Airbus A321 Aeroflot: best seats and cabin map. Airbus A321: cabin map and best seats A321 100 200 cabin map best seats


Ural Airlines is one of the largest airlines in Russia, which transports passengers within the country and abroad. There are only three types in the company's fleet aircraft: Airbus A319, A320 and A321. In total, the fleet has 43 aircraft, 13 of them are Airbus A321.


The Airbus A321 was launched in 1994 and is the next in the generation of the A320 fuselage aircraft family, designed for medium and short range flights. The main difference is that it is extended by almost 7 m and can accommodate more seats than the A320 and A319.

The main technical characteristics of the Airbus A321:

  • Wingspan - from 34.1 m to 35.8 m
  • Cabin length - 34.4 m
  • Cabin width - 3.7 m
  • Maximum speed - up to 890 km / h
  • Flight range - from 5,000 km to 5,900 km
  • Number of seats - up to 236
  • Maximum takeoff weight - 89,000 kg
  • Airliner length - 44.5 m
  • Cruise speed - 840 km / h

Airbus industrie A321 Ural Airlines cabin map

There are many modifications of the Airbus 321 cabin schemes. The airline has only one variant for 220 seats in operation (you can see the scheme in the photo below). Let's consider what better places on this plane to take when buying a ticket.

In this variant of the air carrier there is no business class. Only economic available. Armchairs, basically, cost 3 in each side of the aircraft.

1 row is located behind the emergency exits, which provides these places with additional free space in front. No one will press you with the back of the chair, since there are no neighbors in front. Passenger service starts from this row. But noise can be heard from the kitchen and bathrooms, which are located in front of the passenger compartment.

10 row- a row in front of the emergency exit, as well as 24 A, F and 25 B, C, D, E. The disadvantage of these rows can be called motionless seatbacks, which makes a long flight rather inconvenient.

Seats B, C, D, E row 11 are located after the emergency exit and are convenient in that they have more free legroom than standard chairs.

12 row seats A, F have a lot of free space in front, due to the lack of seats A, F in the 11th row.

26 row located in the same way as 11 - after the emergency exits and has the same advantages.

Seats at emergency exits are not available to all categories of passengers. Passengers cannot fly on them:

  • with kids;
  • children, unaccompanied by adults;
  • disabled people;
  • foreigners who do not speak Russian or English.

Also, passengers who fly in such places will be read out by the employees of the air carrier additional safety rules. When flying, you can not put things near the seats, they must be stored on the top shelf.

37 row places A, B, C and 38 row - E, F- the last seats in the passenger compartment. They are located in front of the restrooms. Discomfort during the flight will be caused by an unpleasant smell, extraneous sounds and the accumulation of passengers near these places. And also, the back of the seats is completely or partially not movable.

Best Places

  • 1 row - all places;
  • 11 row - B, C, D, E;
  • 26 row - all places.

Worst Places

  • 10 row - all places;
  • 24 row - A, F;
  • 25 row - B, C, D, E;
  • 37 row - A, B, C;
  • 38 row - E, F.

The nose of an airliner is considered the most successful for a flight, since here the noise from the aircraft's engines is less audible and passenger service begins from this part.

The middle part of the aircraft should be chosen by passengers who are seasick and with problems of aerophobia - there is the least chatter and turbulence is felt to a lesser extent.

The tail section of an airliner is considered the most inconvenient. This is due to the narrowing of the cabin, the proximity of bathrooms and the strong noise of the engines. But this part of the cabin is the safest. According to statistics, more passengers who fly in this part of the aircraft survive in air crashes. Also, you can ask the employees of the air carrier for lunch.

Window seats are seats A, F. They are chosen by those passengers who prefer to enjoy the view from the window during the flight, sleep and not get up from the chair, as this will be difficult to do - you will need to disturb two neighbors.

If you prefer to enjoy great views from your window during your flight, you should be aware that emergency exit seats may not have a window. And rows 11 to 19 are located above the wings of the aircraft, which limits the view.

