Carry-on baggage allowance. New rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane: what you can take and what you can’t


Hello friends. Important news today. After November 5, 2017, new rules for carrying baggage and hand luggage on flights of Russian airlines come into force. If earlier each carrier had its own requirements, now the rules will be the same for all Russian airlines (except for the Pobeda low-cost airline).

Attention! Once again: the law is only for Russian airlines. All other airlines have their own rules that comply with the laws of their state.

The rules that the airlines and we, the passengers of the aircraft, are subject to are called the "General Rules air transportation passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, consignors, consignees". They were adopted on June 28, 2007 by order of the Ministry of Transport Russian Federation. Since then, the rules have been amended. But the rules were very different and vague. For some carriers, they were generally too rigid.

On October 5, 2017, a new law No. 409 was issued to amend the document. The changes affect everyone who uses air transport, i.e. and us.

It is clear that there are many interesting details in the law, which we will not talk about. Today we will talk about the most important thing, about what everyone who wants to use the flight with the help of Russian airline.

Let's agree on terms

  1. Baggage - suitcases, bags or boxes that we weigh at check-in and check in as luggage.
  2. Hand luggage - things packed in a bag, briefcase, backpack or package that we take with us to the cabin of the aircraft and on which the tag was hung " hand luggage».
  3. Things that we take into the cabin of the aircraft and which have not been tagged. (Laptops, cameras, gadgets, clothes, flowers, baby food, crutches, canes, etc.)

There are many interesting details in the law, which we will not talk about. And we will tell only about the most important thing, about what an ordinary tourist who wants to take a flight with the help of a Russian airline will face.

The law comes into force on November 5, 2017. This means that everyone who buys tickets after November 5 is subject to these amendments.

For those who have already bought tickets in advance (before November 5), the law does not apply. So it is written in the same rules.

The most important thing about the new flight rules

General requirements that are important to us as travelers relate to baggage allowances and carrying items in the cabin. Let's try to clearly explain these rules so that you have no questions left, and understand what pluses and minuses we have.

Baggage requirements

Earlier: Weight Limit one piece of baggage should not exceed 32 kg.

Now: a new requirement has been introduced - the weight limit for 1 piece of baggage is 30 kg for all air carriers. Less is possible, more is impossible.

1 piece of luggage is one suitcase. If you rent a large backpack, then this is 1 backpack, if a bag, then this is 1 bag.

But! This does not mean that now on any ticket you can take 30 kg of luggage. Here is an important point, it depends on which fare ticket you bought. Simply put, an economy class ticket has fewer opportunities than those who took, for example, a business class ticket.

All baggage by weight can be broken down:

  • Up to 10 kg, from 10 kg to 30 kg, over 30 kg
  • Baggage up to 10 kg - free

Previously, the free baggage allowance for different companies was different, now it is the same for everyone.

This means that no company can write in their rules: "It is allowed to carry baggage weighing no more than 3 kg (or 6 kg or 7 kg)". The norm is 10 kg for everyone! You yourself are not obliged to gain exactly 10 kg, you can take less, at your discretion, but the company cannot set you a lower baggage weight limit.

Baggage weighing from 10 to 30 kg

Here are the nuances. As before, you need to go to the carrier's website and read its rules - how much should your baggage weigh in accordance with the fare of your ticket. This means that "the upper limit can be - 23 kg, 25, 27 to 30 kg. If the company rules for your fare indicate an upper limit of 23 kg (that is, you can carry no more than 23 kg for free), and when weighing the scales showed more of your suitcase at check-in, then you either need to take something out and leave it, or pay extra for the excess.

Excess baggage

Baggage that is not included in the price of your fare ticket is considered excess baggage.

Example: you bought a ticket Moscow-Vladivostok tariff "Economy flexible". The ticket price includes baggage weighing up to 23 kg. If your luggage weighs more than 23 kg, but does not exceed 30 kg, then this weight is considered excess and you will have to pay extra for it.

Check the airline's website for how much it will cost.

Luggage weighing 30 kg

Usually, a passenger who has bought a business class ticket can carry that much for free. At this rate, the passenger has more opportunities.

Baggage over 30 kg - Heavy baggage

Anything over 30 kg that does not fit the standard dimensions is considered a heavy load. Surcharge for each kilogram goes at a special rate for "heavy cargo". Each company has its own rates. Read on the company's website in the rules (section "Baggage Carriage"). This is required information.

