Daily rent of apartments is a business for young people. Business for renting special equipment Business for rent


There is a room. What business to open? Most businesses, regardless of their size, require specific premises in order to provide their services or produce their products. Any room in good condition is suitable for doing business - be it a garage, a hangar, a basement, Vacation home, apartment or something else. This article takes a closer look at running an apartment and basement rental business.

In order to start a business, you will need to purchase an apartment or a basement, which will already become a fairly large investment. Do not forget that the purchase of real estate is one of the best types of investment instruments and that is why the cost of ready-made apartments is quite high. The best options for the acquisition will be real estate at the initial stage of construction. At this point, real estate will save from 20 to 40% of the cost in the aftermath.

Purchase and registration of real estate

Of course, business centers remain the most popular option for opening an office, whose infrastructure is fully aimed at optimizing the workflow. However, the cost of premises in such centers is quite high, and many medium and small businesses cannot afford such acquisitions.

The second most popular option is to rent premises on the first floors of residential buildings and the so-called street-retail (premises on the first floors with a separate entrance and their own showcases). Former commercial premises are also in high demand. Very often you can find various businesses in the basement. Often these are grocery stores, cafes and restaurants, beauty salons and small household appliances stores.

When considering the option of opening a business for renting premises, you should familiarize yourself with the demand and supply of the rental and sale of real estate market, the infrastructure of the area in which the planned purchase is located and the "passability" coefficient (approx. coefficient shows a value based on the number of people visiting the surrounding area in a certain period of time).

The purchase of real estate is associated with the manipulation of large amounts of money, and such transactions are often preyed upon by scammers.

You need to buy real estate either from a trusted person (relatives, friends or colleagues), or in agencies (the most unprofitable option), or with the participation of a realtor (in this case, you will have to pay for his services in the amount of a certain percentage of the purchase amount). To protect yourself when buying, you should carefully read all the documents and familiarize yourself well with the seller himself. Safety in this business should come first. Once a property is purchased, it must be formalized so that it can be rented out on a commercial basis.

The final stage of preparation will be the repair of the premises. Rich content is not required, as many companies redesign the premises to their liking. It should be borne in mind that the transformation of an ordinary apartment on the ground floor into a street-retail class premises will require documentary evidence, since the installation of a street door or large shop windows will affect the integrity of the building.

Renting out premises

Almost any street-retail category is suitable for the central part of the city. Such premises are happy to rent various shops or restaurants. In the sleeping areas of apartments on the first floors there is no established list of tenant companies, which is why the demand here, although lower than the central areas, remains at a decent level.

Advertising has been the engine of business for centuries. To find clients for your real estate, one of the best ways is active advertising. Placing ads on Internet resources or in newspapers, designing an advertising sign on the building in which the premises are located or submitting information about their services to target agencies (although in this case there is a chance that you will have to share a percentage of income).

The amount of rental income depends on the premises and its location. For example, from a small two-room apartment in the center of Moscow, you can get from 100,000 rubles a month. According to statistics, most apartments for rent pay off in about eight years. When buying an apartment on credit, monthly payments will amount to almost the same amount of income, which will allow you to get an apartment in ownership with virtually no cost.

Daily rent

Renting apartments as a business arose not so long ago. The main difference from regular rentals is a more frequent change of clients, which will eventually require more active advertising. Initially, daily rent was not considered as a type of business and was only a way of periodic earnings.

Renting out your own housing stock is now one of the easiest ways to raise funds commercially with little effort. A long-term lease gives permanence of income, but in this case, the level of profitability is lost. Daily rent will give a good daily profit, but there are many worries with the constant search for clients and more time spent on short-term leases.

The second most popular way to profit from a business based on the rental of premises is the targeted purchase of real estate for subsequent rental. The process of buying, registering and finding clients is almost identical to purchasing premises for doing business with other entrepreneurs and companies. However, in this case, you will need an apartment in a prosperous area, with good infrastructure and within walking distance from public transport. All this will have a positive effect on the amount of profit.

The so-called sublease closes the top three ways to create a rental business. In fact, the entrepreneur will become intermediaries between the two links - the landlord and customers. This method is suitable for those who do not have enough funds to purchase real estate and do not have their own. The essence of the process is the registration of housing in a long-term lease and subsequent re-renting by the day. In this way, it is possible to “recapture” the rental payments for the first ten days. The income for the remaining twenty days will become the net profit of the entrepreneur.

