Daily rent of an apartment as a business. Office space organization


The best option for starting a business without investment will be a daily apartment of living space. We will tell you how to do it correctly in the article.

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business concept

Since this area has not been new for a long time and has been studied quite well, we can say that either one-room apartments are popular, which are rented just to spend the night, or three or four-room apartments, in which guests of the city or students settle.

In terms of profitability, one room is ideal. The owner saves on repairs, utility bills, and cleaning, while receiving the same money that he would have from a larger apartment. This is due to the fact that the cost of housing is mainly calculated not for one person, but for the living space as a whole.

It is best to rent apartments near railway stations, hospitals, and educational institutions. Due to the fact that housing can be left unattended for some time, it is better to give preference to the third and higher floor. This will slightly reduce the risk of break-ins and arson.

Initial Costs

Even if you have at your disposal several apartments that belong to you personally, expenses cannot be avoided. And the rate of payback of objects depends on how clearly the advertisement is developed and all the conditions are thought out.

Items that you simply cannot do without:

  1. Payment of utility bills. This item of expenditure lies entirely with the owners of the property, even if the guests spent a whole month in the rented apartment.
  2. Payment for the services of cleaning companies or cleaners. Of course, these duties can be performed independently, but having several apartments, this will not be easy. And given the fact that an apartment can change guests every day, and you need to clean up after each one, apartment owners will have to devote their time to running around objects and cleaning.
  3. Advertising. Fortunately, there are many free bulletin boards on the Internet that will allow you to convey information about the services you provide to potential customers. But the "sharks" of this market segment know that this is not enough, so they go for tricks, such as an agreement with taxi drivers, or the arrangement of promoters. The essence of such advertising is that a person who has just got off a bus or train, most often goes either to a taxi, or to people who offer housing immediately near the stations. A taxi driver can, as if by chance, recommend good accommodation to guests, and get his well-deserved percentage for this. The standard rate is 100 rubles per occupied apartment.
  4. Do not forget about force majeure circumstances which usually cost a lot. This includes breakdown of equipment, repair costs, “flood” from neighbors, invasion of cockroaches, etc.
  5. If you are not renting your apartment, and rented, then the costs will be much greater.
  6. Realtor fees.
  7. Repair, preparation of housing for operation.

It should always be remembered that troubles are easier (and cheaper) to prevent than to deal with them after the fact. If you know that the neighbors of the rented object have faulty plumbing or are “problematic”, take care of this in advance. After the first flood from the neighbors from above, force them to fix the problems in their apartment through the court, thus saving yourself from the source of danger.

IP registration

Since we have already determined that renting out apartments is a business, and, with the right approach, very profitable, then it needs to be formalized in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that a person who rents out his or rented housing under a social contract (clause 2, clause 1, article 67 of the LC RF) housing has the right to carry out his activities without. But for those who have more than five leased objects, it is better to play it safe and legalize their activities.

On this moment in judicial practice, there are no cases of punishment of persons who rented housing without the status of an entrepreneur. The thing is that the very fact of entrepreneurial activity in this case is difficult to prove, because in fact it is your property and you can dispose of it as you like.

But there are a number of clear advantages in registering an IP:

  1. Any claims against tenants can be resolved if all cases have been properly filed.
  2. It is possible to prove the fact of residence of a person (persons) and damage to property in order to compensate for damage only with a lease agreement in hand.

Rent for an apartment (with sublease)

Sublease is the process of re-leasing real estate from a primary tenant to a secondary one. For registration of a sublease, a document is drawn up that has the format of a lease agreement and cannot have a validity period longer than the original document on the rental of housing.

Persons who plan to sublease the leased property need to be aware that in case of violation of the terms of the contract by the subtenant, the primary tenant will still have to answer to the owner.

The same applies to non-payment of utilities, non-compliance with the rules for using the entrusted object, and damage to property.

Because of this circumstance, legally illiterate subtenants decide that they do not bear any responsibility and can easily violate all the terms of the contract. Unfortunately for them, and to the joy of the landlord, this is not the case. The subtenant is liable to the person with whom he has a written agreement.

