List of things that cannot be taken on a plane. List of things allowed on the plane


New transportation rules came out in 2017 hand luggage in airplane. We advise you to carefully read the list of what you can take in your hand luggage and what not, if you...

In 2017, new rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane were released. We advise you to carefully read the list of what you can take in hand luggage and what not if you are going on an air trip. Unfortunately, ignorance of such subtleties can ruin your holiday.

1. Food

You can bring any food on board the plane, with the exception of liquid and jelly-like food. You can take with you:

  • nuts;
  • cookie;
  • fruits;
  • sandwiches;
  • chips, etc.

You can take baby food for your child. But refrain from yoghurts, juices, jellies and similar products, otherwise they will be confiscated from you. Canned food and food in jars will also be taken away. It is better to pack all permitted products in transparent bags. This will significantly speed up the inspection.

It is important to take into account the specifics of the carrier and the airport. So, at the Paris airport. Charles de Gaulle was prohibited from carrying cheese in hand luggage.

You can also take Duty Free products with you. The main thing is that the store packaging remains undamaged (the seller must pack the goods in a special bag with a capacity of 2 liters). In addition, keep the receipt - it may be required when going through control.

2. Medicines

The following medications can be carried on board the aircraft:

  • pills;
  • various drops;
  • dressings;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

It is better if the medicines are in undamaged original packaging, with instructions for use. Otherwise, when boarding, customs officers may suspect whether you are carrying prohibited substances under the guise of analgin.

If you have an injury, you may want to add crutches or other orthopedic aids to your carry-on luggage.

According to the rules, the volume of liquid in hand luggage should not exceed 100 ml. Therefore, if the medicine is liquid or in spray form, make sure that the volume does not exceed the permitted amount. You cannot take syringes on board.

3. Digital technology

What technical devices you can take on board are determined by the safety regulations of the country you are traveling to. Usually you are allowed to take in hand luggage:

  • laptop;
  • tablet;
  • mobile phone;
  • Mp3 player;
  • camera;
  • electric razor and toothbrush;
  • charging for devices;
  • bulk electrical appliances (for example, hair dryer).

You can (and should) also take headphones on board. If you are going to listen to music or watch a movie on your laptop, it is unlikely that other passengers will be happy to share this pleasure with you.

Although it is not prohibited to take a mobile phone with you, you may not need it during the flight. Often before takeoff, you are asked to turn off your phones altogether, because they can interfere with the operation of the aircraft’s electronic systems.

If you are going to take bulky equipment with you, remember the regulations. Typically, the length of items in hand luggage should be no more than 56 cm, height - 45 cm, width - 25 cm. Weight Limit varies between 3-15 kilograms. The exact figure depends on the airport.

4. Documents, valuables and jewelry

In addition, you should take in your hand luggage:

  • expensive jewelry;
  • documentation;
  • valuables;
  • Wallet with money.

It’s better to take your passport and other important papers with you - it’s calmer, you won’t have to worry about their safety the whole way. Moreover, if your luggage is suddenly lost, you will not be left in a foreign country without documents.

5. Cosmetics

You can bring any dry cosmetics on board:

  • shadows;
  • mascara;
  • eye and lip pencils;
  • blush;
  • powder, etc.

Liquids, jelly-like substances in cans and bottles with a volume of more than 100 ml are strictly prohibited from being transported on board an aircraft in hand luggage. Pack them in your luggage, otherwise you risk being left without your expensive jars.

You can't carry pressurized cans on an airplane either. Therefore, you will have to get rid of shaving foam and deodorants.

Remember that usually the total volume of liquids should not exceed 1 liter. Therefore, if you also take water with you in addition to lotion and shampoo, and their total volume exceeds the permissible limit, think about what will be more important to you on board.

6. Personal hygiene items

Personal hygiene items you can take in hand luggage:

  • a toothbrush and toothpaste (although the latter needs to be clarified - at some airports it is prohibited to take toothpaste with you);
  • wet wipes;
  • Shaver;
  • a comb without a sharp handle (sometimes it is prohibited to carry metal combs);
  • nail polish remover without acetone with a volume of no more than 100 ml.

7. Clothes

You can take with you to the salon:

  • jacket or sweater;
  • coat;
  • plaid;
  • shawl.