Organization of the process

In addition to the availability of real estate, several aspects will need to be taken into account. Firstly, any commercial activity requires mandatory registration with the tax authorities. Russian Federation. When registering an enterprise, two types of legal forms are suitable - individual entrepreneurship and a limited liability company.

Secondly, the documentation of real estate for the possibility of conducting commercial activities. In the event that we are talking about sublease, then all agreements with the owner of the apartment should be notarized and all points should be taken into account - cost, terms, the possibility of retaking, and so on. Any transfer of funds is best done in the presence of a notary.

The third is the arrangement of living space (minor repairs, the purchase of consumables, furniture, etc.) and the start of an advertising campaign. Advertising should be maximized - active work with newspapers, Internet resources and third parties. Third parties can be understood as various legal and natural persons through which information about services is distributed (for example: placing business cards and booklets at stations or transport agencies).

The business of renting apartments for rent is a rather difficult task in terms of the time spent.

A large number of clients will require a lot of attention and care. In order not to be mistaken and not to miss the deadlines for payments, you should sign an agreement with each new client. The transfer of the keys to the rental property is carried out after signing. At the end of the contract, the apartment should be inspected for damage or theft of property.

Any enterprise is created in order to bring profit to its owner. And a higher level of profitability will be available only if the entrepreneur is interested in its development and modernization. There are two ways to increase profits - updating the housing stock (purchasing modern household appliances, repairs, improving the infrastructure of the apartment, etc.) and buying additional real estate. In the first way, an increase in amenities will cause an increase in the cost of rent, however, the number of customers may decrease due to the high cost. The second method is guaranteed to give an increase in profits, but it will also add work.

Development of a client base

The best customer is a regular customer. The apartment rental business confirms this rule like no other. The constancy of the client base will reduce the time spent on the lease and downtime.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when selecting clients is the condition of the proposed premises. In the event that the declared characteristics do not correspond to reality, the entrepreneur will most likely lose the client.

In no case should you lose communication opportunities. Daily apartment rental as a business is quite dynamic and should provide customers with the opportunity to contact almost at any time. The timeliness of providing information and the ability to book rooms in advance will play a positive role in the growth of the reputation of the business.

In the event that the business is not limited to one or a couple of apartments, it makes sense to issue a client program.

Various promotions such as free transfers, 2+1 or discount periods will increase the number of clients, as well as increase the number of permanent tenants.

Short-term rentals are popular among those who come to the city for short periods. From this we can conclude that the client may be new to the city. This is another plus for the entrepreneur. The release of your own products, on which the logo, contact details and price list are indicated, will be a good step in developing a client base. All this can be combined with the necessary things in an unfamiliar city - printing information on city transport maps, calendars and more.

Buying real estate is not only a way to save your own savings, but also an opportunity to earn on it by reselling or renting it out. This is one of the liquid and unique assets. There are two main aspects that guide businessmen who invest in real estate: the desire to save their money in the face of inflation and the desire to increase their income by reselling real estate or renting it out.

Pros and cons of renting an apartment

Acquisition of housing for the purpose of further renting out is the most common investment transaction. It will not be possible to make money on such an operation quickly, the average income from renting out is 3.5-5% per annum of the cost of an apartment. But this is a promising and long-term investment, over time, adult children can be relocated here or sold in order to build a country house. Of course, renting an apartment requires certain troubles: you need to constantly look for tenants, maintain the apartment, and make cosmetic repairs.

Before the crisis of 2008-2010. the number of "investment" transactions, subsequently associated with earning income, accounted for about a third of all transactions in the Russian market. Gradually, their share decreased to 20%, and currently stands at 15%. At the same time, the number of long-term investors who buy real estate for the future has increased.

Investing money in the purchase of real estate is a long-term project, but more reliable than a bank deposit. A bank deposit can be placed at 10-12% per annum in rubles, but possible risks must also be taken into account: recently there have been many bankrupt banks. Banks with a solid reputation give low interest rates.

How much can you earn by renting out an apartment?

