Bus schedule red ray snowy. Snowy route - red beam


Using our website, you can plot the route Snezhnoye - Krasny Luch both by car and by public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed based on maps from Yandex and Google services. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you were able to find out how to get by car from Snezhnoye (Ukraine) to Krasny Luch (Ukraine).

Distance between Snow and Red Ray

If you drive along the road by car, the distance between Snezhnoye, Snezhnyansky city council, Donetsk region and Krasny Luch, Krasnoluchsky city council, Lugansk region is 0 km.

  • Travel time

    Less than 1 minute

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and food

  • Fuel consumption

    with a consumption of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter

  • Straight line distance

    distance between centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Distance by road

    according to the Yandex Maps service for 2015

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    (DOK) Donetsk → (ROV) Rostov-on-Don

    (ROV) Rostov-on-Don → (DOK) Donetsk

    (ROV) Rostov-on-Don → (HRK) Zaporozhye

    (HRK) Zaporozhye → (DOK) Donetsk

Railway tickets

Need inexpensive ones train tickets in Krasny Luch or in Snezhny? We will help you in this matter. Follow the link. .

Bus tickets

Do you need inexpensive tickets for intercity or international buses in Krasny Luch or Snezhny? We will help you in this matter. Follow the link. Tickets for intercity buses.

Closest airports to Krasny Luch

Closest airports to Snezhnoye

  • Lugansk, Lugansk City Council, Lugansk region, Ukraine.
  • Donetsk, Donetsk City Council, Donetsk region, Ukraine.
  • Rostov-on-Don, Rostov-on-Don urban district, Rostov region, Russia.
  • Zaporozhye, Zaporozhye City Council, Zaporozhye region, Ukraine.


Do you need to find and book an inexpensive hotel in Krasny Luch or Snezhny? There is a convenient resource on our website online booking hotels. Just follow the link.

The distance to Snezhnoe Krasny Luch by car is 21 km, the distance in miles is 14. The straight line distance is 15 km. Approximate travel time - 20 minutes.

Listed below settlements, encountered along the route along this road route. The arrival time for each of them is also shown (taking into account time zones). To plan your trip more accurately, please indicate your departure time and average travel speed. You can obtain information about the passage of a given section of the route in the light or dark of the day. Places you arrive at after sunset will be marked with a special symbol, and places where the time zone is different from the time zone at your starting point will be marked with a symbol.

Check out time:


Us. pointsTime




9 km


16 km

Red Ray

21 km

Panorama of Snow and Red Ray

Driving along a pre-planned route is a way to eliminate problems that may arise in unfamiliar areas and overcome the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Don’t miss out on details; check the map in advance for all complex road forks.
Don't forget a few simple rules:

  • Any driver traveling long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having planned your route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has various modes. Take advantage of the work of ordinary Internet users and use the "People's Map" mode. Perhaps you will find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. Preliminary calculation of time and a constructed travel route will help you stay on schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. This way, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use substances that cause alcohol or drug intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication while driving. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error when measuring blood alcohol levels is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), drinking alcohol while driving is strictly prohibited.
Good luck on the roads!

Latest Russian news for today December 24, 2016. Russian armored vehicles will become smarter. Obama signed a law limiting military cooperation with Russia. The Ministry of Transport confirmed the doubling of the tariff under the Platon system.

The Ministry of Transport confirmed the doubling of the tariff under the Platon system, truckers protest

Russian Transport Minister Maxim Sokolov confirmed messages Media reports that in 2017 the tariff under the Platon system will be doubled, to 3.06 rubles. “The Platon system has worked normally for a year, it’s time to switch to a new tariff. Now it’s one ruble 53 kopecks, it’s necessary to switch to 3.06 rubles. This needs to be done in 2017,” Sokolov said.

According to the minister quoted by TASS, a truck weighing more than 12 tons causes damage to the road surface “equal to the passage of 20-30 thousand cars.” “The point of the Platon system is to create equal conditions for the use of roads by all types of transport,” Sokolov noted.

The tariff for heavy trucks weighing more than 12 tons under the Platon system has been in effect since November 15, 2015. Initially it was planned at 3.73 rubles per kilometer, but due to mass protests by truckers it was reduced to 1.53 rubles.

It was assumed that from March 1, 2016, the tariff would increase to 3.06 rubles per kilometer, but it was decided to abandon this increase until the fall of 2016, after which it was planned to return to the discussion of the tariff issue.

As the newspaper reported "Vedomosti" On December 16, in 2016, fees under the Platon system were expected to amount to approximately 20 billion rubles. However, as of December 15, only 18.15 billion rubles were transferred to the federal road fund.

