Chile - dreams come true! The land of volcanoes and lakes. Climbing Volcano Osorno


The Osorno Volcano, with its eternal snow and stunning, regal view, is reflected in the clear waters of the majestic Lake Llanquihue, as well as in the emerald waters of Lake Todos Los Santos (“Lake of All Saints”). It is wrapped in dense forests and washed by numerous waterfalls. At the foot of the Osorno volcano you will be greeted by small colorful towns in the German style. This region is a mecca for winter sports, surrounded by a wonderful panorama. Without a doubt, the best views surrounding the Osorno volcano can be admired from the towns of Puerto Octau, Puerto Varas and Frutillar.

If you like winter sports, there are ski resort with two ski lifts, excellent hotels and restaurants. You can also enjoy panoramic views of Lake Llanquihue and Todos Los Santos.

From Puerto Varas you can take hiking trails to explore the surrounding area or reach the summit of the volcano (2652 meters above sea level). On the slopes of the Osorno volcano you can take part in tourist trip, go on an excursion, go snowboarding, horseback riding or mountain biking. If you are interested in mountaineering, rock climbing, speleology, horseback riding alpine skiing, then here you can make all your dreams come true. Or simply observe birds, contemplate the wonderful views of the flora and fauna of this paradise.

Volcano Osorno is a conical stratovolcano, one of the most active volcanoes in the southern part of the Chilean Andes. Between the end of the 16th century and the end of the 19th century, 11 historical eruptions of the Osorno volcano were recorded. In 1835, scientist Charles Darwin witnessed one of the eruptions. Last eruption Osorno volcano was in 1869.

According to Mapuche mythology, an ancient and powerful spirit called Peripillan was an evil deity. He was expelled and thrown to the ground in the place where the Osorno volcano is located. Since then, this spirit has been a prisoner of the Osorno volcano.

And to Laguna Verde. And during this time, the clouds covering Osorno almost completely disappeared. Well, it's time to get to know the handsome Osorno better.

We hope that we will not have to walk in the clouds, like on or on. And it shouldn’t be as cold as it is here.

We begin to climb the volcano.

One observation deck. Another, third...

At each one we stop and admire a new view of the volcano itself and the surrounding area.

Here is a great view of the lake.

And then neighbor Calbuco appeared in all his glory.

There is some kind of path up there. It is written - 300 m. However, they forgot to indicate that in height.)))

As a result, they climbed along the tongue of lava into some kind of secondary crater.

We return to the car. We're going even higher.

By car we climbed to 1200 m. From here there is a lift up to 1600.

And only with legs.

On a slope this steep. And this despite the fact that the slope is very loose, made of volcanic sand and stones - it constantly goes down with every step.

The cable car station, the lake, and the Calbuco volcano soon remain below and seem like toys from above.

Volcano Osorno is very colorful. The tuff under our feet constantly changes color: gray, brown, red, white, pink, burgundy, brown, black.

On the other hand, in contrast to the once-hot rock, there are blue and white glaciers.

The beautiful Osorno volcano is surprisingly photogenic located between a huge bright blue lake and an emerald lake.

Volcano Osorno is a classic stratovolcano with a regular cone shape. For many years now there has been a debate between Osorno and Fujiyama - whose form is more perfect.

Height 2652 meters. The top of the volcano is constantly covered with glaciers and snow. Osorno is one of the most active active volcanoes in the southern Andes, from 1575 to 1869, 11 eruptions were recorded.
I don't want to think what will happen to all those thousands of tons of snow and ice when the volcano starts to erupt. The beds of the lahars are clearly visible when you go around the volcano from below.

You can climb up to the snow line on your own. It’s summer now, and this limit has risen to somewhere around 2200 - 2300.

We sat for a long time, traveling around Carretera, and for a long time I needed to go for a run somewhere, climb somewhere up. In an hour we climbed from the cable car to the very top border of the snow - along the couloirs the glacier began much lower.
We carefully wandered along the edge of the glacier.

