Strange airport. Denver Airport: New World Order Denver Airport Underground City


Article One: The Denver Airport Mystery

Anyone entering the Denver, Colorado Airport will likely be shocked by what they see. This place is the subject of many suspicions and questions that have not yet been answered. All buildings are literally permeated with gloomy and inexplicable symbolism that catches everyone’s eye.

Denver International Airport opened in 1995, despite already operating major airport Stapleton. Its creators convinced the public of the need to build a new airport, citing arguments that the city needed new airport, which will be able to carry more passenger traffic, will be technically more advanced and more convenient for passengers.

However, if the newly built airport is superior to the old one, it is its colossal cost of $4 billion in 1994 prices and its enormous area (twice the size of Manhattan). Perhaps it was needed to place its runways in the form of a Nazi swastika (yes, yes, if you look at the complex using google maps, then you can easily see this for yourself), however, even with such a completely unique location of its runways, DIA (Denver International Airport) still has a huge territory at its disposal.

As for everything else, the new airport has fewer runways than Stapleton, fewer gates (111 versus 84), and is located far from the city (25 miles), which raises some questions as to whether the construction of the new Denver Airport was intended to hide something else.

Pale Horse of the Apocalypse

What is this? The Pale Horse of the Apocalypse or the Trojan Horse of the New World Order?

What does it mean? The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this terrible (at least for an airport) work was this: The Pale Horse of the Apocalypse, the fourth horse in the book of Revelation in the Bible, whose name is death.

And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider, whose name was “death”; and hell followed him; and power was given to him over the fourth part of the earth - to kill with the sword, and with famine, and with pestilence, and with the beasts of the earth.

In other words, the horse whose name is “Death” entails killing people with weapons, hunger and disease. Pretty extreme for a family airport, right? At first glance, it doesn't look like the right place was chosen for the horse. However, you will soon realize that it goes perfectly with everything else at the airport.

Fact: The sculpture, unveiled in 2008, was commissioned from the controversial Mexican-American sculptor Luis Jimenez in 1993, two years before the airport opened. He continued working on this colossal sculpture until 2006, when he was killed... the body of his devilish horse falling on him. As a result, his sons completed the work on the statue.

Denver horse's eyes glow at night

Just twenty years ago, ordinary Americans could not even imagine that in the very center of the country, where the great plain meets the Rocky Mountains, the pale horse of death awaits them. Even today, the vast majority of Americans are unwilling to use their brains to ask why a devilish-looking horse with bulging veins and red, glowing-in-the-dark eyes greets everyone arriving at Denver International Airport?

There is, of course, an explanation for the vegetables - they say that this scary horse symbolizes the wild horse that is depicted in the logo of the local football team, the Denver Broncos. However, even a cursory glance is enough to understand that these two images have nothing in common with each other, as well as the obvious fact that the creator did not invest positive energy into this sculpture. However, the very fact of the existence of such a strange work of art could simply be noted as a curiosity, but upon closer examination it turns out that this horse of the Apocalypse is just one of the elements of the strange and frightening occult Masonic surroundings that literally permeate the gigantic complex of buildings at the Denver airport .

It is possible that in addition to the main goal, this complex has another, hidden goal, no less important, and perhaps more important, than the main one. What does the sculpture of the devil's horse, as it is called, clearly indicate? local residents and eyewitnesses.

However, before we delve further into the dark symbolism scattered throughout here, we'll focus on the numbers first. Believe me, there is a lot of interesting stuff here too:

Facts: Denver International Airport is the only major airport in the United States, built in the last 25 years and covering 33,457 acres (twice the size of Manhattan), far larger than any other airport in the United States.

Costing $4.8 billion in 1994 dollars (an increase of $2 billion over original estimates), the airport is without a doubt one of the most significant facilities in the world.

The length of baggage conveyor lines and underground roads for baggage transporters, hidden in special tunnels, is 19 miles (30 km). They are so large that trucks can easily drive through them, and many of them still remain unused.

The 60,000 m2 roof, made of woven fiberglass coated with Teflon, would serve as a fancy set for a movie like Dune, thanks to the fact that it consists of many spiky tent-like structures.

The airport is equipped with 5,300 miles of fiber optic communications. This is longer than the Nile River and approximately equal to the straight line distance from New York to Buenos Aires, Argentina! The airport also has a communications network of 11,365 miles of copper cable. No other airport in the United States, or most likely the rest of the world, even busier than DIA, has anything like it.

Despite the fact that the valley where the complex is located is almost flat (with stunning views of the Rocky Mountains), significant time during construction was spent significantly lowering some areas of the ground and raising others. They moved 110 million cubic yards of soil! By the way, this is about a third of the amount of soil that was moved during the construction of the Panama Canal. I have never heard of such extensive earthworks during the construction of any other airports. And you? Meanwhile, it is known that a huge underground complex is located under the airport.

Separate contractors were hired to build each part of the complex, all of whom were terminated immediately after their work was done. Many skeptics claim that this was done in order to hide the second and main purpose of the project.

The fuel system is capable of pumping 1,000 gallons of jet fuel per minute through a 28-mile network of pipelines. There are also 6 huge fuel tanks, each containing 2.73 million gallons of jet fuel. This is completely absurd for an ordinary commercial airport. I would like to know why they need all this?
Granite, worth 2 billion (!) dollars, which was used in decoration, was imported from all parts of the world: Asia, Africa, Europe, Northern and South America: This is what the floor of the main terminal is made of. Paul for two billion?! Isn't it a ridiculous expense, especially when you're already not within your budget? The creators of the airport say that “...the floor pattern echoes the roof design and at a subtle level supports the flow of passengers “flowing along the granite floor.” Yes, yes, those same subliminal messages, and strange writings on the floor... However, one must think that the floor would have looked no worse if the material for it had been brought from somewhere closer. How many of us can distinguish Chilean granite from Chinese? And how many people even think about what the floor is made of: after all, all they need is to walk on it and not miss their flight. I wonder what people who believe that stones have power (I mean the belief system of members of various secret societies) think about this?

However, the most interesting thing about it all is the shocking frescoes, mysterious signs and inscriptions in known and unknown languages, on the walls, floors, as well as strange artifacts located inside and outside. Take a look at all this and decide for yourself, is there any need for them for the airport itself?

A huge number of people are convinced: International Airport Denver (DIA) is built for the New World Order. They are convinced that the DIA will have to serve as the headquarters of the new world order, as well as an underground refuge for the elite, a military base and a giant concentration death camp. This reality means that DMA could also serve as a mass extermination center for the New World Order.

interesting: Well-known TV presenter Jesse Ventura, in his program dedicated to the 2012 problem, claims that the Denver Airport was built for the sole purpose of disguising the construction of a colossal complex of underground structures built as a refuge for members of the American elite. And also as a command post for the Western Sector of the New World Order.

