3D panoramas of airplanes. Virtual planes


The Boeing 777-300 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world equipped with two engines. The airliner is built on the basis of the previous Boeing 777 model, and is distinguished by an increased number of landing seats and an increase in flight range.
Operation of the Boeing 777 on long-haul routes began in 1998.

Virtual tour of the Boeing 777-200 cabin

The Boeing 777 is the largest twin-engine passenger jet in the world. In the 90s, 3D technologies and computer modeling were used for the first time in the development of design documentation.
In 1995, the use of advanced technologies and the installation of additional fuel tanks made it possible to make long- and ultra-long-distance flights of up to 17,000 km on aircraft of this modification.

The Boeing 767 is a wide-body twin-engine jet airliner, released in 1981 and designed for medium and long-haul flights.
The Boeing 767 is recognized as one of the safest and most reliable airliners in the world.

Boeing 747-400 is a long-haul aircraft manufactured in 1989 to carry up to 600 passengers. This is the most popular and recognizable model of Boeing aircraft.
Increased comfort, increased flight range and number of passenger seats, and fundamentally new equipment distinguish the Boeing 747-400 from the previous model.

Virtual tour of the Boeing 738-400/800 aircraft cabin

Boeing 737-400 is an aircraft used for charter operations, a modified model of the Boeing 737-300.
The engines, interior, and avionics have been updated, which allows many companies to still operate it.

Virtual tour of the Boeing 738 Imperial cabin

The Boeing 737 Imperial is a 4th class airliner with 56 seats. It features the highest quality interior materials, an individual menu, and a modern video and music playback system.
Transformable tables will allow you to create a better environment for work and relaxation.

The Boeing 737-500 is a medium-haul aircraft that replaced the Boeing 737-300 in 1990. The designers reduced the length of the aircraft and increased the flight range. Despite the fact that production of this aircraft model was discontinued in 1999, due to its high reliability, many airlines continue to operate it.

Virtual tour of the Boeing 737-300/700 aircraft cabin

The Boeing 737-300 is a medium-range aircraft, a classic representative of the Boeing 737 family, in operation since 1984, but today it is practically out of production.
The Boeing 737-300 is gradually being replaced by new, more modern members of the family - the Boeing 737-400 and Boeing 737-500
New versions of the B737 300 are the Boeing 400, 800 and 900, which are gradually replacing the outdated model.

Virtual tours of Transaero Boeing aircraft

Transaero specialists kindly provided the opportunity to take a virtual tour of the cabins of their Company’s aircraft.
During the virtual tour, visitors will see the interiors of various types of aircraft, will be able to examine the interior, learn how to use the equipment in Imperial and Business classes, and learn some technical information.

The Boeing 777-300 is the largest passenger aircraft in the world equipped with two engines. The airliner is built on the basis of the previous Boeing 777 model, and is distinguished by an increased number of landing seats and an increase in flight range.
Operation of the Boeing 777 on long-haul routes began in 1998.

The production of the airliner continues to this day. Has two and three class layout, available passenger seats"imperial" type. In the airline market, the Boeing 777-300 competes with the Airbus A340-600.
Aircraft dimensions
Airliner length: 73.90 m;
Aircraft height: 18.60 m;
Wingspan: 60.91 m;
Wing area: 427.81 m;
Flight characteristics
Flight range with maximum load: 11090 km;
Maximum cruising speed: 945 km/h;
Run length: 1,810 m;
Number of seats
Crew: 2 seats;
Passenger maximum: 550 seats;
Passenger in two classes: 479 seats.
Passenger in three classes: 365 seats.

Take a fun educational virtual tour in the cabin of a Boeing 777-300

Or Samsung Gear VR needs to be worn to view virtual reality in full.

The Boeing 747-based aircraft was first used in 1959 as a dedicated presidential carrier. He served Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon.
The aircraft is currently on display at the Seattle Air Museum.
But you can take a virtual tour of the 3D model.

The 3D tour begins in the middle of the plane, unmistakably indicated by the boss's chair in front of a table surrounded by banquettes for seating.
As you move towards the rear of the aircraft, you will walk through the concourse and past the secretary's area located on the right. Rows of blue seats, familiar to any airline passenger, are intended for guests.
At the end there are two cozy toilet stalls and a cooking area with unusual (for the time) kitchen utensils.

Virtual tour of the President's plane.
full version of the 3D tour on board No. 1

In the future, it is planned to equip the jet Airbus for the first persons with Spa centers and bars
Return to the front of the plane.
Go back past the boss's chair in Personal Area president. You can step through the open door.
There is a narrow desk with communication equipment, and a bench that converts into a bed. This spartan style served President Eisenhower, who was the first president to use this aircraft. “He said it was a place to work, not a flying palace.”

Each president brought personal touches to enhance their time on Air Force One.
Lyndon Johnson added a hat holder under the table to accommodate his huge Stetson Stetson Cowboy hat (stetson) - a felt, leather or straw hat, with a high rounded crown, concave at the top, and with wide brims turned up on the sides. The modern cowboy hat was invented by John Stetson., and a dog door so his hounds can roam freely throughout the plane.
Many rare items were stolen by visitors during previous viewings, so plexiglass protection is now used, which does not interfere with viewing the remaining rarities.

Continue forward towards the cabin, past the kitchen. To the left is a safe in which nuclear codes are carried when the President is on board.
On the right is a communications station to give the President a secure line to communicate with the ground. Pay attention to the poster reminding: “No secret information with the console speaker” something like “Chatterbox is a godsend for a spy”

The aircraft control cabin has four seats: a commander, a co-pilot, a navigator and an engineer.

An article for 3D fans.