Let's take a look at a table that clearly demonstrates rental income:

Apartment Options Apartment price Rental income per month, in rubles Rental income per year, in rubles
Room 800 000 7 000 84 000
1 room apartment 1 900 000 14 000 168 000
2-room apartment 2 700 000 18 000 216 000
3-room apartment 3 500 000 22 000 264 000

But in addition to income, there are also fixed costs - these are: apartment renovation, rent and utility bills (if this is not included in the rent), insurance and income tax.

Apartment Options Rent and utility payments per year, in rubles Tax (13% of rent) Redecorating Insurance Total expenses per year
Room 24 000 10 920 6 000 3 200 44 120
1 room apartment 30 000 21 840 12 000 7 600 71 440
2-room apartment 42 000 28 080 24 000 10 800 104 800
3-room apartment 60 000 34 320 36 000 14 000 144 320

The profitability and payback period are affected by the size of the initial investment in real estate, repairs, as well as the distance from transport hubs. The payback period for apartments purchased with their own money is more than 10 years, and those taken on a mortgage are even longer. From a one-room apartment, you can receive up to 96 thousand rubles a month.

Apartment Options The cost of the apartment, in rubles Net income, in rubles Income in %
Room 800 000 39 880 4,98%
1 room apartment 1 900 000 96 560 5,08%
2-room apartment 2 700 000 111 120 3,88%
3-room apartment 3 500 000 119 680 3,42%

Location matters

Tenants, and especially foreigners, are not interested in the historical location of the apartment, but in good transport interchange and the availability of the necessary services. If there are no funds to buy an apartment in Moscow, then you can start buying an apartment in the Moscow region. The income from renting such an apartment will be 10-15% lower than in the capital, but the funds for the purchase of an apartment will be spent 50% less.

Dramatically increase in the price of an apartment and, accordingly, the cost of rent, for housing located near metro stations and railway stations. It is worth following the construction of new metro lines and buying apartments for rent there. In Moscow, apartments in areas outside the Moscow Ring Road, to which the metro comes, rise sharply in price. For example, in Mytishchi, the cost of buying and renting housing has increased by 30%.

Without losing, there will also be an option to purchase housing in areas close to airports. At not so high costs, such apartments bring a stable income.

New building or "secondary" - what to choose?

When buying a home to rent it out, you need to consider two things: how long it will take to pay off the investment, and how much the home will cost in the future. If you put the issue of payback in the foreground, then you need to buy an old building.

Most of the offers on the market of apartments are apartments of old construction. And the demand for them is quite high, renting an apartment at a lower price is more profitable than paying for renting an apartment. Although there is also a demand for them, some want to live in new buildings and apartments filled with modern furniture and appliances.

Apartments in a new building are more expensive, respectively, and their payback will be longer. But at the same time, rent in a new building will cost more. If an apartment is purchased on the primary market, then it is recommended to buy it from a large developer who has experience in commercial development, as well as joint mortgage lending programs with state banks. The developer sells apartments in accordance with federal law FZ-214.

So, the apartment is purchased, and you decide to make repairs in it. One of the main mistakes landlords make is to renovate a business class apartment in an economy class apartment. Believe me, tenants will not appreciate it, and you will spend quite a lot of money. Business-class apartments are another matter, they should be equipped with expensive furniture and design repairs should be carried out here.

Rent apartments

Another type of income is renting apartments by the day. Such services are used by business travelers and tourists who do not want to overpay for hotels. The most demanded apartments are of the middle class, the cost per day is from 1.5-3.5 thousand rubles. The rental of this property is on average 50%% of the total rental. The next in demand are luxury apartments, the cost of renting which is 3.5-6.3 thousand rubles per month.

Of course, this business, like any other, has its negative points, the apartment can stand idle for some time. But during the autumn-spring period, and especially in holidays, middle-class real estate is 100% occupied, and the cost of rent these days increases by 2 times.

What documents are needed to rent an apartment?

After purchasing a home and carrying out repairs, the apartment must be insured. We draw up a full insurance contract: we insure walls, interior decoration, property located in the apartment, and, of course, civil liability (arson and fires due to the fault of residents). For apartments that are rented out, an increased coefficient of 50% is applied. For example, for an apartment on the outskirts of the capital, estimated at 7.5 million rubles, the insurance payment will be 15 thousand rubles.

