Management companies for daily rent of apartments. Trust management


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      Today, the share of the so-called dual lease, when the owner is both a tenant and a landlord, is about 20% of the total number of market participants and continues to grow.
      “This phenomenon is explained by economic realities: in connection with the strengthening of negative trends in the Russian economy and the decrease in the solvency of the population, the temporary exchange of “extra” square meters for a guaranteed monthly income is a good opportunity to survive a difficult period, comments Galina Kiseleva, Director of the Department for renting apartments at INCOM-Nedvizhimost . - For example, the cost of renting an economy-class one-room apartment in Maryino can now be found for 20 thousand rubles. "Dvushka", for example, in the same Maryino, it is realistic to rent for about 35-42 thousand rubles. That is, even without taking into account completely different class proposals, such as moving from the center to the Moscow region, the income from such an operation will be about 70-100%.
      The ambiguous state of mortgage lending also contributes to “double renting”: a grown family can rent a larger apartment.
      With such a solution, there are no risks associated with a loan, and there is an opportunity to “win back” the situation by simply returning to your previous home. In addition, you can rent an apartment next door. For example, in the area of ​​​​the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, the average rental rate for a one-room apartment is 33 thousand rubles, and a similar one in the “three rubles” class nearby will cost 50 thousand rubles a month: there is a significant increase in living space for a moderate 17 thousand rubles.
      One of the permanent categories of participants in the “double lease” is the owners of a modest economy class apartment (for example, inherited), who want to change the quality of life and rent a more status living space.
      For a mobile young family, “double rent” allows you to find housing closer to work, and spend your free time on interesting leisure activities or hobbies, rather than standing in traffic jams. According to the INCOM-Nedvizhimost Department of Apartment Leasing, in March the average rate for one-room properties ranged from 27,000 rubles in the SEAD and SAD to 35,000 rubles in the Central Administrative District. The difference in the cost of hiring "kopeck pieces" was 8 thousand rubles: the rate in the SEAD and SAD - 35 thousand rubles, in the Central Administrative District - 43 thousand rubles. The average price of "three rubles": 40 thousand rubles in the South-Eastern Administrative District and the Southern Administrative District, 56 thousand rubles in the Central Administrative District.
      As part of the trend under consideration, another group is formed by “tired city dwellers” who rent out their apartments in order to move to rented housing outside the city, closer to nature. Usually their number increases from May to October. Most owners of "summer" apartments are pensioners or families with small children. For 40-60 thousand rubles, you can rent a small cottage at a distance of 15-30 km from the Moscow Ring Road. Traditionally, inexpensive options are sought in the Gorky, Shchelkovsky, Egorevsky or Ryazan directions.


      Rental business becomes a hobby
      Not only investors, but also realtors are leaving the market

