The role of women on the continent of Mu. Forgotten Reality


Lemuria is a mysterious continent lost somewhere under the waters of the Indian Ocean. Its name is based on the name of the primate lemur that lives on the island of Madagascar. Lemurs in Rome were the name given to the spirits of the dead, and when Europeans encountered unusual primates with sparkling eyes and strange tails in the sixteenth century, they named them after the ancient supernatural creatures.

Soon, species of primates related to lemurs were discovered in India and Southeast Asia, which prompted researchers to think about the unusual nature of such a distribution area. How could lemurs that couldn't swim cross the Indian Ocean? Such a habitat could only be explained on the basis of the hypothesis that there previously existed a certain continent that united Asia and Africa. The English scientist Philip Lutley Sclater suggested that Lemuria was just such a place.

According to modern ideas, a single continent uniting Australia, Africa, Antarctica, South America, the Hindustan Peninsula and the island of Madagascar really existed at the end of the Paleozoic. This is the so-called "Gondwana". Its disappearance, or rather its splitting, is explained by drift. Starting from the Mesozoic, the huge continent began to break up into separate parts of land, which we now call continents and islands.

But the ancient Gondwanan fauna preserved on them, the representatives of which are considered to be modern lemurs and their closest relatives, still bears common features, despite the many miles of the World Ocean separating it. Such assumptions are confirmed by the fact that the inhabitants of Madagascar are much closer in body structure to the eastern equatorials, that is, to the inhabitants of Indonesia, and not to the Negroids.

This version was supported by the famous materialist scientist Friedrich Engels, who believed that an intermediate link of evolution between man and ape lived on the sunken continent from ancient times: “Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, in an era that cannot yet be precisely defined, that period in the development of the Earth, which geologists call Tertiary, Presumably towards the end of this period, an unusually highly developed breed of anthropoid apes lived somewhere in a hot zone, in all likelihood on a vast continent now located at the bottom of the Indian Ocean.”

The hypothesis about the existence in the distant past of the subsequently disappeared continent My in the Pacific Ocean is inextricably linked with the name of the English Colonel James Churchward. Thanks to his long and extensive research and the fascinating books he wrote, the history of the country My, its developed civilization and tragic death became the property of mankind.

"Empire of the Sun" of the My Continent

Conservative-minded scientists, for whom the history of mankind is an unshakable concrete “building” that cannot be rebuilt, completed, much less, God forbid(!), destroyed, consider the English researcher James Churchward an adventurer and an arrogant self-taught person who dared to express his view on ancient history, radically different from academic ideas. Who really was this English colonel who wrote the book “The Lost Continent of My: The Ancient Home of Humanity”?

James Churchward was born on February 27, 1851 in Bridestowe (Okehampton, UK). He was brought up in a large family, he had four brothers and four sisters. In 1869, his family moved to London, and soon James went to military service in India for several years; little is known about this period of his life. After an unsuccessful attempt to start tea plantations in Sri Lanka, he moved to the United States. There he became interested in the works about the continent of My by the American occultist Auguste Le Plongeon; It is believed that Churchward borrowed the main details about the country of My and its civilization from him. In the USA he worked as a metallurgical engineer and patented a number of inventions, including a new grade of armor steel for the needs of the Navy. In 1914, he settled in Lakeville (Connecticut) and began literary work, writing a number of books about the ancient continent of Mu. Died January 4, 1936.

About the continent of My, Churchward wrote the following: “This continent was a huge hilly country, stretching from Hawaii in the north to the southernmost part of the ocean, Easter Islands and Fiji. My extended over 5,000 miles from west to east (7,620 kilometers) and over 3,000 miles from north to south (4,572 kilometers). This vast and abundant land was crossed and fed by many wide and calm rivers and streams... Lush vegetation covered this land. This delightful landscape was completed by bright and fragrant flowers on the trees and bushes... At the time in question, 64 million people were divided into ten tribes or peoples, each of which was different from the rest, although all were subject to a common government. Many generations before, people chose a king for themselves and added the prefix Ra to his name. He was a high priest and emperor named Ra-Mu. The empire itself was called the Empire of the Sun."

Ancient tablets from an Indian temple

Where did the researcher get such detailed information about the long-vanished continent? According to Churchward, his introduction to the secrets of the disappeared continent of My began during his military service in India. The British officer treated the Indians well, did not show any arrogance in his relations with them, and respected the ancient Indian culture. This helped him meet the abbot of one of the ancient temples, who later became his friend and mentor. A very trusting relationship developed between them; in his writings, Churchward called him a rishi (sage).

