Daily rental business features. Renting out living space purchased with a mortgage


Daily apartment rental is becoming a popular business. And for people visiting the city for tourism or work purposes, renting such housing is a very profitable option. This often works out cheaper than a hotel room, with best quality services. The benefit for the owner is the opportunity to earn more than with a long-term lease.

However, the option of renting out housing for a short period of time also has negative sides, and first of all they concern the landlord. So is it worth renting out an apartment by the day or is it better to long term?

general information

Requirements for living space

The rental real estate market is vast, so your apartment must meet certain requirements for your business to be successful. Of course, you can rent out living space without renovations and household appliances - for some, a bed, shower and toilet are enough. But there must be a small refrigerator. Still, most people, when choosing an apartment, expect service. What do you need to have in an apartment when renting it out daily?

And the main thing is cleanliness. Perhaps for some it will play a decisive role in choosing your apartment.


When renting out an apartment as an individual, you must pay tax on the profit received. Every year, before April 30 (or before the evening of the first working day, if April 30 falls on a day off), the owner must submit a personal income tax declaration in Form 3 and pay 13% of the income received to the budget (30% if the period of permanent stay in Russia is less than 180 days ). If the owner is registered as an individual entrepreneur, the rate will be different.

An individual entrepreneur can choose the following taxation options:

  • General taxation system. Unlike an individual, an individual entrepreneur makes advance payments throughout the year (upon request) and can reduce his basic income by professional deductions.
  • Simplified taxation system. The chosen rate is 6% “income” or 15% “income minus expenses”. Moreover, an individual entrepreneur can reduce his income by the amount of insurance premiums paid for himself in 100% of the amount and 50% of the amount of insurance premiums paid for an employee.
  • IP on a “patent”. In this case, the individual entrepreneur pays 6% of the estimated income established by law for this type of activity.

If an individual entrepreneur has already been opened or there is such an opportunity, you can pre-calculate and select the most profitable option for paying taxes to the state.

Features of the contract for daily rental

Such an agreement is not much different from an agreement for an apartment that is rented for a long term. You can download the standard form on the Internet, changing it if you wish: someone removes points that they think are unnecessary, someone adds. But there are basic data that should be in it:

  • Subject of the agreement.
  • Full name and passport details of the parties.
  • Rent price.
  • Rental period (with specification of check-in and check-out times).
  • Responsibility of the parties.

It is necessary to make an inventory of the situation so that there is no dispute in the event of property damage (with daily rentals, the risk increases). The agreement must be signed by both parties and drawn up in two copies. If you rent out housing through an agency, the employees will take on these chores.

Cleaning the premises

When renting out an apartment for any period of time, it should be thoroughly cleaned before each new guest. If you rent out housing daily, you will have to do this often. If there is a long period of time between residents, then wet cleaning is necessary before moving in new guests.

During the season, if the apartment is located in a place that is interesting from a tourist point of view, the tenants may change frequently. In this case, it is important to think about the time of eviction of some tenants and check-in of others, so that there is a gap of a couple of hours for cleaning. It is a good idea to stipulate in the contract that tenants must leave behind a clean apartment. There is no need to force them to vacuum the floor, but it won’t hurt to wash the dishes.

Advantages of daily rent

  • Potentially greater profits compared to long-term rentals. Especially if the apartment is located in a tourist-attractive part of the city.
  • If you unexpectedly need housing (relatives have come to stay), you can move them into an apartment without intentionally evicting anyone.
  • If you decide to sell your apartment, permanent residents are unlikely to agree to regular visits from a realtor with potential buyers. In the case of daily rentals, finding time to show the living space is much more realistic.

Cons and possible risks

  • The risk of falling for scammers, the likelihood of property damage. And the neighbors will be worried about the changing tenants.
  • When renting daily, you will have to spend a lot of time cleaning the premises and monitoring its condition.
  • If the city is unattractive for tourists and the location of the apartment is inconvenient, you can hardly count on a stable flow of clients.

How to make money on short-term rentals

To make money on daily rent, you need to decide how exactly you want to rent out the apartment: yourself or through a realtor. If you decide to use the services of an agency, all the hassle of finding clients, showing housing, monitoring check-in and check-out, drawing up an agreement, and collecting payment will fall entirely on the realtor. At the same time, he needs to give part of the income for work. If you don’t want to share, you’ll have to do all this yourself. Where to start?

Sample business plan for daily rentals

What is more profitable to rent out - daily or long-term?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. IN resort town or in a city attractive to tourists, it is more profitable to rent an apartment by the day, especially in the center. How are things going in the provinces?