Additionally, you can bring a handbag, an umbrella and a cane.

8. Other

If you are traveling with children, in addition to hand luggage, you can take a baby carrycot or stroller on board. It is not forbidden to take newspapers, magazines and other printed publications with you (without fanaticism, of course).

It is strictly forbidden to take with you in hand luggage:

  • weapons and everything that looks like them (if you have a fashionable accessory in the shape of a grenade or pistol, they can be taken away);
  • piercing and cutting objects (this includes everything, even something that you would not even think of using as a weapon to cause pain to another person, for example, knitting needles);
  • animals;
  • gas cartridges;
  • toxic substances.

A full list of prohibited items is often indicated directly on the ticket. If this list is not there, ask about this question right at the airport.

Check the size rules, they vary for each airline. Low-cost airlines take this issue especially seriously. U low cost airlines There is a strict rule: one person – one piece of hand luggage. Therefore, everything will have to be put in one bag or package. An exception is allowed only for folding strollers, crutches and outerwear.

- a question that interests passengers of many airlines. People do not always understand what belongs to this category of luggage, what items can be taken into the cabin, and what is better to leave at home or check in with regular cargo.

What is the essence?

First, let's look at what is considered hand luggage on an airplane. This is a special type of baggage that is allowed to be taken into the cabin of an airliner. It has its own rules and regulations for transportation, depending on the rules of the airline. For example, economy class passengers receive one seat, and business class and 1st class passengers receive twice as many.

It is believed that the equivalent of one place is a bag or backpack containing personal belongings. This is wrong. The main criterion is the weight of hand luggage and its dimensions. It is these parameters that the carrier starts from. Such baggage is subject to a number of restrictions, which may vary.

General prohibitions

Before checking in for a flight, it is important to be clear about what you cannot take on the plane. Generally speaking, the category of prohibited cargo includes weapons, liquefied gases, as well as dangerous substances (radioactive, toxic, caustic). The category of prohibited items also includes explosives, liquefied gases, sharp objects, including household appliances such as wire cutters, a corkscrew, scissors, a folding knife and others.

Below we will consider in detail what you can take in hand luggage on a plane, and what items are prohibited in relation to food, cosmetics, medicines, digital equipment and other cargo.

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First, let's look at what you are allowed to carry. from food. As a rule, airlines restrict passengers in this matter by prohibiting the carriage of jelly-like and liquid foods. But you can take with you:

  • Nuts.
  • Fruits.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Cookie.
  • Chips and other products.

If you are flying with a child, you are allowed to take baby food. If jellies, juices or yoghurts are found before departure, they will most likely be prohibited from being carried. This also applies to food that is packaged in cans. Those products that are allowed to be brought on board are recommended to be packed in transparent bags, which speeds up the inspection procedure.

Before departure, pay attention to the carrier's requirements, as they may vary. Pay special attention to goods from DutyFree stores. They are allowed to be taken on the plane, but only if they are packaged in a bag and have a receipt in hand.

Cosmetical tools

Women are often interested in what they can take with them. from cosmetics. As a rule, carriers allow you to bring into the cabin:

  • Blush.
  • Eyeliner.
  • Shadows.
  • Powder and other means.

As for jelly-like compositions, as well as liquids that are packaged in containers larger than 0.1 liters, it is prohibited to take them with you. The only option is to transfer your items to checked luggage. In addition, it is not permitted to bring pressurized cans into the cabin. In this case, the total volume of liquids carried should not exceed 1000 ml. This nuance should be taken into account before departure.

Medical supplies

An equally important issue is medications. The following medications are allowed as hand luggage:

  • Pills.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Materials for dressing.
  • Various drops.

All products should be sealed and carried with instructions for use. Otherwise, customs officers may have questions for the passenger, up to and including the need to conduct a detailed inspection. If there is an injury, hand luggage can be supplemented with special means for movement, for example, crutches. Regarding the upper limit of liquids, the same rules apply here as mentioned above.

Digital equipment

According to air carrier rules, you can take digital equipment on board the plane - a laptop, player, tablet, camera, charger and even a hairdryer. But there is a limitation regarding mobile phones. It can be brought into the cabin, but must be turned off. This is due to safety concerns, as radiation from mobile devices can interfere with the operation of aircraft electronics.