If you decide to sublet housing, carefully read the terms of the contract, and remember that the clause on a possible increase in payment is quite reasonable - if the owner raises the rates for the tenant, he, in turn, will have to raise them for you.

Realtor fees

But if you still decide to build a successful business in the field of rental housing, then you cannot do without the services of realtors. Such companies will allow the owner or tenant to find housing. The result is no downtime and constant income.

The main thing is to contact proven companies that you can trust not only you, but also people who are looking for housing.

home improvement

Undoubtedly, Soviet-style apartments can also be rented out, but do not forget that rumors spread quickly. Even if several people unknowingly or for lack of a pressing alternative stop in such conditions, then in a few weeks even realtors will not agree to cooperate with you.

You need to invest in landscaping. If you do not have the funds for a major renovation, first take care of the health of the plumbing, the availability of hot water, good beds, a washing machine, and a refrigerator.

For many clients, it is not so much the style and decor that is important, but the functionality and cleanliness of the home. Therefore, even if the wallpaper in the apartment is not the newest, there should simply be no mold and torn edges!

fixed costs

From the entire list of expenses above, we can single out those that are permanent, and which cannot be avoided if you are aiming for a good result:

  • taxes (if you nevertheless issued an IP);
  • rent (if the apartment is not yours);
  • advertising (may be free);
  • cleaning and laundry;
  • public utilities;


The amount of income and the rate of payback of the project directly depend on:

  • the initial state of the living space;
  • the quality and quantity of advertising;
  • work of realtors;
  • your relationship with customers;
  • area where housing is located;

Typically, full-time daily rentals can recoup costs in less than six months, assuming there are no capital repairs.

How to look for clients?

The most productive ways to find clients are:

  1. Announcements on Internet sites.
  2. Arrangement of promoters at railway stations and agreement with taxi drivers.

Thus, customers themselves find you. Working on the Internet (creating communities in in social networks, constant updating of the ad) greatly simplifies the process of finding an apartment.

Renting an apartment bought with a mortgage

The fact that someone bought an apartment with borrowed funds does not make him an inferior owner. Therefore, housing taken on a mortgage can be rented out in the same way as purchased for cash.

All items related to the disposal of housing are spelled out in the Mortgage Law. Theoretically, the bank could ban such activities, but would not do so. It is foolish for the banking system to cut off an additional source of income to the person who has issued a mortgage, which increases the chances of timely and full repayment of the debt.

Risks, pitfalls

The main danger of such a business- the safety of the apartment. But it can be minimized by issuing an IP and drawing up a lease agreement between guests and owners (tenants, subtenants).

Always ask for passports from people you are staying even for a day. And remember, having a simple copy of the passport without a contract in your hands, you are not entitled to any kind of claim. Safety or economy - the choice is yours.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

As in any business, renting a personal or rented apartment by the day has its advantages and disadvantages.

The first ones include:

  1. Fast payback.
  2. Almost constant monitoring of the condition of the living space.
  3. High demand.
  4. Optional registration of IP.
  5. Small investment (subject to a good initial condition of the apartment).

The disadvantages, perhaps, include only the risks that appear in the case of renting an apartment without the relevant documents.

From the owner's point of view, daily rent is the best option. Theoretically, income from just one apartment can reach 60-70 thousand rubles a month or more. At the same time, the owner does not depend on temporary residents in any way, he can close the business at any time and use the apartment for personal needs. But is it really that simple? Let's try to figure it out.

The relevance of the daily business

Business on short-term rental of apartments can bring in 2-3 times more than renting the same housing for long term. This is especially true for large cities, because the main contingent of tenants - tourists, as well as people who have come for work - are not ready to overpay for a hotel room.

So, for a night in a 3- or 4-star hotel in Moscow, you will have to pay at least 2,500 rubles. And this is not counting the cost of food (lunch and dinner will have to be in a restaurant), laundry services, etc.

