What settlements are along the M4 highway? Fares


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Usually people are in a hurry somewhere along the highways and don’t really stop. Is it just to refuel the car, have a snack, buy water or something else vital...

What if you're not in a hurry? Or hurry, but not too much?..

Highway M4-Don in the Rostov region, 781st kilometer

So, let’s imagine that you are driving along the M4-Don highway... well, let’s say, from Moscow to Novorossiysk. And you have some time. And now you are entering the Rostov region. And you want to not only drive it from end to end (by the way, several hundred kilometers, to be precise, 342 kilometers), but also see something interesting...

Highway M4-Don in the Rostov region, 837th kilometer

The route leads to the Rostov region from the Voronezh region (the last relatively large settlement among its neighbors is the village of Verkhniy Mamon).

Verkhniy Mamon is also the Voronezh region, also the Dyadin farmstead - and we are in the Rostov region

In the Rostov region, the Don highway follows the following route: Millerovo (leaving this city to the west of the highway), Kamensk-Shakhtinsky (driving through it along the edge), Krasny Sulin (leaving it to the west), Shakhty (leaving them to the east), through Aksai, past Rostov -on-Don along the bypass road, across the bridge over the Don River, and goes south, past Bataysk and the village of Samarskoye (leaving them to the west) to the Krasnodar Territory.

M4-Don highway, legend in the Wikipedia version. We have more details :)

Interesting fact: Do you know that in the Rostov region, the city of Rostov-on-Don, the border between Europe and Asia runs along the Don River? Rostov-on-Don is located in Europe. And Bataysk is in Asia. Thus, along the Don federal highway you can travel from Europe to Asia.

The magic of numbers and distances

Steppes, steppes, steppes... Somewhere on the Internet I came across an opinion that the most boring section of the entire M4-Don highway is the Rostov region. Don't believe such statements!

Yes, our landscapes are somewhat monotonous (although after traveling through Kalmykia, I am no longer so sure of this). Of course, you won’t see any mountains, seas, or rocks from the route. But you will see waste heaps, hills, rivers, small forest belts, and in the summer - cheerful fields of sunflowers...

Sunflower fields along the highway

And if you pay a little attention to the M4-Don highway in the Rostov region, it will become much more interesting...

When entering our region from the north side, I always think about the magic of numbers. The Rostov region begins at the 777th kilometer from Moscow.

777th kilometer - the Rostov region begins here

Three lucky numbers (by the way, right there, on the 777th km of the highway, there is a Lukoil gas station).

And if you also remember that the license plate of the region is 61 (in numerology it would be 6+1), then in the end it’s the same seven. This explains a lot, doesn't it? The route in the Rostov region is the happiest! I'm kidding, of course. But, as you know, in every joke...

Sign on the border of the Rostov region

The M4-Don highway, passing through the Rostov region, crosses 8 districts: Chertkovsky, Millerovsky, Tarasovsky, Kamensky, Krasnosulinsky, Oktyabrsky, Aksaisky and Azovsky. And in almost every one of them, not far from the highway, and sometimes on it itself, there is something interesting.

Here we go? And you decide for yourself where to turn, where to stop and where not...

Chertkovsky district

And we will start in order, as we are going, from the north of the region. The Don highway begins in the Rostov region in the Chertkovsky district (of course, if you come from Moscow).

And immediately after the Voronezh region we cross the border line between the regions and find ourselves in the Chertkovsky district.

Chertkovsky district

It’s probably not for nothing that it’s called that: there’s an invisible line between the lands here. In the north of the region - with the Voronezh region, in the west - with Ukraine. But seriously, the area bears the name of military ataman Mikhail Ivanovich Chertkov.

If immediately after entering the Rostov region you leave the highway to the left (just after the 778th kilometer, photo of which is above), towards the village of Kazanskaya (65 kilometers from here), then there is a lot of interesting things there.

Interchange on Kazanskaya

For example, the underground monastery of the village of Migulinskaya (Verkhnedonskaya region). But this is a bit far for those who are just driving along the highway and do not intend to spend several days in our region.

The 779th kilometer is a rest stop near the village of Nagibina, Chertkovsky district. Here you can gain strength before exploring the large and interesting Rostov region.

801st kilometer. Here: traffic police, turn to Chertkovo, cafe, roadside motel.

Interchange on Chertkovo

District center – Chertkovo village. Turn right onto it after the 801st kilometer. And then another 30 kilometers to the village itself.

