Big pisa. Sights of historical Pisa


Pisa is a small town located near the Ligurian Sea. In the past it was a port, and now it is simply a very beautiful tourist center, famous throughout the world for its “Leaning Tower”. But Pisa is famous not only for this attraction. Many unique places and ancient monuments of Italian architecture attract tourists from all over the world.

What to see in Pisa on your own?

Beautiful places and main attractions: photos with descriptions in Russian.

Monumental Cemetery (Campo Santo)

Founded in 1278. The outer wall is formed by 43 blind arches. Below them are tombs decorated with marble. Some of the tombs are located on the central lawn. And today famous people and clergy are buried at Campo Santo.

There are three chapels on the territory - the Ammanati Chapel, the Del Pozzo Chapel and the Aulla Chapel. The latter contains a lamp; Galileo Galilei used it for his experiments. In addition to burials, you can examine sarcophagi and admire Roman sculptures. And also study the preserved frescoes of famous Italian masters.

Cavalieri Square

The oldest square in Pisa. Located near the Square of Miracles and surrounded by palaces and churches. A cozy place where you can relax from the hustle and bustle and feel the medieval atmosphere. In the old days, the city forum, now a cultural center and venue for celebrations.

The Palace of the Order of Knights (Palazzo della Carovana) is located on the square; the façade is painted with zodiac signs using the sgraffito technique. In honor of the founder of the order, Cosimo de' Medici, there is a statue in front of the palace. Now the building houses the Higher Normal School.

Pisa Baptistery

The Pisa Baptistery is considered the largest in Italy. The height is 55 meters, the diameter is more than 100 m. The three-tiered structure made of marble is decorated with stone carvings, graceful arches, and faces of saints. The baptistery was built over two centuries, which led to a mixture of Gothic and Romanesque styles of architecture. The interior is known for its unique acoustic properties.

The temple is famous for its 13th century hexagonal pulpit and font. Galileo Galilei was baptized here. No less interesting are the frescoes on themes from the Old Testament and scenes from the life of Christ.

Botanical Garden of Pisa

The Botanical Garden of Pisa is considered the oldest on the planet. It occupies 3 hectares of area. Walking along the shady paths of the garden, you can admire 550 species of plants. Various plantings of woody, medicinal, marsh, and Mediterranean plant species. An arboretum with stunning cedars and magnolias occupies a significant place. A collection of African cacti, as well as orchids, camellias and other flowers has been collected. The selection of plants “Flora of the Pharaohs” is interesting - they were used in Ancient Egypt as food, medicine and cosmetics.

Square of Miracles

Piazza de Miracoli is the main square of the city. She is the most extraordinary and original. Three snow-white marble buildings create a harmonious ensemble. A characteristic feature is the location of religious buildings on a large area, not squeezed between other buildings, and the absence of a solid stone pavement between them - the entire space is filled with green lawns, which creates an amazing combination.

The main attractions of Pisa are concentrated on it. It is a cultural monument of world significance, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1987.

Here is the famous Cathedral (Duomo), built at the beginning of the 12th century.
Everyone associates the city of Pisa with the leaning Leaning Tower of Pisa, the construction of which lasted from 1173 to the mid-14th century.

Another decoration of the square is the Pisa Baptistery, reconstructed in 1278.

Cathedral (Duomo)

Located in the very center of the Square of Miracles (Cathedral Square). Construction began in 1063 under the leadership of Bishop Busqueto. Dedicated in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

It was originally planned in the shape of a Greek cross with five naves. After the changes were made, three naves remained and the temple took on the shape of a Roman cross. The temple was built in a mixture of different styles - Romanesque, Moorish, Byzantine, which gives it a unique appearance.
The consecration of the cathedral took place in 1118 by the Pope himself. At the end of the 16th century there was a fire in the cathedral, which destroyed almost all works of art. Only a mosaic from the early 14th century depicting Christ has survived to this day.

The facade is decorated with columns supporting arches, statues, and stone carvings, which gives it airiness and lightness.

The interior of the cathedral is characterized by multi-colored masonry imitating the Byzantine style. The ceilings and vaults are richly decorated with gilding, frescoes, stucco, and carvings.

  • Address: Piazza Duomo, Pisa, Italy.
  • Working hours:
    - October: from 10 to 19.
    - November and February: from 10 to 17. From December 25 to January 7 - from 9 to 18.
    - March: from 9 to 18 (until March 13),
    — from March 21 to September: from 10 to 20.
  • Entry closes 30 minutes before closing.
  • Liturgies: daily 8 - 9:30.
  • Cost of visit: € 2.00.
  • From November 1 to March 1 - free.

Leaning Tower of Pisa (Torre pendente)

A world-famous symbol of both the city of Pisa and the whole of Italy. It is the active bell tower of the Cathedral (Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta). Construction began in 1173. There is no specific information about the architect in historical sources. Construction was repeatedly suspended and resumed.

The tower acquired its unusual inclined appearance due to an error in the calculations of this unknown designer. On sandy soils, it shrank on one side already at the stage of constructing the first floor. Further attempts to complete the tower did not bring success. Only in the 19th century was the upper tier completed with almost no slope.

After construction was completed, a lot of money and time was spent on strengthening the bell tower. Thanks to work carried out in 1996 to excavate the soil and install cables inside the tower structure, it was possible to stop the increase in the angle of inclination.

It is also famous for the fact that the medieval scientist Galileo Galilei, a native of Pisa, conducted his experiments on gravity on this bell tower.

  • Address: Piazza del Duomo, Pisa, Italy.
  • Opening hours: daily - from 8.30 to 20.30, from June 14 to September 15, even night visits are allowed (from 20.30 to 23.00).
  • Cost of visit: € 18.

University of Pisa

The year of foundation of the university is considered to be 1343, when the right of public education and recognition of the qualifications of graduates was assigned to it by a bull of the Pope. Not many educational institutions of that time had such status.

The subjects taught at that time were theology, civil and canon law, and medicine. The university was then called “Studium”. The university was closed and reopened several times. In 1544, a Botanical Garden was founded under him, which is still in operation today.

In the 15th century, a new building for the university was built on the territory of the ancient square, the gate of which was decorated with a cherub. Since then it has become the symbol of the University of Pisa.
Galileo Galilei studied and then taught at the university, and was a professor of mathematics from 1582 to 1592.

Currently, students are taught at 11 faculties. There are 5 museums on its territory. In the medical museum there is an anatomical exhibition somewhat reminiscent of the St. Petersburg Kunstkamera.

  • Address: Lungarno Pacinotti, 43 - 56126 Pisa,

Church of Santa Maria della Spina

This is one of the best examples of Gothic architecture. Built in 1230, it was called Santa Maria di Pantenovo. In 1333, she acquired a sacred relic - a thorn from the crown of thorns placed on the head of Jesus. After which they began to call her “Back” (thorn).

In the second half of the 19th century, the church was dismantled and moved to a new location, as a result of which it was slightly modified. Now it stands at the very edge of the Arno embankment, next to the bridge.

The cladding of the temple uses white, pink and gray marble, alternating with stripes. On the facade, the entrance openings are surrounded by semicircular arches. Above them rise triangular pediments with rose windows. And in the middle there is a chapel with a figure of the Virgin Mary and Child surrounded by angels. The right side is decorated with a large number of columns, statues, amazing carvings, and medallions.

The interior of the church consists of a single hall, the ceiling of which was painted in the 19th century during restoration. It is decorated with a sculpture of Our Lady of the Rose, which preserves traces of the original painting from the mid-14th century. In the niches are statues of the holy apostles.

  • Address: Lungarno Gambacorti, 56125 Pisa PI. Opening hours: daily except Monday.

Church of San Ferdiano (Chieza di San Ferdiano di Pizza)

The first written evidence of the temple dates back to 1061. The Buzzaccherini-Sismondi family was considered the patrons of the church, dedicating it to the Great Martyr Martin. The church was built with three naves and austere.