Perhaps this is the main thing.

Baggage free ticket

I will add that many companies still have a baggage-free fare. This is when you do not take luggage at all and fly only with hand luggage. Tickets for it are cheap, but there are inconvenient nuances. The main one is that such a ticket is non-refundable.

Consolidated baggage

It also remains possible to combine the things of two or more travelers into one baggage (put all things in one suitcase - 1 piece of baggage). The weight of such luggage should also not exceed the same 30 kg.

What are the pros and cons we have in connection with the introduction of amendments?

Pros: There were standard norms for all. The main one is that you can take free luggage weighing up to 10 kg. Here the norm has increased and we feel better.

Minuses: baggage weight limit to the maximum: instead of 32 kg, you can now take baggage weighing no more than 30 kg

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Hand luggage - new norms

Earlier: different carriers have their own requirements. For example, for some: you can take no more than 3 kg in hand luggage, for others - no more than 4, for others - no more than 5 kg, and for some up to 10 kg.

Now: The hand luggage allowance for all carriers is at least 5 kg per passenger. For us, this means that we can take less than 5 kg, but more than this weight hand luggage is prohibited. At the same time, the carrier can change this figure upwards at its own discretion. Those. you still need to read the rules, because some companies can set a limit of 6, 7 kg per person or even 10 kg, which, of course, will please us.

Also, keep the dimensions in mind! Those. your hand luggage must fit not only into the norms for weight, but also for size (length, width, height). Dimension standards, as before, must be found on the carrier's website. There are no changes here.

Earlier: we could check in hand luggage and, in addition to it, carry laptops, cameras and cameras with us on the plane for free.

Now: All this is included in hand luggage.

In other words, it is impossible to carry separately:

  • telephones;
  • laptops;
  • cameras;
  • documents in folders;

You have to put them in bags. Their weight is also taken into account when calculating the weight of hand luggage.

Is the laptop in a bag or suitcase? You don't need to pay anything. Do you want to carry it separately? You are due.

If earlier hand luggage was weighed only at check-in, now it can be weighed before boarding itself (apparently in cases where the bag is suspicious). This is important for those who took few things with them, checking them out as hand luggage, and buying "baggageless" tickets.

Attention! Your hand luggage can also be weighed at the port of arrival!

Minuses this innovation: now at home you will have to carefully weigh your hand luggage and make sure that there is no overweight.

Pros: The aircraft cabin will be less busy. All your carry-on luggage will go into the luggage compartment in the cabin of the aircraft and you don’t have to worry about whether your things will have enough space on the shelf or not.

Updated 19.02. 2018: In connection with the increasing complaints of passengers about the lack of space for hand luggage in the aircraft cabin, Aeroflot tightened control over hand luggage. You can read about it Here.

What things can be taken on the plane and not checked in as hand luggage

And before, and now you can take with you the things you need during the flight or immediately after landing. They are not checked in as hand luggage and do not require additional payment.

Here is their list. The list will be supplemented, but definitely will not be able to cut:

  • handbag, knapsack, briefcase;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • your clothes (jacket, coat); If we fly from a country where +27 degrees in our winter, where -27. Or vice versa, such an additional package with things is very relevant.
  • special children's food; But no more than what is needed for the flight.
  • specially packaged suit;
  • cane or crutch;
  • a baby stroller or cradle, which, when folded, fits under the seat in front of the chair;
  • walkers, which, when folded, are placed under the seat in front of the chair;
  • a medical chair for those who find it difficult to move around.

Familiar positions? They were previously allowed for free transportation. The list has now been expanded:

  • sealed bag from dutyfree;
  • medicines, everything necessary for medical reasons for the passenger.

And once again, what is now forbidden to be transported separately:

  • phone, laptop;
  • an umbrella, even a small one;
  • paper in a folder;
  • newspapers, books, magazines;
  • camera, camera.

What are the pros and cons of all this?

Pros: The minimum carry-on baggage allowance has increased to 5 kg.

Minuses: The maximum weight requirement for hand luggage has been reduced from 10kg to 5kg. Laptops, cameras, documents will have to be considered as hand luggage.

I think we will get used to the new norms and come up with something. Other countries already have experience, you can use their life hacks.

Video - How the Scots put things in a special vest

There are people who figure out how to carry more things in the cabin and not pay for it. One option is a vest for an air passenger. Interesting idea.

