The most unusual lakes in the world. Project "unusual lakes of the world" Unusual bodies of water of the world


For the most part, lakes - large and not very large - are not only sources of drinking water, but also significant tourist sites that attract the attention of a huge number of tourists. But on our planet there are so many different and amazing lakes that it is simply impossible to know about all of them. Our list includes several unusual bodies of water that are definitely worth seeing:

Titikaka / Titikaka (territory of Bolivia and Peru)

is the largest in reserves fresh water mountain lake

The lake, with an area the size of the island of Crete (about 8,300 km²), looks like a sea from above, is overgrown with reeds along the banks and resembles a swamp from the shore. Almost everything is made from the reeds that grow everywhere, from houses and islands to clothes and hats.

There is a legend according to which, a long time ago, the Aymara Indians swam across this lake on their pirogues and ended up in the territory of the Incas. The two peoples could not get along, but the proud Aymaras did not want to go home and decided that now they would swim on the lake all the time. So they still live on rafts-islands made of reeds.

Cheongji (China-North Korea border)

is the highest crater lake

Lake Chongji is often called the "Heavenly Lake" - the height of the water surface is 2,189 meters above sea level.

According to one of the North Korean beliefs, Hwanun, whose son founded the Korean state of Gojoseon, descended from the sky onto the shore of a mountain lake.

Another legend, most likely invented for tourists: local residents They claim that Kim Jong Il, the son of the founder of the North Korean state, Kim Il Sung, was born on the shores of this lake.

Kliluk / Kliluk Lake (Canada)

consists of the most large quantity small lakes

During the warm season, some of the water in the lake evaporates, but that’s not all: the remaining minerals harden, resulting in the formation of peculiar “paths” connecting 365 small lakes. Due to the large number of tiny lakes, Kliluk is otherwise called the “Spotted Lake”.

Interestingly, you won’t find a single souvenir shop nearby, much less a hotel. In 1979, an attempt to create a resort here had already been made by one businessman (Ernest Slim), but his initiative was suppressed by the Indians, who had been fighting for 20 years to preserve the pristine nature of the lake and its surroundings. In 2001, they completely bought the territory and turned the lake into a nature reserve.

Jiuzhaigou (China)

is an ice-free lake without a single thermal spring

The lake is one of the main attractions of the reserve of the same name: even in the coldest winter it does not freeze for some unknown reason. Initially, the opinion of scientists was that there were hot springs at depth, but they have not yet been discovered.

At the bottom of the lake you can see many tree trunks, which, in theory, should cause cloudiness in the water, but it is clean and transparent for an inexplicable reason.

Pitch Lake (Trinidad and Tobago)

is a lake consisting of pure liquid asphalt

The lake contains about 6 million tons of natural asphalt: according to scientists, it should be enough for another four centuries. However, its surface consists not only of thick, smoking asphalt - in its vicinity there are places where you can swim perfectly, so about 20 thousand tourists come here every year.

In the tourist center and museum, located on the shore of the lake, you can see various artifacts recovered from under the water at different times: Indian pottery or huge sloth bones. You can read more about this lake

Several gray bull sharks were recently discovered in a golf course lake in Australia. How did she end up there? Very simply, as a result of the flood, the lake connected with a nearby river and when the water level stabilized, the sharks were trapped in the lake. There are warning signs around the lake to warn golfers not to try to retrieve balls that have fallen into the lake.

Jellyfish Lake is a slightly salted reservoir separated from the ocean by a 200-meter stretch of land. The maximum depth of the lake is 50 meters. It was formed approximately 12 thousand years ago.

Because of their isolation from the ocean and minimal predators, the Golden and Moon jellyfish that live in the lake thrive and reproduce at an astonishing rate. Jellyfish migrate in giant flocks from one side of the lake to the other and back every day. Another feature of these jellyfish is that their tentacles have lost their stinging cells; therefore, their bites are not harmful to humans. Because of this, Jellyfish Lake is very popular among diving enthusiasts.


