Mountain sinyukha in the Altai region. Malaya Sinyukha - mountain of legends Mountain Sinyukha who climbed how long does it take


Why is Mount Sinyukha so interesting? And all because for a long time, and for more than one thousand years, Mount Sinyukha has been a cult place. Mount Sinyukha was an object of pilgrimage among pagans and then Orthodox Christians. This is the first high mountain Altai from the Kulunda steppe. It rises majestically above the surrounding area.

Almost completely, except for the very top, Sinyukha is covered with forest. From this distance, it appears blue. Apparently that's why it was called that. The peak itself is flat and along the edges there are boulders of stone. It seems that this is an open-air temple. This is the temple we wanted to visit.

How to get to Mount Sinyukha

We have already seen Mount Sinyukha from afar. From Lake Beloe, where we were on our last trip, Mount Sinyukha was clearly visible. This is where we decided to climb. We got from our campsite on Lake Kolyvanskoye to Lake Beloye in just over an hour. From the village of Savvushki, which is three kilometers from Lake Kolyvanskoye, it’s about twenty kilometers along the highway to the village of Kurya. In the village of Kurya, at the first big intersection, turn right and drive to the bridge over the river.

This is if you travel from Zmeinogorsk, the village of Savvushki or Lake Kolyvanskoye. And if you come from Barnaul, then you need to drive two hundred and fifty kilometers along the road to Rubtsovsk until the sign for the village of Pospelikha. From there we go to the village of Kurya. Continue as written below.

Immediately after the bridge, in the village of Kurya, we turn right. There are road signs everywhere. We are going to Kolyvan. And now we are driving forty kilometers along an asphalt road. She will lead you to. We look at the signs for the village of 8 March. We pass through the village of Kolyvan. We drive ten kilometers along the road through a picturesque pine forest, along the Belaya River.

We enter the village of 8 March and, behind the store and cafe, turn off the main road to the right. We go up the hill along the road. After a kilometer we leave for. In the village they asked local residents how to get to Mount Sinyukha. We went around Lake Beloe from the southwestern side. We drove along the lake along its elevated shores for about a kilometer and a half. Then we turned from Lake Beloye to the right along a dirt road.

Having rounded the hill, we saw a hefty cross about three and a half meters long. The cross was made of wooden beams. On the horizontal crossbar there was an inscription in black letters: “Save and Preserve.” The cross was installed on the side of the road. Having passed the cross, we arrived at the foot of Mount Sinyukha. From the village of 8 March to Mount Sinyukha it is about three kilometers along the road.

A little about Mount Sinyukha

Having approached the foot of Mount Sinyukha, we found ourselves in a small valley. It is quite picturesque and surrounded on three sides by mountains. On the southwestern side of this valley Mount Sinyukha rose majestically. The height of Mount Sinyukha is one thousand two hundred and ten meters above sea level. This is the most high point Kolyvansky ridge.

All slopes of Mount Sinyukha are overgrown with black taiga. Black taiga means a wild forest untouched by man. Mostly fir grows here, with some aspen, birch, and pine. There are a lot of bushes and very tall grass. In such a forest it is always black, that is, gloomy, and making your way through it is very difficult.

The peak itself rises like stone blocks above the taiga. And so it beckons you upward. Well, that's what we came for. There is no forest at the top. Only granite, gray peaks against the blue sky. But at the top there are whole thickets of juniper. But we learned about this later. And now in front of us was the majestic, mighty Mount Sinyukha.

Climbing Mount Sinyukha

We left the car in a clearing next to a stream at the foot of Mount Sinyukha. Everyone leaves their cars here. Next to the road there was a compacted area with no vegetation. There were already two cars parked here. And to the side, on the edge of the clearing stood tent camp. Orthodox pilgrims live here, coming from nearby areas to climb Mount Sinyukha.

Not far from the parking lot, the forest and the path to Mount Sinyukha. In the place where the path enters the forest, there are wooden gods on both sides of it. The figures are carved from tree trunks and are about two meters high. One has an inscription: “Perun guards the path.” On the other it is written - “Sinigarius”.

The path leads us through a birch forest. Let's go one a stream, then, after a while, another. The path winds along the stream, sometimes along one bank, then along the other. The forest is not very dense yet. There are a lot of raspberries along the trail. From time to time we feast on it. They say here that the bears also enjoy themselves.

