What parks are there in our region. Reserves and national parks of Russia: domestic wonders of nature


One of the best ways to observe living beings in their natural habitat without trying to manipulate or control their activities is to create national parks. I bring to your attention the ten largest and most beautiful national parks in the world.

national park and the Rangel St. Elias Wildlife Refuge

Area: 53,321 km²

Rangell St. Elias National Park is located in southern Alaska. This is the largest national park in the USA. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is part of an international biosphere reserve. Located in the park, Mount St. Elias is the second highest peak in Canada and the United States.

Air and Tenere National Reserve

Area: 77,360 km²

This protected area, located on the territory of the state of Niger, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The reserve can be conditionally divided into two halves. The eastern part of it is located in the Air Mountains, and the western part enters the desert region in the south of the central part of the Sahara - in the Tenere sandy plain.

Limpopo Transboundary Park

Area: 99,800 km²

This reserve covers areas in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe and consists of 10 national parks and reserves, including Banine National Park and Kruger National Park. African elephants, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, spotted hyenas and many other animals live on the lands of the park.

Galapagos Marine Reserve

Area: 133,000 km²

The Galapagos Nature Reserve is the largest marine reserve among developing countries. The area is home to a variety of marine life including sharks, whales, turtles and rays. It was here that Charles Darwin conducted his research, which served as the basis for the creation of his evolutionary theory of the origin of species.

Big barrier reef national park

Area: 345,400 km²

The Great Barrier Reef National Marine Park is located off the northeast coast of Australia, in the Coral Sea. It was created to protect against the destruction of the largest accumulation of corals in the world, located here, and to protect exotic marine species animals.

Papahanaumokuakea National Marine Monument

Area: 360,000 km²

The reserve with the unpronounceable name Papahanaumokuakea is located on the territory of the Hawaiian archipelago and unites ten atolls and islets that are part of it. The reserve is home to 7,000 different species, including the endangered Hawaiian monk seal.

Phoenix Islands Conservation Area

Area: 408,250 km²

The Phoenix Islands Conservation Area is the largest and deepest marine reserve in pacific ocean. It is located on the territory of the Republic of Kiribati, located on the islands of Micronesia and Polynesia. Rumor has it that the first female aviator, Amelia Earhart, crashed here on one of the islands during her round-the-world flight in 1937.

Okawongo-Zambezi Transboundary Reserve

Area: 444,000 km²

The protected area covers lands in Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe on the African continent. This reserve includes several national parks, including Chobe National Park, Hwanga, the Okawongo Delta and Victoria Falls. The transboundary reserve was created to encourage tourism, as well as for the free migration of animals across borders.

Chagos Naval Reserve

Area: 545,000 km²

The Chagos Archipelago, which belongs to the UK, is located 500 kilometers from Maldives. It is the largest marine reserve in the world, its area exceeding the size of a country like France. One of the richest marine ecosystems is observed on the territory of the reserve. Here you can meet many amazing and rare animals.

Northeast Greenland National Park

Area: 972,000 km²

This reserve covers the entire northeastern part of Greenland and is the largest national park in the world. In terms of its area, it is more than 163 countries of the world (individually). Polar bears, walruses, arctic foxes, snowy owls, musk oxen and many other species have found shelter in it. Greenland National Park is also the northernmost national park in the world.

State National Park System Russian Federation began to take shape over 20 years ago, the first National parks“ ” were established in 1983. As of December 31, 2007, there were 40 national parks in the Russian Federation with a total area of ​​7.732 million hectares (0.45% of the territory of Russia). National parks are located on the territory of 11 republics, 4 territories, 19 regions, 1 autonomous district, 1 federal city. All 40 national parks were under the direct control of Rosprirodnadzor.
The rapid expansion of the network of national parks in Russia took place in 1991-1994: by the end of 1994, their number reached 27. In the same period, the regulatory framework was re-formed: the regulation on national natural parks of the Russian Federation was adopted, replacing the regulation of 1981. In 1995, the Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" was adopted, which is still in force.
In subsequent years, the rate of growth in the number of national parks slowed down. In 2013, three national parks were established: "", "" and "

Ecotourism, or ecotourism, is travel to places with relatively untouched nature. The main principle in such a journey is to do no harm. environment Therefore, ecological routes mainly run through national parks and reserves.
Here are ten of the most famous and interesting protected places in our country, where you can go to admire the magnificent nature in its original form.
Zabaikalsky National Park
The Zabaikalsky National Park is one of the few national parks in Russia that fully meet the UNESCO recommendations for this category of specially protected natural areas.