The artificial lake Resia is located in South Tyrol, in the province of Bolzano in northern Italy. The lake was formed as a result of the creation of a reservoir in the 1950s and is located on the site where the village of Curon Venosta was once located. The only reminder of the existing village is the church tower that rises above the surface of the water. In winter, when the lake freezes, people can even approach the tower.


The lake is located in North America on the border of Canada and the USA. Is the largest in area fresh lake in the world. At a certain period of time, there are quite large waves suitable for surfing. But this time falls in winter, when the water temperature in the lake ranges from 0 to 5 degrees Celsius. However, the time of year and temperature do not frighten surfers.

This strange lake is located in the Morne-Trois-Piton National Park on the Caribbean island of Dominica. Surprisingly, the water in the lake is in a state of constant boiling. Water temperatures measured around the edges of the lake range from 82–92°C (180–197°F). One can only guess what the temperature is in the center, where the lake is actively boiling. Because the lake's boiling is caused by volcanic activity, it is extremely unstable.


In the middle of Lake Pichola in the city of Udaipur in India, on a rocky base is the Lake Palace, which has served as a summer residence for the Maharaja of Jag Niwas since 1746, and is now a hotel. Has a total area of ​​16,000 sq. m. and has 83 rooms. An interesting fact is that the “Royal Butlers” working at the hotel are descendants of the palace servants.


Lake Baikal is located in Eastern Siberia and is considered the deepest lake in the world. In photographs taken by satellites in the spring, when the ice of the lake begins to melt, geometrically regular circles were discovered in different areas of Lake Baikal. These mysterious dark rings are mostly large sizes, the largest of which reach approximately 3.2 km. in diameter. According to scientists, these rings appear due to the rise of deep waters and an increase in the temperature of the surface layer of water in the central part of the circular structure.


Crater Lake is located in the US state of Oregon. It is considered the main attraction of the national park called Crater Lake. The maximum depth of the lake is 594 meters, and the average depth is 350 meters, making it the deepest lake in the United States. It partially fills the caldera of the destroyed Mazama volcano. Crater Lake is also famous for a huge log called the “Old Man of the Lake” that has been floating there for about 100 years in an upright position.

Another strange lake that is mineral. Located in the Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve in Bolivia, near the border with Chile. The peculiarity of this lake is the red-brown color of the water, reminiscent of a Martian landscape. The phenomenon is caused by sedimentary rocks, as well as the pigmentation of some algae growing there. Also in the middle of the lake you can see small white islands consisting of borax.

Another feature is that the lagoon area is home to a huge number of James flamingos.

Peach Lake (bitumen lake)

Peach Lake consists of the purest liquid asphalt. It is the world's largest deposit of natural asphalt, estimated at more than 6 million tons, tens of thousands of which are mined every year. Peach Lake is a self-renewing source of natural asphalt, which will not be exhausted any time soon (at the current level of production, another 400 years). Located in the southwest of the island of Trinidad. The lake is about 80 meters deep with a total area of ​​approximately 40 hectares.

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10 most unusual lakes on our planet.

10 most unusual lakes on our planet.

Spotted Lake

The first unusual lake we will talk about is the spotted lake Kliluk. It is located in the province of British Columbia in western Canada.

Spotted Lake

The uniqueness of the lake is that its water contains the largest amount of minerals in the world (among all lakes): magnesium sulfate, calcium, sodium sulfate, silver, titanium.

During the summer, most of the water evaporates and the minerals harden, forming natural rings around the water that you can safely walk on. The water that forms large spots on the lake at different times of the year turns a certain color depending on its mineral composition. This results in a spotted lake.

Chameleon lakes are located on the Indonesian island of Flores in the crater of the Kelimutu volcano at an altitude of 1639 meters. The last time the volcano woke up was in 1968, after which it fell asleep, and at its top three depressions formed in the magma, which over time were filled with precipitation.

Chameleon lakes of Kelimutu volcano.

The resulting three reservoirs periodically change color from black to turquoise. Color changes occur due to chemical reactions occurring between various minerals and gas.