Memorial plaque (capstone) in Denver

However, the airport is unusual not only from above, because in addition to the utilitarian load, this complex also carries an obviously occult one. The prophetic symbolism of the dark cult, which tells us about the approach of the New World Order (in which the entire population of the earth will be united under the leadership of a single world government), literally permeates the entire complex. If you open the website of the GOOGLE search engine and type two words “denver airport” there, then the search engine will immediately in the first line helpfully offer you “denver airport conspiracy” (Denver airport conspiracy), and after that everything else (schedule, map, hotels , weather). This is because, since its creation, the airport in Denver has given rise to a lot of speculation, rumors, most of which agree that the airport in Denver is one of the symbols of the onset of the world order, which will come after the world elite arranges mass genocide on the planet, as a result of which the world's population will be reduced to 500 million people.

Top of the plaque in Denver

Inexplicable signs and symbols on the floor and walls of the structure confuse visitors. For example, in the most prominent place in the main hall of the airport, which, by the way, is called the Great Hall, like meeting rooms in Masonic lodges, there is something similar to the control panel of a futuristic starship of aliens from a distant planet, which, upon closer inspection, turns out to be a memorial plaque, however, also very strange:

Even more surprising is the inscription written on the board, signed by a certain commission of the New World Airport. Have you heard of such an organization before? No? Me too... Because such an organization does not exist in nature. Then why does she appear on the memorial plaque as the creator of this airport?

What does this mean Austrailian Antigen or gold and silver?

The granite floor of the airport is also imbued with strange symbolism, many strange symbols: one in particular caught our attention: a sign on which the letters AU AG are written, some believe that these letters simply mean gold and silver. Maybe, but - one of the sponsors of the new airport is Nobel laureate in the field of medicine Baruch Samuel Blumberg, who discovered a new deadly disease called Australian Antigen, you probably already guessed that it is also called AU AG. Coincidence? Perhaps, but we will have to accept another coincidence: this plaque is placed on the floor directly opposite the mural on the wall, which is called “Genocide”.

Fresco genocide

The floor contains copper inserts depicting strange artifacts (you already read about the words Au Ag above), extinct animals found in the surrounding area, as well as words in American Indian languages ​​that have mystical meaning. Or for example, next to the memorial plaque in the floor you can see a headless Indian on something resembling rails.. What does this mean? Is this related to the symbolic image of the guillotine on the fresco, which we wrote about above? But you will not find any information board that will explain to you the content of these inserts (as well as all the other oddities at the airport), which makes us just cheerfully step through it all, with the words: wow, why is all this here, is it really all for us ?

In peace and harmony with nature...after genocide

In peace and harmony with nature is a composition of frescoes, one of which depicts frightening pictures of death and destruction.

The mural above depicts death and destruction. It depicts a city in smoke, a burning forest, and obviously this fresco tells us about the death of this world. And about the intention to preserve some part of the living.

In the foreground of the mural are three dead women lying in coffins: an African-American Native American woman and a Caucasian girl holding a Bible, possibly symbolizing those killed by religious or other ideological conflicts. In the background you can see raging flames consuming forests and cities. If for someone this picture depicts peace and harmony, and not death and destruction, then, apparently, this person has some problems with the perception of reality. Also interesting are glass cages with animals, which can be interpreted as an attempt to save some of the wildlife from death as a result of nuclear or biochemical war.
In peace and harmony with nature...

Girl with a Maya sign

It is on this fresco that a small black-haired Indian girl is depicted holding a stone tablet in her hands that resembles a piece of the Mayan calendar (by the way, some researchers note that this tablet resembles a map of Russia, and this is true.)

It is also worth noting that the central figure of the fresco is a dark-skinned man with a halo around his head, reminding us of the figure of a saint or deity.

Shall we beat swords into ploughshares, or into a sword for a sleeping monster?

Another mural depicts universal peace, however, notice that it depicts the peoples of the earth giving their weapons to a blond German boy in a tie and gray vest who is busy beating their “swords into plowshares.”

Below we see a lying dead figure in a military uniform and a gas mask.

However, the “plowshares” have a rather strange shape - so that we have a question: is a new sword being forged from all this under the guise of an agricultural implement?

And these suspicions are not groundless - since to the right of this fresco there is another one, the one about genocide. And these two pictures definitely form a single whole: they are united by a rainbow going from one corner of the fresco to the other.

Monster's cap from the painting "Genocide"

The next fresco (genocide) depicts a huge military figure in a gas mask (dead in the previous fresco) with a machine gun and a sword in his hands, who has now apparently returned to life.

With a sword, he kills the dove from the previous picture, which, as is known, symbolizes the world, hinting that the world will be destroyed; certain waves emanate from the figure, which symbolize poisonous gas or biological weapons that will destroy everyone who comes in its way. Let us remember that this is the fresco next to which on the floor there is an image, possibly symbolizing the Australian antigen (Au Ag). We can also see an endless line of women carrying their dead children going off into the horizon. And a group of orphans sleeping on bricks. This fresco predicts the destruction of millions of people.

It should be noted here that these two frescoes can be read from right to left, as a symbolic expression of the deliberate military conquest of the land, in order to have a good reason to establish peace. Which also looks “not bad”: after all, to establish peace, you first need a war, well, at least if we go by what Hitler preached.

edited news AllanThor - 26-05-2011, 04:10

Denver Airport Mystery

(The Denver International Airport of the New World Order)

Any person entering the Airport in the city Denver, the staff will likely be shocked by what they see. This place is the subject of many suspicions and questions that have not yet been answered. All buildings are literally permeated with gloomy and inexplicable symbolism that catches everyone’s eye.

Denver International Airport opened in 1995, despite the fact that the large Stapleton Airport was already operating here. (Stapleton). Its creators convinced the public of the need to build a new airport, citing arguments that the city needed a new airport that would be capable of handling greater passenger traffic, would be technically more advanced and more convenient for passengers.

However, if the newly built airport is superior to the old one, it is its colossal cost of $4 billion in 1994 prices and its enormous area (twice the size of Manhattan). Perhaps it was needed to place its runways in the form of a Nazi swastikas, (yes, yes, if you look at the complex using google maps, you can easily see this for yourself), however, even with such a completely unique location of its runways, DIA (Denver International Airport) There is still a huge area left.

As for everything else, the new airport has fewer runways than Stapleton, fewer gates - 111 versus 84, located far from the city (25 miles), which raises certain questions as to whether the construction of the new Denver Airport was intended to hide something else.

