Which Russian airlines' planes crash most often? How does a person die in a plane crash, and are passengers told that the plane is crashing? Where are the most plane crash victims?


It's considered an airplane. Traffic accidents are much more common than car crashes. aircraft. However, plane crashes are more widespread. Dozens, or even hundreds of people die in them. This is confirmed by the statistics of plane crashes in Russia.

Top 5 incidents by number of victims (2006−2015)

Over the past 10 years, aviation accidents have occurred for various reasons. In approximately 80% of cases, the cause of the crash was human error. Errors were made either by crew members or ground services.

Disaster in Irkutsk (2006)

The statistics of plane crashes in Russia over 10 years are sad. During this period, several major plane crashes occurred, claiming the lives of both adults and children. One of them happened on July 9, 2006. On that day, the Airbus A310-324 airliner, owned by Siberia Airlines, was making a passenger flight from Moscow to Irkutsk.

The aircraft flew safely to its destination and began to land. For some reason it was unable to stop on the runway. The plane rolled off the runway at high speed and crashed into a concrete barrier.

Due to the collision, the hull of the airliner collapsed. A fire started in the cabin. Some people survived thanks to the actions of the crew. If the conductors had not taken the necessary measures, the statistics of plane crashes in Russia would have been more terrifying.

One of the brave crew members turned out to be Andrei Dyakonov. To save people, a young flight attendant knocked down the door on the plane. Andrei Dyakonov himself did not have time to get out of the burning cabin. He let passengers out until the last moment.

Victoria Zilbershtein, who works as a flight attendant, performed a heroic feat. The girl found herself under a pile of suitcases and chairs due to a plane colliding with a concrete barrier. Having got out from under it, the flight attendant began to make her way towards the emergency exit. She opened the hatch and began to let people out. Then she got out herself.

Tragedy near Donetsk (2006)

Airplane crash statistics Russian Federation indicates that one of the large-scale plane crashes occurred on the morning of August 22, 2006. The Tu-154M aircraft, owned by the Russian company Pulkovo, took off from St. Petersburg. There were 10 crew members and 160 passengers on board. The people on this flight included 45 children.

While flying over the Donetsk region, the plane encountered unfavorable weather conditions - thunderstorms and heavy hail. The crew, trying to get out of difficult weather conditions, made a fatal mistake. The plane began to rapidly lose altitude, and then it crashed, crashing into the side of a ravine. All people on board were killed.

An investigation was carried out after the disaster. Statistics of aircraft crashes in Russia show that airliners often crash due to some problems that were not noticed by the crew in a timely manner. In this case, the cause of the tragedy was mistakes made by the pilots.

Plane crash in Perm (2008)

In the fall, the statistics of plane crashes in Russia was supplemented by another tragedy. On the night of September 14, an airliner of the Russian airline Aeroflot-Nord, Boeing 737-505, took off from Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. The passenger flight was carried out to Perm. The flight went well, but at the moment of landing, tragedy struck. The airliner crashed a few kilometers short of the airport.

There were 6 crew members and 82 passengers on board the fatal flight. No one was destined to survive the plane crash. Among the dead were 7 children. An investigation conducted after the tragedy showed that the plane was fully operational. occurred due to errors by crew members.

Perhaps pilot fatigue played a fatal role. Before the tragic flight, they carried out several flights and did not have time to fully rest. One of the pilots was intoxicated. This was confirmed by a forensic medical examination.

Plane accident in Kazan (2013)

Crash statistics passenger aircraft in Russia includes an event that occurred on the evening of November 17, 2013. A Tatarstan airline Boeing 737-500 aircraft took off from Domodedovo to Kazan. 44 people purchased tickets for the ill-fated flight. There were also 6 crew members on board.

The crash occurred during landing. The plane crashed into the ground and crashed. All people on the plane died. The cause of the fall was the commission of incorrect actions by crew members. Perhaps the pilots were not professionally trained enough. The investigation suspected that the deceased pilot-in-command had illegally obtained a commercial pilot's certificate.