The path becomes steeper. The birch forest changes to taiga forest. The raspberries disappear and are replaced along the path by black currant and sorrel bushes. Oxalis is much larger. Sometimes it comes across very sour. Interestingly, the stream also gurgles next to the path from time to time.

It becomes difficult to walk. The trail goes quite steeply up the mountainside. The slope of the mountain, as seen by eye, is thirty-five to forty degrees. From time to time there are steeper sections. You perceive tree roots as steps. My legs are tired, I’m starting to lose steam. But my son doesn’t care about such a rise. Goes playfully! Youth, whatever you say.

Ahead is the murmur of a stream and a conversation. Turns out this is the source. A small stream flows out of the stones. It’s surprising, because it’s almost under the top of Mount Sinyukha. There is an Orthodox cross next to the source. Nearby is a book of prayers, crushed on top by a stone. Tourists relax at the source. They also rise up.

We collect water, drink and move on. It seems that strength returned. It became easier to walk. Soon the forest ends. We start jumping over the stones. There is a beautiful view to the northeast. You can see the village of 8 March and Lake Beloye. The first thickets of juniper can be seen. There are steep cliffs to the right and left. And we are walking along stone river. Huge boulders lie scattered under the very top.

Well, this is the top. Three hours of climbing are behind us. Great! An amazing view opens onto the surrounding Mount Sinyukha area. Far in the southwest a white spot can be seen. In the south you can see the snowy peaks of the Tigirek ridge. In the north you can see the village of Kolyvan, and a little to the east the village of 8 March and Lake Beloye. The beauty and space are breathtaking.

And the top of Mount Sinyukha itself is interesting. Almost the flat top of Sinyukha is surrounded at the edges granite rocks ten meters high. They appear to be watchtowers. An iron cross is installed near one of the rocks. For some reason my soul is calm and joyful. But it's time to go down. The descent is a little easier and the entire descent takes about one hour. On the way down we scared a flock of hazel grouse. Several milk mushrooms were found near the path.

Sights of Mount Sinyukha and its surroundings

A settlement of ancient blacksmiths was discovered at the foot of Mount Sinyukha. In its place at the beginning of the twentieth century there was convent. The monastery existed until the mid-thirties. Then it was destroyed, like many other religious buildings. In its place in 1997, the worship cross that I spoke about above was installed.

At the top of Mount Sinyukha there is a granite block, on the surface of which there is a recess of a regular, round shape. It is constantly filled with water. It is called a bowl. So, among Orthodox Christians it is believed that if you prayerfully drink water from a spring under the top of Mount Sinyukha, wash your face with water from a granite bowl and pray to the cross on the top, your soul will be cleansed and your heart will be light and calm for a whole year.

Not far from Mount Sinyukha there is Lake Beloye. The water in this lake is surprisingly clean. Almost exactly in the middle of the lake there is a small island. There is also a lot of fish in Lake Beloye. This is for fishing lovers.

In the village of Kolyvan, a little over ten kilometers from Mount Sinyukha, there is a stone-cutting factory. This plant has been operating for more than three hundred years. His products are famous throughout the world. You can go on a tour of the plant. You can visit the museum at the stone-cutting factory. Very interesting.

The climb to Mount Sinyukha, planned for this day, has ended. Tired and happy, we returned back to Lake Kolyvanskoye. There is something to remember and tell your friends and acquaintances. There are also many photographs, some of which you saw here.

Each of mountain peaks Altai is unique. They combine pristine beauty and mysterious power. Since ancient times, Mount Malaya Sinyukha has attracted not only travelers. Those who have visited it are sure that the peak is sacred. Why is this happening? What secret does Sinyukha (mountain) keep? We'll talk about this further.

General information

The highest point of the Kolyvan ridge in the Kurinsky district is popularly called Sinyukha. It’s not difficult to guess what this name is connected with. At an altitude of 1210 meters the air is already a little thin. Therefore, from a distance, a high hill covered with virgin forest takes on a slightly bluish tint.

Interest in the summit has been shown more than once. And now she hosts people of various classes. First of all, these are naturalists and geologists. Near the mountain there is a famous stone-cutting factory. Since the beginning of the 18th century, it has been known that the rock mined here is of particular value. They began to actively process it.

Mount Sinyukha (height - 1210 m) is located in the very south Altai Territory which explains her unusually rich flora. The fabulous relief never ceases to amaze. And you will not see those trees and flowers that are found on the slopes anywhere else. Most of them are very rare. They are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Land of pilgrimage

But Sinyukha hides the biggest secret in her depths. The mountain is a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of Orthodox believers. This is a kind of open-air temple, allowing you not only to touch the heavens, but also to think about existence, admiring the surroundings from above.