Transcript of a fragment of the program “Conspiracy Theory” with Jesse Ventura

Jesse Ventura meets underground bunker builder Brian Camden (Brian Camden).

Jessie: what is the largest bunker in the USA do you know?

Brian: I can’t say it to the camera. But I can say that over the last 10 years the US government has been actively building underground shelters.

Jessie: How big is the biggest bunker? I don't ask where he is.

Brian: the largest I know is about 100,000 sq.m. It was built by the government, in the midwest (this is Colorado - ed.), it is designed specifically for 2012, and is located under government buildings.

Group Member Jesse: but if you are building, it cannot be hidden. There will be a lot of all sorts of equipment that cannot go unnoticed.

Brian: Not if you are building under existing structures that occupy 4-5 square miles. If you are building a very large airport, it will be very easy to build a shelter underneath it.

Group Member Jesse: it's a hint?

Brian: Yes.

There was no doubt that Brian was referring to the Denver airport. Many people are already talking about the fact that an underground shelter has been built under the airport. There is reason to believe that the underground base NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and CMOC (Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center) on the mountain (Cheyenne) Cheyenne, Colorado, 120 miles from the airport, is connected to it underground tunnel.

Pale Horse of the Apocalypse

What is this pale horse of the Apocalypse or the Trojan horse of the New World Order

What does it mean? The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this terrible (at least for an airport) work was this: The Pale Horse of the Apocalypse, the fourth horse in the book of Revelation in the Bible, whose name is death.

And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider, whose name was “death”; and hell followed him; and power was given to him over the fourth part of the earth - to kill with sword and famine and pestilence and the beasts of the earth(Revelation 6:7-8)

In other words, the horse whose name is "Death", entails killing people with weapons, hunger and disease. Pretty extreme for a family airport, right? At first glance, it doesn't look like the right place was chosen for the horse. However, you will soon realize that it goes perfectly with everything else at the airport.

Fact: The sculpture, unveiled in 2008, was commissioned from a Mexican-American sculptor known for his controversial works. Luis Jimenez(Luis Jimenez) in 1993, two years before the airport opened. He continued working on this colossal sculpture until 2006, when he was killed... by the body of his devilish horse falling on him. As a result, his sons completed the work on the statue.

Just twenty years ago, ordinary Americans could not even imagine that in the very center of the country, where the great plain meets the Rocky Mountains, a pale horse of death. Even today, the vast majority of Americans are unwilling to use their brains to ask the question why a devilish-looking horse, with bulging veins and red, glowing-in-the-dark eyes, greets everyone arriving at an international airport?

There is, of course, an explanation for the vegetables - they say that this scary horse symbolizes the wild horse that is depicted in the logo of the local football team, the Denver Broncos. However, even a cursory glance is enough to understand: these two images have nothing in common with each other, as well as the obvious fact that the creator did not invest positive energy into this sculpture. However, the very fact of the existence of such a strange work of art could simply be noted as a curiosity, but upon closer examination it turns out that this horse of the Apocalypse is just one of the elements strange and frightening occult Masonic surroundings that literally permeate the gigantic complex of buildings at the Denver airport.

It is possible that in addition to the main goal, this complex carries another, hidden goal, no less important, and perhaps more important, than the main one. What does the sculpture clearly say? devil's horses, as local residents and eyewitnesses call it.

However, before we delve further into the dark symbolism scattered throughout here, we'll focus on the numbers first. Believe me, there are a lot of interesting things here too.

Data: Denver International Airport is the only major airport in the city, built in the last 25 years and covering 33,457 acres (twice the size of Manhattan), much larger than any other airport in the United States. Costing $4.8 billion in 1994 dollars (an increase of $2 billion over original estimates), the airport is without a doubt one of the most significant facilities in the world.

The length of conveyor lines for transporting luggage and underground roads for luggage conveyors hidden in special tunnels is 19 miles(30 km). They are so large that trucks can easily drive through them, and many of them still remain unused. The 60,000 sq m roof, made of woven fiberglass coated with Teflon, would serve as a fancy set for a film like Dune, thanks to the fact that it consists of many spiky tent-like structures.

The airport is equipped with fiber-optic communications with a total length of 5300 miles. This is longer than the Nile River and approximately equal to the straight line distance from Buenos Aires, Argentina! The airport also has a communications network stretching 11365 miles copper cable. No other airport in the United States, and most likely the rest of the world, even busier than DIA, has anything like it.

Despite the fact that the valley where the complex is located is almost flat (with stunning views of the Rocky Mountains), significant time during construction was spent significantly lowering some areas of the ground and raising others. They moved 110 million cubic yards of soil! By the way, this is about a third of the amount of soil that was moved during the construction of the Panama Canal. I have never heard of such extensive excavation work during the construction of any other airports. And you? Meanwhile, it is known that under the airport located huge underground complex.

Separate contractors were hired to build each part of the complex, all of whom were terminated immediately after their work was done. Many skeptics claim that this was done in order to to hide second and main purpose of the project.

The fuel system is capable of pumping 1,000 gallons of jet fuel per minute through a network of pipelines extending 28 miles. There are also 6 huge fuel tanks, each containing 2.73 million gallons of jet fuel. This is absolutely absurd for an ordinary commercial airport. I wish I knew Why do they need all this?

The granite, worth 2 billion (!) dollars, which was used in the decoration, was imported from all parts of the world: Asia, Europe, North and South America: the floor of the main terminal is made from it. Paul for two billion?! Isn't it a ridiculous expense, especially when you're already under budget? The creators of the airport say that “...the floor pattern echoes the roof design and at a subtle level supports the flow of passengers “flowing along the granite floor.” Yes, yes, those same subliminal messages, and strange writings on the floor... However, one must think that the floor would have looked no worse if the material for it had been brought from somewhere closer. How many of us can distinguish Chilean granite from Chinese? And how many people even think about what the floor is made of: after all, all they need is to walk on it and not miss their flight. I wonder what people who believe that stones have power (I mean the belief system of members of various secret societies) think about this?

However, the most interesting thing about all this is the shocking frescoes, mysterious signs And inscriptions in known and unknown languages, on walls, floors, as well as strange ones located inside and outside. Take a look at all this and decide for yourself, is there any need for them for the airport itself?

A huge number of people are convinced: Denver International Airport (DIA) built for New World Order. They are convinced that DIA would serve as the headquarters of the new world order, as well as an underground refuge for the elite, a military base and a giant concentration death camp. This reality means that DMA could also serve as a mass extermination center for the New World Order.

