What was the salary of the military in the USSR - pilot, position, rank. First hand


Pilot civil aviation– a very responsible and courageous person. He is responsible for the life and health of all people on board. He must be able to make instant decisions and lead the crew. Good physical and emotional health is a prerequisite for his work.

Income of aviators in Russia

The earnings of civil aviation pilots depend on the company they work for. A professional in a large metropolitan airline earns up to 500 thousand rubles. ($8824).

An average-sized company pays pilots up to 150 thousand rubles. ($2647).

A small regional airline pays pilots up to 100 thousand rubles. ($1765).

  • Tyumen region – 215 ($3794);
  • Primorsky Krai – 150 ($2647);
  • Magadan region – 130 ($2294);
  • Moscow region – 55 ($971);
  • Khabarovsk Territory – 51 ($900);
  • Leningrad region. – 40 ($706).

For Russian cities, revenue looks like this (in thousands of rubles):

  • Moscow – 305 ($5383);
  • Voronezh – 274 ($4827);
  • Kazan – 195 ($3441).

In small or regional airlines, specialists earn (in thousand rubles):

  • S7 Airlines – 350 ($6177);
  • UTair – 150 ($2000);
  • "Russia" - 120 ($2118).

In order to receive such a salary, a pilot must fly a certain number of hours. The sanitary standard for flights is from 75 to 90 hours. After every eight-hour flight, the pilot is required to rest for at least 16 hours.

Small regional airlines do not have a heavy flight load or it is seasonal.

In a month, only 20 - 50 flight hours are accumulated, which are paid cheaper than in the capital, so the salary can be as little as 50 – 70 thousand ($897 – 1235).

Arrived at the Airport

The administration of this largest airline in Russia decided to interest young pilots in the prospects of working on the most modern airliners with incomes reaching European standards.

Now they are inviting people to work who have collaborated with the company no less than three years ago.

In this case, a one-time bonus is paid in the amount 650 thousand rubles. ($11472) KVSi 350 thousand.- to the second pilot.

The salary of the crew commander is 470 thousand rubles. ($8295) .

Considering that during the month he must fly at least 85 hours, an hour of flight costs 3,412 rubles. ($60).

The second pilot receives a salary of 350 thousand rubles. ($6000), and the instructor – 500 thousand ($8824).

Income abroad

Of all Russian airlines, Aeroflot alone has salaries that are close to European ones.

Pilot income from the world's largest air carriers:

  • United Airlines - $27,000;
  • American Airlines – $25,000;
  • Delta Air Lines – $24,500;
  • China Southern – $27,500;
  • Chengdu Airlines – $25,000;
  • Lufthansa – $24,000;
  • Air France – $22,000;
  • Hawaiian Airlines - $19,500;
  • Alaska Airlines – $19,400;
  • Finnair – $4600;
  • Jet Blue – $7000.

American airlines pay $250/hour, the flight norm is 65 hours.

In China, they pay up to $500 for one hour of flights, while you only need to fly 50 hours a month.

The average salary for pilots is $170 thousand per year, but Boeing pilots are paid $250 thousand per year.

Revenue of military aviators

Military pilots earn twice as much as infantrymen.

Salary depends on length of service, military rank and position held.

The permanent income of an aviation major is 50,000 rubles. ($897).

To this are added surcharges for flights of approximately equal amounts. For service in foreign contingents, pilots receive additional pay of up to 80 thousand ($1412), as a result they earn 180 – 200 thousand rubles. ($3250-3530).

Military aircraft perform the following tasks:

  • reconnaissance of enemy territory;
  • bombing of ground targets;
  • air battles with enemy aircraft.

The salary depends on the class of the pilot:

  • III – can fly in daylight and in good weather;
  • II – has permission for day flights in difficult weather conditions;
  • I – flies in any weather and time of day.

In addition to the basic income, military pilots are entitled to benefits:

  • Providing improved nutrition.
  • Priority for budget housing.
  • Retirement after 20 years of service.
  • Fast career growth.
  • Full benefits from the state.

In Syria

The print publication Fontanka denies the accusation of publishing the personal data of Major Filippov, who died in a battle with militants in Syria. It reports that access to this information is poorly classified. Journalists discovered that knowing the personal number and date of birth of a military man, you can find out the size of his income.