      The crisis made not only private investors disappointed in the rental business - the payback period for capital apartments bought for rent increased to 20 years, but also professional realtors. The reduction in income is forcing specialists who worked in the rental market to retrain to support transactions for the purchase and sale of housing.
      Investments: for now it is better to forget
      It is better to forget about buying apartments in the Moscow region for the purpose of subsequent leasing, realtors say. And before the crisis, this business brought in well if 6-7% per annum, excluding housing maintenance costs, and now, due to lower rental rates, an increase in the exposure period, etc., the average profitability in the market has decreased to about 4- 6%.
      “It is more profitable to put money in the bank,” says Roman Babichev, head of the rental department at Azbuka Zhilya. - In 2011-2014 It was possible to recapture the money invested in the apartment by renting for 10-12 years. Now it is about 20 years, regardless of the location - Moscow or the Moscow region.
      And this is still quite an optimistic assessment. According to the calculations of the World of Apartments portal, Moscow is the most unsuitable region for the rental business in the country: the payback period for capital housing is 27 years, the yield is 3.7% per annum. But the Moscow region, according to the experts of the portal, is not so hopeless: the profitability of renting out housing near Moscow is estimated by World of Apartments at 6.6% per annum, the payback period is 15.3 years. These indicators are close to the average Russian level: 6.4% and 16.2 years. For comparison: in 2013, according to the portal, the yield of Moscow apartments was 4.8% per annum, those near Moscow - 7.5%.
      According to the portal, the most highly profitable investments are apartments in Yekaterinburg (7.9% per annum), Kemerovo (7.8%), Sochi (7.8%), Magnitogorsk (7.8%) and Komsomolsk-on-Amur ( 7.8%).
      In order to get an idea of ​​the approximate level of income from renting a particular apartment, the director of MIEL-Arenda, Maria Zhukova, suggests using the following formula: investments). Utility payments and property tax, which since 2015 is calculated not from the symbolic inventory, but from the cadastral, close to the market value of real estate, are not taken into account in this formula. Additional investments include repairs, purchase of furniture and household appliances. Thus, buying a three-room economy-class apartment for 10 million rubles and renting it out at an average rate of 50 thousand rubles per month, you can get an annual yield of 5.22%, or 522 thousand rubles. Such an investment will pay off in about 19 years and 2 months. For 5 years, the yield will be about 2.6 million rubles, provided that the apartment is not idle.
      However, the latter is hardly possible: the volume of supply on the market, according to various estimates, now exceeds demand by 1.5-2.5 times, which has the most fatal effect on the exposure time of housing. According to INCOM-Nedvizhimost, in the economy class this figure has grown by 24 times - for those apartments that are eventually rented out. In the elite segment, according to Blackwood, the exposure period for liquid apartments has increased from one to three days in 2013 to 1-2 weeks at present (see "Renting housing in Moscow and the Moscow region: owners do not rent out, and apartments are empty" ).
      It is noteworthy that, unlike other market segments, the profitability of renting out luxury flats and apartments in Moscow increased compared to the pre-crisis period, as rental rates fell less than prices for luxury apartments. So, if the average supply budget in the elite market in dollar terms from 2013 to the II quarter of 2016 decreased by half, then the average rental budget - only by 26%, says Alexander Shibaev, director of the consulting, analytics and research department at Blackwood.
      But the game is still not worth the candle. According to the same Blackwood, as of the end of the second quarter of 2016, the average profitability of renting out luxury apartments in Moscow is about 4.6%. And the real one, taking into account the downtime of the premises, is even less - about 4%. For comparison: even at the super-reliable and low-income Sberbank, deposit rates now reach 6.8% per annum, another state-owned bank - VTB24 - offers up to 8.65% per annum, Gazprombank - up to 9%.
      It is not surprising that there are almost no pure investors - those who buy apartments for rent and / or resale - on the market. “Today, in the housing rental market, as well as in the real estate market as a whole, the share of private investors tends to zero: since supply in all segments significantly exceeds demand, it is extremely difficult to profitably realize an object today,” says Oksana Polyakova, Deputy Director of the company’s apartment rental department "INCOM-Real Estate".
      According to Anna Rtishcheva, head of the office "Century 21 Rimarkom, Troitsk" (partner of the Corporation of realtors "Megapolis-Service"), "such a business was profitable before the crisis, that is, somewhere before 2014, and now, when prices for housing are declining and it is difficult to predict the exact timing of the change in this trend to the opposite, few people consider such investments interesting.” As Roman Babichev explains, earlier it was possible to earn not only on rent, but also on rising housing prices - especially if you buy an apartment in a new house at the initial stage of construction. In 2012-2013 the increase in prices as the stage of completion of the house increased was 25-40% - see "What to do if you really want to invest in real estate." “And now there is no such global rise in price. The new tax aggravates the situation: when selling, it does not allow you to earn anything on resale,” Babichev adds.
      We are talking about changing the mechanism of tax incentives for the sale of housing, provided on the basis of the tenure of real estate. Until 2016, the minimum period for the resale of real estate without paying personal income tax was three years or less if the transaction price specified in the contract did not exceed 1 million rubles. Now the minimum period of ownership has been increased to five years (an exception is made only for real estate received by inheritance or as a result of privatization). Understating the amount of the transaction in the contract will also not help to avoid tax. If the official income from the sale of real estate is less than 70% of the cadastral value of the property, determined as of January 1 of the year in which the transfer of ownership is registered, 70% of the cadastral value of the property on the specified date is recognized as income subject to personal income tax.
      Of course, the crisis is not eternal, someday demand in the rental market will increase, the exposition period will decrease, and rental rates and prices for apartments will go up. But when this will happen and at what pace positive changes will occur, no one really knows yet. Therefore, with the purchase of apartments for the purpose of leasing, it is probably better to wait after all.
      If you still buy
      However, if for some reason there is a need for such an investment - say, an apartment is bought for children, and until they grow up, the property is planned to be rented out - when choosing a suitable option, first of all, you should pay attention to transport accessibility. Namely - proximity to the subway or, at worst, to the railway station.
      “Many tenants are not concerned about the comfort of living, but about transport accessibility, the ability to get to work as soon as possible,” explains Anna Rtishcheva. “Of course, if the apartment is in a frankly terrible state, then the rent is less, but even in such housing, in the end, there will still be a tenant.”
      But realtors do not advise buying apartments for rent, although they are cheaper than apartments at almost the same rental rates. The fact is that due to the unsettled legal status, apartments are difficult to sell.
      Realtors leave the rental market
      Private investors were not the only "victims" of the crisis. The fall in the cost of rental housing, a huge excess of supply over demand and other negative factors have intensified competition among professional brokers. As a result, the realtor's commission, previously stably equal to the monthly rental rate, decreased not only in absolute, but also in relative terms.
      “In conditions of reduced demand, the size of the real estate commission, along with a direct reduction in rental rates, is one of the ways to attract customers. Today, realtors are more flexible in their approach to this issue and are ready to give in in the fight for a client,” says Alexander Shibaev.
      According to Maria Zhukova, the commission on the rental market can currently range from 100% to 20% of the cost of renting a home. “The cost of a realtor's service depends on many factors: the time spent on the service, the list of services. After all, to conduct a full range of services (including search, negotiations, verification, conclusion of a contract) or simply to show an apartment and draw up a contract are completely different services that cost differently, ”Zhukova notes.
      The problem is that clients are becoming more independent, showing less and less interest in the service of real estate agencies. Increasingly, potential tenants are turning to the company with a formed request for a specific residential complex, Shibaev notes.
      As a result, realtors' incomes are falling, many companies are forced to dump. Roman Babichev estimates a decline in profitability from professional activities at 20-25% compared to 2014, "moreover, the number of transactions has practically not decreased."
      Worst of all things are outside the Moscow Ring Road. In New Moscow and adjacent cities of the Moscow region, the commission of realtors was reduced to 5 thousand rubles, says Anna Rtishcheva. “About the same situation, according to colleagues, has developed in other cities of the Moscow region,” continues Rtishcheva. - In general, for the majority of real estate companies in New Moscow and the Moscow region, the rental of real estate has become far from being part of the core business. In the rental market for realtors, as a rule, one-time earnings remained. Therefore, many NA have stopped doing this seriously, switching to accompaniment of traditional sales transactions ... "
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      Information taken from