The facade of the church is strict and unpretentious, made in the ancient Roman style. Rectangular window and door openings are decorated with columns with flat arches without any frills or special decorations. High above the entrance, in the central nave, there is a large window with arched openings. On either side of it are diamond-shaped windows.

The interior of the temple, despite the fire at the end of the 17th century, was preserved quite well. The huge painted cross attracts attention. The vaults of the central nave are decorated with frescoes. Numerous marble columns supporting the vaults of the naves are decorated with carved capitals.

Nearby buildings house the offices of various public organizations related to the Catholic Church.

  • Address: Piazza San Ferdiano, 1−3 56126 Pisa PI, Italy

National Museum of San Mateo

The museum is located on the right bank of the city, on the embankment of the Arno River. The museum building dates back to the 11th century. It originally housed a monastery. In the 13th century, reconstruction was carried out to increase the area of ​​its buildings.

The museum's exhibitions contain magnificent collections of historical, cultural values ​​and archaeological finds. For a long time, the museum collected everything valuable and beautiful that was in collapsing or closing churches.

The museum's exhibits date from the 12th to 17th centuries, with works of art dating from the 13th to 15th centuries representing the greatest artistic interest. Among them are a collection of painted crosses, a Bible from 1168 with illustrations, various sculptures by outstanding masters, and unique paintings by artists of the Tuscan school.

The complex of buildings of the National Museum itself is also interesting. It contains a courtyard surrounded by a gallery with columns and arches, which was built in the 15th century.

  • Address: Piazza S. Matteo In Soarta, 1, 56126, Pisa PI, Italy
  • Opening hours: Monday - Friday - from 9.00 to 14.30, Saturday - from 9.0 to 13.30.
  • Cost of visiting: full - 6.50 euros, reduced - 1.5 euros.

Basilica of San Piero Grado

It is one of the oldest Christian churches in Italy. Located in the quarter of the same name near the city. There is a legend that at this place in 44 AD. Saint Peter set foot on Italian soil and celebrated his first mass.

Excavations have shown that the basilica stands on the site of an ancient Roman sanctuary and an early Christian temple. The building that has survived to this day dates back to the 10th-11th centuries. On the plan it has a cruciform shape with a nave in the middle and borders on the sides. On the south side there are three apses.

The exterior of the basilica, designed in the Romanesque style, is strict and majestic in its solitude and significance. The outer walls are made of rough yellowish stone. The facade of the basilica is decorated with pilasters, arches and bowls with some Islamic overtones.

The interior decoration is distinguished by a large number of ancient frescoes dating back to the 14th century. Above the supposed place of the first prayer of St. Paul's ciborium was erected on the soil of Italy in the 15th century. The main altar is decorated with a large wooden crucifix.

  • Address: Via Vecchia Marina 5, San Piero a Grado - Pisa, Italy.
  • Opening hours: daily from 8.00 to 19.00
  • Cost of visiting: admission is free.

Church of San Sisto (Chiesa di San Sisto)

Located in the historical center of the city, near the Square of Miracles. The first mentions of it appeared in the 11th century. At that time, important notarial acts were performed in the temple, and documents on them were kept.

The church is dedicated to Saint Sixtus, who was the patron saint of the city. After the horrific defeat in the naval battle of Milor on the day of St. Sixtus, the townspeople no longer began to honor the saint.

The exterior of the temple is designed in the Romanesque style, strict, without unnecessary decorations, made of grayish-sand stone. A classic three-nave plan was used. On the facade, each nave has its own portal, decorated with an arch. The naves are separated by pilasters. In the central one above the entrance there is an arched window with a cross above it.

The interior decoration of the church is modest; the side chapels are separated from the central aisle by ancient Roman columns with pilasters. A copy of the 14th century painting “The Virgin and Child,” a medieval ship’s wheel, and the tombstone of an Arab emir are kept here.

  • Address: Piazza Buonamici, Pisa
  • Opening hours: 8.00−17.00

Palazzo della Karovano

It is an undoubted decoration of the Square of the Knights (Piazza dei Cavalieri). The palace was built for the knights of the Order of St. Stephen by order of the Duke of Tuscany, who founded this order. Initially, the palace was called, like the square, Palazzo della Caballero (Palace of the Knights). The order was originally intended to fight the Saracens. Later, his knights began to escort caravans with cargo, and future knights were trained in this palace. And so this name stuck to it.

Built in 1662 - 1664. The design of the façade makes this palazzo unique. Its main decoration is a gable staircase with a balustrade. The entire facade is painted with symbolic signs of the zodiac and various allegories of chivalry. In the niches above the windows are busts of Tuscan dukes, who were also masters of the order.

Particularly interesting in the interior of the palace is the stained glass window depicting a knight's cross on the roof above the top flight of the main staircase. The building currently houses the École Normale Supérieure University.

  • Address: Piazza dei Cavalieri.

Scotto's Garden (Giardino di Scotto; Cittadella Nuova)

The garden is located on the southern bank of the Arno River, on the site of the former new Cittadella Nuova, a fortress that was located on the Fibonacci embankment between the Victoria and Fortezza bridges.

In this part of the city in the 13th century, artisans engaged in the production of ceramics lived. For its manufacture, as well as for smelting bells, some plants specially planted in this area were used.

The garden was originally laid out in the mid-14th century during the first Florentine conquest. Subsequently, the citadel was destroyed during the uprising, and the park was badly damaged. With the re-arrival of Florentine power and the pacification of resistance, it lost its defensive purpose and was dismantled.

In 1178, the merchant Scotto, after whom the park is named, acquired it and began construction of a palace surrounded by a large garden. The construction and formation of the park was entrusted to the architect Giovanni Caluri.

Currently, it hosts various entertainment events.

  • Address: Lungarno Leonardo Fibonacci, 56125 Pisa
  • Opening hours: daily.

Museum of Ancient Ships (Museo delle navi antiche)

During renovation work in 1998 at the San Rossore station, builders discovered 30 ancient ships. Their age ranges from the 2nd century BC. until the 7th century AD In ancient times there was a port in this place.

Almost half of the discovered ships and boats were in perfect condition due to being in the ground without access to oxygen. Fishing nets and rigging, things belonging to sailors, various amphorae, jewelry, anchors, and work tools were found in the holds. The ships found belong to different areas of the Mediterranean.

The building of the ancient Arsenal, built by the Tuscan Duke Casimo I for the storage and repair of his fleet, was given over to the museum.

Now the museum has two halls in which the best-preserved ships are exhibited. The rest of the finds are still under restoration. The museum premises are being completed to expand the exhibition.

  • Address: Via Ranussio Bianchi Bandinelli, Pisa
  • Opening hours: Friday - Sunday 10.00−11.00, 14.30−16.30.
  • Cost of visiting: adult - 6 euros, children under 6 years old - free.

Church of San Paolo a Ripa d'Arno

The Church of St. Paul bears great resemblance to the Duomo Cathedral. Before its construction it was the main cathedral of the city. It is located on the banks of the Arno River, as the name suggests.

The first information about it dates back to the beginning of the 10th century. It has a characteristic appearance of the Romanesque-Pisan style, which has features of both Romanesque buildings and Arabic features. From 1565 to 1798 the church was administered by the Order of St. Stephen. After its abolition it became a parish church.

The façade is decorated with three portals with solid arches above them and stone carvings. The three upper tiers contain galleries with rows of columns and arches. The plan has the shape of a cross. The central nave is separated from the side borders by rows of marble columns decorated with carvings. In the center it is crowned with a dome.

The interior is richly decorated with frescoes by ancient masters with images of the Madonna and Child, and a medieval Crucifixion is kept. But the most unusual attraction of the church is the ancient Roman sarcophagus, which was used as a tomb.

  • Address: Pizza, San Paolo a Ripa d'Arno, 21

Citadel with Guelph Tower (Torre Guelfa)

This is one of the very interesting attractions of Pisa. In the Middle Ages, Guelphs were the name given to participants in the movement to reduce the influence of the Holy Roman Emperor in Italy and strengthen the power of the Vatican.