After taxes, Roman Filippov received monetary allowance in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. ($1700).

According to journalists, this deprives pilots of the opportunity to disguise themselves as rear officers in order to avoid becoming a victim of torture.

Officers serving as fighter pilots in Syria earn 400 thousand rubles. ($7059) per month. Privates are provided with a bonus of $43, and officers - $62. per day.

When an insured event occurs, pilots are paid to receive disability:

  • Group I – 1,750,000 rubles. ($30885);
  • Group II – 1,160,000 rubles. ($20472);
  • Group III – 584,338 rubles. ($10,313).

Close relatives of the deceased pilot are paid one-time assistance in the amount of 2,340,000 rubles. ($41,298) . Funeral arrangements are at the expense of the Russian Defense Ministry.

US Air Force revenues

US Army pilots earn money based on length of service and rank received.

For a year of service, junior officers and enlisted personnel receive:

  • E-1 – private – $18803;
  • E-2 – aircraft crew member – $21,080;
  • E-3 – pilot first class – $24,985.

The salary of a lieutenant colonel reaches $106,520, a colonel - $133,140, ​​and a brigade commander - $151,285 per year. Fighter pilot receives salary 35 – 100 thousand dollars, depending on class and flight time.

Profits from testing new devices

The tester tests aircraft for design bureaus, aircraft manufacturing plants and the Russian Ministry of Defense. He earns from 100 to 150 thousand rubles. ($1765 - 2647) per month.

The main factor in the salary amount is the pilot’s workload; other criteria are also taken into account:

  • number of hours in flight;
  • airmanship;
  • knowledge of the structure of an aircraft.

The tester participates in the creation of new aircraft modifications at all stages, from design to commissioning.

His experience is very important for designers who create models that are maneuverable and easy to control.

The minimum salary of a test pilot is 40,000 rubles. ($706) . Maximum – 350,000 rub. ($6177) .

They work in civil and military aviation, with the appropriate equipment.

Payment for their labor in the CIS countries and abroad:

  • Ukraine – up to 96 thousand UAH ($3586);
  • Belarus – up to 8130 BYN. rub. ($4086);
  • Kazakhstan – up to 751 thousand tenge ($2328);
  • America – $201 thousand;
  • England – $122 thousand;
  • DPRK – $255 thousand.

The test pilot performs:

  1. Complex of flight tests of an aircraft.
  2. Practicing emergency situations and ways to overcome them.
  3. Testing of all types of weapons installed on the aircraft.
  4. A set of tests for state certification.
  5. Quality control of serial modifications.
  6. Training of flight crews to operate new equipment.

The job requires a lot of courage and self-control.

When taking the helm of a new aircraft, the pilot does not know whether he will return alive after these tests.


In the Soviet Union, a military pilot was paid 270 rubles for testing a new aircraft, regardless of the number of flights.

If you took to the skies 100 times, then the payment for each flight corresponded to 2 rubles. 70 kop.

For this money, the tester could have lunch 2–3 times in the factory canteen.

In the 70s of the last century, military pilots received allowances (in rubles):

  • Crew navigator on SU-2 – 170;
  • Flight navigator – 180;
  • Squadron navigator – 190;
  • SU-24 crew commander – 180;
  • MI-8 – 135.

A battalion fighter pilot with the rank of lieutenant, in 1985, received 292 rubles. By the end of 1991, the MI-8/24 flight commander earned 680 rubles.


JSCNPK « PANH» in Krasnodar, offers a job to a test pilot of at least 2nd class with five years of work experience.

Salary – 23940 rub. ($423) .

Sports club "Oberon" in the city of Kurtamysh, Kurgan region. is looking for an employee to fill the vacant position of PIC of an MI-2 helicopter to carry out ground processing of aviation equipment and survey territories from the air.

Salary – 90,000 rubles. ($1588) .

How much does an Aeroflot pilot in Russia/USA and other countries earn?

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Civilian and military pilots take to the skies almost every day, and in some cases, their flights can be carried out several times a day. Obviously, it is worth emphasizing that the profession of a pilot, regardless of whether the pilot is the commander of a civilian or military aircraft, is dangerous, and, therefore, the pilot’s salary will probably be high.