Higher - only in crampons with a rope and an instructor. The entire glacier is densely dotted with cracks.

And besides, the slope is such that, God forbid, you will fly down with a whistle. Here, on a small snowy slope, when we were climbing, the pebbles that fell from above rolled down with constant acceleration - impressive...

The views around are incredible. A lake, endless blue mountains around, a colorful volcano underfoot...

At the same time you can see 4 volcanoes (including the one we ourselves are on))).

Let's go down. In total, we spent about 5 hours on the volcano. There, near the lower station of the cable car, we had a snack.

And today we still have “wild” hot springs according to plan, and then the road “all the way” - as far as we can get, to the Viyarika volcano.

To be continued...

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Photo report. About the most beautiful and emotionally intense day of our period freeride trip to Chile and Argentina.

Everything came together at one point in space and time: weather, mood, luck...

Here it is, the handsome Osorno (2652). Absolute altitude should not be misleading. There is a drop of more than 2 km from the foot.

Two weeks before, we had already made a foray here. But then the weather was not at all favorable for the ascent.

The cable cars were not working, and there was no talk of going anywhere other than the bar. Luckily the bar was open here.

It's in weather like this that you realize that all those warning signs about mandatory chains ( cadenas), not an empty word. It was just summer, just yesterday, and today, at some 1000 meters above sea level, it’s already winter in full force and there’s ice on the roads... That’s what it means Small South And Lake District(in Argentina these latitudes are already considered Patagonia).


There are no visitors. Maybe once an hour a car with someone from the city arrives to take photos with the volcano in the background. But all the same, all services at the ski resort work like clockwork, including the cozy bar-cafe (one of the nicest in the ski centers of Chile that we saw here).

That's what it means land of German settlers. It was announced that "open until September 31st", then everything will work. Great.

How, by the way, do representatives work? CONAF, an impressively large and efficient organization that manages Chile's national parks and reserves. There are few places where work in protected areas is as organized as in Chile.

Ossorno refers to one of these, moreover, it oldest national park in chile, founded in 1926 (Vicente Perez Rosales). But, there are no prohibitions or bureaucratic obstacles to visiting. Follow the rules and that's it.

Having left then without climbing due to bad weather, we finally returned. This volcano is really beautiful. It generally stands apart among all the Chilean volcanoes in this region. Both literally and figuratively.

We drove according to the forecast. We had exactly 1 day, and to be precise, only the first half of it.

The cable car was spinning for several people and they even kicked them out hippie snowcat... Apparently, just for fun, since, of course, they won’t spend it until the next season.

Ski resort on Osorno( small, quite, in 2 stages of the chairlift. Everything is very simple (“like felt boots”), but at the same time, solid and cozy. It’s clear why people like this place... it has its own tzimmes. By the way, the snowcat in the photo above reflects the spirit of the place quite well.

Prices, predictably, are quite proletarian (by Chilean standards). 900 rubles for a daily ski pass in low season and 1200 in high season. As usual, there are no one-time ski passes.

Map of slopes and lifts to Osorno.

But, despite the lack of one-time tickets, we can agree, which is what we do. They sell us the cheapest ski pass possible (student + low season), for 550 rubles, which makes us very happy. Still, if there is a cable car, then it would be stupid not to use it to get higher.

Ski touring/backcountry is good for everyone, but there is a lot of junk. Therefore, the time from arrival to the place and directly to the start is long, especially considering that there is a lot of new equipment that has not yet been adjusted. But training is a great weight. With each exit, the preparation and disassembly becomes more and more efficient, the hand becomes fuller, the equipment is adjusted and worn in.

It's shiny, it's infectious... apparently yesterday's winds blew away all the powder that was recently included in the forecast. We definitely take ice ax crampons.

The higher you go, the more and more beautiful the views of the lake nearby become.


There is a hard crust on top and there are no prospects for a ski tour, so we immediately grab the equipment onto ourselves. It’s not your destiny to walk on kamus today.