Common Questions

What happens if I refuse to pay?

Refusing to pay for something that can no longer be carried free of charge? For example, a laptop. It's simple - you may not be allowed on board. Of course, they will tell you about it. And they will give you a second chance to pay. But, we do not advise you to take risks - they will simply cancel your ticket if you insist.

Paid more than you carry. What to do?

Only if the overpayment is due to the number of seats, the money will be returned to you. If you paid for 2 seats, but used only one, you will be refunded.

Hand luggage weighs more than allowed. Is it possible to pay extra?

No! It's a matter of passenger safety. If it does not fit in the weight and dimensions, they will not be allowed to carry it with you.

If the carrier does not follow the new rules

These innovations are relevant for everyone. You see that they are violated - you can contact Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you need to keep all the tickets and receipts that you receive. Don't pay extra without a check! You can get compensation, and the carrier will be fined.

The rules have changed, perhaps something has become less convenient for us. But, if you think about it, you can find the right "luggage combination"!

From the main point, this is probably all. If you still have questions regarding the nuances (oversized cargo, baggage consolidation, money back, etc.), we highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with rules(study changes in the order “General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Servicing Passengers, Consignors, Consignees”) and deal with your specific case. There are a lot of errors and misleading information on the websites and even in the CT video. Use the original!

Our "Victory"

Pobeda Airlines is a subsidiary of Aeroflot and positions itself as a low-cost airline.

On the territory of Russia, today, this is the only low-cost company, so its requirements are slightly different towards minimalism.

Proceed from the fact that the essence of the low-cost is to reduce the price of a ticket as much as possible, i.e. make it cheap, then the rules of Victory will become clearer to you.

Low-cost airlines (from the English "low-cost" (low-cost) - low costs) - a type of airlines that operate on an unconventional transportation model that involves the provision of very cheap air tickets.

How much luggage can you take on a plane? Can I carry alcohol, perfumes, aerosols, medicines, cigarettes in my luggage? But what about food? Let's consider these questions in detail.

There are no international rules for baggage, each air carrier regulates this issue independently. The airline may choose to carry baggage by seat or by weight.

Permissible baggage weight per person on the plane

The weight system allows you to carry free of charge:

  • in economy class no more than 20 kilograms of baggage with its total linear size of 203 centimeters;
  • in business class, with the same dimensions, it is allowed to take 30 kilograms with you.

If at least one parameter of your baggage does not fit into the established norms, the air carrier has the right to require additional payment. Children under ten years of age under such a system have the right to transport ten kilograms of things, and from the age of twelve they are already entitled to an adult norm for the carriage of goods.

The weight system is convenient because when traveling together, the weight of all things is added up, and the number of bags is not counted.

The local system replaces the weight system, despite its obvious convenience. Aeroflot recently switched to it. Here are the shipping rules:

  • economy class allows you to take only one piece of baggage with a bag no heavier than 23 kilograms;
  • in business class, the conditions are milder: two pieces of baggage weighing no more than 32 kilograms each.

The main difference of the luggage system is that the weight of luggage is not cumulative. For example, on a double flight in economy class, passengers carry two things weighing 15 and 25 kilograms. The extra two kilos will be counted as a third piece of baggage and paid in full. When planning luggage before travel, keep in mind that such an overload is paid at a high rate, comparable in price to a ticket. Therefore, you should carefully calculate the weight of things.

The requirements for the maximum allowable baggage size in the local system are even stricter: the total linear size of the item is not more than 158 centimeters.

Rules for transporting food, alcohol and cigarettes on an airplane

Alcohol is not included in the list of goods prohibited for transportation on an airplane, but there are still certain rules for it. So, in hand luggage, each adult passenger has the right to carry one liter of alcoholic beverages, regardless of their strength. The entire quantity is divided into several containers no more than 100 milliliters each. All bottles are packed in a plastic bag with a zipper. It is forbidden to use them on board: the packaging must not be broken until the end of the flight. Breaking the rules can get you in trouble.

Carriage of alcohol in baggage is regulated by the following rules:

  • liquids not stronger than 24% are transported without restrictions, but without going beyond the general weight restrictions;
  • alcohol with a strength of 24 to 70% no more than five liters per passenger;
  • alcohol stronger than 70% is prohibited for transportation.