What is remarkable about this village? It has Friendship of Peoples Street, along which the border between Russia and Ukraine runs. Yes, yes, houses on one side of the street - on Russian territory, and on the other - already Ukrainian. A street with the same name, but already in the village of Melovoe, Lugansk region. Can you imagine how many times a day you can go abroad?

But if jokes of this kind do not interest you, then in the Chertkovsky district there are other sights, significant and historical.

M4-Don highway in Chertkovsky district

For example, the square from “Quiet Don” in the village of Mankovo-Kalitvenskoye. It was to this square that Grigory Melekhov arrived for military training. And to this day, the Maidan in front of the church, where the Cossack circle gathered, has been preserved here.

Also in this village, on Sovetskaya Street, you can see the grave of the writer Yevgeny Petrov, Ilya Ilf’s co-author of “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Golden Calf”.

If you have time, keep in mind that there are also natural attractions here. The most important of them is the Zhuravsky reserve, spread over 12 thousand hectares.

Millerovsky district and Tarasovsky district

Here is the Millerovsky district. It is located in the north-west of the region, and borders Ukraine for 70 kilometers.

At the 854th kilometer there is a Bashneft gas station.

Bashneft gas station at the 854th kilometer

The entire section of the highway in the Rostov region is landscaped. Bus stops are illuminated at night with solar-powered lanterns. There are toilets near the stops.

At the 855th kilometer there is an interchange to the village of Veshenskaya. There - State Museum-Reserve of M. A. Sholokhov. From the interchange to Veshenskaya - 142 kilometers, to the Sholokhov Museum - 144 kilometers. The museum is located in the Sholokhov district, in the village of Veshenskaya at the address: Sholokhov Street, 103. But the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve is a separate issue.

Interchange on Veshenskaya

860th kilometer – interchange at Millerovo. It is only 4 kilometers from the highway. The town of Millerovo itself is small and industrial. It is notable for the fact that it is the northernmost city of the Rostov region, and indeed the entire Southern federal district. It stands on the Glubokaya River. Bears the name of the Russian German Ivan Miller. In our case, Millerovo is also notable for the fact that it is located exactly in the middle of the route along the M4 highway (if you take it all, and not just the section in the Rostov region).

In addition to places associated with the name of the great writer Sholokhov, there are other attractions in the Millerovsky district. For example, Voloshinskaya mountain– a favorite training place for local hang gliders. It is located near the village of Voloshino.

There are still some in Millerovo district Fominsky Reserve, on the territory of which there are 176 mounds (23 of them are archaeological monuments).

After the 878th kilometer comes the Tarasovsky district.

Previously, there were huge traffic jams in front of Tarasovka, and you could get stuck here for a long time. Now they have made a bypass road, and this section of the road has become comfortable for drivers.

39 kilometers to Tarasovsky

It seems that about the Tarasovsky district is all I can tell. To be honest, I don’t know the areas in the north of the region well yet. But it’s clear that there are no attractions right next to the highway.

11 kilometers to Tarasovsky

There are still 202 kilometers to Rostov-on-Don

Well, how do you like the beginning of the M4-Don highway in the Rostov region?

And a big request to everyone who knows these regions well - write your additions in the comments! Maybe I forgot something or overlooked something along the way...

All materials on the “Roads of the World” website are copyrighted. We kindly ask you not to take articles and photographs without permission from the author and the site administration.

© Galina Shefer, “Roads of the World” website, 2014. Copying text and photos is prohibited. All rights reserved.


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The old exits from the traffic intersection will be removed. The following will appear here:

  • exit from the outside of the Moscow Ring Road onto the M-4 Don highway towards the Moscow region;
  • a tunnel from the outside of the Moscow Ring Road to Lipetskaya Street towards the center;
  • an overpass from the inside of the Moscow Ring Road to the M-4 Don highway towards the Moscow region;
  • an overpass from Lipetskaya Street to the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road;
  • exit from the inside of the Moscow Ring Road to Lipetskaya Street;
  • exit from the M-4 Don highway onto Staro-Nagornaya Street;
  • exit from Lipetskaya street onto a side passage towards the region;
  • U-turn exit from Lipetskaya Street to a side passage along Lipetskaya Street.

On Lipetskaya Street, when moving towards the Moscow Region, inspection areas will be installed Vehicle. The Zagorye settling and turning area will be rebuilt.

The section of the Moscow Ring Road from Kashirskoye to Varshavskoye highway is being reconstructed. Its length is 7.2 km. Transition express lanes will be installed here, and side passages will be built on the inner and outer sides of the Moscow Ring Road.