If you yourself will rent an apartment for rent, then you must:

  1. From all its owners and registered persons, obtain consent to rent an apartment.
  2. Post an ad and start looking for a tenant.
  3. The contract is concluded for a period of 11 months, in which it is necessary to indicate:
  • all persons who will live in the apartment (make copies of all passports);
  • how the rent will be paid monthly or quarterly;
  • who will pay utility bills (electricity, water, etc.);
  • rules for the use of electrical appliances;
  • when the landlord can visit the apartment, etc.

Time connoisseurs can apply to a law firm to draw up a lease agreement, this service will cost you 2 thousand rubles.

  1. Draw up an act of transfer of the apartment, in which to indicate all the faults at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
  2. Write receipts in which the landlord indicates that he received the money, and the tenant that he received the keys.

If your housing is municipal, then the Moscow government requires you to register it with the State Unitary Enterprise. To do this, you need to contact the Moscow City Center for Rental Housing, here you need to bring: an application, the consent of all owners to rent an apartment, an extract from a personal account or house book, a social contract. The cost of the service of the center staff will cost you 1,600 rubles. After registration, the contract will be registered with the State Unitary Enterprise.

So, in this article, we tried to highlight all the pros and cons of renting an apartment, which apartments are better to buy for rent, in which areas, we also indicated that this business is a long-term project and its payback comes in a few years, but the project reliable and liquid, because whatever the rent and demand for rent, you still have a liquid asset that you can use for your own purposes, or sell it.

Passive income is a profit that interests many people in different countries. And therefore, more and more often they think about an important question for them: what can be rented out? After all, this way of making a profit is the most interesting and profitable solution. It allows you to earn money without having an official job. But the question is different - what kind of objects can be rented out? This will be dealt with further.

In fact, almost all of a person's property is allowed to be rented. But in reality, the most profitable business is the rental of real estate. What objects and how can be converted into passive income? If you prepare correctly, then a person will be able to bring the idea to life without any problems.

Who is eligible?

You still do not know what you can rent? Before thinking about this question, you need to figure out who, in principle, has such a right. Not everyone is given the opportunity to receive passive income in this way. The fact is that the delivery of real estate or property for rent is carried out by:

  • The owners of certain objects.
  • State (if we are talking about municipal property).
  • Intermediaries (realtors, real estate agencies).

It turns out that only the owner of this or that property, as well as trusted persons, have the right to rent out certain objects. Quite an obvious fact. But from what it is possible to receive passive income?


You can rent an apartment in the most common scenario. It quite often helps the population in different countries to make a profit to one degree or another. The procedure for concluding a rental agreement is usually carried out with the participation of real estate agencies. Or personally by the owner of the apartment. It can be either an individual or a state. It is best to rent an apartment officially. Yes, then you will have to give 13% of your profits to the country. But at the same time, the landlord and tenant will have rights and obligations. Making such an operation is not as difficult as it seems.

Renting an apartment

Is it possible to rent an apartment? Yes. This, as already mentioned, is the most common scenario in different countries. Rented housing - a kind It is not so difficult to draw up a lease agreement for an apartment. It has already been mentioned that a person can bring an idea to life either by contacting a real estate agency, or independently. But for the last alignment, you will have to pay a visit to the notary. The contract of employment is drawn up only in this way. What documents may be required? Among them, the following papers are distinguished (regardless of the method of renting an apartment):

  1. Property title documents.
  2. Lease/lease agreement with detailed terms.
  3. Extract from the housing office from the personal account.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that there are two types of contract: lease and hire. The second option is suitable for cases where the apartment is rented to an individual. Mandatory registration is not required. But a direct lease agreement is subject to registration if it is concluded for more than 12 months. Signed at the conclusion of an agreement with legal entities.


What can be rented out? The next scenario is to rent out part of the apartment. Or rather, rooms. A common way to make small profits. The procedure for drawing up the relevant agreement is similar to the previously defined algorithm of actions. It is only necessary to prescribe in the agreement which room to rent.

If there are several owners in the apartment, in addition to the previously listed list of papers, you will have to report the consent of all people to the transaction. But when the owner of the apartment is alone, then renting a room is not such a big problem. Profit from such a source of passive income is less than from renting an apartment. But it has its place.


Is it possible to give land plot for rent? Or part of it, for example? This question is also often worries the owners. For example, a house is built, and there is a small plot nearby. Can it be handed over? Yes. There are no special restrictions in this regard. It is recommended to immediately decide whether the entire site is planned to be leased or only part of it. The complexity of concluding an agreement, as well as the text of the agreement, will depend on this. For legal entities, this feature is extremely important.