Alcoholic drinks purchased before the flight in duty-free shops are allowed to be transported in hand luggage, but in a whole package with a saved receipt. In low-cost companies, you will most likely have to pay for transporting a package of alcohol from a duty-free shop.

IN different countries The allowances for transporting strong drinks can vary greatly, so please inquire about this issue separately before an international flight.

The same recommendations apply to the question of the rules for transporting cigarettes. However, each country sets its own standards, which should be guided by before flying. For example, when flying on the territory of the Russian Federation, only one cigarette block (10 packs of 20 cigarettes each), up to 250 grams of tobacco or no more than 50 cigars can be transported in hand luggage. In this case, the passenger must be 18 years old. Other countries have different age limits. For example, in Egypt, a 15-year-old passenger may well carry tobacco products with him, but only those who are already 20 years old can fly to Japan with cigarettes.

As for medicines, it is allowed to carry medicines in solid form (capsules, powders, tablets) in hand luggage. Liquid medicines, as well as ointments, creams and gels, should be in original containers up to 100 ml, and then packed in a bag (necessarily transparent) measuring 20x20 centimeters.

When transporting prescription drugs or drugs containing psychotropic / narcotic substances, you will need to present a doctor's prescription, and for an international flight you must also declare such drugs. For passengers with an insulin-dependent form of diabetes, an exception is made: vials of insulin, syringes and glucometers are allowed in hand luggage.

By the way, for international flights there is a list of drugs prohibited for transportation, and you should familiarize yourself with it before departure. For example, when flying to the USA, you will not be able to take Corvalol, which is familiar in Russia, on board.

On domestic flights you can take solid food in the cabin if it fits in your hand luggage and does not exceed the weight. On international lines, follow the rules of the countries where you are going. Usually they are forbidden to carry eggs, fish, meat and dairy products. The ban is connected with the fact that these products are perishable and can cause an infectious disease and even an epidemic.

Transportation of liquid products is regulated separately. These include, in addition to water and juices, canned food, jam, jelly, honey, sour cream, cottage cheese, sauces.

Most airlines regulate the carriage of liquids and limit it to one liter per passenger, poured into hermetically sealed bottles with a capacity of no more than one hundred milliliters. All other liquids, including cosmetics, deodorants, colognes, perfumes, mosquito sprays and shampoos, are checked in as baggage under the new rules.

What is forbidden to carry on an airplane in baggage in 2020

Exists dangerous items, which are prohibited for transportation, both in hand luggage and in the luggage compartment. These include:

  • weapons: cold, firearms, gas, stun guns;
  • explosives: dynamite, cartridges, pyrotechnics;
  • gases: liquefied, compressed in cylinders, aerosols;
  • flammable liquids: petroleum products, acetone, solvents;
  • solid flammable substances: matches, metal potassium, calcium, sodium;
  • poisonous and toxic: nicotine, arsenic, mercury;
  • caustic and rapidly corrosive: salts, acids, lime.

The same list includes magnetized and radioactive substances.

The list of substances and items prohibited for transportation under the new rules is extensive. If you are planning to bring an unusual item on the plane, check this list in advance or consult with an airline representative. Compliance with such simple rules guarantees the safety of all passengers and the absence of problems during the inspection of luggage.

What to do if prohibited items are found in luggage or baggage

Passengers often carry a “prohibition”, doing it not intentionally, but simply without knowing the rules of the flight thoroughly. If the airport security staff found prohibited items in hand luggage or baggage, and you don’t want to lose them, the situation should be resolved in the following ways.

  1. If prohibited items are found before check-in: give them to the accompanying persons, hand them over to the storage room or send them by mail (there is a branch at each airport) to the right place.
  2. If prohibited items are found after the check-in procedure, then airline employees will offer a couple of options for resolving the misunderstanding: complete confiscation of the “prohibited item” or temporary seizure with the ability to pick up things after returning. Make sure that an act will be drawn up for items that are valuable to you, but prohibited from being transported, according to which you can get them back.

In any case, try to prove to the security service that this item is dear to you - there is always a chance that security officers will meet halfway.

Passenger transportation, including air transportation, has clear baggage allowances. This is due to safety requirements, in order to avoid overload vehicle. Aircraft baggage regulations are particularly strict, as severely exceeding the weight limit can lead to tragic consequences.