The Zabaikalsky National Park is located within a typical mountain-taiga region. The relief is mountainous. Within the boundaries of the park, large orographic units are distinguished: the Svyatonossky Range, the Barguzinsky Range, the Chivyrkuisky Isthmus and the Ushkany Islands.

Two mountain ranges stretch across the territory of the park in the direction from northeast to southwest: the Barguzinsky Range - gradually lowering from the Barguzinsky Reserve to Lake. Barmashovoe (the highest elevation of the ridge within the park is 2376 m above sea level) and the Sredinny Ridge of the Svyatoi Nos Peninsula (the highest elevation approximately in the middle part of 1877 m), gradually lowering to the north and south. The Chivyrkui Isthmus connects the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula with the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. The Ushkany Islands (Bolshoy Ushkany Island and Small Ushkany Islands) are the peaks of the Academic Ridge, which divides the Baikal depression into two basins - northern and southern.

Altai Reserve
Altai Reserve - World Heritage Site natural heritage UNESCO since 1998. Included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB) - May 26, 2009. Included in the list of "Global-200" (WWF) - virgin or little changed ecoregions of the world, in which 90% of the planet's biodiversity is concentrated.

The territory occupied by the Altai Reserve includes five physiographic regions of three natural provinces. In the spectrum of altitudinal zonality, almost all natural belts are distinguished Gorny Altai: taiga low and middle mountains, subalpine and alpine meadow middle and high mountains, tundra-steppe high mountains, tundra middle and high mountains, glacial-nival high mountains. Forests occupy 34% of the total area of ​​the main zone. They are located in the lower and middle parts of the mountains, on the steep slopes of the valleys, as well as on the lower parts of the sloping crests. The lower border of the forest begins at the level of 436 meters (the level of Lake Teletskoye), and the upper one is different in different parts. So, if in the southeast it is at an altitude of 2000–2200 m above sea level, then in the northwest it drops to a level of 1800–2000 m.

Lazovsky Reserve
Of particular value to the protected area is a unique grove of relic yew pointed on about. Petrov, thickets of endemic microbiota of a cross-pair population of such rare animals as the Amur goral, the Amur tiger, the Ussuri spotted deer.

The Lazovsky Reserve is located on the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin, between the rivers Kievka and Chernaya. Ridge Zapovedny divides the territory of the reserve into two parts - northern continental and southern coastal. Average height mountains is 500–700 m, some peaks reach 1200–1400 m above sea level. The slopes of the mountains have different steepness, on average 20-25 degrees, their crests are narrow but flat. Significant areas are occupied by stony placers. The height of the spurs decreases in the east towards the sea, the watershed ridges pass into small hilly ridges up to 100 m high.

The territory of the reserve includes two small islands - Petrova and Beltsova, located at the southern border of the reserve. The islands are covered with forest.

Reserve "Kedrovaya Pad".
The very first reserve in the Far East and one of the oldest reserves in Russia, formed to preserve and study the undisturbed liana coniferous-deciduous forests of Southern Primorye, unique for Russia, characterized by a high proportion of rare and endemic species of flora and fauna. The reserve and its environs is the only place in Russia where the Far Eastern leopard lives.

In 2004, the Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve received the status of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

The most valuable are black fir-broad-leaved forests or black fir forests, the Far Eastern leopard, on Mount Chalban plants are common that are very rare in other places of the Far East - currant bloater, Komarov's currant. In the reserve, for the first time, a rocky primrose was found (on Mount Chalban) and species new to science were described - the Far Eastern violet and the Ussuri corydalis. The Kedrovaya River flows on the territory of the reserve - its length does not exceed 25 kilometers. It is she who is the ideal of a clean river for scientists all over the world.

National Park Samarskaya Luka.
The Samarskaya Luka National Park was created in 1984 by decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, and is one of the first three national parks in Russia.
Samarskaya Luka is a unique area formed by the bend of the largest European river Volga in its middle course and the Usinsky Bay of the Kuibyshev reservoir. The Volga in this place makes a large arc facing east, and then turns to the southwest. Its length is more than 200 km. Highly elevated ancient carbonate rocks here form a semblance of an island.