The citadel was built in the mid-13th century. It is located in the western part of the Arno River embankment and was an integral part of the city defensive wall, which performed a protective function against attacks from the sea.

From the first half of the 15th century, it housed the garrison of the city of Pisa. The citadel is located next to the bridge. During the reign of the Medici, an arsenal was built nearby, which now houses a museum. Over time, the sea disappeared, the river became shallow and sea vessels could no longer approach the city.

During World War II, it was heavily damaged during bombing. The restoration was carried out in 1956, giving it the most original appearance.

  • Address: embankment of the Arno River.

Church of Santo Sepolcro

The exact date of construction of this church is unknown, but it is assumed that its construction was in the first quarter of the 12th century. It was originally built by order of the Hospitallers. Its name means “Church of the Holy Sepulchre” and it was intended to store relics brought from the Holy Land by Bishop Dagobert after participating in the First Crusade, when crusading knights captured Jerusalem in 1099. Its multifaceted shape evokes associations with the real Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount.

The church has an octagonal shape, on each side there are two arched windows, and an octagonal dome rises in the center of the roof. Outwardly, it resembles a defensive tower - the influence of the customer knights was felt.

After the liquidation of the Hospitaller Order, the Church of Santo Sepolcro was owned by the Knights of Malta. After the abolition of this Order in 1817, it began to gradually collapse. During the restoration in 1849, the temple was returned to its original medieval appearance. The tomb of Maria Mancini, a 15th-century fresco depicting the Madonna and Child, is kept here.

  • Address: piazza S. Sepolcro, 56125 Pisa PI.

Museum Ospedale Nuovo di Santo Spirito

Among the bright, light-filled attractions of Piazza del Duomo, this building causes some confusion among visitors. A long, gloomy, squat building, without much decoration, in sharp contrast to the Gothic masterpieces located nearby.

Initially, it was not intended for the ascension of the spirit, but for the mortal body. Since 1257, it has housed a hospital for the poor, wandering pilgrims, and abandoned children.

During the reign of the Medici, the hospital was remodeled in accordance with the Florentine style of the time, with rectangular windows and sandstone finishing.

Currently, there is a museum of sinopias - a rough drawing of a fresco, which seems to be from the inside out. After a bombing in 1943, many frescoes were damaged in Campo Santo. They were removed for restoration, and underneath them were these sinopias, made using the same technologies as the original ones.

  • Address: Piazza del Duomo, Pisa, Italy.
  • Opening hours: in winter - 9.30 - 16.30, in summer - 8.00 - 20.00.
  • Cost: 6 euros.

Museum "Opera del Duomo" (Museo dell'opera Duomo)

Located next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The construction of the building dates back to the 12th century, commissioned by the Archbishop of Pisa for the College of Priests. In the 17th century, the premises were transferred to the construction of a seminary, then the Academy of Fine Arts was located, and even later a convent was settled.

And only in 1986, a museum was founded here, which stores the most valuable objects and parts of the interiors and decorative finishes of architectural monuments located on the Square of Miracles.
The museum houses works by outstanding sculptors Tino da Camaino and Giovanni Pisano. Among the particularly interesting exhibits there are authentic 15th-century doors by the architect Bonanno Pisano with relief images of scenes from the life of Christ.

Also among the exhibits, the sculpture “Madonna and Child”, made by Giovani Pisano, deserves special attention. Previously, it was located above the Bonanno portal.

  • Address: Piazza del Duomo, 23, 56126 PI, Italy
  • Opening hours: 8.30 - 17.30
  • Cost of visiting: 10 euros for visiting all monuments.

Palazzo del Orologio (Palazzo della Gherardesca)

It is often called the Clock Palace. Located in Piazza Cavalieri on the north side next to the Palazzo della Carovana.

On the left side of the building, in which the outlines of an ancient tower can still be seen, according to legend, Count Gherardesca and his relatives were starved to death at the end of the 13th century.

By the beginning of the 17th century, the building acquired its modern appearance. The architect Giorgio Vasari connected the Ugolino tower with the neighboring palace, standing at an angle to it, with an elegant arch. The result was an original palace in the shape of a book.

Like all the buildings on this square, the palace was owned by the Order of St. Stephen. It housed a hospital for old knights. At the end of the 17th century, a clock and a small bell on the roof appeared on the middle part of the palace.

For some time at the beginning of the 20th century, the building was owned by a descendant of Count Gherardesque. Currently, the École Normale Supérieure houses its library there.

  • Address: Piazza dei Cavalieri.

Church of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri

Another ancient landmark of Piasa dei Cavalieri. Bala was built at the end of the 16th century. The Duke of Tuscany, Casimo I de' Medici, being Master of the Order of St. Stephen, ordered the reconstruction of the square and all the buildings on it were built for this Order.

The church building was built on the site of an older Romanesque structure. The facade is decorated with a red and white Maltese cross. Above the portal is the Medici coat of arms, surrounded by balls and with the same Maltese cross. Externally, the church is designed in the Renaissance style.

The interior decoration of the church is very interesting and original. The vaults are decorated with frescoes, images of the Maltese cross in relief medallions, and sayings from Holy Scripture. The walls are decorated with Turkish banners and ship lanterns obtained in naval battles of the 16th - 18th centuries. The main altar is made of multi-colored marble with gilded sculptures.

  • Address: Piazza dei Cavalieri.
  • Opening hours: daily.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Medici Palace

It is located a few hundred meters southeast of Piazza Duomo. Construction began in the first quarter of the 13th century on the foundations of a building from the 11th century.

After the conquest of Pisa by Florence, the palace became the property of the Medici family. The King of France, Charles VIII, was a guest in this palace in 1494.

Since the end of the 19th century, restoration of the palace was carried out by order of the daughter of Vittorio Emmanuel II. As a result, it acquired a neo-Gothic appearance with arched windows and an attached turret with crenellated ends. The outer walls are clad in rough, uncut stone, giving it a rugged, warlike appearance. One of the corners of the building is decorated with the Medici family coat of arms.

The courtyard is surrounded by a gallery decorated with graceful columns. The palace itself is three-story. On the upper floor there were living rooms, on the lower floors there were magnificently decorated halls for holidays and celebrations. The palace had its own chapel, richly painted with frescoes. Now the palace houses the prefecture.

  • Address: Piazza Giuseppe Mazzini, 7, 56127 Pisa PI, Italy

Art Museum Blue Palace (Palazzo Blu)

Located in the historical center of the city on the Arno River embankment. The palace is not characterized by architectural delights. It is especially noteworthy and original due to its unusual dark blue coloring, which was discovered during the restoration of the building.

This color is not typical for Italian architecture. After the reconstruction of the palace, it was sold in the 18th century to the head of the Greek-Russian College. Since cultural cooperation between Italy and Russia was greatly developed at that time, the Blue Palace was decorated in the style of St. Petersburg palaces and painted in the dark blue color characteristic of St. Petersburg architecture.

It currently hosts temporary exhibitions and cultural events in Pisa. The main advantage of the Blue Palace is its interiors, which have preserved their original interiors and furnishings.

  • Address: Lungarno Gambacorti 9.
  • Opening hours: 10.00−15.00.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Piazza delle Vettovaglie

The formation of the square took place in the middle of the 16th century during the reign of the Medici dukes. They built a lot of new buildings in the city or reconstructed old ones.

Here was a very busy quarter, in which the palaces of the famous Visconti and Erisi families coexisted with merchants' shops and boarding houses.

The square has a quadrangular shape, surrounded by Renaissance-style galleries with arcades and columns topped with capitals. Grayish sandstone was used in the construction of the buildings.

It was adapted for a market where a large number of products were sold. To maintain cleanliness and hygiene, a fountain was built, fed from an aqueduct.
On the ground floors there were shops, the upper floors were occupied by residential premises for rent.

And in modern conditions, the square remains the shopping center of the city; there are many shops, boutiques, cafes and restaurants on it.

  • Address: Piazza delle Vettovaglie, 38, 56126 Pisa.

