Stone town ergaki how to get there. Excursion to Ergaki "Stone City"


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Description of the tour, conditions, prices, photos and other useful information

Type: bus tour / walking route.

Region: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Ermakovskiy District.

Tour duration: 14 hours.

Number of people in the group: 16 people.

Transport: minibus/bus, off-road vehicles (GAZ-66).

Season: June August.

Cost: from 2300 rublesWithperson in the group.

Discount A: 10% children under 14.

Included in the price: transport, services of a guide-instructor, insurance, entrance ticket.

Additional payment: services marked with "*".

About the excursion to Stone Town (Ergaki)

stone city - a unique natural geological object located in nature park Ergaki, in the status of a natural monument. Once upon a time, an ancient path passed by the stone city, connecting the Uryankhai region (Tuva) and the Abakan steppes. In 1910, a wheeled track was laid, called the Usinsky Trakt. It is on it that we will pass on the off-road vehicles.

Stone town - living legend about the freedom-loving people of the Sayans, who fell under the onslaught of the hordes of the mythical Khan.

Here is unique vegetable world, bizarre rocks and stone placers, covered with a layer of moss, alpine meadows, centuries-old cedars and mighty firs. Along the way, we overcome the turbulent river Oyu and several kilometers of hiking and stairs.

The walking part of the route is about 6 km long, it goes along the taiga path up the slope along the stone remains. At an altitude of 1588 meters above sea level is With kala Watchtower, stone guards froze below - rocks resembling the figures of ancient warriors. In the rocks about 40 meters high, the outlines of ancient buildings, human faces and various animals are guessed.


Excursion program to Stone Town

8:00 - departure from Abakan;

10:30 - stop in the village of Tanzybey for breakfast *;

12:00 - arrival natural Park Ergaki, b.o. "Mountain Oya", rest. Departure to the beginning of the ecological trail to the Stone Town;

13:00 - arrival, exit to the route;

15.00 - a halt for lunch (dry rations, lunch and water are recommended to take with you);

18.00 - exit from the trail. Dinner* in a cafe;

19:30 - departure to Abakan;

22:00 - arrival in Abakan.

Program time is indicative.

Features of the excursion to Stone Town

The senior during the tour is the guide, guide-guide. You must strictly follow the instructions of the accompanying persons.

Part of the way to the Stone Town we pass on off-road vehicles - a tiring road with minimal comfort conditions!

During the tour you should be with the group. It is not allowed to deviate from the route (paths, paths), approach the edges of ravines, cliffs, climb rocks.

It is necessary to promptly inform the accompanying person (guide) about the deterioration of health or injuries.

Nature, historical and cultural monuments should be treated with care.

Backpack / knapsack with straps;

Trekking boots (optional) or sneakers + change;

Rubber boots (at the beginning of the season and in wet weather);

Raincoat, jacket, pants, long sleeve shirt,

Warm cap, interchangeable socks;

Sun hat, sunscreen, insect repellent;

Individual first aid kit, individual dishes;

Lunch for one or two times: tea, drinks, drinking water, sandwiches, fruits, vegetables

Cash (meals in a cafe, optional).

Book an excursion to Stone Town

With this tour see also:


In July, Shushenskoye traditionally hosts the famous festival of ethnic music "The World of Siberia" (it is better known to Krasnoyarsk residents as " Sayan ring"). The festival lasts three days. If you are heading there and you have time, then here are a few sights, places that you can see in Khakassia and in the south of the region.

stone city

In Krasnoyarsk, probably everyone knows the mountain complex Ergaki, which is on the way to Kyzyl. Sleeping Sayan, Lake Svetloe, Bird, Hanging Stone, Valley of Artists - all this is on the left side of the Krasnoyarsk - Kyzyl highway. There are many tourists, new tourist bases and sports complexes. And we'll go north. More precisely, to the right Stone city.

What is this?