Moreover, despite the adjusted tariff increase, social tension did not subside. “Information about the tariff increase has already been circulated before, so carriers are ready to organize protests. A month-long shutdown of cargo transportation is planned for January,” he said "Rosbaltu" Chairman of the Board of the Volgograd Public Independent Inspectorate Alexey Ulyanov.

The head of the Polish Foreign Ministry named the conditions for improving relations with Russia

It is difficult to imagine an improvement in Polish-Russian relations without the return to Poland of the wreckage of Lech Kaczynski’s plane, which crashed near Smolensk in 2010, and cooperation in identifying the causes of the disaster, said Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski.

During a traditional press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday, answering a question from a Polish journalist, that the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation continues to investigate the crash of the plane of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, and investigators need the wreckage of the airliner until this work is completed.

“The Poles want to know what the real reasons were for the tragic disaster in which President Lech Kaczynski died, as well as an entire state delegation heading to events in Katyn. Without the return of Polish property (the wreckage), it is impossible to clarify (the circumstances) of this most tragic disaster in the history of Poland... Without the return of Polish property and cooperation in identifying the causes of the disaster, it is impossible to imagine an improvement in Polish-Russian relations,” Waszczykowski told PAP.

Kaczynski's Tu-154 plane crashed in 2010 while landing at Smolensk-Severny airport. There were 96 people on board: 88 passengers and eight crew members flying to mourning events in Katyn. They all died.

In 2011, the Interstate Aviation Committee published the final report on the results of a technical investigation, according to which the direct cause of the crash was recognized as the crew’s decision not to leave for an alternate airfield, and systemic reasons - shortcomings in flight support and crew training.

Pushkov believes that “a shift in Russian-American relations is overdue”

After the inauguration of US President-elect Donald Trump, the ice in Russian-American relations will break, says Senator Alexei Pushkov.

He wrote about this on his microblog on Twitter.

Earlier, Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Vladimir Putin, in a congratulatory message to Donald Trump on the occasion of Christmas and New Year, expressed hope for improving relations between Moscow and Washington.

Trump said he had received a letter from the Russian president and said he hoped that the United States and Russia could act in accordance with the ideas proposed by the Russian leader, and “not take an alternative path.”

Source: Aeroflot canceled a number of flights due to problems with six SSJ100s

Aeroflot has canceled a number of flights on domestic Russian routes due to the suspension of operation of six Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft, a source in the aviation industry told RIA Novosti.

“Damage was discovered in the stabilizer of the SSJ100 aircraft, so the Federal Air Transport Agency suspended the operation of six SSJ100s from Aeroflot and one from IrAero,” the source said.

“Because of this, Aeroflot canceled a number of flights within Russia,” the interlocutor continued.

According to the Sheremetyevo online board, the airline canceled a number of flights on the SSJ100 for Saturday, including to Kazan and Nizhnekamsk (Tatarstan), Samara, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Arkhangelsk, Syktyvkar, Voronezh and Tyumen.

Media: Russian armored vehicles will become smarter

Russian military vehicles and armored vehicles will be equipped with the latest GALS-D4 information and control system, the Izvestia newspaper reports.

The unique development will significantly facilitate monitoring the condition of combat vehicles: the computer monitors sensor indicators, informs the crew about any malfunctions, and informs the command about the condition of the equipment.

“GALS-D4” provides reliable navigation; the system also allows you to save data on the location and condition of the vehicle over the last 10 years onto a secure medium.

The complex includes microprocessor, computing and navigation units. Information is displayed on a touch screen located in front of the vehicle commander's eyes.

Currently, GALS-D4 is used on a number of armored vehicles of the Typhoon family, which are in trial operation by the Ministry of Defense.

Obama signs law limiting military cooperation with Russia

US President Barack Obama on Friday signed a defense appropriations bill that provides for restrictions on military cooperation with Russia.

“No funds appropriated to the Department of Defense in fiscal year 2017 can be used for bilateral military cooperation between the governments of the United States and Russia until the Secretary of Defense, in cooperation with the Secretary of State, notifies the appropriate congressional committees that the Russian Federation has ceased its occupation of the Ukrainian territories and aggressive actions that threaten the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and NATO members,” the document says.

In addition, it states that the Russian Federation must implement the Minsk agreements on Ukraine.

It is emphasized that “these restrictions do not apply to any actions necessary for the United States to fulfill its obligations under bilateral and international arms control and nonproliferation agreements, as well as other treaties.” They also do not apply to measures necessary to support US and NATO actions in Afghanistan.

A separate paragraph establishes a ban on the allocation of funds for “any actions that recognize the sovereignty of the Russian Federation over Crimea.” Exceptions can only be made in cases where the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State determine that the matter concerns US national security and promptly notify the relevant congressional committees.

Along with this, the law includes a number of additions related to the “annual report on actions in the field of defense and security that affect the Russian Federation.”