The cost of a double room in 3- and 4-star hotels in Moscow starts from 2500 rubles per night (Travel.ru travel portal)

There are many more daily rental offers, so it’s really possible to choose a temporary housing option for almost any budget. On the site of the popular real estate base "Cyan", for example, you can find an excellent apartment with a European-style renovation in the right area for only 1500-1700 rubles. per night.

The difference in cost between a hotel room and a private apartment can reach 20-30%

The difference is most noticeable if more than one person lives in the room, but several. In any hotel, regardless of its class, it is not the room that is paid, but the stay of each of the guests, that is, if you are traveling together, the cost of an overnight stay will also double. For the owner of the apartment, this is not so critical.

If the landlord has indicated that the apartment has 3 beds, then for up to 3 people, usually no additional payment is taken. If there are more residents, then payment is negotiable.

Alexander Petrashov, businessman

However, the price is not the only advantage from the point of view of a potential client. Moreover, some landlords set prices even higher than in hotels. And yet they have a constant flow of customers. Why is that? There are several reasons.

First, the location factor. It is not always possible to find a hotel in a specific area - almost all of them are concentrated in the historical center of the city, as well as near large entertainment facilities.

Secondly, a different level of comfort. Unlike a hotel, in an apartment you can feel at home, completely relax and unwind after a busy day. In addition, apartments rented by the day are usually equipped with all necessary equipment: from a microwave to an iron. This eliminates the need to pay for additional services.

Three start options

Actually, the first and most important question is where to get a free apartment. Here you have to build on the available start-up capital. Having decided to go into this type of business, you can:

  • rent an apartment for a long time, and then rent it out by the day (sublease);
  • remake your own housing for the object, renting a cheaper one on the outskirts of the city;
  • arrange a mortgage.

The first step in organizing a rental business is to purchase a residential property.

In terms of risk, the second option is optimal. After all, even if the business “does not work” for one reason or another, you have nothing to lose and you can return to your own apartment at any time.

Some start by renting out rented apartments. However, in this case, you need to make sure that this item is spelled out in the contract and the owners of the living space do not mind. In addition, you will have to take the search for the object itself very seriously: if there is no certain level of workload, your income will not be able to cover the cost of a month's rent.

Which apartments are in demand

We touched on the most important topic - the choice of object. For most landlords, the main reason for losses is simple. This is unlikely to be avoided, but if the apartment was initially chosen correctly, you can count on a stable flow of customers.

To understand which objects are more attractive for such a business, we will rely on real statistics. What is important for potential tenants?

First of all, of course, the number of rooms. The most in demand are "odnushki", while 3- and 4-room apartments are rented extremely rarely (mainly groups of students or workers from other cities).

Table: demand for daily apartments by number of rooms

The district and transport interchange play an extremely important role. Proximity to work or attractions (if we are talking about tourists) is a priority for most of your future customers. Therefore, the closer to the city center housing is located, the better. Also, a good income is brought by apartments located near large office centers and universities.

Tip: if you plan to buy an object specifically for rent, it is desirable that it be an old housing stock. Few tenants want to overpay 10-20% for a new building, despite the fact that such an apartment will cost you 20-100% more (depending on the area).

How to start a daily rent business

Among the main advantages of this business idea is that it does not require a huge start-up capital, special education, or special skills or knowledge to implement it. Start earning on daily rent everyone can. The circuit is extremely simple:

  1. Determine which apartment you will rent - your own or rented.
  2. If desired, register an individual entrepreneur in order to officially engage in entrepreneurial activities.
  3. Assess the condition of the premises, carry out cosmetic repairs.
  4. Furnish your home with furniture and appliances.
  5. Purchase 5-6 sets of bed linen and towels.
  6. Select the target audience (tourists, families with children, students).
  7. Take high-quality photos of the apartment and prepare a description of the property.
  8. Drafting a lease agreement.
  9. Place ads in all available sources (newspapers, bulletin boards, internet).

Consider the points that cause the most questions from novice entrepreneurs.

Documents for renting an apartment

To conclude contracts with guests “in accordance with all the rules”, you will have to prepare a large package of documents:

In advance, ask the client to prepare a photocopy of the passport (registration page and main page).