If a person does not act through realtors or relevant agencies, then he will have to sign an agreement with a notary without fail. Otherwise, the transaction may be invalidated. And this is important to understand. Special problems may arise if the land plot has several owners. However, a similar picture arises when renting any property. Additionally, you will have to obtain the consent of the remaining owners to carry out the transaction. Without these documents, the lease or lease agreement will be invalidated.

Not housing

You can rent a room that is not residential. For example, basement, pantry, utility room. This is a less common scenario, especially among those who live in apartment buildings. But this is only if the landlord is an individual. Among other things, non-residential premises such as offices are rented out. Just such situations occur in everyday life all the time. It should be noted that in any of the transactions under consideration, citizens will have to pay income tax. IN this moment it is 13%. This is a must for every taxpayer.

Now it is clear that non-residential premises can be rented out. It's not as difficult as it seems. The algorithm of actions for the owner of the property will be exactly the same as in all other cases. It is enough to collect a similar package of documents. Only the certificate of ownership of a particular property changes. Then you should conclude a lease / lease agreement in the prescribed manner. All the features of this process, regardless of the leased property, will be described below.


Can the land be rented out? Yes, especially if there is only one owner of the property. But what other objects can be considered by a citizen? For example, houses or cottages. They can also be rented if desired. In practice, this is quite difficult to do. And individuals rarely deal with such cases. Usually houses and dachas are leased together with land plots by the city administration. But ordinary owners of real estate have the right to do so.

Is it possible to rent out a land plot, but at the same time not rent out the house located on it? Yes, this is also possible. But only in the case when the contract indicates a specific territory to be surrendered. If there is a place on the site exclusively for the house, then it will be necessary to indicate the structure in the agreement.


More and more often, citizens are thinking about whether it is possible and the answer will please them - yes, there is such a possibility. The list of documents will change. As a rule, you will have to seriously think about the lease agreement - it sets the payment rate. Most often it is hourly. From the documents from the owner and the employer will require:

  • Papers indicating the ownership of the vehicle.
  • Insurance.
  • Lease contract.
  • Technical passport of the car.
  • The identity of the parties.

Usually this is enough. It is advisable to think over all the features and nuances of renting a car in advance. To do this as competently as possible, invite lawyers. They contribute to the correct compilation. So it will turn out without any problems to bring the idea to life.


What can be rented out? In fact, as already mentioned, almost all properties can be rented. Accordingly, to rent, for example. If you do not take into account real estate, then you can highlight a lot of ideas regarding the question posed. Among the most common objects for rent, there are: clothes (mainly suits and dresses), garages, boats, bicycles, sports equipment, dishes, furniture, appliances, construction equipment, books, pets (for example, for promotions).

This is not all that can be rented out. The list is endless. In the modern world, it is limited mainly by the owner's imagination. And this must be taken into account. Only after receiving money from tenants, the owner of the leased property may have problems.

Underwater rocks

It's about taxes. It has already been said that 13% of the profit will need to be paid from each transaction. It would seem that this is where the problems end. However, not everything is as simple as it seems. The fact is that in Russia there is such a thing as This is a systematic profit from the same activities. True, in order for criminal liability to arise, the income must total 1,500,000 rubles. Therefore, up to this point, you can easily rent out this or that property for rent.

What's next? Much depends on the type of property being rented. To pay taxes and sleep peacefully, some recommend opening an individual entrepreneur. And choose USN. Then, as taxes per year, you will have to pay 6% of the profit. Legal and safe. In some cases, it is recommended to buy a patent for this type of activity. In Russia, at the moment it is proposed to all citizens who rent out housing or property to work according to What to do? This is up to the citizen. But in any case, the tax must be paid. Especially when it comes to renting out offices, as well as working with legal entities.

Commercial real estate includes non-residential premises that can be used for commercial purposes. Lawyers distinguish several groups of commercial real estate:

If a novice entrepreneur decides to do business, first of all, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the premises for operation by tenants. If necessary, it is necessary to make repairs that meet modern standards, connect the necessary communications, and much more.

How to file a case?

Such a step as registration of a rental business (Federal Tax Service) is perhaps the most important. The exact decisions on organizational form depend on the line of business itself. In other words, if a citizen rents out non-residential premises, he is obliged to pay income tax.