Palazzo al Borgo di Corliano

In a cozy valley between the cities of Lucca and Pisa there is a magnificent villa. Nearby is the small cozy town of San Giuliano Terme.

It was built for one of the rich merchants of Pisa as a summer residence. Next to the villa there are outbuildings dating back to the 17th century and of historical value. The facade is decorated with a gable porch with a niche in the center. The portal is surrounded by pilasters, with three arched windows on each side. In the center of the building there is a dome on a drum, in which arches are cut. The outer walls are painted with graffiti with various symbols and allegories.

The vaults of the central hall and lobby are painted with amazing frescoes of the 18th century with images of the signs of the zodiac, castles, and the villa itself. Around there is a large park of several hectares, which received its present appearance in the 19th century.

Church of St. Nicholas (Chiesa di San Nicola)

A few hundred meters south of Piazza Duomo is the Church of St. Nicholas. The first mentions of it are found in documents of the 11th century. It was made in the Romanesque-Pisan style. Stone from different quarries was used for construction, so the walls have a non-uniform color.

The façade was built in the 12th century. It is decorated with an entrance portal framed by pilasters, arched windows, and mosaics. Above the portal there is a round rose window, typical of Gothic style. During the reconstruction carried out in the 17th century, the Chapel of the Sacrament and two side altars were built.

To the left of the entrance stands an amazing bell tower, not inferior in beauty to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. And it also has a slight bias. The octagonal tower is decorated with pilasters connected by arched arches. At the top there is a hexagonal belfry with arched windows. There is a bell hanging in each window. It ends with a cone-shaped dome. At the bottom, the belfry is surrounded by an arched gallery, which makes the bell tower look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

The temple is decorated with the creations of masters of the Baroque era; statues of the 14th-15th centuries by Giovani and Nino Pisani are kept here.

  • Address: Via Santa Maria, 2, 56126 Pisa PI
  • Opening hours: from 9.00 to 18.00
  • Cost of visit: free

Pretorio Palace

Next to the Ponte di Mezzo on the Galileo promenade is the Praetorian Palace. It was built in the Middle Ages, for some time it was the residence of the governor, the Academy of Arts and even a prison.

Built, as often happened in those days, by merging two towers. To make the association more harmonious, it was decided in 1785 to reconstruct the building. The façade was completely rebuilt, decorated with marble tiles and friezes, and a clock tower was installed.

Palazzo Pretorio has been destroyed several times throughout its history. In 1846 as a result of the earthquake and during the bombings of World War II. In the fifties, during restoration, it was strengthened with reinforced concrete structures, the portico along the facade was expanded, and the height of the tower itself was increased. Currently, the Palace houses the city library.

  • Address: Lungarno Galileo Galilei, 43, Pisa, 56125, Italy.

Church of Sant'Antonio (Chiesa di Sant "Antonio Abate)

It was built in 1341 at the same time as the abbey. In 1392, a reconstruction was carried out, the results of which have not been preserved. At the beginning of the 15th century, the facade was decorated with a two-color marble group. The façade is decorated with three semicircular arches supported by white marble pilasters. The portal is decorated with a series of pilasters supporting tapering arches.

The upper tier, separated from the lower by a strict cornice, is decorated with a relief coat of arms with monograms. The tympanum of the pediment is smooth, without decorations.

The interior of the church is ascetic, without elaborate decorations. The walls are lined with gray-white stone with horizontal stripes. The main altar, made in the form of a central and two side niches, is decorated with a gilded crucifix against the backdrop of a pointed arched window and organ pipes. Our side ones are decorated with iconostases.

But of particular interest to tourists is the mural on the back wall of the church, made in 1989 by Keith Haring in the graffiti style and called “Tuttomondo”. Image size 1000×1800 centimeters.

  • Address: Piazza Sant'Antonio, Pisa, Italy.
  • Opening hours: daily.
  • Cost of visiting: free.

Quarter of San Martino

In the southeast of the city is the quiet and modest district of San Martino. It runs parallel to the Galileo Galilei promenade and Via San Martino.

The main attraction of this area is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (Chiesa di Santo Sepolcro). It is notable for the fact that it contained relics brought from Jerusalem and captured during the Crusades. With its octagonal appearance, the church resembles the Jerusalem Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount.

The undoubted decoration of the quarter is the Lanfranchi Palace - one of the oldest and most beautiful palazzos in the city. Famous for the large reliefs depicting coats of arms that decorate its walls.

In the same block is one of the favorite recreational spots of the townspeople, the magnificent Scotto Garden or as it is also called Cittadella Nuova.

Via San Martino can be proud of a large number of beautiful palaces - Palazzo Cervoli, Palazzo Tizzoni.

In the silence from the main tourist routes, you can fully enjoy the beauty and spirit of the medieval city.

Natural Park "San Rossore Massaciucoli"

The park is located on territory previously occupied by swamps and creeks on the sea coast of two provinces - Pisa and Lucca. The Arno and Serchio rivers, overflowing, gradually brought soil here from the upper reaches. Under the Medici Dukes, land reclamation work was already carried out on these fields.

The ecosystem of this park is rich in diversity. It combines coniferous forests, loose dunes, and luxurious beaches. The best beaches are considered to be Marina de Vecchiano and Tirrenia. Significant wetland areas are the San Rossore marshes and Lake Massaciuccoli.

The characteristic features of the park are the richness of reliefs, including dunes, swamps, beaches, cultivated areas, and forests. This allows numerous birds and wild animals to live freely in this territory.

On the territory of the Natural Park there are three villages, the residents of which are engaged in traditional types of economic activities: livestock breeding, sheep breeding, collecting pine nuts, and agricultural activities. Also famous are the horse races held every year in the village of San Rossore.

Palazzo dei Lanfranchi

The name of the palace comes from the aristocratic Lanfranchi family, which bought and restored the house in 1539.

The palace is a striking example of medieval architecture of Pisan - the result of combining several tower houses at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries into a single whole.

The façade was designed according to the wishes of the Lanfranchi family and retains some Renaissance elements. The building's masonry features modern white stone in stark contrast to the ancient brick walls.

The entrance portal is framed by stacked columns supporting the balcony. Above it is a relief coat of arms. The windows are framed by pilasters and stacked columns.

Now the palace houses the city Graphics Museum, which has a permanent exhibition and regularly hosts temporary exhibitions.

  • Address: Lungarno Galilei, 9 - Palazzo Lanfranchi 56100 Pisa
  • Opening hours: from 10.30 to 18.30
  • Cost of visit: 3 euros.

Palazzo Cevoli

One of the luxurious palaces that adorn Via San Martino is Palazzo Cevoli. Since the 18th century, it belonged to a wealthy Pisan family, originally from the village of the same name among the Tuscan hills.

The palace building combines two towers, which are relatively well preserved. The façade is decorated with several columns on which arches rest. The windows are decorated with platbands and cornices. The interiors are richly decorated with frescoes.

During the renovation work, fragments of 14th-century frescoes with images of saints' heads were discovered.

The Danish king Federico IV, who was in Florence not only on a political but also a romantic visit, lived for some time in Palazzo Cevoli. In honor of this visit, inscriptions in Latin were made on the pediment.

  • Address: Via San Martino, 108, Pisa, Italy.

Italian elegance, unique atmosphere, friendliness, comfort and coziness - this is what modern Pisa means!

The sights of Pisa can be divided into masterpieces of the highest standard and into attractions inherent in every Italian city that has existed in its place since ancient times and has accumulated a lot of interesting things over the history of its existence.

The first group of attractions includes Piazza dei Miracoli, or Square of Miracles (the official name is “Piazza di Duomo”, Cathedral Square). It is located on the northwestern outskirts of the city, near the city fortress wall.

The square is decorated with magnificent architectural masterpieces: Pisa Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Baptistery of San Giovanni Battista, Falling tower and cemetery Camposanto. All of them were created during the 11th-15th centuries.

In addition, there are two museums in Piazza dei Miracoli: Duomo Museum(currently closed for restoration) and Sinopia Museum.