From the outside of the Moscow Ring Road there will be an exit to the village. Near Prudishchi, Leninsky district, Moscow region.

Five new pedestrian crossings will be built. Four of them are via the Moscow Ring Road:

  • next to the bus stop ground transport near the Krasnogvardeyskaya metro station;
  • near Vostryakovsky passage;
  • near Podolsky Kursantov Street;
  • near the 26th km of the Moscow Ring Road.

Another crossing will be built across Lipetskaya Street.

Noise barriers will be installed along the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road and Lipetskaya Street (near houses 50, 52 and 54/21).

Noise-proof double-glazed windows will be installed in houses 17, building 1, 50, 52 and 54/21 on Lipetskaya Street and in houses on Vostryakovsky Proezd.

At the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with Lipetskaya Street, utilities and the contact network of trolleybuses, whose routes lie in the construction zone, will be rebuilt.

The M-4 Don highway is regularly in the news this year. First - the Tsukerova Balka traffic police post in Krasnodar region, now there are many kilometers of traffic jams in the Voronezh region. Locals for a fee they began to show an alternative path

Traffic jam on the M-4 Don highway. Photo: Alexander Ryumin/TASS

Updated at 17:59

U federal highway M-4 "Don" even has its own community V social network"In contact with". The revival in the user group begins during the holiday season: reviews of roadside cafes, cameras, road accidents, endless traffic jams in which motorists waste precious time.

Most of the negative comments on traffic jams are in the Voronezh region. Here, due to road works, you will lose a little time at the fork near the town of Ramon, before entering Voronezh.

A real “great standstill” awaits drivers near the village of Losevo, where the four-lane highway turns into a two-lane one. Per day in holiday season 30 thousand cars pass this section with a capacity of 14. As a result, a section of 28 kilometers takes an average of three to four hours. Driver Denis commented to Business FM directly from a traffic jam on the M-4:

“I got stuck in a traffic jam 50 kilometers before Losevo. At first we stood tightly for 10-15 kilometers, but now some movement began. The map shows that until Losevo everything will be red. We’re driving at a maximum of 20 kilometers per hour for now.”​

Editor of the Vesti-Voronezh website Tatyana Dorofeeva says that the already tense traffic situation during the holiday season becomes catastrophic:

“In mid-June there was a traffic jam there, I think, for 50 kilometers, and a couple of days ago - 45 kilometers. The speed of movement is 3.5 kilometers per hour, you can imagine. It's real hell there. Local boys are riding closer to Losevo on mopeds with signs saying “I’ll show you a detour.” They ask for 300 rubles, but the detour they show is, of course, extreme: either along a dirt road, or even across fields. You can’t get through there in bad weather, but in good weather it’s quite possible to leave your wheels there.”

In addition to the enterprising “Susanins,” roadside cafes make good money, including on adjacent roads, where vacationers are desperately looking for a detour. They promise to build the bypass road by the end of 2019, until then drivers will have to bite their lips and take it for granted.

The M4 - Don highway has a length of 1543.7 km and connects Moscow and Novorossiysk. Initially, the road had only two lanes for vehicle traffic, and the lanes were not separated from each other by protective barriers, which led to a large number of accidents, most often fatal. As a result, the route was called the road of death.

The construction time of the route is not precisely recorded, because... it was built from existing sites, but the date 1957-1961 is more common than others, and it is taken as the time of creation of the road.

In 1984, construction began on a traffic-light-free road backup in the Moscow region. By 1990, two launch complexes were built and put into operation in the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region with a length of 18.4 km.

After the collapse of the USSR in December 1991, the highway was included by the Russian government in the list of federal roads, receiving its modern name. At the same time, it was extended by almost 500 km by adding to it a section of the former Rostov-on-Don - Beslan - Baku route from Rostov-on-Don to Pavlovskaya, the Pavlovskaya - Krasnodar, Krasnodar - Dzhubga roads, as well as a section of the former Sukhumi highway from Novorossiysk to Dzhubga.

In 1997, active construction of a road backup in the Moscow region was resumed, which made it possible to commission 72 km of road with 4 to 8 lanes in 1999, and another 63 km in the Moscow and Tula regions in 2000. As a result, the current route of the Don highway is a continuation of Lipetskaya Street in Moscow. The former route - the old Kashirskoye Highway has lost its former significance and serves mainly for regional transportation, as well as to bypass traffic jams that appear on the Don highway due to repairs or accidents.

