Salt lakes of the world. Nature that can heal: the saltiest lake in Russia


In our vast Russia there are many salt lakes, the beauty and uniqueness of which is incomparable. The Dead Sea in Israel in terms of mineral content is currently compared with Lake Elton in the Volgograd region (140-200 ‰), Lake Baskunchak in the Astrakhan region (300 ‰), Lake Medvezhye in the Kurgan region (350-360) and Lake Razval in the Orenburg region area (300 ‰).

You can find a healing lake in almost any region of the country. Here's the whole list.

Stavropol Territory - Tambukan, Salt Lake - Petrovsky district, Solenoe Lake village, Salt Lake is located between the villages of Krasnogvardeyskoye and Ladovskaya Balka, 9 km southeast of the Medvezhensky village of Krasnogvardeysky district.

Astrakhan region - Lake Baskunchak, city of Akhtubinsk, Tinaki, Federal Budgetary Institution Rehabilitation Center of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation "Tinaki".

Volgograd region - Lake Elton, Lake Bulukhta, Botkul (Salty mud of Botkaly-Sor).

Krasnodar Territory - Salt Lake (Veselovka village), Khanskoye Lake in Yeisk, Ubezhinsky Mud Salt Lakes.

Khakassia - Lake Tus, Lake Shira.

Rostov region - Lake Pelekino.

Novosibirsk region - Salt Lake (Novoklyuchi), Lake Plakhino, Krasnozersky Sanatorium, Krasnozersky miracle - lake.

Republic of Tuva - Healing lake Dus-Khol (Svatikovo) Kyzyl, Lake Kok-Khol, Lake Khadyn, Cheder Resort, Hot Springs Ush-Beldir and Tarys.

Omsk region - Ebeyty, Lake Ulzhay.

Altai Territory - Bolshoye Yarovoye, Salty Lake (village Zavyalovo), Gorky Lake, Raspberry Lake.

Kurgan region - Bear Lake, Gorkoye Lake (Zverinogolovskoye), Gorkoye-Victoria (Schuchansky district)

Chelyabinsk region - Lake Gorkoe (village Khomutino)

Orenburg region - Lake Razval, lake Zhetykol village. Ozerny.

Tyumen Region - Salt Lake is located 1 km away. from the village of Okunevo, Berdyuzhsky district.

Buryatia – Lake Kiran.

I was able to visit the Salt Lake near the village of Veselovka on the Taman Peninsula and the Tizdar mud volcano. In addition to the sources, mud can also be found on the coastal strip if you dig a hole in the hills or gentle slopes. Mud and water Sea of ​​Azov have medicinal properties.

Healing lakes of Russia (mineral lakes) - contain unique sets of microelements, water has natural antiseptic properties, mud is a natural health complex. Treatment of diseases on the salt lake occurs due to several factors: ultraviolet radiation, brine, silt mud. After swimming, when you come out of the lake and dry off, you are immediately covered with a thin white layer of salt, which crumbles off.

I would like to focus on several of the most popular resorts in the country on the Lakes and tell a little about them.

This is Lake Tambukan, located near Pyatigorsk. Tambukan mud belongs to the group of silt, highly mineralized, medium-sulfide mud. The mineralization of mud ranges from 30 to 100 grams per liter. It also contains calcium, magnesium, selenium, silver, strontium, manganese, as well as some organic compounds. Tambukan mud is an amazing natural antioxidant that can provide rejuvenating and cleansing effects, improves skin microcirculation and blood circulation, simultaneously activates skin immunity and metabolism, stimulates regenerative processes, which allows for the removal of waste and toxins, normalizes skin balance by breaking down fats and adsorbing excess skin fat, moisturizing and toning the skin.