The average price for an apartment in the center of Chelyabinsk is 2000-3000 rubles/day. The average price per month is 20,000 rubles. In the case of daily rentals, if the apartment is rented out at least 10 days a month, this is already more than for long-term rentals. In 15 days the owner will receive 30,000 rubles, in 20 - 40,000 rubles. It seems the benefit is obvious. However, there is no guarantee of constant demand, but there is possible damage to property due to frequent changes of tenants, additional advertising costs, and taxes. With long-term rent, income is more stable.

But if you are lucky enough to buy a free apartment in a tourist-attractive place, you can make good money on daily rentals.

Expert opinions about this business

If you listen to real estate experts, you can understand that their opinions are radically different.

For example, private investor Georgy, who invests in apartments, believes that renting out housing on a daily basis is a thankless task, and the profit is minimal. To really make money on this, you need to have several apartments in close proximity to each other. Not only the popularity of the area, but also the city itself plays a big role.

Realtor Yuri, on the contrary, considers this type of business profitable. In addition to renting out his own apartment by the day, he was able to establish relationships with his neighbors and also rent out their apartments by concluding a sublease agreement with them. He takes care of all the main troubles, while receiving a good percentage of the total income. This income allows Yuri to pay the mortgage on his apartment and receive additional benefits.

Rentier Alisa, on the contrary, believes that it is not worth taking out an apartment on a mortgage in order to rent it out on a daily basis. Perhaps the profit will be greater than with a long-term rental, but this is a constant search for clients, cleaning, washing and ironing, and the difference in output may be minimal.

The most cost-effective forms of daily rental

There are several options for renting housing:

  1. Own apartment (inherited, bought for cash, donated, etc.).
  2. An apartment taken on a mortgage.
  3. An apartment that you have the right to rent out under a sublease agreement.

The most profitable option for a landlord is to own their own home. True, renting out an apartment under a sublease agreement may turn out to be more profitable at first. This happens if your own living space requires major repairs. However, subsequently, your own apartment will begin to generate profit, which you will not have to share with anyone.

If you plan to take out a mortgage on an apartment and repay it using the profits earned from renting it out, it is better to choose a long-term lease. By renting daily, you can get a big profit, but in the case of renting for a long period, the income will be stable.

If you choose the sublease option, inform the owner about your plans. At first glance, it may seem that few apartment owners will agree to such conditions. But if you draw up the contract correctly, there will be no difficulties in searching.

How to make money by renting out an apartment for the 2018 FIFA World Cup

In the summer, the World Football Championship will be held in eleven cities of our country. And now fans are looking for hotels, apartments, rooms. If you analyze the offers, you can see that housing in Chelyabinsk for a day from June 15 to 16 will cost on average 10,000-20,000 rubles.

If you choose the dates March 18-19, the average price tag will be 2,500 rubles. That is, the difference is almost five times. It follows that you can make good money renting out an apartment for the World Cup. Experienced landlords advise not to inflate prices too much. After analyzing such proposals, you should focus on the middle option.

If there is no separate living space, it doesn’t matter. You can rent out a room or bed by going to your dacha during the championship days. To avoid damage to property, note this point in the contract in advance and request a deposit, which you will return to the tenant upon eviction - this will enforce discipline. It is also a good idea to insure the premises, although this is more important for those who are engaged in business on an ongoing basis.

It is better to submit an advertisement in advance. There are already a lot of offers for “hot” dates. But if you don’t know at the right time, don’t be upset - there will be demand for overnight accommodation from the first to last days championship. And this is exactly the case when the location of the apartment does not matter - people successfully rent out housing even in the suburbs.

In conclusion, we can say that renting an apartment by the day, like any other business, must be treated with great responsibility - assess all the risks before making a final decision. If you still decide to rent out an apartment by the day, make repairs, buy the necessary things, insure your home, register a business and give catchy advertising. Prepare for difficult times, as this matter will take a lot of time.

Daily rental apartments are beneficial to clients who are looking for inexpensive housing for a short period, as well as to landlords who want to earn more than with long-term rentals. Renting housing for a day or more per year brings income that is 2 times higher than the amount that can be earned for long-term rental of an apartment.

How to open a business renting apartments by the day

Before starting, choose a concept for your future business and decide whether you will rent out your own apartments or sublet. Further algorithm of actions:

  • Analyze the market for demand for daily rentals. Select your target audience.
  • Register a company or individual entrepreneur to enter into contracts with tenants and avoid risks.
  • Prepare standard document forms for work. Provide payment terms, penalties, and deposits. Develop house rules for guests.
  • Select and equip one or several apartments: make repairs, buy bed linen, connect television, telephone and Internet.
  • Take photographs of the finished premises and write rental advertisements.
  • Select advertising channels and publish ads.
  • If necessary, hire employees: cleaners, administrator.
  • If you can’t show the apartment in person, you can film a video review and send it to potential clients

    After waiting for the first call, politely but firmly explain to the guest the living conditions in the apartment and state the cost. If he agrees to the proposed conditions, draw up an agreement and take an advance payment with a deposit. Having worked through the rental mechanism once, in the future you will be able to adjust your behavior, the clauses of the contract and the sequence of renting out housing for a short period.