In 1997, a holy cross was installed on the top. Here the rock protrudes in such a way that it forms an unusual granite bowl of regular round shape. The real Grail! And since the mountain is considered sacred, the water here has colossal energy. Despite the fact that it feeds on melted snow and rainfall, being in a stagnant state, the liquid never deteriorates or goes out. The granite bowl is large. But thanks to the crystal purity of the water, you can see its most hidden depths.

At the top of the rock, under the influence of the wind, they acquired a completely unusual shape. From a distance it seems that these are real walls and columns. Some clergy even retell the legend of a deity who lived in this dilapidated “house”. Now the pilgrimage to the peak is carried out annually after the holiday of the Holy Trinity. Everyone, together with the clergy, climbs the mountain to cleanse the soul and drink from the holy spring. It is believed that after this there will be no illnesses for a whole year, and your soul will feel lighter.


Sinyukha boasts stunning flora: the mountain simply amazes with its vegetation. We can say that it has come to us since prehistoric times. Somewhere between the era of dinosaurs and the Ice Age, all of Altai was covered with forests like those on the slope of Mount Sinyukha. These are unusual green areas. There are no usual larch and cedar here. But bird cherry, rowan, galangal and even the beautiful viburnum sprout in abundance. It is surprising that it is in this part that plants from that ancient era have been preserved. Now they are considered relict and need special protection. These are Pallas's mertensia, Krylov's forget-me-not, Rhodiola rosea, and poppy.


Mount Sinyukha (Altai Territory) is attractive at any time of the year. Descriptions of its slopes are found in the works of pioneers back in the early 18th century. Now the routes are quite simple and do not pose much difficulty. You can get to the beginning of the walking path from the village of Kolyvan (8 km) or the village of 8 March (2 km). Then there are two route options - along the northwestern or northeastern slope. Mount Sinyukha (Altai) is located in the Kuryinsky district. How to get to the nearest villages? Arrive by bus or car. You can stay overnight at the “Kolyvan-tour” and “Bogomolets” camps. The Zagis campsite is located on the lake.

Northwestern route

The first path is considered more interesting. The route passes along several attractions. The Kolyvanstroy tract is the first to be encountered. The first factory specializing in copper smelting was located here in the 18th century. It existed until the 60s of the last century, mining tungsten and molybdenum. Further along the path there is beautiful lake Mokhovoe. Even higher is an abandoned granite quarry. Here tourists definitely take a break, because from this place you can admire the black taiga growing on the slopes of the mountains. The first path is very colorful. First you need to walk along an abandoned road, and then make your way along a narrow forest path through majestic trees and dense thicket.

Northeast route

This route begins its journey from Lake Belye. The road immediately leads into a virgin forest. The difficulty can only be created by the long climb that awaits beyond the lake. But for those who are accustomed to difficulties, this is not a problem. But here you can see several mounds. Their age dates back to the 3rd-1st century BC. This archaeological sites the first settlers who were engaged in the extraction and processing of metals in Altai. There was even the first village of artisans here.

In the Middle Ages, a convent arose on the site of the settlement. It lasted until Soviet times. And at the beginning of the last century it was destroyed. Now there is a memorial sign in this place. Another important monument of sacred culture is the holy spring. It is located a little north of the monastery. This point is a must for pilgrims.

The power of spirits

Locals They are sure that all natural forces are controlled by spirits living on a peak called Sinyukha. The mountain is capricious, like a woman. In one day her mood changes several times. One moment it is sunny and clear, and half an hour later it is already gloomy and cold. By evening the peak shines again, but a bad word or look - and it is already raging, sending gusts of wind towards the village and

Therefore, residents of adjacent settlements very superstitious. They are sure that before starting the ascent it is necessary to appease the mountain by turning to the spirits. If you choose this weekend route, remember that your success depends on the power of prayer. Light a fire, cook a delicious lunch and hot tea, sing a song about happiness. And then luck and good weather will become faithful and reliable companions.

For several years in a row, coming to observe the deep clear starry sky in Savvushki, our attention was attracted by Mount Sinyukha. We tried to make radial trips in cars with the goal of storming these mountains. The bald peak with rocks beckoned! But our trips were always full of adventures and ended in failure. And the roads in those places are broken up by timber trucks, and the taiga is dense with sharp rocky roads.