In the 2000s, the reconstruction of the highway along its entire length continued, as a result of which most of the road received separate carriageways and multi-level intersections with other roads, and the length of sections with artificial lighting increased. Bypasses of Bogoroditsk (2009), Verkhniy Mamon (including a new bridge over the Don, 2009), Boguchar (2009), Efremov (2010), Yelets (including a new bridge over Bystraya Sosna, 2011), Yarkin (2011), Tarasovsky (2013) were built ) and other settlements, the Voronezh bypass was reconstructed (2013).

In the summer, the road is often overloaded due to the large number of vacationers traveling in cars with families from Moscow and other major cities on Black Sea coast Caucasus, to other favorable recreation areas of the Rostov region, Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, Crimea, as well as because of trucks exporting agricultural products from the southern regions of Russia to Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions for sale. Significant traffic jams occur during repair work in the Voronezh and Rostov regions, as well as on a two-lane section of the road in the south of the Voronezh region.

Traffic jams also periodically occur in front of toll booths on the toll section in the Moscow region (48-71st km).

In winter, during bad weather, problems with driving along the mountainous section of the road in the Krasnodar Territory are possible. But sometimes, due to snowfalls and ice, problems arise in flat areas: for example, at the end of 2009, traffic was paralyzed for several days on an unreconstructed section of the road in the Rostov region due to heavy snowfalls.

The main traffic jam-forming places are narrowings from 2+2 to 1+1, for example, at the beginning of the narrow Losevo-Pavlovsk section. There is also a traffic jam around the village of Loseva, where the 1+1 road is slowed down by a zebra crossing in the center of the village. There are similar places in the area of ​​Rostov-on-Don (narrow bridges and exits near the Mega shopping center and the city of Bataysk) and in the area of ​​Krasnodar (narrow bridge and exit at the junction of the Rostov highway).

In general, the M4 highway today has the largest number toll points and their number will grow in the near future.

When leaving Moscow towards Novorossiysk, do not forget to stop at our technical station. service and check the car. Confidence in the health of your car is the key to the health of you and your passengers.

Due to the high traffic on the route in the summer, we ask you to sign up for maintenance in advance. inspection and repair.

Have you decided to go on vacation to the south in your own car? If you don’t want to ruin your vacation before it even starts, I recommend reading this article. Today I’ll tell you about the two most common scams on the highway that you may encounter on the road. I'm tired of constantly watching how innocent motorists are being bullied. I hope this article will save at least someone from such troubles on the road.

Nowadays, the outright lawlessness of traffic cops, which they committed in the 2000s, has become history. Today you will no longer encounter the arbitrariness that happened at the “famous” post, but scamming drivers into bribes is still used quite effectively. Now extortion of money occurs much more civilly and less intrusively than before, since the mechanisms for combating corruption, at the very least, have begun to work and traffic cops are periodically sent to prison.

All schemes are quite primitive and are designed for your fatigue, inattention, haste and desire to quickly get to your destination.

Scam on M4 Don for markings or oncoming traffic

There are different options for this method of divorce, but the essence is the same. I will describe the situation using my own example.

I pass the Rostov traffic police post at the address: st. Otkrytaya, 1. When moving in a southerly direction, the post is located in front of the bridge over the Don River.

The inspector stops. I present the documents to the employee and he immediately, muttering something under his breath, leaves and takes a position at the trunk, behind the car.

At this point, I made a grave mistake and left the car before the employee voiced his intentions or complaints to me. I thought that he wanted to inspect the trunk and went after him so as not to waste time.

Next, the traffic police officer tells me that I violated the traffic rules, and specifically drove over the markings indicating the turning point of oncoming traffic, that is, I seemed to have crossed the oncoming lane. Naturally I am indignant.

Always remain seated in the vehicle until the inspector has made it clear what he wants you to do. If you have a recorder, turn it so that it records your conversation with the traffic police officer. In 99% of cases, there will be no further dialogue with you, they will give you your license and you will move on, saving your time and nerves.

Then the acting begins. The traffic cop demonstratively contacts someone on the radio and they confirm to him that it was my car that violated the rules and this was recorded on some kind of camera. He tells me that I will be subject to deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months. Once again I confidently tell him that I did not violate anything. Next we go to the traffic police post, to a separate “VIP” room, not equipped with anything at all. There was only a table and two chairs, there wasn’t even a basic laptop to show anything in fact. Next, the inspector sits down at the table and invites me to sit opposite me. I refuse and take a position almost point-blank towards him. Here the traffic cop makes a mistake, since psychologically he finds himself in a less advantageous position for putting pressure on me - I’m on top, he’s on bottom)) After which I go on the attack and start bombarding him with questions: where the violation was committed, at what time, who gave the information , why they didn’t immediately stop you on the spot, and so on (naturally, the employee was essentially unable to answer most of the questions). And at the end of my fiery speech, I demand to show photo and video evidence of the violation and propose to start drawing up a protocol.