Buryatia, Lake Kiran. The bottom of the lake is composed of healing silt. The salts contain sodium chlorides, sulfates and carbonates. The healing mud of Lake Kiran is used not only by local medical institutions, but is also exported outside the Kyakhta region. Indications for treatment at Kirana are essentially no different from the indications for most mud resorts, namely: chronic diseases of the joints, bones, muscles of various etiologies, diseases of the peripheral nervous system(neuralgia, neuritis, neurositis, plexitis, polyneuritis), chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, pelvic tissue and peritoneum and some types of chronic eczema, as well as diseases of the male reproductive system. Muds are also used in cosmetology.

Lake Shira in Khakassia. The healing properties of lake water have become widely known since the second half of the 19th century century. An active participant in the establishment of a resort here was the Tomsk gold merchant Z. M. Tsibulsky. According to legend, Tsibulsky noticed that his dog, which he accidentally wounded while hunting near a lake and left to a local resident to die while swimming in the lake, healed its wounds and came running home completely healthy. Deciding to check how healing the lake water was, Tsibulsky tried to treat his old radiculitis with baths and, indeed, got rid of the disease. A number of resort and medical institutions arose on the shore of the lake, united under the name “Resort “Lake Shira””. Mineral lake water is similar to the Batalinskaya water of the Caucasus and contains a salt concentration of 17-20 g/liter. Silt mud extracted from the bottom of the reservoir is also used for treatment.

And, of course, healing nature Altai Territory has preserved many healing lakes for us. Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye. The healing mud of Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye is used for arthrosis, arthritis, joint deformities, adhesions in the abdominal cavity, and in the pelvis. In gynecology, mud is used to treat chronic endometritis, menstrual irregularities, infertility, and recurrent miscarriage. In andrology, lake mud is used to treat chronic prostatitis and sexual disorders. The mud in Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye has indicators that are not inferior to the mud resorts of the Crimea and the Caucasus (Saki, Staraya Russa). The treatment effect on Lake Yarovoye is 90%.

Raspberry Lake. History of the lake. Foreigners who were lucky enough to share a meal with the Great Empress Catherine II were surprised by the unusual pinkish-raspberry salt served to the table. They had never seen such a curiosity anywhere else. And the Russians knew that it was brought from the far-distant Kulunda steppe, located at the foot of Altai mountains. But few could visit those distant places - it was so difficult to get there. There were only legends that there was a huge splashing there. pink lake, after bathing in which, unborn women soon bring babies, and the pockmarked ones become prettier.

The bitter-salty water in it is pink-crimson in color, this shade gives it a special phytoplankton. Another feature of this lake is its supply of medicinal mud. Unique natural object At the same time, it is not protected in any way: it does not have the status of a specially protected natural area, even at the local level. Meanwhile, together with the pine forest and the vegetation of the salt marshes, Raspberry Lake is a unique natural complex in need of protection.

According to research conducted by the Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy, employees of the Altai State Medical University, the most promising for therapeutic use in resort and non-resort conditions are brine, mud and clay from the lakes: Bolshoye and Maloye Yarovoe, Solenoye, Krivoye, Belenkoye, Krivaya Puchina, Kulundinskoye, Kuchuk, Syropyatovskoe, Kharkovskoe, Guseletovskoe, Gorkoe-Melnikovskoe, Cormorant, Baklanenok, Lechebnoe, Malinovoe, Bolshoye Mormyshanskoe, Gorkoe, Gorkoe-Ispereshechnoe, Shchekulduk.

The beauty of Russian nature must be used rationally by us and preserved for posterity. Have a good trip and stay healthy!

There are many salt lakes in Russia that are unique in their composition and healing properties. Almost every region has a similar body of water, which has its own special history and is covered in legends. Salt lakes are always popular among vacationers.

Russian salt lakes are in no way inferior to the famous Dead Sea. Let us dwell in more detail on the features of several reservoirs rich in deposits of medicinal mud and mineral salts.

The largest salt lake in Russia is Kulundinskoye. It is located in the Altai Territory and is even called local residents"Altai Sea". It is considered a slightly salted reservoir (salinity is about 11%), after swimming in it there is no residue left on the body. The diameter of Lake Kulunda is 35 km, so the shores are lost in the distance. In summer, the water temperature can warm up to +26 degrees.