Interesting: Famous TV presenter Jesse Ventura (Jesse Ventura) in his program dedicated to the 2012 issue, he claims that the Denver Airport was built for the sole purpose of disguising the construction of a colossal complex of underground structures built as a refuge for members of the American elite. And also as a command post for the Western Sector of the New World Order.

However, the airport is unusual not only from above, because in addition to the utilitarian load, this complex also carries an obviously occult one. The prophetic symbolism of the dark cult, which tells us about the approach of the New World Order (in which the entire population of the earth will be united under the leadership of a single world government), literally permeates the entire complex. If you open the Google search engine website and type two words there Denver airport , then the search engine will helpfully offer you right there in the first line Denver airport conspiracy(Denver Airport conspiracy), and after that everything else (schedule, map, hotels, weather). This is because since its inception, the Denver airport has been the cause of many speculations, rumors, versions, most of which agree that the Denver airport is one of the symbols of the offensive that will come after the world elite arranges planet mass genocide, as a result of which the world's population will be reduced to 500 million people.

Inexplicable signs and symbols on the floor and walls of the structure confuse visitors. For example, in the most prominent place in the main hall of the airport, which, by the way, like the meeting rooms in Masonic lodges, is called Great Hall , there is something similar to the control panel of a futuristic starship of aliens from a distant planet, which upon closer inspection turns out to be memorial plaque, however, also very strange (see illustrations after the article).

Even more surprising is the inscription made on the board, signed by a certain commission New World Airport. Have you heard of such an organization before? No? Me too... Because such an organization does not exist in nature. Then why does she appear on the memorial plaque as the creator of this airport?

The granite floor of the airport is also imbued with strange symbolism, many strange symbols: one of them particularly caught our attention: a sign with letters written on it AU A.G., some believe that these letters simply mean gold and silver. Maybe, but one of the sponsors of the new airport is in the medical field Baruch Samuel Bloomberg (Baruch Samuel Bloomberg), who discovered a new deadly disease called "Australian Antigen", you probably already guessed that it is also called AU AG. Coincidence? Maybe, but we will have to come to terms with one more coincidence: this tablet is located on the floor directly opposite the fresco on the wall, which is called "Genocide"(see illustrations after the article).

The floor contains copper inserts depicting incomprehensible (you already read about the words Au Ag above) extinct animals found in the surrounding area, as well as words in American Indian languages ​​that have a mystical meaning. Or, for example, next to the memorial plaque in the floor you can see a headless Indian on something resembling rails.

What the hell does that mean? Is this connected with the symbolic image of the guillotine on the fresco, which we wrote about below? But you will not find any information board that will explain to you the content of these inserts (or, indeed, all the other oddities at the airport), which makes us just cheerfully step through it all, saying: wow, why is all this here, is it really all this? for us?

White Mountain (Mt. Blanca) is one of the 4 sacred mountains of the Navajo tribe, may also have something in common with Mount Blanc (Mt Blanc) France, the place where the Knights Templar signed their charter. Their chronicle relates this event in the following words: “They came together to form New world new order, remembering the words that God rewarded in a dream...” Time and time again we see another curious connection leading to the New World Order that every leading politician and media outlet is talking about.

The murals on the walls of the airport in Denver are the most notable feature of this airport, the main murals are located on 4 walls, their author is a muralist of Mexican origin Leo Tanguma (Leo Tanguma), who is a direct descendant of the Mayan Indians by blood (are there too many Mexican artists for one airport?). Nothing special, would you say? Perhaps, if not for one interesting coincidence: one of these frescoes contains an unambiguous hint of the Mayan calendar, which allegedly predicts the death of this world in December 2012 (see illustrations after the article).

"In peace and harmony with nature" called a composition of frescoes, one of which depicts frightening pictures of death and destruction. It depicts a city in smoke, a burning forest, and obviously this fresco tells us about the death of this world. And about the intention to preserve some part of the living.

In the foreground of the mural are three dead women lying in coffins: an African-American woman, a Native American woman, and a girl belonging to, who holds a Bible in her hand, possibly symbolizing those killed by religious or other ideological contradictions. In the background you can see raging flames consuming forests and cities. If for someone this picture depicts “peace and harmony” and not death and destruction, then, apparently, this person has some problems with the perception of reality.

Also interesting are glass cages with animals, which can be interpreted as an attempt to save some of the wildlife from death as a result of nuclear or biochemical war. It is on this fresco that a small black-haired Indian girl is depicted holding a stone tablet in her hands that resembles a piece of the Mayan calendar (by the way, some researchers note that this tablet resembles a map, and this is true. - Note Red.).

It is also worth noting that the central figure of the fresco is a dark-skinned man with a halo around his head, reminding us of the figure of a saint or deity.

Shall we beat swords into ploughshares, or into a sword for a sleeping monster?

Another mural depicts universal peace, however, notice that it depicts the peoples of the earth giving their weapons to a blond German boy in a tie and gray vest who is busy beating their “swords into plowshares.” Below we see a lying dead figure in military uniform and a gas mask. However, the “ploughshares” have a rather strange shape - so that we have a question: is a new sword being forged from all this under the guise of an agricultural implement?

And these suspicions are not groundless - since to the right of this fresco there is another one, the same one that genocide. And these two pictures definitely form a single whole: they are united by a rainbow going from one corner of the fresco to the other. This can be clearly seen in the 4th minute of this video clip posted by one of the users on YouTube

The next fresco (genocide) depicts a huge figure of a military man in a gas mask (dead in the previous fresco) with a machine gun and a sword in his hands, who has now apparently returned to life. With the sword he kills the dove from the previous painting, which is known to symbolize peace, hinting that the world will be destroyed. Some waves emanate from the figure, which symbolize poisonous gas or biological weapons that will destroy everyone who gets in its way. Let us remind you that this is the fresco, next to which there is an image on the floor, possibly symbolizing Australian antigen (AuAg). We can also see an endless line of women carrying their dead children going off into the horizon. And a group of orphans sleeping on bricks. This fresco predicts the destruction of millions of people.

It should be noted here that these two frescoes can be read from right to left, as a symbolic expression of the deliberate military conquest of the land, in order to have a good reason to establish peace. Which also looks “not bad”: after all, in order to establish peace, you first need a war, well, at least if you go by what he preached.

However, this is not the end of the story.

Next fresco depicts a happy humanity after a catastrophe, apparently those same 500 million people who will be allowed to live. On it we also see a strange figure with a halo, surrounded by sitting children. It is also worth noting that the number of people in the group surrounding the “saint” is 12, which refers us to the Gospel story of the Last Supper, and also carries a possible hint of the Jewish Messiah, who, according to the beliefs of this people, will be the supreme ruler of the world, combining material and magical power in the world. However, even without taking all this into account, but simply looking at this picture, one gets the impression that there is definitely something wrong with the people depicted in it.

