What does seat 990 mean on an airplane? Selecting a seat during online check-in


A comfortable flight is where the travel experience begins. I know from myself that some people do not vacation abroad because they are simply afraid to fly. Let's talk about where it is better to sit on the plane, especially if you are flying for more than 6 hours (to Thailand or Vietnam).

Places on aircraft there are three types:

  • Economy class
  • Business Class
  • First grade.

Economic is the most used among travelers due to its low cost. It consists of three rows of seats, two, three or four chairs in each row. Comfort depends on the aircraft model and the generosity of the airline.

Business class is separated from economy class by a curtain. There are not three, but two chairs in a row, and they are located from each other in such a way that you can stretch your legs.

In the business compartment, passengers are given the opportunity to choose their desired meal from the proposed menu and drink a couple of free alcoholic cocktails or champagne. Prices differ from economy prices by about one and a half to two times. But there are also profitable promotions.

First class is the luxury of the plane. Here you can convert the chairs into a full-fledged sofa, but the price tag is an order of magnitude higher than in “business”.

Flying in business class and first class is convenient for everyone, but how do you choose the right seat in economy class?

How to choose seats on a plane in advance

You can get the chair you need in two ways:

  • When booking online on the official website of the airline (one day before departure).
  • Be the first to arrive at the check-in counter at the airport when checking in for your flight.

Choosing a comfortable seat on an airplane is a whole science.

The principle of booking the right seat for you is simple:
  • Find out the model of the aircraft on which you will fly.
  • Decide what is the determining factor for your comfort during a flight.
  • On the airline's official website, look at the cabin layout to decide where to sit.
  • Please note that some airlines (usually low-cost airlines) charge extra for seat selection.

Choosing the best seat using SeatGuru (in Russian)

Millions of passengers use the SeatGuru service, created by one of the American pilots, to choose the best seat on the plane. With its help you will get the most comfortable seats.

How can I find out which plane I will fly on? On the main page we select the airline in Latin, your flight number and departure date. If you don’t know your flight, please indicate your departure and arrival airports:

The service finds the details of your flight, determines the model of the ship on which you will fly and displays statistics:

Unshaded cells are standard, green are the most convenient, yellow are with minor inconvenience, red are the most undesirable.

The SeatGuru application can be downloaded for Android or iOS phones or use the web version.

The most comfortable seats on the plane

Good places on an airplane:

  • The first row, where you can calmly stretch your legs, regardless of the aircraft model. They are mainly occupied by passengers with children. Therefore, if children annoy you, it is more profitable to sit a couple of rows deep.
  • Legroom is also increased at emergency exits, but this has its drawbacks in the form of non-reclining seat backs and prohibited seating hand luggage on the floor.
  • If you like to sleep, then sit by the window (porthole), where no one will disturb you.

The worst seats on a plane

Undesirable places to fly are:

  • Those located in the tail of a Boeing or Airbus. The vibration from turbulence is especially noticeable there. There is a toilet nearby, which from time to time has a queue. But there are also advantages - there is a toilet nearby, and if the plane crashes, according to statistics, your chances of survival are 20% greater than those of the “majors” in premium class.
  • The middle of the cabin is also not very convenient, due to the fact that flight attendants and stewards of the plane are constantly moving around the cabin with carts that offer food and drinks to passengers. Although the “bumpiness” at the level of the wings is felt the least.
Find out how much it is now

Where is the best place to sit on a plane with a child?

Many aircraft are equipped with special cradles for children whose weight does not exceed 10 kg. Therefore, if you are flying with a baby, check this point when booking.

For seats with bassinets, there is a first row where the cradle, issued by the flight attendant, is attached to the wall in the cabin.

Passengers with children are prohibited from occupying seats near emergency exits and where life-saving equipment is located.

Ideally, of course, choose seats near the windows so that your child can be distracted by the clouds passing by.