In international practice, there are standards for how many kilograms passengers are allowed to carry. However, each airline independently determines the conditions of carriage and the dimensions of baggage and hand luggage, depending on the type of aircraft, class of service, etc. To avoid an unpleasant surprise at the airport, you need to try to determine the weight of your bags during the training. The rules for carrying baggage on an airplane are usually published on the carrier's website.

How many kg of baggage can I take on a plane

All passengers can carry n-th amount of baggage free of charge. Anything over the limit will require additional payment. At the same time, the allowances for hand luggage and luggage itself differ. The first includes those things that passengers take into the cabin of the aircraft. To the second - what is rented at check-in in the baggage compartment of the airliner.

In air transportation, two systems of free baggage transportation are accepted:

  • Weight - introduces restrictions on the weight of baggage, how many kg can be taken on board;
  • By the number of seats - limits the number of pieces of luggage.

Weight system

This is a system that sets limits on the weight of all baggage. Airlines operating under this system fix the limit of carried cargo free of charge by one person. The most common restrictions are:

  • Economy class -23 kg;
  • Business class - 32 kg.

A child under 2 years old has a baggage allowance of 10 kg, even if he flies without a separate ticket.

Airlines are developing loyalty programs in which, in addition to various bonuses, the maximum baggage weight has been increased for regular customers.

With a weighing system, it is possible to combine the luggage of two or three passengers. For example, you can take one suitcase for two weighing 30 kg.

By number of pieces of baggage

IN Western countries baggage transportation by the local system is common, it is also used on most flights in Russia. Its essence is that each passenger can carry a limited number of "pieces" of luggage for free:

  • In economy class - 1 or 2 pieces of baggage (depending on the fare), the weight of which is not more than 23 kg and with the amount overall dimensions 158 cm;
  • In business class - 2 or more pieces of baggage, which can weigh no more than 32 kg each, with dimensions of 203 cm.

To determine the dimensions, measure the height, width and length of the "place" and add their values.

The specificity of the system is that the parameters of the places do not add up. If the volume of one is more than the set values, you will have to pay for the excess, even if the limit of the second place has not been exhausted. The same applies to dimensions: if the suitcase big size, even with its light weight, you will have to pay the full price for the extra. place.

Example! 1 suitcase weighs 10 kg, and the second 30 kg. Even though their total weight does not exceed the total weight limit (23+23 kg =46 kg), an overweight charge for a 30 kg suitcase will be required.

In addition, in countries with a developed trade union movement, there is a ban on loaders lifting more than 32 kg of weight. Those. if the luggage weighs even 33 kg, then you won’t be able to get off with an overweight fee, it will simply not be accepted on the plane.

hand luggage

Before the flight, you should also find out the rules for carrying hand luggage on the plane established by this company. The average size of luggage that can be taken on a plane is 15 kg (business) with dimensions up to 115 cm.

Carry-on baggage usually includes important documents, gadgets, a book to read, essentials, medicines, outerwear. If you are taking a backpack or a small bag with you on a plane, weigh it first to see if you have exceeded your hand luggage allowance. Otherwise, you will have to put something in your luggage.

The weight of carry-on baggage on an airplane is not considered when measuring the entire cargo carried. The full rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane must be published on the airline's website.

Important! The standards described above apply to most airlines. However, there are so-called low-cost airlines that use an unconventional transportation system, which allows them to significantly reduce the price of tickets. Such carriers limit the weight of baggage allowed for transportation and its quantity as much as possible. Flying on such flights, people experience inconvenience, but they pay much less for a ticket.

Charter flights are also a special type of flight, when the company chartering the aircraft (in this case, the tour operator) itself determines how much weight passengers can carry for free.

Excess baggage

Taking with him more than it should be, the passenger must understand that the extra pounds will have to be paid. If an overweight cannot be avoided, it is better to find out in advance what procedures are adopted in a particular airline: somewhere a small overload is allowed, and somewhere it is categorically not allowed. At the same time, the tariffs of carriers for the weight of luggage on the plane per person, exceeding the norm, can reach impressive amounts. It is better to check in excess baggage at the airport in advance, as it will take time for weighing, payment and clearance. If there is a lot of such baggage, then it is drawn up in a separate document as unaccompanied and sent on a separate cargo flight. The passenger will be able to receive it at the destination under a special air waybill.