If you ask me what it looks like, I will tell you - a happy family zombified according to the psyche control program, although a strange halo around the head of a male figure and an unusual plant in front of him speaks of some future cult that will be professed by those who will be left alive after the global “...

Denver International Airport (USA) is a classic example of the ambiguity of the “conspiracy theory” and its adherents. The strange structure, full of unusual images and frescoes, creates the impression of a Masonic lair for all to see. At the same time, it can simply be called an original architectural structure, given over to unrecognized avant-garde artists. Is there something truly mysterious about this place?

Let's start with the fact that the Americans are not very willing to rebuild their airports that have international status. If you look at the founding dates of international airports in all states, you will see that most of them were built in the first half of the 20th century. Of course, they were subsequently modernized, new lanes and control towers were added. But in such a way that a new one is built to replace the existing airport - this is unusual even for the United States. Over the past quarter century not a single major international passenger airport has been built.

Start of construction

Until 1995, Denver had its own large airport and it was called Stapleton. Gradually, the city began to need to build larger “ air gate”, capable of providing increased passenger traffic. In addition, it had to become more modern in technical terms and safety issues.

But then why did the new airport, in the construction of which only according to official data a colossal sum of $5 billion (in 1994 prices) was invested, turn out to be less than the previous one? Yes, its area has become larger (exceeding the area of ​​Manhattan in New York), especially considering the unoccupied territories assigned to the airfield. The new airport has fewer runways, the number of gateways has dropped from 111 to 84, and is located 25 miles (about 40 kilometers) from the city. The latter causes confusion among conspiracy theorists. However, open Google Maps and take a look at the area. To the west of Denver lie the Rocky Mountains, and it itself is surrounded by national wildlife refuges and generally unsuitable terrain (swamps, buildings). Denver airport is at ideal location and is far enough away from the city in case of a possible nuclear attack.

Having examined the airport from a satellite, you cannot help but notice its “strange silhouette”. A clearly visible swastika design is, of course, an architectural necessity. It allows you to not depend on changeable winds and manage traffic more freely. Or this arrangement is evidence of the establishment of the New World Order and a signal to some observers that everything is prepared for its onset.

Further, the airport itself is designed in an unconventional manner. This is not a huge building, with increased glazing. This is a custom chain of white cones. They are usually associated with the Rocky Mountains, which begin nearby. But local residents are sure that this place used to be an Indian cemetery, and the tents are a tribute to the traditions of the indigenous population of America. This was the only way to get permission from the shamans to build anything, in this case, the Denver International Airport.

But the appearance is not the only oddity of the “wigwams”. They are made of fiberglass coated with Teflon, which is known to have low thermal conductivity. That is, when scanning with a thermal imager, it is difficult to calculate the number of people in the terminal. Although, one wonders, why would anyone need this?

Architect's extravaganza

Two years before the official opening, L. Jimenez, known for his eccentric works, was commissioned to create a strange statue, which was supposed to be installed near the airport. It represents a rearing horse, painted in a psychedelic azure color. Compared to other sculptures by the master, this one does not stand out that much. The only difference is that the fiberglass composition collapsed directly on Jimenez, killing him. This happened in 2006 and the work was completed for another two years by the master’s sons.

The eyes of the “pale horse of the apocalypse” glow bright red at night, and only those who ordered it can understand the symbolism of the installed sculpture. Proponents of the “conspiracy theory” immediately saw this as a sign of impending planetary cataclysms, especially since the airport, they believe, was largely built with an eye on 2012 and the possible death of humanity. On the other hand, the local football team, the Denver Broncos, has long chosen a white horse on a blue background as its symbol. Perhaps the extraordinary sculpture is just a tribute to the achievements of the Denver football players and is intended to scare only arriving opponents.

Shelter in case of nuclear apocalypse

Let's take a break from the gloomy symbolism and move into the area of ​​semi-hints, so beloved by supporters of the NWO and other “horror stories.” As part of one of the specialized programs, the presenter spent a long time questioning the builder of underground bunkers B. Camden. When asked about the largest bunker, he did not want to answer directly for a long time, stating that the US government last years built a lot of underground shelters. But in the end he did hint that the largest bunker is located under the airport. Considering, as we know, that so many new airports have been built in the United States, and the territory of the Denver airport is much smaller than that reserved for it, the conclusion is obvious. It is possible that NORAD and CMOC's underground bases (or their command posts in case of a US attack) are connected by an underground tunnel to the Denver airport. True, the distance between them is almost 200 km.

This theory is indirectly supported by facts about unprecedented excavation work in the construction zone. After all, as we have seen, the runways and terminals are concentrated on a relatively flat area. If no special changes in the relief are noticeable on the surface, it means that all the power was thrown at changes in the underground structure invisible to the eye. They say that almost a third of the volume of soil that was required during the construction of the Panama Canal was selected.

There is also talk about the unusual capacity of conveyor belts and underground roads for luggage transporters. Supposedly their width and height are enough for trucks to pass through. Many of them are not used (or used secretly), and the total length of the lines exceeds 30 km. There are even fuzzy pictures taken by the first reporters on the day the terminal opened.

The airport is literally covered in fiber optic connections for communications. Their length is more than 8,000 km! It is longer than the Amazon River. And the good old copper connection runs along 20,000 km of cable. This is half the length of the Earth's equator. Why does an airport serving a town with 700 thousand people (or even 3 million agglomeration) need so much communication?

During the construction of the airport, a separate construction scheme was used. This means that each element of the complex was built by separate contractors who performed a strictly defined piece of work. After completing the task, the contract with them was terminated and they were no longer allowed to participate in construction. Perhaps this indirectly indicates the increased “secrecy” of the object as a whole or its individual parts.

Denver Airport has unrivaled rapid refueling capabilities aircraft. The pipelines, stretching for 45 km, are capable of pumping 1,000 gallons of fuel per minute. Up to 2.7 million gallons of fuel are stored in special tanks and underground storage facilities (that’s almost 9.5 million liters of kerosene). For comparison, the average passenger Boeing consumes about 3.5 tons of fuel per 1,000 km. The modest airfield is clearly designed to receive and refuel powerful aircraft, perhaps even more military than civilian.

According to information leaked to the press, the floor of the terminal is lined with an incredible amount of granite, with a total value of almost two billion dollars. The figure is most likely overestimated, since it is almost half of the construction costs. However, the fact remains unexplained that the material seemed to be deliberately imported from various parts of the world (from South America, Africa, Asia, etc.). What is this - a banal “cutting” of the budget and inflating costs, or a symbolic “from the world”, as evidence of the establishment of the New World Order? Or is this another sign from the “freemasons”, Masonic lodges, in which the stone is a symbol of power?