It is recommended to apply for the status of an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), thanks to which a person will receive the right to conduct activities on completely legal grounds. Due to the fact that the profit from the delivery of commercial real estate will be small, according to the law, a citizen has the right to issue a simplified form of taxation. It provides for the payment of taxes in the amount of 6% of total income.

The following documents are required to register a business for renting commercial real estate:

  • Copy of the founder's passport.
  • TIN (individual taxpayer number) of the founder.
  • The contribution of the authorized capital from 10,000 rubles. When submitting an appropriate application for registration of IP, a bank statement is provided, where it is necessary to open an account.
  • Formation of the company's charter. According to this documentation, the distribution of parts between the owners (if there are several), the official name of the company, its legal address will be carried out.
  • Minutes of the meeting of the founder (in the event that there are several of them).
  • The decision to form an LLC (a society with limited opportunities).

The term for issuing an IP is from 3 to 5 working days. It will take no more than 14 days from the date of application for registration and registration of LLC status.

We divide the rental area into parts

Not all clients are ready office space: most need a certain part of it. So, for example, a bar-restaurant or a game club can be placed in a hotel lobby. At the same time, both institutions are owned by different persons.

To multiple tenants, you need to share the premises. Separation - the termination of the existence of a single object and its division into several separate objects, each of which will receive a unique cadastral number and separate documents for the right to possess. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, such objects become newly created, as a result of which, according to Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner receives the right to dispose of them only after official registration.

Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The emergence of ownership of newly created real estate

The right of ownership to buildings, structures and other newly created immovable property subject to state registration arises from the moment of such registration.

According to the legislative regulations of the Russian Federation, the division of an immovable object is permissible if one of the grounds exists:

  • The consent of all owners of real estate to its division and certification in writing by a notary.
  • The intervention of the judiciary.

Before competently dividing the existing commercial real estate into parts and renting them out, the right holder is obliged to organize technical and cadastral registration of the premises, as well as officially register the right to manage it. After registering the necessary part of the object for himself and registering the contract with Rosreestr, he will be able to lease it.

To divide the existing commercial real estate into parts, the owners will need the following documents:

The owner will be able to purchase cadastral documents after he applies to the authorized bodies and establishes the object for cadastral registration. Since 2012 to install the premises for cadastral registration, you will need a detailed scheme-plan of the building, which can be compiled by a highly qualified engineer.

It is worth noting that when dividing commercial real estate, several technical plans must be provided. Registration of the document takes place within 18 days from the date of their submission. After this period, the customer must contact the cadastral center and receive documents (including a cadastral passport). In case of refusal of registration, civil servants provide reasonable confirmation in writing.

After receiving the cadastral documents, you must also obtain a certificate of ownership for each part of the premises. An important and only document confirming property rights is a cadastral passport. It contains detailed information about the real estate section and a technical plan drawn up in accordance with the updated data.

You can invest in real estate in different ways and scales: buy and resell apartments, rent out premises or open a real estate agency.

It is worth noting that not every average Russian citizen has access to this way of earning money - multimillion-dollar investments are required. Therefore, commercial companies have and invest such large financial resources. Their privilege is to receive a loan for a project. An individual can also start a real estate business only if they have the necessary start - up capital .

Important! Acquisition of housing during the period of growth on it guarantees the investor a multiple payback when reselling it - by 10-15%. For the most part, this applies to those citizens who invested large material savings in this area in the 80-90s. XX century.

Until 2020, the hype effect should not be expected - the Russian real estate market has stagnated in the decline phase.

Calculation of possible profit, payback period and profitability level

The scheme for calculating the possible profit from the rental of real estate:

Evaluation of the attractiveness of the rental business is not a super task. For a correct calculation, it is enough to compare rental income with the value of real estate - in the end, you will get the payback period of the business, which is the main criterion for business in this area. Standard payback periods for commercial real estate range from 9 to 12 years. It is difficult to find immovable objects with a payback period of 7-8 years.

The best investment option is to buy real estate in new buildings. A less expensive option would be to purchase premises at the excavation stage. Thus, the savings will be at least 30%.

Nevertheless, there are a lot of certain risks in the system of shared construction. At an early stage, their probability is huge. To reduce possible risks, you should choose developers with excellent experience and a proven track record.

Where to get start-up capital?

