Khibiny mountains are of medium height. Khibiny (mountains)


For those who have never been to Kirovsk, we have collected information about the weather, season, prices and local infrastructure. We hope that it will be useful :) The information was updated on 10/22/2016.

Where are the Khibiny and what are these mountains?

Khibiny - mountain range in the central part of the Kola Peninsula, territorially belongs to Murmansk region. The cities of Kirovsk and Apatity are closely adjacent to the Khibiny. The average height of the mountains is 800-1100 m above sea level. Highest point- 1201 m. Many peaks are flat, plateau-like. The relief is varied, many slopes outside the ski resorts are potentially avalanche-prone, despite the low height of the mountains.

Ski resorts are located around Kirovsk and within the city. The city of Apatity is located 17 kilometers from Kirovsk, it is in Apatity that the nearest railway is located. station and airport "Khibiny".

What are the weather conditions in Kirovsk?

Kirovsk is located beyond the Arctic Circle. It is here that you can often see the phenomenon of the northern lights with your own eyes. This requires clear weather, geomagnetic fluctuations according to the forecast and some distance from the city lights. The aurora can be seen from August to April.

photo: Valentin Zhiganov. Radiance over Kukisvumchorr.

We must not forget that in the Arctic there is a period of polar night. In Kirovsk and Apatity it lasts from 15 to 28 December. At this time, the sun does not rise above the horizon. Light day, or rather - bright twilight - on average from 11 to 15 hours during this period. After December 28, daylight hours will begin to increase. The Kukisvumchorr ski resort has sufficient lighting for comfortable skiing. In the 2016 season, the number of light sources on the slope is planned to be increased.

For the Khibiny, strong winds and snowstorms are not uncommon. When the wind speed is more than 15 m/s cable cars usually stop. Fortunately, this does not happen so often, but a snowstorm can drag on for 2-3 days. Not uncommon for Khibiny and fogs.

How long is the ski season in Khibiny?

It all depends on how much snow has fallen. Usually - from the end of November to the middle of May. Best time for skiing - March, April, the first days of May. February is undeservedly ignored - a very snowy time of the year. In February, there may be problems with visibility, but if you are lucky with snowfall, this is the best snow of the season.

What to take with you when going to Kirovsk?

If you are going to visit Kirovsk in December-January, then insulated, windproof suits and masks will not interfere with you. It’s not bad to have mobile Internet in your phone as a second SIM card, since wi-fi is not so ubiquitous.

Before the trip, be sure to enter the number of the rescue service of the Ministry of Emergencies in the phone book 8 (815-31) 5-88-95! And the number of any Kirov taxi. Be sure to take a camera - take pictures northern lights:)

How to get to Kirovsk?

From St. Petersburg to Apatity station trains are running: 016 "Arktika", 022Ch. The cost of railway tickets varies from 5,500 for a compartment in a branded train to 1,300 for a reserved seat in a high-speed train.

From Moscow to Apatity station can be reached by trains: 016 "Arktika, 092A. The cost of railway tickets varies from 6500 for a compartment in a branded train to 1700 in a reserved seat.

To the airport "Khibiny", located near the city of Apatity, you can fly from St. Petersburg, Moscow and Cherepovets. Schedule on the airport website -

From Moscow you can fly to Apatity for about 7000-9000 rubles, from St. Petersburg for about 4500-7000 rubles. The cost of air tickets varies significantly with early booking.

From Apatity Kirovsk can be reached by taxi or by intercity buses and minibuses No. 102, 135, 128. It is easier to take a taxi from the station than to wait for the bus.

Only buses No. 128 and No. 135 go ​​to Kukisvumchorr from Apatity through Kirovsk, buses and minibuses No. 1 and No. 12, No. 128, No. 135 also go from Kirovsk to Kukisvumchorr.

There are other options to order a minibus:

1) Transfer of guests of "Khibiny" on comfortable minibuses from airports and railways. stations. Tel +7 921 27 87 652, Oleg.

The cost of living in rented apartments in the 2016-2017 season ranges from 2,000 to 6,000 rubles per day per apartment.

Brief price characteristics for accommodation in Kirovsk hotels:

Ski pass for 2 hours - 500 rubles

Ski pass for 4 hours - 800 rubles

Ski pass for 1 day - 1200 rubles

Ski pass for 5 days - 4500 rubles.

GK "Big Woodyavr"

Ski pass for 2 hours - 600 rubles.

Ski pass for 4 hours - 900 rubles.

Ski pass for 1 day - 1400 rubles.

Ski pass for 5 days - 4700 rubles.

How much does it cost to travel public transport and by taxi around the city?

The cost of transportation on buses and minibuses in Kirovsk is 25 rubles.

Average taxi price: 90-100 rubles in the city, 150-160 rubles to the microdistrict "Kukisvumchorr" (25 km).

You can find taxi numbers and bus timetables in the "How to get there" section.

Where can you eat in Kirovsk?

There is not a very large selection of cafes in Kirovsk, but still our rating is as follows:

Cafe "In your plate"- Kirovsk, Mira street, 10A. Sun, Mon-Thu from 12:00 to 01:00

Sushi wok: 8 921-514-61-25. Sun-Thurs from 11.00 to 23.00, Fri-Sat from 11.00 to 03.00

Where can you go to relax?

The following objects will help you diversify the cultural program of your stay in Kirovsk.

Khibiny is mountain system, which has attracted researchers and nature lovers since ancient times. They are not as inaccessible as other areas. You can reach the mountains by car. Or another option is to get to Murmansk by plane or train.

Location and relief

The Khibiny Mountains are located between and Umbozero. They are an array consisting of plateau-like peaks. The highest point is 1201 m. This is Mount Yudychvumchorr, which is part of the Khibiny massif. The height of the mountains is on average 1000 meters.

There are many traces of ancient glacial activity. People like circuses and cars talk about it. And also troughs - valleys plowed by a glacier, similar to troughs.

There are results of permafrost activity - kurums, the so-called stone rivers. And on the plateau there are whole stone seas.

Geological structure

The Khibiny Mountains are a crystalline structure - an intrusion. This is an integral geological body composed of rocks of igneous origin. There are only 8 such intrusions in the world. This massif, shaped like a horseshoe, is mostly composed of rocks - nepheline syenites. In ancient times, there were huge volcanoes that cooled down, and the magma crystallized. Therefore, about 800 different minerals have been found here. Some of them are specific to this area.

Names of modern settlements correspond to the minerals found here: Nepheline sands, Apatites, Titanium. After the descent of a heavy glacial shell from these mountains, this territory experienced tectonic uplift. It occurred unevenly, as evidenced by the nature of geological structures. They look like funnels, the edges of which are composed of older rocks than the center. For about 20 million years, the Khibiny rose 500 meters above the surrounding plains. Then there was a long break of 15 million years. Then again the mountains began to grow, this time their height doubled.