Plane crash over Sinai (2015)

A terrorist act is one of the reasons why planes crashed in Russia. Statistics show that in 2015, the largest disaster occurred in our country due to the actions of militants - the Airbus A321 airliner crashed. The plane took off on October 31 from Sharm el-Sheikh towards St. Petersburg. However, the landing was not destined to happen.

23 minutes after takeoff from the Egyptian airport, radio contact with the airliner crew was lost. It later turned out that the plane crashed on Sinai Peninsula. There were 217 passengers and 7 crew members on board. No one survived the plane crash. Among the dead were 25 children. The youngest passenger, who became a symbol of the tragedy, was only 10 months old.

The plane was created 18.5 years before the plane crash. At the date of the crash, the airliner was operated by the Russian Kogalymavia LLC. After the incident, several versions of the causes of the tragedy were put forward. Many believed that the plane crash was caused by Kogalymavia specialists who did not properly maintain the plane. The investigation showed that the crash occurred as a result of a terrorist attack.

The most reliable airlines in the Russian Federation

Several dozen air carriers are registered in Russia: Globus, Pobeda, Dexter, Kogalymavia (Metrojet), etc. To determine the reliability, a particular company is assessed according to various criteria. The main one is considered to be the technical safety of aircraft, because plane crashes often occur due to breakdowns.

The European Aviation Safety Agency has compiled a rating of the most reliable air carriers operating in the Russian Federation. The top three included companies such as “ Ural Airlines", S7 Airlines and Aeroflot.

"Ural Airlines"

The named company is considered the most reliable and safe in Russia. It has been operating regular flights to different parts of the world for more than 20 years. During this period, there were no major plane crashes in Russia. The airline's statistics are very good.

Only a few accidents are known. All incidents are related to engine problems. Aircraft commanders, when malfunctions were detected, made a decision to carry out forced landings. There were never any casualties or injuries.

S7 Airlines

Second place in the list of the safest companies is occupied by S7 Airlines (Siberia). The history of this air carrier dates back to 1957, when the Tolmachevsky United Air Squadron was created. On its basis, in 1992, an airline called Sibir was created. In 2006, the brand was changed. The air carrier became known as S7 Airlines.

The history of this company includes a plane crash in Russia. The statistics of the air carrier S7 Airlines are as follows:

  1. In the fall of 2001, a passenger plane flying from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk crashed. The airliner crashed straight into the Black Sea. The tragedy claimed the lives of 78 people. The plane crashed due to being hit by an anti-aircraft missile. It was launched during military exercises taking place at that moment on the Crimean peninsula.
  2. At the end of August 2004, a plane flying from Moscow to Sochi crashed. There were 51 people on board. All crew members and passengers were killed. The cause of the tragedy was a terrorist attack.
  3. In the summer of 2006, a plane crash occurred in Irkutsk, which was described above. The crew was unable to land. 125 people died.


Airplane crash statistics for Russian airlines show that another safe air carrier is Aeroflot. He ranks third in the ranking. Aeroflot was founded in 1923. During the collapse of the USSR, many small air carriers separated from it. In 1992, JSC Aeroflot - Russian International Airlines was created. From this moment it begins modern history companies.

Now Aeroflot is the largest air carrier in Russia. It carries out international and domestic flights. During the period from 1992 to the present, there have been 4 plane crashes that have claimed lives. There are also 5 accidents reported without casualties.

The most famous plane crash is the tragedy that occurred near Mezhdurechensk. News about her spread all over the world. In the spring of 1994, a passenger plane flying from Moscow to Hong Kong crashed. The crash was caused by the pilot of the aircraft. The man put his 15-year-old son at the helm. 75 people died.

What are the statistics of plane crashes in Russia? A question that arises for many people who decide to go abroad or to another city in their native country. Based on the available information, we can conclude that major plane crashes are rare, given the huge number of flights that take place every day.

Many people are afraid of flying by air, but this means of transportation is the fastest and most convenient.

Let's consider what a person feels when a plane crashes. The most reliable information about detailed experiences can be obtained from people who have experienced this experience themselves.