For example, the concentration of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids causes a green color, and the reaction between iron and hydrogen sulfide produces a reddish tint. The color of the water changes unpredictably, the last time the colors were: green, black and dark green. And before this, the lakes were painted white, turquoise and red. And even earlier, in 2009, the lakes were black, turquoise and brown.

30 kilometers from Dakar is located pink lake. Initially, the lake was a lagoon connected by a narrow channel to the ocean. But the Atlantic surf washed the sand and over time covered the channel, and a salt lake was formed. The salt concentration in the lake is 1.5 times higher than in the Dead Sea - 380 grams per liter.

Retba is a pink lake in Senegal.

But the unusualness of this lake lies not in its salinity, but in its color. The lake has a unique pink color due to the bacteria living in it - cyanobacteria. Apart from them, no one else lives in the lake. The color of the water ranges from light pink to brown. The shade depends on the time of day, cloudiness or wind. Strong winds activate the cyanobacteria and begin to produce more of the pink enzyme.

The increased salinity of the lake makes it possible for local residents to earn a living. Every day, dozens of local men go by boat to the middle of the lake and, standing waist-deep in water, use special sticks to break the salt deposits at the bottom of the lake. The resulting salt is loaded into boats with shovels and transported to the shore. To prevent water with a high concentration of salt from corroding the skin into non-healing ulcers (for this it will only take tens of minutes), miners, before entering the water, rub themselves with shea butter extracted from the fruits of the tallow tree.

Due to active salt mining, pink Lake Retba is becoming smaller and smaller every year, and if measures are not taken to protect the unique lake in the near future, it may soon disappear from the face of our earth.

Lake “Morning Glory”.

The lake is located in the USA in Yellowstone National Park. The unusualness of the lake lies in its depth, color and temperature. The lake itself is small, but its depth reaches up to 2200 meters. The water in the lake changes color from dark purple to turquoise, and sometimes turns completely green.

Lake “Morning Glory”.

Since the lake is on the surface of the big volcano in the world, then it behaves accordingly: it either boils like water in a kettle, or explodes like a geyser. Unusual name the lake acquired in 1883 due to its shape. The fact is that the shape of the lake is similar to the bindweed flower, which in the USA is called “morning glory”.

Unfortunately, due to numerous tourists, the lake has lost some of its features. Tourists throw coins into the lake, which clog the source that heats the lake, causing the water temperature to drop to 50 degrees and the lake to stop bubbling. But the park staff do not give up and are trying to artificially cause an explosion of the geyser in order to clear the passage between the source and the lake.

Mirror Lake.

Mirror Lake is located in southwestern Bolivia. In fact, this is the world's largest dry salt lake - the Salar de Uyuni. Its area is about 10,582 sq. km.

Mirror Lake.

It contains more than 10 billion tons of salt. During the rainy season, the bowl of the dried lake is completely filled with water and the surface turns into a real mirror, which reflects the blue Bolivian sky.

Lake of jellyfish.

Jellyfish Lake is located in the archipelago of the Republic of Palau. On the islands of the archipelago there are three unique lakes, which have no analogues in the world, in which jellyfish live - Mastigias.

There are about 25 million individuals in each lake. It is completely safe for a person to be among jellyfish, because in the process of evolution in the waters of a closed lake, jellyfish have lost the ability to sting and do not get burned at all.

Lake of jellyfish.

Usually the jellyfish cluster together in the middle of the lake, forming a solid wall and allowing divers to interact with them.

Jellyfish Lake is very popular among tourists, but you can only swim in it on the surface. The fact is that at a depth of more than ten meters, the water becomes toxic and it is for this reason that no organisms, except jellyfish, have taken root in the lake.

Asphalt lake.

An asphalt lake called Peach Lake is located in the crater of a mud volcano on the island of Trinidad located in the Caribbean seas.

The lake was formed after the Caribbean continental plate broke, causing oil to rise up the fault. And after passing through the crater of a volcano, under the influence of evaporation of volatile substances, oil turns into asphalt.