Aisle seats - C, D, you need to choose if you want to move around the cabin a lot during the flight. Here you can stretch your legs. But sitting in these places, it will be difficult to take a normal nap. People passing by may hurt you.

Seats in the middle are B and E. They are considered uncomfortable and are taken out last when there are no other seats. You will have neighbors on both sides.

If you are flying together, you can take a seat in the same row at the aisle and porthole. There is a chance that no one will take the seat in the middle and you will have extra space.

When choosing seats, check out the Ural Airlines cabin map on the airline's official website. This will help you choose places that suit your preferences. Have a successful and comfortable flight with Airbus A321 and Ural Airlines.

aircraft model Airbus A321 Considered by right to be the largest aircraft in the A320 family, which in turn is a longer version of the A320 and is characterized by its increased passenger capacity. The standard level equipment of this model consists of: a two-class cabin, designed for 185 passenger seats(of which 169 are economy class seats and 16 are business class). According to statistics, the A321 aircraft is designed for a travel distance of 5-5.5 thousand kilometers.

Currently, there are about a dozen configurations of the A321 aircraft, which serve for flights of various durations and for a different number of seats. For example, for cheap flights in this configuration, changes are made to increase the number of economy class seats.

Of course, in order to choose a good, comfortable seat in the Airbus A321, you still need to have a cabin layout in your head, with the help of which you, in fact, plan to move around. But there is no reason to worry: a completely arbitrary configuration of the aircraft will fit for studying and memorizing the patterns of passenger seating in the Airbus A321 model.

We offer to study the location of the places in more detail, for this, a diagram of the A321 model is given, where we note on it good places. This diagram A321 will help you thoroughly understand this issue. Salon scheme, best places which are presented here, and will help you decide on the basis of your financial capabilities and personal preferences.

1-7 row. As the map shows, the best places are in this area! They are considered business class seats, but despite their class affiliation, the first and seventh rows are the most uncomfortable seats. This is all due to the fact that in front of the first row there is a partition and a closet, and after the seventh row there is already an economy class, where it is often noisy. This causes inconvenience. Therefore, in business class, we advise you to focus on seats from the second to the sixth rows.

8 row. From here, the economy class seats in the Airbus A321 already begin, and the eighth row is very conveniently distinguished by its best convenience due to the formation of a large free space - there is an emergency exit nearby. Having ordered chairs in this row, you will feel at home, because when you get up from your seat, you will not cause discomfort to your neighbors, and they, in turn, to you. Also, such places have the advantage of a wider range of drinks and food (you probably know that food is served moving from the front rows to the next).

9-17 rows. These are standard economy class seats, practically no different from each other. Here are good places for those who want to ride in comfort, but do not want to overpay too much.

18 row. Such places are also standard, but due to the proximity to the restrooms, it may not be very comfortable to be here. Why? Frequent walks of passengers in the cabin back and forth and queues for the restroom create a din, which, of course, cannot but annoy you and interfere with rest in flight.

19 row. This row can be compared with the eighth. Because Row 19 is located after the emergency exit, then there are also places with extra space, but the bathroom is not far from here, so some discomfort may still be present. This row does not compare with row 8 seats, but is generally one of the most comfortable.

20 row. Absolutely all seats of the 20th row are worthy of being considered comfortable. They are desirable for passengers due to the spacious place to put their feet, and the optimal position of the windows. From here you can easily observe the panorama of our planet. You will find unforgettable, colorful sensations! Especially if this is your first plane.

30 row(C and D). Not the worst option, but again, proximity to the bathroom makes it uncomfortable when relaxing in this row. As the scheme of this salon shows, it is better not to buy. Well, or the aircraft of the Airbus line is not the best choice in this case.