The main points of the contract with the tenant

It is advisable to draw up and prepare the text of the lease agreement with the help of a professional lawyer. It may seem that this is an unnecessary expense, but in the event of any problems and conflicts, it is this document that will allow you to make claims to the guests and compensate for the damage. And in order for this to be possible, the document must be drawn up legally competently.

A standard short-term lease agreement includes the following sections:

  1. Subject of the contract. Here the address and characteristics of the apartment are indicated, as well as the purpose of the lease - residence for a certain number of days.
  2. Rental price (for 1 day and for the entire period).
  3. The order of settlement (the exact time when the tenant must move in and leave the premises).
  4. Rights and obligations. This part should be designed in such a way that you win in any case. It is necessary to prescribe the obligations of the tenant to maintain order, pay the fee in a timely manner, not sublease the housing, etc. However, remember that the absence of this section in the contract does not deprive the parties of their rights and does not relieve them of obligations - they are all enshrined in civil law anyway.
  5. Responsibility. In case of damage to property, the tenant must compensate for its cost at his own expense. Here you can also specify penalties for late payment.
  6. Data of the parties (full name, passport number and signature).

In addition, if you wish, you can add other clauses to the lease agreement. For example, indicate who will pay in case of force majeure (flooded neighbors).

The contract is drawn up so that the landlord of the apartment in any case remains the winner

Business expenses

Even if you are the owner of a rented apartment, you will not be able to avoid expenses. Moreover, most of them will be permanent, so it is better to include them in the rental price. What is included?

  • payment of "communal";
  • services of a cleaning company or cleaner;
  • advertising;
  • taxes (13 or 6% of income, depending on your legal status - an individual or an individual entrepreneur).

If you don’t rent your own apartment, but rent a house or bought it with a mortgage, the costs increase even more. And, accordingly, the cost of rent, because you need to cover all monthly payments and keep something for yourself.

Important! Be sure to set aside some of the money for force majeure circumstances that require significant costs (a breakdown of equipment, a “flood” from neighbors, etc.).

Registration of activities for the rental of housing

Do I need to register an IP? This is one of the main organizational issues faced by those who decide to go into the rental business. The difficulty is that the law does not give a clear answer, that is, in theory, no one prevents you from renting apartments as an individual.

But what if the income you receive from renting out housing has become constant and systematic? In fact, this is already a full-fledged business, which must be properly designed.

Experts advise those who rent several real estate objects at once and have a well-established scheme of work, nevertheless play it safe and register as an individual entrepreneur. Yes, it will add "paper" work to you, but at the same time it will give you a huge advantage. Working as an individual entrepreneur, in the event of a conflict, you will be able to document any claims against the guests. In addition, while an individual entrepreneur is making payments to the Pension Fund, his seniority is growing, which is important for those who decide to make the rental business their main activity.

How and what taxes to pay

One of the most difficult moments in organizing a daily business is related to the legalization of activities and the payment of taxes. This market is traditionally "gray", and having decided to rent an apartment, many do not even think about the need to pay any taxes in principle. But if you want to avoid problems in the future, it's better to start working right away. So, how much of your profit should you give to the state?

For individuals

If you do not want to register an individual entrepreneur yet, you are required to pay personal income tax annually - a tax on personal income in the amount of 13% of what you have earned. To do this, you need to submit a tax return at your place of residence before April 30 (it will indicate your income for the last year), and then before July 15, calculate the amount of tax and pay it at the bank using the details of the tax office.

For example, you rent an apartment for 2000 rubles / day. When downloading an average of 20 days a month for a year, you received an income of 2000 * 20 * 12 = 480,000 rubles. The amount of personal income tax will be 13% of this amount, that is, 480,000 * 0.13 = 62,400 rubles.

Important! If the utilities are paid by the tenant, this amount must also be included in the amount of income when calculating the tax.

For individual entrepreneurs

As a rule, individual entrepreneurs who indicate the rental business in their documents work according to a simplified taxation system. In this case, the amount of tax deductions can be 6% of income or 15% of “income minus expenses”.