Peach Lake is the world's largest source of natural bitumen, covering more than 40 hectares and reaching a depth of 75 meters. Asphalt development is underway here; about 150 thousand tons of natural bitumen are extracted per year.

Asphalt lake.

The extracted material is exported to the USA, China and England, and is subsequently used in construction.

Lake with bubbles.

Lake Abraham is an artificial reservoir created in 1972 in Canada to collect spring waters. In appearance, the lake is completely unremarkable, but with the onset of winter it attracts tourists from all over the globe to look at the natural phenomenon.

Lake with bubbles.

What is unique about this lake? Here's the thing. Every winter, the ice cover of the lake is covered with an unusual pattern, which is formed in the ice from frozen gas bubbles.

The reason for this phenomenon is that methane bubbles rise from the bottom of the lake to the already frozen edge of the ice.

Lake with bubbles.

They freeze at different depths and thanks to this, such an unusual visual effect is obtained. And look at their fantastic beauty.

This artificial lake is located in China in the Zhejiang province and was formed during the construction of a hydroelectric power station in 1959. Some time after the construction of the hydroelectric power station, the artificial lake became a little shallow and bizarre sandy islands appeared above the water.

And after a few more years, all these islands were covered with lush grass and green trees, birds settled there and the islands came to life. In total, there are more than 1000 islands on the lake, which is why it received its name. The water in Qiandaohu Lake is so pure that a Chinese brand is based on it mineral water Nongfu Spring.

Lake of the Thousand Islands Qiandaohu.

And in 2002, two ancient cities were found under the lake, the age of which is estimated at about 1800 years. During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the cities of Chun'an and Sui'an were located on the site of the lake. During the dives, divers examined the city of Sui'an and found that the buildings were preserved in excellent condition. Now local Chinese authorities are thinking about how to attract as many tourists as possible here.

Ideas to drain the lake or organize mass scuba diving were rejected. Now there are plans to create an underwater transparent tunnel through which tourists can move and see underwater sights.

Green Lake in Austria.

An amazing lake called Gruner See (Green Lake) is located in Austria in the foothills of the Hochschwab Mountains near the town of Tragoss. From August to April it is an ordinary, unremarkable lake, 1-2 meters deep, around which there is a small park with a green lawn, paved paths and benches. But in the spring, metamorphoses occur with the lake: the snow on the surrounding mountains begins to melt and flow in stormy streams into the lowlands, where the lake is located.

The bowl of the lake is not at all designed for such an amount of water. After some time, the water begins to overflow its banks and absorb the space around it. And along with it, benches, lawns, and walking paths go under water. The depth of Green Lake during this period increases to 10-12 meters, and thanks to the melted mountain snow, the water in the lake is absolutely transparent.

And they called it green only because the mountain, lush grass, after the park’s territory was flooded, continues to grow under the water column and gives the lake an emerald hue.

Despite the fact that the water in the lake is icy, no more than 6-7 degrees Celsius, in the spring season it attracts a lot of tourist divers. After all, where else can you sit on an underwater bench and walk along an underwater path? By the end of July, the lake returns to its normal state, and the park becomes the property of pedestrian tourists......until next spring.

On our planet there is a lot most beautiful places, which you can admire endlessly. And the real pearls of the Earth are beautiful and numerous lakes, which for us are not only sources of fresh water, but also the most interesting places to visit for curious tourists and travelers. Today we will talk about the most interesting lakes in the world.

1. Lake Kalk in Germany- located next to German village Rüders, in the Spree region of the Oder, east of Berlin. The lake is ten meters deep and is located directly above a limestone deposit. The Germans love to swim here and hold various water sports competitions. Moreover, this lake has long been chosen by divers. There are so many people here that local authorities opened a tourist base on the lake in 2003. This reservoir is very popular among professional fishermen. This is a very clean lake, for which it was awarded the EU blue flag in 2002.