Indeed, today qualified pilots are highly valued, because thanks to the actions of experienced aviators, even an out-of-control plane can be landed without unnecessary casualties. And, here, it should be emphasized that the more experience the pilot has, the higher the pilot’s salary will be.

Specific figures for a pilot's salary can vary from minimum to maximum depending on which airline the pilot-in-command works for, as well as on what tasks are assigned to him. If we take the UK, the minimum salary for a pilot here is about 32 thousand dollars per year, while the maximum can exceed 120 thousand dollars. As for the highest salary for a pilot, it is recorded in China, where the pilot of a Boeing 747-400 cargo aircraft receives over 250 thousand dollars per year, which naturally makes such a profession very promising.

Quite often, a pilot's salary depends on what type of aircraft he flies. If it is a small light aircraft, then most likely the pilot will have to count on a relatively small salary, but if it is a giant like the Airbus A380, then the pilot’s salary will probably be close to the maximum, since operating this complex aircraft requires maximum qualifications.

As for the pilot’s salary in Russia, here it is not as high as we would like, which often leads to a leakage of flight personnel. For example, civil aviation pilots working for Aeroflot airlines receive about 72 thousand dollars per year. However, qualified specialists are really needed by domestic aviation, and therefore a number of air carriers specifically stimulate the work of experienced pilots, offering them wages of 100-120 thousand dollars per year.

As for military pilots (pilots), on average they earn 110 thousand rubles per month. L a lieutenant who has served 1 year earns on average 40 thousand rubles per month. Officers who have served for at least 5 years can be content with a salary 70-90 thousand rubles per month. But let’s not forget that the State obliged all military pilots provide housing.

Be that as it may, the main thing for the pilot of any aircraft is not money, but the unique opportunity to rise into the sky again and again, towards the endless horizon.

The state is in dire need of strong army. For this reason, today we are actively recruiting contract soldiers. They are capable of successfully replacing conscripts. In order to attract as many new contract employees as possible, it is planned to increase the salaries of military personnel this and next year.

Russia has a huge amount of weapons of mass and local destruction. Against this background, there is a need for specialists capable of providing proper maintenance.

Approximately 1/3 of the state budget is spent on servicing the military forces. Part of it is spent on developing the latest weapons. The second part goes to payments to the military.

The total salary of military personnel consists of:

  1. Salary.
  2. Additional payments.
  3. Premium.

What influences

The salaries of Russian military personnel are affected by the following:

  • length of service;
  • personal merits;
  • time of service;
  • rank.

A military man receives a salary depending on his length of service. Persons serving beyond the Arctic Pole receive bonuses.

12 months of service count as 24 months.

Personal merits are understood as accomplished feats. It also matters where the soldier served. Persons serving in hot spots are paid more.

Pros and cons of contract service. Watch the video.

Other allowances

There are also other allowances. They contact:

  • speaking several languages;
  • presence of VO;
  • excellent physical preparation.

The extent to which a person is able to make a decision in a critical situation is also taken into account.


The amount of monthly salary allowances in the Russian Federation looks like this:

  • length of service - 11-39%;
  • high qualifications - 6-29%;
  • secrecy - 66%;
  • specific conditions - 100%;
  • fulfillment of special tasks - 100%;
  • special achievements - 100%.

Gunner's salary

A rifleman means a private with two years of service. You can find out how much he earns from the sign.

Squad commander salary

A squad leader is understood to be a junior sergeant of the 3rd class, whose length of service varies from 2 to 5 years.

The salary of a squad commander, who is a 2nd class sergeant and has 5 to 10 years of service, looks like this:

Deputy platoon commander salary

A deputy platoon commander is a senior sergeant 1st class with 10 to 15 years of service. The sign shows how much he receives:

Platoon commander salary

A platoon commander is understood to be a foreman, a foreman, whose length of service is 15-20 years. The sign shows how much he earns.