  • If you want to get the best seats on your flight, make sure to book them in advance (set a reminder a day before departure and book as quickly as possible).
  • When booking, consider the direction in which the plane is moving. For example, if you move from North to South in the morning, the sun will be on the left, and vice versa. Choose the shadow side if you want to book a window seat so that you can observe the view and flight path from the window, and also if you want to photograph the clouds from above.
  • If you are traveling with someone else, then book two seats in the same row with an empty seat between them, one by the window and the other on the aisle. As practice shows, such places are poorly purchased due to the inconvenience of its location, and it ultimately remains vacant. Thus, instead of two seats, you get the entire row to use. Even if the middle seat is eventually bought by someone, you can always negotiate with the person and swap with him.
  • To save several thousand rubles, use the form to search for cheap air tickets right here:

Issues of a comfortable flight are of concern to beginners who are traveling this way for the first time and want the trip to be enjoyable. The relevance of the topic increases when you have to travel to distant countries or have to fly with a child. Choosing a good seat on board determines the passenger’s comfort, so let’s figure out how to find your seat on the plane.

Let's start with general information about the interior design. Considering that most people prefer to fly in economy class, let's consider the arrangement of passenger seats on boards of this type. After all, in order to find out where it is better to sit on an airplane, you will need to clarify the nuances of the seats and figure out which one is potentially the best choice.

When developing the interior of the airliner, the designers plan to divide the side into three parts: bow, middle and tail sections. Moreover, traditionally, the best seats on the plane are located immediately behind the cockpit. According to reviews from travelers who fly frequently, there is less shaking in the first compartment of the cabin. Turbulence is most pronounced in the tail of the airliner.

On different models of aircraft, developers install seats according to several possible schemes - on small airliners, the seats are attached to the sides. Modifications of aircraft that are adapted for long-haul flights require additional installation of seats along the central center line.

Typically, designers design chairs in a 3:3 or 3:4:3 format. Thus, another evaluation criterion appears. In addition, it should be clarified here that on any board there are chairs, the distance between which is large enough and allows you to sit comfortably. Also, on all airplanes there are seats where there are small defects: restrictions in folding, curvature, close placement with the adjacent seat. Let's look at the details of how to choose a seat on a plane, and learn the secrets of experienced tourists.

We sit on the edge

The seats on the farthest aisle are a bad choice for a person who wants to get some sleep during the flight. After all, the passenger who occupies such a seat is forced to let his neighbors pass when they want to leave the seat. In addition, there is a risk that the stewards will hit you with a trolley while serving food and drinks. Travelers say the only advantage here is mobility and the ability to sit comfortably, stretching out to your full height.

Middle seats

The seats that are installed in the middle of the block can hardly be called comfortable due to the lack of a “personal” armrest. Here you will have to let your neighbor through, who takes a seat at the porthole. In addition, leaving the seat inevitably requires disturbing the person sitting on the edge. This place is not suitable for single travelers.

Watching the flight from the window

The good thing about window seats is that no one will disturb the passenger who is flying in this seat. Moreover, in such areas of the cabin the lighting is much better than in the seats next to the aisles. The only drawback is the difficulty of getting out - you can leave the seat only by lifting your neighbors.

Such seats are good for people who like to watch the flight from the window. True, flights at night deprive travelers of such an opportunity. Although you can sleep or work well here, the certain distance of the seats from the center of the plane, where it is always too noisy, contributes to this.

Selecting a cabin compartment

Now we’ll find out which part of the plane is best to fly in. As we have already briefly described, the forward bow compartment is traditionally more comfortable. Since kitchen blocks are located here on small boards, food and drinks are offered to passengers in the first rows. True, on liners where several catering units are installed, the relevance of this point is somewhat lost.

In addition, airline customers flying in these rows are the first to leave the cabin after the plane's boarding announcement. Equipment for installing baby carriers is also located here, so the bow compartment is occupied by passengers with children. However, other travelers assess this factor ambiguously. After all, babies often cry, which disturbs the peace of their seat neighbors. And parents of infants are forced to periodically go out with the baby to warm up, which also does not have the best effect on the comfort of neighbors.

The middle part of the cabin is considered a neutral choice. Tourists cite the lack of portholes on several rows in some airliner models as a disadvantage here. In addition, on large board models it is always quite noisy here, especially near the seats that are installed close to the catering areas or bathrooms.

The last compartment is considered the cheapest. There are usually no comfort elements here, and there are restrooms at the end of the cabin, so passengers occupy the seats in the last rows only if there are no other options. However, the tail section of the airliner is characterized by high safety relative to the rest of the cabin.. In addition, there are situations when seats here remain free. So, the passenger has the opportunity to occupy several seats in order to get a good night's sleep. On large airliner models, customer service begins both from the bow and the tail, so on such boards the client will also have a good selection of food and drinks.