    Business plan for an apartment rental company

    When planning your own business, you can simply rent an apartment for a year and negotiate with the landlord about the possibility of subletting.

    After which, without investing a penny, you can rent it out for a short period of time to anyone who wants it, making money on the difference. But to start a real business, think about how to provide a high-quality service: apartments that resemble hotel rooms, as a rule, are rented faster than gray Soviet communal apartments with shabby furniture and leaking taps.

    Business concept and market analysis

    There are three options for organizing daily rentals. The first, optimistic one, is when you own 2–3 apartments in good repair. In this case, you can organize a business with minimal financial risk: it is enough to draw up a lease agreement correctly and provide for all the nuances.

  • Two more ways to start a business:
  • obtain a mortgage for the apartment, furnish the rooms and rent them out at such a price that the amount received per month exceeds expenses;
  • rent 2–3 apartments for a period of one to five years and sublease.

    Having chosen the last option for organizing the business, you will have to inform the owners of the premises about how you plan to use the housing. Otherwise, it will not be possible to formally conclude agreements with tenants, and this is a risk.

  • Analyze demand and competition in the daily rental market. Visit popular sites:
  • avito.ru;
  • sutochno.ru;
  • booking.com;
  • airbnb.ru.

    Look through the advertisements available there, evaluate the condition and cost of the apartments, as well as the rental conditions. Take note of the ideas you like - it’s better to write them down. Compare the offers of hotels and hostels with apartments - the results of the analysis will be useful in identifying competitive advantages.

    Demand for daily rentals depends on the season - in the summer, the number of people willing to rent housing increases, and tenants raise prices

  • Find out who in your city is interested in daily rentals. It can be:
  • families with children on vacation;
  • single tourists;
  • seconded employees;
  • romantic couples;
  • youth companies.

    Choose the segment you will target - do not try to cover the entire market at once. Everything will depend on which audience you target - from the design of the apartment to the choice of advertising channels.

    Company registration

    You can rent out apartments as an individual entrepreneur or on behalf of a limited liability company. An individual entrepreneur differs from an LLC according to the following criteria:

  • the cost of registration is a state fee of only 800 rubles, and for an LLC - 4 thousand rubles.
  • authorized capital is absent for individual entrepreneurs, but for LLC it is 10 thousand rubles;
  • financial responsibility - the individual entrepreneur is liable to creditors with all property owned;
  • withdrawal of funds - the entrepreneur has the right to dispose of the proceeds at his own discretion and withdraw money from circulation at any time;
  • reporting is easier for an individual entrepreneur; you can do without an accountant.
  • Despite the fact that financial responsibility is higher for individual entrepreneurs, fines for LLCs are 2–3 times higher

    Having decided to register, select OKVED - activity codes. Options closest to the daily rental sector:

  • 55.20 - provision of places for short-term accommodation;
  • 55.10 - activities of hotels and other places for temporary residence.
  • Determine the tax regime you will apply:

  • OSNO - general mode, the least convenient for calculating and paying taxes;
  • The simplified tax system is a simplified system, when an entrepreneur transfers 6% of income or 15% of profit to the state;
  • PSN - work on a patent, for which the individual entrepreneur pays a fixed amount; An LLC cannot operate under a patent.
  • The timing and amount of taxes paid, as well as the forms for submitting reports, depend on the chosen mode. In addition to taxes, be prepared to pay contributions to pension and insurance funds for yourself and your employees.

    If you are hesitant to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, pay at least an individual income tax - 13% of the proceeds. To do this, contact the tax office, find out when and what declarations need to be submitted, as well as when to make payments.

    Sanctions for conducting illegal business include:

  • a tax fine in the amount of 10% of income, but not less than 40 thousand rubles;
  • administrative fine - 500 - 2 thousand rubles;
  • criminal liability - arrest or compulsory labor.
  • Search and preparation of premises

    Focusing on the selected target audience, start searching for premises. Think about what is important for a banker who comes on a business trip? Most likely, rent a quiet one-room apartment closer to the place of internship or business negotiations. And for a young couple for a romantic evening? Cozy well furnished apartment in a small house.

    You can find premises for long-term rental on ad sites like Avito

    Choose the location of the objects so that you can quickly get to each one for check-in and check-out of guests. If you don't have a car, rent apartments closer to your own home.

    The demand for daily apartment rental depends on:

  • number of rooms;
  • quality of repair;
  • availability of furniture and equipment;
  • location of the object;
  • additional services.
  • Tenants in 57% of cases prefer to stay in one-room apartments with good repairs, new furniture and working Internet. It is extremely rare to book places in apartments with more than three rooms, as well as in economy class apartments - 1% and 8%, respectively.

