Singapore Botanic Gardens. singapore botanical garden and national orchid garden


The diversity of Singapore's flora is like a kaleidoscope in which all wealth and luxury have been collected. flora islands.

The garden is located near the city on a large area of ​​52 hectares. Beauty lovers have at their disposal hundreds of deaf paths among a real tropical forest and well-groomed alleys leading from pond to pond, original “open-air exhibitions” - the Ginger Garden and Palm Valley, Swan Lake with its graceful inhabitants. All plants are illuminated and provided with nameplates.

The first Botanical Garden appeared in Singapore in 1822. The founder of the state and a great amateur naturalist Sir Stamford Raffles (Stamford Raffles) created it mainly in order to introduce economically profitable crops such as nutmeg, cloves and cocoa into cultivation. However, working in this mode, the garden rather quickly - after seven years, ceased to exist and passed into state ownership. Subsequently, another park was founded by the Singapore Horticultural Society - no longer agricultural, but decorative - with paths, terraces, a stage and even a small zoo. Gradually, it turned into the leading equatorial botanical garden. Today he is already 148 years old and he always attracts tourists from all over the world.

Garden Pavilion Bandstand

Bromeliad Garden- more than 300 specific and 500 hybrid forms from Central and South America. Bromeliads include plants such as: pineapple, tillandsia, echmea, cryptanthus, gusmania, etc.

Ginger Garden. About 250 species of this oriental plant grow in the garden.

palm valley. The valley lawns are a popular place for picnics and outdoor concerts.

Cactus Garden in Sunny Garden

A tropical forest which is part of the island's jungle.

Garden of Evolution with the rarest plants in an amazing design.

Eco-lake (Eco-Lake)

Swan Lake

Symphony Lake

Inside the botanical garden is its main pride, a place where more than one and a half million travelers visit every year - national park Orchids. It opened on October 20, 1995 at the initiative of the Deputy Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew.

The Orchid Park is located on one of the hills of the Botanical Garden and covers an area of ​​3 hectares. Today it is the world's largest collection of living orchids and a center of excellence for their hybridization and conservation. The park has 60,000 species of individuals, including 400 varieties and more than 2,000 hybrids.

The richness and diversity of the collection is the result of careful selection and exchange programs with other botanical institutions. The employees of the Garden conduct constant trips around the country, collecting fresh flowers to replenish the collection and herbarium.

Initially, the orchid collection was created as part of the Botanical Garden's program to study the country's flora. But as soon as new ones were received, more interesting views orchids, they were presented at the exhibition and gained great popularity as garden flowers. After the start of the orchid breeding program in the late 1920s, flower varieties began to be collected as material for research as well.

Orchids of Singapore - this is the most extensive and colorful collection. Here you can see the most beloved and revered orchid - "Vanda Miss Joaquim". In 1893, the scientist Agnes Joaquin first grew, actually discovered and invented, the Singaporean orchid, which in 1981 became the official symbol of Singapore. Subsequently, naming new types of flower after famous people has become traditional, for example, in the park you can find the orchid Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth, Nelson Mandale or President Suharto.

"Vanda Miss Joaquim"

Distinctive feature national park orchids is a representation of these amazing flowers. Within each thematic part, four separate color zones are created: in the "spring" zone, flowers of bright, golden, yellow and creamy hues predominate, in the "summer" zone, mainly red orchids are collected, in the "autumn" zone, flowers of mature, saturated shades of predominantly orange gamut, and in the "winter" planted white and light blue orchids. Only one color for an orchid is not recognized in Singapore - black, although it is quite possible to breed it. It is believed that, despite the sophistication of forms, the black orchid loses its tenderness and ceases to be real, because the true charm of its color is in the game of halftones.

