Cape lucullus is the southern entrance of Kalamitsky Bay. Cape Lukull in Crimea The mystery of the name of Cape Lukull

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Cape Lucullus is located on the south west coast Crimean peninsula and is part of the Nakhimovsky district of the city of Sevastopol. Lukull is the northernmost cape of the Sevastopol coast and at the same time the southern entrance cape of the Kalamitsky Bay. For the first time the name of this attraction is mentioned on the first seafaring maps of the Crimea. "Ulu-Kul" - that was the name of the cape in those days, which in translation from the Crimean Tatar means "big slope". A little later, the name was transformed into a more acceptable dialect local residents form of Lucullus.

The cape protrudes well into the sea and has a characteristic reddish tint of steep coasts about 15 meters high. The cliff itself is represented by clay rocks, and below the water there is a long sandy strip, which has become a favorite vacation spot for most tourists. After all, the water here is clean and transparent, and the sea depths are full of inhabitants. Therefore, these places attract special attention of fishermen, diving enthusiasts and ordinary vacationers.

The climate combines the moderate humidity of the seaside and the aridity of the Crimean steppes. Near the cape, the infrastructure of equipped rural resorts is quite developed. To the south of here are the villages of Andreevka, Uglovoe, to the east of Sandy. Here you can rent inexpensive accommodation with all amenities. clean beaches with fine sand, shallow and warm sea every year attract more and more tourists to these places.

It is important to know that it is dangerous to be located under steep cliffs in unequipped areas due to landslides. Especially the threat arises after severe storms and downpours. To access the sea, a convenient metal staircase was installed here several years ago. Going down it, you will find yourself on very cozy and safe beaches for recreation.

Now the territory of the cape, together with the adjacent water area, is a protected area and is called the “Coastal Aquatic Complex near Cape Lukull”. This place, like other natural monuments, is protected by law. Cape Lukull is rightfully considered an ecologically clean area, since there are no industrial enterprises, busy highways and other pollutants environment. The air is filled with the aromas of steppe herbs and sea salt. This is a kind of natural inhalation. Many come here to improve their health. By the way, a lot of fragrant herbs and flowers grow on the cape: spring adonis, feather grass, wormwood, cornflowers and more. And archaeologists during the excavations discovered here the remains of a Scythian settlement dating back to the 1st century AD.

In 1885, a navigation station was installed on the cape to ensure a safe approach to the Sevastopol bays. Initially, it looked like a structure made of logs. After World War II, the logs were replaced with metal structures. The total height of the lighthouse is 16 m. Add to this the height of the cliff of 25 m. This is quite enough for sailors to see the light of the lighthouse 15 miles from the coast.

Until quite recently, no one knew about the cape, except for local residents, since this territory was closed. A military camp and a missile unit were located here. Now the coast is replete with an abundance of luxury cottages and holiday homes.

To get to Cape Lukull, you need to take a direct bus to the village of Uglovoe at the Zapadnaya bus station in Simferopol (or the railway station in Bakhchisarai). Buses run more frequently from Bakhchisaray. Another way from Sevastopol: by boat to the North side. Near the pier there is a bus station, where you need to take a regular bus number 42 and get to the village of Andreevka. From all the villages to the cape, you should walk.

Lukull (Ukr. Lukul) is a cape that is part of the territory subordinate to the Sevastopol City Council. Located in the Nakhimovsky district of Sevastopol, it is the northernmost cape of the coast of Sevastopol and the southern entrance cape of Kalamitsky Bay.

The name of the cape comes, presumably, from two Turkic words "ulu" and "kul", which means "big slope", "big slope". Also, a number of researchers connect the name of the cape with the name of the Roman commander Lucullus Pontus. On the first maps of the Crimea, the cape had the name Ulu-Kol (Ulu-Kul), but later this name was transformed into a simpler form - Lukull.

The cape is a high, steep, reddish shore, noticeable from the sea. The mild, moderately humid coastal climate and the dry climate of the Crimean steppes are organically combined here. The relief is mainly composed of clay rocks, but there are beaches of fine sand near the water itself. The cape is 15 meters high.

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Lukull (Ukr. Lukul) is a cape that is part of the territory subordinate to the Sevastopol City Council. Located in the Nakhimovsky district of Sevastopol, it is the northernmost cape of the coast of Sevastopol and the southern entrance cape of Kalamitsky Bay. The name of the cape comes, presumably, from two Turkic words "ulu" and "kul", which means "big slope", "big slope". Also, a number of researchers connect the name of the cape with the name of the Roman commander Lucullus Pontus. On the first maps of the Crimea, the cape had the name Ulu-Kol (Ulu-Kul), but later this name was transformed into a simpler form - Lukull. The cape is a high, steep, reddish shore, noticeable from the sea. The mild, moderately humid coastal climate and the dry climate of the Crimean steppes are organically combined here. The relief is mainly composed of clay rocks, but there are beaches of fine sand near the water itself. The cape is 15 meters high. Save Changes

Cape Lukull in the Crimea is perhaps the most famous of these rock formations on the peninsula, most of all formidable, unwelcoming, but at the same time simply charming. It’s hard to say what it is connected with, but looking at it from the sea, the lines of Homer’s Odyssey somehow immediately pop up in my memory, something mythical is seen in this wild and beautiful place. When viewed from the cape, the picture is completely transformed, as if it comes to life, the view is touched by the wide expanses of the Black Sea, stretching to the sides high, cut by shallow bays, and the sun setting behind the edge of the horizon ...!

