu-204 was built in pilot production in Moscow ANTK im.  A. N. Tupolev

together with UAPC.


Two specially built aircraft were used to conduct endurance and strength tests. Even at the design stage, we switched from calculations for statics to calculations for service life and survivability, which led to a reduction in effective stresses. The experimental “cross” (wing-fuselage), after all static tests and artificially bringing the crack to the calculated (normalized) size, withstood a load of 140% of the calculated one.

The first flight of the experimental Tu-204 took place on January 2, 1989 at the Ramenskoye airfield. The first aircraft was equipped with means of emergency crew rescue; a large amount of various monitoring and recording equipment was installed in the passenger cabin, which was supposed to monitor the operation of all systems and assemblies of the aircraft. The development of serial production of the airliner in Ulyanovsk began back in 1987, so in addition to the prototype, three more pre-production aircraft built by the UAPC took part in the certification tests.

Based on the test results, a number of modifications and improvements in production technology were made to the aircraft design. Much attention is paid to developing new digital aircraft systems. In particular, 23 variants of the automatic on-board steering control system were developed, each of which required not only careful reliability testing, but also flight testing. All this took time; simultaneously with economic difficulties in the country, funding for the program began to decline, which extended the time frame for testing and obtaining a type certificate for the aircraft.

The complete cessation of budget funding in the early 1990s virtually stopped certification testing, and the aircraft still had to undergo operational testing as an integral part of the overall testing of the passenger aircraft before its transfer to the airline.

The operational test program included 250-400 flights with a total flight time of at least 1000 hours. The design bureau's repeated attempts to negotiate a reduction in the scope of operational tests ended in vain. Industry institutes (GosNII GA and GosNII AN) were also left without government funding and were interested in conducting the maximum possible number of flights. Therefore, we decided to earn money on our own by starting cargo transportation at the stage of operational testing itself.

Thanks to the efforts of V. T. Klimov, head of the ZhLIiDB at that time, the decision to combine operational tests with cargo transportation on Tu-204 aircraft was signed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V. S. Chernomyrdin. It became possible to pay for aviation fuel, airport taxes, meteorological support and air navigation, as well as to encourage direct participants in tests at ASTC. 

A. N. Tupolev, LII, GosNII GA, GosNII AN, Aviaregister MAK and other organizations. Thus, only thanks to these timely measures taken, it was possible to close all debts and fully complete operational tests of the Tu-204.


Aircraft of the Tu-204/214 family are cantilever monoplanes of a normal design with a low-swept wing and two turbofan engines mounted on pylons under the wing. The high aspect ratio wing is formed by supercritical profiles, has a negative aerodynamic twist, a positive transverse V angle (4°) and is installed at an angle of 3° 15’ to the fuselage horizontal plane. At the ends of the wing, vertical end wings (VCL) are installed - specially profiled aerodynamic surfaces (winglets) to reduce induced drag.

Tu-204 is one of the few passenger aircraft that, in practice, has confirmed the possibility of safely completing a flight with all engines inoperative. On January 14, 2002, Tu-204-100 aircraft No. 64011 of Siberia Airlines, flying from Frankfurt to Novosibirsk, ran out of fuel 17 km from Omsk airport in difficult weather conditions and made a successful landing with two engines inoperative. No one was injured during landing, and the plane soon returned to service.

Air conditioning system

  • The air conditioning system (ACS) consists of:
  • air extraction and pre-cooling systems;
  • two autonomous lines with independent air cooling units (ACU);
  • air recirculation systems;

temperature regulation, control and monitoring systems.

Air into the air conditioning system is taken from engine compressors or APU. It is possible to connect a ground air conditioner.

The air bleed system provides air supply for pressurization, cooling or heating of the pressurized cabin, heating of the APU, emergency pressurization of hydraulic tanks, as well as air supply to the engine air start starter. Regulation of air temperature in the cockpit and passenger cabins

is carried out automatically in accordance with the setting of the temperature controllers.

  • Control system
  • main fly-by-wire with digital computers;
  • emergency fly-by-wire;
  • emergency mechanical.

The movement of the steering surfaces is carried out by hydraulic drives of the steering control system (SUR). The aircraft of the family are equipped with an automated steering control system (ASCHU), developed with the participation of TsAGI, which is part of the rudder control system. By ensuring stability of controllability characteristics, the control system increases flight safety and significantly facilitates the work of the crew. The RMS complex with ASSHU performs the following functions:

  • ensuring specified characteristics of stability and controllability;
  • automatic balancing of the aircraft using a stabilizer in the longitudinal channel;
  • protection against exceeding operational limits (angle of attack, overload, roll angle, speed);
  • limiting the deflection of the elevator and rudder according to flight modes;
  • automatic control based on signals from the computer flight control system (FCS).

Steering wheel control for pitch and roll is carried out from Y-shaped mini-wheels, and for heading - from pedals. Structurally, the mini-wheel and pedals are installed at the control station, which ensures the placement of internal control wiring in minimal dimensions. The control posts are mechanically connected to each other. In case of jamming, it is possible to disconnect the mechanical wiring between the control posts with the “RELEASE” handle with the choice of priority for controlling the fly-by-wire circuits of the automatic control system from the left or right pilot’s workplace.

The control system provides algorithmic protection against the tail touching the runway, and in the event of engine failure, it automatically deflects the rudder to counter the turning moment.