      That's right, and also: "If you can't do it in a week, then I have someone to hand over without you, people were interested from the first floor, or" My relatives want to rent, but I think it's better to hand over to strangers, but if no one for You won’t find 50 thousand, they arrive in a month and I’ll rent it to them”, “there is another agent, but he is still on vacation” ... And so on. We sometimes hear this and the like from owners who applied for the first time, so and those who have already worked with us. Why do they say this? What drives them? Often this is true, sometimes in this way the apartment owners try to "spur" the agent. In any case, the owner makes a big mistake starting such a conversation. And if I still, creaking teeth and with a smile on my face, I try, after such words, to do everything in a human way, although there are thoughts of doing it faster, not better. , and the bad ones refuse and will shove anyone, if only you don’t rent your house to a friend from work, who still doesn’t know anything, but is actively looking. So I beg you! Don't tempt the agent! Say that he will work alone, WITHOUT COMPETITION. Let him do his job well. To refuse those who, in his opinion, can bring problems and populate those whom he considers good people. And for this we don't need much... It's enough for us to know (it's better to say this right away) that you value our work and with the right approach on our part, you won't go left. You will not regret throwing off five thousand, for the sake of peace of mind. Say: Sasha, Volodya, Yulia, Lyosha, Sveta, Yura, etc. "If you really know and can rent my apartment to good people, for a normal price - you and the cards will be in your hands, without you no one will get here and I will ONLY work with you"! Then we, in turn, will do everything to ensure that you are satisfied. We will organize everything calmly and efficiently, knowing that we are not being chased in the back! Let's drive out the insolent people and settle honest people, feeling behind the rear protected by the owner. Let's not be afraid to send freeloaders away at the show, being sure that you are on our side! After all, an agent is also a person, he is not a machine, if clients begin to “press” him in an apartment about a commission, or he doesn’t like people for some reason, he must know that the owner is on his side and will not betray him, he must be sure that the owner of his supports and, sending unpleasant customers to him, that the owner will not open the door for them without him if they return. The agent will work as for himself. And for yourself, too, knowing that next time you will turn to him again. Let the agent work in peace, do not pull or blackmail him. Moreover, you do not always pay for our services (by the way, this is welcome, but not necessary). So at least do not tempt the right word. Thanks a lot! I love all! Take care of each other)
      Ps agent, like any other person, can make a mistake, but its probability will be many times less if he is not haunted by the fear of losing you. Thank you for your attention.
      Notes not theorist, but practice. Sincerely, Alexander.