2. Lake Toba in Indonesia on the island of Sumatra- is the world's largest reservoir of volcanic origin, which appeared seventy-five thousand years ago, after the eruption of Mount Toba. The lake is surrounded by picturesque pine forests. Tourists love to take boat trips along Tobe on ferries or boats. The greatest depth of the lake is five hundred and five meters, but the water here is crystal clear, you can see through it for tens of meters. There are interesting fish here: guppies, carp, Asian pike, gourami, rasbora, which, due to the purity of the water, can be photographed very clearly.

3. Gorovaldai Lake in Russia, V Leningrad region– not far from the town of Serebryany Bor, there is an excellent summer holiday destination, attracting not only local residents, but also tourists, due to the fact that it is located next to the Gulf of Finland, in a beautiful area surrounded by impenetrable pine forests. In ancient times, the lake was part of the bay lagoon, but was naturally separated by a strip of sand dunes. Gorovaldai Lake stretches for a distance of five kilometers, its width is about three kilometers, its depth varies from five to fifteen meters. The shores of the lake are extremely picturesque: they are indented and form cozy sandy beaches, and the air is clean and fresh, even on a hot day. There are a lot of fish in the lake: roach, perch, ruff, eel, pike perch. All these advantages of relaxing on the lake attract numerous vacationers who come here with entire families.

4. Lake Ohrid in Albania is the deepest and oldest lake on the Balkan Peninsula, and an important landmark of Albania. From the east and west it is surrounded by snow-capped mountain peaks, turning into inaccessible, steep banks, and the northern and South coast- flat, with convenient descents to the water. The maximum depth of this lake is two hundred eighty-eight meters. Its water is renewed from numerous underground sources, so it is always crystal clear and transparent. In summer, the waters of the lake warm up to twenty-one degrees, which makes it a favorite beach holiday in Albania. Along the shores of the lake there are numerous tourist and sports centers. The reservoir is home to more than two hundred species of living creatures listed in the International Red Book. And the lake itself has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1980.

5. Lake Inkit in Abkhazia– this relict lake is located in the Gagra region. It is small in size, with a maximum depth of just over three meters. In ancient years, the water in the lake was fresh, but after sea water began to flow here, the salinity of Inkit became five grams of salt per liter of water. There are many wonderful historical legends about this romantic lake. For example, one of the legends says that in the fourth century BC, on the shore of this reservoir stood the ancient city of Pitius, and Lake Inkit was its harbor. The ships of the famous commander Alexander the Great moored there. The reliability of these stories is unknown, but the fact that on the banks of the Inkit archaeologists found many ancient objects, as well as the ruins of the foundations of ancient buildings, suggests that there is some truth in them.

6. Lake Carezza in Italy– located in the South Tyrol region, near Bolzano, in the village of Nova Levante, right at the foot of the picturesque Latemar mountain. The second name of this beautiful reservoir is “Rainbow Lake”, despite its small size, it is incredibly beautiful, thanks to the unique color of the water, surrounded by magnificent Italian nature. Swimming here is quite cool, since the water temperature does not exceed thirteen degrees even on summer days. But you definitely need to look at this lake “pearl”. Scientists attribute the unusual and rich color of the water to the special minerals that make up its composition. But local residents will tell you a more romantic legend about this. They say that in ancient years there lived a beautiful mermaid in Lake Carezza, who one day the local sorcerer Masare saw and fell madly in love with her. But she did not agree to reciprocate, therefore, one of Masare’s acquaintances advised him to pretend to be a jewelry dealer and present them to his beloved. He did so, but forgot to change clothes, and the mermaid, recognizing him, said that she would not accept gifts from the sorcerer, and would no longer rise to the surface of the lake. The sorcerer got angry and threw all the jewelry into the lake; they fell to the bottom, reflecting brightly in the sun and casting rainbow reflections. From that moment on, the lake changed its usual color to a rainbow one.