In order to achieve this color zoning, the Park officials have long and carefully selected flowers and developed new hybrids of a wider range of colors. In addition, orchids are also grouped by type: epiphytes (orchids growing on other plants that support them), terrestrial plants (what we are usually used to seeing) and climbing flowers. In fairness, it should be noted that the Orchid Park is a feast not only for the eyes, but also for the nose. Just imagine what a magical, viciously sweet aroma hovers over a vast area planted with the most exquisite flowers in the world.

The orchids in The National Orchid Garden grow in the wild, without special devices, moisture, and, most surprisingly, without fences. Singaporeans pride themselves on the fact that all orchid care is done by hand. Anyone can come up, touch, smell and take a picture with the specimen they like. But God forbid, tear, cut or break something! In Singapore, the orchid is a symbol of the state, and it is carefully and jealously protected by law.


cool house- a glass pavilion containing "cold" species. Over the past thirty years, the park has created conditions for growing orchids brought from countries with a temperate climate. The temperature and light level in the pavilion are adjusted to the natural conditions for the growth of flowers. Every year this innovation will only expand the range of orchid varieties that can be displayed in the National Park.

Talking about Singapore, it is impossible not to talk about its amazing botanical gardens. The Singapore Botanic Gardens are located on a vast territory of 52 hectares. Tropical forests are combined here with the comfort of flower beds, and beautiful well-groomed paths of the garden will bring you to its most beautiful corners.

Singapore Botanic Gardens were created a very long time ago - in 1822. They were created for economic purposes - for the cultivation of crops such as cocoa beans and nutmeg. Later, the botanical gardens took on a modern role and began to be used for growing flowers and ornamental plants, as well as for landscaping the city.

The garden area is large and well maintained. Gardens are divided by types of plants, of which there are many.

Most plants are accompanied by illuminated nameplates. I think it will be interesting for those who are fond of botany.

There are many such cozy alleys here.

The main attraction of the botanical gardens is " orchid garden» ( Nation Orchid Garden). Entrance to the orchid garden is paid.

Right at the entrance to the orchid garden, we see such a wonderful fountain with birds.

The orchids themselves are just lovely, one better than the other.

There is a small and cozy waterfall in the orchid garden.

Many different interesting figurines, for example, these iron giraffes.

or here are 3 monkeys: I don’t hear, I don’t see, I don’t speak.

and a little girl who is looking for something in a pond.

Then we met these huge leaves.

We went into the tropical pavilions, where moisture-loving plants grow.

There are 3 lakes in the botanical gardens:

Symphony Lake « Simphony Lake”, with the stage in the middle.

Swan Lake « swan lake" And ecological lake « Eco Lake».

Then we met Chopin.

Then we went into garden of evolution» ( Evolution Garden), which clearly shows cancer has developed fauna on planet earth for the entire time of its existence.

And in conclusion, I want to give a photo of the trees I like, of which there are also plenty here.

IN singapore botanic gardens a lot of tourists besides local residents who go in for sports, ride bicycles, walk their pets or just relax. When you live in a city like Singapore, the botanical garden is simply necessary to at least sometimes be distracted from the modern technological city streets.

Near the botanical gardens you can stay in a hotel.


  • Entry to the Singapore Botanic Gardens is free.
  • Entrance to the Nation Orchid Garden, located on the territory of the botanical gardens, is paid 5GSD. Opening hours from 8:30 to 19:00. Last entry at 18:00
  • You can get to the botanical gardens at. The station is called Botanic Gardens (SS19). Entrance to the park immediately at the exit of the metro
  • In addition to the botanical gardens in Singapore, there are also.

Singapore Botanic Gardens on the map

Considered one of the tiny country's top attractions, the Singapore Botanic Gardens has been named "Asia's Best Urban Jungle" by The Times and has received three stars from the Michelin Green Guide. And we can safely say that the ongoing construction of a grandiose environmental project will soon turn Singapore into a "botanical capital".

Let's get acquainted with the past and the future of this amazing corner of nature, which the authorities intend to preserve for future generations at all costs - and add "green" technologies to save resources and maximize the comfort of visitors.