Seats near technical blocks

We will separately highlight the groups of seat lines that are installed in front of the emergency evacuation hatches and between them. Here the seats closest to the exits are slightly curved. In addition, all such places imply the impossibility of fully reclining the chair. Considering that the passengers sitting in front are unlikely to refuse the opportunity to travel reclining, the situation is further complicated by the difficulties of entering the cabin. After all, the back of the front seat blocks the exit of a person and creates discomfort during the flight.

Although there will be an advantage - an increased distance between the rows of seats. This moment slightly eliminates the described inconveniences and allows you to periodically change the position of your legs.

A similar situation occurs with chairs that stand in front of technical blocks - dressing rooms, kitchens, restrooms. In addition, there is also extra noise caused by other passengers and staff frequently passing by you. When occupying these seats, be prepared to patiently endure slamming doors and constant crowding of people next to the chair. Such shortcomings are especially pronounced in the last row of the cabin.

Passengers call the best seats on the plane the rows located immediately behind the airliner's emergency hatches.

Now let's look at the best seats to choose on the plane. Travelers and airline employees unanimously claim that in economy class cabins, the best option is the seats located immediately behind the emergency exits. Some airliner models suggest the placement of twin, rather than three, seats. In addition, sufficient space in front of the seats contributes to comfortable travel. Such seats cannot be reserved upon purchase. electronic ticket– after all, airlines require an additional payment for such seats. In addition, childless and physically strong passengers will be able to take these seats; a similar opportunity will not be available for other categories of citizens.

In order for the trip to be remembered as pleasant impressions, it is advisable for a beginner to take care of the comfort of the trip in advance. Today you can buy air tickets online and check in yourself. This method is recommended by experienced travelers - after all, the passenger chooses seats by looking at a schematic representation of the aircraft’s interior in a calm home environment. It is worth remembering that different aircraft models are characterized by individual layouts. Therefore, look for the cabin layout of your aircraft on the airline portal.

To choose a seat in the cabin that suits you, when checking in for your flight, clarify the details you are interested in with an airline employee

When buying a ticket at a branch of the carrier company, ask the employee about the number and quality of class service, the number of seats on the line, and the space between the rows. It is advisable to find out about the availability of monitors, the ability to charge gadgets, the layout and specific location of technical units on board and the immediate proximity of the proposed location to these elements. Feel free to voice your personal preferences - if you want to take a chair by the window, ask about this opportunity. In addition, arriving at check-in on time will guarantee successful and comfortable seat reservations.

Keep in mind that the airliner’s workload varies with the seasons of the year, days of the week and hours, so try to choose a departure date and time with the least amount of people. This method increases the chance of finding a good seat on board. Airline employees note a decrease in demand on weekdays except Friday. Accordingly, it is appropriate to plan the departure time at lunchtime, since morning and evening flights fly with a full cabin load.

Focus on choosing a place where you will be comfortable flying. When planning to spend your flight reading a book, it is appropriate to choose the sunny side of the cabin. You won't be short of natural light when flying south on a morning flight while sitting on the left side of the aircraft. Other tasks will determine the choice of a chair on the opposite side.

How to fix the situation

In cases where registration has been completed and boarding pass identifies a bad seat, experienced passengers correct the unpleasant situation. When planting, pay attention to the places that would suit you and remain empty. The passenger has some time to take his favorite free seat after the end of boarding is announced. Airline employees are loyal to such situations, so there will be no difficulties here.

Buying air tickets in advance and checking in for your flight yourself is a smart choice. Typically this function is available one day before the flight departs. Remember, the comfort of a flight is an individual criterion, so it is important to focus on personal needs and preferences.

Cabin seating safety diagram
The seats furthest to the aisle are not suitable for travelers planning to sleep during the flight
The window seats allow you to watch the clouds, but leaving these seats along the way is quite problematic
Each compartment of the aircraft has positive and negative characteristics, so the choice is determined by the needs and preferences of the passenger.
If the neighboring seats are empty, company employees will be loyal to the passenger’s desire to take them

Traveling by plane always tires a person, and often it can even be harmful to his health. However, there is always the opportunity to take care of additional benefits for yourself. One of these may be the right choice of where to sit in the cabin. To do this, it is important to know the location of the seats on the plane.