And very soon we’ll be dressing cats too. Because it's tough.



Unusual surface. Below there is ice, then there is recrystallized “dust”, a few centimeters, and on top there is again an ice crust, this time insolation. Everything on top does not hold ice at all, although it looks quite friendly. As soon as you place your foot not as precisely as necessary, it immediately slips.

The walk is hard, but interesting.

We are glad that they also put “gazebos” (safety systems) at the bottom of the car. On this slope it would be problematic.

In the photo: One of the most compact and lightest systems there is, Camp, model ALP 95 (weighs 95 grams). Kind of climbing thong, for extreme radicals, but anything is better than no system at all.

The combination of insolation (solar radiation) and cold works wonders. As soon as there is a lull, everything melts, and when the wind blows, it freezes. Therefore, any mechanical components and devices are at risk - there is a high chance of failure or breakdown. The same telescope sticks, for example. The kirdyk will freeze in the open state, you will go with them unfolded, like a skier.

Glaciation areas at these latitudes insignificant, but still in some places you need to keep your eyes open so as not to drive there in the fog or go in, it won’t seem too much. On some of the local volcanoes and peaks icefalls quite grown up.

But here, on Ossorno, you can’t even call it an icefall... something strange. But it's cute.



Yes, we shouldn’t have dressed the kamus, we must admit that... but from below everything was not at all obvious.


The weather is gorgeous, just as we ordered. There is a light breeze and a clear sky, so it would be a sin to climb up and not stop for tea...

Especially when there are such views.

Below is Lake Llanquihue and Calbuco volcano (2002).

Around the lake there are entirely settlements of German immigrants. Local Alemania.


There is no way down directly from the top, from its outermost 100 meters, so we go there without shells, lightly.

You come up and run into this...

In the language of meteorologists/glaciologists, this is called “complex ice-frost phenomena.”

South American and, especially Patagonian, are famous throughout the world. With its size and shape... Just so you understand, the height of the “buld” on the right is 5-6 meters, no less. Finding a passage between them and not getting lost (both on the way up and down) is a non-trivial task.


As Wikipedia tells us: “Osorno is one of the most active volcanoes in the southern Chilean Andes, with 11 recorded eruptions between 1575 and 1869. Charles Darwin observed the eruption of Osorno on January 19, 1835 during his voyage around the world on HMS Beagle.

But, now, unfortunately, no signs of volcanic activity can be seen. No smoke for you, no lava for you, even warm areas at worst, and those are gone!

And the view from it to the other side, to the majestic Lago Todos Los Santos and Volcano Tronador(3491), located on the border with Argentina. By the way, another 20-25 kilometers beyond it and there is one of the most famous freeriding areas in this part of the world - Catedral(San Carlos de Bariloche)

And this is a volcano Puntiagudo. Very characteristic in shape. I plan to try to go there next year. True, there are no roads or paths...

; is part of the oldest National Park Chile " Vicente Perez Rosales"(Spanish: Parque Nacional Vicente Perez Rosales), founded in 1926. The height of the volcano, which has a regular cone shape, is 2652 m above sea level; the top is covered with glaciers and snow all year round.

Although volcanic dynamics have not been observed for almost 150 years, Osorno is considered one of the most active active volcanoes in the southern Chilean Andes: from 1575 to 1869. 11 eruptions were recorded here.

The summit of Osorno is the most photographed object in the Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park. Almost every article or story about visiting the park is accompanied by a photograph of the majestic snow-capped peak.

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Geographical location

The volcano is very photogenic located between the lakes: Llanquihue(Spanish: lago Llanquihue), the second largest in Chile, and Todos Los Santos(Spanish: Lago Todos los Santos - “Lake of All Saints”). Osorno rises on the western slope of the Main Cordillera of the Andean ridge (Spanish: Cordillera de los Andes), dividing and; on the border between the provinces of Osorno (Spanish: Provincia de Osorno) and Llanquihue (Spanish: Provincia de Llanquihue) in the administrative area Los Lagos(Spanish: Los Lagos).