Sinopia- These are drawings applied to walls that are used to create frescoes. During World War II, the Camposanto cemetery was bombed, and later, during the restoration of the frescoes, sinopian drawings were discovered on the walls, which were removed from the walls and placed in a separate museum.

The creation of the architectural ensemble of the Square of Miracles began with the construction of a grandiose cathedral in 1064, during the peak of the Pisan Maritime Republic, and ended with the Camposanto memorial cemetery in 1464, when there was no longer any republic, the Pisan fleet was defeated by the Genoese, and Florence took possession of the city.

This tiny Gothic church stands on the left bank of the Arno, near the Solferino bridge.

Pisa. Church of Santa Maria della Spina

The Church of Santa Maria della Spina was built in 1230 at the very edge of the water, at the foot of the Porta Novo bridge (which was dismantled in the 15th century). It began to be called the “Shipa” (“back”) church after receiving a thorn from Christ’s crown of thorns as a gift.

In 1875, the church, which suffered from floods, was moved higher.

More about the Church of Santa Maria della Spina(description and photographs) see.

Sights of Pisa on the map

Museums of Pisa

The main museums of Pisa are located on the Arno embankments.

National Museum of San Matteo- the main art museum. The exhibits are mainly of religious content: paintings, crucifixes, sculptures, design elements. There is a small antiquities section presenting the art of the Etruscans and Ancient Rome.

Museum address: Lungarno Mediceo, 4-6

Opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 9 to 19. On Sundays and holidays - from 9 to 14. Ticket costs 5 euros.

Blue Palace- a wonderful city museum, on 4 levels of which you can see palace interiors, collections of furniture, porcelain, ceramics, paintings, sculptures, coins. The museum hosts interesting temporary exhibitions.

Museum address: Lungarno Gambacorti, 6

Opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 10 to 19. Saturday, Sunday and holidays - from 10 to 20. Ticket costs 3 euros.

Royal Palace, Palazzo Reale - the former residence of the Florentine Medici, which now houses the National Museum of the Royal Palace. The palace exhibits Flemish and Italian Renaissance art, tapestries, clothing, ceramics, knightly armor and portraits of members of the families who lived in the palace.

Museum address: Lungarno Antonio Pacinotti, 46

Opening hours: from 9 to 14. Monday is a day off. The ticket costs 5 euros.

Museum of Graphics occupies the former Palazzo Lanfranchi - Lungarno Galileo Galilei, 8

Gypsoteca of Ancient Art located in the Church of San Paolo all Orto. The museum displays a collection of plaster casts of ancient sculptures belonging to the University of Pisa.

Museum address: Piazza San Paolo All’Orto, 2

Opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 9 to 13 and from 16 to 19.

Museum of Antique Ships is located on the western outskirts of Pisa, in a building that formerly housed the shipyards of the Medici Arsenal. Antique ships were found during construction work near Pisa San Rossore station (not far from Piazza dei Miracoli). In ancient Roman times there was apparently a large port there. Some of the ships are well preserved.

Museum address: Lungarno Ranieri Simonelli, 1

The museum is still preparing to receive mass visitors.

Entry is by appointment, for groups of up to 25 people, per session.

Sessions are held on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Show times: 10, 11, 12, 14:30 and 15:30.

Science museums

Pisa is a university city and has several scientific museums belonging to the University of Pisa, such as the Botanical Museum in Orto Botanico (in the botanical garden), the Museum of Human Anatomy and the Museum of Pathological Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine.

The most unusual of science museums, Museum of Calculating Machines(Museo degli Strumenti per il Calcolo), located in the building of the former city slaughterhouse. Its three halls reflect the history of the emergence and development of computing technology, from the simplest abacus and slide rules to modern computers. The museum displays the first Italian computer, created in Pisa in 1961 - CEP (Calcolatrice Elettronica Pisana).

Museum address: Via Nicola Pisano, 27

Fortresses and Arsenals

A fortress wall was erected around Pisa in the 12th century, which has survived to this day in good condition. A 3-kilometer section of the wall from Piazza dei Miracoli to the Arno River is open to visitors.

A ticket to the wall costs 3 euros.

About a walk along the fortress wall read .

There are fortresses built into the city walls of Pisa: in the west - Cittadella Vecchia(“old fortress”) and in the east - Cittadella Nuova(“new fortress”). Under the walls of Cittadella Nuova there is now a city park Giardini Scotto.

Inside the walls of Cittadella Vecchia there was a port and Arsenal(shipyard) of the Pisa Maritime Republic. After the Florentines conquered Pisa, they built their shipyards - Arsenal of the Medici(which is now given over to the Museum of Antique Ships).

When the Arno bed completely silted up and became shallow, the Florentines dug a canal to Livorno (which marked the beginning of the transformation of the fishing village of Livorno into a port city). Traces of this canal can be seen opposite the Cittadella Vecchia, on the left bank of the Arno River, just outside the city wall.

Despite the fact that the area around the Old Fortress (this is the western outskirts of Pisa) is in disrepair, I think it is worth a visit for anyone interested in the history of Pisa. It was here that the maritime glory of the Pisan Republic was forged, the “crown” of which was the Square of Miracles. In addition, here is one of the most beautiful churches in Pisa - San Paolo a Ripa.

Details about fortresses and arsenals – .

Churches of Pisa

The three main churches of the city have been indicated above. This is the Pisa Cathedral in Piazza dei Miracoli, this is the Church of San Stefano in Piazza dei Cavalieri and this is the exceptionally beautiful Santa Maria della Spina.

Of the oldest churches in the city, you should see the following:

Church of Santo Sepolcro(Holy Sepulcher) 12th century. It belonged to the Knights of St. John, then to the Knights of Malta. It has an unusual octagonal shape with a high pyramidal dome.

Church of Santo Sepolcro

Church of San Zeno early 11th century, one of the oldest in Pisa. Its asymmetrical facade, made from pieces of buildings from different eras, is interesting; Roman masonry is also found. It is located in the north-eastern corner of the city, near the fortress wall.

Church of San Nicola in Romanesque style, built in 1097. Since 1296 it belonged to the Augustinian monks. Inside the church there is a fresco from the 1400s, “Saint Nicholas saving Pisa from the plague,” which shows what Pisa looked like in the Middle Ages. The church also houses a crucifix by Giovanni Pisano and a fresco of the Madonna and Child by Francesco Traini.

Church of San Pietro in Vincoli in the Romanesque style, built in 1118 on the site of the earlier (8th century) church of St. Peter of the Five Pines. Sometimes it opens on Sunday afternoons. Inside, mosaic floors from the 12th century and a crypt have been preserved. Located on the north side of Cairoli Square.

Church of San Frediano 11th century in Romanesque style (now the church of San Frediano is the university church). Located in Piazza Dante

Church of San Francesco, built in 1233. Inside, a carved marble altar by Tomazzo Pisano and frescoes from the 14th century have been preserved. Located in the eastern part of Pisa, in Piazza Sant'Francisco.

Churches in the Pisan Romanesque style. The upper part of the façade of these churches is decorated with two or three rows of elegant thin columns, as on the Pisa Cathedral.

Church of San Michele in Borgo 11th century (on the right bank of the Arno, behind Piazza Garibaldi)

Church of San Caterina, dedicated to Saint Catherine of Alexandria. It belonged to the Dominican monks (in the northern part of the city).

Church of San Paolo a Ripa(in the western part of Pisa, on the left bank of the Arno). Behind the church there is a chapel of Sant'Agata, similar in shape to the church of Santo Sepolcro (octagonal with a pyramidal dome).

Church of San Paolo a Ripa

There are, of course, much more churches in Pisa than I have listed. Under Napoleon, many churches were closed and looted, and church valuables were exported to France. For example, the frescoes of Giotto and Traini from the Church of San Francesco are now in the Louvre, and the fresco by Masaccio from the Church of Santa Maria del Carmine was divided among four museums. Some Pisan churches today present an empty box with bare walls, although, judging by the surviving decoration of the facades, they have seen better times.