Unique landforms, a peculiar microclimate, amazing beauty of the mountains, the blue necklace of the Volga framing them, unique flora and fauna have earned Zhiguli and Samarskaya Luka as a whole world fame.

There is an unusually high concentration of monuments of almost all cultures of the European forest-steppe known to science, from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age to the present. There are about 200 natural and historical monuments on the territory of Samarskaya Luka. It is also rich in archaeological finds.

Smolenskoye Poozerye National Park
The Smolenskoye Poozerye National Park was established on the territory of the Demidovsky and Dukhovshchinsky districts of the Smolensk region in 1992 "to preserve natural complexes for recreational, educational, scientific and cultural purposes." In November 2002, it was awarded the status of a biosphere reserve of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) program. The name "Smolenskoye Poozerye" is due to 35 large and small glacial lakes located in the park. Each of these lakes is beautiful and unique in its own way.

By configuration, the territory of the park is almost a regular rhombus. The maximum distance from west to east is 55 km, from north to south - 50 km. The geographical center of the park is located in the area of ​​the village. Przhevalskoye. The total area of ​​the park within the boundaries approved by state acts is 146,237 hectares. The security zone is 500 m of territory adjacent to the border of the park.

National Park Curonian Spit.
The Curonian Spit National Park is located in the Kaliningrad region bordering Lithuania on a narrow strip of land between the salty Baltic Sea and the freshwater Curonian Lagoon. The northern borders of the park run along the Russian-Lithuanian border.

The natural uniqueness of the territory of the national park is that it is the largest sand bar in the world. The dune landscapes of the spit are distinguished by their exceptional beauty and aesthetic impact on humans and represent a unique object for the development of ecological tourism.

The Curonian Spit was regarded as “an exceptional example of a landscape consisting of sand dunes and under constant threat from natural forces such as wind and water. After the destructive intervention of a man who threatened the existence of the spit, it was restored through stabilization and protection work begun in the 19th century and continuing to this day. The territory is currently curonian spit is officially under the protection of the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Valdai National Park.
The Valdaisky National Park was established to preserve the unique lake-forest complex of the Valdai Upland and create conditions for the development of organized recreation in this area. The basis for the creation of the park was the unique combination and richness of natural components, the degree of their preservation and the ability to maintain ecological balance, the huge aesthetic impact of natural landscapes. A differentiated regime of special protection has been established on the territory of the park, taking into account its natural, historical and cultural features. In accordance with this, the following functional zones have been identified: reserved, specially protected, recreational, regulated use zone around lakes and rivers, as well as a visitor service zone.

The national park is located in the northern part of the Valdai Upland, its length from north to south is 105 km, from west to east - 45 km. The boundaries of the Park approximately correspond to the boundaries of the watersheds of lakes Borovno, Valdaiskoye, Velye, Seliger and the upper reaches of the Polomet River.

Baikal-Lensky Reserve.
State nature reserve Baikal-Lensky is located on an area of ​​659.9 thousand hectares. It is located on the territory of the Kachugsky and Olkhonsky districts of the Irkutsk region. The reserve stretches from south to north along the western coast of Lake Baikal for about 120 km with an average width of 65 km.

Total length coastline FGBU "Zapovednoe Pribaikalye" is about 590 km and covers West Coast Baikal from the village of Kultuk in the south to Cape Elokhin in the north. In December 1996, the Baikal-Lena Reserve (along with Barguzinsky and Baikalsky) was included in the list of UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites.

At present, the process of merging the Baikal-Lena Reserve and the Pribaikalsky National Park into a single nature protection, scientific and tourist complex has been completed: the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Reserved Pribaikalye".

Ilmensky reserve.
One of the oldest reserves in Russia, established in 1920 to preserve unique mineral deposits. Since 1935, it has been transformed into a complex reserve for the conservation and study of mineral wealth, flora and fauna of the eastern macroslope of the Southern Urals. In 1991, the Arkaim historical and archaeological branch (now the Stepnoe forestry) was attached to the reserve to preserve and study the unique monument of the early urban civilization of the Bronze Age - the Arkaim settlement and the archaeological complex in the Bolshekaraganskaya valley. The reserve is the only mineralogical reserve in the country and one of the few mineralogical reserves in the world.