Where is Lucullus located in Crimea?

It is located in the western part of the peninsula, on the southern side of the Kalamitsky Bay, at the confluence with it. The cape is located next to, territorially belongs to the Nakhimovsky district of the city.

Cape on the map of Crimea

What is a cape?

The name of Cape Lukull correctly sounds like Ulu-Kol, which is translated from the Crimean Tatar language as Big beam or Big sleeve. It is connected with geographic location. It is located near a place with that name, which migrated over time to the name of the cape itself, and for simplicity and ease of pronunciation, it was transformed from Ulu-Kol into Lucullus. And sometimes the version that sounds applicable to this that the famous ancient Roman commander had something to do with it is completely untenable, the usual fiction of those who are trying to draw closer attention to this place.

But Cape Lucullus does not need this at all - it is remarkable for many, especially for its virgin, but in this case, wild nature. First impressions about him are quite contradictory, sometimes so much so that one has to wonder how quickly everything changes upon closer examination. Immediately it seems deserted and completely lifeless, but this is not repulsive. On the contrary, the harsh and inhospitable landscape is of great interest and does not seem so gloomy.

Its slopes have a steep, steep character, cut across the entire plane by traces of erosion and landslides, and the red color emphasizes the features more and brighter, attracts and attracts attention from the sea. The sheer wall of the rock formation has a height of 15 m, with a flat, even top and extends far into the sea, thanks to which Cape Lukull is also clearly distinguishable on the map of the western part of the Crimean peninsula.

Natural features attractions

At the top, absolutely flat and just as deserted, a slightly different landscape opens up, but not of the cape itself, but of its environs. Devoid of vegetation, where there is neither a leaf nor a blade of grass, the surface, like the slopes, does not cause a depressing impression, although this place is dangerous to visit. The entire top is streaked with cracks, making it seem unstable and ready to fall apart at any moment. Particularly dangerous are areas that are constantly crumbling and sliding into the sea and onto sandy beaches. The wildest and most unsafe part of Cape Lucullus, 6 km along the edge of the cliff and 300 m deep, is a protected area where a unique ecosystem is preserved.

This area is considered to be hydrological natural monument local importance,
it has the status of a coastal aquatic complex with a total area of ​​125 hectares. Similar to this, in many ways the unique features of Cape Lucullus are created by the salty sea air rising from the coast and dry air currents brought from the steppe. They mix and interact here. There are no similar processes anywhere else, therefore, the protected part of the cape is called amazing place, and not only in the Crimea.

Interesting places of Cape Lucullus and surroundings

The most significant place associated with Cape Lukull, without hesitation, can be called the largest Scythian settlement in the Crimea, known far beyond its borders as Ust-Alma, located near the confluence of the Alma with.

It was founded, as archaeologists believe, who dug it up, at the turn of the 3rd-2nd centuries. BC. This monument of antiquity still raises a lot of questions, but scientists do not yet have answers to them. It is also unique in that today many Scythian settlements have been found not only in the Crimea.

For the most part, these mysteries and uncertainties are of the greatest interest to both historians and tourists visiting Cape Lucullus, and along the way, what it has to offer, in addition to the unique and amazing.

How to get to the monument of nature?

Drive to Cape Lucullus public transport won't be much of a problem. Buses regularly run from to the village, being on the way for about 50 minutes. From the "Northern" bus station of Sevastopol, you will need to get to, and in just half an hour.

By car, you can get to Cape Lukull from Bakhchisaray as follows:

From Sevastopol, the route map looks like this:

Note to the tourist

  • Address: Andreevka village, Sevastopol, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44.839899, ​​33.554120.

Cape Lukull in Crimea is underestimated by many, considering it completely unworthy of attention, but those who managed to visit here will not say this. After all, little can be learned from the photo, especially about its unique air, reviews give a clearer picture, but often also do not clarify anything. There is only one thing left - to come here on vacation and have a great time in this amazing place!

Protruding far into the sea, Cape Lucullus is noticeable from afar by red clay cliffs above the very edge of the waves, which win back span after span of a loose 15-meter wall from the land. Ulu-Kul - from the Turkic - "big slope", the name, which later turned into the conveniently pronounced Lucullus, consonant with the name of the Roman commander, who is unlikely to have anything to do with the Crimea.