Power supply system

Sources of electricity are generators (one on each engine), an APU generator, batteries, as well as emergency drive-generators powered by a hydraulic system. On some modifications of aircraft, variable speed generators are installed - constant frequency.

The main power supply system is three-phase alternating current with a voltage of 115/200 V and a stable frequency of 400 Hz.
Secondary power supply system with alternating current voltage of 115/200 V, stable frequency of 400 Hz.
Secondary 27V DC power supply system.


The integrated information alarm system KISS provides current information on multifunctional liquid crystal displays about engine operating parameters, the parameters and status of on-board systems, as well as failures in systems with recommendations for the necessary actions of the crew. KISS also produces warning and emergency sound alarms. At the same time, the KISS collects information for the multichannel parameter recording system (MCRP), which records flight parameters and transmits information to the failure collection and localization system (FAS).

The information necessary for piloting the aircraft is provided by the electronic display system SEI on two pairs of multi-color liquid crystal indicators (the KPI complex flight indicator and the KINO complex navigation situation indicator), located horizontally on the pilots’ instrument panel. The SEI indicators also display video images from internal surveillance cameras.

Flight navigation equipment provides automatic flight control along trajectories specified in the flight plan when flying on equipped and unequipped international and domestic air routes in compliance with RNP requirements (English) Russian and RVSM.

The digital complex of flight navigation equipment includes:

  • aircraft navigation computer system
  • onboard inertial laser navigation system
  • means for measuring altitude-speed parameters and angles of attack
  • air signal system
  • radio navigation and landing systems
  • critical mode warning system (CRS)
  • ground proximity warning system (GPR)
  • weather radar station.

All flight parameters, navigation and meteorological conditions are displayed on the screens of the electronic display system. Information on the screens can be displayed in both metric and imperial units.

Reserve flight instruments - speed indicator, variometer, barometric altimeter, attitude indicator, radiomagnetic indicator, magnetic compass.

Automatic control of the aircraft is carried out by a computer flight control system (VSUP) and a computer traction control system (VSUT).

The VSUP generates automatic aircraft control signals and command indexes of electronic indicators for director control, as well as other information into related systems. The VSUT generates signals to control thrust and move the engine control levers depending on the configuration of the aircraft and the flight parameters specified by the crew or the VSUT.

On-board systems interface with each other using the widely used ARINC 429 interface, which simplifies equipment modernization, including through the use of imported components.

Fuel system

The fuel on the aircraft is placed in caisson tanks formed by the sealed power structure of the aircraft airframe.

  • two tanks of 7000 kg each in the root of the wing (left and right);
  • consumable compartments of 1800 kg each (left and right);
  • two tanks of 3375 kg each in the cantilever part of the wing (left and right);
  • tank with a capacity of 2360 kg in the keel caisson;
  • tank with a capacity of 8800 kg in the center section.

The total fuel mass is 35710 kg. On some special modifications of Tu-204/214 aircraft, additional fuel tanks are installed in the fuselage.

To reduce drag in cruising flight mode, automatic fuel transfer after takeoff is used into the tail tank located in the fin of the aircraft. This allows you to shift the center of mass of the aircraft by 10% of the average aerodynamic chord, thereby reducing losses due to balancing drag.

Hydraulic system

The hydraulic system is designed as three independent subsystems.

The main sources of hydraulic power in hydraulic systems are variable displacement pumps driven by aircraft engines.
Backup sources of hydraulic power are electric pumping stations - one in each hydraulic system.
The emergency source of hydraulic power is a turbopump unit, which is released into the air flow automatically when two engines fail and after two generators are turned off, as well as manually. On the Ulyanovsk Tu-204 it is located on the right side, and on the Kazan Tu-214 - on the left.

Working fluid - NGZh-5U, Skydrol LD-4 or Skydrol 500 B4. Working pressure in the hydraulic system is 210 kgf/cm2.

Anti-icing system (AIS)

The toes of engine air intakes, fan fairings, cockpit windshields, total pressure receivers, and aerodynamic angle sensors are protected from icing.

The wing and tail are not very susceptible to ice growth and are not equipped with an anti-icing system. Among modern long-haul aircraft, the Tu-204 is the only one whose wing does not require an anti-icing system. During the tests, the safety of flights without an anti-icing system on the load-bearing surfaces was confirmed and Russian and European certificates were obtained.


Production of serial aircraft by year:

Supplier cooperation

Developer Manufacturer Supplied components
PJSC Aviadvigatel PJSC “Perm motor plant” PS-90A engines; PS-90A 2 with an additional GSA generator (PSCh) and a BKA contactor unit (Tu-204 SM)
Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce engines RB211-535E4
PJSC NPP Aerosila PJSC NPP Aerosila auxiliary power unit TA-12-60; TA-18-200M (Tu-204 SM)
PJSC "Tehpribor" PJSC "Tehpribor" fuel measurement and alignment complex KTC-2-1, on-board engine control system BSKD-90M
PJSC OKB "Kristall" emergency turbopump unit, fuel system pumps
JSC "Abris" JSC "Abris" engine control and diagnostic unit GEMU-122-5, backup engine parameters indicator
JSC "Aviaagregat" chassis, brake system 75T-271 with a modernized BUPT-24MD unit (Tu-204 SM)
PJSC Aviation Corporation Rubin brake discs, wheels, hydraulic pump, drive-generator, hydraulic system units
JSC Yaroslavl Tire Plant tires
Michelin tires
PJSC "Gidroagregat" remote control system, steering units
PJSC MMZ "Znamya" steering gears
PJSC MMZ "Rassvet" steering gears
PJSC NPO Rodina PJSC NPO Rodina steering gears
OJSC “Ufa instrument production association” systems VSUP-85-3, VSUT-85-3, ASSHU-204M, VSUPT-85-204 (Tu-204 SM)
FSUE "Research Institute of Aviation Equipment" aircraft navigation computer system VSS-95 (VCC-100 - Tu-204SM), integrated radio control panel KPRTS-95M-1
PJSC "Ulyanovsk Instrument Design Bureau" integrated information display system KISS-1-9A, liquid crystal indicators IM-8, critical mode warning system SPKR; integrated electronic indication and signaling system KSEIS-204E and analog and discrete information conversion system SPADI-204 (Tu-204SM)
PJSC "Cheboksary Research and Production Instrument-Making Enterprise "ELARA"" SEI-85 electronic display system units, ASSHU-204M system sensors
PJSC DNII "Volna" PJSC DNII "Volna" entertainment and passenger service system, video surveillance equipment
JSC "LAZEX" JSC "LAZEX" integrated laser-satellite navigation system NSI-2000MT
Honeywell Honeywell inertial navigation system HG2030AE21
OJSC "Kiev Radar Plant" weather navigation radar station MNRLS-85
Honeywell Honeywell weather radar station RDR-4B
JSC "VNIIRA-Navigator" JSC "VNIIRA-Navigator" Ground Proximity Early Warning System (PRWW), radio navigation equipment
Honeywell Honeywell ground proximity early warning system EGPWS
JSC "Experimental plant NIIHIT" rechargeable batteries
VARTA rechargeable batteries
PJSC "Electric machine-building plant "LEPSE"" electrical system components, windshield wiper drives
JSC Aeroelectromash JSC Aeroelectromash electrical system components
PJSC Sarapul Electric Generator Plant generators, rectifiers, electrical system control units
PJSC "Design Bureau of Electrical Products of the 21st Century" external lighting equipment, switching equipment
PJSC "Electroavtomat" switching equipment
PJSC "Ural Electrical Connectors Plant" electrical connectors
CJSC Scientific and Production Center "Research Institute Micropriborov" LED lightening
PJSC NPO Nauka PJSC NPO "Nauka" air conditioning system, automatic pressure control system
PJSC "NPP "Respirator"" PJSC "NPP "Respirator"" oxygen equipment
PJSC "Ufa Plant of Elastomeric Materials, Products and Structures"
Air Cruisers Air Cruisers rescue equipment
PJSC "Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation" water-vacuum waste removal system (UV-1 toilet)
PJSC "Agregat" passenger seats
LLC "Firm AKKO" LLC "Firm AKKO" passenger seats


The Tu-204 was supposed to become as widespread as its predecessor, the Tu-154. However, with the collapse of the USSR, funding for the aviation industry sharply decreased, the planned economy was replaced by a market economy, and the Tu-204 was replaced by imported used cars. Deficiencies in technical support and low production rates led to an increase in the initial development phase of the Tu-204 in service. Often, aircraft had to sit idle waiting for spare parts and components, which entailed increased costs for maintaining airworthiness and an increase in the cost of a flight hour. This was aggravated by the fact that, at the request of Aeroflot, a flight engineer’s seat was left on the plane, and the crew of all modifications of the Tu-204 (except for the Tu-204SM) consists of three people, while on most modern airliners there are two people.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, a number of changes have been made to the design of the Tu-204/214. Airplanes began to be equipped with improved passenger seats and amenities. Avionics and systems have also been updated - a number of blocks and assemblies of Soviet design have been replaced with new Russian or imported ones. In particular, the changes affected the aircraft navigation, flight control, traction, and automatic control systems. Instead of indicators with cathode ray tubes, modern liquid crystal ones are installed.

One aircraft is produced annually for government customers. At the beginning of 2014, aircraft of the Tu-204/214 family form the basis of the aircraft fleet of the government aviation squadron - 13 Tu-204 and Tu-214 aircraft of various modifications are operated in the Rossiya SLO.

The program for creating the most modern modification, Tu-204SM, is supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Implemented technical solutions and design improvements made it possible to reduce the crew to two people and increase the economic efficiency of the Tu-204SM. As part of the implementation of this program, it is expected that new scheme after-sales service and airworthiness maintenance, which should also improve the commercial attractiveness of the new aircraft. The technologies and developments developed on the Tu-204SM are expected to be used in the creation of promising families of passenger aircraft.

At the end of 2013, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said that in the next five years to various airlines 20 Tu-204SM aircraft can be delivered.

On December 22, 2015, the Iranian airline Kish Air announced that it could purchase from Russia up to 15 Tu-204SM aircraft intended for transporting passengers and cargo on long-haul airlines. .

On December 26, 2015, Tupolev PJSC announced that it was “ready to provide Iran with a license to produce its aircraft.”

