Tallest pyramid in Mexico. mexican pyramids


Teotihuacan is an abandoned city in Mexico, located 50 kilometers northeast of the city of Mexico City, one of the oldest, largest and most mysterious cities in the Western Hemisphere, the exact age of which is unknown. " City of the Gods"- so the Aztecs called it, it keeps many unsolved mysteries and mysteries. According to the legends of the Indian elders, after the flood, the Gods returned to Teotihuacan to re-create the world. Teotihuacan is the supposed birthplace of the Fifth Sun, it is believed that it was here that the last sun of the era was born And it is also known that the grandiose complex of pyramids after its death was allegedly covered with earth and melted from exposure to high temperature.

The dawn of Teotihuacan is supposedly in 300 BC, and according to scientists, about 200 thousand people lived in the city at that time. The area of ​​the city was 26–28 sq. km. Teotihuacan was the largest shopping mall, this is evidenced by the discovered number of workshops, which counted more than 600. The bulk of the townspeople were engaged in agriculture.

What is this city famous for and why did it attract our attention?

There are three large pyramids on the territory of Teotihuacan:

  • pyramid of the sun
  • moon pyramid
  • Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl

The so-called "road of the dead" leads from the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl to the pyramid of the moon. It is 5 km long and 40 m wide. An interesting fact is that the "road of the dead" is not directed strictly to the north, but deviates 15.5 degrees to the east. The city was allegedly abandoned in the 7th century, and scientists still do not know what caused its death, why people left Teotihuacan.

In our opinion, some historical details are interesting; during the construction of the city, high construction technologies were used. The main street is built absolutely precisely and runs straight for two whole kilometers, it is clearly visible that during its construction devices were used to lay and determine the direction. The entire layout is based on a deviation from the north-south direction of 15.5 degrees.


If you look at the globe, you can see that the continuation of the Teotihuacan axis of reference leads us to exactly the area where the North Pole was supposedly located earlier (before the Flood). Taking into account the linking of the pyramids of Giza to the modern North Pole and the obvious connection between the two complexes, one can build a hypothesis: Teotihuacan was oriented towards the “antediluvian” North Pole. It is a bold assumption that the construction of the complex at Teotihuacan was carried out before the Flood.

Aztec legend:

One of the Aztec legends tells that one day the whole Earth plunged into darkness - only in Teotihuacan the sacred fire remained burning. Then the gods gathered in council in Teotihuacan and tried to set in motion the stopped Sun and Moon. According to various versions of the legend, either the gods shot from a bow, or the wind god blew to move the Sun. One way or another, the Sun and Moon set in motion again, and the world was saved. From this legend, the Aztecs formed the idea that time stopped at some point, and then began to move again. Since then, the pyramids of Teotihuacan have been associated with the Sun and the Moon. It seems that the pyramids of the Sun and the Moon were built to commemorate the day when the Sun did not rise. Was it a real event, and if so, when did it happen? (A. Alford, "Gods of the New Millennium")

This legend is clearly associated with the events of the Flood, it follows that the layout of the city corresponds to a single plan, it is unlikely that the pyramids were built much later than this event - most likely, they formed a single whole with all other structures and at the same time played the main functional role. And secondly, with this reference to Teotihuacan, it becomes possible to more accurately determine the location of the old North Pole: if both complexes were so tightly tied to the geographic grid and both are so similar, it is logical to assume that Teotihuacan was located before the Flood at the same latitude as it is now the Giza complex is located (in relation to the modern North Pole).
The "slippage" of the earth's crust under the influence of a meteorite fall, accompanied by the Flood and a change in all coordinate references, led Teotihuacan to its "absurd" modern reference to an angle of 15.5 degrees. Measuring in the direction of 15.5 degrees from Teotihuacan the same distance as Giza is from the present-day North Pole, we get a point with approximate coordinates of 51 west longitude and 71 north latitude.

It was in this place that the North Pole was located before the fall of a meteorite in the 11th millennium BC. (or maybe some other planetary disaster) that caused a powerful cataclysm on the surface of the Earth, although, of course, making allowance for errors in the course of assessments, it is necessary to expand the location of the "antediluvian" north pole to 2-3 degrees.