Climatic conditions dependent on geographical location, have the Khibiny mountains. On the map of the North-West in the European part of Russia, you can see that most of the peninsula is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Despite this fact, the climate here is much warmer than in others. The severity of the local weather is smoothed out by the close location of the Barents Sea, since the North Cape warm current enters this part of the ocean. Therefore, the climate here is quite mild, and severe frosts are relatively rare.

Due to the location of the Khibiny in the Arctic, twilight reigns here for half a year. In winter daylight is very small and lasts 2-3 hours. The polar night lasts for about four months - the period when the sun does not rise from the horizon. And because of the proximity to the magnetic pole of the planet, you can observe a very impressive phenomenon - the northern lights.

Summer lasts two and a half months. The highest positive temperatures are +20 in July. The average for the month is +13 degrees. The coldest period lasts during January. The average temperature of the month is -11 degrees. And the Khibiny mountains have the most negative mark in winter -35 0 С. Photos of these places show that there are often fogs and high clouds. This indicates the influence of cyclones on the territory. Precipitation falls mostly in the form of snow.


Vegetation cover consists of several belts. The zone of coniferous and mixed forests is located mainly at the foot of the mountains and in river valleys at low altitudes. This belt ends at a height of 470 meters and occupies a third of the massif. It is dominated by spruce and birch. In the forest you can find mountain ash, aspen and bird cherry.

Above begins the zone of subalpine birch forests. It stretches in a narrow strip between the forest and tundra belts. Here grows a bathing suit, geraniums, and thistle.

Next comes the mountain-tundra zone. It occupies about half of the entire area of ​​the Khibiny Mountains. Below, dwarf shrub vegetation is common. In early August, the berry season continues. Blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries ripen. At the beginning of autumn, it's time for lingonberries. Above is the moss-lichen tundra. Mosses here are dominated by green and sphagnum mosses. Lichens cover large boulders stone rivers. Many plants included in the Red Book grow here.

Toponymy of names

The indigenous people in the Khibiny region are the Saami. On the map of these mountains there are entirely names in the language of this people. However, their meanings are different. Since there are several dialects in the Kola Peninsula.

One of the versions of the origin of the name of the mountains from the word "Khiben" is a flat hill. The Saami conditionally divided the Khibiny mountains into two parts: Umbozersky and Lavozersky. The first in their language sounded like Umptek, the second - Luyavrurt.

The Saami first came up with the name of the river, and then the valley was named from it. And then the ridges were indicated. The first part of the word is a sign of an object (high, rocky). The second denoted a geographical object (mountain, river, lake). For example, Lake Woodyavr. Wood - a hill covered with shrubs. The root of the javr is a lake. Thus, the Saami gave simple descriptions of objects. Among them, Vudyavr is a lake on a hill with shrubs.

The Khibiny Mountains are a wonderful land that you really want to visit. This unique place, where mountains, tundra, many lakes with clear water and northern lights are combined. Khibiny is rightly called a treasury of minerals.

From taiga and birch forests in sheltered and deep valleys (up to 400 meters above sea level) to forest-tundra (no higher than 500 meters):



And to the tundra (no higher than 800 meters above sea level).


And to the almost arctic desert on the domed peaks.



On the slopes, the taiga-birch forests are quickly replaced by forests (and then the forest-tundra) of low-growing birches.


For a half-hour walk you can get acquainted with half of the Russian Plain.



And communications coming from the south and from above to the Rasvumchorr mine.


Closer to the top of the mountain - almost entirely stone ruins:


Khibiny living creatures - tundra partridge, apparently:


The Bolshoi Vudyavr ski complex, descending from the southwestern spur of Aikuaivenchorra, was reconstructed in last years.



The modern cable car is adjacent to the Soviet one:


But they don’t clean up what has completely served its time - in the best Arctic traditions:

76. On the east coast - cargo mine station Yuksporryok:


Behind it is the Yuksporryok-1 microdistrict with an industrial zone, a sump, the Khibinogorsk monastery and the base of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University; I did not visit there, despite my many years of belonging to this faculty.
Behind Yuksporryok, along the valley of the river Yuksporryok, there is the Rasvumchorr plateau and the "Central" mine, where I also did not visit, which is probably even more offensive than in the previous case.


And from the northeast of Bolshoi Vudyavr, across the lake from the city center - the Kirov mine and the Kukisvumchorr microdistrict (it is also a 25 kilometer village) with a museum named after. Kirov; and I also did not visit this peripheral part of Kirovsk, which, probably, turned out to be my biggest omission in this city. But I saw from the side:


And to the north of the lake is the famous Polar Botanical Garden, which belongs to the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located mainly in Apatity.


And I didn’t manage to get there - it seems like only with a tour and warning in advance.
I can only say from other people's words that in this botanical garden, among other things, experiments are being carried out on the cultivation and acclimatization in the Khibiny of all sorts of plants unusual for these high latitudes.


These are already real Khibiny, a marching country.


Still, this compact mountain range is surprisingly suitable for light (and not so light) mountain tourism: the climbs are not too steep, not too long, and mountains in any direction can be crossed in a few days.



In the following parts, the Khibiny are left behind, moving further south.


The Khibiny (kild. Umptek) is the largest mountain range on the Kola Peninsula. The geological age is about 350 million years. The peaks are plateau-like, the slopes are steep with individual snowfields.

At the same time, not a single glacier was found in the Khibiny.

The highest point is Mount Yudychvumchorr (1200.6 m above sea level).

In the center are the Kukisvumchorr and Chasnachorr plateaus.
At the foot are the cities of Apatity and Kirovsk.

At the foot of Mount Vudyavrchorr is the Polar Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute.

The Khibiny combines the features of the regional and local mountain climate. The outer slopes of the mountains experience a significant softening effect of the climate of the surrounding plains, and the microclimate of the central part of the massif is much more severe. Snow in the mountains lies from October to June.

The polar night lasts 42 days. Frequent cyclones, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. In the open spaces of the peaks, winds can blow at speeds up to 50 m/s. From August to mid-April, you can watch the northern lights.

Summer is short, in the mountains 60-80 days without frost. In the foothills, the period with an average daily temperature above 10 ° C lasts about 70 days. Summer also receives the maximum amount of precipitation. The polar day lasts 50 days.
In the Khibiny falls from 600-700 mm of precipitation in the valleys, up to 1600 mm of precipitation on the mountain plateaus. During the year, precipitation is distributed almost evenly, a little more in summer, a little less in winter. In summer, about 20% of the days are without precipitation, with an average precipitation of 2 mm / day, in winter, only 10%, with an average precipitation of 1.5 mm / day. Khibiny, Khibiny mountains

Flora and fauna
The Khibiny flora is very valuable. Grows in the massif a large number of species included in the "red books" of various ranks.
In the fauna of terrestrial vertebrates of the Khibiny mountain range, 27 species of mammals, 123 species of birds, 2 species of reptiles, 1 species of amphibians are represented. Almost all mammals of the Murmansk region are represented here. Some of them are classified as protected or on the verge of extinction.