If you plan to carry large equipment with you that exceeds the permissible dimensions, it is better to check it as regular luggage.

What to do with documents and jewelry?

According to airline rules, you are allowed to take valuables, jewelry, wallets and important documents with you in hand luggage. You also need to take your passport with you so as not to accidentally end up in a foreign country without documents. There are situations when luggage does not fit on one plane and then it can be sent on the next flight.

Clothing and personal care items

When it comes to personal hygiene items, you can bring a toothbrush and toothpaste, a comb (without a handle), wet wipes and even nail polish remover on board the plane. At the same time, it is prohibited to take cutting or piercing things into the salon. This rule also applies to nail scissors.

From clothes you can take with you a coat, a jacket (sweater), an umbrella, a blanket and a shawl. Generally speaking, it is allowed to take almost all clothing if it does not contradict the airline’s rules and does not exceed the permissible standards (dimensions, weight).

What are the weight and size restrictions?

Separate question - How much hand luggage can you take on a plane?. Here, each airline has its own rules, which depend on the destination, ticket price, flight class and other factors. There are only two main criteria, namely size and weight:

  • Dimensions. They should not exceed 56 cm in length, 46 cm in height, and 25 cm in width.
  • Weight. Here the requirements differ, and various airlines limits may range between 3 and 15 kg.


Despite some similarity in the requirements of air carriers regarding hand luggage, some rules are strictly individual. For example, low-cost airlines that provide budget flights are stricter about hand luggage and allow you to take a minimum of things into the cabin. There is a maximum of one seat per person. More established companies will have fewer restrictions. In any case, it is important to clarify these points in advance, even before purchasing a ticket and checking in for the flight.

Hi all! I think every traveler wants to have a comfortable and safe flight. But this is simply impossible without knowing what is prohibited from being carried on an airplane.

At first glance, it may seem that there is no logic in these rules. But believe me, this is not so.

The most important principle that unites all these rules: you cannot take with you objects and substances that could interfere with the normal operation of the ship or pose a threat to the aircraft, crew and passengers. All rules follow from it. I recommend that you read them very carefully.

In this article:

1. Dummies

Now there are a lot of things that do not pose a threat, but look like dangerous objects. For example:

  • alarm clock in the form of a stick of dynamite
  • toy machine guns, pistols (which children love to buy as gifts)

No one is saying that these items are prohibited from being transported at all. BUT! They are definitely prohibited from being carried in hand luggage - that’s it. Secondly, there may be increased interest in them from security, so be prepared.

2. Explosives and all objects stuffed with them

This includes everything that can explode, catch fire or contribute to this. Of course, it is quite difficult to imagine that some passenger in a suitcase of acceptable weight and size checks in TNT or takes a briefcase with cartridges into his hand luggage.

But you can get into trouble with seemingly harmless sparklers. They also cannot be transported. In general: neither in checked luggage nor in hand luggage.

Cool fireworks on the occasion of the New Year or wedding - here.

3. Compressed / liquefied gas

A gas cylinder, which is still relevant today, as a rule, in rural areas, and a gas cylinder for self-defense are noticeably different from each other. But both of them are not allowed on the plane.

The exception to this clause is:

  • Gas, which is used to ensure the movement of prostheses;
  • Gas used to fill life jackets;

One passenger can carry a small disposable lighter on board.

4. Flammable liquids and substances

Perhaps, taking a can of gasoline with you can save a lot of money. But the plane is not suitable for this.

Those who make repairs and want to bring back paint, glue, varnish, and solvent from their trip will also be disappointed. All this is also impossible.

5. Toxins, any poisons, strong acids

It is quite logical that all these things pose a threat to people’s lives and health.

By the way, despite the fact that mercury is a poisonous substance, you can carry one mercury thermometer with you in your hand luggage. It is allowed. BUT! I'm just asking you in a humane way. If you don’t carry a glass thermometer with you, buy an electronic one, the price is 150 rubles.

6. Weapons: firearms, pneumatic, electric shock, most types of cold weapons

An exception is made for crossbows, sabers, checkers, hunting rifles, bayonets, swords, daggers, and hunting knives. All this can be carried, but only in the luggage compartment.

I already talked about toy weapons - everything goes in your luggage.