It's time to find out what's hidden in the airport halls. There we will not find the usual strictly business patterns and tones in the design, characteristic of standard airports. It feels like the Denver terminal has been turned into a branch of some occult Masonic center or, at a minimum, an exhibition of the darkest artists and sculptors. Just look at the slab that covers the compartment with a “time capsule” - a message to descendants, the residents of Colorado in 2094. The slab seems to be “protected” by the main symbols of the Freemasons - a compass, a corner and the letter G (the latter in Freemasonry is both “geometry”, that is, ideal order, and God). One of the neighboring tablets also contains an encrypted message in an unknown language (represented by dots ) and “sealed” with a Masonic seal.

Supporters of the “conspiracy theory” find signs of the involvement of the Freemasons right under their feet. Take, for example, the image of a miners' cart filled to the brim with something, with the letters Au and Ag - symbols of gold and silver known to everyone from a school chemistry course. However, some believe that this is an image of the “car” of the “Australian antigen” virus that the shadow government plans to unleash on the world. Conspiracy buffs would do well to know that the Australian antigen is not some deadly virus, but the protein body that causes hepatitis B, a hidden litmus test for future disease.

True, the cart, which seems to symbolize absolute wealth, is located opposite the fresco, which is called “Genocide”. It depicts a green, faceless soldier who looks like a Soviet soldier, a fascist, and a colonel in some Latin American republic. He holds a dove of peace on the tip of his machete, and in his left hand he clutches a Kalashnikov assault rifle with an attached bayonet. All this against the background of destruction and suffering of children and women. Strange design for an international airport, isn't it?

Next to the “Genocide” fresco there is a canvas under the code name “New World”. Burning skyscrapers or tall trees in the background give way to an idyllic picture. The awakening dead, representatives of flora and fauna, held by other people of different races. A little girl with a shard or fragment of a certain slab especially stands out. The piece looks like part of the Mayan calendar, and the girl is clearly of Indian appearance. Some even saw the contours of modern Russia in the silhouettes of the piece, but this, of course, is an obvious free fantasy.

In general, the painting is called “In Peace and Harmony with Nature,” but its true meaning is understandable, perhaps, only to the creator. You can try to draw an analogy between the picture, the airport and the ark, on which only a select few were supposed to be saved after the disaster of 2012. Several representatives of different races, animals and plants will enter the updated (purified) New World.

The version that the Denver airport is a mothballed ark, a place for saving people in the event of an apocalypse, quite well connects all the known facts about it. This explains both the colossal cost of construction and the fact that the main part of the airport is hidden underground. Apparently, everything for life support is there - fuel, air, water and food. And “prophetic pictures”, “the pale horse of the end of the world” are an accessible guide for everyone who wants to be saved.

According to the second version, a global catastrophe can be caused not only by natural causes, but also by the deliberate extermination of most of the population within the framework of the “golden billion” concept. Therefore, it is not at all necessary that its construction was tied specifically to 2012.

The pessimism of the strange airport seems to disappear as soon as you see the final fresco of the series. In it, a scary soldier in a gas mask and with a machine gun is defeated; a fair-haired boy forges his machete into a peaceful agricultural tool. However, this fresco is located in front of the “Genocide” canvas, and not after it. This can be seen in the rainbow stripe that passes from the first canvas (“Universal Peace”) to the second. It turns out that the soldier is not defeated, on the contrary, he is awakening. And a weapon for him is created by a certain neo-Aryan guy.

However, your vision of the future world will depend on which order of “reading” the two frescoes you choose. Either - a transition from war to universal peace, or - the awakening of some inhuman force and total genocide.

Another of the frescoes depicts a guillotine blade and a monarch butterfly flying under it. What is this - another symbol hinting at the execution of the last ruler and the establishment of the NWO or simply an unlimited flight of imagination of the author? In addition, “Monarch” is the name of the mind control program that was actively implemented in the United States after World War II.

A strange creature is assigned to watch the luggage compartment - a mythical chimera, which, in the generally accepted understanding, is usually called upon to guard something very important. It is unlikely that the passengers' clothes and their meager luggage can be classified in this category.

It may be guarding much more valuable information, because, according to some reports, the internal security departments of the CIA and FBI recently chose Denver and its surrounding areas as their headquarters. But this is an extra trump card in favor of the fact that a reserve command post or something like that is hidden in the bowels of the airport.

Has the Denver airport become the new Area 51? It’s impossible to say for sure, because much of what is attributed to the complex is based on rumors and guesses. The facts are strange sculptures and drawings, encrypted messages and exorbitant construction costs, given the Americans’ dislike for building new airports. And Denver International Airport has become an excellent illustration of how quickly any new phenomenon is surrounded by rumors, speculation and frightening details.

Anyone entering the Denver, Colorado Airport will likely be shocked by what they see. This place is the subject of many suspicions and questions that have not yet been answered. All buildings are literally permeated with gloomy and inexplicable symbolism that catches everyone’s eye.

Denver International Airport opened in 1995, despite the fact that the large Stapleton Airport was already operating here. Its creators convinced the public of the need to build a new airport, citing arguments that the city needed a new airport that would be capable of handling greater passenger traffic, would be technically more advanced and more convenient for passengers.

However, if the newly built airport is superior to the old one, it is its colossal cost of $4 billion in 1994 prices and its enormous area (twice the size of Manhattan). Perhaps it was needed to place its runways in the form of a Nazi swastika (yes, if you look at the complex using google maps, you can easily see this for yourself), however, even with such a completely unique location of its runways stripes, there is still a huge territory at the disposal of DIA (Denver International Airport).

As for everything else, the new airport has fewer runways than Stapleton, fewer gates (111 versus 84), and is located far from the city (25 miles), which raises some questions as to whether the construction of the new Denver Airport was intended to hide something else.

Transcript of a fragment of the program “Conspiracy Theory” with Jesse Ventura:

Jesse Ventura met underground bunker builder Brian Camden.

Jesse: K What is the largest bunker in the USA do you know?

Brian: I can't say it to the camera. But I can say that over the last 10 years the US government has been actively building underground shelters.

Jesse: How big is the biggest bunker? I don't ask where he is.

Brian: The biggest one I know is about 100,000 m2. It was built by the government, in the midwest (this is Colorado ed.), it is designed specifically for 2012, and is located under government buildings.

Group Member Jesse: But if you're building an underground shelter, you can't hide it. There will be a lot of all sorts of equipment that cannot go unnoticed.

Brian: Not if you're building under existing structures that are 4-5 square miles. If you are building a very large airport, it will be very easy to build a shelter underneath it.