    The location of the apartment affects the rental price. Proximity to the center still plays a decisive role in the choice of housing for tourists, company employees, and students. You can get a good income from an apartment located near a large shopping or business center, university or train station.

    Having chosen seconded employees as your target audience, find out what reporting documents they may need, and be prepared to provide an agreement, as well as a receipt or invoice for rent.

    The rental invoice may include additional services, as well as early and late check-in

    Having selected premises, enter into long-term lease agreements with the owners. Don’t hide the fact that you will rent apartments by the day, but rather offer a mutually beneficial agreement. Tell them that you don’t just rent an apartment, but take control of it and undertake to make cosmetic repairs, install equipment, provide Internet access and keep order. Explain that your business reputation is important to you, so the apartment will be kept clean. Support what is said with the clauses of the long-term lease agreement. Show the owner the daily contract so that he understands the seriousness of the approach to the matter.

    Having rented the objects, start repairing them. Choose materials and equipment in the middle price segment, furniture too. The main thing is that it is new and clean. Minimum set of equipment for a business class apartment:

  • fridge;
  • electric kettle;
  • microwave;
  • washing machine;
  • iron and ironing board;
  • stove or hob;
  • TV;
  • wi-fi module;
  • dishes for 4 persons;
  • Order disposable cosmetics in bulk for several months in advance - buying a large batch will cost less

    Pay attention to details and be sure to buy for each apartment:

  • 3 sets of expensive bed linen;
  • sets of towels - one for each guest: for hands, feet, face and body;
  • napkins - regular and wet;
  • bathrobes;
  • disposable shower caps;
  • disposable shampoos, toothbrushes and toothpastes;
  • clothes hangers;
  • shoe cleaning kits.
  • Empty the apartment of personal belongings - your own or those of the permanent owner. When decorating rooms, adhere to the principles of minimalism. Organize a general cleaning - wash the floors and windows, wash the curtains, bedspreads and furniture covers, check the plumbing. Wipe away dust even in hard-to-reach places.

    Order a professional photo shoot of the premises - interiors filmed on a smartphone camera are more likely to repel than attract clients.

    Preparation of documents for work

    Create a package of internal documents that will regulate your activities and living conditions at the facilities. Develop:

  • long-term lease agreement with the owner of the premises (if necessary);
  • daily rental agreement with the tenant;
  • rules for living in an apartment;
  • inventory of property for each object.
  • If you plan to hire employees, create job descriptions. You can use standard examples as a guide, but rework them for your own activities. Writing one clear instruction may take 2–3 days.

    In the “daily” contract, write down:

  • data of the rented object - address, technical parameters;
  • apartment delivery date and checkout time;
  • living conditions (can be issued as an application);
  • rental cost per day and for the entire period;
  • the amount of the deposit;
  • number of residents;
  • duties of the parties and responsibilities;
  • conditions for early termination of the contract;
  • penalties for violation of the terms of the contract.
  • Before concluding a rental agreement with a guest, explain to him all the points in order

    Standard daily rental agreement - .

    Attach to the contract an inventory of the property and rules of living in the apartment. The rules should provide for the following:

  • smoking ban in the apartments;
  • check-in and check-out procedures;
  • availability of collateral;
  • conditions for using household appliances;
  • possibility/prohibition of transferring keys to third parties;
  • sanctions for damaging property and disturbing the peace of neighbors.
  • In each apartment, place the rules in a visible place, and next to them place a leaflet with the Wi-Fi password, phone numbers of administrators and emergency services.

    For particularly demanding and suspicious tenants, be prepared to present a set of documents confirming your right to rent out the premises, namely: a certificate of ownership or a lease agreement with the owner and his written consent to sublease, certified by a notary.

    Where to promote a business - choosing advertising channels

  • airbnb.ru;
  • Analyze demand and competition in the daily rental market. Visit popular sites:
  • irr.ru;
  • sutochno.ru;
  • in ad groups on VKontakte and Facebook;
  • on city Internet portals.
  • Later you will create a business card website with the possibility of online booking, but in the first stages you can do without it. If the site has been created, set up contextual advertising in Yandex and Google.

    On some sites, in order to post rental advertisements on behalf of a legal entity, you will have to create a paid account

    Work on offline advertising. Print and post flyers, place advertisements in the most popular newspapers in the city, find taxi driver friends and negotiate with them to offer your services to passengers. Order advertising on transport by selecting routes departing from the station. Develop a client questionnaire and include in the list a question about how he learned about you - this will help weed out ineffective promotion channels.