A food processor, a sausage slicer, a meat grinder, a drill, and a screwdriver are also passengers in the luggage compartment.

7. Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides

Bleaching powder belongs to this group. This also includes hydrogen peroxide.

8. Radioactive materials

Comments are unnecessary, I think.

9. All items of unacceptable weight and dimensions for transportation

Everything here is extremely simple: an unmanageable load of enormous size simply will not fit on the plane.

In general, all the information you need on this issue can always be clarified on the airline’s website, by calling the help desk, or from the tour operator who is organizing your trip.

If a prohibited item is found in your luggage...

Anything that is prohibited from being carried or poses a threat to the lives of others is confiscated by airport employees. You can see what things some people try to take with them.

If your belongings contained items and substances that can be freely purchased in Russia, but cannot be imported into the country of destination or simply transported on an airplane, then they will simply be confiscated, and you will continue your journey.

If items are found in the traveler’s belongings, the sale of which is prohibited in ordinary life (weapons, drugs), then they are also confiscated. The only difference is that the passenger will continue his journey in a completely different direction. But I’m sure this won’t happen to you, my dears.

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To help ensure the safety of travelers, airports and airlines around the world have implemented rules that limit the ability of certain items to be carried in carry-on baggage on board an aircraft. These restrictions were tightened after the terrorist attack on the World shopping mall in New York, when on September 11, 2001, suicide bombers threatened the lives of passengers on two planes to carry out a terrorist attack.

The rules for transporting baggage and hand luggage, although strict, are still not a problem. M Is it possible to carry a knife in luggage on a plane? You can carry almost everything you need on your trip. Including knives and even edged weapons. Only subject to strict adherence to all company rules.

Will they be allowed on the plane with a knife?

Much depends on which airline you choose and which country you are planning to visit. Before the trip, you need to clarify all the information, get acquainted with official documents, find out whether it is possible to import or export from a particular country edged weapons and knives - professional, antique, souvenirs, household ones.

Can a knife be carried in luggage on a plane? The easiest way to find this information is on the website of the country's consulate and representative office of the airline you have chosen, or contact the employees directly. You should prepare in advance necessary documents, show up an hour and a half before boarding the plane at the airport and properly check in your luggage and hand luggage. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences are possible - from the seizure of the knife to charges of violating the law.

What are the baggage requirements?

According to the rules of air transportation, each passenger can transport their luggage completely free of charge if it meets certain standards. They are set by the airline, taking into account international standards for cargo transportation, as well as the type of aircraft.

What can you carry in luggage on a plane? These can be absolutely safe things that will not harm the health and life of everyone on board. A passenger can check in only one suitcase or bag - 1 piece. At the same time, the weight of the suitcase should not exceed 23 kilograms if you are flying in economy class and 32 kg if you have chosen business class for the flight. Carriage of baggage above these limits is subject to additional charges. You can also take your hand luggage directly into the aircraft cabin.

What items can you take on board the plane?

What can you carry in luggage on a plane? Carry-on luggage should usually not exceed 16 kilograms in weight; here, too, everything depends on the air carrier and the type of aircraft.

You can take no more than 1 liter of liquid with you. It doesn't matter what it may be - a cosmetic product or a bottle of formula for a baby.

You are allowed to take some food with you - fruit, a sandwich, cookies, crackers. Medicines should only be in branded packaging.

What cannot be carried on a plane in luggage?

Specific restrictions on the carriage of substances and objects that may be dangerous on an airplane are clearly defined. They will not be accepted into the aircraft cabin or as luggage.

Brief list of substances and items prohibited from being carried on an airplane:

  • radioactive and toxic substances;
  • explosives, regardless of their purpose and condition - solid, liquid, gaseous;
  • substances that are easily flammable - both liquid and solid;
  • any liquefied or compressed gases;
  • any weapon, including bladed weapons;
  • any piercing or cutting objects - knitting needles and hooks, other handicraft items, manicure accessories, etc.

However, there are special reservations and exceptions that regulate the possibility of carrying both firearms and bladed weapons on an airplane quite officially. At the same time, you need to know which knives and other objects cannot be considered edged weapons. And here everything depends directly on the blade.