In December 2016, Deputy Chief Designer of JSC Tupolev Stanislav Ryzhakov announced the existence of a large-scale project “to create a cargo fleet of Tu-204 family aircraft for the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post” (including for transportation from MMPO Mirny). On February 22, 2017, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it “ replace the old...Tu-154 with...Tu-214.” It is planned to purchase “dozens of machines in total.” June 6, 2017 Chief of Aviation of the National Guard Troops Russian Federation Lieutenant General Alexander Ivanovich Afinogentov reported that “The Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation has approved target figures for planning the state arms program for 2018-2025, including on the purchase of new aircraft. It is proposed to purchase aircraft...Tu-204-300.”


Since the start of serial production (1990), 81 Tu-204 aircraft of various modifications have been manufactured. As of January 2017, 43 aircraft of the Tu-204 family were in operation.

Current Operators

airline modification current ordered in storage
2 x 204-120С 3 0 2
204-100С 1 0 1
204-120F 0 4 0
204-120CE 0 2 0
204 4 2 4
204 0 0 2
12 0 0
1 x 204-100E 3 0 1
1x 204-300
1x 204-100
2 0 0
204-100 8 0 0
204-100C 2

Despite the significant loss of time, the Tu-204 passenger aircraft, according to experts, has good operational and export potential. In terms of its main indicators, it is not inferior to the leading foreign analogues of Boeing and Airbus in terms of commercial success (primarily this concerns the last of more than twenty modifications, the “three hundred”) and has an important competitive advantage for domestic operators in the form of a more affordable prices. The Tu-204 project was born in difficult times and took a long time to perfect, but today it is successfully used by several airlines.

Start of the project

The development of the project for a new airliner was initiated by Minister I. S. Silaev in 1982, and a year earlier, the government decree as a whole formulated the main task assigned to the Design Bureau named after. A. N. Tupolev. This passenger aircraft, previously named Tu-204, was supposed to meet the future requirements of international air carriers, and therefore be similar in appearance to foreign models that marked the main trend in the development of aviation technology. Similar characteristics provide for identical approaches to achieving them. This is what happened with the Tu-204. The design of a monoplane with a low-lying long swept wing and two engines suspended from it on pylons is atypical for the Tupolev team; in this case it was used by them for the first time. This does not mean that plagiarism took place (in fact, Boeing and Airbus are also very similar in layout). However, the design included many technological innovations from the very beginning.

Constructive innovations

The designers were the first to use the automated “Diana” system, with the help of which they were able to quickly and efficiently calculate the airframe’s power elements for stress, deformation and vibration frequencies. The design used many revolutionary composite polymer materials at that time, seamless skin and other interesting approaches that significantly improved the aerodynamics of the fuselage and planes. Completely new technologies for the domestic aircraft industry were first introduced on the Tu-204. This applies to the fly-by-wire control system, electronic digital control of engine modes, digital computer units and many other innovations that were not used on previous generations of aircraft.

At the same time, the designers placed great importance on reliability. In case of failure, a fourfold redundancy of the aircraft control system is provided.


Fine-tuning, taking into account the comments of representatives of the airlines that operated the Tu-204, led to the appearance of two dozen variations of the aircraft. They differ from each other in power plants, flight characteristics, on-board electronics and even size. Thus, the Tu-204-100 modification has a greater carrying capacity compared to the base model (take-off weight - 103 tons with a flight range of 4.6 thousand km) and is designed for 210 passengers. “Dvuhsotka” (the second name of the Tu-214 aircraft) has additional fuel tanks. The Tu-204-120 was also produced (5 copies were made) - it was equipped with imported avionics, and the power plant was equipped with Rolls-Royce engines. This variant was supplied to Egypt for Cairo Aviation.

The specific requirements of the domestic air carrier Vladivostok Air, which operates long-haul flights, prompted the design bureau to create a “long-range” version of the Tu-214-300, capable of covering the distance from Vladivostok to Moscow or St. Petersburg. There are also modifications built for the presidential administration's fleet.

General comfort

Initially, the aircraft was created for operation on domestic and international routes, so a lot of attention was paid to comfort. The interior and layout are well thought out, the seats are ergonomically impeccable (even in the economy class cabin), and all conditions have been created to meet the needs of passengers during long-distance flights, including through the best household, sanitary and kitchen equipment. According to reviews, the lighting system, mounted in such a way as to create unobtrusive but effective illumination, deserves high praise. Each passenger has a personal video entertainment center built into the back of the front seat.

Seating arrangement

The variety of modifications involves different internal layouts, as well as a different number of passengers carried for all variants of the Tu-204 aircraft. The cabin of the base model was designed for 210 people, the Tu-204-100 accommodates from 176 to 194 seats, and the Tu-204-300 has 157 seats. There is, of course, more space in the business salon. But economy class, according to travelers, also provides an acceptable level of comfort that meets the world standards of air transportation that the creators of the Tu-204 strived for. The cabin layout is described by the formula “3 - 3” (tourist) and “2 - 2” in business class with an aisle width of at least 81 cm. Any layout is possible upon individual order.

Comments and complaints

Early modifications suffered from a serious drawback due to the low quality of the insulating layer (which, by the way, was purchased abroad). During the flight, moisture condensed, which then thawed and fell abundantly on the heads of passengers like light rain. Currently, according to reviews, this problem has been completely eliminated.