7. Lake Guatavita in Colombia- this is the most mysterious lake of Bogota, on the shores of which the famous legend about the mysterious country of Eldorado - the city of the Golden Man - was born. Each leader of the Muisca Indian tribe who ascended the throne became a golden man. The inauguration ceremony of this tribe was very interesting: the leader was rubbed with gold dust until he looked like a golden figurine, then he was seated on a raft on which gold items were loaded. The raft floated to the center of the lake, and the leader and his assistants dumped the gold into the water. The spectators who stood on the shores of the lake did not have the opportunity to throw golden offerings into the middle of the reservoir, so they buried them directly in the ground. For a long time they thought that this was just a beautiful addition, which they remembered from time to time, seeing a mysterious glow and reflections emanating from the depths of the lake. Therefore, it was explained by the fact that gold, accumulated over a long period of time at the bottom of the lake, begins to be reflected in the rays of the bright sun. But during repair work and replacement of paths along the lake, which took place in 2006, builders found several ancient gold figurines. Since then, numerous tourists have flocked here, hoping to also find Indian gold.

8. Lake Malawi in Africa- the second deepest lake on this continent. Another name for the reservoir is “Calendar Lake”, due to the fact that its length is three hundred and sixty-five kilometers, the same as the number of days in a year. This is Africa's most beautiful freshwater lake, with excellent golden sand beaches. Its waters are home to a lot of beautiful colorful fish, which you can see while diving into the water with a mask and snorkel.

9. Lake Bled in Slovenia- a small alpine reservoir, and the location of the famous Slovenian resort of Bled. Holidays on the lake are incredibly popular, and not only among local residents. Numerous tourists come here and enjoy swimming in the warm waters. This is not very deep lake, an area of ​​one and a half kilometers. On the banks of the reservoir there are many interesting historical sights. On its northern shore stands the beautiful Bled Castle on a rocky foundation, which is already nine centuries old, and in the very center of the lake there is a small island with the ancient Mariinsky Church, also an absolutely magnificent ancient building. World rowing championships have been held on this lake several times.

10. Lake Zeller See in Austria– the reservoir was named after the city of Zell am See, located on its shore. This is a majestic alpine lake, which is saturated by clear mountain streams, surrounded on all sides by mountains, which are covered with snowy white caps on top. On summer days, the water temperature warms up to twenty-three degrees, which attracts numerous vacationers to its shores. There are not only tourists here who prefer a calm and contemplative holiday, but also active vacationers who are not averse to sailing, fishing, diving or snorkeling, and even water skiing. There are some interesting walking and cycling routes around this Austrian lake. In winter, the lake freezes, and tourists - lovers of winter sports - gather here. By the way, just twelve kilometers from the city of Zell am See, the Kitzsteinhorn glacier is located - an ideal year-round resort for ski lovers.

11. Burlinskoye Lake in Russia– this reservoir is located in the Slavgorod region Altai Territory. Its maximum depth is two and a half meters, and its area is just over thirty-one square kilometers. The lake is unusual in that it has a fabulous pink color of water, and all due to the interaction of silty sediments and the largest deposits of Glauber's salt at its bottom. In winter, this lake does not freeze, again due to salt, but depending on changes in air temperature, it can change color from pink to steel or bright blue. This lake is amazingly beautiful, famous for its healing silt and healing water, which is why residents of the surrounding area and tourists, who have heard about the benefits of swimming in this lake, come here. There is a good sandy beach on the shore of the lake.

12. Mountain lake “Holy” in Kyrgyzstan- a small reservoir near the Semenovsky gorge, in the north-east of Kyrgyzstan, surrounded on all sides high mountains. This place amazes with the beauty and richness of nature. The waters of the lake warm up well on summer days, which is why it is a favorite vacation spot for local residents and guests of the country. In the summer, yurts are set up on the shores of the lake, where vacationers can taste the main dishes of Kyrgyz national cuisine: manti, beshbarmak, chalop, kumis. Thus, here you can not only relax in the lap of beautiful nature, but also get acquainted with the cuisine of Kyrgyzstan.