Knives that are not edged weapons, but can be classified as dangerous objects

Can a knife be carried in luggage on a plane? If you were given a nice souvenir in the form of a knife on a trip, or you bought a set of kitchen utensils that includes a knife, and more than one, then you need to prepare in advance to deliver them home without any problems. Actually, legislation, both international and domestic different countries, does not prohibit the transportation of such items on an airplane. However, airlines set their own rules that must be obeyed.

It is worth clarifying whether, for example, kitchen knife in airplane luggage. It is prohibited to bring piercing or cutting objects into the aircraft cabin. Even syringe needles and nail scissors. Sometimes nail files and stationery knives are also removed from hand luggage. It is forbidden to take any sharp objects with you; it is better to leave them in your luggage.

However, in exceptional cases, when special permission is given by airline and airport employees, carrying knives on an airplane is acceptable. This can be a knife whose blade does not exceed six centimeters in length.

In all other cases, any knife or object resembling one must be carefully packed, placed in a suitcase and checked in as luggage.

What items can be considered dangerous and can be removed from hand luggage when boarding an airplane?

What cannot be carried on a plane in luggage? The following may be removed from hand luggage:

  • souvenirs resembling weapons, including souvenir knives;
  • toys similar to edged weapons;
  • decorations imitating weapons;
  • any knives whose blade exceeds 6 cm in length: hunting, kitchen, pocket, folding, stationery, etc.

All these items can be carried exclusively in luggage, just do not forget to cover or pack them well first.

What kind of knife can be confiscated from luggage?

A knife whose blade is longer than 10 centimeters must be accompanied by special permitting documentation indicating the purpose of this item. You need to obtain such documentation where you purchased it. If you were given a knife and there is no official accompanying document, then, unfortunately, you will have to refuse the gift. Even if you pack it in a suitcase, airport workers may well remove such a knife from your luggage. What knives can be carried on an airplane?


A folding knife is perfectly acceptable in airplane luggage; airport security personnel will not interfere with its transportation. However, the blade of such a knife should not exceed 10 cm in length. In addition, so-called knives with a stop are prohibited; they are classified as edged weapons.


Sometimes you are even allowed to take a pocket knife with you into the cabin, but only on condition that its blade is not longer than 6 cm. However, in this case, when boarding, you will have to answer additional questions, explaining why exactly you need a pocket knife in the cabin airplane. This may result in more scrutiny of your luggage and delays before boarding. If you want to avoid problems, just pack yours in a suitcase and check it in as luggage. There will be no claims from the inspection service against you.

Is it permissible to transport bladed weapons by air?

Of course, this is permitted, provided that it has a completely peaceful purpose. For example, you go hunting or on an expedition, transport antiques or art objects, play a corresponding sport and rush to a competition. In other words, you have serious reasons and official confirmation in the form of relevant documentation.

What items are considered melee weapons?

Not every knife longer than 10 cm will be considered a bladed weapon. There are clear differences between weapons and knives for household and utility purposes. These features are determined by law. There are certain criteria - blade length, thickness, lock or stop, and others. Here is an approximate list of bladed weapons that require special permission to be carried in aircraft baggage:

  • Finnish knife;
  • dagger;
  • officer's dagger;
  • bayonet;
  • sword;
  • saber;
  • sword;
  • scimitar;

There are also other types of bladed weapons similar to the above.

What rules apply when transporting bladed weapons on airplanes?

Which Rules for carrying knives on an airplane? Edged weapons can be dangerous for both passengers and crew members, therefore they are registered separately as special cargo. There is a special legal procedure when preparing documents for edged weapons. According to the rules, such special cargo must be stored separately during the flight. The owner and other passengers should not have free access to weapons on the plane. Crew members are also not allowed to touch it during the flight.

During transportation, edged weapons are usually placed in a special metal container, which must be sealed. For this purpose, a special compartment is provided in the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

What actions should the owner of a bladed weapon take in order to transport it safely on an airplane?