  • Many people and sometimes real estate agencies confuse and the Service of Trust management of real estate (apartment). What is the difference?

    First of all, in the first case, this is just an agreement under which an object, usually a production or enterprise, or some kind of building, is transferred to the management of the Trustee. Moreover, this contract with strict conditions, unfavorable for the owner of the apartment! That is why the Trust Management Agreement is not concluded when transferring residential real estate for management.

    In the second case, this is a range of services provided to the owner who rents out his apartment and wants to shift onto the shoulders of the management company all the worries of finding a tenant and relationships with him during the rental period of the apartment, as well as work to keep the apartment in good condition.

    What is important - the range of services described above in different agencies can be provided under various contracts and be called differently. Recently, a lot of agencies have appeared, declaring on their websites that they provide services for Trust management of an apartment. And it’s worth digging deeper - there is nothing on this site, except for a small note about the Trust Management, written as if it were a carbon copy!

    To to choose an agency that actually provides trust management services, you must carefully study the contract, the list of services provided by the agency, obligations and guarantees for the safety of your apartment and property!

    Trust management is a way to get the maximum income from renting an apartment.

    In fact, trust management of residential real estate is carried out with one single goal - the Owner receiving the maximum income from renting an apartment with minimal time costs.
    In practice, this is a rather difficult task to solve. That is why the service of trust management of apartments is becoming increasingly popular. Imagine that the maintenance and service of any residential property requires monthly attention to the technical condition of the apartment and property. In addition, you have to deal with a lot of issues: security and insurance, building relationships with employers, representatives of utilities and management companies.

    Agree that it is quite difficult for a modern person who lives in Moscow and always experiences a shortage of free time, but nevertheless wants to make a profit from renting out his apartment, to solve the above set of tasks productively. It is especially difficult to solve it if a person is on a long absence from the city of his residence.

    It is for those homeowners who would like to earn income from renting out their residential property, but for some reason cannot find tenants, monitor the execution of the clauses of the rental agreement, our agency provides a property trust management service ( this includes apartments, cottages and office space)

    By providing this service, we will represent YOUR interests. Throughout the entire term of the commission agreement, we will monitor compliance with the clauses of the apartment rental agreement, as well as control cash flows and the state of the property transferred to management.

    Delicate errand

    Renting an apartment and not thinking about anything else is the dream of every owner of "extra" apartments. But it’s impossible not to think: either the residents will flood the neighbors from below, or they will stop paying rent on time, or they will suddenly move out, taking the master’s TV or refrigerator as a keepsake.