Despite the fact that the Tu-204 aircraft has all the certificates for international flights, including those regarding noise levels, there were complaints that the air conditioning system was too loud, which would not have been so noticeable if the engines were not so quiet. Other comments regarding convenience, if there were any, were of a subjective nature. The low location of the engine nacelles under the wing makes flying the Tu-204 more comfortable. Passenger seats are located at a higher level, so, according to customers, noise is felt to a lesser extent.

Commercial prospects

Unfortunately, the time when it was formed aircraft fleet domestic airlines, turned out to be very difficult for the Russian aircraft industry, which was experiencing a crisis caused by the collapse of the USSR. In the nineties to the market air transport Western “second-hand” goods were actively promoted, cheaper and quite profitable to use. Now the situation has changed and improved, but lost opportunities are always more difficult to regain than to win. In all respects, the completed Tupolev Tu-204 (and it continues to improve) is in no way inferior to its Western counterparts. It has economical, low-noise engines, a powerful and durable airframe. "Trekhsotka" can make intercontinental flights. There is reason to believe that Russian and foreign airlines will begin to more actively order Tu-204 aircraft. The interior layout and comfort conditions meet the most stringent international standards, as evidenced by numerous passenger reviews. Currently, 42 machines of this type are in operation.

Tu-204 is a Soviet/Russian medium-range narrow-body passenger aircraft created by specialists from the Tupolev Design Bureau. The aircraft was originally developed to replace its predecessor, the Tu-154, on airlines. Production of the aircraft began in 1990 at the Aviastar-SP plant in Ulyanovsk; starting in 1996, modifications of the Tu-214 were also carried out at KAPO named after S.P. Gorbunov in Kazan. Based on the basic version of the Tu-204, approximately 20 different modifications of the aircraft were created in our country, which differ from each other in flight characteristics, purpose, equipment and type of engines. The Tu-204/214 family of aircraft today includes passenger, cargo, specialized and VIP modifications.

The aircraft, which was supposed to become no less popular than the old Tu-154, could not repeat its fate. In total, 1026 Tu-154 aircraft of various modifications were produced in our country. The Tu-204, which was supposed to replace it on the same airlines, produced only 77 units (since the start of mass production in 1990). Moreover, as of January 1, 2015, only 42 aircraft of this family were in operation, which is even less than the number of Tu-154s still in operation (60 units), most of which belong to the Russian Air Force - 19 aircraft. This sad state of affairs is largely due to the moment the aircraft appeared, which coincided with the collapse of the USSR. Along with the disappearance of the country, the civil aviation industry also declined. Incomes of the population collapsed, as a result of a catastrophic drop in the volume of air transportation of passengers within the country.

It is worth noting that the Tu-204 passenger airliner was a qualitatively new generation of the domestic aircraft industry. When developing this aircraft, the designers tried to take into account all possible requirements of modern aircraft construction, as well as international standards. The designers initially made sure that their aircraft was economical and quiet, while meeting all international environmental requirements. Initially, the aircraft developers from the Tupolev Design Bureau believed that the aircraft would be as successful as the Tu-154 and would replace it in the carriers’ fleet. However, in the 1990s, air travel in Russia declined very significantly, which in turn led to few orders of new Russian passenger aircraft. The problems of the 90s of the last century prevented the implementation of all the plans that concerned this machine, and continue to affect them to this day in the 21st century.

Currently, the main customer of these aircraft is the Rossiya flight squad of the Presidential Administration. The detachment has 12 aircraft of this type in its fleet, and 3 more aircraft (Tu-214SR) have been ordered. In total, various government agencies and airlines, including foreign ones, have ordered about fifty aircraft of this type. Among the largest commercial companies, customers of these Tupolev aircraft, one can highlight the Red Wings company, which already has a fleet of 10 aircraft of this class (2 in storage) and has placed an order for another 10 aircraft in the most modern modification of the Tu-204SM. Foreign operators of the aircraft include Egypt, Cuba and North Korea.

creations and design features

Back in the first half of the 1970s, the Tupolev Design Bureau decided to develop a comprehensive program for the further development of passenger aviation in the country. It was intended to create an open unified basic design of a mainline aircraft, on the basis of which in the future it would be possible to acquire the entire range of mainline aircraft, from short-haul to long-haul aircraft, from small-passenger aircraft to huge airbuses designed to transport hundreds of passengers by air. Research in this direction was carried out for several years, after which the design bureau decided to focus on creating the basic design of a modern medium-haul passenger plane Tu-204, which would meet all the requirements for aircraft of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

By the mid-1980s, the design bureau had finally developed the design of the new airliner; it was decided to make the aircraft in a twin-engine version. Initially, the car was supposed to have three engines, like the Tu-154, but it was decided to abandon this scheme, settling on the option with two engines suspended on pylons under the wings of the airliner. For the Tupolev Design Bureau, such an engine layout scheme was used for the first time at that time. The plane was supposed to carry 212-214 passengers on routes of approximately 3,500 km. Initially, the Tupolev Design Bureau set very high requirements for this project, both in terms of operational, flight, and economic characteristics.

The aircraft being created had to meet all international standards and successfully compete with foreign analogues. A high technical level in the creation of a new passenger aircraft was achieved through careful development of the aerodynamic perfection of the aircraft, especially the wing of the airliner, the use of highly economical turbofan engines with a high bypass ratio, and the achievement of high weight perfection of the design of the airliner and its individual components and assemblies using the latest technologies and materials. All this together allowed the designers to achieve 1.5-2 times better fuel efficiency of the Tu-204 compared to its predecessor, the Tu-154 passenger airliner.