Every accident is the result of several causes, the main one of which is human factor. That is, traditionally, the cause of an air transport crash is usually an error made by the crew.

Another common reason is aviation terrorism, which is much less common. Let's look at the statistics on this matter:

  • 60% — accidents caused by pilot errors;
  • 20% — difficulties associated with technical problems;
  • 15% - situations that emerged during weather conditions;
  • 5% — aviation terrorism and other factors.

The main cause of accidents is the human factor

The most common mistakes made by air transport employees:

  1. Failure to comply with piloting procedures according to regulations.
  2. Insufficiently high level of pilot qualifications.
  3. Error in the operation of navigation devices.
  4. Failure to comply with maintenance rules.
  5. Erroneous situations that arose due to the fault of ground controllers.
  6. Problems of the psychological state of the pilot and assistant.

Most often, accidents occur during takeoff or landing of an airplane., while the vehicle is in controlled control, but loses spatial orientation.

Human feelings when a plane crashes

As scientific research has shown, when overload occurs vehicle the person is unlikely to clearly remember the events. This is due to increased protection of consciousness.

Passengers will remember only the first seconds, when the plane began to fall, and in the next stages the body’s defensive reaction will turn on and consciousness will turn off.

According to research, during the collision with the ground, not a single person was conscious, which suggests that he could not experience feelings.

This fact was confirmed by people who managed to survive such a crash. When asked how the passengers of the falling plane felt, they replied that they only remembered shaking and overload.

Passengers' feelings when the cabin is depressurized

The pressure on such a large surface takes on much lower values ​​than above its surface, as do the temperature indicators. Lack of oxygen prevents the body from functioning normally.

Modern cinema has significantly influenced public consciousness, showing that even a small hole on the surface of the skin leads to the death of the entire passenger train.

In fact, it's the other way around. Of course, damage to the skin is not normal, but this does not indicate the catastrophic scale of the problem.

The main problem with cabin depressurization is lack of oxygen.. If each “traveler” is fastened according to the instructions, no serious complications should arise.

Moreover, the aircraft is designed to maintain an integral structure and is able to complete the flight it has begun. The main thing is to be able to promptly notice the drop in pressure and the fact that the oxygen level has decreased.

In case of depressurization, it is necessary to wear oxygen masks

What happens to people when they collide with the ground?

If the landing is controlled, passengers may be conscious, but it is cloudy. More often than not, the answer to the question of how people feel when a plane crashes is “nothing.”

We have already noted that at altitude, the body’s defense reaction is activated and it goes into temporary hibernation until the situation stabilizes.

Involuntarily, people may feel shaking and slight fear.

According to the testimony of those who managed to survive the airliner crash, they remember practically nothing.

Actions of the crew during an airplane crash

To create favorable conditions for the comfortable well-being of passengers, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures.

Firstly, prevent oxygen starvation among passengers by offering them wear special masks. Breathing may become rapid and people may feel slightly dizzy. Then the brain cells gradually die, so taking the right actions in a timely manner is designed to prevent death.

Secondly, when the first signs of problems are detected pilots descend to a relatively safe altitude of 3-4 km. At this level, a sufficient amount of oxygen is assumed for proper breathing and normal functioning of the body.

After the situation normalizes, it is necessary to make a decision on further actions. As a rule, this is an emergency landing at a nearby port.

Most airplane accidents occur during takeoff or landing.

What passengers should do

The behavior of passengers during a crash plays an important role.. We looked at what happens to people during a plane crash.

Passengers facing decompression factors must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Keep calm and do not create panic.
  2. Follow everything the crew says. Listen carefully to instructions from staff.
  3. Wear oxygen masks and, if necessary, help others perform this task.
  4. Buckle up and sit quietly in your seat during the flight, which will avoid traumatic consequences in the turbulence zone.

Is it possible to survive a plane crash?

In addition to the question of how a person feels during a plane crash when falling, another question involuntarily arises: “Is it possible to survive in this situation?” As practice shows, of course, it is possible. But provided that the pilots noticed the problems in a timely manner and began to fix them.