    All the worries associated with the rental of housing can be shifted onto the shoulders of realtors, sharing with them the income that the apartment brings. It is necessary to meet less often According to Kirsanova Realty, in the USA, 90% of those who want to rent out their property turn to "As our American colleagues reported, such companies are called Real Estate Management Companies, the cost of their services is 10% of the annual lease contract," says Svetlana Skotnikova, head of foreign real estate department at Kirsanova Realty "Under the contract, the management company is responsible for renting out the apartment, looking for tenants, and also monitoring the condition of the property."

    According to Moscow realtors, no more than 10% of rented apartments in Moscow fall into trust management. But the demand for this service will grow. Tenants and apartment owners have already appreciated one of the main advantages of the service, namely the absence of direct contacts between owners and residents. Many tenants are much more pleased to communicate with a company representative than with the owner himself. too often they visit it, disturbing peace and limiting the freedom of action of the tenant. And the employee of the company will not allow himself this.

    If the tenant himself allows himself too much, for example, he will let friends from the mountains live in the apartment or even begin to use it for other purposes, the realtor himself will deal with the guests. The apartment trust management company tries to get in touch with the neighbors, and she is aware of what is happening in the apartment After all, according to the contract, if the owner of the apartment suffers any damage due to the actions of the tenants, the company is obliged to compensate him.

    There were cases when it was only thanks to neighbors that we managed to return to the owners a set of upholstered furniture, a weekend suit and an expensive TV set that were finally taken by the tenants. If everything goes well, neither tenants nor apartment owners have to meet with realtors again. legal, the tenant can pay with it by bank transfer, which is especially important if a company rents an apartment for an employee.And the owner can receive rent minus commissions to his bank account or at the realtor's cash desk on the agreed day.

    Since their apartments are entrusted to the management of realtors, mainly by those who travel abroad for a long time, the rent is transferred to them abroad.

    An exemplary apartment

    To rent an apartment at a market price, firstly, you need to put it in order - make repairs, equip the kitchen and bathroom, and secondly, find a respectable and accurate tenant. These problems are just solved by the realtor, whom you entrust to manage the apartment. If a repair is needed, but there is no money for it, the agency will do it at its own expense or on credit. If necessary, it will equip the kitchen, change plumbing and install a metal door. Loan payments are usually deducted from rent. The search for a tenant is also completely taken over by the realtor. Immediately after the conclusion of the contract with the owner of the apartment, an advertising campaign begins, shows are organized, and the necessary documents are prepared for both parties, - says Gulnara Rakhmangulova. - If the tenant for some reason suddenly decides to move out of the apartment, our specialists promptly resume the search for the next tenant. In case of violations of the contract by the tenant, damage to property, delay in rent, etc. we will terminate the rental agreement early and help you get compensation for damages". ,

    The realtor also takes over all relationships with operating organizations. This is not only payment for utilities, but also other burdensome duties. The service administrator checks the payment of bills for long distance calls, electricity bills, etc. on a monthly basis. It often happens that it is necessary to receive new receipts from the EIRC, clarify the payment of bills at the subscriber site, and verify previously paid receipts. This work is undertaken by the agency for trust management of apartments. ,

    The price of trust ,

    In the capital market, the cost of the trust management service is calculated differently, but it is approximately 10-15% of the rent. At the Apartment Trust Management Agency, the apartment owner will be charged half the rent for the first month, and then every month they will withhold 10% of the cost rent. In some other management companies, the landlord pays for this service a year an amount equivalent to a monthly rent, and receives insurance and repairs as a gift. Often the cost of trust management of an apartment depends on a set of services. For the basic package, the client pays the company the cost of a monthly rent per year, and for the full package, in addition, half of the rent per month. ,

    Despite the fact that the price of the apartment trust management service is quite moderate and interest in it is growing, so far few owners are ready to use this service. There are several reasons, and one of them is the need to sign a formal agreement, which involves the payment of taxes. Although it is worth noting that the number of those who do not want to pay taxes is decreasing every day, especially when it comes to expensive apartments. "In some other management companies, the question of whether the client pays or does not pay tax on income from renting an apartment is left to his conscience. The management company concludes a commission agreement with the client; unlike a trust management agreement, it is not subject to mandatory registration, so the client solves all problems with the tax authorities himself.