Oversized baggage

It includes luggage on the plane, whose dimensions exceed the established sum of three dimensions. Musical instruments, large sports equipment and equipment, a baby carriage, household appliances, etc. are considered oversized. If the cargo is valuable, it is recommended to carry it as hand luggage or with the purchase of an additional ticket. This point must be agreed with the airline in advance. It will take time for the carrier to accept a passenger with skis or, for example, a double bass.

If you have bought a separate ticket for oversized cargo, this does not increase the allowable weight of luggage on the plane, which you can carry for free.

Important! The air carrier has the right to refuse carriage oversized cargo. There may be no free space on the aircraft, or the type of vessel may not be suitable (loading doors are too small).

Any oversize is paid additionally at a separate rate. However, it happens that on planes flying to places of seasonal recreation ( ski resorts, diving, etc.), airlines offer free transportation of sports equipment.

What is prohibited in checked baggage

The baggage rules also define the list of items and substances that are not allowed for transportation:

  • explosives (explosives, cartridges, fireworks, sparklers, gas and alcohol burners, etc.);
  • firearms;
  • flammable substances (gasoline, diesel fuel, solvents, gasoline lighters, etc.);
  • gases and liquids under pressure (pepper spray, sprays, deodorants, etc.);
  • toxins, poisons, acids;
  • radioactive objects and substances;
  • dangerous items that can be used to attack (pocket knives, straight razors, scissors, etc.). However, they can be transferred to the luggage compartment.

Checked baggage may contain trophy melee or throwing weapons (for example, a saber, sword or crossbow). However, they must be specially issued, and the passenger needs permission to carry them.

A complete list of prohibited items is determined by legislative acts approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Transportation of fragile luggage

Among the free baggage allowance, fragile items can be carried on the plane if they fit within the allowable weight limits. They can even be handed over to the luggage compartment, having warned the airport employee about this at check-in. In this case, an identification mark will be stuck on the cargo, and the loaders will bring it to the luggage compartment with special care. However, the airline is not responsible for the safety of baggage, even if it has the status of "fragile". Therefore, it is recommended to take it on board as hand luggage.

If the cargo is lost

Even if a passenger, knowing how many kg he can take with him on a plane, weighed his luggage, paid for excess weight, issued an invoice for oversized cargo, he is still not protected from losing luggage. Bags and suitcases are lost during loading and unloading, they can be mistakenly sent on another flight.

Algorithm of actions in case of lost luggage:

  1. Should be on hand baggage tag or a receipt (it is usually issued upon boarding);
  2. It is necessary to contact the baggage tracing point and write an application for search;
  3. The airline must within 21 days to find the loss and return it free of charge to the specified address. If the client is offered to go for the luggage himself or pay for the delivery costs, this is a violation of the law;
  4. If at the end of the three-week period, the baggage was not found, or it was returned damaged, you need to write an application for damages;
  5. If the company refuses to compensate for the damage, you need to get their written refusal, with which to go to court.

Baggage allowance: main rules

So, in order for the trip to go smoothly, you should remember the basic rules:

  • Try to get a suitcase or travel bag of a standard size. Make sure that its dimensions fit into international standards;
  • Check your carrier's baggage allowance in advance. Pay special attention to this issue when flying with LowCost;
  • Knowing how much you can take with you on an airplane, it is better to take a couple of kilograms less;
  • When flying with small children, you can safely demand that 10 kg be included in their luggage;
  • If possible, fly light with hand luggage only. You will spend much less time landing and landing, and get rid of the unpleasant hassle of losing luggage.


Permissible dimensions and weight of hand luggage on the plane are limited by certain standards. At the same time, there are no universal parameters of baggage that a passenger can carry with him in the cabin of an aircraft: in general, the norms depend on the carrier, the class of service paid, and the flight distance.

In any case, you will have to find out the allowed weight and size of hand luggage in advance: in order not to pay for excess weight and avoid the most unpleasant situation - getting rid of excess things before the flight.

With increased attention, it is worth studying the rates of low-cost airlines and proposals for new promotional fares before buying tickets - this applies to both domestic and foreign airlines. Cheap flights may come with restrictions, such as no baggage or carry-on baggage, or stricter baggage weight requirements.

Size and weight of hand luggage on Russian airlines

The maximum weight of hand luggage on the planes of most Russian airlines is 10 kg, for business class - 15 kg. However, before buying a ticket, you need to find out the norms for the chosen fare, as they can vary greatly.