The Natural Science Museum is one of the five largest geological and mineralogical museums in Russia and has one of the country's largest biological dioramas on display. The first collections of minerals and rocks of the reserve began to be created in 1925. In 1936, the first wooden museum building was built, and since 1990 the museum has been housed in a three-story building with six halls with a total area of ​​2050 sq. The museum fund has about 30 thousand items of storage, 9 thousand exhibits are exhibited. The museum is a major regional center of education in the field of natural sciences, receiving 50,000 visitors annually.

The territory of the reserve is a kind of "mineralogical museum in nature": about 270 species and 94 varieties of minerals were found here, and 18 of them were discovered for the first time in Ilmeny.

There are enough amazing places on our planet that have preserved their original beauty for centuries, despite all human attempts to destroy it.

Almost every country has its own examples of reserves and national parks, but only a few of them can boast of being listed as the largest on earth.

Greenland National Park

The largest national park in the world is located closest to all its competitors from the North Pole. Its territory is 972 thousand km². As an example, one hundred and sixty-three countries of the world have a smaller area than this reserve.

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It was founded in 1974. Ordinary people do not live here, only staff. It is inhabited by about 10,000 musk oxen - at least 40% of the total world population. In addition, here you can meet walrus and polar bear, reindeer, ermines, arctic hare, etc. The flora of the area is represented mainly by lichens and mosses. In some places there are even birches and dwarf willows.

Wrangell St. Elias (USA)

Continues the list the largest nature reserve America, which is located in Alaska, is protected by UNESCO. It occupies 53 thousand km² - 9 states could be located on the lands of St. Elias.

Formed in 1980. Here are nine of the sixteen highest mountain peaks in the United States, and the 2nd highest mountain in Canada. Wrangell St. Elias is visited by 60,000 tourists a year. They are attracted by spacious plains, snow-capped mountain peaks, glaciers, of which there are more than one hundred and fifty.

Limpopo Transboundary Park

The territory covers the lands of several African countries(Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa) and consist of ten different zones that form one of the largest national parks in the world (37,000 km²). To date, the territory of the reserve has not yet been fully established, the 2nd phase of its development involves expanding to 100 thousand km².

The Limpopo Transfrontier Park was created relatively recently, in 2000. And representatives of the fauna began to appear here a year later. Here you can see leopards, giraffes, African elephants, spotted hyenas, cheetahs and other equally exotic animals.

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Kruger (South Africa)

The Kruger National Park is a typical example of African wildlife. One of the most beloved nature reserves among travelers (a million guests a year) brings a very good profit. Founded in 1898, it is the oldest in South Africa, located in the northeastern part of the country. The length is 340 km, the total area is 19 thousand km². It is formed from three parts located between the rivers Sabie and Olifants. Included in the UNESCO heritage list.

The Kruger Reserve boasts an interesting variation of the African "unarmed" safari. Most animals can be seen in the central part of the huge national park. Here you can meet hippos, giraffes, elephants, leopards, crocodiles, white rhinos, as many as 17 species of antelopes, more than 400 different birds.

Serengeti (Tanzania)

One of the most famous and largest national parks in the world is considered an example of perhaps the most complete ecosystem on the planet. Africa's oldest nature reserve was established in 1929. The territory is almost 15,000 km².

It is home to 3 million large animals and almost 500 species of birds. The Serengeti is also famous for the annual migrations of a million wildebeest, two hundred thousand gazelles and zebras - during the resettlement, animals overcome over 3,000 km.

Yellowstone (USA)

The next of the largest and oldest national parks in the world was founded back in 1872 in the American Rocky Mountains. First of all, it is known for its geothermal springs, geysers and eruptions. Nearly 3 million tourists visit Yellowstone every year. different countries Fortunately, all conditions have been created for this.

On the vast area of ​​the reserve you can see rivers, waterfalls, lakes, caves, mountains, canyons, and even a volcano. Almost 2000 different plants grow here. The local fauna is no less diverse: 311 species of birds, almost 60 examples of mammals, including pronghorns, elk, deer, grizzly bears, bison ...

Snowdonia (UK)

The next reserve on the list is located in the north of Wales. It is named after the highest place in Wales - Mount Snowdon (1085 meters). Created in 1951. The area is over 2,000 km². Snowdonia has a population of 26,000 and is visited by 6 million tourists every year.