There are strict rules that must be followed, and then the airline and airport employees will not have any complaints against the owner of the bladed weapon. These are the rules:

  1. It is necessary to have a special permit for a weapon, which determines its purpose. For example, permission to exhibit or collect, to store, carry, etc.
  2. If the owner of a weapon intends to visit another country, then it is necessary to obtain a special export permit.
  3. Documents indicating that the owner of the weapon plans to take part, for example, in sports competitions, hunting, an exhibition, artistic performance, etc. will greatly facilitate the procedure for passing inspection at the airport.
  4. When booking a ticket, you must immediately warn the airline staff that you intend to bring bladed weapons on the plane.
  5. As soon as you arrive at the airport, immediately notify the security service and the police that you have a bladed weapon. Accompanied by a law enforcement representative, go to a special room to register and deposit the special cargo for storage.
  6. During the transfer of weapons for storage, you must personally supervise the execution of documents, reconciliation of the data in the weapons permit and the contents of the special cargo.
  7. Be sure to sign the document indicating the acceptance and transfer of the weapon for storage. Usually such an act is drawn up in triplicate. You must keep one of them.
  8. Upon arrival at the place, present the certificate of storage of weapons and your documents to the airport staff to receive your special cargo.
  9. If there is a transfer or transfer flight, then know that the special cargo cannot be processed immediately to the final destination. As soon as you leave the plane, a weapon will be issued to you at the transfer airport. The procedure for registering and depositing special cargo must be completed before each boarding of the plane.
  10. The weapon must be sheathed.

What kind of knife can be carried into the cabin of an airplane without being noticed during security?

First of all, you need to think about whether you will need a knife in the cabin of the plane, and not create unnecessary problems for yourself.

If you still cannot do without a knife, then you can take with you a plastic one, with which you can cut food, but you will not be able to damage any hard surface or injure a person. A ceramic knife is also suitable, since it cannot be detected during a hand luggage search at the detector. However, during a personal search this item may still be confiscated from you.

A folding knife - a plastic Card Sharp card, as well as a multitool card, are prohibited in the aircraft cabin. However, this small item can be placed in a wallet or purse and kept with you. Sometimes hidden little cutters are built into other items, such as ballpoint pens and lipstick tubes. This may also be a suitable option. Such an item can only be found on you during a personal search.

In general, it’s still not worth the risk; it’s better to be a law-abiding citizen. After all, the flight will last only a few hours.

When planning to fly abroad, you need to be prudent and find out in advance what exactly you are not allowed to take with you on the trip. There is a general list of things that are prohibited from being transported by airlines, but it is better to check further with the company that was chosen for the flight, as this list may be slightly supplemented.

It is strictly forbidden to transport in both hand luggage and luggage: liquefied and compressed gases, flammable liquids (gasoline, acetone, methanol, ethers, etc.), flammable, solid, oxidizing, explosive, caustic and corrosive substances, organic peroxides. In general, everything that can easily ignite and lead to a fire.

It is prohibited to transport weapons (firearms, cold steel, gas, pneumatic), except in cases provided for by law and with the appropriate documents. However, in the luggage compartment, access to which is prohibited for passengers, it is allowed to transport crossbows, household knives, checkers, spearfishing guns, rapiers and swords. They must be properly packaged.

It is prohibited to carry liquids whose volume exceeds 1 liter (and only one bag per passenger) as hand luggage. Also, the container should be no more than 100 ml. Exceptions include goods purchased at duty free. However, in the event of a transfer, an item purchased at one airport will be treated as a regular liquid at another. If its volume exceeds 100 ml, problems may arise.

Many airlines prohibit the carriage of corkscrews, knitting needles, scissors, and hypodermic needles in the cabin (except when it is necessary to administer life-saving medications).

Some airlines prohibit the transport of animals both in the aircraft cabin and in the luggage compartment, unless it has special equipment. As for plants, you can only transport those that were purchased and have a receipt for them. However, very often the staff is loyal to such transportation and may miss the shoot or seeds.

You also need to be careful with medications. It is allowed to transport them in cases where there is a doctor’s report, a prescription for medicine and a receipt. From the first aid kit to the salon you can take a mercury thermometer and tonometer in their original cases, dry ice, hydrogen peroxide (volume no more than 100 ml). All essential medicines are on board the plane, so there is no need to take extra cargo with you.

It is not allowed to carry canned food or liquid, semi-liquid or jelly-like products as hand luggage. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules, since the import of certain food products is prohibited in some countries.

After carefully studying the list of prohibited luggage, you can safely pack your bags and hit the road.