As scientist, traveler and supporter of alternative history Andrey Sklyarov writes (“ ancient mexico without crooked mirrors”), this hypothesis is confirmed by the orientation of the “road of the dead” and the entire complex not strictly to the north pole, but in a direction with a deviation from the north by 15.5 degrees to the east, which can be explained by a change in the position of the poles after the Flood.

According to another version, Teotiukan was built according to a special plan. The Temple of the Sun, Moon, Quetzalcoatl line up in the "Orion's Belt", along which the three pyramids of Giza are also oriented.


The Pyramid of the Sun is the third tallest pyramid in the world. It was built on the remains of earlier buildings. Its height is 64.5 m, and it consists of 5 tiers. At the time of its dawn, its height was 71 m, and on its top there was a temple. The perimeter of the base is 894 m. An interesting fact is: if you divide the perimeter of 894 by 71 and by 4, you get the number "Pi" 3.14. It turns out that ancient civilizations knew about the number "Pi". The ratio of the perimeter of the base of the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan to its height is 4 "pi" (895/71/3.14=4). The ratio of the perimeter of the base of the pyramid of Cheops in Giza to its height is 2 "pi" (921.45 / 146.6 / 3.14 \u003d 2).

The Pyramid of the Sun is almost the same as the Pyramid of Cheops. The only difference is the height, the Mexican one is half that of the Egyptian pyramid.

A cave was discovered under the Pyramid of the Sun and underground tunnel 103 meters long. The tunnel coincides with the direction of the long stairs on the pyramid, in such a mysterious way, the underground corridor is a mirror image of the outer structure.


In the center of Teotiukan there are two streets that are oriented to the cardinal points. From north to south is the "road of the dead." At its northern end is the Pyramid of the Moon. The pyramid consists of five tiers with a flat top. The bases of the pyramid are equal to - 150 by 130 meters, height - 42 meters. Although the net height of both pyramids is different, the Pyramid of the Moon was built on a prepared platform to compensate for the difference in height, so they are externally the same in height.

In the middle of the pyramid, they found another - an older pyramid, which seemed to be hiding inside. In the middle of the second was the third, then the fourth - and so on seven times in a row! It turns out, a kind of "matryoshka".

Teotihuacan, Temple of Quetzalcoatl.

On central square is the Temple of Quetzalcoatl. It is a six-tier pyramid, decorated with snake heads, which are the symbol of Quetzalcoatl or the Feathered Serpent.


In the central square in its very center in front of the Pyramid of the Moon, a Goddess was discovered, her name is translated as “Lady of Water”. The statue is currently in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City.

Mention of the spiritual liberation of a person from the book "AllatRa":

Figurine of the Aztec Goddess of Water - Chalchiutlicue (300-400 AD; North America; National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico); Chalchiuhtlicue ("she is dressed in jade"; "she is dressed in blue") was portrayed as a young woman; she led the righteous through the heavenly bridge (rainbow), (AllatRa book, p.,)

It can be assumed that we are talking about, already well known to us.


On the territory of the complex near the Pyramid of the Sun, during excavations, underground rooms were discovered, their floor is paved from thick mica plates and filled with concrete. Reference: mica is one of the varieties of silicon that does not allow water, heat and electric current to pass through. Mica is used as an insulating layer in various chemical processes and in electrical and electronic devices. IN last years this material has found application in nuclear and space technologies. Interestingly, in the area where Teotihuacan is located, there are no mica deposits at all.


  • How to explain conformity geometric ratios of the Pyramid of the Sun of Teotihuacan and the Great Pyramid of Giza?
  • How did the ancient Indians know the number "Pi"?
  • Why is the "road of the dead" not directed strictly to the north pole, but deviates from the north direction by 15.5 degrees east?
  • For what purpose were the streets, floors in houses and temples concreted?
  • What was the purpose of the system of drainage channels and flowing reservoirs?
  • What was the purpose of the inhabitants of the city, covering houses and temples with earth?
  • What tool was used to process the stone blocks facing the Pyramid of the Sun, which retained traces of machine sawing and had smooth edges?
  • From whom did the Indians receive astronomical knowledge that allowed them to create during the construction of the pyramid of the Sun vanishing effect on equinoxes(at noon) a direct shadow on one of the lower steps of the west facade, which lasts 66.6 seconds? (remember the temple of Kukulkan and the effect of the crawling Serpent on the days of the spring and autumn solstices).
  • Why did the builders of Teotihuacan need to use a layer of mica between the two upper levels of the Pyramid of the Sun?
  • What was the function of the Mica Temple of Teotihuacan?
  • Why were the seven pyramids built inside the Pyramid of the Moon?
  • When, by whom and for what purpose was the crypt found in underground tunnel under the pyramid of Quetzalcoatl?