    Alone, you can cope with 2-3 apartments, while you will have to hand over the linen and towels to the laundry, and trust the cleaning company to do the cleaning or do it yourself. To expand your business you will need employees:

  • administrators responsible for welcoming and checking out guests;
  • cleaners who do laundry, ironing, and apartment cleaning;
  • manager on the phone distributing guests to facilities.
  • The number of employees depends on the number of apartments in management. One administrator can simultaneously service 3–6 apartments, and a cleaning lady can serve the same number. The manager will cope with a load of 15–18 objects.

    Calculating expenses and planned income

    The calculation is given for an individual entrepreneur using the simplified tax system who wants to sublease two apartments in the city center - one-room and two-room. The target audience is business travelers, solvent people, who prefer to live in comfortable conditions similar to hotel ones. There are no employees, but it is planned to conclude agreements with a cleaning company, laundry and dry cleaning.

    Table: costs of starting a business

    Table: monthly expenses

    Calculation of planned income and payback period

    The price of accommodation should include: the cost of rent, laundry and cleaning services, advertising costs and the purchase of consumables.

    The average price for renting a one-room apartment is 2050 rubles/day. The cost of renting a two-room apartment is 2850 rubles/day. Occupancy in the first month is 60%, that is, 18 days a month, from the second month - 70%, that is, 21 days.

    Average income for the first month is 88,200 rubles. Tax deductions - 5292 rub. Profit for the first month - 22093.5 rubles. Average income for the second and subsequent months is 102,900 rubles. Tax deductions - 6174 rub. Profit in subsequent months - 36,793.5 rubles.

    The payback period for a business is 5–7 months, with low occupancy of apartments – 1–1.5 years.

    Pitfalls of the apartment rental business

    Renting apartments daily is a risky business. When starting a business, you take risks from all sides:

  • the owner of the premises may unexpectedly terminate the lease agreement;
  • tenants can start a fight, break dishes, damage furniture;
  • neighbors may complain about the constant presence of new faces in the apartment, and those who are especially vigilant may call the police.
  • The only way to minimize risks is to formalize the business, work out contracts with a lawyer and stipulate in them all possible circumstances, including force majeure.

    When checking in, be sure to ask guests for their passports and make copies, and give an inventory of the property and rules of residence for signature. Warn your neighbors in advance and present permits for daily delivery apartments from the owner. Don't rent out your event space if you don't want your neighbors to complain about the noise. Be prepared to adjust your work schedule to the arrival and departure times of guests - you will often have to get up at five in the morning and go to bed after one in the morning. Keep your phone with you - if there is any problem, clients will call you, and you are obliged to answer.

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    Buying real estate is not only a way to save your own savings, but also an opportunity to make money on it by reselling or renting it out. This is one of the liquid and unique assets. There are two main aspects that guide businessmen who invest in real estate: the desire to save their money in the face of inflation and the desire to increase their income by reselling real estate or renting it out.

    • Pros and cons of renting an apartment
    • How much can you earn by renting out an apartment?
    • Location matters
    • New building or secondary construction - what to choose?
    • Apartments for daily rent
    • What documents are needed to rent out an apartment?

    Pros and cons of renting an apartment

    Purchasing housing for the purpose of further renting it out is the most common investment transaction. You won’t be able to make money quickly from such an operation; the average rental income is 3.5-5% per annum of the cost of the apartment. But this is a promising and long-term investment; over time, you can move adult children here or sell it for the purpose of building a country house. Of course, renting out an apartment requires some hassle: you need to constantly look for tenants, maintain the apartment, and make cosmetic repairs.

    Before the crisis of 2008-2010. the number of “investment” transactions, subsequently associated with earning income, amounted to approximately a third of all transactions on the Russian market. Gradually their share decreased to 20%, and currently stands at 15%. At the same time, the number of long-term investors who purchase real estate for the future has increased.

    Investing money in the purchase of real estate is a long-term project, but more reliable than a bank deposit. A bank deposit can be placed at 10-12% per annum in rubles, but possible risks must also be taken into account: recently there have been many bankrupt banks. Banks with a solid reputation offer low interest rates.

    How much can you earn by renting out an apartment?

    Let's take a look at the table, which clearly demonstrates rental income:

    Apartment optionsApartment costRental income per month, in rublesRental income per year, in rubles
    Room800 000 7 000 84 000
    1 room apartment1 900 000 14 000 168 000
    2-room apartment2 700 000 18 000 216 000
    3-room apartment3 500 000 22 000 264 000

    But in addition to income, there are also fixed expenses - these are: apartment repairs, rent and utility bills (if this is not included in the rent), insurance and income tax.

    Apartment optionsRent and utility bills per year, in rublesTax (13% of rent)RedecoratingInsuranceTotal expenses per year
    Room24 000 10 920 6 000 3 200 44 120
    1 room apartment30 000 21 840 12 000 7 600 71 440
    2-room apartment42 000 28 080 24 000 10 800 104 800
    3-room apartment60 000 34 320 36 000 14 000 144 320

    The profitability and payback period are affected by the size of the initial investment in real estate, repairs, as well as distance from transport hubs. The payback period for apartments purchased with your own money is more than 10 years, and those taken on a mortgage are even longer. From a one-room apartment you can receive up to 96 thousand rubles per month.