It is important to understand that there is no seat that would suit every passenger. Everyone focuses on their own needs. Some people like to sit by the window, some like to sit in the aisle, and for others the opportunity to stretch their long legs forward is important.

Seat classes

The aircraft cabin is most often divided into three zones for passengers:

Inexpensive economy class seats with a minimum of services.

Comfortable business class seats with additional services that make the flight as comfortable as possible.

Luxury first class seats, where you can even fly lying down, although not all airlines have them.

The majority of people prefer economy class so as not to spend extra money.

Choosing a seat on the plane

As mentioned above, the best seat for each passenger is selected individually. You can determine this for yourself by carefully reading this article. To better understand what we are talking about, below is a diagram of the aircraft interior.

Unsuccessful options

Let's start by identifying inconvenient places during the flight. Seats in the middle of a row, with people sitting to your right and left, are uncomfortable for most. Another bad seat is the seat at the back of the plane; the last row may not have a window. There are also constant crowds of passengers waiting in line to use the toilet. A significant disadvantage for you may be the fact that at the time of distribution of food and drinks - the variety of products runs out in the rows at the back, you will not be able to choose meat, chicken or fish, you will simply be given the type of product that is left.

The bad places include the places directly above the wing, since from there you won’t see anything. Not everyone will be comfortable with the seats in the rows located in front of the emergency exit and in the last row, since they do not have the ability to recline the seat.

The most comfortable seats on an airliner

Let's go back to the tail of the plane. An important advantage is that if the aircraft is not fully loaded, you will not have neighbors, and you will fly alone in two or three seats (this will even allow you to lie down). Comfortable places include the porthole seats - you can sleep quite comfortably on them without fear of being woken up by a neighbor squeezing through your knees. You can admire the beautiful views from the window and read in excellent lighting. The advantages of aisle seats include the fact that you can stretch your legs into the aisle and get up to go to the toilet without any problems, and also be among the first at the exit. By the way, places near emergency and regular exits have increased legroom.

The best seats in terms of comfort and convenience are considered to be those in the first row. You can calmly stretch your legs, since there will only be a wall in front of you. This is very important for tall people (from 180 centimeters). There is also less shaking in the front when the plane hits the ground. An attractive bonus will be the right to be the first to receive food and drinks. A significant drawback for some will be the fact that there will probably be passengers with infants and children under 7 years old nearby.

Location of seats on the plane

Now that you have decided what to look for when choosing a seat for yourself, you need to be sure to find out the seat letter and row number that will suit you.

Airliners come in different sizes, which means the number of seats per row may vary. Either way, there will be aisle and window seats on every plane. You can obtain information about the layout of the aircraft you are interested in at the representative office of the carrier's airline. Quite often, schemes are published on websites on the Internet. It is important to consider that vessels of the same model do not always have the same layout. This means that the location of seats on a Transaero and Aeroflot plane will not always be the same for the same type of aircraft.

Choosing a seat depending on the size of the vehicle

When you have an airplane that you are going to fly, you can accurately understand whether the seat is located at the partition or next to the window, whether the wings will block the view.

Let's give a few examples. Let's consider the arrangement of seats on a Boeing 737 and similar aircraft, where seats in economy class are installed in 2 rows of 3 seats each. With this arrangement, the seats in the first row will be comfortable, as well as in the rows near the emergency exits - there is always enough space to stretch your legs.

The cabin is designed for long-haul flights and has several economy class cabins with 3 rows of seats arranged in a 3-4-3 configuration. And on this ship, good seats will still be in the front row and at the main or emergency exits, but it is worth noting that there are toilets located both in the front and in the rear.

How to take a chair you like

Airlines allocate seats on planes in different ways. First of all, try to find out if you can select a seat at the time of booking. This service is often provided by the airline for an additional fee. Second way to get a good place- this is to ask during the time to show the location of the seats on the plane and choose the appropriate one if it is free.

Be sure to consider the direction of flight, as the bright rays of the sun can shine directly in your face. Decide which direction you are heading. When flying from east to west, the sun's rays will always fall on the left side, and from west to east - on the right side. When moving from north to south in the morning, the sun's rays will fall on the left, and in the evening - on the right. When flying from south to north in the morning - on the right, in the evening - on the left. And don't forget that in the Southern Hemisphere the opposite is true.