Important! At first glance, it seems that this option is clearly more profitable. However, despite the lower percentage of the tax itself, the individual entrepreneur also has to pay contributions to the pension fund, accountant services, etc.

Video: taxation when renting an apartment

What threatens illegal renting of housing

According to experts, only 40% of landlords respect the law, and most are in no hurry to share with the state. On the one hand, this makes it possible to make a big profit. On the other hand, if information about unofficial activities gets into the tax authority, the owner of the apartment can be held administratively liable in court. At the same time, in addition to the principal amount of the debt, you will also have to pay accrued fines and penalties. In the worst case, a negligent "entrepreneur" may be prosecuted under Art. 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which is fraught with a criminal record and a fine of up to 300,000 rubles. or imprisonment for up to 1 year.

Preparing the apartment for tenants to move in

If in the “long-term” option it is possible to rent out half-empty housing (many families have their own furniture), then here the requirements for the level of comfort are much higher. Before looking for clients, you will have to spend several weeks and prepare the premises itself. What is meant?

  1. Redecorating. No peeled wallpaper and yellowed ceilings with cracks! Everything should be fresh and neat, albeit inexpensive. Refresh whitewash, change burnt out light bulbs, replace leaking faucets.
  2. Space. Stick to the principle of minimalism. Future tenants clearly do not need your grandmother's old sideboard. It is better to immediately get rid of all the old and unnecessary rubbish, as well as excess furniture that clutters up the room. Personal belongings must also be taken out of the premises (in extreme cases, put in a separate closed place, for example, on a balcony or in a pantry).
  3. Cleanliness and tidiness. Before looking for tenants, you need to do a general cleaning: wash the windows and lamps, wash the curtains, polish the furniture. On an emotional level, it is precisely such “little things” that greatly influence the decision to rent your particular apartment.
  4. Furniture and appliances. Even economy-class housing should be minimally comfortable. From the items of "essentials" - a sofa, a kitchen set, a wardrobe, a table, chairs, a refrigerator. IN last years the vast majority of tenants also require a washing machine.
  5. Internet. This is no longer an advantage, but a necessity. Ideally, you need to immediately connect a Wi-Fi router (you can find good used routers on Avito for 700–1500 rubles).

The more comfortable it is in the apartment you rent, the more customers will want to return to it

The more everything will be in the apartment, the higher the price you can set. Many landlords rent out accommodation with dishes, towels and personal hygiene products (soap, toothpaste, etc.), that is, according to the same principle as hotel rooms.

Effective Advertising Sources

So, your apartment is ready for the first guests to move in. This is where the fun begins. After all, your task is not just to find tenants for a few days, but to ensure the maximum occupancy of the apartment (especially if housing was taken on a mortgage).

Dmitry K. decided to rent his apartment in the center of St. Petersburg in the fall. And from my own experience I was convinced that this business in practice is not as profitable as it seems in theory. “When I rented it out under a long-term contract, I always had a guaranteed 30 thousand rubles. per month. Now there is more trouble and less return,” he says. Month after month is not necessary. Once, Dmitry was very lucky: a family rented an apartment for 20 days, which was doing repairs in their own housing, and, since it dragged on, they had to extend the lease for the same period. But this was the only case. The rest of the time the apartment is occupied on average ten days a month.

Expert Online

  • place ads in 2-3 local newspapers;
  • print flyers, stick them around the city or scatter them in mailboxes;
  • write your contacts on the pavement in crowded places - stations, bus stops public transport etc. (all you need is a stencil and a can of paint);
  • arrange with taxi drivers to recommend your apartment to visitors.

However, you yourself understand that the Internet will be the most effective source of potential customers for you. Its capabilities must be used to the maximum.

To increase the efficiency of your rental business, you just need to use all the possibilities of the Internet

First, place your offer on bulletin boards such as Avito, Hand-to-Hand, Cyan, etc. (and through the Airbnb international portal, for example, you can even attract foreign customers who pay in dollars and euros). The main thing is that your apartment should be closer to the city center and look spectacular in the photo.