One of the largest national parks in the world has more than 2,000 km of open hiking trails, as well as 260 km of trails for hiking and horseback riding. The summit of Mount Snowdon can be reached both by funicular and by a 13 km long hiking trail. Several historic rail routes run through Snowdonia.

Bwindi (Uganda)

The area of ​​the reserve is 331 km², it is the “smallest” of the list of the largest national parks in the world. It is located in the jungle in the southwest of the country. It can only be traveled on foot. Consists of forests located in the mountains and on the plains. Included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

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This reserve is the largest example of an African ecosystem. About 340 gorillas live here (almost half of their population), 120 species of mammals, 346 different birds. Bwindi is famous for exotic butterflies, of which there are over 200 varieties. The fauna is also multifaceted - 163 types of trees and more than a hundred species of ferns grow on the local land.

National (natural) park— a protected area of ​​the territory (water area) with intact natural complex, often with unique objects (waterfalls, canyons, picturesque landscapes, etc.). Combines the protection of landscapes with the admission of visitors for recreation. Given that their purpose is mass tourism, natural parks have a significant area.

Currently, there are more than a thousand national parks in the world.


The largest national park in the world - Greenlandic- located in the northeast of the island of Greenland. Its area is about 70 million hectares. This only park in Greenland is also the northernmost of all the national parks in the world. The park is home to 40% of the world population of musk musk oxen. Among the protected animals there are also polar bear, walrus, arctic fox, ermine, lemming, arctic hare, different types of seals, seals, narwhals, whales, etc. Reindeer disappeared from the park back in 1990. Wolves often visit the park.

yellowstone national park

The world's first national park was opened in 1872 in the USA. It was Yemouston National Park located on the Yellowstone Plateau. The area of ​​the park is 898.3 thousand hectares. This is one of the oldest parks in the world. First of all, it is famous for its hot springs. Geysers throw jets of hot water and steam to a height of up to 90 m. Eruptions occur regularly at regular intervals. The water of geysers and hot springs, rich in calcium and silicon, forms bizarre sinter terraces rising to a considerable height.

1870 plant species grow in the park, of which eight species are conifers. 80% of all forest areas are occupied by lodgepole pine. Of the deciduous trees, aspens, willows, and birches are more common than others (mostly in the undergrowth). Of the flowering plants of the park, sand-loving abronia, or Yellowstone sand verbena, should be noted. This plant is found in the wild only within the boundaries of the park. There are about 60 species of mammals in the park, including rare ones: wolf, lynx, grizzly bear, American bison, black bear (baribal), wapiti deer, elk, black-tailed deer, mountain goat, pronghorn, bighorn, cougar, etc.

Yellowstone National Park is a great tourist destination. It receives up to 3 million visitors a year. All conditions are created for them, various excursions and routes are organized. But areas of untouched nature are still preserved. They have no roads and access is severely restricted. The park is considered a biosphere protected area. Thanks to the Yellowstone National Park, it was possible to preserve and restore the bison population.


One of the most interesting national parks in the world Komodo National Park, which is located on several islands that are part of the Lesser Sunda Islands archipelago (Indonesia). The world's only population of the world's largest lizard, Komodo dragons (lizards), lives here. They are covered with strong scales and have a fairly long tail. Komodo dragons have five toes on their feet. According to some reports, it was these lizards that became the prototype of dragons, about which Chinese sailors made up legends.

The national park currently functions as a strict biosphere reserve. The habitat of the monitor lizard is also fully protected.

The world learned about the existence of this huge lizard in 1912, when one of the European pilots made a forced landing and told in his homeland about what he saw. The Indonesian monitor lizard really makes a frightening impression: length - about 3.5 m, weight - up to 150 kg, a huge mouth with many teeth. The appearance of the lizard is in many ways reminiscent of extinct dinosaurs. Varan is a predator. It hunts wild deer and pigs, runs fast and swims well, is extremely voracious, easily eats 6 kg of meat at one time. The animal is undeniably unique, having no analogues in the world.