With the help of his mentor, James mastered meditation, the symbolism of Hinduism, and began to decipher ancient temple inscriptions. Once a rishi told him about very ancient stone tablets kept in the temple, Churchward persuaded him to show them. The British were so interested in the symbolic images and texts on the tablets that he decided to decipher them. After several months of hard work, James, with the help of a mentor, managed to do this. The tablets described the creation of the world and the appearance of man, and all this happened on the continent of My. Using every opportunity, Churchward visited various Indian temples, trying to obtain new information about the continent of My and the ancient history of mankind.

After his stay in India, Churchward visited a number of countries, read a lot of different sources about history, geology, and archaeological research, finding more and more information about the disappeared continent of My and its civilization. In America, he met with amateur archaeologist William Niven, the owner of two sets of ancient wooden “tablets”. Studying them carefully, James discovered signs on them that were already familiar to him from tablets from an Indian temple. The deciphering of Niven’s “tablets,” carried out by James together with their owner, provided information about the death of a huge continent and its inhabitants in the Pacific Ocean. This is how Churchward accumulated information about the continent of My.

Civilization died, but traces remained

According to Churchward's information, the My continent, which sank as a result of the cataclysm, consisted of three parts, separated by straits and seas. The various parts of the great country were connected by stone-paved roads, and there were seven main cities on the mainland, as well as many smaller settlements. Most of the population had white skin, but there were also representatives of the yellow, brown and black races. In this regard, an interesting fact is that the Dutch, having discovered Easter Island, met people with different skin colors there. Doesn't this mean that representatives of different races of the My empire once escaped on the island?

A British researcher wrote that the My civilization, 50 thousand years old, was technically advanced and became the ancestor of the civilizations of the Mayans, Atlantis, Babylon, India, Egypt, and Persia. In his opinion, they were all once colonies of My. Churchward believed that My and Atlantis died approximately 11-12 thousand years ago due to giant gas cavities that existed under the earth's surface. Gases escaped from underground cavities, the fragile balance was disrupted, the earth collapsed into voids, the waters of the Pacific Ocean poured into it, and My country perished. Miraculously, the few surviving inhabitants of My ended up on small islands, where they quickly degenerated and even reached the point of cannibalism.

Although the My civilization perished, traces of it still remained. Churchward wrote: “On some of the South Sea islands, particularly on Easter Island, Mangaia, Tongatapu, Ponape and the Mariana Islands, ancient stone temples and ruins have survived to this day, taking us back to the era of My. In the city of Uxmal in the Yucatan there is a dilapidated temple on which is carved an inscription about “the lands in the West from whence we came,” and the impressive Mexican pyramid southwest of Mexico City, according to the inscription decorating it, was erected as a monument to the destruction of all the same “lands in the West".

Evidence from the Ancient Indians and Mayans

It should be noted that James Churchward, the French occultist writer Auguste Le-Plongeon and other supporters of the real existence of the My continent and its civilization found many different historical confirmations of their views. For example, in the ancient Indian book “Valmiki” there is a mention that the inhabitants of My were famous as excellent sailors, their numerous ships sailed throughout the World Ocean, “from the western to the eastern oceans, from the northern to the southern seas... They were wonderful architects and built from stone huge temples and palaces.”

The French scientist Brasseur de Bourbourg deciphered an ancient Mayan inscription in Yucatan, which is now called the Troan Manuscript. A document kept in the British Museum in London says: “In the year 6 Kan, on the 11th day of Muluk of the month Sak, terrible earthquakes began, which continued until the 13th Chuen without interruption. The country of the hills of the earth - the country of My - was sacrificed. Having moved twice, she disappeared during the night, constantly shaken by lights from the ground. Being compressed in the depths, they caused the earth to rise and collapse several times in different places. At last the surface of the earth gave way, and ten countries were torn and scattered. They sank along with 64 million inhabitants 8060 years before the time this book is written."

Another ancient Mayan document called the Codex of Cortés, which is kept in the National Museum of Madrid (Spain), also mentions the country of My. Here is one of the references: “With his strong hand, Homen caused the earth to tremble just after sunset, and during the night My, the land of the hills of the earth, sank.” And here’s another: “Mu, the life of the seas was drowned by Homen in one night...” The ancient Greek philosopher Plato also mentioned Mu; in his book “Timaeus” it is written: “In My Country there were ten nations.” By the way, another name for the continent My is Pacifida.