Gardens and parks

Located in Pisa Ortho Botanico, one of the oldest botanical gardens in Europe, created in 1543 by Luca Ghini, a scientist at the University of Pisa. There is a botanical museum in the garden.

City Park Giardini Scotto in the area of ​​the New Fortress I have already mentioned.

Another park - Park Walls- stretches along the northern section of the city wall of Pisa.

Park Walls

Roman ruins

Unfortunately, almost nothing remains from the Roman period in the city. All ancient structures were used to build new buildings in the Middle Ages. An exception is the ruins of the Roman baths in the north of the city at the Porta a Lucca gate. The ruins are called " Baths of Nero"(although there is no evidence of Nero being in Pisa).

Baths of Nero

Ancient City Forum was located where Piazza dei Cavalieri is now located.

On the site of the city blocks of the ancient city " civitate vetera» Now a large square has been built - Piazza dei Martiri di Liberta. Before its construction, numerous ruins of ancient Roman origin had to be demolished.

University of Pisa

The University of Pisa is currently the most important institution in Pisa. The entire city is literally “permeated” with the university; while walking around Pisa, you will constantly come across buildings of various faculties, monuments to outstanding teachers. Some of them are buried in the Camposanto cemetery, their graves decorated with magnificent tombstones. The names of scientists from the University of Pisa are present in the toponymy of Pisa.

Monument to the physicist Mossotti at the Camposanto cemetery

The official founding date of the university is September 14, 1343, although student education in Pisa began in the 13th century.

The most famous graduate and teacher of the University of Pisa is Galileo Galilei, born in Pisa on February 15, 1564. There are two houses of Galileo in Pisa: the one where he was born (“casa natale”), on Via Palestro, and the Domus Galileana on Via Santa Maria. There is no memorial apartment. There is a memorial plaque on the wall of the first one. The second is an educational center dedicated to studying the scientific heritage of the great scientist. The monument to Galileo (very unusual) is located in Citadella Vecchia, near the Guelph Tower.

The main building of the university is called La Sapienza(“wisdom”) and is located on Piazza Dante. It was restored when I was there. Before this, you could go into the courtyard of La Sapienza and admire the coats of arms and statues of the teachers of the famous University. Its historic assembly rooms are decorated with frescoes, the Old Assembly Hall contains a statue of Galileo Galilei, and the library contains his manuscripts, among other priceless volumes. I would like to hope that after the restoration La Sapienza will be open to visitors, as is done in universities.


The main shopping and recreational area of ​​Pisa is the pedestrian street Corso Italia. There are many shops and cafes on it, it is always crowded.

Corso Italia starts from Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II (not far from the station) and stretches to Ponte di Mezzo.

How many days do you need to travel to Pisa?

I would recommend setting aside at least two days for sightseeing in Pisa.

What to see in Pisa in 1 day

Half a day will go to the Square of Miracles. After visiting all its objects, climb the fortress wall and walk at least a small part along the wall within the square.

Then go to Piazza dei Cavalieri (7 minutes from Piazza del Miraco) and from there exit to Piazza Dante. You can have lunch there. If possible, go to the courtyard of La Sapienza.

From Piazza Dante go to Piazza Carrara, to the Royal Palace (alas, it is already closed after lunch). Try to get inside the Church of San Nicola and see what Pisa was like in the Middle Ages (in the fresco). Cross the Arno along the Solferino Bridge and reach the Church of the Spike. If you have the strength and desire, take a look at the Blue Palace, it is open until late. Walk along the river to Palazzo Pretorio and turn onto the pedestrian street Corso Italia, where you will end the day in one of the cafes.

If you are staying overnight in Pisa, go to Piazza dei Miracoli in the evening and admire it in the evening light.

What to see in Pisa in 2 days

On the second day, I advise you to take a walk along the Arno embankment. If you are planning to go to the National Museum of the Royal Palace on this day, then start from the western outskirts of Pisa, see the church of San Paolo a Ripa and the chapel of Sant'Agata behind it, along the Ponte della Cittadella go to the right bank, see the Cittadella Vecchia and the Arsenals , and not far from them is the Royal Palace.

After the museum, you can go deeper into the center and, while walking, reach the fortress wall in the north, see the ancient baths of Nero, and go to the church of Santa Caterina and San Zeno. Through Piazza Martiri della Libertà and San Paolo al Orto, return to the river in the area of ​​Piazza Cairoli (where you can have lunch). And here it’s not far from the San Matteo Museum. After the museum, go to the other side and see Cittadella Nuova (Giardini Scotto).

You can go in the opposite direction, add a visit to Orto Botanico or Gypsoteka, depending on your desire.

Unfortunately, not all museums have convenient hours, some are open only in the first half of the day, and, say, the Gipsoteka has a long lunch break (here I would like to mention the Blue Palace with very convenient opening hours: on weekends and holidays it is open from 10 to 20, weekdays - from 10 to 19, and the museum itself is worthy).

Siesta prevents visiting churches. In addition, some churches generally operate on an unclear schedule.

Hiking routes in Pisa

I offer a description of walking tours in Pisa that will help you get to know the city or use them to create your own routes.

In addition to the hotel, in Pisa and the surrounding area you can rent housing from private owners (a house, part of a house, an apartment) through Airbnb. Registering using my invitation link in the Airbnb system, you get a $30 discount on your first booking (provided the booking is >$75).

Useful websites for preparing for your trip

Selection of hotels - Booking (if you are not yet registered on Booking, you can do this using my invitation link. In this case, Booking will return 1 thousand rubles to your card after you book your accommodation and make your first trip).

It is assumed that the city was founded by the Greeks, then it became Etruscan, and from 193 BC. came under Roman rule. Thanks to the significant port of Pisa in the 11th century. in competition with Genoa and Venice, it became one of the first maritime and trading powers in the Mediterranean. Successful wars against the Saracens and participation in the Crusades brought the maritime republic wealth and vast possessions throughout the Mediterranean. Trade and crafts flourished, and citizens ruled the republic under the protection of the emperor. With the construction of the cathedral in 1063, a new era in Tuscan art begins. In 1220, Nicolo Pisano, the great innovator of Renaissance art, was appointed chief sculptor; and his son Giovanni and student Arnolfo di Cambio combined in their work the features of Pisan and Florentine art. The decline of the Staufen era entailed the fall of the city, which supported the Ghibellines. And in 1284, the Pisan fleet suffered a crushing defeat from Genoa near the island of Meloria, and the port of Pisa was blocked by the enemy. The city lost all its possessions and trade connections; internal strife led to the fact that in 1406 Florence took possession of Pisa. And the economic recession caused many wealthy families to leave the city: the number of residents decreased to 3 thousand.

When at the end of the 17th century. Livorno became the main port of Tuscany, Pisa finally lost its importance. Due to river sediments deposited over centuries, the coastline has shifted, and today Pisa is 10 km from the sea.

What to see

Square of Miracles in Pisa

Campo dei Mnracoli, or “Field of Miracles”, is the rightful name for the Cathedral Square, which is surrounded on both sides by the expanded in the 11th century. city ​​wall. Since 1987, the square has been included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. The Cathedral, the Leaning Tower, the Baptistery and the Camposanto, the monumental cemetery, are all built of shining white marble and form an ensemble of incomparable beauty and completeness.