Group Member Jesse: Is that a hint?

Brian: Yes.

There is reason to believe that the underground NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) and CMOC (Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center) base on Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, 120 miles from the airport, is connected to it by an underground tunnel.

Pale Horse of the Apocalypse

Is this the pale horse of the Apocalypse or the Trojan horse of the New World Order?

What does it mean? The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this terrible (at least for an airport) work was this: The Pale Horse of the Apocalypse, the fourth horse in the book of Revelation in the Bible, whose name is death.

And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider, whose name was “death”; and hell followed him; and power was given to him over the fourth part of the earth - to kill with the sword, and with famine, and with pestilence, and with the beasts of the earth.

In other words, the horse whose name is “Death” entails killing people with weapons, hunger and disease. Pretty extreme for a family airport, right? At first glance, it doesn't look like the right place was chosen for the horse. However, you will soon realize that it goes perfectly with everything else at the airport.

Fact: The sculpture, unveiled in 2008, was commissioned by the controversial Mexican-American sculptor Luis Jimenez in 1993, two years before the airport opened. He continued working on this colossal sculpture until 2006, when he was killed... by the body of his devilish horse falling on him. As a result, his sons completed the work on the statue.

Just twenty years ago, ordinary Americans could not even imagine that in the very center of the country, where the great plain meets the Rocky Mountains, the pale horse of death awaits them. Even today, the vast majority of Americans are unwilling to use their brains to ask the question: Why does a devilish-looking horse, with bulging veins and red, glowing-in-the-dark eyes, greet everyone arriving at Denver International Airport? There is, of course, an explanation for vegetables - they say that this scary horse symbolizes the wild horse, which is depicted in the logo of the local football team "Denver Broncos". However, even a cursory glance is enough to understand: these two images have nothing in common with each other, but also the obvious fact that it was not positive energy that was put into this sculpture by its creator. However, the very fact of the existence of such a strange work of art could simply be noted as a curiosity, but upon closer examination it turns out that the “horse of the Apocalypse" is only one of the elements of the strange and frightening occult Masonic surroundings that literally permeate the gigantic complex of buildings at the Denver airport.

It is possible that in addition to the main goal, the complex contains another, hidden goal, no less important, and perhaps more important, than the main one. This is clearly evidenced by the sculpture of the devil’s horse, as local residents and eyewitnesses call it.

Denver International Airport is the only major airport in the United States built in the last 25 years. At 33,457 acres (twice the size of Manhattan), it is much larger than any other airport in the United States.

With a cost of $4.8 billion in 1994 dollars (an increase of $2 billion from the original estimate), the airport is without a doubt one of the most significant facilities in the world.

The length of baggage conveyor lines and underground roads for baggage transporters, hidden in special tunnels, is 19 miles (30 km). They are so large that trucks can easily drive through them, and many of them still remain unused.

The 60,000 m2 roof, made of woven fiberglass coated with Teflon, would serve as a fancy set for a movie like Dune, thanks to the fact that it consists of many spiky tent-like structures.

The airport is equipped with 5,300 miles of fiber optic communications. This is longer than the Nile River and approximately equal to the straight line distance from New York to Buenos Aires, Argentina! The airport also has a communications network of 11,365 miles of copper cable. No other airport in the United States, or most likely the rest of the world, even busier than DIA, has anything like it.

Despite the fact that the valley where the complex is located is almost flat (with stunning views of the Rocky Mountains), significant time during construction was spent significantly lowering some areas of the ground and raising others. They moved 110 million cubic yards of soil! By the way, this is about a third of the amount of soil that was moved during the construction of the Panama Canal. I have never heard of such extensive earthworks during the construction of any other airports. And you? Meanwhile, it is known that a huge underground complex is located under the airport.

The fuel system is capable of pumping 1,000 gallons of jet fuel per minute through a 28-mile network of pipelines. There are also 6 huge fuel tanks, each containing 2.73 million gallons of jet fuel. This is completely absurd for an ordinary commercial airport. I would like to know why they need all this?

The granite, worth 2 billion (!) dollars, which was used in the decoration, was imported from all parts of the world: Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, and the floor of the main terminal is made from it. Paul for two billion?! The creators of the airport say that “...the floor pattern echoes the roof design and at a subtle level supports the flow of passengers “flowing along the granite floor.” Yes, yes, those same subliminal messages, and strange writings on the floor... However, one must think that the floor would have looked no worse if the material for it had been brought from somewhere closer. How many of us can distinguish Chilean granite from Chinese? And how many people even think about what the floor is made of: after all, all they need is to walk on it and not miss their flight. I wonder what people who believe that stones have power (I mean the belief system of members of various secret societies) think about this?

However, the most interesting thing about it all is the shocking frescoes, mysterious signs and inscriptions in known and unknown languages, on the walls, floors, as well as strange artifacts located inside and outside. Take a look at all this and decide for yourself, is there any need for them for the airport itself?

A huge number of people are convinced: Denver International Airport (DIA) was built for the New World Order. They are convinced that the DIA will have to serve as the headquarters of the new world order, as well as an underground refuge for the elite, a military base and a giant concentration death camp. This reality means that DMA could also serve as a mass extermination center for the New World Order.

Memorial plaque in Denver

The prophetic symbolism of the dark cult, which tells us about the approach of the New World Order (in which the entire population of the earth will be united under the leadership of a single world government), literally permeates the entire complex. If you open the website of the GOOGLE search engine and type two words “denver airport” there, then the search engine will immediately in the first line helpfully offer you “denver airport conspiracy” (Denver airport conspiracy), and after that everything else (schedule, map, hotels , weather). This is because since its creation, the airport in Denver has given rise to many speculations, rumors, versions, most of which agreed that the airport in Denver is one of the symbols of the onset of the world order, which will come after the world elite arranges mass genocide on the planet, as a result of which the world's population will be reduced to 500 million people.

Top of the plaque in Denver

Inexplicable signs and symbols on the floor and walls of the structure confuse visitors. For example, in the most prominent place in the main hall of the airport, which, by the way, is called the Great Hall, like meeting rooms in Masonic lodges, there is something similar to the control panel of a futuristic starship of aliens from a distant planet, which, upon closer inspection, turns out to be a memorial plaque, however, also very strange.

Even more surprising is the inscription written on the board, signed by a certain commission of the New World Airport. Have you heard of such an organization before? No? Me too... Because such an organization does not exist in nature. Then why does she appear on the memorial plaque as the creator of the airport?