    Apartment optionsCost of the apartment, in rublesNet income, in rublesIncome in %
    Room800 000 39 880 4,98%
    1 room apartment1 900 000 96 560 5,08%
    2-room apartment2 700 000 111 120 3,88%
    3-room apartment3 500 000 119 680 3,42%

    Location matters

    Tenants, and especially foreigners, are not interested in the historical location of the apartment, but in good transport links and the availability of the necessary services. If you don’t have the funds to buy an apartment in Moscow, then you can start buying an apartment in the Moscow region. The rental income from such an apartment will be 10-15% lower than in the capital, but 50% less money will be spent on purchasing the apartment.

    The price of apartments and, accordingly, the cost of rent for housing located near metro stations and railway stations increase sharply. It is worth monitoring the construction of new metro lines and purchasing apartments there for rent. In Moscow, apartments in areas outside the Moscow Ring Road, where the metro arrives, are rising sharply in price. For example, in Mytishchi the cost of purchasing and renting housing has increased by 30%.

    Without losing, there will also be the option of purchasing housing in areas close to airports. At not so high costs, such apartments bring a stable income.

    New building or secondary construction - what to choose?

    When purchasing housing for subsequent rental, you need to consider two things: how long it will take to pay back the investment, and how much the housing will cost in the future. If you put the issue of return on funds to the fore, then you need to buy housing that is old.

    Most of the offers on the apartment market are apartments of old construction. And the demand for them is quite high; renting an apartment at a lower price is more profitable than paying for renting an apartment. Although there is also a demand for them, some want to live in newly built houses and apartments filled with modern furniture and appliances.

    Apartments in a new building are more expensive, so their payback period will be longer. But at the same time, rent in a new building will cost more. If an apartment is purchased on the primary market, it is recommended to buy it from a large developer who has experience in commercial development, as well as joint mortgage lending programs with state banks. The developer sells apartments in accordance with federal law FZ-214.

    So, you have purchased an apartment and you have decided to renovate it. One of the main mistakes landlords make is to renovate an economy-class apartment with a business-class renovation. Believe me, tenants will not appreciate it, and you will spend quite a lot of money. Business class apartments are another matter; they must be equipped with expensive furniture and designer renovations must be carried out here.

    Apartments for daily rent

    Another type of income is renting out apartments on a daily basis. Such services are used by business travelers and tourists who do not want to overpay for hotels. The most in demand are middle class apartments, the cost per day ranges from 1.5-3.5 thousand rubles. The rental of this housing accounts for an average of 50%% of the total rental volume. The next most popular apartments are luxury apartments, the rental cost of which is 3.5-6.3 thousand rubles per month.

    Of course, this business, like any other, has its negative aspects; the apartment may remain idle for some time. But during the autumn-spring period, and especially in holidays, middle class real estate is 100% occupied, and the rental price these days doubles.

    What documents are needed to rent out an apartment?

    After purchasing a home and carrying out renovation work, the apartment must be insured. We draw up a full insurance contract: we insure the walls, interior decoration, property located in the apartment, and, of course, civil liability (arson and fires due to the fault of the residents). For apartments that are rented out, an increased coefficient of 50% is applied. For example, for an apartment on the outskirts of the capital, valued at 7.5 million rubles, the insurance payment will be 15 thousand rubles.

    If you rent out an apartment yourself, you must:

    1. Obtain consent from all its owners and registered persons to rent out the apartment.
    2. Place an ad and start looking for a tenant.
    3. The agreement must be concluded for a period of 11 months, in which it is necessary to indicate:
    • all persons who will live in the apartment (make copies of all passports);
    • how rent will be paid monthly or quarterly;
    • who will pay utility bills (electricity, water, etc.);
    • rules for using electrical appliances;
    • when the landlord can visit the apartment, etc.

    Those who appreciate time can contact a law firm to draw up a lease agreement; this service will cost you 2 thousand rubles.

    1. Draw up an act of transferring the apartment, which indicates all the defects at the time of conclusion of the contract.
    2. Write receipts in which the landlord indicates that he received the money, and the tenant that he received the keys.

    If your housing is municipal, then the Moscow government requires you to register it with the State Unitary Enterprise. To do this, you need to contact the “Moscow City Center for Rental Housing”, here you need to bring: an application, the consent of all owners to rent out the apartment, an extract from the personal account or house register, a social tenancy agreement. The cost of the center staff service will cost you 1,600 rubles. After registration, the agreement will be registered with the State Unitary Enterprise.