The Khibiny alkaline massif is an intrusive body of complex shape and composition. large sizes. The age according to the helium-lead method is determined as carbonic and is 290 ± 10 million years. A characteristic feature of the Khibiny massif is a ring (in plan) structure, which has a number of analogies among some other alkaline massifs. The rock complexes that make up the massif form, as it were, arcs folded into each other, open to the east, which is explained by the intrusion of magma along alternating ring and cone faults.

About 500 minerals have been found on the territory of the Khibiny massif, dozens of which are of practical value, 110 are not found anywhere else. Such a concentration of a huge amount of minerals in a limited area has no analogues anywhere in the world. The peculiarity of the geochemistry of the Khibiny massif leads to the accumulation of rare minerals and creates deposits of completely new minerals. Khibiny, Khibiny mountains

Rock complexes that make up the Khibiny massif:
complex of khibinites and endocontact nepheline syenites,
complex of trachytoid khibinites,
rischorrite complex,
complex of ijolite-urtites, malignites and lujavrites,
complex of medium-grained nepheline syenites,
foyaite complex.
Within the Khibiny massif, unique [source not specified 558 days] mineral associations were found that are not characteristic of other alkaline rock massifs, including topaz and spinel. In the xenoliths of Mount Eveslogchorr, there is a manifestation of blue sapphire, a precious stone of the highest category.

Lake Long, Khibiny

Khibiny mountains.
The largest deposits of apatite-nepheline ores are located on the territory of the Khibiny massif.

Currently, the following mines are operating: Kirovsky (Kukisvumchorr and Yukspor deposits), Rasvumchorrsky (Apatite circus and Rasvumchorr plateau deposits), Central (Rasvumchorr plateau), Vostochny (Koashva and Nyorkpakhk deposits) and recently discovered Oleniy Ruchey (Koashva deposit). Mining is carried out both underground and open pit. The number of open-pit mining is decreasing and soon the development of deposits will be carried out only by the underground method.
The main minerals mined in the Khibiny are: apatite, nepheline, sphene, aegirine, feldspar, titanomagnetite. Previously mined lovchorrite.

Expeditions and travelers
1840 A. F. Middendorf.
1887-1892 V. Ramsay, A. Chilman, A. Petrelius and others.
1880 N. V. Kudryavtsev.
1907 M. M. Prishvin.

1914 construction of the Murmansk railway begins.
1920 Academician AE Fersman discovered rare alkaline minerals.
1925-1926 A. N. Labuntsov discovered large deposits of apatite.
1930 Construction of an apatite-nepheline processing plant (ANOF-1) began on the shores of Lake Bolshoi Vudyavr.
2012 in the eastern part of the Khibiny, on the shores of Lake Umbozero, the Oleniy Ruchey mine was opened.

Currently, the Khibiny are popular with mountain and ski tourists, as well as climbers. To overcome them, both in summer and in winter, good physical preparation of participants is necessary. However, most of the passes are non-categorical, or have 1-2 categories. All Khibiny passes can be divided into two types - saddle and gorges. Khibiny, Khibiny mountains
Highest Peaks:

Yudychvumchorr 1200.6 m in winter 1A, in summer n / a -
Chasnachorr 1189 m -
Putelichorr 1111 m in winter 1A, in summer n/a -

An interesting fact is that until a certain time Mount Chasnachorr (1189 m) was considered the highest point of the Khibiny. Although even now there are often resources on the Internet in which Chasnachorr is listed as the highest point. No less interesting is this fact: according to various sources, the height of Mount Yudychvumchorr is from 1200 to 1206 meters.

Mount Yudychvumchorr


Yudychvumchorr (Kild. “humming mountain”) is a mountain with steep walls and a flat top, located on the Kola Peninsula in the southwestern block of the Khibiny. Height 1200.6 meters. From the south and southeast, Yudychvumchorr is limited by the deep valley of the Malaya Belaya River, and from the west by the valley of the Fersman stream. It is the highest point of the European Arctic of Russia.
Yudychvumchorr is sometimes also called Mount Fersman, in honor of the explorer Khibiny, the famous Soviet geochemist and mineralogist Alexander Evgenievich Fersman.
Kukisvumchorr is a mountain range on the Kola Peninsula. The largest of the Khibiny Mountains. The highest point is Mount Kukisvumchorr (1143 m above sea level). Located in the center of Khibiny. Composed of nepheline syenites. The slopes of the mountains are steep, covered with forest-tundra vegetation. The tops are flat and rocky. There are two glaciers in the northern part. The Vudyavryok River flows along the western side of the massif. The Tulyok and Kuniyok rivers originate on the massif. At the foot of the mountains are the lakes Big Vudyavr and Small Vudyavr. In the mountains is Akademicheskoe lake. In the foothills there is a remote area of ​​the same name in Kirovsk, where apatite-nepheline ores are being developed.

On the southern slope of Mount Kukisvumchorr there is a ski resort, which hosts annual freeride competitions.
On October 21, 2010, a man-made earthquake of magnitude 3.2 occurred in the Kukisvumchorr microdistrict. The tremors were also felt in Murmansk. The consequences of the earthquake were only minor damage at a nearby mine.

pass Kukisvumchorr

Chasnachorr (Sami - Woodpecker Mountain) is a mountain range located in the western part of the Khibiny. The second highest mountain is 1189 m.
The mountain limits the basins of the valleys of the Meridional Stream from the east (connects with the meridional ridge Poachvumchorr), the Kuniyok River and the Petrelius Stream from the west. From the north it is separated from Mount Indivichvumchorr by the South Chorgorr pass, and in the southwest it merges with the highest Yudychvumchorr plateau. On this jumper are the most difficult passes of the Khibiny mountains: Fersman and Krestovy. The Chasnayok River originates in the northern circus of the mountain. The highest point is a plateau. The mountain is bounded from the north, east and south by steep walls.