The founder of Singapore, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, is also the father of the country's first botanical garden, which was conceived as a plantation for the cultivation of useful crops.

The amateur naturalist did not stop there, and after 7 years a second, this time an ornamental garden was laid. The year before last, this largest equatorial botanical garden, annually visited by three million tourists, celebrated its 150th anniversary.

52 hectares of the botanical garden is an "open-air museum", where picturesque paths and alleys with benches, terraces with well-groomed flower beds interspersed with corners of a real tropical forest and lakes full of fish and waterfowl.

The complex contains a wide variety of expositions, the most interesting of which are the Palm Valley, which contains a collection of rare species, Swan Lake, the Fern Greenhouse, the Ginger Garden and, of course, the Orchid Park.

Mandai, being the world's largest park of these amazing flowers, has been pleasing the eye of visitors with a riot of colors and shapes for more than 55 years and has become a real gem of a botanical garden. Here, on one of the hills of the complex, grows about four hundred varieties of orchids, or 60 thousand flowers collected on three hectares of land.The employees of the Singapore Botanic Gardens are actively expanding the collection of orchids, so Mandai constantly receives more and more new samples of plants from around the world. Botanists study plants and create programs for their hybridization and conservation.

Local residents offer everyone who wants to buy amazing souvenirs - orchid leaves covered with a thin layer of gold and flowers enclosed in special transparent flasks, which, thanks to vacuum, can be preserved in their original form for a long time.

It would seem, what more could you want when you have such a “national treasure”? - Perhaps, to make it international, unparalleled in the world and add an "environmental scope".

For this, an interesting and very extraordinary park project is being implemented in Singapore - "Gardens by the Bay", which will complement the botanical garden with new theme parks (Bay South, Bay East, Bay Central), separated by the waters of the bay.

101 acres of land at the mouth of the Singapore River, or an area of ​​177 football fields, will become a second home for 226,000 plants from around the world, and the proximity of water allows eco-architects to truly “turn around” and recreate many waterfalls and artificial reservoirs among the greenery.

The pedestrian bridge in the form of a DNA molecule will surely become the highlight of the tour, and will allow you to get a lot of impressions from walking along the gallery filled with light. It is also planned to place "Heritage Parks" here - in the language of flora, they will tell about the culture and history of the ethnic groups of Singapore, as well as about the colonial period of the city-state.

Two special greenhouses will create optimal conditions for green inhabitants: plants from the Mediterranean and semi-arid subtropical regions will appreciate the benefits of a dry, cool climate in the "Dome of Flowers", and tropical greenery will perfectly fit into the conditions of the "Cloud Forest" with its high humidity.

But the most original novelty will be 18 giant super-trees made of concrete and steel bars, which are expected to be completed by June next year. 25 and 50-meter buildings weighing from 20 to 85 tons, towering against the backdrop of skyscrapers, are planned not only as vertical gardens with an indescribable futuristic flavor.

Super-trees are much more functional - firstly, they will act as ventilation ducts for greenhouses. Secondly, 11 out of 18 super-trees will be equipped with solar panels that will accumulate solar electricity - and after dark they will help turn the "crowns" of structures into giant living lanterns with a bright play of light and amazing media projections.

These disguised power stations will also serve the entire botanical garden. And, finally, in the trunks of unusual giants, builders will hide tanks for collecting rainwater. To fully understand the importance of such a step, it should be emphasized that for Singaporeans fresh water is extremely valuable, since the state is directly dependent on the supply of water from Malaysia.

Unpretentious ferns, flowering tropical plants and variegated bromeliad epiphytes will help to create a living “shell” for concrete trees, which do not need soil or water from the soil, and can grow on trees right in the air, while receiving moisture from the air and precipitation, and nutrients through their own photosynthesis.