31 row. It is worthwhile to linger a little longer on the consideration of the last, 31st row in the A321 scheme. In addition to the fact that it’s close to the restrooms from here and you can not only hear the noise, but also smell unpleasant smells (believe me, the fact that you don’t have to run through the entire salon if you personally need to go to the toilet does not save the situation at all) so also the backs of the seats cannot recline because there is a wall behind them. Portholes with beautiful views it's not even close here. These seats on the a321 are deservedly considered the most uncomfortable on the plane, and they are usually booked if there are no other free ones at all.

Final tips for choosing the best options on the Airbus A321 aircraft:

  • Before ordering seats ... Here is a diagram of the aircraft you want to travel with. Study this diagram a321 carefully.
  • Still doubting your choice and unable to choose seats? You have the right to receive advice from an official representative of the airline.
  • Places that are near the kitchen, restroom or at the end of the salon, choose only if there are no other options.
  • If your trip will be long, we do not recommend choosing a place where the seat back does not recline at all, or where there is a partition nearby. Seats should be as comfortable as possible.
  • Better take comfortable place in the economy class row than unsuccessful in the business class row.
  • Choose the most convenient options for you on the plane, taking into account our tips given earlier.

We wish you a successful flight! Don't forget that the airbus a321 model diagram is your friend!

When buying a ticket, pay attention to which plane you are going to fly. If this is an Airbus A321, then check the cabin layout and choose the best seats. The provided photos and recommendations will help you with this.

Today every company has a lot of airliners. Some fly short or medium distances, others are designed for longer distances. And since cabins often differ from each other in individual details, the location of convenient and advantageous seats must be clarified before checking in for boarding.

History and characteristics

The Airbus A321 appeared due to the need to compete with the Boeing 737-900ER, as well as to increase the main performance of the models in this line. Compared to previous versions, the developers have improved:

  1. The power of the engines, due to which the aircraft began to fly further.
  2. The wings were reinforced so that air transport could withstand heavy loads.
  3. In the A321-200 modification, the fuel tanks are also enlarged, which helps to refuel gasoline for a longer flight time.

The first successful development took place in 1994 and after a test flight, all aircraft were taken over by Lufthansa and Alitalia. The second modification appeared two years later and it constantly receives orders from a variety of carriers. Aeroflot has several such airliners operating short and medium-range flights.

Airbus A321 is a twin-engine narrow-body aircraft designed to cover a distance of 4000-5000 km. Of all the models of this line, it is the largest, which makes it possible to take on board more passengers. So, its standard capacity is designed for 200 people, but a lot depends on the specific modification and the airline that operates the flight.

If these are charter lines that do not have a division into business and economy class, then there are 220 passenger seats in the cabin at once, among which there are very few differences. When divided into two levels of comfort, only 185 seats remain due to the release of space for a zone of increased convenience.

Salon scheme

You can see how the seats are located on board a particular aircraft on the official website of the selected carrier. It is worth looking for background information about the salon and finding a seating chart. Then, when registering an itinerary receipt, you will know exactly which seats best suit your wishes and needs in flight.

You can do this as you would during checkout. boarding pass online, and at the counter with an airport employee. But remember that the best and most convenient seats are occupied in the first place, so for a better choice, it is advisable to start registration as early as possible.

The business class in this case is distinguished by the arrangement of seats according to the 2X2 scheme. And in the economy class, the seats are most often placed according to the 3X3 type. Thus, only 28 tickets are sold to the zone of increased comfort. The differences apply to charter flights and other airlines where there is no allocation between passenger convenience classes.

But note also the fact that seats with extra legroom (Space+), such as those at emergency exits, are sometimes sold at a surcharge at a low premium, as they are the most desirable for most passengers.