  1. Judging by the mass of factors (dirt, displacement, the inability to determine the exact age of the processed stone), we assume that the exact age of the city is much older, and most likely goes back to the already familiar to us milestone 12.5 thousand years, in times before the so-called flood. Buried houses of the inhabitants of the city just confirm this.
  2. The presence of concrete floors in the complex confirms that the residents were familiar with the technology of concrete production.
  3. Many questions are raised by the Mica Temple, where it is located inside the masonry. What was the purpose of this building? One of the hypotheses is a thermal and electrical insulator, a moderator of nuclear reactions or protection from certain types of radiation that are not yet known to us.
  4. All rooms are permeated drainage channel system. Historians believe that water from springs supplied the entire city through these channels. Perhaps the Teotihuacan complex is a kind of specialized hydraulic system, since in ancient times the city had a system of canals. This hydraulic network ensured the flow of water into Lake Texcoco, located today at a distance of 16 km.
  5. One of the assumptions is that the builders of the complex on the Giza plateau and the builders of the Teotihuacan complex in Mexico used the same system of measures. If we analyze the dimensions of the structures and the distances between them, we can calculate the "standard unit of measurement" used by the builders of the Teotihuacan complex, they called it "hunab" and it is equal to - 1.059 meters. The "royal cubit" used by the builders of the pyramids of Giza is 52.5 centimeters. It turns out that one "hunab" is equal to two "royal cubits". Coincidence or pattern - you decide. Maybe the builders of these two complexes were representatives of the same antediluvian civilization? Teotihuacan and the Egyptian pyramids are an amazing example of geometric, mathematical and astronomical mysticism.
  6. An interesting similarity of the names of Mohenjo-Daro ("hill of the dead") with the "road of the dead" Teotihuacan, invented by scientists. It feels like it was done on purpose, to create a repulsive impression. We already understand who and why.
  7. The fact that the builders knew about 72 dimensions is also traced. The initial height of the Pyramid of the Sun before the destruction of its superstructure was about meters.
  8. Can it be considered a mere coincidence that the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of Giza have same base size? And the fact that the angle of 43.5 degrees, chosen by Pharaoh Djoser for his stepped pyramid, was exactly repeated in Teotihuacan? Hardly. A more gentle slope, 45 degrees, could be built even by an inexperienced architect with a simple halving of a right angle (90 degrees), while an angle of 43.5 degrees was obtained in Egypt as a result of complex calculations using the number "pi" (approximately 3.14), which is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
  9. During the excavations of the city it turned out that houses and temples are "covered" with earth. Perhaps the "culprit of the burial" of houses and temples under a layer of soil was a powerful tsunami that arose as a result of water flooding. All this suggests that the pyramids of Teotihuacan were built by a highly developed civilization more than 13 thousand years ago.
  10. Finally, all of the above suggests that in ancient times highly developed civilization, yet another confirmation of the words of Rigden Djappo !


There are plenty of artifacts that testify that in antiquity before modern civilization there were more technologically advanced human civilizations, and every year this collection of facts "inconvenient" for the system is replenished with new discoveries and finds from different parts of the world. For example, today we have irrefutable material evidence that 140 million years ago there was a highly developed civilization, which in terms of technological development was several times higher than modern civilization. But will these facts change the fate of the current consumer society system? No, because everything will end with banal consumer curiosity on the part of the "bottom" and the desire of the "top" to create a new kind of instrument of power, intimidation for manipulating the "bottom". And note that everyone will not get rid of their personal suffering, generated and multiplied by the system. But everything will change if people themselves begin to awaken spiritually and change themselves and the world around them towards the vector of the spiritual and moral development of society with their daily actions. After all, for this there is all the knowledge and opportunities!

The remains of the former scientific heritage of early highly developed civilizations can be traced even through the most famous pages of the recent past - civilizations ancient egypt, Sumer, India, from which, as it is considered in official history, "the development of the present human civilization began." It is enough to study the question of what numbers and calculations they operated on, what tables, devices, technologies they had. All this presupposes the possession of such sciences as algebra, geometry, astronomy, physics, chemistry. The Greeks themselves, on whose authority modern science relies, openly mentioned in their works that they acquired much knowledge through trips to the East, in particular to Egypt. In this country, the science of computing from antiquity was considered a perfect and thorough study of all things, giving an understanding of their essence, contributing to the knowledge of their secrets.