Cathedral, built in 1063-1118. after the victory over the Saracens at sea at Palermo and restored after a fire in 1597-1604, it was the first sacral structure in Italy in which a Romanesque basilica was connected to a transverse nave and a dome over a cross in the shape of an ellipse. Buschetto's project combined early Christian, Byzantine, Lombard, Arabic and ancient architectural elements. The façade, completed in 1200, with four tiers of loggias with columns and arches is particularly striking. The bronze doors of the main entrance were created in 1595 in the workshop of Giambologna, the doors of St. Ranieri of the southern transverse nave - Bonanno Pisano. The reliefs on the doors depict scenes from the life of Christ. The interior of the cathedral is divided by five naves, their columns are a bit reminiscent of a mosque; antique columns - a military trophy of Pisa - run along the sides of the longitudinal nave. Above the middle nave is a coffered ceiling in the Renaissance style, shining with abundant gilding. The free-standing pulpit is the creation of Giovanni Pisano. It was restored in 1926, not entirely authentically, but still remains one of the significant monuments of Gothic sculpture. On the reliefs, superbly executed dynamic figurative compositions represent scenes from the New Testament and the Last Judgment. The female figures in the lower supporting part of the pulpit are interpreted as symbols of Faith, Love and Hope. The apse of the cathedral is decorated with a mosaic of the 13th-14th centuries; Cimabue also took part in the work on it: the head of St. John the Evangelist is his work. The right transverse nave is closed by the magnificent tomb chapel of St. Rainer, the patron saint of the city.

The Baptistery was built in 1152-1278. designed by Diotisalvi and Giovanni Pisano. A Gothic-style vestibule (drum), covered with a conical dome, was added around 1360. In the early lower floors of the baptistery one can find architectural echoes of the cathedral. The spacious and high interior with stunning acoustics features a marble font by Guido Bigarelli from Como, as well as a free-standing pulpit, a masterpiece of Romanesque sculpture created in 1260 by Nicolo Pisano. His innovative sculptural compositions later became a model for similar works in Pisa.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

To the east of the cathedral rises the famous Leaning Tower, built in 1173-1350. and today attributed to Gherardo before Gherardo. Its architectural design, like the facade of the cathedral, uses tiered galleries with columns. Due to the pliable, loose soil, the tower began to lean even during construction, so that work was suspended in 1185, and when it was resumed in 1275, the axis of the tower had already moved away from the vertical. The deviation today is approximately 5° 30" to the southeast; on the north side the height of the tower is 56.6 m, and on the south - 54.25 m. The tower was closed to the public for a long time. However, recent work to strengthen it has been successful After the tower was first stabilized with a counterweight and a safety belt, over 7 cubic meters of earth were removed on the north side. Little by little, the tower tilted back to the north. At the end of 2001, it straightened out by 43 cm, its current slope corresponds. slope in the middle of the 18th century. Now you can climb the Leaning Tower again.

Camposanto Cemetery

Tradition says that Archbishop Ubaldo Lanfranchi brought from the Crusade (1203) many ships loaded with earth from Calvary so that the citizens of Pisa could be buried in the Holy Land. The monumental cemetery of Camposanto in the northern part of the Cathedral Square began to be founded in 1277 under Giovanni di Simone in the form of a cross gallery in the Tuscan Gothic style. Its length was 126 m, width - 52 m. But the work was completed only in 1463. The white marble circular halls towards the green courtyard open with high windows with tracery ornaments. Tombstones are built into the floor, and on the sides are “reused” antique sarcophagi and Etruscan tombstones. Some Etruscan, Roman and medieval sculptures, installed at the beginning of the 19th century, have high artistic merit. In the XIV-XV centuries. the walls of Camposanto were painted with frescoes by famous artists such as Benozzo Gozzoli and Taddeo Gaddi. During an Allied bombardment on July 27, 1944, molten lead pouring from the roof destroyed most of the frescoes; they were later removed, restored and are now exhibited in the northern wing of the building.

Sinopia Museum

Sinopia - the term refers to red-brown chalk; sinopia was applied to fresh plaster before frescoes were created. During restoration, sinopia is usually found with iodine in the top layer of paint. In the museum on the south side of Cathedral Square, the sinopias discovered during the restoration can be clearly seen. In the former home of the cathedral canons on the eastern edge of Cathedral Square, the Cathedral Museum displays magnificent works of art collected from various buildings in the Cathedral complex. The treasury of the cathedral is especially valuable.

Other attractions of Pisa

Having fully enjoyed the wonders, you should escape the crowds and wander through the peaceful streets of the old city, admiring the medieval palaces and university buildings. Admire graceful bridges and beautiful churches, including the Gothic masterpiece Santa Maria della Spina on the banks of the Arno, and the octagonal Santa Agata Chapel.


Pisa has many one-way streets and few parking areas. The easiest way is to park in the area near the cathedral.

Combined tickets

Combination tickets can be purchased to visit the cathedral, the baptistery, the Monumental Cemetery and the cathedral museum (Museo dell"Opera dell"Duomo).


Regatta St. Rapieri (St. Rainer, Regatta di San Ranieri) The rowing regatta, in which four districts of the city compete, takes place on June 17.


Pleasant discoveries are prepared by the antiques fair, which takes place every second weekend of the month at Piazza XX Settembre. Elegant shops open under the arcades of Borgo Stretto.

When to come

“Field of Miracles” is crowded with people during the summer holidays. It is better to go here in June or September.

Should know

If you want to climb the 294 steps to the recently fortified leaning tower, you will have to buy a ticket and wait in line for about two hours.

Neighborhoods of Pisa

San Piero a Grado

As legend has it, during a trip to Rome in 44 AD. The Apostle Peter descended to earth in a place later named after him - San Piero a Grado - at that time located on the coast 5 km southwest of Pisa. Here he founded the Ecclesia ad gradus (church on the steps). The three-nave basilica - fragments of a previous ancient structure were found under it - dates back to the 11th century. When in the 12th century. the western façade collapsed and was replaced by an apse. The frescoes were painted by Deodato Orlande around 1300; below are portraits of popes, in the center are scenes from the life of the Apostle Peter, and above is Heavenly Jerusalem.


The coast between Viareggio and Livorno is occupied by a natural park - a wetland with dense bushes. Rare species of animals are found here. Sandy beaches extend from Marina di Pisa to the south.


Calci (13 km east of Pisa) is worth a visit because of the church of Santi Giovanni e Ermolao, built in the 12th-13th centuries. in the Pisan Gothic style. And on the eastern outskirts of the town, do not miss the opportunity to visit the Certosa di Pisa - the Carthusian monastery; its most beautiful baroque part dates back to the 17th-18th centuries. Both cloisters (XV and XVI centuries) and the Baroque church with a domed fresco by S. Kassiani deserve special attention. In the northern part of the monastery complex there is a museum of natural history and local history of the University of Pisa (exhibitions on zoology, mineralogy, geology, paleontology).


Piazza Arcivescovado 8 56125 Pisa;
Tel.: 0 50 56 04 64;
Fax: 0 50 92 97 64;

Pisa is a city in Italy with many interesting and fascinating attractions. People from almost all over the world flock to Pisa for these attractions. The city is very friendly and loves guests; tourists here feel cozy and comfortable like nowhere else.

Pisa has both luxurious expensive hotels and simple hostels, so Pisa is suitable for both rich and budget tourists. Finding accommodation will not be difficult.

In May 2017, I visited Pisa and I will be publishing interesting videos about this city on the Aviamania channel! At the time of publication of the article, they are not yet ready, so the article will be supplemented with video content and my useful comments)))

The city is relatively small: the population is about 100 thousand people.

By the way, it was in Pisa in 1564 that the well-known Galileo Galilei was born. Therefore, despite its small size, the city gave us a big man.

The climate of Pisa is quite suitable for any Russian: the temperature here in winter rarely drops below zero. The average temperature in winter is 7 degrees Celsius, and in summer – 21. It is best, of course, to visit Pisa in the summer months, then walking will be much more enjoyable, and you can enjoy all the delights of the city to the fullest.

The most remarkable places in the city are two squares: Piazza dei Cavalieri and Cathedral. The latter is more visited and crowded, although we also recommend visiting the first.

Traveling through the streets of the city is a lot of fun, so in addition to exploring the local attractions during the day, evening walks around Pisa are a great addition.

The town is not that big, but in order to really feel the atmosphere of the city, enjoy it, and understand it, we recommend exploring Pisa for at least 3 days.

The city of Pisa, attractions photos and descriptions of which we will consider in this article, has always been a favorite tourist city. But what if you come to Pisa for just one day? Read below.

Pisa what to see in 1 day

If your plans do not include staying in the city for a long time, and you will only stay in Pisa for a day, then you need to see at least the most striking sights.