South Chorgorr, Lake Imandra

view from Mount Kukis, great moon

Malaya Belaya river, Northern Lights

Lake Imandra from the Aku-Aku pass

Fersman Pass - a pass in the Murmansk region, height - 974 m above sea level. Located in the western part of the Khibiny between the top of Fersman and the Yudychvumchorr plateau, it connects the valleys of the Meridional Stream and the Malaya White River. Named in honor of the Soviet geochemist and researcher Khibiny - Alexander Evgenievich Fersman.

river Risyok Khibiny, Khibiny mountains

Mining Report tourist trip II class along the Khibiny
Date: July 14 - August 2, 2006
Route book №177-04/3-216
Head: Olkhovskaya I.G. (Moscow)

1. Background information about the trip
Organization: GOU DDYUTE YuOUO DO Moscow, GOU SOSH No. 1037 "Lingva".
District: South.
Hiking area: Kola Peninsula, Khibiny.
Type of tourism: mountain.
Hike difficulty category: second.
Thread of the route: Moscow - st. Apatity - Kirovsk - Base PSS - per. Northern Lavochorr (n / c, 713) - trans. High (1A, 1125) - trans. Northern Rischorr (n / a, 875) - PSS base - lane. Southern Rischorr (n / c, 895) - trans. Nameless (1A, 925) - trans. Takhtarvumchorr (1B, 1093.8) - trans. Western Petrelius (n / c, 846) - trans. Eagle (1B, 1105) - Art. Khibiny - Apatity - Moscow.
Route length: 127.5 km.
Campaign dates: from July 14 to August 2, 2006.
Duration of the active part: 12 days.
Route book No. 177-04/3-216.

Tourist opportunities of the area
In the Khibiny, you can make hiking trips up to KS IV, mountain trips up to KS III.
Passes Alyavumchorr Vostochny, Alyavumchorr, Burevestnik, Krestovy, Polnochnoy, Treschela have a categorization of 2A in the summer and allow this.
Khibiny and mountaineering area. There are classified routes from 1B to 4B to the peaks of Takhtarvumchorr, Vudyavrchorr, Yumyechorr. The Murmansk publishing house "Sever" published a catalog describing these routes.
Khibiny is a very popular ski area. Here you can plan routes to CS III. However, beginner ski groups must be prepared for a categorized route, have experience in cold overnight stays, and be able to operate in an avalanche situation.
Khibiny is a developing ski area. Directly from the city of Kirovsk, you can take the ski lifts and go to the ski slopes. There are hotels, developed private sector. The slopes are rolled down by snowcats.

Route entry and exit options
The main mode of transport for entry and exit is Railway, which passes through the city of Apatity and further along the western edge of the Khibiny (eastern shore of Lake Imandra). After the city of Apatity, within the Khibiny, there are stations: Khibiny, Nepheline Sands and Imandra.
We went to Apatity by train number 212. Departure from Moscow at 1.17. morning from the Leningradsky railway station, arrival in Apatity the next day at 10.16. The fare is 1047 rubles. Back on it, No. 211. Departs from Apatit at 21.25, arrival in Moscow at the Leningradsky railway station at 4.40 in the morning. The fare is 1140 rubles.
By prior arrangement from Moscow by phone at the railway station in Apatity, we were met by a ZIL 130 from the Kirov PSO and dropped into the travel area, to Lake Goltsovoe. It cost us 2,500 rubles for a group of 14 people.

The city of Apatity is connected by bus to Kirovsk (the southern part of the Khibiny) and to the village of Koashva (the eastern part of the Khibiny).
There is an airport in Apatity, which is able to receive planes from distant places. There are currently no regular passenger flights from Moscow.
Several bus numbers run from Apatity to Kirovsk. Of these, only one number (101) comes from the railway station. If you go by other numbers, then you need to transfer to route 101 or 8 in the center of Apatity (near the Sever store). The fare is 6 rubles.
It is not easy to get from Apatity to the Imandra station quickly. There are only two trains - Apatity-Olenegorsk (at 7 am) and Olenegorsk-Apatity (at 4 pm). Highway, as you know, there is not. That is why you have to leave more time for this section.

From Khibiny station to Apatity can be reached by bus, which runs every day at 15.00. and at 17.00. The bus journey takes 40 minutes, the fare is 34 rubles 80 kopecks. Also by a working train, which runs on weekdays at 17.00.
Other possibilities of railway travel: there are three trains from Moscow and back from Moscow to Murmansk. No. 15/16, 111/112, 181/182.

Information about the possibility of organizing drop-offs on the route
Of course, the main possibility of organizing the transfer is connected with the PSS base. Another possibility is the Moscow State University station, if the route passes there. You can always leave the cast just in the rocks, but for this it must be prepared accordingly. Those. in boxes and always in plastic bags in case of rain. Of course, we must not forget the place of the drop and better disguise it.
We planned to arrange three casts in three different places. But on the way to the base, the rescuer warned us that in this moment in those places a she-bear roams, it can ruin the cast. Therefore, we left only one throw in the stones (under the descent from the Bezymyanny pass), and the other two were taken to the Kuelpor base. We decided that it was better to run extra kilometers than to be left without food.
By prior arrangement from Moscow by phone at the railway station in Apatitih, we were met by a ZIL 130 from the Kirov PSO and dropped into the travel area, to Lake Goltsovoe. It cost us 2,500 rubles for a group of 14 people.

waterfalls under Marchenko peak

3. Organization of the trip
Route selection
The group made a mountain trip II KS. Khibiny was chosen as a travel area due to the presence in the group of three inexperienced participants who joined the school tour section "Edelweiss" in the 2005-2006 academic year. The rest of the participants have a pretty decent tourist experience: the mountain CS I in the Khibiny, the mountain CS II in the Sayan Mountains.
The main part of the participants in Khibiny is not the first time. Therefore, when constructing a route thread, passes were chosen that we had not yet been to. Many sections are planned to be traversed without a trail.
In 2004, while making a mountain hike of the 1st KS, we carried out a snow lesson under the Orliny pass (1B), but we could not go to the pass itself. Now, in the campaign of the II KS, we could pass the pass that we liked and was not typical for the Khibiny. Also, we could afford to visit other difficult passes.
In 2005 Gromov V.V. released a classifier of passes in the Khibiny, consisting of 93 passes. In it, the Eagle Pass has another name - the Baltic Passage, at the Cross Pass - Rocky, it is not entirely clear where the Krutoy Pass is located (or is it Orliny?). What pass is meant by the name High? We wanted to find answers to these and other questions.

Alternate and emergency route options
Alternatives were provided:
Instead of Vysokiy pass (1A), Nakhodka passes (1A) and Yuzh.Partomchorr (n / a).
Instead of the Krutoy (1B) and Fersman (1B) passes, the South Chorgorr (n / a, 850) and 60 years of October (1B) passes.
Fallback options allow you to save the declared category.
Emergency route options allow you to leave the area in the easiest way in the shortest time (see the overview map of the hiking area). In our case, this is from the area of ​​the Northern and Southern Lyavochorr, Northern and Southern Rischorr passes, Orliny pass - to the PSS base. They can help with transport, take them to Kirovsk. From Vysoky - through North Portomchorr to the base. From the Bezymyanny pass - to Kirovsk. From the Orliny and Fersman passes to the Khibiny station. From the Khibiny station, you can take a bus or a working train to Apatity. An emergency exit can be carried out in a day.