The fact is that, by and large, we are just starting to master our capabilities. And at the beginning of this civilization, people, having a high potential of their mental capabilities, on the contrary, degraded, that is, they went from their great achievements to smaller ones. This is normal, because those scattered groups were the remnants of a past highly developed civilization. Subsequently, their descendants lost their former abilities and knowledge, so to speak, sunk to the point, and then started all over again.

The whole problem lies in the fact that highly developed civilizations are very dependent on external factors. Sensei looked into the sky. Take, for example, the Sun. Modern scientists suggest that its resources will be enough for a billion years. And then it can expand and go out, as a result of which all life on Earth will disappear. Well, first of all, these are just their assumptions and conjectures, since scientists know little about the Sun. And secondly, even now, at any second, a mega-ejection towards the Earth can occur on the Sun. And if this happens, then in three days there will be little left of all life on Earth. From humanity - at best, small scattered groups of people, before whom the problem of survival will become acute. Indeed, in order to eat even plants, one must also grow them, and for this, in turn, it is necessary at least to find their seeds. But even if you do not take into account the global catastrophe. Just imagine what will happen to us if we now take away electricity, gas, oil, to put it simply, all the benefits of civilization. We will be practically unfit for survival. And so it happened...

("Sensei-II. Primordial Shambhala" by A. Novykh)




Prepared by: Max Perepelitsa and Dato Gomarteli (Kyiv, Ukraine)

The age of Teotihuacan is about 2000 years old, the origin of the city is still a mystery. During its heyday 250-600 years. n. e., 125 - 200 thousand people lived in the city, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city reached 26-28 sq. km. This was The largest city the world at that moment. Teotihuacan was an important cultural and religious center of pre-Columbian America, which had a significant impact on many areas of Mesoamerica.

Teotihuacan map

The city was deserted around the 7th century, for unknown reasons. There are several versions of why this happened. In one assumption, the idea is expressed that the lower strata rebelled against the nobility and pogroms and fires began in the city. According to another version, the city was attacked by an external enemy, who destroyed the city, and the surviving residents dispersed around the district. There is a third version, according to which the cause of the death of Teotihuacan is environmental. It is very similar to the hypothesis of the decline of the Maya empire. The inhabitants uncontrollably cut down and burned forests to extract lime, which led to soil erosion, which led to a significant decrease in crops, plus drought, which aggravated the situation, leading to famine. But not one version has an exact confirmation.
The Aztecs, who arrived here in the 13th century, found the city empty and were amazed by the grandeur of the erected structures, and they considered that the city was erected by mythical giants. The Aztecs gave the name to the city of Teotihuacan, which in Aztec means the place where the gods were born, or the city of the gods. The name given by the founders of the city is unknown to history.
Today, Teotihuacan is one of the main attractions of Mexico and the most visited archaeological site in the country. Excursions to the ancient city are a mandatory item of school programs in Mexico City. Many people fly to Mexico City specifically to visit the main attraction of Teotihuacan, the Pyramid of the Sun. Especially many tourists come on the day of the spring equinox, it is believed that the pyramid of the sun has divine energy and this energy is especially strong on this day. People rise to the top of the pyramid and turn to face the sun with outstretched arms. Many claim that after that they feel extraordinary peace and harmony with the world.

Teotihuacan - model of the solar system

According to some scientists, the ancient Indian city of Teotihuacan is a model of the solar system. The Road of the Dead that occupies the center of the city is the Milky Way, and the pyramids and other structures along it on both sides display the positions of the Solar System's planets and perhaps some iconic stars.
One of the first to make such an assumption was Stansberg Hagar, a scientist from the University of Brooklyn. Later, testing this hypothesis using mathematical methods, the American scientist Harlston Hugh came to the conclusion that the Stenberg Hagar hypothesis as a whole does not contradict the truth and Teotihuacan was originally planned and built as a model of the solar system. According to these scientists, the Road of the Dead symbolized the Milky Way, which, in the mythology of the Indians of Central America, was identified with the road of the Dead, along which the souls of the dead passed into afterworld shadows. The Indians also believed that the Sun and Moon were born in the city of the gods Teotihuacan.