Climatic features

The summit of Osorno is completely covered with snow and ice all year round, despite the fact that the volcano is located in a region with a fairly mild climate. The ice sheet is supported by heavy snowfalls that fall here in winter period. The rainy season lasts from mid-April to December, with significantly less rainfall from January to March. In July - August it rains every 4 out of 5 days. Since rains in this region occur on average 200 days a year, it is not always possible to see the volcano in all its glory; Even on clear days, morning fog often shrouds the peak, hiding it from spectators until midday.

At the top, a cold and piercing wind almost constantly blows, from all sides!

Historical reference

The indigenous population of the lake region are the warlike Indians (aka Araucans). For many centuries, they successfully defended their forest region, first from the invasion of Inca troops, then from the Spanish conquerors. The Araucanian War lasted more than 300 years, and the Spaniards failed to win it. The Mapuche submitted only after a series of military campaigns carried out against them by the Chilean army at the end of the 19th century, which later became known as "Pacification of Araucania". After their conquest, the Indians began to give land for agricultural plots to European emigrants.

Then the Germans actively developed the lake region. Their influence is clearly visible in architecture, culture, traditional clothing and cuisine. Half of the residents here have Spanish names and German surnames. Everyone communicates with each other in Spanish, but the sweet pies that the local “frau” bake for sale are called “kuchen” (German: Kuchen).

Town Frutillar(Spanish: Frutillar), which stands on the shores of Lake Llanquihue, is a striking example of the heritage of German emigrants. A little further south is another “German” city, Puerto Varas(Spanish: Puerto Varas), from the city embankment which offers an unreal view of the volcanic pair - a crooked cone (Spanish: Calbuco) and the almost ideal proportions of Osorno.

National Park

National Park"Vicente Pérez Rosales", whose main attraction is the Osorno volcano, delights visitors with the amazing diversity of natural landscapes: here you can admire evergreen forests, beautiful mountain ranges, magical lakes and snow-capped volcanoes. The national park is an integral part of the tourism system of Chile.

Royal Osorno, crowned with an icy crown of eternal snow, is reflected in two beautiful bodies of water at once: in the clear azure waters of the majestic Llanquihue and in the emerald waters of the picturesque Todos Los Santos. At the foot of the volcano, colorful toy villages built in the German style are scattered. The most magnificent views of Osorno can be admired from the charming towns Puerto Octay(Spanish: Puerto Octay), Puerto Varas and Frutillar, located on the western shore of Lake Llanquihue.

From Puerto Varas you can independently walk along hiking trails, explore the picturesque surroundings and reach the top of the volcano.

The second attraction of the National Park is Petrohue River(Spanish Petrohue), which originates in Lake Todos los Santos.

The famous Petrohue waterfall is located on the river.

The river is a popular destination for lovers active rest. The impressive Petrohue rapids (III-IV rafting class) give thrill-seekers the opportunity to test their strength near the most beautiful volcanoes - Osorno and Calbuco.

In the upper reaches of the Petrohue River, not far from the place of its formation, there is a waterfall of the same name. On the route between the cities (Spanish: San Carlos de Bariloche; Argentina) and (Spanish: Puerto Montt; Chile), tourists are usually invited to stop to take a walk to the waterfall and enjoy beautiful landscape handsome Osorno. Petrohue Falls was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption, in the crevices of frozen lava. Water flows through huge masses of hardened lava that have resisted erosion for many centuries.

There are many organized in the park tourist routes, one of the most popular is the 12-kilometer Sendero Paso Desolacion, which runs along the eastern slope of the volcano, rising to a height of 1,100 m above sea level.

Nature lovers from all over the world get incredible pleasure from visiting the untouched nature of the Chilean National Park. Evergreen moist forests, fabulous forest lakes, thermal springs, clear rivers, beautiful volcanoes are the features of this delightful region. Climb a beautiful volcano; walk through a forest with relict trees, some of which are many hundreds of years old; swim in magical thermal springs; admire the blue lakes and the Petrohue waterfall - undoubtedly, this park will give you a sea of ​​positive emotions and will forever settle in your heart.