Mount Rischorr Khibiny, Khibiny Mountains

5. Technical description of the route
Explanations to the technical description
In the text river banks and sides of valleys are meant orographic, unless otherwise specified. The transitions were made for 25 minutes, unless there is an additional explanation. MN - place to spend the night. On simple scree slopes with a steepness of up to 200, self-insurance with an ice ax or alpenstock was used everywhere.

First walking day.
Apatity station - Kirovsk - PSS base - Goltsovoye lake - approach to the Northern Lyavochorr pass (n / a, 713).

Overnight at an altitude of 400 m.
Climb -200 m.
Altitude reset - 0 m
Kilometer - 4.8 km.
FHW - 40 min.

On July 15, by train No. 212 Moscow - Murmansk, we arrived at the Apatity station at 10:00. We were met by 3IL 130 from the PSS base. We went to Kirovsk. In Kirovsk, we stopped at Lenin Square near the Mail stop. They gave 2 telegrams: to SUTur and to DDYUTE. We went to a pharmacy and bought tourist boots for a participant in a sports shop for 1,800 rubles. Bought bread for the first 3 days.
Then we went to the base of the PSS, along the way leaving the pickup No. 1 under the descent from the Bezymyanny pass. We arrived at the Kuelporr base, checked in with the rescuers, left two pickups No. 2 and 3. A total of 11 boxes.
We passed Lake Shchuchye, and stopped on the right bank of Lake Goltsovoe beyond the confluence of the river. Lyavoyok on the right on the way to the lake. The driver did not go further, because. There is no road along the lake. It is possible to move the car along the sandy shore of the lake. But also pretty close. Also, we were afraid to drive past the valley we needed. Therefore, they landed immediately after crossing the strait between two lakes. At 3:00 p.m. we got up for lunch.
At 17:00 we leave for lunch. We move along Lake Goltsovoe along the right bank without a path along the edge of the lake (photo No. 1). We have to cross the mouth of the river. Sev. Lyavoyok, which flows into the lake on the right along the way. The mouth consists of 4 branches, which we cross ford. The ford is simple, ankle-deep, the width of the sleeves is 2-3 meters. We cross them in walking shoes. We go to the Northern Lyavochorr pass not along the bed of the Sev River. Lavojok, because there is no trail there. Around the dense crooked forest. Therefore, we move further north along the lake for another 1 km to the road marked on the map. As a guide to this road, you can use the bay in Lake Goltsovoe on the left along the western side of the lake almost opposite the road. We get on the road and move along it one crossing (25 min.), We go out to the Sev River. Levoyok, we're making a halt. During this transition we meet three places for overnight stays. You can not get up anywhere, because. the river valley is narrow and rocky. Around the crooked forest, mixed forest, low birches, pines, deep moss litter, last year's berries (lingonberries). There are no lingonberries of this year yet. Shiksha has not yet ripened, but is just beginning. Blueberries are also just starting - we arrived early. We walk another 15 minutes and find a place to spend the night. These are rocky sites in the river valley, you can put up tents directly in the forest. We decide not to miss it, because there may not be any further places. And to the Northern Lyavochorr pass is about 3 km more. At 18.30. we are staying overnight. Water from the river. There is firewood in the forest.

July 16.
Second walking day.
Northern Lyavochorr pass (n / a, 713) - the valley of the Kaljok river.
Overnight at an altitude of 700 m.
Climb -313m to the pass + 100m through the ridge + 100m to MN =513m
Altitude drop - 200 m.
Kilometer - 8.4 km
FHV -2h 05 min.

Exit at 10.00. From MN we continue along the road. In fact, this road leads under the Central Lyavochorr pass (1A, 909), but before the confluence of streams under the Northern and Central Lyavochorr passes, you can use it to approach the Northern Lyavochorr pass. Photo No. 2 shows how the spur of the Lyavoyok peak (1047.1) divides the valley: to the left - to the Northern Lyavochorr, to the right - to the Central. From MN this is one transition, i.e. 25 minutes.

After another 15 minutes, we approach the foot of the spur of the Lyavoyok peak. The road goes to the right along the way, to the Central Lavochorr (f. No. 3) and its pass take-off is visible. And we leave the road to the left, moving along a barely noticeable path along the middle and small scree along the bottom of the valley for 10 minutes. From here, a view of the pass saddle opens (photo No. 4). After one more transition, we are at the pass (photo No. 5). Pass take-off 200 m long, steepness 200 - 250, small scree. The saddle is wide, the tour is in the central part. From the pass, a view opens up to the valley of the Kaljok River. We traverse the slope, covered with small and medium scree, steepness of 200. In two transitions we reach a decrease in the ridge between the top of Lyavoyok on the right along the way and the top of 905 m on the left. Thus, we climbed the spur from the top of Lavoyok. It is 100 meters higher than the Sev.Lyavochorr pass. It can be seen from it that from the top of 905.0 m there is a road leading to the valley of the Kaljok River.

We, traversing the slopes of Mount Lyavoyok, descend to the upper reaches of the Kaljok River. From the slopes of Lavojok, a view opens up to the upper reaches of the Kaljok valley, to Mount Lavochorr and to the passes of the Southern and Central Lavochorr.

Below is an abandoned drilling rig. Not far from it, closer to the water, we will camp for the night.
Going straight down is steep. The slope is covered with small scree, length 200 m, steepness 500-550. Therefore, we traverse a little to the left and go out to the road going from the top of 905.0m. We pass along it to the first water (this is Kaljok), we have a snack. From the pass to this place 4 transitions of 25 minutes.
We climb the left (orographically) bank of the Kaljok River along a dirt road leading to the tower. We pass one passage, during which the boys, by accidental hitting a stone, get a partridge for food. We have to stand for the night at the tower, as next to it there is firewood for cooking. As the next day showed, there was nowhere to rise above such a large group. But under one or two tents you can find a place for another transition. We get up for the night at 17.00. Water from the river, firewood can be collected around an abandoned tower. Quite a large rocky flat area.

July 17th.
Third walking day.
High pass (1A, 1125) - approach to the Northern Rischorr pass (n / c, 875.)
Overnight at an altitude of 440 m.
Climb - 425 m to the pass + 200 m to the ridge = 625 m.
Height drop - 625 m in dollars. R. Maivaltajoka + 260 m in the valley R. Sev. Kaskasnyunyok=885 m.
Kilometer -14.4 km.
CHF - 2h20 min for ascent + 2h 30 min for descent.