13. Devil's Lake in the USA- an artificial reservoir in Washington state, formed after the construction of a dam. The lake is amazing because at different times of the year the color of the water changes: it is emerald, then blue, then turquoise or bright blue. This is due to chemical particles entering the lake from the glacier encircling it. Rest on this beautiful lake It is loved by kayakers and canoeists who come here every year for rafting. But ordinary tourists also come here, taking a boat excursion to fully enjoy the amazing view of the mountain gorge from the water. This is also a good place for lovers of hiking, as well as eco-tourists, for whom there are numerous campsites along the shore of the lake and interesting walking routes have been developed that allow you to climb the Sourdough mountain peak to admire the beautiful lake from there.

14. Lake Schwansee in Germany– a beautiful pond, next to the famous castles of Bavaria - Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein. It was in 1876, inspired by the beauty of Lake Schwansee, that composer P. I. Tchaikovsky wrote his famous ballet “Swan Lake”. The beauty of this lake did not leave the romantic Bavarian monarch Ludwig II indifferent, who created such beautiful castles here that delight the whole world to this day. On the shore of Lake Schwansee there is a small theater with a glass backdrop of the stage, through which the surface of the water is reflected, illuminated in the evenings by spotlights and used as decoration. And they play a musical here, dedicated, all the same, to Louis the Second.

15. Lake Brienz in Switzerland- a stunning natural wonder located near the beautiful and neat town of Brienz. The emerald waters of the lake reflect dense forests, and on its eastern side are the snow-capped peaks of Mount Hasliberg. The length of Lake Brienz is fourteen kilometers, in shape, it is similar to a ribbon winding among the rocks. Local residents, as well as fishermen, like to relax here on weekends with whole families. Near the lake there is a very interesting places, which are definitely worth a visit: these are the amazing Giesbach Falls, the ancient castle of Goldswil, the ancient village of Ringgenberg, with a Baroque church.

16. Gadisar Sagar Lake in India– is located near the ancient city of Jaisamer, in the center of the Great Indian Desert, where the Great Silk Road ran in the Middle Ages. Merchants stopped on the banks of Gadisar Sagar, which generously donated its water to tired travelers and animals. The lake becomes more beautiful during high water, then the turrets and artificial islands located in its center are surrounded by water, and in the dry season it subsides and these buildings show tourists their high piles. There are two islands, among the dense gardens of which beautiful temples of the gods Shiva and Ganesha are hidden.

17. White Lake in Bolivia– located on the Altiplano plateau, near the main entrance to national reserve fauna of the Andes, named after Eduardo Abaroa, in the province of Potosi. The lake stretches along the foot of the extinct Linkakabur volcano, which has a height of six thousand two hundred meters; on its top there are well-preserved ruins of the great Inca buildings. The lake is five and a half kilometers long and three and a half kilometers wide. Its milky white water is very impressive, which is obtained due to the special mineral composition of the salts. And across the narrow isthmus from White Lake there is another lake - Laguna Verde, the water of which has a rich emerald color, due to the huge concentration of copper oxides. These two lakes are home to several subspecies of pink flamingo birds.

18. Lake Tianchi in China- a reservoir, which is better known as the “Pearl of Tibet”, located in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region - Urumqi, on the slopes of the Bogdo-Ula ridge. Lake Tianchi has a crescent shape, its length is about five square kilometers, its width is one and a half kilometers, and its maximum depth is one hundred and five meters. It appeared after the melting of the glacier, which is why the water here is amazingly clean and transparent, and the landscape is similar to the Alpine: fluffy coniferous forests, snow-capped mountain peaks. Tourists coming to these places can admire interesting natural attractions: the Shimen stone gate, the emerald month on the Drakensberg Lake - Longtan Biyue, the Rock that Supports the Sky, the Sacred Needle Rock, the Snow Landscape, the Pine Trees and firs", "Morning fog", "Flying waterfall". In ancient times, there were numerous religious buildings, of which now the ruins of several monasteries remain.

19. Lake of Morning Glory in the USA– located in the famous National Park"Yellowstone" This is a real miracle of nature, it is so incredible and amazing! Its unique properties have not yet been fully studied. In this small reservoir, two thousand two hundred meters deep, the water is always hot, so steam constantly rises from it. But the most amazing thing is the color of the water, constantly changing color from pale blue to dark purple or green. This variety of colors is created due to the activity of bacteria that live here. Morning Glory Lake can sometimes bubble or explode as a geyser due to a surge in seismic activity somewhere nearby.