Sights of Teotihuacan

Death Road
The central place in Teotihuacan is occupied by the Road of the Dead, which runs from south to north and rests on the pyramid of the moon. The road is about three kilometers long and 40 meters wide. It is believed that the road got its name from the Aztecs. The Indians who arrived in Teotihuacan saw pyramids along the road and they considered that these were the burial places of the rulers of a previous civilization, hence the name.
Pyramid of the Sun
The main attraction of Teotihuacan is the Pyramid of the Sun. Many tourists visit Mexico specifically to visit the Pyramid of the Sun. The pyramid is the third largest ancient structure in the world after the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt and the Pyramids of Cholula in Mexico. The base of the Pyramid of the Sun is equal to the Egyptian one (893 meters), and almost two times lower in height (64 meters). The Pyramid of the Sun was built around 150 BC. e., and is a five-tiered structure on top of which used to be a small temple. The Pyramid of the Sun is made of cobblestone, earth and clay, lined with stone.
The first large-scale exploration of the pyramid was carried out in 1906 by Leopoldo Batres on the orders of President Porfirio Diaz, with the aim of emphasizing the cultural richness of the Mexican people in their pre-Spanish monuments. In 1971, new research was carried out and a tunnel was discovered in the pyramid, leading to a cave, which is located directly under its center, 6 meters from the surface of the earth. It is assumed that the cave was a royal tomb.
Pyramid of the Moon
The Pyramid of the Moon is the second largest structure in Teotihuacan and has a height of 42 meters, at the top there is a platform that was used for rituals in honor of Chalchiuhtlicue, the goddess of water and the moon. The pyramid is located at the northern end of the Road of the Dead. The pyramid was built between 200 and 450 AD. e. Under the pyramid itself there is another structure that is older than the pyramid of the Sun.
Temple of the Feathered Serpent
In Teotihuacan there is a square, the so-called Citadel, which is surrounded by four walls 390 meters long each. The centerpiece of the Citadel is the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, which is the third largest structure in Teotihuacan. The feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl was considered the creator of the world and the god of fertility. The temple was built in the form of a pyramid, which was once decorated with intricate ornaments of feathered snake heads, partially preserved on the western side.
The Museo Teotihuacan Museum contains many artifacts found during excavations and exploration of Teotihuacan. Also in the museums there are large-scale models of the ancient city.

Teotihuacan how to get there

First you need to take the metro to the Autobuses del Norte station (Northern Bus Station), then we go up to the bus station building and find the ticket office where they sell bus tickets to the pyramids. This ticket office is located to the left of the main entrance and is sandwiched between sections 7 and 8. The bus can proceed further, therefore, in order to get out on time, it is better to ask the driver or passengers for advice on when to get off. When visiting Teotihuacan, stock up on water and food.

Teotihuacan travel photo

Bus stop in Mexico City with buses to Teotihuacan.

At the entrance to Teotihuacan, there are stalls with souvenirs.

In Mexico, souvenirs associated with death are very popular - skulls, skeleton figurines, etc.

Teotihuacan - Pyramid of the Sun.

Pyramid of the Sun.

Pyramid of the Sun.

Pyramid of the Sun.

We were in Teotihuacan on Sunday and to get to the top of the pyramid of the sun, we had to spend 1.5 hours because of the long queue.

At the top of the pyramid of the Sun there is a tip from a metal rod. He is credited with a mystical appearance and it is believed that he is connected by cosmic energy with the sun and everyone is trying to touch him.

In fact, everything is much simpler. Previously, there was a sign in this place, and after it broke, this same rod remained.

View from the Pyramid of the Sun.

Pyramid of the Moon

View from the Pyramid of the Sun to the Pyramid of the Moon and the Road of the Dead.

Pyramid of the Moon

Pyramid of the Moon

View of Teotihuacan from the Pyramid of the Moon. On the right is the Pyramid of the Sun, in the center is the Road of the Dead.

View from the Pyramid of the Moon to the Pyramid of the Sun.