Stone Town is part of the Ergaki mountain complex in the Western Sayan Mountains. Beautiful ridge of stones bizarre forms(they are a bit like the Krasnoyarsk Pillars). This is a little-known and remote route, unlike other routes along Ergaki, so there are few tourists there. Bicyclists like to visit here, less jeepers and even less pedestrians (we met 3-4 groups, and almost all foreigners). It is understandable why: if you stomp on foot from the highway, the day will not be enough. But there is a way out.

How to get there?

From Krasnoyarsk to Stone Town along the M-54 about 650 km towards Kyzyl. Further, following the sign to the recreation center "Gornaya Oya", you should turn onto the old Kyzyl tract. Once upon a time, it was along this road that an automobile-drawn connection between Tuva and Khakassia was carried out. However, the track was extremely difficult and difficult. Therefore, in the 60s, the village of Tanzybey was connected to Lake Oisky by a new road, and the old one was abandoned. Now the bridges have been destroyed, there are gullies on the road in some places, and all this is slowly overgrowing.

You can drive in an SUV. The road is crossed by a couple of rivers. If it were not for them (especially the first stream, which is at the very beginning), then the road is absolutely within the reach of even an SUV. At the campsites, before turning, you can hire a GAZ 66, the famous Shishiga, for dropping. After the turn, go to the hiking trail for about 30 minutes, about 20 km along the crossroads.

What to watch?

We arrived. We puff already on foot uphill: first along the path, then along the kurumnik to the stone figures (directly to them another 3-4 km from the car). All of them lined up in a row can be seen from afar, as soon as you go upstairs.

To go around everything, and even examine everything in detail, enough for a day. Each rock has its own name, there are different legends about the Stone City. And here every year there is a festival of climbers. Apparently, at this time there are most people here. And practically no man-made structures, only what nature has created. Powerful and monumentally beautiful!

Ancient Khakass inscriptions

One summer, my friends and I jumped into the car and drove to our native land to look. The path lay mainly along the Shirinsky district of the Republic of Khakassia. The main goal is to see famous Khakass inscriptions and ancient fortresses. It turned out to be a kind of historical auto-quest through the steppes.

It’s a long-standing thing, then we didn’t have navigators, so we rode on maps, searched for objects on a whim, asking the local people what was happening. And almost everything they wanted to see, found. They lived in tents.

Boyar Pisanitsa

Boyarskaya Pisanitsa is located on the southwestern part of the Boyary Ridge. In Khakassian Poyar taf - "Sacred mountain". Two groups of petroglyphs: Malaya and Bolshaya Boyarskaya Pisanitsy is a monument of fine art of the Tagar archaeological culture, that is, 7-3 centuries. BC. Here's how old they are. You won't want to look at any Pyramids later. You can look at the drawings for hours: guess what the ancients had in mind. Scenes of everyday life are transferred in detail and are very well read. The drawings of the traditional dwellings of the nomads of Southern Siberia and the "ger" of the steppes are especially memorable. By the way, they are made in the same technique that is typical for modern Khakasses.

How can I get to?

In the village of Troitskoye, you need to turn left towards the koshary and drive about 3 kilometers, hoping for good luck.

Sulek art

Its name comes from the Sulekov ulus, it was not far from the mountain, however, in the 19th century. In the Khakas people, the Sulek Pisanitsy is called "Pichiktig-Tag" (Written Mountain). It is about 600 meters high and covered in drawings. It belongs to the Okunev culture of the 2nd millennium BC. It is interesting in that, in addition to petroglyphs, runic inscriptions are also presented. But still, this rock after Boyarskaya is less impressive. Maybe not the right size. Or maybe because there is an unpleasant trace of the presence of tourists. Where the drawings came from here and in what century, obviously not everyone who comes here is interested, but here’s how to scribble directly on them “Vasya was here!” - think fast.

How can I get to?

To get here, you need to turn off the M-54 to the Shirinsky district.