We left the tower with MH at 10.00. We move along the road, but during the first 10-15 minutes. she ended. There is a river, but from time to time it goes under the rocks. Now on one side, then on the other, there are snowfields. In one passage we reach the descent from the Central Lavochorr pass. On the moraine, under the pass, you can put up 1-2 tents - in some places there are small pebbles, water comes to the surface in some places. The moraine is composed of medium and large stones.
We pass one more crossing, ahead opens the confluence of the streams, giving rise to the Kaljok River. It is clear that you need to go either to the left or to the right. To the left - to the top of Lyavochorr (1188.6), to the right - to the High Pass (1A, 1125), that is, the South Lyavochorr Pass. Orographically, this name is more logical. We are going to the High Pass, so we went to the right. From below, the pass take-off seemed low, but long and gentle (200m, steepness 200). But after climbing it, a huge plateau of the Lavochorr peak opens up ahead (photo No. 11), along which we walked 2 transitions until a view into another valley opened up. This is the valley of a stream that flows into the river. Mayvaltayok. At the pass at 13.10. Filmed 2 notes: 2003, 2005. In one of them it is written that this is the Southern Lavochorr, and in the other - High.
Thus, the ascent to the pass is easy. 1And he is behind the other side, along which we go down. On the descent, the slope is 300 m long, with a steepness of 30-350, it is composed of medium and large scree. The stones are sharp. We go down, observing the rules of movement on rock-fall hazardous areas, self-insurance with an ice ax, in helmets. The general direction of descent is left-down. There are no trails. The entire slope is littered with parts of a crashed plane. According to the spare parts that we took, we concluded that this happened in 1985-1986. The descent took 25 minutes.

Under the pass, during the descent, there are two lakes. One, the far one, can be seen immediately from the pass. Another - approximately from the middle of the pass take-off. One is marked on the map. At the second, distant lake, at 1400 we have a snack.

We left with a snack at 1530. Our next pass is the Northern Rischorr. The slopes of the valley are quite gentle, up to 200, covered with small scree. Therefore, we do not go down to the Mayvaltajoka valley, but traverse the eastern slopes of Portomchorr (1081), leaving the mountain on the right. We move without a path. For two transitions we reach the stream flowing from under the Northern Portomchorr. We cross it over the stones. From here you can clearly see its saddle.
Continuing to traverse the slope, we go around the city of Portomchorr from the south for two crossings. We move along a simple scree slope with a steepness of up to 200. Thus, we rounded the mountain from the south.
We come out to a steep descent into the valley of a stream flowing from under the South Portomchorr pass. This is the left tributary of the river. Kaskasnuyok. The steepness of the slope is about 300 - 350, the length of the section is 200 m, the height difference is 120 m, it is covered with small scree. Using self-insurance with an ice ax, in helmets, serpentine we go down the slope to the stream, cross the stream on stones and on the right bank in 1900 we stop for the night on a flat stony-grass area. No firewood, water from a stream.

18 July.
Fourth walking day.
Northern Rischorr Pass (n / a, 875) - the base of the PSS.
Overnight at an altitude of 280 m.
Height gain - 435 m.
Height drop - 595 m.
Kilometer -10.8 km.
FHW - 4 h 10 min.

From MN we rise to the spur from the top of 1083m in one transition (25min) and descend to the river flowing from the Umbozersky pass (n/k, 527). It is a left tributary of the North Kaskasnujok. We cross it over the stones. In two crossings we cross the spur of the Rischorr peak (1017.9 m), traversing its slopes. The slopes are covered with small scree, in some places overgrown with mosses and lichens. We traverse to the gorge of the Northern Rischorr pass. From the right along the side of the gorge, the pass saddle of the Northern Rischorr is visible. In 10 minutes we approach the pass takeoff. In the lower part it is a scree slope with a steepness of 200-300, a small mobile scree. We move first along it to the snowfield, then we go out to the snowfield. It is more convenient to walk on it than on a moving scree. The snowfield is 200 m long, with a steepness of 200 - 300. When moving along the snowfield, the first one hits steps. The ascent to the pass from under the pass takes 20 minutes. We rise to the pass at 12.50. We go straight to the tour. The tour is made of large stones, a ski pole sticks out of it. We take a note from a group of teachers led by Ustinov S.V. from DDYUTE South Administrative District of Moscow. They were here on July 15 of this year (that is, three days ago) and passed it in the other direction - to Umbozero.

Rischorra Gorge is narrow and long, filled with snow. The height of the walls - the rocks of the gorge is 7m, the length is 300m.
We pass the pass saddle and exit the pass gap. It's starting to rain. We descend into the Rischorra valley. Almost immediately, a trail begins from the pass, along which we walk. The descent to the Risjok valley passes along a simple scree slope with a steepness of 200. We descend two transitions of 25 minutes each. and we go to the dirt road. This is where the forest zone begins. On the way we go down. On the right bank of the river Risjok 1 hour, from 14.00 to 15.00, and we go to the intersection with the road leading to the PSS base. We turn right, walk 300-400m, 10 minutes, go to the PSS base.
At the base we are located in a house with a stove. Accommodation in the rescue houses costs 120 rubles per person for one day. You can order a bath. 1 hour - 300 rubles.
The hotel "Ramsay" was built and operates on the territory of the PSO. But the prices are much higher.

July 20.
Fifth walking day.
PSS base - Southern Rischorr pass (n / a, 895) - Akademichesky lake - approach to the Bezymyanny pass (1A, 925).
Overnight at an altitude of 420 m.
Climb -615 m.
Height drop - 475 m.

FHW - 4 hours 35 minutes.

Because of the rain, we postpone the exit until 1200. Because of the fog, only the nearest mountains are visible. We go to the Southern Rischorr pass (n / a, 895) along the road familiar to us from the descent from the Northern Rischorr pass. It runs along the right bank of the river. In one hour (light backpacks - we took food for three days, until the next drop) we reach the crossing point over the Risjok River, where the road forks. Left to North Rischorr, right to South Rischorr. Us to the right.
In one more transition (up to 1400) we approach the pass take-off (200-300, length 250m, rock-scree) of the Southern Rischorr (photo No. 21). There is a trail leading to the pass. We climb the pass in 40 minutes. Tour in the central part of the pass, there is a bench, two commemorative plaques. It's snowing, windy. Therefore, we quickly take pictures and go down.

Our next pass is Bezymyanny (1A, 925). Therefore, we do not go down to the river valley. Kaskasnyunyok, and by traverse we go to Akademicheskoe Lake, then we traverse the eastern and southern slopes at 905m and get into the valley of the Tulyok River.
In the declared route, it was planned to climb a plateau above the lake. However, the weather and its forecast are bad. Visibility is limited (500 m). Therefore, we decided not to climb the plateau.
We descended into the river valley and immediately came across a path leading towards the Bezymyanny Pass. We got up above the border of the forest on grassy areas next to the trail. Below 400 m you can see crooked forests. Going down to it is pointless, because. this is a loss of height and from the grass and shrubs you will only get even more wet. Because the rain did not stop, then everything around was wet. And possible firewood too. Dinner is cooked on burners, water from the river. We set up tents in tandem, we cook between them, because rain and wind. The pass is covered in fog from time to time.