20. Lake of Death in Sicily- a notorious Italian pond, instead of water in which acid splashes. No living creatures live there, not even birds fly over it. It is clear that swimming in a lake with concentrated sulfuric acid is deadly. Guides say that it is in these waters that representatives of the formidable Sicilian mafia bury their victims, of whom nothing remains within an hour. Scientists conducted a series of studies in 1999 to determine the sources of such toxic water, and came to the conclusion that sulfuric acid penetrates into the lake from two sources at its bottom.

We have listed several of the most interesting lakes in the world, which we definitely recommend you visit if you happen to be nearby. They all have their own zest: the amazing color of the water, the beautiful natural frame in the form of mountains and forests, wonderful man-made buildings - castles, fortresses, monasteries and temples - that’s why they are worth seeing at least once in your life.

Lakes on our planet.

1. Jellyfish Lake in Palau

In the very heart Pacific Ocean, the island of Palau in Micronesia is home to one of the most stunning lakes. It was once connected to the ocean, and now it is home to almost eight million jellyfish, which are not dangerous to humans.

2. Lake Rezia

In 1950 small town Graun in northern Italy went under water due to flooding, after which two lakes merged into one. Since then, Lake Resia has completely covered former city; and on its surface only the bell tower is visible.

3. Lake Superior: A Surfer's Paradise

Canada's Lake Superior is so huge that it is called a lake masquerading as an ocean. This place is especially loved and appreciated by surfers.

4. Boiling Lake, Dominica

The second largest boiling lake in the world is located on the Caribbean island of Dominica. Its water can reach boiling point due to carbon dioxide and sulfur gases rising from the bottom of the large crater.

5. Man Sagar Lake

This is an artificial lake in Jaipur, Indian state of Rajasthan, in the middle of which stands the amazing Jal Mahal Palace, but is closed to tourists and visitors.

6. Spotted Lake

The lake is located in British Columbia, in western Canada, and is famous for its blue-green spots - hence the name. Among indigenous peoples, the lake is considered sacred.

7. Lake Erta-Ale-Lava

One of the strangest lakes in the world at the top of the Ethiopian volcano Erta Ale. This is truly a lake made of real lava, and it regularly overflows.

8. Peach Lake

It is located in the state of Trinidad and Tobago and is one of the largest natural lakes of liquid asphalt, which is extracted from there for road construction.

9. Laguna Colorado

Located in Bolivia along the Chilean border, Laguna Colorada is a blood-red salt lake. Its unusual color is caused by sediments and pigments of microorganisms living in the lake.

10. Lake Don Juan

This is a small body of water in Wright Valley, Antarctica, which never freezes despite the cold temperatures in the region. What is the reason? Very high salinity level. Don Juan is 18 times saltier than the ocean and twice as salty as the Dead Sea.

11. Lake Balkhash

Balkhash is the most large lake In Kazakhstan. Its waters are divided into two parts by a strait, on the western side with fresh water, and on the eastern side with salt water.

12. Lakes Kelimutu

There are three lakes at the top of the Kelimutu volcano on the island of Flores in Indonesia. They are all in the same crater, but each lake has its own color, and these colors change periodically: they can be blue, green, yellow or black. And this is still a mystery to science!

13. Nong Khan Lake

This lake in northern Thailand has its own special and unique charm - from October to March, thousands of pink lotus flowers bloom on it, creating a continuous cover of flowers. The effect is amazing!

14. Dead Sea

In fact, the Dead Sea is not a sea, but a salt lake located between Israel and Jordan and has high salinity. It is especially popular among people who love therapeutic thermal treatments.

15. Lake Manicouagan

The lake is also called the “Eye of Quebec” because of its clear circular shape. It was once a crater formed by an asteroid impact. When a dam was built on the Manicouagan River, the crater was flooded and became one of the largest reservoirs in the world.