Ancient Khakass burial mounds and cities


The city of Uzunkhir, translated from Khakass, means "long hill". More recently, it was discovered not far from the M-54 highway, on a hill between Prigorsk and Oglakhtag. Some believe that this Aryan urban settlement was built in the 5th-6th millennium BC. That is, this city is much older than the famous Arkaim in the Urals (and for a moment it was considered the most ancient). And what do you think, archaeologists immediately rushed here to Uzunkhir and let's dig and study everything? Haha. It stands abandoned in the steppe.

Maybe because it's not all that clear? Someone thinks that this is not a city at all, but a Tashtyk burial ground, and there were no Aryans in Khakassia. And someone thinks it's easy ancient temple. Who is right, who is wrong - the excavations will surely show. If they will. I repeat, Uzunkhir, unlike Arkaim, has not yet been excavated. When you stand near these stones, you need to dream up a lot to see the city here. Only the tops of the walls are visible. The outlines of anything are visible from space, thanks to Google for that.

How can I get to?

We turn off the M-54 highway in front of Prigorsk to the left into the steppe and drive along the dirt road for a short time, 500 meters to the site of the ancients.

Big Salbyk barrow

I remember that once my father and I were looking for a mound according to stories, such as “you will turn off after the second porridge” ... Now everything is different: there is a sign right on the road when to turn into the steppe. The dirt road leads directly to the mound.

The Khakass buried someone else there in the 4th century. BC. (historians say - a noble warrior or king). Before the excavations, it was 11th in height and covered an area of ​​0.5 hectares. With such a strong fence with stone monoliths weighing up to 60 tons each. As in all similar structures, there is an entrance, near which there are Male and Female stones. (Unfortunately, one of the women's stones fell a few years ago and lies nearby. But I happened to see him still in place.)

The Salbyk mound is part of the so-called Valley of the Kings. Two stone menhirs are the gates to the valley. Sacred place for shamans. This is where they most often perform the rite of purification. The shamans are sure: there is a tectonic fault at the gate and the energy is rushing here))) You can drive up to the gate directly from the mound along the steppe road.

There are more than 50 large burial mounds in the Valley of the Kings. A curious version is that these mounds in the steppe are built in the same way as in the sky the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. True, they say the stars have already changed their location slightly over thousands of years, and our stones are standing as they were.

How can I get to?

Behind Prigorsk we turn off the M-54 towards Sorsk towards Bidzhi (about 40 km) there is perhaps the most famous archaeological site Khakassia.

And in Khakassia there are the famous Chests, which we already wrote about, the Tuvim Proval and about a hundred lakes, except for Bele and Tuz. And if you return from Shushenskoye through the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, through Sayanogorsk go to Askiz, you can visit famous place forces of Khurtuyakh-Tas. Here at all times a pilgrimage is made for those who despaired of becoming a parent.

Lyric introduction.
For the third day now I have been sitting and looking at the hanging stone and thinking where to start the story about my trip to Ergaki? .. I never thought of it. Anyway, I'll start over. And first, I was going to go to Solovki in August with a friend. I was going, going, and on one of the working days at the end of July, I chatted on ICQ with an old friend Anton Varulven . Rather, a friend is young and handsome! And besides, a great traveler! So, he just returned from Ergak ( mountain range in the Sayans).

I heard about the Sayans, but Ergaki - it was a new word for me!
On the same day, before lunch, a friend gave an exact answer about the Solovki - she would not go, and she didn’t want to, and they didn’t really let her go on vacation. I was upset, and then I think - can I rush to these very Ergaki?
I am writing to Anton in ICQ:
- Do you definitely recommend me, recommend, recommend to go there? Or just a recommendation?

Having received a triple affirmative answer and the telephone number of the head of the camp in Ergaki, I call this very head, whose name is Vlad:
- I will arrive on August 19! For a week! Take with you to the mountains!

And yet they took it! Still would! don't take me? :)
And here I am, for three days already! Like! Very! Well, now everything is in order.