Lake Tambukan is located near Pyatigorsk. At the bottom of the lake there are several tons of medicinal mud, which is systematically extracted for use in medicine and cosmetology. It is noteworthy that Lake Tambukan has an almost perfect oval shape.

Baskunchak is located in the Astrakhan region, slightly north of the Caspian Sea. It is divided into Upper, Lower and Middle Baskunchak. The reservoir is a kind of depression at the top of a salt mountain, thousands of meters deep into the earth. The area of ​​the lake is 106 km², and its greatest depth is 3 meters. Salinity is 300%. About 1,500 tons of salt are extracted from the lake annually, which is 80% of the total production in the Russian Federation. Deposits of therapeutic mud successfully cure many diseases.

Elton, Europe's largest salt lake, is one of the most interesting attractions of the Volgograd region. The area of ​​the reservoir is 152 km², the shape is close to a circle. It is self-propelled and in the off-season it becomes a refuge for migrating birds. Salinity can range from 200 to 500%. Elton's mineralization is twice that of the Dead Sea. Mineral salts give the water a golden-pink hue, which is why the name translates as “golden lake.”

Chany is the largest salt reservoir in Western Siberia and is located in the Novosibirsk region. Most of the lake is located in the forest-steppe. The area is 1500-2000 km². There is a legend that says that there is a giant snake in the reservoir that devours bathing people. Relaxing on the lake is not always safe because high waves rise in bad weather - several cases of death have been reported.

Bulukhta is the second largest salt lake in the Volgograd region after Elton. It is a bitter-salty endorheic reservoir. The boundaries of the lake are constantly changing; the reservoir itself is extremely swampy and has a muddy bottom. On the banks of the reservoir there is a rare bird listed in the Red Book - the imperial eagle.

Razval - a reservoir is the main attraction of Sol-Iletsk. The lake is of artificial origin. The salt concentration in it exceeds 200 grams per liter of water. Due to the beneficial properties of water, several medical and health institutions are located on the shore of the lake. Interestingly, the diamonds depicted on the coat of arms of Sol-Iletsk are a reflection of the salt extracted from Lake Razval.

On Russian salt lakes you can not only relax, but also restore your health. As a rule, for some diseases, patients are prescribed not only medication, but also spa treatment. The beneficial effect of salt lakes on the human body, with their help they treat various skin diseases, gynecological, musculoskeletal diseases and others.

No one can say for sure which lake is the saltiest in the world. Because this task is quite difficult. All lakes differ not only in the concentration of salts and minerals in their water, but also in their origin, area, location, and depth. Moreover, some indicators may change over time or directly depend on the time of year. There are salt lakes on almost every continent (even in Antarctica), many of them are very popular (Dead Sea), and the world learned about some of them not so long ago (Lake Don Juan was discovered only in 1961). Anyone can draw their own conclusions about which lake can be called the saltiest after reading the information provided.

At least in official name of this body of water the word sea sounds, this does not mean that it is so. They call it “the sea” rather because of its size (810 m2), but since it does not have direct access to the ocean (an outlet is required near the sea!), it follows that the Dead Sea is a lake. It is located between the countries of Israel and Jordan. Its location is unique because the coast of the entire lake is located at the lowest possible altitude in relation to the world ocean.

The depth and total area of ​​the lake is rapidly decreasing with each subsequent year due to a number of reasons, including climate change and a decrease in groundwater levels (a consequence of industrial development). Now the depth is about 300 m, and the natural watercourse in the Dead Sea is disrupted.

The water reserves of this salt lake are replenished by the Jordan River and several streams that dry up from time to time. The general composition of water in the Dead Sea differs depending on the remoteness of the site, the location of the river confluence and the temperature. So the salt concentration varies from 28 to 33%.