Almost every place has its pros and cons. Consider some of the nuances on the example of the standard arrangement of seats in the cabin in a two-class configuration:

  • From the first to the seventh rows there are business class seats, where the seats are located at a sufficient distance from each other so that each passenger has a place to recline completely and stretch his legs forward if desired.
  • But even in the zone of increased comfort there are not very convenient rows, these are the first and last, as they are closer to the toilet and the economy class, which will interfere with a smooth flight.
  • In any line, seats A and F are considered the best for those who want to enjoy the view from the porthole and stay away from the aisle, however, then every time you try to get up you will have to disturb the neighbors.
  • If you choose seats near the edge, C and D, then it will be easier to get up, you won’t have to lift anyone, but people and flight attendants passing by may accidentally hit you while you are resting.
  • The 8th and 19th rows are located immediately behind the partition, which makes it possible to stretch your legs, as well as place a cradle on the wall, but here no one will lower the chair in front of you, since these are the first rows in each separate zone.
  • From the same seats, the distribution of dishes at lunchtime begins.
  • In the 18th and 31st rows, the seats are considered the most inconvenient, since they are located directly next to the toilet, the backs of the seats do not fall here, and there is always a line of people in the aisle.

Remember that food begins to be worn from the front rows and always ends last. Therefore, if you want to dine earlier and not wait until the others are fed, then you should not sit in the 29-31 row.

All places from 9th to 17th and from 20th to 30th are not distinguished by anything special. Here you just need to choose according to your own preferences, sit at the edge or at the window, closer to the beginning, middle or end of the cabin. For example, if there are passengers with children on the first lines, then children's crying can interfere with people sitting close. It is believed that in the middle of the cabin there is much less shaking and motion sickness, so seats in rows 9-17 are more preferable for those who find it difficult to bear the flight.

And if you want to sleep or work while traveling, it is better to give preference to chairs near the porthole, but further from the toilets and passengers with children. Remember that if you decide to choose a seat with extra legroom, for example, at the emergency exit, you will have to follow all the instructions of the flight attendants in case of unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, such places are inaccessible to the disabled and children.

Video: Airbus A321 - interior.

Of course, which seat will be most comfortable for you depends on personal preferences, flight range, current plans and other requirements. So, for those who wish to periodically get up and walk around the cabin, it is advisable to sit on the edge. Parents with small children prefer to choose seats near the partition, as there are fastenings for the cradle and necessary things in flight.

Sitting inside between other passengers (seats B and E) is not always convenient, as not everyone has enough armrests here and you are very dependent on the surrounding neighbors. But in almost any case, the last rows (30-31) are among the worst. After all, it is impossible to relax, lie down, lower your back, work here. Only those who absolutely need to fly in the chosen direction agree to such minimal amenities and no other options are foreseen.

The Airbus 321 is the largest aircraft of the 320 family produced by the Airbus concern. The first flight was made in 1992. Aircraft production continues to this day. According to the latest information from the company, in 2018 it is planned to assemble up to 60 aircraft per month. By their own technical specifications and maintenance differs little from the prototype - the 320th, but due to more powerful engines it is able to carry more passengers and luggage.

The aircraft is assembled for a specific order - the customer is offered only an economy class version with a capacity of 220 people or a business/economy class with a capacity of 185 people.


The French company began to assemble the prototype of the 320th back in 1972. In the 90s, the 319th version first appeared, the main difference of which is the fuselage shortened by 7 meters. The remaining parameters repeat the 320th. The first "Airbus" received a fuselage 7 meters longer than the prototype and in 1992 had the shortest flight range among the entire 320 family. Then, with modernization, the aircraft received enhanced brakes, more powerful engines and an additional tank located in the tail section of the cabin. development was not intended, unlike plans for the 320, to compete with the Americans, but the introduction of the Boeing 757 forced the company to rethink its decision to release the 321, and the current model, 321-200, is worthy competitor 757, slightly inferior in flight range, but with a more spacious fuselage.

The first customer for the aircraft of the new model was the German Lufthansa. Aircraft 321-100 flew into her hangars in early 1995. At the end of 1996, the first Airbus 321-200 took off.