Caption: "New World Airport Construction Commission"

The granite floor of the airport is also riddled with strange symbolism, lots of symbols. One of them caught our attention: a sign with the letters AU AG written on it. Some believe that these letters simply mean gold and silver. Maybe, but one of the sponsors of the new airport is Nobel laureate in medicine Baruch Samuel Blumberg, who discovered a new deadly disease called Australian Antigen (hepatitis B, C). You probably already guessed that it is also called AU AG.

What does this mean Austrailian Antigen or gold and silver?

Coincidence? Perhaps, but we will have to accept another coincidence: this plaque is placed on the floor directly opposite the mural on the wall, which is called “Genocide”.

Fresco "Genocide"

Near the plaque, in the floor, you can see a headless Indian on what appears to be some kind of railroad tracks... What the hell does that mean? Is this related to the symbolic image of the guillotine on the fresco, which we wrote about above? But you will not find any information board that will explain to you the content of these inserts (as well as all the other oddities at the airport), which makes us just cheerfully step through it all, with the words: wow, why is all this here, is it really all for us ?

Mt Blanca (connection with Mont Blanc?

White Mountain (Mt. Blanca) is one of the 4 sacred mountains of the Navajo tribe, and may also overlap with Mt. Blanc, France, the place where the Knights Templar signed their charter. Their chronicle tells of this event in the following words: “They came together to form a New World Order, remembering the words with which God rewarded Solomon in a dream...”

The murals on the walls of the Denver airport are the most notable feature of this airport. The main murals are located on 4 walls, their author is the muralist of Mexican origin Leo Tanguma, who is a direct descendant of the Mayan Indians by blood (are there too many Mexican artists for one airport?). Nothing special, would you say? Perhaps, if not for one interesting coincidence: one of these frescoes contains an unambiguous hint of the Mayan calendar, which allegedly predicts the death of this world in December 2012.

In peace and harmony with nature...after genocide

In peace and harmony with nature

The mural above depicts death and destruction. It depicts a city in smoke, a burning forest, and obviously this fresco tells us about the death of this world. And about the intention to preserve some part of the living.

In the foreground of the mural are three dead women lying in coffins: an African-American woman, a Native American woman and a white girl holding a Bible, possibly symbolizing those killed by religious or other ideological conflicts. In the background you can see raging flames consuming forests and cities. If for someone this picture depicts peace and harmony, and not death and destruction, then, apparently, this person has some problems with the perception of reality. Also interesting are glass cages with animals, which can be interpreted as an attempt to save some of the wildlife from death as a result of nuclear or biochemical war.

Girl with a Maya sign

It is on this fresco that a small black-haired Indian girl is depicted holding a stone tablet in her hands that resembles a piece of the Mayan calendar (by the way, some researchers note that this tablet resembles a map of Russia, and this is true. Ed.).

It is also worth noting that the central figure of the fresco is a dark-skinned man with a halo around his head, reminding us of the figure of a saint or deity.

Let's beat swords into plowshares

Another mural depicts universal peace, however, notice that it depicts the peoples of the earth giving their weapons to a blond German boy in a tie and gray vest who is busy beating their “swords into plowshares.”

Below we see a lying dead figure in a military uniform and a gas mask.

However, the “plowshares” have a rather strange shape - so that we have a question: is a new sword being forged from all this under the guise of an agricultural implement?

And these suspicions are not groundless - since to the right of this fresco there is another one, the one about genocide. And these two pictures definitely form a single whole: they are united by a rainbow going from one corner of the fresco to the other.

Monster's cap from the painting "Genocide"

The "Genocide" mural (illustration above) depicts a huge military figure in a gas mask (dead in the previous mural) with a machine gun and a sword in his hands, who has now apparently returned to life. With a sword, he kills the dove from the previous picture, which, as is known, symbolizes the world, hinting that the world will be destroyed; certain waves emanate from the figure, which symbolize poisonous gas or biological weapons that will destroy everyone who comes in its way. Let us remember that this is the fresco next to which on the floor there is an image, possibly symbolizing the Australian antigen (Au Ag). We can also see an endless line of women carrying their dead children going off into the horizon. And a group of orphans sleeping on bricks. This fresco predicts the destruction of millions of people.It should be noted here that these two frescoes can be read from right to left, as a symbolic expression of the deliberate military conquest of the land, in order to have a good reason to establish peace. Which also looks “not bad”: after all, to establish peace, you first need a war, well, at least if we go by what Hitler preached.

However, this is not the end of the story.

Illuminati paradise after genocide

The next fresco depicts a happy humanity after a catastrophe, apparently the very 500 million people who will be allowed to live. On it we also see a strange figure, with a halo, surrounded by sitting children. It is also worth noting that the number of people in the group surrounding the “saint” is 12, which refers us to the Gospel story of the Last Supper, and also carries a possible allusion to the Jewish Messiah, who, according to the beliefs of this people, will be the supreme ruler of the world, combining contains material and magical power in the world.

In the next fresco we clearly see the blade of the guillotine, underneath it is a butterfly, and not just a simple butterfly, but a monarch butterfly, which probably reminds us of how the guillotine was a weapon of mass executions and terror during the French Revolution. After all, the first person to be executed by guillotine was the monarch - King Louis XVI of France. Interestingly, “Monarch” was also the name of the secret mental control program developed by US intelligence agencies after the Second World War, based on data collected by the Nazis in death camps and with the involvement of war criminals who escaped the Nuremberg Tribunal.

Whether this is true or not, we cannot say, but it definitely adds dark overtones to the overall picture.

The symbolism of the airport can be discussed endlessly; the only thing that is beyond doubt is the fact that this structure is literally riddled with mysteries and mysticism, as well as the fact that there is a mysterious object under the airport building itself.

There are a lot of rumors and interpretations surrounding the murals and other oddities of the Denver airport about what its creators wanted to convey to people. But most of them agree that the New World Order plans to subject 90% of the world's population to genocide. Jesse Ventura talks about this in his third episode of TruTV's Conspiracy Theory on 2012, in which he envisioned the Denver Airport as an underground bunker and command post for the Western sector of the World Government for 2012.

“..They hired a group of workers from one company to work on one site, then fired a contractor and hired another to work on another site, then fired that one and hired a third, and so on. The workers talked about many interesting things they saw, such as dungeons that went eight floors deep. Then they were suddenly told... oops, we didn’t even think of digging so deep, and transferred them to another area, but the place they were “abandoning” looked quite ready.

Needless to say, there are a huge number of tunnels underground and many other interesting things. For example, such that they can generate MUCH more electricity than they need.

Runways and buildings were erected and then covered with soil (one runway was covered with less than 6 inches of soil), and the reason for this was "not meeting specifications."
Denver was chosen because of its central location and the fact that it is connected by hundreds of miles underground tunnels, which likely lead to a giant underground city for the elite and government officials."