In the zone African savannah enjoys particular fame Serengeti national park in Tanzania. He owes this to the famous biologist, ecologist, writer, documentary filmmaker Bernhard Grzimek(1907-1986). B. Grzimek wrote about the Serengeti: “Tourists are attracted to Africa only by virgin nature with its wild animals. If the wild fauna disappears here, as happened almost everywhere, then there will be no reason for tourists to come here.” The Serengeti is characterized by huge herds of various ungulates. Wildebeest graze along with zebras, gazelles and giraffes in the vast savannah, and Cairo buffaloes are found in dense thickets. All these animals are characterized by mass movements (migrations) following the front of rains during the year. Predators also roam behind herds of ungulates. The number of ungulates currently within the park is estimated at hundreds of thousands of individuals, there are several thousand elephants, hundreds of lions, hippos, rhinos.

swiss national park

In Europe, the first national park was created in the canton of Graubünden. It bears the name Swiss national park. The park was founded on August 1, 1914 on an area of ​​172.4 km2. It includes the territory of the Alps at an altitude between 1400-3174 m above sea level on the border with Austria and Italy. The park is famous for its unique and diverse flora and fauna, as well as nature completely untouched by man. The predominant landscapes are mountain coniferous forests and alpine meadows. Roe deer and chamois live here, less often - alpine mountain goat and fox; there are also deer, marmots, ptarmigan, capercaillie and several species of birds of prey.


Corbett- the oldest national park India, it was founded during the British colonial rule in 1935 and occupies about 52 thousand hectares in the valley of the Ramganta River, flowing from the southern slopes Himalayas. The hilly plain of the park (altitude from 400 to 900 m) is covered with forests. During the wet monsoon, vast reservoirs often form in the valley, overgrown with aquatic vegetation. This is the habitat of the giant gharial, or swamp crocodile. The crocodile family lives on Earth for about 150 million years. Long years these reptiles were actively exterminated in order to obtain valuable skin. Now crocodiles are bred for industrial needs in special nurseries, and in nature they are almost universally protected.

The main object of protection in the national park - tiger. The number of tigers in India in the 1930s-1950s. sharply reduced due to uncontrolled shooting by both colonizers and local poachers. Back in the 1960s. The government of India launched a large-scale operation "Tiger", aimed at preserving and restoring the number of this animal. The main events were held just in Korbstt Park. Now the number of tigers is close to optimal.

The park is also home to several species of Asian deer, a sloth bear, and more than 400 species of birds. For a long time, the park was little visited by tourists due to the difficult transport accessibility.

In the late 1970s a modern highway has been laid from the capital of India, Delhi, and the park is visited by thousands of tourists from around the world.

Central Kalahari Reserve

In the desert zone, let's call the Central Kalahari Reserve in South Africa. It was founded in 1957. Its area is 5 million hectares. Unlike national parks, which can be visited by tourists, only scientists are allowed to stay in the reserves. In the Central Kalahari Reserve, local tribes of Bushmen live, who lead their traditional economy. The main object of protection in the reserve is a unique plant - velvichia.

Velvichia has a thick tree trunk 30 cm long and looks like a giant flower with huge petals, which are actually the leaves of this plant. In the hot desert, where water is life, velvichia absorbs moisture from the air with its huge leaves, collects dew, “drinks” fog.

Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park was created in USA in 1890, has an area of ​​more than 300 thousand hectares, located on the western slopes of the mountains Sierra Nevada. Mountain peaks rise here by almost 4 thousand meters. There are many waterfalls on mountain rivers. With an abundance of precipitation, ancient dark coniferous forests consist of many species of spruce, pine, and fir. More than 250 species of typical taiga mammals and birds are represented. But the main glory of the national park was brought by the preserved areas of the giant sequoia. Individual trees of this species, which are several thousand years old, reach a height of 150 m with a trunk diameter of 10 m. Sequoia wood is reddish in color, very light, but at the same time hard, durable, and slightly susceptible to decay. It is believed that in the Tertiary period, the sequoia was widespread throughout the Earth, but now, after many years of predatory extermination, areas of virgin forests are very rare and strictly protected. In botanical gardens, it is found almost all over the world.

Banff and Jasper

On South Canadian Rockies there are two large national parks banff And Jasper. Banff Park, with an area of ​​​​about 700 thousand hectares, was created in 1885. To the north of it begins Jasper Park (area of ​​\u200b\u200bmore than 1 million hectares), founded in 1907. The height of the Rocky Mountains within the parks reaches 3700 m. mountain taiga. Glaciers, snowfields, frequent waterfalls and hot springs (began to be used for bathing in the 19th century) are found in the strongly dissected Skatisty mountains.

The coniferous forests are dominated by mountain spruce, maritime pine, Douglas fir (up to 45 m high). Of the large animals of the mountain forests, deer, black bears, black-tailed deer, mountain sheep, and many birds are common.