Compliance and the absence of a panic state guarantees the calm and well-being of passengers.

About a year ago I wrote a post on my Facebook on this topic (www.facebook.com), I will copy it here:

When discussing the topic of plane crashes or accidents, I periodically hear the opinion that in Soviet times, passenger air transportation was extremely safe, and then the USSR collapsed, chaos began in aviation, and flight safety fell sharply. Since I am very interested in aviation, I have long wanted to test this hypothesis and compare the safety of air transportation in the USSR/Russia in different years, and take the USA as a starting point. Now I finally got around to this activity.

For this exercise we will need: datasets (two); time (120 min.); Stata (1 pc.); Excel (1 pc.); and most importantly, sleight of hand (dexterity - 1 pc., hands - preferably 2 pcs.) and no fraud. So, we do the following:

    We take here (http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IS.AIR.PSGR/countries/US?display=default) data on the number of passengers in the USA in 1971 - 2014 and Russia in 1991 - 2014. We add from here ( https://skorobutov.wordpress.com/2013/10/15/history-of-aeroflot-part-2-3-1973-1983/) data for the USSR for 1976 and from here (https://skorobutov.wordpress.com/ 2013/10/21/history-of-Aeroflot-part-5-1983-1993/) - for 1990; Using two points, we construct a linear interpolation for the USSR starting in 1971 (not an ideal assumption, of course, but I haven’t found better data for the USSR).

    We take here (http://aviation-safety.net/database/country/) data on all aircraft accidents for Russia/USSR and the USA since 1971.

Note: Unfortunately, it sorts by country based on where the plane crash occurred, not based on what country the plane belongs to. So, for example, there is no Tu-154 crash over Donetsk in 2006. But, again, I have no other data, and manually sorting crashes is too time-consuming and boring.

Note 2 (taken from the comments): data on plane crashes in Russia/USSR from this site includes only crashes on the territory of modern Russia. At first I didn’t take this into account, and then I didn’t have time to redo all the data, but I took into account the largest (about 20 fatalities) plane crashes on the territory of the Union republics manually. The remaining crashes with relatively few casualties are unlikely to change the overall picture; in addition, underestimation of disasters leads to an overestimation, and not an underestimation, of the level of safety in the USSR.

    Cleaning the data. It will only take into account those killed on board the plane, but not on the ground (everyone can be taken into account; I don’t think this will change anything much); we remove all missing and zero values ​​of victims; we remove “criminal” categories (H1 and H2, C1 and C2 - terrorist attacks, hijackings, hijackings, etc., since they have nothing directly to do with flight safety); if possible, we remove private and military (for the USSR/Russia: Soviet AF, Polish AF, Russian AF, Soviet Navy; for the USA: USMC, US Army, US Coast Guard, USAF, US Navy, Mexican AF, Mali AF ) operators. For the USSR, for the purity of the picture, I also removed the Japanese JAL plane crash; I didn’t clean it further for the USA, since there are a lot of airlines.

    Since there are still a lot of light aircraft crashes (just not private ones, but some OgOgO “Horns and Hooves”), we delete all plane crashes with less than 5 casualties (again, not ideal, but at least that way).

    We group the data by five-year periods: 1971 - 1975, 1976 - 1980, ..., 2006 - 2010, 2011 - 2014 (for 2015 there is no data on the number of passengers).

    Divide the number of deaths in plane crashes by the number of passengers (in millions). We draw this whole thing on a graph (at the same time we add separate graphs with the number of passengers and the number of deaths).

Now some observations:

a) While the airline industry grew in the United States and around the world, in Russia it collapsed after the collapse of the USSR and never recovered to Soviet levels (and this decline cannot be explained simply by a decrease in territory or population caused by the collapse of the USSR).

b) Soviet aviation was not distinguished by any exceptional safety: on average, it was almost four times less safe than American aviation.

c) There has been tremendous progress in air travel safety in the United States. Modern aviation in developed countries is phenomenally safe.

d) If we look at the absolute number of deaths, then in general the trend for Russia/USSR looks even better than for the USA, but the situation changes dramatically as soon as we take into account changes in the number of passengers.