When it comes to the pyramids, most people immediately think of Egypt. But archaeologists have found many similar structures in America, and more specifically in Mexico. The Mexican pyramids, like the pyramids in Egypt, were built several thousand years ago and are also shrouded in an unsolved centuries-old mystery. The usual pyramid in Egypt is a huge stone structure, inside of which is the tomb of the pharaoh. Internal passages lead to this most important part of the pyramid. The Mexican pyramid is a huge pedestal of earth, on top of which there is a temple. You can reach the top by a long staircase. Unlike the Egyptian pyramids, the Mexican pyramids are not tombs, with a few exceptions.


This is one of the most famous and ancient cities in Mexico. Teotihuacan located northeast of the country's capital Mexico City, about 50 kilometers from it. Until now, this ancient city is a mystery to archaeologists and anthropologists. The last builders left Teotihuacan several hundred years before the first Aztecs arrived here. The word "teotihuacan" in Nahuatl means "city of the gods" or "city where the gods lived." There is an opinion that the name of the city was given by the Aztecs who arrived here.

As one National Geographic contributor put it, Teotihuacan was the very first true city in the entire Western Hemisphere. This city was founded somewhere at the beginning of our era, or perhaps a little earlier. It existed for about 700 years and as a result has become a true legend today. The heyday of the city was around the 6th century AD. e. Then its population, according to rough estimates, was about 200 thousand people.

In the very center of Teotihuacan is a huge pyramid of the sun. It consists of five terraces, and its base has a size of 220x225 meters. Currently, the height of the pyramid is 63 meters. A long staircase with more than 240 steps leads to the top of the pyramid.
Not far from the city is the Pyramid of the Moon, which has a height of about 40 meters. In ancient times, both pyramids were temples.

Much more has become known about these pyramids in the last few decades. But at the same time, practically nothing is known about the Teotihuacans themselves, the way society was organized, and what ultimately led to the decline of the huge city.

Other pyramids of Mexico

In the heart of the capital of Mexico is the most important Aztec temple. Pyramids are not visible here, but if you look closely, you can see the remains of ancient pyramids that served as a pedestal for the main temple. Archaeologists have discovered two altars at this site, where sacrifices were once performed.

Chichen Itza
It is one of the most visited pyramids in all of Mexico. This is the most easily accessible place among the ruins of the ancient Mayan settlements, since Chichen Itza is located on the Yucatan Peninsula near the city of Merida. Despite the fact that all these buildings are located on the territory of the Mayan tribe, the structure of their structure suggests that the Toltecs once had a strong influence here. There are also those that testify to the high level of knowledge of builders in the field of astronomy and mathematics.

In the city of Palenque in the Mexican state of Chiapas, tourists can look at a large complex of massive Mayan structures. Among a large number buildings and pyramids Temple of the Inscriptions and Palace. According to the book 3,000 Years of Mayan Civilization, the Temple of the Inscriptions is "one of the most famous temples in all of Mesoamerica, which has, in addition to a pedestal, also a tomb."
Under the base of the temple is a staircase that leads to the greatest tomb of the entire Maya civilization. The tomb was built for Pakal, the ruler of the Maya empire, or Waksok Aau, who lived in the 7th century.

These pyramids are just a small part of all the pyramids in Mexico. Many pyramids and their remains can also be found in many other parts of the country. In neighboring Honduras and Guatemala, there are also huge pyramids built from an unknown material, which was made by the ancient ancestors of the Mexicans using a special technology, because they obviously could not go and buy building mixtures. According to the method of erecting these structures, it can be concluded that the ancient inhabitants of Mesoamerica chose the most elevated places for their construction and held services there.

Mexico is the country that holds the largest number of ancient ruins, many of which are the subject of constant archaeological research to reveal to us, hidden for centuries under a dense cover of dense jungle. The provinces of Chiapas, Yucatán and Quintana Rú are known for their archaeological sites with the ruins of Mayan cities open to tourists.


Nestled in the rainforest of the province of Chiapas, near the Usumacinta River, the ruins of the city of Palenque impress with their size and magnificence of the preserved buildings. For 15 sq. km found on this moment over a thousand buildings. The archaeological zone includes the "Temple of the Sun", the "Temple of the Cross", the "Temple of the Inscriptions", the ruins of the palace and many other buildings. The "Temple of the Inscriptions" stands out in particular, where a sarcophagus was found with the burial place of one of the greatest rulers of Palenque - Pakal. The bas-reliefs on the walls of the palace and the decoration of the ball field are striking. Palenque is considered the most beautiful and impressive open-air museum in Mexico. Whether ancient symbols or examples of Mayan art, the ruins of Palenque will surely give you an idea of ​​the development of the Mayan civilization.