Secondly, in your free time, be sure to make a small business card website. The network has a huge number of free designers with which you can make a pretty nice resource without turning to web designers and programmers. The site must have your contacts and high-quality photos of apartments. To attract visitors from the first days, use Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords contextual advertising.

Pitfalls of daily business

As with any activity, this area has its risks. First of all, they are related to the safety of the apartment itself and property (furniture, appliances, etc.). The only way to minimize the danger is to work officially, having issued an IP, and draw up competent contracts. Only in this case you will be able to prove the fact of residence of persons in the apartment and damage to property in order to compensate for the losses.

Important: always ask tenants for passports, even if they are only staying for 1 day. It is advisable that you keep copies verified with the original.

Another important point is relations with neighbors. Before you rent an apartment, it is advisable to meet with them and make sure that they are not against such activities. In most apartment buildings (especially older ones), audibility is excellent. And if tenants, for example, start listening to music loudly, those who live “through the wall” may not like it very much. Do not forget that any claims in the end will be in your direction.

Tip: if peace and quiet are important for your neighbors, it is better to donate part of the profit, but do not rent an apartment for celebrating birthdays, New Years, etc.

In addition to these risks, the daily business is inevitably associated with certain everyday difficulties. After all, it is you who will have to clean the room after each guest, wash bed linen, clean carpets, etc. In addition, you need to be prepared for constant calls (including in the middle of the night) and the fact that you will have to adapt to customers - for example , go at 5 am to give / pick up the keys, etc.

Despite the fact that the daily business has its difficulties, it is one of the most highly profitable with relatively low risks. True, in order to get a really tangible profit, it is advisable to rent at least 2-3 apartments. However, if you didn’t make a mistake with the area and organized your activities correctly, in just 9-12 months it’s really possible to earn a down payment on a mortgage in order to buy the next apartment and gradually expand your network.

The work of an apartment rentier is perhaps the most profitable type of entrepreneurial activity. It consists in renting out housing, and if desired, the owner of the living space can do nothing at all and not invest any money in it. And the apartment rental business will still flourish!

How to become a successful rentier?

This kind of activity is beneficial both for those who already have “extra” housing available, which can be rented out immediately, and for those who intend to buy it on purpose. Investments are minimal - buying a home and repairing it pays off very quickly, and profits are growing at a record pace.

All that is needed to obtain it is to formalize the business: renting out apartments involves the mandatory payment of taxes (13% of rental income), and it is better to inform the tax authorities on your own than to pay fines later. At the same time, you can either register as an individual entrepreneur (for example, if you will rent several apartments), or work as a private person, simply declaring income and paying tax on it.

The second step is to legally formalize the deal with the client. Even if the landlord fully trusts him, the contract is mandatory, and it is best to draw it up with a qualified lawyer. This will protect against any fraud and avoid material and moral losses. As for clients, it is most preferable to start a business renting apartments, renting them to married couples (preferably without children), business travelers and visitors from distant countries (especially if they come for a long time), entrepreneurs who have moved to the city of the landlord to work. All of these categories usually take care of other people's property and are willing to pay for damage to it.

In addition, it will be very profitable to rent apartments for parties, receiving business guests, holding various events (many companies hold informal business negotiations in such apartments). As for the terms and payment of rent, they are prescribed in the contract with the client, and the price is set based on the average figures for the selected locality. It is not advisable to overestimate it, unless the apartment has some unique features, which is extremely rare.

Apartment rental business: income and expenses

The most profitable option for an entrepreneur is to rent an apartment that is already available (for example, housing inherited from relatives or vacated as a result of the departure of one of the family members). In this case, you will only need to invest in repairs, but this is not necessary.