    So, in this article we tried to highlight all the pros and cons of renting out an apartment, which apartments are better to buy for rent, in which areas, we also indicated that this business is a long-term project and its payback occurs in a few years, but the project reliable and liquid, since no matter what the rent and rental demand are, you still have a liquid asset that you can use for your own purposes or sell it.

    Renting an apartment for short periods of time, charging as in hotels, per night or day, is often much more profitable than renting it out to permanent residents. Although it is much more troublesome if you deal with the issue yourself. Difficulties can be avoided if you involve realtors, but in this case the income will be less. Today we will talk about how to properly rent out an apartment for daily rent.

    Daily rentals also come with a number of other difficulties. Firstly, frequent changes of guests increase the risk of damage to the apartment and the loss of some things. To minimize the likelihood of negative consequences, you need to seal all transactions with an official employment contract. Secondly, income from such rentals strongly depends on the season, the popularity of the city, and the area where the apartment is located. There is a demand for such housing in cities with a population of at least five hundred thousand and in populated areas, attractive from a tourist point of view. In large centers, demand is associated with student activity, business trips, and job searches. IN tourist cities and villages - with swimming and other (for example, skiing) seasons, calendar holidays, vacation periods.

    On average, as practice shows, in good months it is possible to rent out a good apartment 20 days out of 30. And if long-term rent would bring the owners, say, 15-20 thousand rubles a month, then daily rent would bring 30-40 thousand. The average price for a good, clean room equipped with all the necessary equipment is 1000-2000 rubles per day, depending on the city of location. In order for the result to be good, many organizational issues need to be resolved, in particular, how to advertise the apartment.

    Where to begin?

    Daily rent is beneficial not only to home owners, but also to apartment renters, because they could pay much more for a hotel room. However, tenants often want comfort no less than in a hotel. Therefore, it is necessary to create such conditions for them.

    The most important thing is the cleanliness of the room. You will have to clean after each guest, take out the trash, change bedding and bathroom accessories (clean towels should always be available).

    The second component is the equipment of the apartment with appliances and comfortable furniture. It is not necessary to buy new expensive equipment or household items, just search for advertisements on the Internet and buy something second-hand. The minimum set includes:

    • cooling chamber;
    • washing machine;
    • Wi-Fi router (as a last resort, wired Internet);
    • air conditioner;
    • TV;
    • minimum set of dishes;
    • kettle;
    • iron and ironing board;
    • stove and microwave;
    • beds, sofas, armchairs (the number depends on the rooms);
    • dining table and chairs.

    The rental price directly depends on how comfortable the apartment is.. The cost will also be affected by the renovation of the premises, the location of the apartment, the number of rooms and beds. During the holidays, prices can be slightly increased, and during quiet periods - reduced. Discounts are also welcome if you book accommodation for several days.

    How to take it officially and safely

    There are several ways to officially rent out an apartment. Each of them has its pros and cons.

    Three ways to officially rent out an apartment:

    1. independently, using contractual relationships with tenants and deducting part of the income as taxes;
    2. through an agency that, for a certain percentage, will act as an intermediary in finding tenants;
    3. through an agency, by transferring the apartment into trust management, taking into account the distribution of income between the owner and the agency.

    In fact, any agreement is already part of the conditions of a safe lease, because in this case all transactions will be documented. However, there are other opportunities to protect yourself from scammers or simply careless residents.

    How to comply with all safety issues

    For safety reasons, owners must insure their home in case of fire, flooding, gas explosion and other unforeseen situations. Not all companies are willing to issue insurance for rental housing. You must be prepared for the fact that they will offer an increased insurance ratio. Yes, it may not be cheap, but it will allow the owners to feel calm.

    Landlords are always worried that tenants will steal something from the apartment or break something. That is why you need to draw up an agreement with each new guest, in which the person’s passport details must be indicated (so that in case of loss there is an opportunity to go to court), and a document of acceptance and transfer, listing all items located on the premises. Although people are even more concerned about the possibility of creating duplicate keys, and that in this way dishonest tenants in the future will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to break into the apartment and steal valuable items. Yes, this is true, there are risks. But there is a way out. For example, instead of a regular lock, you can use an electronic one, in which you can change the code as often as you want. Well, for those who have double doors at home, it’s even easier. Residents should only be given the keys that are used to lock the outer door, and after they leave, both should be locked.

    How to pass it yourself

    If the owner rents out the apartment on his own, he needs to think carefully about how to attract tenants. There is no point in putting advertisements in the newspaper for daily rentals., because usually the guests are visitors who do not read local newspapers. Thus, the only platform for informing people is the Internet. Today is the most a large number of daily rental offers can be found on the Avito website; there is also a similar portal - IRR (“From Hand to Hand”). All of these are free sites, which, however, also have a paid system for “promotion” of ads. Their disadvantage is that they do not specialize in real estate, although they are very popular.