Every citizen can receive start-up capital for business development. There are several ways to fund and find sponsors.

You can get start-up capital for starting a business in a bank. The method is effective and popular. However, there is a huge drawback - the risk. If things do not go in the right direction, then, in addition to a significant loss, the novice businessman will also receive a large cash debt. It is worth noting that Sberbank and Tinkoff provide a loan to start a business.

Reference! Government structures that support small businesses can become a source of start-up capital. By federal system self-employment of the population, unemployed citizens can apply for a subsidy in the amount of 60,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Renting is the only type of business that carries legal passive income.


  • It is important to understand that income depends directly on the activities of tenants. It is necessary to control their activities, to ensure that the premises remain in good condition.
  • Under the provisions of the Ministry of Finance, the landlord is obliged to pay taxes in the amount of 15 to 17% of the amount received from the rent.
  • Inconstancy of tenants. A break in the agreement can occur even when an official one is concluded, as a result of which the income traffic will temporarily stop, and the landlord will have to.
  • The presence of responsible tenants in business becomes a high-class and sought-after product that can be sold at any time and get a profitable financial condition.
  • The annual rent increase contributes to the successful prosperity and development of the business.

In the absence of experience in entrepreneurial business, it is recommended to purchase a working ready-made business. The main advantage of this case is the conclusion of a contract with tenants interested in extending the contract with a new partner.


Thus, the real estate rental business is an excellent source of passive income. Nevertheless, this area has its own pitfalls: assessment of all kinds of risks, paperwork, start-up capital, etc. Proper organization of the business contributes to its active and favorable development.

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Scientists will someday seriously study women's wardrobe. It seems that the closet does not close, but there is nothing to wear to a party or a friend’s wedding. But while conferences and laboratories dedicated to this anomaly in the future, a new business has appeared on the girl’s boundless “I want” - rental of things - dresses, suits, outfits for photo shoots.

In Russia, it is still in its infancy, and many rentals themselves do not understand what they are doing and whether they are doing it right. We, on duty and the call of the heart, work closely with big and small players who managed to fill enough bumps. We carefully rewrote them, sorted them, and today we are telling you so that you do not meet obstacles on your way and definitely do not get into a puddle around the first turn.

You don't need money - rent it!

What items are in demand?

Depending on financial capabilities and ambitions, the rental can choose a narrow specialization or purchase a complete wardrobe of clothes for all occasions at once. Both options are valid and vary depending on your business strategy. Most often, rentals offer:

1. Evening and wedding dresses. From the middle class to designer models worth hundreds of thousands of rubles.

2. Dresses for photo shoots. Not always of high quality, but always beautiful things that look great in photographs. They can be made from cheap fabric and are often difficult to wear for more than a couple of hours. But this is not required.

But in fact, it presses, pricks and causes itching in inappropriate places 🙂

3. Carnival costumes. Quite a different line of work. The price of the costume is small, so here you can (and should) afford a huge assortment at once. It really depends on the season and holidays.

4. But the problem with shoes! The fact is that people have a fear of putting on shoes in which someone's foot is already sweating. Rentals need to quickly and inexpensively disinfect shoes. Unfortunately, not every pair is able to serve for a long time with constant cleanings.

Side job or serious business?

The leasing industry is booming. Over the past 2-3 years, the number of rentals in Moscow has increased tenfold, and by the fall of 2016, more than 200 such companies had already registered in the metropolitan area, not counting many private mini-rentals. We are not surprised by such a prolific market, because it is easy to start a clothing rental business. Another thing is to stay afloat. So it turns out that hundreds of newly minted business women, trying to choose an easier path, dive headlong into the rental business, unaware of the possibility of crashing on the first pitfall. It turned out that there are a lot less pink unicorns in this business than it seems!

Don't trust first impressions!

11 problems that rentals face

Since the business is young, there are still few specialists with practical experience. Often the truth is drowning in forums where people far from the rental write advice far from reality. At the time of this writing, Next2U cooperates with 73 rentals, so we received information about how things are in practice from those who are already renting out things for temporary use and have filled enough cones.

1. Contract in haste. No one doubts its necessity, but often the owners of the rental pull from the Web the first typical document that comes across, drawn up on their knees during a lunch break. As a result, he practically does not protect you. If you run a business on your own and do not cooperate with rental aggregators who take care of the legal hassle, do not be stingy - invest some time and money in the work of a lawyer. In a couple of hours, he will polish your contract to a shine.