21 July.
Sixth walking day.
Tulyok River Valley - Bezymyanny Pass (1A, 925 m) - Maly Vudyavr Lake.
Overnight at an altitude of 360 m.
Climb -505 m.
Height drop - 565 m.
Kilometer -12 km.
CHV -5 hours.

Rain and strong wind in the morning. The attendants get up at 9:00. Cooking in a vestibule under an awning. The food is delivered to the tents by the attendants.

22 July.
Seventh running day. Half day.
Excursion to PABS - 23 km of Kirovsk - approach to the pass Takhtarvumchorr.
Overnight at an altitude of 500 m.
Climb -40 m (from PABS to MN) + 140 m (approach to the pass).
Altitude drop - 40 m (from MN to PABS).
Kilometer -18 km, 14.4 km in offset.
FHV -3 hours 20 minutes.

July 23
Eighth running day.
Per. Takhtarvumchorr (1B, 1093) - the valley of the Malaya Belaya River.
Overnight at an altitude of 400 m.
Climb -593 m.
Altitude drop -693 m.
Kilometer -12 km.
FHV -6 hours 15 minutes

Exit from the MN from the border of the forest at the crossing over the stream at 10.00. We go above the stream on the right side of the valley along the middle scree, in some places we come across large boulders. We traverse the slope. For 2 transitions, by 11.30, we approach the pass takeoff. This is a rocky-scree slope with a steepness of 300, a length of 250 m. The total length of the pass take-off is 500-550 m. In the lower part it is a rocky-scree slope with a steepness of 300, a length of 250 m. First, we move along a small and medium scree 1 transition. We approached a snowfield 100 m long, with a steepness of 300-450. Snezhnik occupies almost the entire pass take-off in width. As long as it is possible to go to his right on the rocks, we go.
The depth of the snowfield to the waist and above. And to the right of it is no longer scree, but rocks, moreover, wet. Therefore, we continue to move along the snowfield, hanging one vertical railing 40m long. Participants wear harnesses. They are attached to the railing with a grasping knot. Work in helmets and gloves. Sticks on a lanyard on a hand, ice axes are secured. On the railing, one person at a time. The steepness of the snowfield in some places reaches 450. The rope was fixed to a large stone. Deputy the leader climbs the rocky area and fastens the rope behind a large stone for the group to move along the snowfield. The leader, when moving on a snowfield, beats steps. Competitors climb the stairs using a self-insurance handrail with a grappling knot.

After leaving the first snowfield, a scree area appears on the right, along which movement is possible. We move along it for 15 m, bypassing the snowfield and go out to the rocky-scree area. Here the group gathers, because. the scree is quite mobile, the slope is dangerous for rocks. It is likely that stones hit the lower participants, who climb the snowfield. Therefore, we collect a group over the first snowfield. We continue to move up the small and medium scree. The length of this section is 200 m, the steepness is 300. Traces of a downhill path are visible on a shallow scree, but it is inconvenient to climb along it.
We go to the second snowfield. It also occupies the entire pass take-off from the rocks on the left to the rocks on the right. Moving along it is easier than along the rocks, so we go out again to the snowfield. Its steepness is 300, length is 100m. We pass the second snowfield without railings, the first beats the steps. Self-insurance is carried out with an alpenstock or an ice ax. The second snowfield leads to the pass saddle. It is long, as you can see from the map. This pass is also called the Dragon's Gap. The pass saddle is a rather long gap 400 m long. The pass saddle is sometimes clogged with snow.

From the pass we descend straight down. The pass take-off from this side is a rocky-scree slope, covered with medium, in places small scree. In its middle part there is a snowfield, which is easily bypassed on the right along the way. The length of the slope is 300-350m, the steepness is 300. The descent takes one transition (25min). Already from the descent we saw the lake below, where we plan to stop for a snack. For 2 transitions we go down to it at 16.20. It's starting to rain. We stretch the awning. During the passage of the pass, the rain started and ended several times. After a snack, we move 3 crossings along the moraine along the right bank of the stream. The moraine is composed of medium stones. There are no trails. We leave to the border of the forest and the valley of the M. Belaya river.
The descent to the river passes through the crooked forest, which we cross in 10 minutes. We wade across the river. The ford is not difficult, the depth is 20-30 cm. By the river, we are greeted by a huge number of mosquitoes. After the crossing, we go deep into the forest for 100 meters and go out onto a very crowded path leading to the circus of the Western, Eastern Petrilius and Ramsay passes. Immediately we meet a children's group, cheerfully going to Ramsay at 21.00. evenings. On the trail we go up 200m, we find very a good place overnight and set up camp. There is enough firewood in the forest, because it's no longer a hoax. Water from M. Belaya. Rain again. Time 21.00.

waterfall on the Tulyok river

July 24th.
Ninth walking day.
The valley of the Malaya Belaya River - the Western Petrelius Pass (n / a, 846) - the valley of the Petrelius River. Radial access to the base.
Overnight at an altitude of 600m.
Climb -446 m.
Height drop - 246 m.
Kilometer - 21.6 km, 10.8 km included (to the lake).
CHKV -3 h 15 min (to the lake).

July 25th.
Daytime. Return from the PSS base.
Part of the group returns from the base along the path already known to it, brings food.

Days of imprisonment in the camp near the Orliny Pass due to bad weather conditions. Visibility from 50 to 150 m.

July 28th.
Tenth running day.
The upper reaches of the Petrelius River - the approach to the Orliny Pass (1B, 1105).
Overnight at the height - was not.
Climb -100 m.
Height reset - 0 m.
Kilometer -1.5 km.
CHV - 1 hour.