    Among the specialized portals the following can be noted:: “Kvartirka.ru”, “Sutochno.ru”, “Gorkvartira.ru”, “Sdaminfo.ru”, “Yurenta.ru” and many others. There is also a paid system for increasing views. Advertisers will be able to send booking requests by mail. The disadvantage of these sites is that they do not take into account the ratings of apartments and there is no review system. Not long ago, the Arendius website launched, which seems to have taken these shortcomings into account. This is, so to speak, a forum for travelers and landlords, in which you can formulate an apartment rating based on the reviews received. Also, apartment owners will be able to get to know those who book a place with them, since they register on the site through social networks. By the way, in in social networks There are also pages and groups where you can post advertisements for daily rentals. Well, for those who have several apartments at their disposal, you can think about posting information on the international sites Airbnb and Booking.

    After the issue of attracting residents has been resolved, you should deal with the issue of completing all documents. Each guest will need to draw up a rental agreement, the text of which, of course, differs from the text of a long-term rental agreement. It must indicate the period for renting out the premises, the cost of rent per day and the total (if we are talking about renting for several days), the rights and obligations of the parties, liability and the security deposit. A deposit is another way to protect yourself from the unexpected loss of residents and things in the apartment, although, as a rule, a small amount is charged (equal to the total amount for the days of stay).

    In addition to the contract, an act of acceptance and transfer of property located in the apartment is drawn up.

    All documents are drawn up in two copies, for the landlord and the tenant. Naturally, they must indicate the exact passport and contact information of the parties to the transaction. Since there will be a lot of tenants, you should stock up on sample contracts, into which you will only need to enter data in the future.

    In order for the rental of an apartment to be official and legal, every year before April 30, the landlord must submit an individual’s tax return to the tax office. You will have to pay 13 percent of your income (paid on a tax receipt). If you register an individual enterprise, you can use the simplified taxation system and pay only 6 percent. In addition, this will allow you to purchase a cash register to issue official receipts for expenses to your residents: they may be needed, for example, by those who come on a business trip and will then report expenses.

    How to submit through an agency

    In many major cities There are agencies in Russia that specifically or additionally deal with issues of daily rental housing. The owners enter into agreements with them on trust management, after which the agencies include the apartment in their database (even such a concept as “apartment hotels” has appeared). In this case, the companies take care of everything related to the rental: looking for tenants, cleaning the premises, drawing up rental agreements. Of course, they keep a significant part of the income, and transfer part of the funds to the owner at the end of the month or at other agreed dates. And yet, this option is considered more profitable for owners than long-term rent, however, unlike self-promotion of an apartment, where income can be two or even two and a half times higher, this form will add to income (compared to long-term rent) - 10, maximum 30 percent.

    You can earn a little more if you involve an agency only as an intermediary. In this case, the companies will search for tenants, help with paperwork, but the issues of putting things in order and further interaction with the guests will remain the responsibility of the property owner. Agencies may require a percentage of each transaction, however, these costs will not necessarily fall on the landlord’s shoulders; in many cases, tenants who contact the agency will pay a percentage.

    In any case, such forms of working with large agencies are more convenient in terms of saving time and safer in terms of the safety of the apartment and the property located in it. If the owner has never rented out housing before, it is best to start such a “business” with the support of an agency, and in the future, if possible, switch to independent activity.

    ​The Russian government has been unable to bring income from apartment rentals out of the “shadow” for many years. This problem is especially relevant for Moscow and St. Petersburg; they are missing millions of rubles in taxes for rental housing, which could be spent on road repairs and hundreds of other needs. Only a small portion of people who rent out their homes pay taxes. And this is due to the fact that the state is almost unable to regulate this business and carry out inspections (since an apartment is private property, and in order to enter it and “catch red-handed” the tenants, very compelling reasons are needed). At the same time, the tenants themselves often contribute to the fact that taxes are not paid. In case of any checks, they answer that the owners of the apartment are their friends or relatives, and they know nothing about the “rental business.”

    However, situations are different. And owners who do not want to report their income are sometimes brought to court and punished with fairly large fines. Tax authorities can organize an audit based on just one complaint from neighbors, and if they get their hands on a lease agreement, they will be able to prove in court that the owner is conducting business and does not inform the state about it. Only the original document, and not eyewitness information, can be serious evidence in court. Although he is not a guarantor of the court’s decision in their favor, since the owner can simply state that he rented out the apartment, but he never received money from the tenants.

    When it comes to an apartment rented by the day, the authorities will need several originals of the lease agreement to file a claim. In principle, they are easier to obtain than in the case of long-term rentals; for this, service employees only need to introduce themselves as an ordinary tourist, contact the owner, draw up an agreement and spend one night in the premises. Here is the evidence for the court.