In 1987, preparations for the production of the first Tu-204 began at the local aircraft plant in Ulyanovsk. The first prototype of this model was ready in 1988, and in 1989 the aircraft first took to the skies. Full complex aircraft testing was completed after the collapse of the USSR in 1993. At the same time, the Ulyanovsk company Aviastar did not wait for the end of the tests and began production of the Tu-204 back in 1990. In January 1995, the new passenger aircraft received an airworthiness certificate from the Russian Federation. The airliner's first flight took place on the route Moscow - Mineral water.

When creating the Tu-204 aircraft, close cooperation was organized between many domestic scientific centers. Thanks to this cooperation, the aircraft received a large number of advantages over its counterparts of that time period. One of the main features of the aircraft were highly efficient wings with supercritical profiles, as well as vertical surfaces that made it possible to increase aerodynamics at the ends of the consoles. At the same time, the entire fuselage of the passenger aircraft was made using new high-strength aluminum alloys, and the parts of the aircraft body were connected using riveting.

Modern composite materials were widely used in the design of the aircraft; their share was approximately 18%. In addition, this model of passenger aircraft became the first in Russia to implement a fly-by-wire control system. This system is able to automatically land the aircraft even in the most difficult weather conditions. And to make the work of the aircraft crew more comfortable, a system called the “dark cabin” was used. This system reduces the workload on pilots.

The Tu-204 aircraft used a domestic avionics system and used 6 displays. The screens of these displays display all the information necessary for pilots: about the flight status and all the functional details of the aircraft. This system can automatically diagnose all equipment on board, and also provides the aircraft with satellite communications. Innovations also touched upon the design of the airliner wing. Double-slit flaps appeared in the wing, as well as slats that run along the leading edge of the aircraft wing. The aircraft's landing gear was also manufactured using new technologies.

The designers also took care of the air supply system for the entire cabin of the aircraft; it turned out to be well thought out. The main task of this system is the selection and subsequent cooling of air that passes through two independent lines. This system is able to automatically maintain optimal air temperature on board the aircraft. A special feature of the system is that the air that enters the middle part of the aircraft is taken directly from the engine compressors.

On this moment Currently, the most advanced modification of the aircraft is the Tu-204SM. The Tu-204SM passenger aircraft is superior to its predecessors from the Tu-204 family in flight performance and navigation characteristics, while it fully complies with global requirements for efficiency, operational manufacturability and comfort, including the requirements of the fourth Chapter of ICAO standards for aircraft noise levels on the ground. In addition, the Tu-204SM airliner implemented a concept called “electronic board”, which implies a significant degree of automation of aircraft control processes at all stages of flight, which made it possible to reduce the crew from three to two people (the flight mechanic was removed), as on other modern aircraft similar class. Compared to the basic versions of the aircraft, the Tu-204SM managed to improve fuel efficiency and operational manufacturability by 10-12%. The aircraft can stay in the air for up to 9 hours without refueling, carrying 194 passengers over a range of up to 4.8 thousand kilometers.

Passengers of the Tu-204SM airliner were provided with an excellent level of individual comfort: the cabin uses noise-absorbing structures that ensure low noise levels during flight, and there are spacious luggage racks. The aircraft has video and audio systems designed to entertain passengers during the flight, as well as lighting and lighting equipment using LEDs. According to experts, the Tu-204SM is the most competitive and successful model in the line of these machines. At the same time, it can easily compete with its foreign counterparts - Airbus A320/321 and Boeing 737.

Possible contract with Iran

Iran once showed interest in the Tu-204SM aircraft. In April 2014, information appeared that the UAC (United Aircraft Corporation) could continue its negotiations with Tehran regarding supplies passenger airliners Tu-204SM. UAC President Yuri Slyusar spoke about this in particular at the II Congress of Aircraft Manufacturers, which was held in Ulyanovsk. Yuriy Slyusar explained that enough time had passed since the parties discussed this project. Now we need to update it and place new emphasis. We hope that the existing advantages, including technological cooperation, which we once offered Iran, as well as the possibility of import independence, will make this project attractive to our Iranian partners. The President of the United Aircraft Corporation clarified that we are talking about the supply of Russian passenger airliners with the possibility of assembly, customization and production of individual components and parts at the Iranian aircraft plant in the city of Isfahan. At the same time, there are plans to supply up to 5 Tu-204SM aircraft to Iran annually, and negotiations are underway on the supply of these passenger airliners with Cuba.

It is worth noting that the contract for the supply of passenger airliners assembled at the Ulyanovsk aircraft plant was concluded between the leasing company Ilyushin Finance Co and Iran Air Tour in 2009. However, the plans of the parties were disrupted after the US State Department imposed sanctions on Iran. The American aircraft engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney, which is one of the shareholders of the Perm Engine Plant, which produces PS-90A2 engines for the Tu-204SM aircraft, stated that the sale of Tu-204SM aircraft with jointly created PS-90A2 engines to Iran is impossible. In February 2014, Yuri Slyusar, who then still served as the country’s Deputy Minister of Industry, noted that the intellectual rights to the PS-90A2 engines were purchased from an American company.