And then one day, purposefully going to Sinyukha, the assault was still a success. I wasn’t on that trip, but there were still plenty of people who wanted to climb Sinyukha, and the decision was made to return there again!

Because the first assault was accompanied by heavy fog, dew and almost rain. The participants, walking along the path blindly, did not know when they would finally reach the top; they were all wet from head to toe and pretty frozen, and they also did not take food or water with them. Having already learned from experience, we prepared for the worst: cold, wetness and heavy climbs. But this time we waited longer, hoping that the dew would dry. After all, the grass there is waist-deep, and if you go down or up, it means it can be higher than your head.

Moss lake in the mountains
You can get to Kolyvan by any car; there is a small parking lot where you can leave your car. Then there are more difficult road changes, complicated by large stones on the road. We drove a Niva and a Kia Sportage. with a little help from each other in terms of the direction where it would be better to go around this or that cobblestone, both cars were able to get as close as possible to the mountain. There is also a parking area here, and then a walking trail begins, marked with red ribbons.

The peak of Sinyukha is visible ahead

Since I was more busy climbing the mountain, here is a photo right from the top. And below there are photos on the descent, because it was easier this way - to overtake everyone and go down first.

View towards the Tigireksky reserve

At the very peak there is a cross that can be seen from below

We start our descent from the top

Descent from the top

Descent from the top

Sometimes the path seems to disappear

Descent along the path

The tall grass is already raging below

Steep descents

Based on physical strength, anyone can climb the mountain. I don’t remember exactly from this parking lot, but the route is about 3 km. It is complicated by changes and elevation gain. The route is safe and does not require special skills. The main thing is not to have problems with joints. But if your car can’t get that close, you’ll have to walk another 3-5 km along the road with a climb.

It is always windy at the top and very beautiful.

Overnight under the starry sky

Report by Anna Yarusheva.

Pupils of the children's association “Your Peak”, whose leader is Olga Mikhailovna Yarusheva, took many photographs of the surrounding area of ​​the mountain while climbing Mount Sinyukha in May 2012. This excursion is the result of one of the stages of the long-term project “Peaks of the Altai Region”. Yarusheva Anna became a laureate of the regional tour guide competition in Barnaul in April 2013.

Mount Sinyukha 1379 m high, located in the spurs of the Cherginsky ridge, is one of the most beautiful places in the Altai region. This is a favorite place to visit for many travel lovers. But there is very little material about our mountain Sinyukha in the press, and on the Internet. I would like to know more about most beautiful places native Altai region and tell everyone about it!

Well, that's all, our trip is over,
The backpack is disassembled, the tent is drying.
Everything seems fine, but only here
Sadness sneaked into my heart.

Let someone twist their finger at their temple
And invites us to settle down,
But we won’t be able to live boringly until
We dream about the white snow of the peaks at night.

And the hand reaches out to the map again,
And our heart strives upward again,
And we know for sure - to our backpacks
Not destined to gather dust in attics.

This excerpt from a poem by Sergei Legkodymov fully corresponds to the spirit of the children's tourist association “Your Top”.

My excursion is the result of one of the stages of the long-term project “Peaks of the Altai Region”, which our children’s association is working on. The main goal of this project is: climbing, observing and collecting information about the most high peaks Altai region, dissemination of the collected knowledge to a wide range of the public.

Sinyukha... What haven’t I found with this name! Sinyuha (photo 1) is a genus of plants of the cyanosis family (lat. Polemonium). There is a disease, popularly called cyanosis - cyanosis in medicine, caused by the bluish color of the skin due to the high content of reduced hemoglobin in the blood. And I want to talk about a magnificent mountain, whose name is Sinyukha.

Photo 1. Plants of the cyanaceae family.

There are many Sinyukh Mountains. I found three mountains bearing this name in the Altai Republic: in the Maiminsky, Turochaksky and Shebolinsky regions.

There are several mountains of the same name in the Altai Territory: in the Kytmanovsky district there is one of the peaks of the Salair Ridge. The very famous Sinyukha of the Kurinsky district of the Kolyvan ridge. And, of course, in the Altai region of the Cherginsky ridge. By the way, our Sinyukha (photo 2) is the second tallest of all those listed, after Shebalinskaya.

Photo 2. Mount Sinyukha of the Cherginsky ridge.