How much a sergeant major, a master with 20-25 years of service, earns is shown in the table:

Officers' salaries

This position requires having higher education. With bonuses, the salaries of officers look quite impressive. Without them, the salary of military personnel with an officer rank looks like this:

  1. Platoon commander - 20.0 thousand rubles.
  2. Deputy company commander - 21.0 thousand rubles.
  3. Company commander - 22.0 thousand rubles.
  4. Deputy battalion commander - 23.0 thousand rubles.
  5. Battalion commander - 24.0 thousand rubles.
  6. Deputy com. shelf - 25.0 thousand rubles.
  7. Command regiment - 26.5 thousand rubles.
  8. Deputy com. brigades - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  9. Brigade commander - 29.0 thousand rubles.
  10. Deputy com. divisions - 29.5 thousand rubles.
  11. Command division - 30.5 thousand rubles.
  12. Deputy com. housing - 31.0 thousand rubles.

The Wright brothers are considered to be the founders of modern manned aviation (heavier than air). Even the 100th anniversary of aviation was celebrated in 2003 - on the anniversary of their first flight. No one belittles the merits of these engineers.

But still, a manned vehicle heavier than air first took off from the ground two decades earlier. Mozhaisky's aircraft did not receive practical use, and his biography turned out to be short-lived. But he was the first.

An Inventor's Odyssey

Creation Russian plane surrounded by a large number of historical mysteries, myths, inaccuracies and unresolved questions. Both objective historical realities and the peculiarities of thinking of domestic bureaucrats are to blame for this.

Sailor with a dream of wings

It is clear that the development engineer was not an aircraft designer - in his time there was no such profession. His biography was quite ordinary for a conscientious, poor nobleman. Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky (1825-1890) was a naval officer who rose to the rank of rear admiral. Navy officers often had good engineering training and were able to carry out complex calculations.

In 1850-1855, the young sailor took part in a long voyage to Japan, and even survived a shipwreck there. There is reason to believe that he became the author of the design of the first ship in Japan equipped with a keel.

Then he took part in the Khiva campaign, as a result of which he compiled a description of the Amu Darya and the Aral Sea.

Mozhaisky also had the opportunity to serve on the frigate “Gremyashchy”, on which members of the royal family traveled.

The inventor had already served the rank of rear admiral “in civilian life” - he had to leave military service after the defeat in the Crimean War. He held administrative positions first in the Vologda and then in the Podolsk province.

In the latter, he gained a bad reputation, including due to aviation experiments. The peasants considered this “blasphemy.” Alexander Fedorovich also worked at the St. Petersburg Shipping Company, where he well mastered the principles of operation of steam engines.

Objective difficulties

In 1856, a young naval lieutenant became interested in the aerodynamics of bird flight and began to calculate the specific loads on their wings. Later he experimented a lot with kites and studied the properties of propellers.

There is evidence that the researcher himself took to the air several times on a kite of his own design.

The results of these studies turned Mozhaisky into the inventor of the world's first aircraft. Although the only “field test” of the sample should have been considered unsuccessful, many of Mozhaisky’s ideas were successfully developed by other developers.

In his work, the inventor had to deal with serious unfavorable circumstances. In the second half of the century there was no theory of aerodynamics (it existed later). There were no materials that combined strength and lightness (aluminum at that time was classified as a precious metal). The choice of engines was also small - a steam engine, and nothing more.

The idea of ​​​​creating an aircraft with the ability to control and is heavier than air has already gained popularity. Proposals on this part were put forward before Mozhaisky, including in Russia. But the design of an ornithopter, that is, a machine that flaps its wings in a bird’s likeness, seemed more attractive then.

Taking into account these objective difficulties, Mozhaisky’s achievements evoke even greater respect.

Problems of a different nature

But there were other obstacles. First of all, building an airplane cost money, and Mozhaisky didn’t have much of it. He was well off, but not rich. He managed to receive money from various state commissions, but not always when he asked for it, and always less than required. It also happened that he was advised to do something else (including ornithopter!)

To a large extent, the first aircraft was built at the expense of the designer himself. This also explains the modest success - Mozhaisky could not afford all the necessary equipment and assistants.

The path to the first flight

The history of the creation of the first aircraft is replete with “blank spots”. It contains many inaccuracies and discrepancies. But there are also facts that have been established precisely. Many of them are related to the circumstances of the inventor’s struggle with bureaucracy.

Overcoming bureaucratic obstacles

In 1872, the aircraft designer completed calculations of lift and drag for various conditions. They were made based on his work with the flight of birds. These studies led him to the idea of ​​an "aircraft", that is, an aircraft close to the modern type, rather than an ornithopter.