A tourist's dream

On the slopes of the Osorno volcano you can take part in sightseeing tour, go hiking along one of tourist routes, as well as snowboarding, mountain biking or horseback riding.

In good weather, tourists can climb to the observation deck located at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level. From here you can enjoy a breathtaking panorama of the area, overlooking the entire Lake Llanquihue and the Calbuco volcano.

You can climb up to the snow line on your own. In summer, this boundary rises to 2200 - 2300 m above sea level. You can advance higher only with special equipment and an instructor. But from above you can see views of unreal beauty, and the higher you go, the more beautiful it is.

For those who are interested in mountaineering, rock climbing, speleology, skiing - all conditions have been created here. Although the volcano is considered active, this did not stop the Chileans from organizing a ski center here, where there is everything necessary for practicing this sport. The snow-capped peak of Osorno attracts skiers from all over the world. An asphalt road leads to the foot of the mountain, then there are several queues cable car take skiers almost to the level of the glaciers.

From a small village Ensenada(Spanish: Ensenada), located on the southeastern coast of Lake Llanquihue, you can climb to the top of the volcano. The hike takes about 6 hours.

The beauty and diversity of Osorno

Because of its amazing beauty, Osorno is often called the “South American Fuji,” comparing it with the most beautiful volcano on the planet, Mount Fuji, located on the Japanese island of Honshu, 90 km from Tokyo.

The snow-covered cone of almost perfect shape Osorno is very reminiscent of the beautiful business card Japan.

Travelers who were lucky enough to climb the Chilean volcano probably noticed another feature of it - the constantly changing color of the tuff under their feet: gray, brown, red, pinkish, burgundy, terracotta, black.

Above, in contrast, are blue and white glaciers; below, at the foot - piercingly blue Lakes in an emerald frame of a lush forest. A fantastic riot of colors!


According to the mythology of the Mapuche Indians, the ancient powerful good spirit Pillan expelled an evil spirit named Peripillan from the sky and threw him to the ground in the place where Osorno still stands. Since then, the evil spirit has become an eternal prisoner of the handsome volcano.

Curious facts

  • Outstanding English naturalist and traveler Charles Darwin(English Charles Robert Darwin; 1809-1882) observed the eruption of Osorno on January 19, 1835 during his famous trip around the world on the ship Beagle.
  • The Vicente Perez Rosales National Park (created in 1926) is the oldest not only in Chile, but throughout. Thanks to its rich diversity of natural landscapes, the park plays an important role in the development of Chilean eco-tourism.
  • The national park, which includes Osorno, was named after Vicente Perez Rosales(Spanish: Vicente Perez Rosales; 1807-1886), Chilean politician and diplomat, traveler and adventurer. It was Vicente Perez in the middle of the 19th century. paved the way for the colonization of the Llanquihue region by Chileans and settlers from Germany.
  • A view of the volcano in 2005 was used as the background for promotional photos and videos in Motorola's all-out advertising campaign for the PEBL mobile phone.
  • Osorno is one of the symbols of Chile; it is often depicted on local souvenirs.
  • For many years now there has been a “dispute” between the Chilean handsome man and the Japanese “Fuji-san” (as the Japanese themselves call the mountain as a sign of deep respect) - whose form is more perfect.

Along with the Osorno Volcano, the Petrohué Falls (Saltos de Petrohué) are the pearl of the Vicente Perez Rosales Park. A must see place when planning a trip to the Los Lagos region of Chile.

Petrohue Falls and Osorno Volcano

The landscape is fantastic: the raging Petrohue waterfalls flowing into the river of the same name with a unique color, and blue volcano with a snow cap in the background.