    Almost all management companies offer to conclude a commission agreement with clients, otherwise clients whose apartments are in municipal ownership would not be able to use the trust management service. Recall that, in accordance with the Housing Code, such apartments are rented out only with the permission of the landlord, that is, the local authorities. For obvious reasons, people do not want to apply for such permission. Most real estate companies are also not yet ready to provide trust management services to apartment owners, and one of the reasons is the insecurity of realtors themselves in front of clients. We conclude an agreement with a client, repair his apartment at our own expense, and then the client terminates the agreement. And although in such a case the contract provides for penalties, the money has to be returned through the court.

    Often a landlord or landlord, when renting an apartment (office), does not want to burden himself with the worries associated with receiving rent, monitoring the condition of the premises, paying utility bills and other troubles. And if not one, but several apartments were rented out, and even the landlord himself lives in another city and even a country? Does he really come every month and make contacts with employers, with whom he sometimes fails to meet immediately, and if he succeeds, the meeting can turn out to be nervous and empty? Contacts with tenants are the most unpleasant moment for any landlord who sees in his dreams just a calm stream of money pouring from somewhere, without the need to run upstream every time to sort out traffic jams, if suddenly, God forbid, the stream becomes clogged.

    Earnings on rent without direct contact with the tenant - this desire can be fully realized by renting an apartment for trust management. Trust management of rental housing - what is it and how is a real estate rental management agreement concluded?

    There are a lot of realtors on the rental market, but they all provide a limited range of services:

    • search for an employer;
    • calling potential customers;
    • organization of showing the premises, together with its owner;
    • conclusion of a lease agreement.

    Under an exclusive agreement, the realtor bears a little more responsibility and only in the event of a unilateral termination of the lease by the tenant: if the tenant moves out ahead of time, realtors must pick up a new client.

    You should not run to the realtor after the key has already been given to the tenants, and whimper that they turned out to be such and such, and where you looked, and what to do now.

    Simple realtors do not bear any responsibility for the selection of "bad" tenants and for any consequences at all, such as:

    • damaged property;
    • flooding of neighbors;
    • late payment or refusal to pay;
    • refusal to move out, etc.

    It is a completely different matter if the owner enters into a contract for the lease of housing with trust management.

    Transactions with rental housing under trust management abroad account for 90% of the total number of rental transactions. So far, our share of such transactions is only 10% of all annual lease contracts. The majority of landlords still do not trust trust management due to the following concerns:

    • trust management of the lease is too expensive a service;
    • the realtor will definitely do something wrong;
    • the lack of constant control by the owner can lead to the danger of losing real estate or losing the ability to dispose of it for a long time.

    But this opinion is completely erroneous, and this can be proved at least by the example of the Akrus real estate agency.

    Real estate agency Akrus

    The Akrus real estate agency has been dealing with real estate rental transactions since 1998. During this time, more than 2,000 apartments have been taken into trust in Moscow. Most clients, according to Akrus, come to them on the advice of acquaintances who have been working with the agency for many years - this is the result of an almost complete absence of advertising.

    It is very important for the landlord to know the following:

    When concluding an agreement with an agency on a trust management service, the owner does not lose the right to control the entire lease process from the very beginning, and even more so does not lose the right of the owner either now or in the future.

    Trust management of an apartment rental is not at all analogous to the transfer of a car into the ownership of a new owner by a general power of attorney.

    It is designed to help the owner of the property exercise full control over the lease through another person, while the responsibility at all stages, from the conclusion of the contract until the moment when the tenant moves out, lies with the trustee. This is a significant advantage of trust management over other types of mediation - services under a standard and exclusive agreement.

    ABOUT full complex Akrus real estate agency services can be found.