This composition of water does not allow living organisms to settle in the lake. For a long time it was believed that there really was no life there (hence the Dead), but as it was later discovered, some types of bacteria and fungi live in these waters.

The water, saturated with so many salts and minerals, is heavy enough to support even the human body, making it impossible to even dive there. Although such a desire most likely will not appear. But due to the fact that it has medicinal properties (mud from the lake too), people come here a large number of of people.

This is a unique body of water located in Bolivia. Its peculiarity is that during drought it dries up and only a bottom of salt remains (its thickness is about 8 m), and with the arrival of rains the salt is covered with a relatively thin layer of water and the lake resembles a huge mirror reflecting the sky. Being in such a place, there is a strange feeling when heaven and earth are not separated from each other. The local population even makes residential buildings from salt, which is mined from the bottom of the lake.

The total area of ​​this amazing mirror lake is 10,588 km2. And the total amount of salt is about 10 billion tons. Such numbers and indicators are simply difficult to perceive and evaluate correctly.

The saltiest lake in Russia

In the territory Russian Federation There are quite a large number of salt lakes, but the saltiest is located in the Volgograd region. Lake Elton is one of the natural resources our country. Due to the fact that its waters and mud have healing properties, sanatoriums and health resorts were built on its banks. They are very popular among the population.

A special feature of Lake Elton is its picturesqueness due to the interesting color of the water, it seems to shimmer from golden to pink. It is also worth remembering that the water level in the lake changes significantly with the seasons. In spring, the depth of the lake is about 1.5 meters, and in autumn, due to drying out, it decreases to 7 centimeters. The salt level in the water of this lake is higher than in the Dead Sea.

Another salt Lake Bulukhta is located between Lake Elton and the Volga River. It is located in a very swampy and inaccessible area, so the influx of tourists to it is not so large. Although, of course, there are people who want to visit this place. The lake is shallow, the water contains salts and minerals.

Salt lakes of the Altai region

Lake Yarovoye is located in the Kulundinskaya steppe of the Altai Territory. In its region it is the deepest body of water (7-8 meters) and the lowest point of the region.

Just like other salt lakes, it is not without attention from those who want to improve their health with the help of its waters and healing mud. Also in this region there are such salty lakes as Malinovoye (the name comes from the color of the water in early spring at dawn) and Kulundskoye.

Salt lake of Antarctica

One cannot help but recall the coldest and at the same time salty lake, Don Juan. This small body of water (gradually decreasing) is located among the ice of Antarctica on Victoria Land. It was discovered by helicopter pilots passing by by chance (they saw that the water did not freeze at a very low temperature).

It occupies a modest area and is rapidly decreasing, since it is fed only by groundwater. Now the depth does not exceed 10 cm, and the length is 300 m. The salt concentration in the water is more than 40%.

Another feature of the lake is that it does not freeze. The landscape around it is so unique that nothing like it exists on Earth.

There are many wonders in the world, and one of them is salt lakes. In general, it is more correct to call them mineral, since the mineralization of water is taken as the basis. If the well-known sodium chloride is found in one thousandth of the water in a lake, then it immediately ceases to be freshwater and becomes saltwater. Most often, salt lakes are located in arid areas and have no drainage (they are drainless reservoirs not connected to the World Ocean through river systems).

In Russia

Caspian Sea. Perhaps the Caspian Sea is the most famous unusual salt lake in the world. In terms of the size of its water area, this body of water belongs more to the category of seas (its length is 371,000 km²), but by its nature and nature it is still a lake. The Caspian Sea is a unique natural healing complex, rich mineral springs and healthy mud. It also produces oil and gas, the transportation of which, however, leads to water pollution.

Aral Sea. This sea-lake is today considered “former”, since it has become quite shallow as a result of pumping out water from the rivers that feed it. Nowadays the reservoir consists of two separate salt lakes - the Southern Aral and the Northern Aral.