Interior layouts by the customer

As already mentioned, the customer receives one of two layout options at the factory. However, that's not all. During operation, the customer can change the number of seats himself and thus re-equip the aircraft to carry more or fewer passengers. The documentation for the aircraft indicates how the cabin can be reconfigured. "Airbus 321" has a wide range of layouts. From economy class, where there will be 6 seats in a row, three on each side of the aisle, to business class, where 4 seats will already be installed in a row. It is also allowed to arrange in a wide frame. There are only two restrictions - in any layout, the aircraft will have 1 aisle with seats on both sides of the aisle. The second limitation is inherent in the design: at the end of the aircraft there will be only 2 seats, one on each side of the aisle, and 2 rows opposite the emergency doors also have 4 seats in any layout.

Selecting a seat on the plane

Even a short flight can be a burden if you sit down and find that the design of the liner does not recline the backs of your seats, or people constantly walk past you on their way to the bathroom. So there are a number of questions you should ask yourself before flying. For example, this: "Do you like to watch the flight?" If you like, you need to choose seats by the windows, bearing in mind that wings will be located opposite some, and all you will see is the movement of automation during takeoff, landing, changing direction.

Rows from 15th to 22nd in the Airbus 321 economy class have such a disadvantage. In addition, the 25th row, being located in front of the second emergency exit, does not have the ability to recline the chair. At the same time, these seats are considered ideal for traveling couples, since in this row, even in the economy, there are only 4 seats, 2 on each side of the aisle.

But if the plane flies at night, choosing a seat near the windows will not work, but being in the rows in front of emergency exits can deliver many unpleasant minutes due to locked backs. In addition to the 25th, the backs are also blocked in the 10th row, but, unlike the 25th, the economy class here includes 6 seats, three on each side of the aisle. The numbering is given for the economy class of the Airbus 321 aircraft. The best seats, other than those already mentioned, are in the 11th row - two seats on each side of the aisle, and there is an opportunity to stretch your legs. These places are located behind the first emergency exit. Passengers seated in row 26 will also be able to stretch their legs, with emergency exit number two in front of them. This is how the company's aircraft are assembled Ural Airlines».

At the same time, the Lufthansa official website states that in the 10th row, the 321st airliner has only 2 seats - on the right side. The left side of the row is free.

Plans and schemes

For a better understanding, here are a couple of aircraft diagrams in two use cases. The Poles fly only the economy class, the Germans use the planes both in the economy version and in the business/economy version.

This is how the Airbus 321 scheme (Poland) looks like, the cabin scheme is also suitable for illustrating Ural Airlines aircraft. The 321st company uses only in the economy version. The 11th and 26th rows are considered ideal. Seats at the windows in the 26th row, due to the emergency exit directly in front of them, may have some changes. Since there are only 4 seats in the 11th row, lovers of stretching their legs can also be advised to 12th row - two places at the windows.

But for comparison, the scheme of the airbus used by Lufthansa. The Germans use both economy and business/economy aircraft. However, only the first rows differ. The rest is as described above. The 10th row is shortened, due to which in the 11th row there are 4 places from the category of the best. And due to the lack of one seat in the 25th row, the person who bought the 27D seat will also get the opportunity to stretch their legs.

In every air travel, comfort during the flight is important. To do this, the passenger, having studied the reviews, can choose the flights of the company, the liner according to technical parameters and seats, the location of which is directly affected by convenience. Consider the features of the Airbus A321 s7 model and the location of the seats in the aircraft.

General description of the Airbus A 321

This is the largest in the category of narrow-body airliners of the Airbus brand. In the s7 A 321 scheme, there is only one passage between the seats. The aircraft at maximum load carries out flights to 5950 km, the body length is 44.5 meters.


Airbus A321 of S7 company has two classes of seats, but among the existing liners there are versions with one economy class. For two-class models, the capacity is 185 seats, and for one class, the number of seats increases to 220. The placement of the lines is standard for all airbuses, according to the 3 * 3 scheme, with a typical foot space.