"("Country of immortals, magicians and sorcerers. When was there a "golden age" on Earth?) reconstructions concerned only Hyperborea and did not affect other mythical continents - Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, Pacifida, etc. I was able to understand what they were on the recently opened website “Earth before the Flood - Vanished Continents and Civilizations” on which, in the topic “”, experts from various professions - geologists, historians - expressed their opinions about the nature and time of existence of Lemuria and other mythical continents , philosophers and esotericists. In the same topic, the last veil of fog was lifted over the still remaining secret of Hyperborea.
I will not retell the content of the discussion about Lemuria, since you can read it yourself. I'll get straight to the main point. Lemuria is part of the southern supercontinent Gondwana, well known to geologists (which existed from 200-180 million years ago) after Africa and South America broke away from it about 150 million years ago.
In the form described in esoteric works, Lemuria existed from the end of the Late Jurassic era or from the turn of the Jurassic and Cretaceous eras (150 - 145 million years ago) to the turn of the early and middle Cretaceous eras (110 million years ago) and then included the united Antarctica, Madagascar, Hindustan, Australia and New Zealand, and also, according to some sources, South America and the Kerguelen Plateau in the Atlantic Ocean (Africa began to separate from South America 140-135 million years ago).
110 million years ago, Hindustan separated from Antarctica, and in the early or middle Eocene 55-45
million years ago (according to other sources, 40 million years ago) Antarctica from Australia. At the turn of the Eocene and Oligocene about 34 million years ago (according to other sources, 40-45 million years ago), Antarctica found itself in the region of the south pole, and glaciation began there, which significantly intensified at the turn of the Paleogene and Neogene periods (24 million . years ago). Madagascar moved slightly away from Africa, and Australia made a slow rotational movement counterclockwise and, as a result, remained to this day in the southern hemisphere.
From 110 million years ago, the most important fragment of Lemuria became Hindustan, which for more than 55 million years (until the early Eocene, about 55 million years ago) moved at a speed of 9-10 cm per year in a northerly direction towards the outskirts of Eurasia. At that time, between Hindustan and Eurasia there was a warm Tethys Ocean and numerous islands. In the late Eocene, approximately 40 million years ago, a “frontal” collision of Hindustan with Eurasia began, which continued throughout the Oligocene, Neogene and Quaternary periods. As a result of the interaction of two continental plates, the
The Tethys Ocean formed Tibet, the Hindu Kush, the Pamirs and the Himalayas. At first they were low elevations covered with tropical forests. In the Middle Miocene-Pliocene epoch of the Neogene period (18-3.4 million years ago), in the place of Tibet there was a vast land raised by about 1 km, on which there were many lakes, meandering rivers flowed and tropical and subtropical forests grew. The Himalayas were mountains of small height. They were covered with tropical rainforests and forest-steppes. Rivers that flowed from Tibet cut deep into them. The modern appearance of the Tibet plateau and the Hindu Kush, Pamir and Himalaya mountain ranges took on the second half of the Pliocene epoch of the Neogene period and the Quaternary period (3.4 - 0 million years ago).

The collision of Hyperborea - Eurasia with Lemuria - Hindustan led to the penetration of two completelydifferent groups of the population of the antediluvian Earth - humanoid gods, demons and their descendants from the north (Aditya, Daitya, Gandharvas, Apsaras, etc.) and snake-like and multi-armed gods, demons and their human descendants from the south. Or, in the language of anthropologists, the Aryan (Nordic) and Dravidian types of population, which led to the great mixing and formation over the past 40 million years of numerous types of intelligent beings and peoples (see also).

Hyperborea - Laurasia and its fragments connected by the land Arctic

Hyperborea corresponded to another supercontinent that existed simultaneously with Gondwana 200 - 135 million years ago - Laurasia, which began to split into separate continents (North America, Eurasia, individual continental masses in the Arctic) in the Early Cretaceous era (140 - 135 million years back). However, for a long time after this, there was a land connection between North America and Eurasia through the Arctic (the islands of Arctic Canada, Greenland, the central and eastern part of the Arctic, which was then dry land). The northern part of Hyperborea was the habitat of the white gods (Adityas, Gandharvas, Apsaras (and others), etc.), and later - their human descendants, the Aryans.

Children of Mu

The Land of Mu was a huge continent located in the Pacific Ocean between America and Asia, with its center just south of the equator.

Estimates of its size from those still above water give a figure of six thousand miles from north to south. All the rocky islands and archipelagos scattered across the Pacific Ocean today were once part of the continent of Mu.

Destructive earthquakes destroyed Mu about 12 thousand years ago. The gushing Pacific waters buried the highest civilization and sixty million people. Easter Island, Tahiti, Samoa, the Cook and Gilbert Islands, the Marshall, Caroline, Mariana, Hawaiian and Marquesas Islands stand today like sentries to the silent

graves. James Churchward spent fifty years trying to reconstruct from fragments the history of the lost civilization of Mu.

Ancient continent of Mu. The ancestral home of humanity

The cradle of humanity was not in the Middle East, as biblical teaching claims, and not in East Africa, as modern science suggests, but on a now-vanished continent in the Pacific Ocean. The name of this vast land - Mu - means “homeland”, and to this day in many languages ​​of the Earth the word “mother” begins with “m”.