The police officer refuses to draw up a report, saying that he personally does not have materials on the case and they will be sent to the court at his place of residence. Returns my rights. In simple terms, this means that the employee jumped back, realizing that he could not receive the bribe.

No one will send any materials to any court, because they simply do not exist. Even if you theoretically imagine that they exist, then at most you will receive a letter with a fine, and not a court hearing! If you were not stopped at the exact moment of the violation, then there can be no deprivation of your license, since it will be impossible to prove who exactly was driving the car at the time of the violation.

Speeding scam

This scheme is similar to the situation described above. Only in this case does a scam for speed occur and you will be shown a record of your alleged violation.

This is the meaning. A traffic cop stops you and says that you have exceeded the speed limit by more than 60 kilometers, which entails deprivation of your license. Next, on your laptop (and sometimes even on your phone :)) you will be shown a real photo of your car with a recorded speed. But the point is that it is impossible to understand from the photo where it was taken or what the permissible speed was there. In another option, the place will be known and a specific kilometer will be indicated, but the permissible speed there was, for example, not 90 km/h, but 30. They will assure you that there was some kind of sign there and you did not notice it. Most likely, there was no sign, and the camera is not “officially” positioned.

In this situation:

  • Demand to provide the device for reconciliation on which the violation was recorded.
  • The photo should indicate the permissible speed and the speed at which your car was moving. During a divorce, most likely, only the speed of the car will be indicated.
  • If the camera is in one place, but you are stopped in another, then this is not a deprivation, but only a fine.

Let's analyze the situation and summarize

All frauds involving falsification of traffic violations are quite primitive and are designed to quickly confuse the driver. Since traffic cops are afraid of being caught while “processing a client,” they quickly retreat at the slightest resistance. Time is also an important factor, and time is money)). If you resist, then it’s easier for them to let you go and catch another, more accommodating car owner.

  1. Be confident. Don't show your fatigue. Take your time. Try not to be nervous.
  2. When traffic police stop you, never get out of your car unless absolutely necessary. The law does not oblige you to do this. If an employee, without explanation, begins to leave with your documents to an unknown destination, remind him that he does not have the right to do this without your permission.
  3. Do not unquestioningly obey all the inspector’s requests, since most of them are requests and not demands. You are not obliged to comply with requests and this does not constitute disobedience to a traffic police officer. For example, in 99% of cases an employee does not have the legal right to demand you get out of the car; he can only ask you to do it.
  4. Do not play by the rules that the employee offers you, but try to impose your own (within the limits of the law), as this will distract the employee from the proven divorce scheme. He asks you to get out of the car - don’t get out, asks you to sit down - stand still, asks you a question - ignore it and ask your own, etc.
  5. Avoid questions that are not relevant to the situation: where are you going, where do you work, etc. If the inspector realizes that you have money, he will cling to you like a tick))
  6. If you are accused of some kind of violation, then behave confidently. Ask leading questions quickly and clearly. If you feel that the inspector is “floating” in some topic. Ask the same question even more persistently and confidently. Demand to see evidence. Demand that a protocol be drawn up.
  7. If your violation was recorded by a camera, and the traffic cop stopped you later, then let him know that you are aware that this is, at a minimum, no longer a deprivation of rights. Then he will no longer be interested in you.
  8. Film your communication on your mobile phone or communicate in the presence of witnesses. For example, you are driving with your wife, they stop you and drag you to a checkpoint - go together, the law does not prohibit this.

And lastly, most importantly!

Do not, under any circumstances, think about taking a bribe!

Firstly, by thinking about a possible payoff if something suddenly goes wrong, you are already subconsciously admitting yourself guilty. The traffic cop will sense this and “eat” you)

And secondly, do not give bribes, since supply creates demand. If you don’t give, then there will be no one to cheat. And if you really violated it, then be prepared to answer according to the law if you want to live in a normal and civilized country.

Another famous place, where you can be deprived of your license for crossing a continuous road - on the M4.

Friends, do not remain indifferent to the arbitrariness of the traffic police on the roads! Write complaints on the traffic police website and help disseminate this article on social networks.

Good luck to everyone on the roads and have a nice holiday!

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