The difference between A321 and A320 lies in the location of emergency exits - they are not next to each other, but at a great distance.

Interior arrangement

The Airbus a321 has 8 business class seats and 189 economy class seats. The layout of the seats in the s7 aircraft is typical for most models - three rows of seats on one side, a longitudinal passage from the nose to the tail, and three more rows of seats on the other side.

Business Class

Its difference from the economic in the increased comfort of the flight of passengers. There is enough room for a person's legs to stretch them to their full length. Flight attendant service always starts from these rows, which gives a large selection of dishes in the on-board meals. Silence and a small number of seats provide a special comfort when you need to work on the road.

For the A321 s7, there are only 2 rows with 8 seats in the business class seating arrangement in the Airbus. The wall in front of the seats of the first line of seats separates the cabin from the cockpit. There is no partition in front of the second row, more space in the foot part.

Proximity to a noisy and crowded economy class can be inconvenient.

Among all Airbuses A321 of S7 Airlines in economy class there are more and less comfortable seats. Before ordering air tickets, passengers are often interested in information about the airbus a321, the layout of the cabin, the best seats s7. Consider photos of places and rows that should be avoided when booking and registering.

№ 3

These places have the best location:

  • The backs of the previous line do not fall, which significantly limits the space.
  • During the entire flight, an image with the company's symbols is in front of the passenger's face, and not the head in front of the seated person.
  • Children often play on the backs, whose toys sometimes fall backwards.
  • Proximity to business class gives you an advantage in the queue of service, a greater choice of food and drinks offered in flight.
  • The toilet in the bow is not as popular with passengers, which will ensure that there are no waiting lines.

Hand luggage carried by a person can be placed above the head, where comfortable and wide shelves are equipped. If there is not enough space in the overhead compartment, things can be given to the stewardess, who will always find a place to accommodate.

4 -8

These series do not have any special advantages or disadvantages. The seat pitch is standard for liners of any brand, the seats are ordinary in width. There is a porthole here, and the view is not blocked by the wing of the aircraft or its engine.

In places near the aisle there is a difference from the middle part - there will be no people moving around the cabin or queues for the restroom.

№ 9

Unfortunate choice for people admiring the views while flying, there are no viewing windows. When choosing seats B and E in the 9th row, the passenger involuntarily looks at the legs of people sitting in seats A and F in the next, 10th row, for the entire flight.


Seats are located in the middle of the aircraft. In such large airbuses, flight attendants carry food from the tail and bow at the same time, towards each other. People sitting in the center receive a limited selection of food and drinks. There are portholes near the extreme seats to the sides, but the view from them is completely blocked by the wings of the liner.

№ 20

These seats will not be the best choice for a passenger, since the view from the window is blocked by more than half of the aircraft wing and the engine located on it. When taking off, landing and maneuvering an aircraft, additional noise from a running engine is possible.

№ 22

These seats are close to business class in terms of comfort. Just a couple of chairs, and there are no neighbors on the sides. There is no porthole here, as seat 22F is missing.

№ 23

Seats in the 23rd row have increased foot space. There are no portholes, the set of seats depends on the model of the liner. The A321 S7 with tail numbers QI, QH, QJ and QK has all the seats on this line, while the PC and PO models have seats only A and F.


The location of these lines goes in the direction from the middle part to the tail. Starting from the 28th line of seats, the number of people waiting in line for the restroom may increase in the aisle.

№ 35

These seats are the worst in an aircraft of any brand and company. Due to the partition at the rear, the seats do not recline. There is a toilet nearby, the noise from which interferes throughout the flight. There will also be discomfort from people waiting in line in the aisle.

When choosing a seat when flying on an S7 airliner A321, the passenger is advised to take into account the peculiarities of well-being. If a long flight sitting is difficult for health reasons, you should prefer seats near the aisle in order to be able to get up periodically. For peace of mind, places near the windows will be useful. In flight, you must follow the rules of the airline, then the journey will be safe and calm.