The first day.
On Friday, August 19, 2011 at 9.23 pm we loaded the car with ourselves, backpacks, food and left Krasnoyarsk towards Abakan. A sleepless night in the car to Abakan, after Abakan another 200 km with a penny in the direction of the Western Sayan Mountains to the base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and we are almost there. We unloaded, left the backpacks for temporary storage to the MCHS and at the GAZ named "Sadko" we go to hell knows where through potholes and deep streams to a place called Stone Town. Not waiting for me to need a vomit bag from the plane, Vlad, seeing my face turning pale before my eyes, carefully transplanted me from the body into the cabin next to him. It was the RIGHT and REASONABLE decision on his part! :) Having thrown us to the tourist trail, GAZ stayed to wait for our return, and we went on foot to the Stone Town.

What is Stone City? A heap of stone slabs in the form of rocks of a bizarre shape.

I understand that no one can say for sure how they arose? Who is the creator of this "city" - nature or man?
Although I was training two weeks before departure (walking up to the 11th floor and winding tens of kilometers on a bike), as soon as the path went up a little, my breath immediately hitched and every 5 minutes of the way I needed a break. Thank God I wasn't the only one there.

And then there were kurums - heaps of stones of different sizes piled up somehow and by anyone, along which you first had to crawl down, and then (when they returned back up). It's still fun, to be honest!

This is Vlad - our leader, he is the head of the camp, he is also an instructor, he is the ideological organizer of this project, oh Gosha, he is Goga ...

I thought I would die on the first day! Stayed alive!
I thought I was going to die during the hike on the second day! And she survived too!
To be honest, I thought so every day, looking at the height that we had to climb along the route!
- What? I said.
- You mean we'll get there? AND I??? will I get there? Are you sure???
- You'll get there! No where to go!

Here I am, poor thing, and I was tormented every day while I was going back and forth, and upon returning to the camp I was overwhelmed with pride in myself, although I still did not understand - how could I get there?

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Correct Answer:C

QUESTION 2You need to display the "miles" unit 70-487 dumps description after the distance in the GetLog view.Which line of code should you use to replace line GL21? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.)A. @log.Distance milesB. @Htrml.DisplayFor(model => log.Distance) milesC. @log.Distance.ToString() @Html.TextArea("miles")D. @Html.DisplayFor(model => log.Distance.ToString() + "miles")Correct Answer:AB

QUESTION 3DRAG DROP (To answer,drag the appropriate code segment to the correctlocation or locations. Each code segment may be used once,more than once,or not at all. You may needto drag the split bar between panes or scroll to view content.) Location:

Select and Place:Correct Answer:QUESTION 4DRAG DROPYou need to ensure that the application uses RunLogRoleProvider 70-486 dumps custom role provider. (To answer,drag the appropriate line of code to the correctlocation or locations. Each line of code may be used once,more than once,or not at all. You may need to drag the split bar between panes or scroll to view content. )Select and Place:Select and Place:Correct Answer:

QUESTION 5An advertising campaign was recently launched. 070-463 dumps Some of the ads contain a link to products that no longerexist or have IDs that have changed.You need to ensure that all product links display a product.Which code segment should you use to configure the route?A. Option AB. Option BC. Option CD. Option DC Correct Answer:A

QUESTION 6You need to implement client-side animations according to the business requirements.Which line of code should you use? (Each correct answer 70-410 dumps presents a complete solution. Choose all thatapply.)A. $("body h1:nth-child(1)").fadeIn(1000);B. $("body h1:nth-child(1)")-fadeOut(1000);C. $("body h2:nth-child(1)").animate((opacity:0 ));D. $("body h1:nth-child(1)").animate((opacity:1 ));Correct Answer:BC

QUESTION 7You need to modify the application to meet the productId requirement.Which code segment should you use?A. Option AB. Option BC. Option CD. Option DC Correct Answer:C

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QUESTION 9DRAG DROPYou need to ensure that the transcode.exe utility is installed before the worker role starts. task? To answer,drag the appropriate markup segments to the correct targets.Each markup segments may be used once,more than once,70-480 dumps or not at all. You may need to drag the splitbar between panes or scroll to view content.Select and Place:Select and Place:Correct Answer:

QUESTION 10You are testing an ASP.NET application.The test plan requires that tests run against the application"s business layer.You need to use the test project template that meets this requirement.Which template should you use?A. Web Test ProjectB. Load Test 070-347 dumps ProjectC.Unit Test ProjectD.Coded Test ProjectCorrect Answer:C

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QUESTION 12You are developing an ASP.NET MVC application.You need to authenticate clients by using NT LAN Manager (NTLM).Which authentication method should you implement?A. BasicB. WindowsC. FormsD. KerberosCorrect Answer:B

QUESTION 13You are developing an ASP.NET MVC web 70-417 dumps application in Visual Studio 2012. The application requires several thousand content files. All content is hosted on the same IIS instance as the application.You detect performance issues when the application starts.You need to resolve the performance issues.What should you do? Enable compression in IIS.B. Move the content to a second server.C. Combine the content files by using ASP.NET MVC bundling.D. Implement HTTP caching in IIS.Correct Answer:C

QUESTION 14 You are designing a data-oriented application that features a variety of storage schemas. The application object model must be mapped to the various storage schemas. You need to enable developers to manipulate the data. Which ADO.NET data access strategy should 70- 412 dumps you use? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.)A. LINQ to SQLB. Entity FrameworkC. DataAdapterD. DataReaderCorrect Answer:ABC

QUESTION 15You are developing an ASP.NET MVC application to be used on the Internet. The environment uses ActiveDirectory with delegation to access secure resources.Users must be able to log on to the application to maintain their personal preferences.You need to use the least amount of development 70-532 dumps effort to enable users to log on.What should you do? Enable Forms authenticationB. Enable Windows authenticationC. Generate server SSL certificates and install them in IISD. Enable Digest authenticationCorrect Answer:B

QUESTION 16You are implementing a website redesign of an existing website that provides historical weather conditionmaps.The current layout resembles the graphic in the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit button.)Year selection is implemented as a set of links,which causes the page to reload when the user changesthe year. The year selection HTML is contained in a div with an id of "year-selector".You need to modify the page so that the user can change the year 070-413 dumps without the page reloading.You also need to ensure that there is minimal change to the design of the page.Which code segment should you use?A. Option AB. Option BC. Option CD. Option DC Correct Answer:A

QUESTION 17You are developing an Azure worker role. You enable crash dump collection for the role.When the role starts,an external application 70-463 dumps stops responding. Each correct answer presents a complete solution.A. Azure Blob storageB. the temp folder on the virtual machine that is running the role instanceC. Azure file storageD. the DiagnosticStore local resource folder on the virtual machine that is running the role instance

Correct Answer:ADQUESTION 18DRAG DROPYou are developing an ASP.NET MVC application 70-243 dumps that takes customer orders.Orders are restricted to customers with IP addresses based in the United States. the route handler? (To answer,drag the appropriate line of code to the correctlocation or locations. Each line of code may be used once,more than once,or not at all. You may need todrag the split bar between panes or scroll to view content.) Select and Place:Select and Place:Correct Answer:

QUESTION 19DRAG DROP The application uses the Razor View Engine todisplay data.The application contains two layouts located in the /Views/Shared directory.These layouts are named:_Layout.cshmtl_MobleLayoutcshtml If the user is browsing from amobile device,the application must use the _MobileLayout.cshtml file. If the user is browsing from adesktop device,the application must use .Layout,cs html. 1,Target 2 and Target 3 to complete the code of theViewStart.cshtml file? (To answer,drag the appropriate code segments to the correct targets. Each codesegment may be used once,more than once,or not at all. You 70-488 dumps may need to drag the split bar betweenpanes or scroll to view content.) Select and Place:Select and Place:Correct Answer:

QUESTION 20DRAG DROP The application contains sensitive bankaccount data.The application contains a helper class named SensitiveData.Helpers.CustomEncryptor.The application contains a controller named BankAccountController with two actions.The application contains a model named BankAccount,which is defined in the following code segmentThe application must not display AccountNumber 70-346 dumps in clear text in any URL. To answer