In 1876, the inventor approached the War Department with his project for funding. He initially intended to make his creation military - it was planned to install a bombing sight on it. The war with the Turks (1877-1878) was approaching, and the timing was well chosen. The ministry approved the project, but instead of the requested 19 thousand, only three were allocated.

The aircraft designer continued his work anyway, and 2 years later presented a model of the future aircraft to the commission (of a different composition). He was ready to move on to making a model capable of carrying a person, but this required funds. The commission refused, giving advice about an ornithopter.

Without giving up, the engineer obtained for himself a small sum of 2,500 rubles and the right to travel abroad, which gave him the opportunity to order engines in England based on his own designs. He paid extra for other materials and equipment out of his own pocket. In 1881, everything necessary was purchased. Mozhaisky again asked the Ministry for financial assistance (5 thousand) to carry out the work, but this time the request was “turned down” by the Tsar personally.

Mysteries of flight

But then the mysteries begin. Everyone agrees that a full-fledged model of A.F. Mozhaisky’s aircraft with a person on board was tested. But even the date of this test is in doubt. The official name of the day is July 20.

But for some reason the years vary among different specialists - from 1882 to 1885.

A report dated 1884 talks about previously successful tests of the “model”. Therefore, if you need to give an exact answer to the question of when the airplane was invented, you will have to name the year 1878. Then Mozhaisky received a “privilege” (patent) for his invention. But the design of 1881 was somewhat different from what was announced.

The test results are described differently. According to the most popular version, the world's first plane nevertheless took off from the ground, accelerating on a wooden walkway with a slight slope, and then fell onto the wing due to a pilot error. But there is also an opinion that the takeoff did not take place at all, and the plane crashed during the takeoff run.

No one doubts that the inventor himself did not try to fly.

It’s understandable - he’s not old enough to fly. The first Russian pilot was a mechanic, Mozhaisky’s assistant. It is known that he suffered non-life-threatening injuries in the accident, but it is not certain what his name was. Many historians name the name N. Golubev. But others are sure that there was no person with that name in Mozhaisky’s entourage.


The world's first aircraft was stored in improper conditions for a long time. After the death of its creator, it was completely dismantled. It has not been used in practical conditions and is specifications reconstructed based on Mozhaisky’s documents and descriptions of eyewitnesses.

Basic indicators

Mozhaisky's aircraft should be classified as a fuselage propeller-driven monoplane. To create it, wood, varnished silk fabric, and wire were used. The engines were made in England. Russia itself has not yet produced enough good cars, and the American model was rejected by the designer.

According to research by technology historians, the aircraft had the following indicators:

  • Height – 7.5 m;
  • Length – 25 m;
  • Wing area – 329 sq.m;
  • Wingspan - 23.2 m;
  • Maximum take-off weight – 1266 kg;
  • Speed ​​(estimated) – 40 km/h;
  • Number of screws – 3 (2 on the wings, 1 on the nose);
  • Number of engines – 2;
  • Total engine power – 30 hp. (20+10)

The plane had horizontal and vertical controls. During the work, changes were made to the design. So, according to the design, all the screws were supposed to be the same size, but the researchers found that in the final version the front screw was made larger than the other two. The engines were offset and the aircraft received a weighted nose.

The pilot had two control rudders, an inclinometer, an altimeter, and a compass at his disposal.
The creator called his brainchild “Firebird”.

Modern verification

In Soviet times, several prominent specialists in the field of aviation (V.F. Bolkhovitinov, B.N. Yuryev, V.B Shavrov, etc.) conducted research on the Mozhaisky project in order to check the possibility of its implementation.

Scientists have expressed different ideas. Many assumed that with steam engines the plane had no chance of taking off at all. But the main point of view was that it was possible, and even stabilized horizontal flight was possible. But this required additional conditions:

  • Inclined runway;
  • Engine afterburner at the start;
  • Headwind at takeoff.

Most experts agreed that with the available power of the machines, the aircraft had little chance of stable flight.

Obviously, the inventor also understood this. Soon after the tests, he tried to order more powerful engines. Lack of money got in the way.

Real results

Despite the modest results of the Firebird flight, A.F. Mozhaisky’s contribution to the development of aviation is great. Many of his ideas were then applied to more successful designs.