In addition, you can buy real estate on purpose, and in this case, it is most profitable to rent business-class apartments. They are in special demand, and renting them out daily, you can have a great income. If there is not enough money for such housing, it is better to aim at the usual "family" property in a residential area - it is also popular, as well as apartments located close to key locations in this area. locality(historical sights, business centers, entertainment centers). In any case, the entrepreneur will have to invest certain funds in his business:

  • from 2 million (for a one-room apartment) to 3-4 million rubles (for a three-room apartment)
  • from 20 thousand rubles for repairs (it can be omitted by offering the client to invest in repairs on their own, subject to a reduced rental fee for a certain time)
  • 3-5 thousand - for monthly utility bills
  • 1.7-3.8 thousand rubles (on average) - to pay taxes
  • 8-15 thousand rubles annually - for apartment insurance (required, because rented housing is exposed to many risks)

As for income, in general, this is a very profitable business: renting out apartments can bring in from 14-15 thousand rubles a month if one-room housing is rented, up to 25 thousand if the property is three-room. In a year, respectively, you can earn from 170 to 270 thousand. And this is if minimum prices are set! As a rule, they grow over time, as market conditions change rapidly, and therefore profits will increase without additional investments. If you choose to rent business-class apartments, earnings will be much higher, because such real estate is more expensive and most often rented by the day - income can be at least 3-5 thousand rubles per day, that is, 90-150 thousand per month.

Thus, the purchase of the most inexpensive one-room apartment can pay off already in 10 months of rent (business-class housing often pays off faster), and the rest of the costs - in 5-6 months. Within 1.5-2 years after the start of work, the apartment rental business begins to generate net income, and if you meet the needs of customers and improve their living conditions, profits will increase very quickly.

Daily rent of apartments is often more profitable than the presence of permanent residents. But there are nuances regarding the design and safety of property.

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How to rent an apartment for rent in 2019? Renting an apartment for a short period of time can provide more income. But the benefits come with significant risks.

It is necessary to take care of the preservation of property, as well as compliance with legal requirements. How to rent an apartment by the day in 2019?

General points

Daily rent of apartments is different from regular rent. Firstly, the frequent change of tenants significantly increases the risk of damage to the apartment or individual items.

The likelihood of negative consequences is reduced if there is an officially issued one and the possible nuances are spelled out in detail.

Secondly, the income from such a lease is highly dependent on the time of year, location and other factors.

If the apartment is located in a tourist area, major city, then a good apartment can be rented almost daily.

The monthly income in this case is almost twice, or even more, than from a long-term lease.

But the success of the event depends on the correct solution of organizational issues. How to rent an apartment by the day correctly?

What it is

Considering daily change apartments, you need to deal with the features of such a lease. From a legal point of view, the lease of residential real estate can be long-term and short-term.

These concepts are very similar to each other. So any kind of commercial hiring involves the participation of two parties - the employer and the landlord.

Legal relations between them are formalized by a written contract. Only the direct owner or his is entitled to rent an apartment.

Long-term and short-term leases differ in the amount of payments, methods of payment and “equipment” of the premises.

First of all, you need to take care of security issues. We are talking about the possibility of destruction or damage to the apartment in case of fire, flooding, gas explosion, etc.

It is clear that it is unlikely that it will be possible to recover a large amount of damage from a temporary resident. Design is the solution.

It may not be too cheap, but it will be a guarantee of compensation for possible losses.

Another important point concerns less significant damage caused by damage or theft of property to the apartment.

But in this case, the landlord will be protected by a correctly drawn up contract indicating the passport data of the tenant and the apartment from all property.

The legislative framework

Daily rent of apartments is regulated by the provisions of the Civil and Tax Codes of the Russian Federation. In particular, daily rent is regulated.

The concept of a tenancy agreement is considered in. Namely, hiring is the transfer of residential premises for temporary use by a private person.

The determination of housing fees is stated in. The parties independently negotiate the amount of payment.

In general terms, the daily rent should be drawn up by an agreement that indicates the condition and appearance of the premises.

As for taxation, when renting apartments on a daily basis, the rules on the collection of tax on the income received by individuals are applied.

The landlord is obliged to hand over and pay 13% of the profit monthly or annually.

How to rent an apartment for rent

Since a short-term lease involves the delivery of housing for up to 11 months, the owner can legally rent an apartment for a few days or hours.

The main thing to consider is the classification of activities as taxable. The procedure for paying tax depends on the status of the landlord.

The FTS provides for three methods:

  • IP registration;
  • acquisition of a patent;
  • payment of income tax.