    Functions of a realtor with trust management

    When renting real estate under trust management, the owner may never even see the tenant in person. As soon as the contract is concluded, the agency starts an advertising campaign for the rental of the apartment and preparation necessary documents. Of course, the landlord, if desired, can take part in the selection of a potential client, in negotiations and showing housing, sometimes visit in person to make sure that everything is in order with the apartment. But usually all the owner's anxieties, as well as the desire to personally control the condition of the apartment, disappear after a month, when the person is convinced that things are going even better without him:

    1. For those who rent an apartment, it is easier to work with an outsider - a professional realtor, than with a nervous, overly anxious owner.
    2. Realtors exercise control over the tenant in culturally unobtrusive ways, but it is not easy to escape from such an “eye”. Responsibility for compliance with the terms of the contract and for the safety of the property of the apartment force the agency to work closely with neighbors, therefore, realtors immediately become aware of non-compliance with the rules and rules of residence by residents, the settlement of unauthorized persons in housing.
    3. The realtor not only monitors the condition of the apartment, but also eliminates the damage caused by first making an inventory of the property, so the owner will not see a cluttered and neglected home at the end of the lease.
    4. Finding justice for a negligent tenant, making him pay for the damage caused to a realtor with trust management is much easier than the owner himself, since he cooperates with both the police and the judiciary.
    5. For non-compliance with the terms of the contract, the realtor evicts the unscrupulous guest.
    6. If the guest moves out early, the campaign selects another tenant.
    7. Utility payments stipulated in the lease agreement as obligatory for the owner are also paid by the agency (they are withheld from the rent). Payment of utility bills due to tenants, payment for electricity, internet, international telephone calls are controlled by the agency. Controlling payments for the agency is a simple task, since it is in contact with all utilities and city services, and it does not need to check receipt stubs.
    8. Cooperation with utilities also allows you to quickly eliminate damage to communications and equipment in the apartment.
    9. The realtor regularly transfers the rent to the owner and, as a legal entity, can do this by bank transfer, which is convenient for the employer (both private and for the employee of the company).
    10. The insurance of the apartment and its repair is carried out at the expense of the real estate agency - this service is included in the standard package of the contract for the provision of trust management services.

    Thus, the agency can take control of absolutely any apartment, even a "killed" one, put it in order, and then find a tenant.

    It is an impossible task for the owner to rent out neglected, unsuitable housing, but having entered into a lease agreement with trust management, he pays only the cost of the management service, and the agency pays for repairs and insurance. What are the bad conditions?

    The agency usually carries out cosmetic repairs at its own expense. If the owner of the property agrees to more labor-intensive work (re-planning, re-equipment of the kitchen, bathroom), then the missing funds can be taken on credit, payments for which will be deducted from the rent.

    The trust management agreement is concluded in accordance with Chapter 53 of the Civil Code of the AF “On trust management of property”.

    According to the normative act of Ch. 53 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the founder of the management (the owner of the real estate) transfers the real estate to the trust management for the period specified in the contract, and he undertakes to manage the property in the interests of the owner or another person specified by him. The ownership right does not pass from the founder to the trustee.

    After concluding a trust management agreement with the owner of the real estate, the real estate company has the right to independently search for a tenant, arrange showings of the apartment and conclude lease agreements. In all these steps, the participation of the owner is optional.

    The trust management agreement does not refer to intermediary, but refers to a service agreement. It is subject to state registration, which often holds back apartment owners: after all, under such an agreement, they will be required to pay taxes. However, more and more owners want to legalize the lease and pay taxes on income as expected.

    However, sometimes agencies enter into so-called commission agreements:

    • The agency (commission agent) undertakes an obligation to the owner of the property (principal) for a fee (commission) to carry out transactions on its own behalf in the interests of the owner and at his expense.
    • Such an agreement does not require mandatory registration, and the client decides whether or not to pay taxes.
    • The commission agreement gives the client the right to hand over even a state or municipal apartment for trust management.

    How much does a trust management service cost?

    .Compared to the large number of benefits and services provided by trustees, the cost of services is ridiculous - one monthly rent per year or 8.3% of monthly rental income.