July 29.
Eleventh running day.
Eagle Pass (1B, 1105) - the valley of the Malaya Belaya River.
Overnight at an altitude of 300 m.
Climb - 405m.
Height drop - 480 m.
Kilometer -9.6 km.
CHHV - ascent to the pass 3 hours 40 minutes + descent to the sites 1 hour + descent to the valley. Malaya Belaya 1 h 20 min = 6 h.
We put on systems, prepare ropes that grab knots, carabiners, dress crampons. There are only three pairs of cats, so they are dressed by the deputy. the leader who will go first and hang the railing, and two participants. The leader goes second along the railing and beats the steps, where with boots, where he moonlights with an ice ax. Participants climb the railings with self-insurance with a grasping knot, in mittens, with a helmet on their heads.
Pass take-off 400 m long, steepness 300-45?, snowy, sometimes rocky and scree. The whole bottom is not visible.
On the middle scree we approach under the snowfield. The scree, as it were, wedged into the snowfield with its tongue. Its dyne is 100m, the steepness is 30?.
Our ropes - two of 40 m, two of 30 m. The first is the deputy. leader. This is the strongest and most experienced participant. He walks in crampons, with self-insurance with an ice ax, self-release along the railing. They are mounted at the station on an ice ax.
We fasten the first rope on the rock by the loop, on the right along the way. By the way, there is already someone's loop on it. But we hang ours.
We leave the snowfield to the right along the course to a rocky-scree section with a steepness of 35? - 40?, and collect a group. Since everyone fits one at a time, this process takes about 30 minutes. Fog rolls in from time to time. Strong wind, drizzle. There is a small snow-free patch on which you can plant a group. In order not to freeze, we cover ourselves with an awning. While we wait, we hang the third rope at 30 m. Again on the ice ax. We do not immediately hang the fourth one, since it will be necessary for everyone to gather in that place in anticipation of the ropes from below. Until the last of the 14 people pass the previous railings and bring them back. And in that place on the snowfield there is nowhere to sit. There is no shelter from the piercing wind with rocks. In addition, almost everyone's feet are already wet from the snow. Therefore, we collect the group here, after the second pitch, and not after the fourth.
After the approach of the last participants with ropes and ice axes, we begin to move up again. We pass along the already prepared 3 railings of 30 m, then 2 ropes of 40 m each and another 30 m. We fasten everything on ice axes, they go up to the head.
We find ourselves in width, in the middle part of the snowfield. All equipment is involved. On the rocks on the right, you can see a place where you can reassemble the group. We direct horizontal railings to the rocks to the right from a loop of 10 m and exit to the rocky-scree section ().
We pass along the rocks (steepness 30?) 70 m to a small open area and collect a group. We cover with an awning. We don’t go up further until all the participants come, so as not to fill the lower participants with stones. Since the rocks are wet, the stones do not stick to them. If not for this circumstance, it would be possible to climb even higher by 100 m. There is a grotto in the rock, a shelter in which you can gather a group. From the place of the second gathering of the group of ropes, we no longer hang. We pass along the rocks, along the border of the snowfield, 100 m past this grotto and again go out to the snowfield with a steepness of 20?. The first beats the steps. We pass like this for 70 m with self-insurance with an ice ax and go out to the pass saddle.

July 30th.
Twelfth running day.
Valley of the Malaya Belaya River - st. Khibiny - Art. Apatity.
Overnight at an altitude of 160 m.
Climb - 0 m.
Height drop - 140 m
Kilometer - 7.2 km.
CHV - 2 hours.

Rise at 10.00. In this place, where the road crosses the river from the right bank to the left, the river spills into two branches, skirting the island. The Malaya Belaya River in this place is quite possible to ford. First one sleeve, then the other. But part of the group does not want to wet the "fermenting" shoes, so we decide to build a crossing across the river. In addition, one participant is sick. It is undesirable to wet his feet in cold water. Almost everything from the backpack was taken from the patient.
We start organizing the crossing at 11.20. From the island to the other side. There are trees here and there.
We cross ourselves, backpacks separately (). At 12.10 the whole group is on the other side. It takes 10 minutes to collect equipment, and at 12.20 we leave along the road to the west, to the Khibiny station.
The road goes through a mixed forest. We go three transitions for 40 minutes and reach the first country houses of the village near the Khibiny station. Since today is Sunday, we meet mushroom pickers, from whom we learn that today it is better to leave for the bus at 17.00. in Apatity. In general, he goes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays at 15.00 and 17.00. The fare is 34r 80.kop. The working train runs on weekdays, in Imandra it happens at 17.00. But it often happens to him that he is late, he can travel from Imandra to Apatity for 3 or 4 hours.

8. Conclusions and recommendations
Choice of area and route
When choosing the area and route of the hike, we were guided by the following considerations. The area should not be very remote and not very complex, because There are three inexperienced members in the group. At the same time, the route should have interesting passes for more experienced participants. Since the area is not new for us, we had to look for difficult passes, where the main part of the group was not. Lay them on the route thread, taking into account the organization of drop-offs. As a result, little-visited passes in the Khibiny passed. These are Southern Lavochorr (High (1A, 1125)), Takhtarvumchorr (1B, 1093), Eagle (1B, 1105).
We set ourselves the goal of clarifying the name and location of some of the passes. On the hike, we found out that the High Pass (1A, 1125) is the South Lavochorr Pass. It is located in the southern part of the Lavochorr massif.
The proposed location of the Krutoy pass (1B, 1030) was photographed from two sides () and marked on the Orliny pass passage map (1B, 1105).
Due to bad weather conditions, we lost time in prison under the Orliny pass and did not visit the Fersman pass.
The passage of the Orliny pass was the culmination of the entire campaign. It turned out to be the most difficult weather conditions and from a technical point of view, but also the most interesting and memorable. The passage time can be reduced if you pass it in bundles and if each participant has crampons. But in Khibiny, few people take cats with them for each participant, because. snowy passes are not typical for this region.

Interesting objects
The hiking area is known as one of the largest apatite and other minerals in the world, from which you can make a lot of useful things and items. For example, facing tiles, glasses, cups and much more that surrounds us in everyday life. And the extraction of ore in open pits is technologically interesting. All this can be found in the Mineralogical Museum in Kirovsk.
The history of the development of the area is connected with exploration work, which is reflected in the names of the passes in honor of the geologists who worked in the area. For example: Ramsay, Petrelius, Arseniev. There is a memorial plaque at Ramsay Pass. On the way to Lake Maly Vudyavr, there is a brick masonry monument at the site of the first research station for studying the Khibiny at Moscow State University under the leadership of Academician A.E. Fersman. She continued to work even during the Great Patriotic War.
The Polar Alpine Botanical Garden in the area of ​​23 km is unique. This is one of the highest botanical gardens in the world. We recommend everyone to visit there. Botanical Garden offers visitors a number of excursions: to the Tropical Greenhouse, "Introduction of plants and landscaping of cities in the Arctic", "Ecological trail, geographers", which introduces the altitudinal zoning of the vegetation cover of the Khibiny Mountains.
The most favorable time for visiting this area is the end of July - the beginning of August. At this time, blueberries, blueberries, and a lot of mushrooms ripen. And already mosquitoes and midges have begun to decline.
We caught the beginning of the ripening of the berries, although, if we had gone later, we would have been able to eat them only at the beginning and end of the trip, because. the rest of the time they were above the forest line.
Everyone had a mosquito net and a mosquito spray with them. It should be noted that there are much fewer mosquitoes above the forest line.
Completed by Olkhovskaya I.G.


Team Nomads
M. M. Prishvin "Khibiny Mountains"
Fersman A.E. Traveling behind the stone. - M .: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1960.
Petition to the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation S.E. Donskoy: To prevent the resumption of the conflict in the Khibiny
Features of passing the Khibiny passes in winter
Classifier of sports tourism obstacles. Khibiny Tundras of the Kola Peninsula. Pass list. Arsenin pass.
"Tourist travels around the Kola Peninsula", O. Slavinsky, V. Tsarenkov, FiS Publishing House, 1965
Mysteries of the Kola Peninsula
Wikipedia site