One of the most unusual animals of the Rocky Mountains is the bighorn goat, found only here. This is an animal with a thick long white six, similar to a domestic goat. Lives in the alpine zone, rarely descending into the forests. Well adapted to life in the mountains, capable of jumping 6-7 m on barely noticeable mountain ledges. The animal is very rare, now work is underway to increase its number, in the future - domestication. Both national parks are biosphere reserves and successfully combine wildlife protection with tourism.


Almost in the very center of Africa, right on the equator, is located Virunga National Park. It was established in 1915, covers an area of ​​more than 20 thousand hectares and is located in the northwest of a small African state Rwanda, on the southern slopes of the volcanic mountains Virunga. Several cones of extinct volcanoes up to 4500 m high rise in the park. Virunga is located just south of the equator, and humid equatorial and mountain forests and shrubs predominate in its landscapes. The main object of protection is the mountain gorilla - the largest anthropoid ape.

Blue Mountains Park

Northwest of Sydney, on a mountain plateau dissected by deep gorges, one of the largest national parks in the southeastern Australia - Blue Mountains National Park("Blue Mountains") with an area of ​​200 thousand hectares. It was created in 1959. The Blue Mountains are part of the Great Dividing Range, greatest heights here they do not exceed 1200 m. In some places, tower-shaped columnar sandstone remnants have been preserved; waterfalls are not uncommon on small rivers. Along the river valleys there are dense forests of blue eucalyptus, acacia, mint, and tree ferns.

Platypuses, possums, giant gray kangaroos are preserved here, among the birds - Wong's dove, lyrebird, fantails, yellow flycatcher. It should be noted that the animal vegetable world Australia is not rich, but very peculiar: 9/10 of the flora and fauna of the mainland cannot be found in any other area of ​​the globe. It is this uniqueness that is of great interest to scientists and requires the most stringent protection measures. The Blue Mountains Park managed to do it. There are many places left inaccessible, completely untouched, where no tourist has ever set foot.

rancho grande

rancho grande- the first national park Venezuela- was established in 1937. It covers an area of ​​​​about 90 thousand hectares on the spurs of the Venezuelan Andes facing caribbean, absolute heights- up to 2500 m. Altitude zonation is well represented here with an abundance of various tropical forests. High humidity (about 1700 mm of precipitation per year) determines the richness of the fauna, especially dwarf palms, orchids, ferns, lianas. The national park is famous for its rare birds: more than 30 species of hummingbirds (the weight of the largest individuals of these tiny birds does not exceed 5 g), parrots, guajaro (a rare bird of the nightjar family, usually nesting in deep caves in numerous colonies, active at night). The largest venomous snake on Earth is found here - a giant rattlesnake, reaching 3.5 m in length. Among mammals, peccaries, sloths, capuchin monkeys (so named for the black crest on their head), raccoons, jaguars are common.

Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands located directly on the equator in the Pacific Ocean, west of South America and belong to the state Ecuador. All islands with a total area of ​​approx. 10 thousand hectares were declared a national park in 1934. The archipelago has about 15 volcanic islands, of which five are large, highest points which rise to a height of 1700 m. Volcanic activity continues to this day. The islands are washed by a cold current, and the water and air temperature here is relatively low for the equator + 21 ... + 25 ° С. Vegetation is poor: mainly cacti and thorny shrubs. Nevertheless, the Galapagos are extremely interesting for science, it was here that he began to conduct his research. Charles Darwin in 1835

There are many amazing animals on the islands: penguins, which came here from Antarctica thanks to the cold current; flightless cormorants, giant tortoises, marine iguanas, Galapagos sea lion.

Galapagos tortoises - huge animals with a shell length of up to 1.5 m and a mass of 200 kg - were predatoryly exterminated by humans because of their tasty and nutritious meat. Now turtles are taken under protection, their number is increasing.

The marine iguana is the only species of lizard whose entire life is associated with a narrow coastal zone of shallow water and a strip of coast. This large reptile, up to 1.5 m long, is an excellent swimmer, feeds on algae and more.

The Galapagos National Park has a strict regime: it is forbidden for tourists to visit the islands, any economic activity, the import of alien plants and animals. Since 1964, the International Biological Station has been operating here. Thus, the Galapagos Islands are more correctly considered a biosphere reserve.