And finally, to the answer to the main question: what is happening with the safety of transportation in Russia? In my opinion, the answer to this question depends on the angle from which you look at the situation. I will rely on relative, rather than absolute, death tolls as I believe they better reflect flight safety.

Note: Changes in passenger numbers do not take into account changes in aircraft passenger capacity. Modern airplanes are much larger than their counterparts of 40 years ago, so today fewer flights need to be flown to carry the same number of passengers on the same route. And the fewer flights, the fewer incidents, all other things being equal. At the same time, a single plane crash today causes more casualties than in the past. In theory, these two effects more or less compensate each other. But in any case, since the route network is constantly changing, I cannot estimate the number of flights performed from my data, and I do not have accurate data on the number of flights, so I work with what I have.

On the one hand, there really was a failure in transportation safety in Russia in 1991 - 2010 (1996 - 2000 were a pleasant exception); the country rolled back to the level of security characteristic of the USSR in the late 1970s and early 1980s. At the same time, it is not entirely clear what exactly caused this failure: a sharp deterioration in the situation after the collapse of the USSR or an unexpected positive leap in security in 1986 - 1990 (most likely, both).

Moreover, the situation with air transportation safety in Russia today, although inferior to the USSR of the 1986-1990 period, looks significantly better than in any other Soviet period.

But we must still admit that with regard to the United States, everything looks very bad: in Soviet times, the gap between the USSR and the USA was much smaller than it is now; While air travel has become much safer in the US, nothing similar has happened here.

In other words, in post-Soviet Russia there was no progress in the field of aviation safety, which is typical for developed countries, and there was even a significant deterioration in the situation compared to the late USSR, but at the same time, even the worst Russian times are comparable to certain Soviet periods. That is, it cannot be said that in the USSR aviation was very safe, but after the collapse of the USSR something unprecedented began to happen.

Bottom line: in my opinion, the question should be raised not about how to return to the times of the USSR (because then they flew a lot and crashed a lot), but about how to get closer to the modern USA (because there are very, very many people flying there and almost completely safe).

P.S. It would be very interesting to look at this data in the context of individual airlines, but, unfortunately, there is no such detailed data on the number of passengers. For example, Aeroflot has not had any fatal accidents on passenger flights since 1994; Transaero has had no such accidents at all in its 24 years of existence; “Sibir”/S7 had only one such case (if you don’t count the terrorist attack and the plane, apparently shot down by a Ukrainian missile). There is a feeling that leading Russian companies are now not much inferior to Western ones in terms of security, but in small companies it is unclear what is happening. But you shouldn’t take this as a call to nationalize and unite everything: it’s more likely not about the size in itself, and certainly not about who the owner is, but about the level of training (and salaries) of the pilots, what is the safety culture in the company etc.

Plane crash of the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl hockey team © Reuters

The plane crash near Tyumen, in which 31 people died, was the first disaster of this magnitude in 2012.

After the tragic Russian aviation In 2011, Russia again leads the world statistics of plane crashes by a wide margin.

We tried to figure out how often planes crash in Russia, why this happens, and remembered the largest plane crashes of the decade.

Deadly statistics

The United States is the historical leader in the number of plane crashes. According to the Aviation Safety Network, 653 civilian aircraft have crashed there since 1945. Almost 10 thousand people died as a result of the accidents.

Since 2007, 293 people have died in plane crashes in Russia.

Russia takes second place. Over the past 66 years, 266 accidents occurred on the territory of the USSR and the Russian Federation, in which 6.5 thousand people died. It should be noted that Russia and the United States are in the lead largely due to the volume of air traffic - the more flights, the higher the likelihood of an accident.

But the number of plane crashes in the world and in the United States in particular has been declining over the years. If in the 1990s 12 thousand people died in plane crashes, then in the 2000s the number of victims was 8.2 thousand. Here is a graph of the number of deaths in plane crashes in the United States for 1945-2010:

Against this background, statistics for Russia look depressing. So, if since 2007, 118 people have died in plane crashes in the United States, then in Russia during the same period - 293 people.