Interesting Facts

The Tu-204 passenger aircraft is one of the few aircraft that, in practice, had to confirm the possibility of safely completing a flight with all engines inoperative. On January 14, 2002, a Tu-204-100 aircraft belonging to Siberia Airlines, flying from Frankfurt to Novosibirsk, in difficult weather conditions, ran out of fuel 17 kilometers from Omsk airport, where it managed to make a successful landing with two inoperative at that time. engines. However, none of the passengers on the aircraft were injured, and the aircraft itself was soon returned to service.

The wing and empennage of the Tu-204/214 aircraft are not very susceptible to ice growth and are not equipped with an anti-icing system. Among all modern long-haul aircraft, the Tu-204 is the only aircraft whose wing does not require an anti-icing system. As a result of the tests, the absolute safety of flights on the Tu-204 without such a system on the load-bearing surfaces was confirmed, and European and Russian certificates were obtained.

Flight characteristics (Tu-204SM - Airbus A321 - Boeing 737-900):

Number of passengers: 176-194 - 185-220 - 177-189.
Aircraft length: 46.1 m - 44.51 m - 42.11 m.
Fuselage width: 3.8 m - 3.95 m - 3.76 m.
Wingspan: 41.8 m - 34.1 m - 35.8 m.
Wing area: 182.4 m2 - 122.6 m2 - 124.6 m2.
Flight range with maximum load: 4200 km - 4000 km - 4996 km
Maximum take-off weight: 105 t - 85 t - 85.1 t.
Cruising speed: 850 km/h - 840 km/h - 925 km/h.
Ceiling: 12,200 m - 12,000 - 12,500 m.
Runway length: 1950 m - 2090 m - 2400 m.
Fuel efficiency: 19.25 g/passenger km - 18.5 g/passenger km - 22.4 g/passenger km (gallons per passenger kilometer).
Crew - 2 people.

Information sources:

Tu-204 is a Soviet and Russian narrow-body medium-range aircraft, the development of which began at the Tupolev Design Bureau back in the mid-70s of the last century. This machine made its first flight only at the beginning of 1989.

This aircraft was intended to replace the outdated Tu-154, developed back in the 60s.

The Tu-204 aircraft became the founder of a whole family of passenger and cargo vehicles. Depending on the modification, it can carry 164-215 passengers over a distance of up to 5920 km. The production of the Tu-204 was launched at the Ulyanovsk Aviastar plant and the Kazan Aviation Plant (KAPO). In total, since the start of mass production, 83 aircraft of various modifications have been manufactured. In 2007, the cost of one airliner was $35 million.

Currently, the Tu-204 passenger aircraft is actively used, and not only in Russia. It operates regular flights all over the world, including the European Union, Northern and South America. The airliner has passed all the necessary certifications and fully complies with ICAO requirements. The machine meets all modern requirements regarding noise levels, emissions of harmful substances and safety, and in terms of reliability and efficiency it is not inferior to the best foreign analogues.

Currently, the largest operator of the Tu-204 is the government air squadron "Russia", which operates 12 aircraft. Two airliners are used by the North Korean company Air Koryo, and three more by the Cuban Cubana.

The latest and most advanced modification of the aircraft is the Tu-204SM airliner, which first took to the skies in 2010.

History of the Tu-204

Work on the creation of a new passenger aircraft, which in the future was named Tu-204, began back in 1973. A lot of time was spent defining the concept of the future machine, its layout and layout. The first was a project for an aircraft with two engines in the tail, which was very close to the design of the serial Tu-134 and Tu-154. However, after a few years, the concept was changed; now an aircraft similar in its layout to the American airliners MD-10 and L-1011 was considered. A significant amount of work was done on this project; the designers proposed several options for both the airframe design and the power plant of the future airliner. The idea of ​​“family” was interesting: the developers, based on one basic modification of the aircraft, proposed creating both a short-haul airliner to replace the Tu-134 and Yak-42, and medium-haul aircraft with a flight range of up to 4 thousand km.

In August 1981, a government decree was adopted on the creation of a medium-range Tu-204 aircraft with three D-90 engines.

In the same year, Silaev was appointed Minister of Aviation Industry of the USSR. He demanded the creation of a passenger aircraft that would not be inferior in its characteristics and level of comfort to the then-newest medium-range Boeing 757. Once again, the design of the aircraft was changed, now it became twin-engine. The new technical specifications were approved only at the end of 1983, and in 1986 a decree of the USSR Council of Ministers was issued, according to which tests of the machine were to begin in 1988, and operation of the airliner in the first years of the next decade.

Soon the place of serial production was determined: it was to become the Ulyanovsk Aviation Association. In 1987, the company began preparations for the production of the machine. Already in 1988, the first prototype of the aircraft was manufactured, and on January 2, 1989, the prototype Tu-204 finally took off.

The results of the tests were significant modifications to the aircraft, as well as a number of improvements to the production process. At this time, due to the deterioration of the general economic situation in the country, funding for the program began to shrink, and in the early 90s it was almost completely stopped. Only the personal intervention of Prime Minister Chernomyrdin made it possible to find funds and complete the testing program. This happened in 1993, but even before the certification of the aircraft was completed, Aviastar began serial production of the Tu-204. The aircraft received a Russian airworthiness certificate only in 1995.