Lukull is the southern part of the gate to the Kalamitsky Bay, washing the western coast of Crimea. Smooth, like a saucer, the steppe without a single bush and tree, spread out along the very edge of the land, dotted with deep cracks. A 6-kilometer strip 300 meters wide has been declared a protected area - there are unique natural inhalations here: salty air from the sea mixes over the cape with a steppe wind saturated with the smells of medicinal herbs. But it is not safe to walk around the reserve, especially to come close to a cliff - collapses and landslides often occur, blowing the clay mass down to a narrow strip of sand that borders the cape, so that the waves gradually dissolve this bulk of soil in clean, like a tear, water.

Curious tourists inspect Cape Lucullus during sea excursions, and it is not recommended to move around the protected area from land without accompanying persons.

Rest near Cape Lucullus

Safe rest begins outside the reserve, to the south in the direction of Andreevka and to the east near the village of Uglovoe.

Along the coast, 2 km from Cape Lukull, Andreevsky sand and pebble beach begins, 5 km long, separated from the cliff that has gone deep into the lush shrub vegetation planted to strengthen the coast. The beach provides for the rental of umbrellas, sun loungers, cafes and mini-restaurants, which always offer grapes from nearby vineyards and light Kachinsky wines produced by winemakers of Kachinsky LLC, located nearby. Springs found right by the sea mineral water, cold and crystal clear.

There are a lot of fish in the local depths, local entrepreneurs organize fishing with access to the sea on a longboat.

The diving center is equipped with all necessary equipment for scuba diving.

The excursion bureau offers trips to Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai and other interesting places in Crimea.

For sandy beaches The corner also has all the necessary attributes of recreation and entertainment for tourists - riding scooters, water skiing, catamarans, "bananas", boat trips on boats and excursions around the peninsula.

Sights of the surroundings

At 3 km from Cape Lukull, excavations were made of the late Scythian Ust-Alma settlement, the only Scythian settlement of the end of the 2nd century BC on the western coast of Crimea. Household items and tools found in buildings indicate the nature of life and occupations of ancient people. Valuable finds in the Sarmatian burial "Golden Girl" have replenished the collections of Crimean museums.

In memory of the largest battle of the Crimean War of 1854 - Alminsky, which claimed the lives of 10 thousand soldiers of both armies - Russian and allied, a memorial was erected in a field near the village of Kacha, 9 km from Cape Lukull.

The natural wealth of the area adjacent to Cape Lucullus is a pine forest 5 km away, lavender fields at its edges with reddening glades of wild poppies - complement the delightful charm of the Crimea.

Where to stay

Over the past few years, more than 2 dozen bases have grown in Uglovy and Andreevka to accommodate holidaymakers. The most famous in Uglovy are the Chernomorets recreation center, the Khani estate, the Lukull and Vireneya boarding houses, the Atelika-Tavrida hotel, numerous households and cottages; in Andreevka - boarding houses Skazochny, Shik, and Diva, a recreation center Briz, a guest courtyard Rus; in the park between Uglovym and Andreevka there are the San Andre boarding house, the Sosnovy Bor car camping surrounded by pine trees and others. Price ranges - from 850 to 3200 rubles, in cottages and the private sector a little less, complex meals cost 700 rubles for one person per day.

How to get to Cape Lucullus

Russia, Crimea, Bakhchisarai district, pos. Andreevka and Uglovoe

Cape Lukull is located 55 km from Simferopol, the main transport hub of the Crimea, and 25 km from the regional center of Bakhchisaray. Buses from the bus station "Zapadnaya" near the railway station depart frequently, with Bakhchisaray, the auto service is also regular. Travel by car along the Saki-Sevastopol highway.

It is possible to fly to Simferopol from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and Orenburg, airfare from 6 to 13 thousand rubles. By rail you need to go to Anapa or Krasnodar, then by bus through the ferry Port-Kavkaz - Kerch. From Anapa to Sevastopol the fare is 430 rubles, from Krasnodar to Sevastopol - 830 rubles.

City Council. Located in the Nakhimovsky district of Sevastopol. It is the northernmost cape of the coast of Sevastopol and the southern entrance cape of Kalamitsky Bay. There is a lighthouse on the cape.

Cape name

The name of the cape comes presumably from two Turkic words "ulu" and "kul", which means "big slope", "big slope". Also, a number of researchers associate the name of the cape with the name of the Roman commander Lucullus Pontus. On the first maps of the Crimea, the cape had the name Ulu-Kol (Ulu-Kul), but later this name was transformed into a simpler form - Lukull.


The cape is a high, steep, reddish-colored coast, very visible from the sea. The mild, moderately humid coastal climate and the dry climate of the Crimean steppes are organically combined here. The relief is mainly composed of clay rocks, but there are beaches of fine sand near the water itself. The cape is 15 meters high.

Flora and fauna

Flora and fauna at Cape Lukull is similar to the Crimean steppe. The following species are represented from the flora: Crimean wormwood, feather grass, spring adonis, Taliev's cornflower, etc.

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