Airline Hand luggage weight Hand luggage size, cm

Business — 1 place up to 15 kg.

55×40×25 Weight and size of hand luggage at Aeroflot in 2020
S7 Airlines

Economy — 1 piece up to 10 kg;

Business - 1 piece weighing up to 15 kg (in total).

55×40×23 Dimensions and allowable weight of hand luggage for S7

Economy — 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Economy premium, business — 1 piece up to 10 kg.



Weight and size of hand luggage at UTair
Ural Airlines

Promo Light/Lowcost/Promo/Economy/Premium Economy — 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Business/Comfort — 2 pieces with a total weight of up to 15 kg.

40×30×20 low cost

Dimensions, weight of hand luggage at Ural Airlines
Victory 36x30x27 + laptop/tablet without case and cane umbrella Hand luggage at Pobeda
Russia On flights SU 6000-6999: economy, comfort — 1 seat up to 10 kg; business — 1 place up to 15 kg.

On flights FV5501-5900: Economy - 1 seat up to 5 kg; business — 1 place up to 10 kg.

55×40×25 for all tariffs Norms: For SU 6000-6999 ; For FV5501-5900
Azur Air Economy — 1 piece up to 5 kg; business — 1 place up to 10 kg. Exceeding weight - in agreement with the airline. 55×40×20 Hand luggage at Azur Air
Gazprom avia 1 place up to 5 kg 45×35×15 Norms at Gazprom avia

Economy, comfort — 1 piece up to 10 kg;

Business — 1 place up to 15 kg.

55×40×25 Norms at Donavia
Pegas Fly

Economy — 1 piece up to 5 kg.

Business — 2 places up to 5 kg each.

115 cm (55×40×20) Hand luggage at Pegas Fly

Economy — 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Premium, Business — 1 piece up to 10 kg.

115 cm (55×40×20) Norms IrAero
Komiaviatrans 1 place up to 8 kg 35×22×25 Norms at Komiaviatrans

Basic - 1 place up to 10 kg.

Hand luggage at Nordavia
Red Wings Airlines

Light/Standard — 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Basic - 1 place up to 10 kg.

40×30×20 for Light tariff

Hand luggage at Red Wings Airlines

Light / Classic - 1 place up to 5 kg;

Optimum/Premium — 1 piece up to 10 kg.

Weight and size of hand luggage at Rusline
Saratov Airlines 1 place up to 5 kg 45×35×15 Hand luggage allowance for Saratov Airlines
Royal Flight

Economy — 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Business — 1 place up to 10 kg.

55×40×20 Hand luggage at Royal Flight
Nordwind Airlines

Economy — 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Business - 2 places of 5 kg.

115 cm (55×40×20) Hand luggage on Nordwind Airlines aircraft

Economy — 1 piece up to 10 kg;

Business — 1 place up to 15 kg.

55×40×20 Hand luggage on planes Yakutia
Yamal 1 place up to 5 kg 55×40×20 Hand luggage at Yamal Airlines

Weight and dimensions of hand luggage on foreign airlines

The variation in tolerances for the weight and dimensions of the bag in the cabin of foreign airlines is even wider. Depending on the air carrier, the weight of hand luggage on airplanes often varies from 5 to 18 kg. In some cases, hand luggage allowances can surprise you with generosity, even in economy class.

Websites of airlines engaged in international passenger transportation are often available in several languages, including Russian.

Airline Hand luggage weight Hand luggage size Information on the official website

Economy — 1 piece up to 8 kg.
Business - 2 places: 8 kg + 5 kg, or 1 place up to 13 kg.

56×45×25, for Olympic Air 55×40×23
1) 56×45×25 (up to 8 kg),
45×35×20 (up to 5 kg);
2) 56×45×25 (up to 13 kg).

Regulations on the Aegean website
AirAsia 2 bags with a total weight of up to 7 kg. 56×36×23 and 40x30x10 All information about hand luggage on the AirAsia website
Air Astana Economy — 1 piece up to 8 kg.
Business - 2 places up to 8 kg.
56×45×25 Air Astana baggage allowance
Air France Economy - up to 12 kg.
Business - up to 18 kg.
55×35×25 Baggage in the cabin of an Air France aircraft
Czech Airlines

Light - 1 place up to 8 kg;
Plus, Flex - 1 place up to 8 kg + 1 place up to 3 kg;
Business - 2 places of 8 kg and 1 place up to 3 kg.