The mountain got its name not by chance. Our group of the tourist association “Your Top” was convinced of this back in the village of Nikolskoye, where we arrived by bus from the village of Altaiskoye to make an exciting three-day trip in a group of 15 people under the leadership of Yarusheva O.M. to the top of the mountain. (photo 3)
Photo 3. Children's association “Your Top”.

From a distance, the coniferous forest covering the slopes of the mountain really appears blue. (Photo 4)

Photo 4. Coniferous forest covering the slopes of Mount Sinyukha.

If you, as a tourist, have the opportunity to climb, you will see with your own eyes all the beauty and splendor of this natural region.

There is no person who would remain indifferent to the riot of colors of primrose flowers: glades of Red Book kandyks, checkerboard hazel grouse (photo 6), and various types of violets delight and remain in the memory forever. A little later, the slopes of the mountains will light up with the bright flame of the Asian swimsuit (photo 7), and above the shady hollows will turn pink with an elegant marina root (photo 8).

Photo 6. Checkerboard hazel grouse.
Photo 7. Flowers of the Asian swimsuit
Photo 8. Maryin root flowers

The path leading to the temple, where Mount Sinyukha reigns, is surrounded by a coniferous forest. Spruce and fir trees stretch out their prickly paws towards travelers (photo 9). There are also larches, and at the top there are still quite young but strong cedars (their correct name is “Siberian pine”). All these trees are “gray” from a large number of bushy lichens (photo 10). Lichens grow only in areas where the air is perfectly clean. They are rightfully considered biological barometers of clean air. By the number of representatives of the lichen kingdom one can judge the weightless transparency and purity of the air of these fabulous places.

Photo 9. Spruce and fir stretch out their prickly paws
Photo 10. Fruticose lichens

All the decoration of Sinyukha Mountain is like in Baba Yaga’s fairy tale. It seems that behind the next huge rocky outcrop, her famous hut on chicken legs will appear before the eyes of travelers and turn its back to the forest, and its front to us. And the closer you get to the top, the stronger this feeling, because rounded dome-shaped rock outcrops made of granite, diorite and shales are becoming more and more common (photo 11). Most often, the rocks resemble huge layered pieces of cake or pancakes stacked in a neat stack. This is the result of the activity of water and wind. It took them many centuries, starting from the Devonian period, to create such unusual compositions (photo 12).

Photo 11. Rocky outcroppings on the slopes of Mount Sinyukha.
Photo 12. Unusual compositions of rocks on Mount Sinyukha.

From conversations with local residents and from the signs of life activity we saw, we learned that animal world in the area of ​​Sinyuhi Mountain is very diverse, because... The places here are quiet, clean, uncrowded. Deer and musk deer, wild boars, moose, badgers (photo 13), hares and wood grouse feel great here. Of course, there are also predators: foxes and wolves. Wolves are quite active in their management. On the way we came across the gnawed remains of a rather large animal. It was assumed that it was a calf. In the evening they burned a fire for a long time, sang songs loudly, trying to scare away uninvited guests. At night there was a blizzard, snow fell, and through the blizzard, the howling of wolves was heard - an eerie impression. Upon returning to the village, local residents told us that that night wolves dragged two sheep from the village, which were never found. And the third was so badly beaten that the owners had to kill her.

Photo 13. Badger hole

This has long been fairyland attracted people with her energy. Local residents willingly tell what they know themselves and what they heard from the older generation. Cherenev Prokopiy Egorovich, an old resident of the village born in 1927, told us the following story:

“The monk Ivan lived in those places. The place where he lived is still named after him - Ivan the Stone. He settled there in the 20s of the last century. He built himself a hut. Rumor has it that he was a Kolchak member. All our women ran to him to pray every weekend. They took food supplies with them. I don’t remember how long he lived there. Then the village men burned his hut, and no one saw Ivan again.”

No one knows for sure about the reasons that prompted the villagers to burn the hut. We can only guess and invent this strange story ourselves. There is now a legend going around from generation to generation, which was told to us by a native of the village. Nikolskoye Olga Chereneva:

“Kolchak’s gold is buried in that place. Many hunters have been looking for him, but no one can find him. Not every seeker will find a place; gold will not fall into the hands of the first person he meets. But there is, according to legend, a person to whom that place will be revealed and the gold will go to him on its own. Only this chosen one has not yet been found.