How to get there: it is not difficult to get to this archaeological zone. You can get by bus to the modern city of Palenque, and from there by another bus to the archaeological complex itself - 10 minutes. Or take advantage of a guided tour offered by your tour operator, which may be a little more expensive, but definitely more comfortable.


The ruins of the Mayan city of Yaxchilan are located 4 hours drive from Palenque, on the border with Guatemala in the heart of the jungle, on the banks of the Usumacinta River. Yaxchilan is a truly inexhaustible pantry of a huge number of architectural and literary monuments of the Mayan people, a significant part of which is exhibited in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. Yaxchilan was considered one of the most influential cities of the Pachan kingdom and competed in influence with Palenque.

A trip to Yaxchilan will give an unforgettable experience to all connoisseurs ancient history- walls painted with hieroglyphs, reflecting the important events of the kingdom, altars and steles, ancient temples will not leave anyone indifferent. And the untouched nature surrounding the ruins, with an incredible number of birds, reptiles and howler monkeys, creates a backdrop that will take your breath away.

How to get there: First by bus, then half an hour by boat along the Usumacinta River, which separates Mexico and Guatemala, to the archaeological zone of Yaxchilan.

Chichen Itza ​​

Chichen Itza attracts travelers from all over the world as one of the largest archaeological parks on the Yucatan Peninsula with famous pyramid Kukulkan, recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world in 2007. The complex is located on a plot of 2.5 square kilometers and is visited daily by about 10,000 tourists, mainly from the nearby seaside resort Cancun.

Most famous building- Pyramid Kukulkan 24 m high with 365 steps on four sides. Unfortunately, the ascent to the pyramid is closed. But on the other hand, there will be time to see: the Red House, the House of the Deer, the monastery and its annexes, the church, Akab Dzib, the Temple with three lintels and the Pali House, a huge field for playing ball, as well as a deep ritual well of the cenote, which was used for sacrifices to the god rain Tlaloc.

How to get there: from Cancun 195 km on a good road, travel time is about 2 hours.


Located in the state of Chiapas, former city Mayan Bonampak is popular for its preserved frescoes and Temple of Paintings. The frescoes are recognized as the best found in the Mayan world and for them we suggest visiting this archaeological site, although it will seem small to you compared to Yaxchilan.

How to get there: when traveling to Yaxchilan, as a rule, all excursions include a visit to Bonampak. We would not recommend getting there ourselves, unless we take local Indians who know their roads well as guides.


Coba is the second most visited ruins of the ancient Mayan city in the province of Quintana Rú (after Tulum). Access to the main pyramid of the city, 42 meters high, is still allowed, and if you want to enjoy climbing the pyramid under the scorching tropical sun, then you should come here!

However, the main vast territory of the Coba archaeological zone is immersed in the jungle, through which you can walk from one building to another or use tourist trains or rented bicycles. On this long walk, you can see not only the picturesque ruins, but also admire the beautiful cenotes and the lush vegetation around them.

How to get there: From the resorts of Cancun and the Riviera Maya, excursions are offered, often combining visits to Coba and Tulum. Distance 173 km. There are also regular buses from Cancun and Playa del Carmen bus stations.


Tulum is famous as the only known Mayan city built on the coast. caribbean. It is also the only Mayan city that is surrounded by a wall. Usually the Maya did not strengthen their city-states, did not build fortifications. The wall was built at the end of the city's existence as a defensive means against the attacks of nomadic peoples from the north, which were very common at that time.

Here you can not only get acquainted with the Temple of Frescoes and the El Castillo pyramid covered with elegant stone carvings, but also enjoy magnificent views of the ruins of the city against the backdrop of the calm turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. This archaeological site ranks first among tourists in terms of attendance in the province of Quintana Ru and third place across the country after Chichen Itza and Teotihuacan. Therefore, we recommend visiting it in the first hours after opening.

How to get there: Tulum is located 180 km from Cancun and only 60 km from the "capital" of the Riviera Maya, Playa del Carmen. From Cancun Airport, ADO buses leave 3 times a day for Tulum, and from there you can take a taxi to the archaeological area, the journey takes 2 hours. From resort town Playa del Carmen in Tulum can be reached by bus or collective (local minibus) in an hour.