In 1868, English Colonel James Churchward, while serving in India, became friends with an old Hindu priest who helped him decipher stone tablets that had been kept for many centuries in the farthest corner of the temple. Ancient writings told about a forgotten civilization that appeared, flourished and disappeared in the waters of the Pacific Ocean long before Atlantis, which repeated its fate.

It is difficult to find a person who has not heard of Atlantis. Much less is written about the land of Mu (or Pacifida), a continent that once existed in the Pacific Ocean and sank to the bottom as a result of a natural disaster. But it has much more rights to recognition by official science than Atlantis (

British Army Colonel Churchward
In 1926, in the United States, 75-year-old former British Army Colonel James Churchward published the book The Lost Continent of Mu: The Original Home of Humankind. The first chapters resembled a wildly twisted adventure novel.

In 1870, while commanding one of the units of the cavalry corps, the British officer Churchward found himself in northern India in the vicinity of an ancient Buddhist monastery. The inquisitive young Englishman went to the monks, who received him with oriental cordiality.

During the conversation, the monks developed great respect for the guest and the abbot of the monastery showed the Englishman sacred relics - clay tablets covered with writing. None of the monks knew this language, but a legend was passed down from generation to generation that they described events that happened many thousands of years ago. The 19-year-old officer began to ask to give him these tablets and the abbot could not refuse the highly respected guest.

Knowing the morals of British officers who returned home from campaigns burdened with “souvenirs,” we can assume a slightly different version of events. Most likely, the British cavalrymen plundered the monastery, and the commander, among other things, grabbed clay tablets with inscriptions that had no value in the eyes of the soldiers.

After retiring as a colonel, Churchward devoted more than 10 years to studying and deciphering the tablets and was able to read them. The tablets told about a huge continent that once existed on the territory of what is now the Pacific Ocean. The continent, which perished more than 10 thousand years ago, was called by the inhabitants Hitida or the Land of Mu.

Hitid civilization
On the huge continent (Churchward determined its dimensions to be 8,000x5,000 km), a highly developed civilization flourished with dozens of cities and a population of 60 million people. The Hitedayans had clairvoyance, levitation, teleportation, and levitation. They made astral travel, used the energy of the sun and certain magic crystals.

Map of the continent of Mu according to Churchward

The seven main cities were centers of science and the arts, religion and trade. The capital was the city of Tara, which had a developed underground infrastructure.

A civilization that flourished for 4,500 years was destroyed by an asteroid that fell to Earth. After a terrible collision, a wave of earthquakes and tsunamis swept across the planet, and dormant volcanoes awoke.

The continent split into pieces and went under water. Several islands remained on the surface, which were once the highest points of the mainland. The remnants of a once numerous people scattered across the Earth, carrying with them the preserved grains of knowledge, giving impetus to the development of the civilizations of India, Egypt, Babylon and Mesopotamia.

Being a wealthy man, Churchward visited Tibet, Central Asia, Burma, Egypt, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, spending almost all of his fortune searching for traces of a vanished civilization. In the USA, he met with the American archaeologist William Niven, who discovered inscriptions in Mexico similar to those found in Churchward.

It's a fake, and not very skillful either.
This is exactly how official science reacted to James Churchward’s book. The decodings of the clay tablets he made were ridiculed and called absurd, and the artifacts found related to the Land of Mu were called crude fakes. Titled academics called Churchward nothing more than a “professional adventurer”; his book was called pseudoscientific.

Despite the persecution, Churchward continued his research, published several more articles and books, which were subject to the same obstruction. In 1936, ridiculed and unrecognized, Churchward died, and the unwanted clay tablets and his collected collection of artifacts disappeared.

A look from today
The myth of Atlantis arose from two dialogues (works) of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, Timaeus and Critias. There is no convincing material evidence of the existence of this ancient continent with a developed culture.

Small finds presented by enthusiasts, allegedly originating from the state of the Atlanteans, cannot serve as convincing evidence. Even the location of Atlantis is in question. The missing land was placed in a dozen and a half places, from Central America to Scandinavia.

However, this does not in the least prevent one from believing in Atlantis, and world-famous scientists are discussing the possibility of the existence of an ancient civilization.

In the place of the disappeared Hatida, dozens of islands remain, on which archaeologists find ruins of temples, megalithic buildings, and fragments of statues. The ruins of the city of Nan-Madol, comparable in scale to the idols of Fr. Easter, the Indonesian pyramid of Gunung Padang, is 1.3 times higher than the Egyptian one and 5 times older. Tonga Gate on the island. Tongatapu, stone columns in the Northern Mariana Islands - scientists don't even have a suitable theory to explain all these archaeological phenomena.

Meanwhile, if we assume the existence of the Pacifida (the continent of Mu) in the past, everything immediately falls into place.