Last year was the most tragic for Russian aviation. Russia took first place in fatal plane crashes, second only to Congo. In 2011, 514 people died in plane crashes worldwide, 120 of them in the Russian Federation, that is, more than 20% of the total number of victims. The year 2012, which began with only strengthened the position of the Russian Federation.

See the graph of plane crash victims in the USSR and Russia over the past 65 years:

Causes of disasters

Experts cite poor pilot training as the main cause of plane crashes in Russia. To release one pilot, it is necessary to burn from 60 to 160 tons of kerosene. Due to the high cost of fuel, pilots are often taught to fly only in simulators. And according to statistics, the cause of 80% of plane crashes is the human factor.

Another cause of disasters is the dilapidation of the Russian aircraft fleet. Thus, in 2005, only 37% of passenger turnover was accounted for by new generation aircraft. The remaining 63% are still Soviet aircraft.

For example, the Yak-42, which crashed the Lokomotiv hockey team, was banned in the European Union in 2009 due to serious safety deficiencies.


Il-76 and Boeing-737 JT8D topped the ranking of the most dangerous aircraft, compiled by the American business magazine BusinessWeek. There is one plane crash for every 500 thousand flight hours. Also in the top three is the Tu-154: on average, every thousandth flight crashes.

The most common crashes in Russia are the An-2, which are included in the Guinness Book of Records as the only aircraft in the world that have been in production for more than 60 years. The An-2 is not necessarily the most unreliable aircraft - it is simply the most common. But over the years, equipment failure becomes the cause of disasters more and more often.

Disasters of the decade in Russia

21st of June 2011 year there was a Tu-134 plane crash in Karelia. The plane made a hard landing near Petrozavodsk airport. The fuselage collapsed and a fire started. 46 of the 52 people on board were killed.


In July in the Tomsk region. During the flight, the engine caught fire, but the pilots managed to land the plane on the water, although not without casualties - out of 37 passengers and crew members, seven died.

On September 7, a Yak-42 with the Lokomotiv hockey team on board crashed near Yaroslavl. Of the 45 people on board, only one flight engineer survived.

In August 2010 An An 24 plane crashed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It crashed during landing at Igarka airport and caught fire. 12 people died in the disaster.

In September 2008 While landing at Perm airport, an Aeroflot Nord Boeing 737 flying from Moscow crashed. All 88 people on board were killed. The cause of the plane crash was the erroneous actions of the pilots.

July 9 2006 An Airbus A310 crashed at Irkutsk airport. The plane skidded off the runway. 125 people died.

On August 22, a Pulkovo Airlines Tu 154M crashed near Donetsk. The plane, flying flight 612 from Anapa to St. Petersburg, tried to fly over a thundercloud, instead of going around it from the side, fell into a flat tailspin and crashed into the ground at a speed of 300 km/h. There were 170 people on board, all of them died on the spot. This tragedy became the largest plane crash in the history of Russian aviation.

24 August 2004 two Russian planes crashed as a result of terrorist attacks. Tu 154 and Tu 134 took off from Moscow Domodedovo airport to Sochi and Volgograd. There was one female suicide bomber on board each of them. Almost simultaneously they set off explosions and both planes fell. All 90 people on the two planes were killed. Later, the leader of Chechen militants, Shamil Basayev, took responsibility for the attacks. He stated that organizing the explosions cost him $4 thousand.

In August 2002 The worst helicopter accident in the world occurred in Chechnya. An Mi-26 with military personnel on board was shot down by a missile. At the same time, the helicopter was overloaded twice, and even landed on a minefield. 127 people died.

In July 2001 Tu-154 crashed at Irkutsk airport. The pilot made a mistake while approaching to land. All 145 people died.

In October, a Russian Tu-154 flying from Tel Aviv crashed into the Black Sea. Everyone on board died - 77 people. The plane was accidentally shot down by a Ukrainian missile.

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