Elton. Elton is considered the largest salt lake in Europe. It is also one of the most mineralized in the world. Until the end of the 19th century, table salt was mined here, but now Elton is a popular balneological resort.

Baskunchak. At one time, Baskunchak was dubbed the main “salt mill” of Russia, since it was from its depths that about 80% of table salt throughout the country was mined and mined (from 1.5 to 5 million tons of salt per year). In addition to salt, Baskunchak is rich in deposits of medicinal clays, which attract tourists here both from other regions of Russia and from abroad.

In the world

Dead Sea (Israel). This salt lake is known throughout the world for its healing properties. Millions of tourists annually visit the shores of the Dead Sea to improve their health and restore strength. If we compare this body of water with other parts of the globe, the atmospheric pressure here is the highest. At the same time, the oxygen content in the air is 15% higher than in the entire Mediterranean. Thanks to these features, the effect of a natural pressure chamber is created.

Great Salt Lake (USA). The Great Salt Lake is considered the largest salt lake in the Western Hemisphere. From the point of view of treatment and tourism, this reservoir is not of particular interest, but in the industrial sphere its resources are used quite actively. Table salt and Glauber's salt are mined here.

Uyuni (Bolivia). Uyuni is a dry salt lake, which today is the largest salt marsh in the world (covering an area of ​​10,588 km²). The interior of this desert is covered with a layer of table salt 2-8 m thick. During the rainy season, the salt marsh is covered with a thin layer of water and turns into the largest mirror surface in the world. Scientists estimate that Uyuni's salt reserves are 10 billion tons.

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In this article we will tell you about the seven largest salty seas and lakes on the entire planet.

More precisely, it would be more correct to call salt lakes mineral, since the mineralization in such lakes is more than 1 ppm. Often, salt lakes are endorheic reservoirs located in arid zones. So, let's begin!

Caspian Sea

In size, this endorheic salt lake is really more like a sea - 371 thousand square kilometers! Considered the most large lake on the planet. Caspian coast with healing mud, sandy beaches, as well as mineral springs, is an excellent tourist destination for treatment and relaxation. But due to some difficulties in interstate relations between the Caspian countries - Kazakhstan, Iran, Russia and Turkmenistan, tourism in the Caspian Sea is very poorly developed.

Aral Sea

On the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan there is a former salt lake, the second largest in the world. And it was former, because in the early sixties, the lake began to shallow very quickly, due to the increased intake of water for irrigation of cotton fields from the rivers flowing into the Aral Sea - the Amu Darya and Syr Darya. Today it has split into 2 small lakes - the Southern and Northern Aral.

Dead Sea

On the border of Jordan, the Palestinian Authority and Israel is the lowest piece of land on the planet - the coast Dead Sea. The water in it is highly mineralized, due to which the lake has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times, and today attracts many tourists.

Great Salt Lake

And in the Western Hemisphere, the largest is considered to be Great Salt Lake - a lake of 5 thousand square kilometers. It is located in the desert region of the southwestern United States. On the coast, table salt is actively mined, as well as Glauber's salt - a rather valuable medicinal preparation and chemical reagent.


One of the largest European salt lakes, and one of the most mineralized on the planet. Located on the territory of the Russian Federation in the Volgograd region, near the border of Kazakhstan. Industrial salt production continued until the end of the 19th century, after which it ceased. Today, a mud and balneological resort has been organized on Lake Elton.


The main “salt mill” of Russia - approximately 80 percent of the country's table salt is mined here. It is located in the Astrakhan region in the Caspian lowland. Thanks to the deposits of medicinal clay on the coast of the lake, mud tourism is developed here. Travelers are also attracted by the opportunity to visit the only and very picturesque Mount Bogdo in the Caspian region, which, like Lake Baskunchak, is a protected area.

Underwater salt lakes

The objects are located in the Arctic in the Gulf of Mexico, and some other places Pacific Ocean. Due to the difference in water density, the flows of ocean waters do not mix, forming a clear boundary and forming “shores” of underwater salt reservoirs.