55×45×25 and an additional small bag (all fares except Light) — 40x30x15. Hand luggage with Czech Airlines
EasyJet 1 place. Weight is not limited, but the passenger must independently lift hand luggage to the shelf and safely remove it. 56x45x25. With easyJet Plus card, FLEXI fare - extra bed 45x36x20. Hand luggage rates on the EasyJet website
Emirates Economy — 1 piece up to 7 kg.
First class and business - 2 pieces up to 7 kg each (briefcase, handbag or bag with clothes)
Economy - 55 × 38 × 20. First and business: portfolio - up to 45 × 35 × 20, bag - up to 55 × 38 × 20. Hand luggage options on the Emirates website
Etihad Airways Economy — 1 piece up to 7 kg.
First class, business - 2 pieces weighing up to 12 kg (total)
115 cm (40×50×25) Baggage dimensions on the Etihad Airways website
Finnair Business, as well as Finnair Plus Platinum, Gold and Silver cards - 2 pieces of baggage weighing up to 10 kg (total weight).
Other rates — 1 piece up to 8 kg.
56×45×25 Hand luggage in the Finnair cabin
Qatar Airways Economy — 1 piece up to 7 kg.
First, business - 2 places with a total weight of up to 15 kg.
50×37×25 Information on the Qatar Airways website
Turkish Airlines Economy — 1 piece up to 8 kg.
Business, as well as Elite Plus and Elite cards - 2 places of 8 kg each.
23×40×55 Hand luggage with Turkish Airlines
Lufthansa Economy, economy premium — 1 piece up to 8 kg.
First, business - 2 places of 8 kg.
55×40×23; For folding travel bags - 57×54×15 Hand luggage on Lufthansa aircraft
Korean Air Economy — 1 piece up to 12 kg.
First and prestige class - 2 seats with a total weight of up to 18 kg.
55×40×20 Korean Air Passenger Baggage Allowance
Thai Airways 1 place up to 7 kg 115 cm sum of three measurements

In law Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (as amended on January 14, 2019) “On Approval of the Federal Aviation Rules “General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Servicing Passengers, Consignors, Consignees”” (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27 .2007 No. 10186)
in any Russian airline you can bring on board up to 5 kg of things free of charge. There are carriers that allow you to take 10 or 15 kg.

Usually than more expensive ticket, the more things you can carry in the cabin. Usually, for flights in economy class, one piece of hand luggage is provided, and for business class - two. But here everything depends on the carrier: some companies have their own rules for each fare, direction, aircraft, while others have a single standard for everyone.

Dimensions are not prescribed in the law, so here each carrier can establish its own rules. Usually, bags of 55 × 40 × 20 cm in size or with the sum of three dimensions equal to 115 cm are allowed on board. Such a suitcase will fit in the overhead luggage rack along with the hand luggage of other passengers.

You can also take a handbag, briefcase or backpack with things in excess of the norm. It is assumed that you will place them under the seat in front of you, so the allowed weight and dimensions may be less than for hand luggage. For example, up to 3 kg and not more than 80 cm in the sum of three dimensions.

Carefully read the rules on the company's website: if the weight of free baggage in excess of the norm is not indicated there, check it on the website or by phone.

Also, instead of an additional bag, briefcase or backpack, you can take for free:

  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • suit in a suitcase (specify weight and dimensions);
  • a device for carrying a child (cradle, chair, stroller) - provided that you are flying with a child and can fit these things on a shelf or under the seat;
  • medicines, special dietary needs in the amount required for the duration of the flight;
  • crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, a folding wheelchair, if you can fit them in the cabin on a shelf or under the seat;
  • goods from Duty Free, if they are suitable in weight and dimensions and are sealed in a sealed package (specify weight and dimensions).

Rule of thumb: what you are going to take into the cabin should fit on a shelf or under the seat. Ask the carrier in advance how much excess hand luggage they will allow you to carry.

How are hand luggage checked at the airport?

If your hand luggage looks bulky, it will be weighed at the airport and the dimensions checked using a special frame. This is a plastic container or two walls in which your suitcase should fit. In this case, everything should fit, including handles and wheels.

Carry-on bag size checker /

To avoid having to pay extra for hand luggage, choose soft bags or a backpack with drawstring straps that reduce the size of an already packed travel accessory.