We arrived in the city of Puerto Varas for a couple of days. Plan: walk around the city and go to Parque Nacional Vincente Pérez Rosales, Petrohue Falls and hiking to the Osorno volcano. The emphasis was on the park, since I had already been to the city of Puerto Varas before, and even cheerfully crossed Lake Yanquihue in a kayak.

On the first day we went to the Vicente Perez Rosales park to see the waterfalls. The landscape is fantastic: the raging Petrohue waterfalls flowing into the uniquely colored river of the same name, and the blue Osorno volcano with a snow cap in the background. And all this is surrounded by mountains and dense emerald forests.

The famous postcard view - Petrohue Falls against the background of the imposing giant, Osorno Volcano - is located a couple of meters from the entrance to the park. TO observation deck The Sendero Los Saltos sign and a boardwalk lead to the waterfalls. By the way, the main entrance to the park is located 19 km earlier, but there is no one there even in the conaf booths. Therefore, the buses drive past the raised barrier, straight to the end point at the Petrohue River, where all the tourists get off. You won't be able to get lost.

I was deeply impressed by the Petrohue River, or rather, by the incredible shade between emerald and sea green. The water is clear, and boulders on the river bottom are clearly visible through the water.

Saltos Rio Petrohue Center, owned by the owner of Petrohue Logde. There are shops with typical souvenirs and cafes. If you go through the building, you will come to a bridge leading to Petrohue Falls. The bus stops here.

The other side of the park - sendero Karilemu

People most often come to Vicente Perez Rosales Park to see the Petrohue Falls, so they often limit themselves to this view. But I also advise you to walk in the opposite direction of the park to Sendero Carilemu. This is a longer trail, about an hour's walk. Before the trail goes deeper into the forest, you pass a small malachite-colored lagoon (laguna Cayutué). And then there is a stunning view of the Petrohue River. No less impressive than the Petrohue Falls. I spent at least half an hour on the boulders, watching the rushing stream of the Petrohue and taking a deep breath of the purest air of the Lakes Region.

The park is huge and can be explored over several days. About a walk along frozen volcanic lava to Lake Todos los Santos, which leads to the border with Argentina.

How to get to Vicente Perez Rosales Park from Puerto Varas

The distance from Puerto Varas to the park is 47 km, and the sector with the Petrohue waterfalls is another 19 km.

By bus

The Ensenada bus stops on El Salvador Street next to the Radisson Hotel. He drives towards the park, stops at the Petrohue waterfalls, and the final stop is near Lago Los Santos. We boarded the bus at 12:05 and arrived at the park at 13:00. In winter, the last return bus from Petrohue to Puerto Varas leaves at 17:45, so you shouldn't be late. Ticket price: CLP 2.000 (USD 3) to Petrohue, 2.500 to the lake.

We didn't bother renting a car in Puerto Varas and managed quite well with the help of regular buses. But it would still be much more comfortable by car and without being tied to the flight schedule.

Park opening hours

In winter: from 8:30 to 18:30, in summer until 20:00.

Entry price

CLP 1500 (USD 2).

Where to stay in the park

There are many accommodation options along the way to the park, especially in the Ensenada area. Within the park itself near Osorno and the waterfalls there are few options:

  1. Camping Playa Petrohué on the shores of Lake Todos Los Santos. The view opposite is enchanting. Open only during high season in summer. There is also the Play Venado campsite.
  2. Luxurious Petrohue Lodge.

When to go to Vicente Perez Rosales Park

Theoretically - all year round. I arrived at the beginning of May. The daytime temperature was about +12. In January up to +20. But it is strongly recommended to plan a trip to the Lakes region in the summer, not because of the temperature. The fact is that in autumn and winter (from May to September) the trip can be disrupted by heavy rains, which often occur in this region. It is impossible to predict the local weather at this time of year - speaking of our visit, on the first day it was sunny and clear, the next it was overcast and raining. And local rain is a sign of strong cooling and washout of roads to the mountains.

Petrohue Falls and Osorno Volcano in Vicente Perez Rosales Park was last modified: December 19th, 2016 by Anastasia Polosina