If the daily rent is put "on stream" and is a full-fledged business, then it is more expedient to become an individual entrepreneur with the object of taxation "income".

In this case, the tax rate will be only 6%. Additionally, you will have to pay mandatory insurance premiums (in 2019, 27,990 rubles in total).

You can work on a patent. The amount of tax consists of the cost of the patent itself (6% of income) and half of the amount of insurance premiums.

If you do not register as a KK IP and do not acquire a patent, you will have to pay 13% of the profit. Moreover, at the end of the year, it is necessary to submit a reporting declaration.

In the case when the apartment is rented without paying taxes, the homeowner is punished with considerable fines.

In some cases, criminal punishment is possible - imprisonment for a period of six months (the amount of unpaid taxes is 100,000-500,000 rubles) or up to three years (failure to pay taxes in the amount of 500,000 rubles and more).

Having dealt with taxation issues, you can proceed to the direct organization of daily rent.

You need to start by providing acceptable conditions. For housing rented by the day, it is necessary to create conditions no worse than in a hotel.

This refers to the availability of necessary furniture and household appliances, good repair, regular cleaning, etc.

How to find a tenant

Many people associate the search for an employer with people standing with posters about daily rent at railway stations and similar places. But modern methods look more simple.

For short-term rentals, ads in the local media will be of little use, since most potential employers are newcomers.

The most optimal solution is the use of Internet sites. Most often, offers are posted on sites such as Avito, IRR (“From Hand to Hand”).

Placement here is free, but you can use paid features to raise your ad to the TOP.

The disadvantage of these resources is the lack of limited specialization. The ad can simply “get lost” against the background of others.

There are specialized real estate portals, which also offer free and paid accommodation services. These are Kvartirka.ru, Sdaminfo.ru, Sutochno.ru, Yurenta.ru, Gorkvartira.ru.

Attractive for publishing ads is the "young" site Arendius. There is a system of rating and reviews.

In addition, apartment owners can learn more about a potential tenant, since registration on the site is carried out through social networks.

Video: how to rent an apartment

Well, do not forget about such "old" methods as "word of mouth" and paper announcements in busy areas of the village.

Ideally, all possible options should be used. This will allow you to regularly receive customers and the apartment will not be empty.

Formation of a package of documents

As soon as the issue of attracting clients is resolved, it is time to take care of the documentary support of the transaction. Each tenant must sign a short-term lease agreement.

A separate item indicates the security deposit. Many landlords refuse, fearing to scare away customers. But this is one of the best guarantees possible for the preservation of property.

The tenant will not want to lose his funds (collateral), which means that he will take good care of the property. In case of damage, losses or at least part of them can be compensated.

To complete the contract, you will need:

  • parties' passports;
  • document confirming the right to the apartment (certifies the eligibility of the landlord);
  • if another person acts on behalf of the owner.

In addition to the contract, an act of acceptance and transfer of the apartment is required. Moreover, this document is drawn up at the time of handing over the keys to the tenant and when leaving the apartment.

All documents should be drawn up in two copies, for the landlord and the tenant.

It is advisable to prepare templates of documents in advance, into which the necessary data will subsequently be entered.

Drawing up a lease agreement

The short-term apartment rental agreement includes the following items:

  • personal data of the parties (full name, passport data);
  • description of the subject of the transaction (address, description);
  • essence of the transaction (lease);
  • duration of the lease;
  • cost per day;
  • total cost;
  • the procedure for the transfer of the apartment (according to the acceptance certificate);
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • liability for violation of the terms of the contract;
  • the amount of the deposit (if any) and the procedure for its use;
  • date of conclusion and signature of the parties.

Responsibility of the parties

The condition of the tenant's liability should be specifically detailed in the contract. The tenant is obliged to return the apartment in the same condition as received.

If, based on them, damage to property is revealed, the tenant is obliged to compensate for the losses.

If there is a deposit, the landlord may withhold it as compensation or part of it in case of serious damage. However, damages can also be claimed through the courts.

The main evidence in this case are acts with an inventory of property "before" and "after", as well as an agreement indicating the existence of legal relations.