  1. The engineer calculated formulas for aviation: the ratio of drag force and lift force;
  2. Mozhaisky, in the process of work, proposed the first attempts to formulate the laws of aerodynamics;
  3. He used push and pull propellers; Nowadays, most propeller-driven aircraft use pulling structures;
  4. The inventor was the first to propose a fuselage type of aircraft, which turned out to be the most promising;
  5. Mozhaisky developed the theory of vertical and horizontal control. He was the first to put forward the idea of ​​ailerons (controlling moving parts of the wings);
  6. The fuselage of the aircraft was made in the shape of a boat, and the inventor himself argued that his creation should float. Thus, the Russian engineer should be considered the father of "flying boats".

At that time, Mozhaisky’s developments did not receive wide publicity. As a result, balloonists died for a long time due to the lack of control systems (this is how the famous inventor Otto Lilienthal crashed). And the Wright brothers had to “reinvent the wheel” all over again.

They did it under more favorable conditions, which is why they got better results. At the same time, the brothers did not take into account some details that were interesting to Mozhaisky - there were no ailerons in their designs.

In books and films

But later the inventor was given his due. A village in the Vologda region, where he once lived, received his name. The St. Petersburg Military Space Academy bears his name.

Mozhaisky himself and his plane even turned into heroes of cinema and literary works.

In 1950, the poet S. Vasiliev wrote a poem about the testing of the first aircraft and its designer. In the same year, director V.I. Pudovkin depicted the testing scene of Mozhaisky’s aircraft in his film about Zhukovsky.
Modern literature has turned the “Firebird” into a hero of science fiction works.

In 2013, the book “Airplanes over Mukden” (alternative history genre) by the Belarusian writer A.E. Matvienko was published. In it, the fate of the invention was more favorable. And in 2016, the iconic V. Pelevin released “The Lamp of Methuselah,” which also depicts the invention of the first airplane in a fantastic form.

Russia is not the homeland of elephants, and it is not worth attributing all the world’s inventions to Russians. They've actually done enough. Including the invention of the airplane.


I am interested in data on the financial affairs of military personnel of the SA Air Force of the USSR.
Additionally, I am interested in approximate data on the following positions (for cars):

Chief and deputy, pilots, navigator, cadet, communications,
combat units, medical service, beginning PDS, flight director,
in power engineering, technology, etc. , allowances...

Deputy chief of staff, beginning reconnaissance in eska and regiment,
assistant chief of staff, reconnaissance, navigator, assistant navigator in the regiment
the beginning of communications in the eska and the regiment, the beginning of the chemical service, the beginning of the food service
service, head of financial service, head of personnel/troop units, head of medical service. service,
Secretary of the Komsomol 110 in eska, in regiment 120?
secretary of the party organization 115 in eska, in regiment 130?,
propagandist, chief of the Zas, chief of the PDS, chief of the rear,
technician, mechanic, tech, iap
in esca and shelf:
head of the command post, combat control officer,
landing system manager, weather forecaster officer 115,
head of weather service 130

Eternal gratitude

Is it a lot or is it a little?
Well, the technician received a maximum of 750 rubles, and I received 1,300 - that’s a lot. This was before the currency reform. Then the senior pilot, then for the position... If an ordinary pilot had a salary of 1,300 rubles, a senior pilot had a salary of 1,400 rubles, a flight commander had a salary of 1,700 rubles, a deputy. squadron commander 1,900 rubles, squadron commander 2,100 rubles, deputy. regiment commander 2,200 rubles, regiment commander 2,400 rubles. These were the salaries when I arrived in the regiment.
What year is our reform? In sixty-first... Then things changed there...

Interview with A.I. Zuev

Home >> History >> Interview with A.I. Zuev Interview of Oleg Korytov and Konstantin Chirkin with Anatoly Ivanovich Zuev Lit processing by Igor Zhidov Typesetting Svetlana Spiridonova Reserve Lieutenant Colonel A.I. Zuev, holder of the Order of the Red Banner and Badge of Honor I, Zuev, Anatoly Ivanovich, retired colonel. Formerly a fighter pilot, born on November 17, 1933, in my favorite city of Leningrad. Father is from a peasant background. He left the village and worked at the Red Triangle plant. There he rose to the rank of master. // Further -