It is important to arrive at registration as early as possible after it opens. The best places go to those who arrive first.

The most popular and fullest flights are morning and evening. If you do not have any kind of time connection, then it is better to fly during the daytime, since it is during these hours that the flow of passengers is the smallest, and the seats nearby will be empty.

IN last years Airlines are trying to simplify their system by introducing various new features in order to speed up the check-in process for flights several times. These include terminals for self-check-in at airports and the ability to check in for a flight online on the airline’s website. You should not lose sight of these technologies, since the layouts of airliner cabins, the location of seats on the plane, and already occupied seats are clearly visible on the computer screen. Using such services will save you from grueling queues and early arrival at the airport.

Thus, if you fly often, you will very soon figure out which places are better than others. Unfortunately, not all airlines have the ability to select seats in advance, so be prepared to fly in any available seat.

In an era of relatively affordable flights, it is quite possible to travel to the other side of the earth. We tell you what the pros and cons are different places and what is the ideal scheme for choosing the best seat on the plane.

The safest place

Aircraft manufacturers unanimously say that no seat on an airplane is any safer than the rest, and the chances of survival or unharmed depend more on following the instructions of airline personnel than on the location of the seat. Nevertheless, although minimally, you can still increase your chances of a successful outcome if you choose the following places.

Closer to the tail of the plane

A claim backed by raw statistics: a Popular Mechanics study examining plane crashes from 1971 to 2007 found that 69% of passengers in the tail survived, versus 56% in the wings and 49% in the nose.

Window seat

Let’s say the plane landed hard, a person is safe and sound, but then your own bag with 5 bottles of cognac, purchased at duty-free, falls on your head from the luggage compartment. It is unlikely that such a “gift” will arrive for a passenger at the window, but for an aisle seat this is quite a common situation in such cases.

A seat near the emergency exit or in the rows closest to it

The ability to be one of the first to leave the plane can be vital, because panic in such situations can sometimes be worse than the accident itself.

The most comfortable places

The most comfortable places are in first class, and it's hard to argue with that. However, most people are still not ready to give up half their annual salary for the chance to fly on vacation while lying down, hugging a bottle of champagne. Even in economy class you can sometimes feel great if you know how to find good seats.

Places behind emergency exits

  • huge legroom
  • in the event of an accident, you can be the first to escape
  • usually impossible to select remotely (not at the airport)
  • You cannot place luggage under the seat in front of you
  • Passengers with children and elderly people are not allowed in such places

Places in front of emergency exits

  • proximity to the emergency exit, the ability to be one of the first to leave the plane in the event of an emergency
  • a small angle of inclination of the seats or the inability to lean back at all

The last row

  • due to the disadvantages of these seats, few people want to sit on them, but if no one sits down, then, as a rule, you can sit on three or four seats at once, which allows you to forget about the disadvantages
  • The seat backs may recline little or not at all.
  • often close to the toilet

Seats at the rear of the aircraft

  • Statistically, the safest seats, as well as those closest to the emergency exit, for most types of aircraft
  • at some airports people are also allowed out through the rear exit, which allows them to leave the plane faster
  • if the flight is not fully booked, the last rows are often empty, so you can take the adjacent seats
  • if passengers are released only through the front door, they will have to wait a long time for their turn to exit, which can be critical during short connections
  • if food is distributed starting from the front of the plane, some goodies may simply “not reach”

Seats located in the front of the cabin

  • A full range of food and beverages are generally available
  • the opportunity to be one of the first to leave the plane
  • these seats are often completely full even on relatively uncrowded flights, so there is less chance of stretching your legs under the empty seat in front or occupying adjacent seats
  • here, many companies install cradles for children, so the chances of a flight accompanied by a symphony of tearing children's screams increase sharply

First row next to business class

  • Many airlines have such seats with more legroom.
  • no one will recline the chair back, since there is a partition in front and there are no seats
  • there are almost inevitably cradles for children here, so there is every chance of listening to a heartbreaking symphony

Window seat

  • when traveling over mountains and other beauties of our planet, a seat by the window can greatly brighten up the time spent in the air
  • This perfect place in order to sleep, since no one will bother you with requests to let you in to go out
  • there is more sunlight here during daylight hours, which is good if you want to read
  • going out for a walk or going to the toilet is associated with disturbance to neighbors who may, for example, be sleeping
  • you will have to get off the plane a little later than those sitting near the aisle

Aisle seat

  • the most mobile place: you can easily stand up and stretch your legs into the aisle
  • allows you to get off the plane faster
  • they can step on outstretched legs and be run over by carts
  • many passing passengers will be hit. However, for some, such physical contact will be a plus

How not to miss the best place

As you can see, even in economy class, seats can vary greatly in terms of comfort, and therefore there is always a chance to get the coveted seat before others, and the longer the flight lasts, the more relevant this is.