2. Small assortment. To build a business, you will need a fairly large selection of dresses. Otherwise, all your investments in advertising and attracting customers will not pay off - people will come, look and leave without finding the right size or the right style. for a successful start you will need 200 dresses - 50% dark, 30% short, 15% with sleeves. Natalia's vast experience can be trusted, but we also know rentals that thrive with around 100 dresses. Their secret is beautiful photo shoots, thoughtful corporate identity.

10 dresses are clearly not enough

3. Ill-conceived size range. Practice shows that sizes from 50 to 60 are in demand worse and it is more difficult to pick them up, because the fullness is different. One dress of size 54 can fit only 1 out of 4 clients (someone has big breasts, someone has hips or waist), but 42 is a very popular size when a small and slender girl wants to look great, and no money for a designer dress. Another interesting observation is that the most popular height is 165 - 170 cm. If your target audience is not a model from 180 cm, this should also be taken into account when choosing dresses.

4. Men and children are a bad strategy. Many rentals, after the first success, expand the line at the expense of men's and children's clothes. Not best idea- there is almost no demand, and prices in the children's segment are minimal. The only exception is family photo sessions in the “mother and beloved daughter” format.

5. Poor preparation. The owners of many rental companies have no idea how much it costs them to attract a client. They copy the strategy of a neighbor, use traditional advertising methods, go into the red sharply, and then roll their eyes. Count the money, consider whether your investments pay off, use adequate advertising methods.

6. Marketing and advertising. Most likely, the context will quickly ruin you. Media advertising is also very expensive. Work towards partnerships with holiday planners, modeling agencies, theater studios, photo agencies, and item rental ad aggregators. Try to negotiate advertising posts in the feed of a popular blogger by offering a barter rental.

Mutual help will help you out!

7. Security deposit, which is more commonly referred to as a “collateral”. He must be. Even in partnerships, even with free rent for the promotion. Such a move is disciplined. If a person receives something for free, then he treats the thing accordingly. In addition, collateral allows you to minimize the amount of lost profits if your client changes their mind.

8. Seasonality. When opening, do not forget to take into account the time of year. It is better to do this in the spring - proms and wedding time are on the nose. In the fall, you can count on a Halloween party or preparation for the new year. If you open in January, get ready for a calm for a couple of months.

9. Brand mania. Your hangers don't always have to be full of super-expensive and famous dresses. Today, girls primarily look at the quality of the fabric, style and cost. In this light, it is beneficial to cooperate with novice fashion designers who are interested in advertising. Some of them may give you their stuff for free. They will be rented on the basis of your rental, and you will divide the profit and dry cleaning costs in half.

10. Cash payment. The inability to pay rent with a bank card or bank transfer scares off not only large customers, but also ordinary customers. Cash in wallets is becoming less and less - a fact!

11. Paid additional services. There are cases in our practice when rentals offer a low price, but require an additional payment for any additional services. Those. Either you see it and take it, or pay for a fitting. In our opinion, this approach greatly confuses customers, but there are always those who are ready to sacrifice comfort for the sake of several hundred benefits.

But these myths are very rare!

Tenants ruin things. Actually it is not. On the contrary, the fear of putting a stain on a snow-white dress or staining the hem of a designer outfit makes your potential customers change their mind and pass by.

Salons that understand the fears of the target audience have learned to turn them to their advantage. They explain to the client that the fine, if any, is minimal, that the seamstress or laundress will easily repair the damage, and therefore will not have to pay the full cost.

But it also happens...

Items may not be returned. It is also an extremely rare practice. Usually, the very fact of drawing up a contract reliably protects you from losing a valuable dress. Excesses happen, but in the practice of our partners throughout Moscow there were only a few such cases.

To surrender or not to surrender?

By all indications, the business of renting things is a profitable business. In some cases, the cost of renting a dress for 3-5 days is 30-50% of the total cost of the outfit. But even with the usual 10% -15%, the payback of the business is guaranteed if you approach it with your head. Next2U partners only confirm our opinion and update profitable offers on the pages of our website with enviable regularity. The main thing that you should know if you want to start a business of such a plan is that you cannot approach it carelessly. We hope our tips will help you at first, and you will share your success with us when you reach heights.