The ruins of the once huge Mayan city of Uxmal are characterized by the splendor of architecture and are on a par with Chichen Itza and Tikal. This archaeological zone is relatively close to Chichen Itza and the city of Merida. The complex is spread over an area of ​​150 hectares.

Of interest is the inspection of the Pyramid of the Magus, which is unconventional in its design, the Square of the Monastery, Great Pyramid and "pigeons". The ruins of Uxmalae are characterized by a distinctive ornamental finish compared to the rest of the Maya ruins. Everywhere you can see well-preserved columns, complex ornamental patterns, figurines of birds and animals, and decorative elements. From the top of the Great Pyramid, a panoramic view of Uxmal and the lush jungle surrounding it opens up.

How to get there: You can get from Merida to Uxmal by bus from central bus station. Travel time 1 hour 10 minutes. The bus stops right next to the entrance to the complex.

  • Wear comfortable shoes, because in most cases you will be walking through the jungle, in the interweaving of roots and vines, and you will also have to climb the stairs of the pyramids.
  • In our ranking, we mentioned the possibility of getting to the ruins on our own, but we recommend the first time you visit mayan ruins do it with a guide because he will tell interesting things about these archaeological excavations often not listed in guidebooks.
  • Use mosquito repellents while being in the jungle.
  • Do not forget sunscreen with good protection, after all, a walk in open areas, especially in Chichen Itza or Tulum, threatens to burn.

Teotihuacan is a mysterious abandoned city located 50 km northeast of Mexico City. The name translates as "the place where the gods were born" or "the city of the gods".

The age of this city is calculated in millennia, but it has not yet been possible to establish the exact date of its construction, although it is undeniable - this is the most Old city western hemisphere. According to rough estimates, the area of ​​​​the settlement was 27 square meters. km, and the population - at least 200 thousand people.

The layout of Teotihuacan is an extensive network of streets exactly perpendicular to the central avenue. Around the center were adobe dwellings located close to each other, forming separate city blocks, with narrow streets and blank walls of houses.

All houses were one-story, without windows and had a flat roof. The only source of air and light was the entrance, which always opened onto an open-air courtyard.

It is worth paying tribute to the skill of the ancient builders, since the idea of ​​such a complex stone structure in those days caused a lot of problems associated with stone processing and laying technologies. But the accuracy of calculations and the quality of construction allowed this creation to stand to this day.

In Teotihuacan, spiritual aspects were highly valued and the priesthood was an obligatory part of the generally accepted way of life. Such a conclusion can be drawn from the home altars, which were located even in the poorest dwellings.

The mythology and art of the city reflect the rich spirituality of its inhabitants. Everyday life was closely associated with several deities and a special place among them was given to Quetzalcoatl, the god who personified a giant snake covered with bird feathers.

During its heyday, Teotihuacan exerted significant cultural influence over much of Mesoamerica. Teotihuacan earthenware vessels and figurines are found from northern Mexico to the mountains of Guatemala and from the Pacific coast to the Gulf of Mexico.

During the era of its power, Teotihuacan controlled the central highlands of Mexico and maintained contacts with the centers of neighboring civilizations - Oaxaca, Monte Alban and Mayan city-states.

The city was abandoned in the 7th century for completely unclear reasons. The Aztecs who came here much later found only majestic ruins. The reason why the inhabitants abandoned their city during its prosperity has not left historians alone for many decades.

The third-party invasion hypothesis is popular. The city was badly destroyed, all hiding places and tombs were plundered, and revered statues were desecrated or broken. But some researchers oppose this version, since no traces of violence or rebellion were found.

In the depths of one of the pyramids of Teotihuacan, archaeologists have found a room with the remains of 12 human bodies. All of them had their hands tied behind their backs, and 10 of them were beheaded and laid out in a circle, possibly symbolizing the rays of the sun.

The other two victims, most likely, occupied a high position in society, as they were carefully planted against the wall and they were wearing jade jewelry, including necklaces imitating human jaws.

The inhabitants of the city believed in the power of occult rituals and sacrifices. According to one of the legends, a sacred child was born in the city, which became a symbol of the fact that Teotihuacan had to be left before the next new moon, so as not to incur the wrath of the gods. What actually happened - we can only guess ...

360° Panorama - Mayan Pyramids, Tikal, Guatemala

Video - Ancient City of Teotihuacan