Online registration

In most cases, the passenger has the right to choose a seat from the moment online check-in for the flight begins, and for this it is very important to be in time for its start.

Not all airlines begin online check-in the standard 24 hours before departure, which is something you should know and use.

Selecting a seat before online check-in

For example, the Dutch KLM gives you the opportunity to choose a seat immediately after purchasing a ticket, and usually all the “sweet” seats are already taken by the time registration begins. So it's always a good idea to go to the airline's website well before your trip and check if there is such an option in the booking management menu.

Many companies offer seat selection when purchasing, and this service usually costs money. There are often cases when the airline itself indicates on the website which seats are more comfortable, and in this case, they also provide the opportunity to purchase such a seat with an additional payment.

In an Aeroport

At the front desk, you can always ask to be seated in a specific seat (for example, the seat after the emergency exit). Usually, airport staff do not refuse, but under certain circumstances (for example, traveling with children) they can seat you in the seat occupied during online check-in, transferring the passenger who occupied the seat to another seat.

Self-check-in terminals are also useful, but are not much different from online check-in.

In airplane

If you were unable to get to your desired seat, then even if you are already on the plane, all is not lost. If the flight is not fully loaded, it makes sense to inspect the cabin for empty seats or even rows. After the “boarding completed” message, you have a few minutes to move to a more comfortable free seat.

Hour-long queues at the airport are no longer for you! The time has come for modern technology. The fastest way to get the best seats on the plane is to check in online in advance. You will need your reservation number, passport details and e-ticket number. On the airline’s website, you can check in online within 24 hours and get the seats you deserve. Airplane seating is subjective.

Safety comes first!

Some people choose the safest seats on the plane. Statistically, these are seats at the back of the plane. About 67% of the passengers who survived the plane crash were seated there. These seats are also most often empty, and you can sit quite comfortably on three chairs. Sleep, lie down, look out the window.

View of planet earth

Which seats to choose on the plane is up to you. If you plan to spend the entire flight reading a book or watching continents and seas float by under the iron bird, you should look out the window. This is a rather secluded place, but there is a minus: you will have to get out into the passage through two passengers.

Places for the restless

There is a category of passengers for whom freedom of movement is important even during flight. Side seats- for them. You can stretch your legs into the aisle, you can go out into the salon without touching your neighbors. The downside is the food and drink carts that can hit you, and other passengers rushing to attend to their needs.

"Beau monde"

Places, in front of which there is no other row of seats. The entire flight will not have someone's shiny bald head or incredibly smelling hair looming in front of you. One of the significant disadvantages: passengers with small children are usually accommodated here. Such a neighborhood is not suitable for everyone, so immediately evaluate the strength of your nerves and resistance to crying. There may also be a galley or toilets in front of you, so take into account your sensitivity to odors.

Neutral waters

Middle seats in a row of seats. It’s a long way from both the passage and the porthole. It’s easier to go out, no one is pushing you. Here you can use the cheat code. There are two of you and you are flying in the same direction. Book a window seat or an aisle seat: in most cases, there will be an empty seat between you.

Emergency situation

Places near emergency hatches. Perhaps the most controversial places. Here the backs of the seats are fixed, but the space in front of the previous row is increased. You are not allowed here with children, you cannot block the passage with bags, and you are not allowed with animals. In the event of an accident, you will have to open this hatch, so airlines sometimes reserve these seats for their strongest passengers.

If you end up in the wrong seat, on unloaded flights you can independently transfer to an empty or more comfortable spot. You have approximately 5 minutes after boarding, because after takeoff these seats will be “gone” to efficient passengers.

What are the best seats on the plane is a decision that ultimately remains yours. The arrangement of seats on an airplane is always different, so if you know the model of the airplane in advance, look at the diagram. Perhaps this will help you become the most enviable traveler who will advise all your friends about where to sit on the plane.