Huge crowns of artificial green giants will serve as an excellent shelter for visitors to Gardens by the Bay from the heat and scorching sun that reigns in the sky of Singapore almost all year round. At a height of 22 meters between the super-trees, the engineers planned to equip the bridge, which will serve as an observation platform and allow you to admire the surrounding panorama from a hill. At the top of the "tree" itself, commerce will also flourish - here you can dine in an elite restaurant, which offers stunning views of the gardens and the bay.

The eco-tech botanical complex Gardens by the Bay will not only revitalize Singapore's Marina South business district, but will also be home to the annual Singapore Garden Festival, as well as - in the future - a picturesque center for various cultural events. There is no doubt that the new attraction will attract even more visitors here - and one day you will have to queue for a trip to Singapore!

P.S.- In the process of writing, I found that ... I have no idea where Singapore is. As I remember now, once in geography lessons (as well as all other lessons) I was absorbed in writing literary samples of the pen, and not with a globe ... Therefore, I found a map and proudly decided to "stick" it here - now I'm in the know. And, if anything, you too ... :)

Singapore Botanic Garden (Singapore): detailed description, address and photo. Opportunities for sports and recreation, infrastructure, cafes and restaurants in the park. Reviews of tourists.

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If you try to make a list of the top ten attractions in Singapore, then the Botanical Garden will definitely be included in this hit list. This reserve is about 150 years old, and it is infinitely beautiful.

Singapore's 101 hectare futuristic gardens are called Gardens by the Bay. There are several greenhouses in the gardens, which allow you to get acquainted with the most diverse representatives of the flora in the world. For example, there is the Flower Dome greenhouse, which maintains a warm subtropical climate. The Cloud Forest Dome greenhouse is slightly smaller (0.8 hectares), humid equatorial conditions reign here and endemics typical of this strip grow. In total, by the way, 220 thousand plants grow in both greenhouses. In addition, a special complex of 18 "trees" from 25 to 50 meters high has been created for tourists in Gardens by the Bay, the highest of which are connected by a 128-meter bridge.

Working hours: every day, from 5:00 to 24:00. The entrance is free. The Orchid National Park, located there, can be visited every day, from 8:30 to 19:00. Ticket offices are open until 18:30. Ticket price: for adults - 5 SGD, for children under 12 years old free of charge.

Prices on the page are for March 2019.

The Singapore Botanical Garden is one of the main attractions of the republic of the same name, located in Southeast Asia. Its founding father was Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who, ironically, is also the ancestor of all of Singapore.

In private life, Sir Raffles was interested in wildlife at an amateur level, which prompted him in 1822 to create a special place for the cultivation of useful crops such as nutmeg, cocoa and cloves. Over time, he got tired of doing this and the already cultivated places came under the leadership of the state, which in 1959 turned them into a decorative recreation park with winding paths and comfortable terraces, a local stage and a small zoo.

Today, the Singapore Botanic Gardens is a unique complex of equatorial vegetation, occupying 52 hectares, consisting of a number of thematic corners. The central place in it is occupied by the Mandai Orchid Park, where you can admire more than 400 varieties of these beautiful flowers, with a total number of about 60 thousand. The Orchid Park consists of four parts.

The first presents Orchids, among which you can also find the Singaporean orchid, bred in 1981, which later became the official symbol of the state. In the second - elite orchids brought from other countries, mainly Southeast Asia. In the third - orchids from countries with a cool climate, contained in a special glass pavilion with a temperature and light that these types of flowers are accustomed to. In the fourth - the Garden of Bromeliads with plants such as pineapples, gusmania, etc. A variety of souvenirs are sold on the territory of the Orchid Park, among which the most original are an orchid in gold and cones with sprouts of natural flowers.

Singapore Botanic Gardens - VIDEO

In addition to Mandai, there are many other wonderful places to visit in the Singapore Botanical Garden - Palm Valley, Fern Greenhouse, Ginger Garden, Swan Lake. The names speak for themselves, but especially for tourists, each plant in the botanical garden is equipped with an illuminated nameplate.


Singapore Botanic Garden - PHOTOS