And the spirit of the monk walks through the forests, guards the peace of the mountain, maintains order, and protects animals. None of the locals hunt in the vicinity of the peak, for fear of angering Ivan’s spirit. The women were very worried about the disappearance of the monk. Under the Palkin cliff they poured out their grief. Since then, a clear, clean spring has been flowing in that place.”

We didn’t find it ourselves, but the residents said that they were looking under the wrong rock.

There is also a legend about our beautiful Sinyukha, you can read it yourself in the collection “Legends and Myths of Altai - 3” by our local historian Vladimir Mikhailovich Afanasyev.

In the process of collecting materials, we found out that Wikipedia does not have an article about our Sinyukha. The next stage of the long-term project will be to systematize the collected material to write an article for Wikipedia.

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In the south of the Altai Territory there are many attractions created by nature and human hands. Mount Sinyukha and the surrounding areas are direct confirmation of this. Historical monuments built before our era have been preserved here, there are rocks, arches of the most amazing shapes created by nature. Scientists and travelers who have visited the Kurinsky district, where the peak with its many wonderful buildings are located, consider this area a unique natural monument.

Not far from the famous peak there are two villages: the village of Kolyvan 8 km to the south, the village of 8 March 2 km from Sinyukha. The peak has a height of 1210 m, two steep slopes located opposite each other: southern, northern. Climbing to the top is possible only from two sides using two routes. It can take a whole day to climb.

Main features of Mount Sinyuhi

The peak is known to many Orthodox Christians. The Holy Spring is located here - a place where many pilgrims flock. The water in the source is healing, helping against many diseases.
At the foot of the mountain there is the famous Kolyvan stone-cutting plant throughout the country. It was founded in the village of Kolyvan in the 18th century by Demidov as a copper smelter. Nowadays, tungsten-molybdenum raw materials, a strategic product of the country, are being mined here.

In addition to the Holy Spring and the strategic plant, the area of ​​the Kolyvan ridge is distinguished by a wealth of plants, birds, and animals. More than 540 species of plants grow here, many of which are used in the production of medicines. The rich flora attracts here large number birds, animals. The pristine taiga, growing here for thousands of years, creates clean, fragrant air. To see these and other attractions, you need to spend a day or two exploring the unique territory.

Routes to the summit

The first route runs from the northwestern side of the mountain. The road passes near the preserved granite mining site Kolyvanstroy. The Loktevka River flows next to the tract. At the foot of Sinyukha there is a small one. It is located in granite rocks and is a bowl 33 m long and 22 m wide. There are beautiful massive boulders along the banks. The lake is a shrine for Orthodox Christians, as is the Holy Spring.

The road from the lake lies next to the quarry where granite was mined. From this place it opens beautiful view to the centuries-old taiga, which covers the entire area with a dense carpet.
The second route runs from the northeast side. The beginning of the route is known. This warm lake with clean water is a favorite place for tourists in the Kurinsky district. Its area is 3 hectares; many crayfish live in its warm water. Catching fish, crayfish, swimming in warm water - this is how the path to Sinyukha begins along this route.

Not far from Bely there are mounds whose age dates back to the first century BC. There is a monument here, which was presumably built back in the 3rd century. BC There are buildings here of the same age, left over from ancient metallurgists.

Natural wonders located on the mountain

Gray granite, with the help of the forces of nature, formed very precise architectural structures here. Rocks, arches weird shape create the appearance of a tall stone fence that surrounds the top of the mountain. Climbing higher up the mountain from its southern side, a view of the snow-white Tigiretsky ridge opens up.

Next to the stone buildings there is a real miracle of nature - a granite hemisphere with an even bowl-shaped depression where water collects. The local Holy Grail is a unique cup created by time and nature. Its diameter is 1 m, depth is 0.5 m, the bowl is of regular shape. The water collected in it is considered miraculous and healing. In ancient times, the mountain was a symbol of worship. Until the 1930s, there was a convent at the foot of Sinyukha. Today, hundreds of Orthodox Christians regularly flock here.

Plant and animal life of the mountain

Near the foot of Sinyukha lie the rich Kulunda steppes, home to numerous feathered inhabitants. Dense mixed forests grow on the slopes of the mountain: fir, aspen, and pine. There are a lot of birches here. In the branches of dense forests live:

    - bullfinches;
    - wood grouse;
    - hazel grouse;
    - nightingales.

Besides them, many other birds live here. There are wolves and foxes here, and you can often see lynx. There are 541 plant species growing on the territory, 18 of which are listed in the Red Book.
This area is considered a unique natural monument, undamaged by humans.