Operation of Tu-204

The Tu-204 passenger plane was unlucky. Not only did this machine take a very long time to create, but its first steps into the sky fell during a very difficult period for the country. In the 90s, the standard of living of ordinary Russians fell sharply; very few could afford air travel. Accordingly, passenger traffic and airline revenues dropped significantly. In addition, used imported cars have poured into the Russian market en masse.

The decrease in production rates led to a shortage of spare parts and components for the Tu-204, which further increased the cost of its operation.

Trying to somehow rectify the situation, the Tupolev team developed several new modifications of the vehicle: Tu-204-120, Tu-204-200 and Tu-204-300. In the new aircraft, avionics and a number of other systems of Soviet design were replaced with more advanced Russian or foreign analogues. LCD screens appeared in the cockpit, and significant changes were made to the control systems. The interior of the Tu-204 aircraft has become more comfortable.

However, with small-scale production it is very difficult to achieve serious profitability of the aircraft. It is no less difficult to create a viable after-sales service system in such conditions. It is because of this that the Tu-204 is not popular with commercial airlines, who prefer to buy imported aircraft (new or used). Although, in terms of its flight performance characteristics, the Tupolev aircraft is in no way inferior to its foreign counterparts. Air carriers themselves have repeatedly stated this.

Currently, the largest operator of the Tu-204 is the special flight squad "Russia", which uses 12 aircraft of this type. In 2016, information appeared about plans for a large-scale purchase of Tu-204 cargo trucks for Russian Post, and at the beginning of 2017, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced its desire to replace the outdated Tu-154 with Tu-204. It is likely that this vehicle will be included in the state weapons program.

In 2015, the Iranian airline Kish Air announced its plans to purchase the Tu-204. We were talking about a batch of 15 aircraft. Later, representatives of Tupolev PJSC expressed their readiness to begin licensed production of the Tu-204 in Iran.

Modification of Tu-204SM

In 2010, the first flight of the Tu-204SM aircraft took place, which is the most modern modification in this family of aircraft. It is on this airliner that Russian aircraft manufacturers place their greatest hopes.

Compared to the basic modification of the Tu-204-100, this aircraft has a higher take-off weight, a new set of on-board equipment, and modified fuel, energy and hydraulic systems. On the Tu-204SM the crew is reduced to two people (the flight engineer is excluded), which is a worldwide practice on aircraft of this class. In addition, this modification received more advanced PS-90A2 engines, characterized by lower operating costs. The interior of the passenger compartment has also been improved.

Serial production of the Tu-204SM began in the second half of 2013.

Description of design

The Tu-204 is made according to a normal aerodynamic design; it is a cantilever low-wing aircraft with two turbofan engines, which are installed in pylons under the wing. The aircraft has a tricycle retractable landing gear with a nose gear. The wing mechanization of the Tu-204 consists of slats and double-slotted flaps.

Composite materials are widely used in the aircraft design, their share is 18%.

Tu-204 became the first domestic aircraft of this class with a fly-by-wire control system (EDCS).

The aircraft is equipped with a comprehensive information alarm system, which displays information on the operation of all aircraft systems on screens in the cockpit, warns of failures and malfunctions, and provides recommendations for their elimination. They also display the data necessary to pilot the aircraft. Moreover, information can be provided in both the British and metric units. The flight and navigation complex includes an on-board inertial navigation system, means for measuring altitude-speed parameters and angles of attack, landing systems, warning of critical conditions and collisions in the air, as well as a weather radar station.

The aircraft's fuel system consists of several caisson tanks, two of which are consumable. The total fuel mass is 35710 kg. Interesting feature The design of the Tu-204 is the presence of a system for pumping fuel into the tail tank during flight. This allows you to shift the center of mass of the car and improve its aerodynamic characteristics.

The aircraft's power plant consists of two PS-90A engines, the maximum thrust of which is 16 thousand kgf.


Since the start of mass production, a large number of modifications of the aircraft have been created:

  • Tu-204. Basic modification. The take-off weight of the vehicle is 94.6 tons;
  • Tu-204-100. The aircraft has a take-off weight of 103 tons and can accommodate up to 210 passengers. Flight range - 4600 km;
  • Tu-204-200. Modification with additional fuel tanks, which provides a longer flight range;
  • Tu-204-100E. The aircraft has PS-90A engines, a maximum take-off weight of 105 tons and an English-language cockpit;
  • Tu-204-100V. Tu-204-100E version with Russian-language cockpit;
  • Tu-204-100V-04. Modification of the Tu-204-100V, which is equipped with engines that meet ICAO noise requirements;
  • Tu-204-120. Modification of the base model with Rolls-Royce RB211-535E4 engines and foreign avionics;
  • Tu-204-300. An aircraft with a shorter fuselage compared to the base model and an increased flight range. Can accommodate up to 162 passengers. The maximum take-off weight of the Tu-204-300 is 107.5 tons;
  • Tu-204-300A. A modification with a maximum range of up to 9600 km and a luxury interior. It has a shower cabin, satellite communication, and adjustable lighting. The aircraft can accommodate up to 26 passengers and is intended for administrative transportation;
  • Tu-214. A modification with a take-off weight increased to 110.75 tons. On its basis, several special versions have been developed intended for the country's top leadership: Tu-214PU (control center), Tu-214SUS (plane-communication center), Tu-214SR (plane- repeater). There is also a reconnaissance aircraft Tu-214R and Tu-214ON, designed to perform observation flights;
  • Tu-204SM is an updated version of the Tu-204.