To do this, we suggest heading to Cathedral Square, where the main attractions of the city are located. These include: the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Duomo, the Baptistery of San Giovanni, Campo Santo, as well as some museums. After the tour, you will learn more about the skill of Vasari, as well as other outstanding architects and sculptors who took an active part in the formation of the city's historical buildings.

But it should be noted that these are not all interesting places in the city. Pisa is a wonderful city where walking brings a lot of pleasure and allows you to enjoy the unusually beautiful views of the area.

Therefore, if you managed to run through the main noteworthy places, do not rush to leave the city, spend more time exploring other areas. After spending time in the city, you will have unforgettable memories and indelible impressions.

We offer you a one-day itinerary for those who cannot stay in Pisa for a long time.

Below we will describe each of the attractions indicated on the map.

Pisa Cathedral

(Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta )

Once in Pisa, you simply must visit this wonderful place, which is the main attraction of the city. Construction work on the cathedral began in 1064. Thanks to the brilliant architect Busqueto, the building became an example for all buildings in the Pisan-Romanesque style.

Sensitive connoisseurs of history can also discern some presence of the Byzantine style in the cathedral - the mosaic interior.

The appearance on one side is simple - gray stone, white marble, decorated in some places with colored marble. But in general, when the picture is completely revealed before your eyes, you can appreciate this incredible beauty.

From a distance, the Duomo looks very rich and harmonious, the building glows with elegance and superiority. It is no less interesting to see it up close, carefully examining every component detail.

As we know from history, the main doors of the cathedral were destroyed by fire in 1595, but skilled craftsmen were able to make new powerful bronze gates that were in no way inferior to the original. However, they were still rarely used, entering through the Porta di San Ranieri, created by Boganno Pisano.

Here you can also see a copy of the famous statue of the Madonna and Child, as well as the Pisa Griffin, the original of which can be seen in the cathedral museum. The metal griffin is the most voluminous Muslim sculpture.

Once you go inside, you can continue to admire this great building. Particularly striking are the black and white marble patterns and the dome with unique frescoes made in it.

One interesting legend is associated with this cathedral, according to which Galileo created a theory about the movement of celestial bodies while observing the huge lamp of the cathedral. Unfortunately, it can no longer be observed on the territory of the cathedral, but if you wish, visit Campo Santo to get to know this marvel.

The son of the famous Nicola Pisano, Giovanni, who, in fact, is no less famous than his father, contributed to the decoration of the Duomo. Giovanni created a superb carved pulpit, which to this day is included in the list of priceless sculptures of the medieval period.

And this is only a small part of what you can see in the Duomo; you need to study this architectural masterpiece in more detail in person.

Monastery of Campo Santo

If you believe the legends, the place for the construction of the monastery was not chosen by chance, since it was here that Archbishop Ubaldo left a handful of holy soil from Golgotha.

The monastery is designed in a style typical of Romanesque and Gothic architecture. Construction took about 2 hundred years, started by the architect Giovanni di Simone. And, as you know, his plans were to build not a memorial cemetery, but a church, but after Giovanni’s death the plans were changed.

Campo Santo is a rather massive structure, which has 43 blind arches and several gates. Most of the tombs are located under arcades. Also, several priceless relics were moved beyond the walls of the monastery: a fragment of the Virgin Mary’s clothing and a thorn from the Crown of Thorns. In addition to them, there are many other interesting and inquisitive historical values.

On the territory of Campo Santo there are three delightful chapels: Ammannati, Aulla, Dal Pozzo, the last two were created with a difference of 76 years (1518-1594), but the oldest is the Ammannati Chapel, which was built in 1360.

It is also interesting to look at the painted sarcophagi and extraordinary frescoes. Their appearance has been preserved thanks to restoration by experienced craftsmen. One interesting event is connected with the restoration work. When the frescoes were carefully removed from the walls, they noticed drawings on the bare surface that were depicted even before the creation of the frescoes.

Some restoration work continues to this day, since during the Second World War Campo Santo was badly damaged, especially the roof and some sculptures. However, this does not stop tourists from admiring the cathedral to their heart's content.

Pisa attractions, photos and descriptions of which we describe in this article, are famous throughout the world thanks to one very famous attraction. You probably already guessed that we are talking about the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Leaning Tower of Pisa Pisa)

People have known about this tower since school age; a special charm and popularity was given to it by its tilted state, in which the Leaning Tower of Pisa has been for many years.

Initially, when construction work began, the architects were aware of the unstable clay soil, but the construction of the world-famous structure was not stopped. In order to ensure maximum safety, it was decided to increase the period of laying the foundation, thereby allowing the soil to subside even before the construction of the tower.

Construction took about 2 centuries, and during this time people constantly fight to maintain the integrity of the structure, which in turn tilts even more, then reduces the angle of inclination. This is also due to the flow of groundwater that passes under the foundation.

At the moment, the difference between the opposite ends of the tower’s foundation is 2 meters, which would seem to be a critical mark, but thanks to the special structure, where the center of gravity is located above the foundation, the tower pleases everyone with its appearance to this day.

The seven-story building attracts tourists not only because of the sensational problem of falling, but also due to its elegant appearance, beautiful decorations and unique architectural design. Also inside the tower there are opening galleries, the halls of which are decorated with bas-reliefs and ornaments.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is undoubtedly one of the city's most important attractions. And as scientists assure, there is no need to worry about its fall for another 3 hundred years.

Pisa Baptistery (Battistero di San Giovanni)

The Baptistery is located on the same “Field of Miracles” next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. And how did attentive readers react now, but why then does this building not suffer from unstable soil? In fact, the Pisa Baptistery has a certain angle of inclination, but very small, less than 1 degree. So visually it’s not even noticeable, although what will happen in hundreds of years is still unknown.

Some travel lovers make their plans and routes in advance, basing them on photographs of the most striking sights of cities. So, judging by the photographic materials, this baptistery may not make any special impression, but the opinion changes radically when you see it “eye to eye.”

Construction work began in the middle of the 12th century and continued for several hundred years. The main goal was to replace the old baptistery. The competent architect Diotisalvi took on this work; in his mind, the form of the structure should have been different - he only managed to build the walls of San Giovanni, but due to his death, Nicola Pisano completed the work.

The new architect saw the continuation differently, and the result was a baptistery with pyramidal walls and a semicircular roof in a more modern Gothic style. The end result was a rather original building.

It is also necessary to note the excellent sculptures of the pulpit made by Pisano; it took him about 5 years to create them.

Pisa Italy attractions except the Field of Miracles

Piazza Palazzo della Carovanna

(Piazza dei Carovana)

The building is located on Piazza dei Cavalieri, which delights tourists with remarkable buildings. Therefore, if you are staying in Pisa for several days, be sure to visit this place.

As the building is also called, the “Palace of Knights” is not very remarkable in its forms and the architect’s design, both outside and inside. The most attractive element is the individual unusual painting on the façade of the walls. It is for this reason that most people come here to admire and take some quality pictures.

As you know, Vasari himself did the finishing, but the coloring that we now see appeared towards the end of the 19th century. A special luxury is the staircase, which has access on both sides.

Nowadays the Normal Higher City School is located inside the building. Before its opening, some restoration work was carried out, including a slight refurbishment of the main staircase and entrance.

Piazza dei Cavalieri

(Piazza dei Cavalieri)

The square is the second most important in the city; once upon a time, celebrations by all the people took place here, as well as meetings where the main problems of the residents were discussed.

It was on Piazza dei Cavalieri that the independence of Pisa was proclaimed in 1406. The main building on the square is the higher educational institution of the Normal School - Palazzo della Caravana.

Great changes occurred during the reign of Cosimo I de' Medici. Then, on his orders, Giorgio Vasari began architectural work, one of which is the design of the church of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri. Inside it are Turkish flags that were captured during the naval battle.

If you look around, you can see many different buildings that give the square its originality and beauty. And although this is a relatively small area, it is very interesting to visit here, there is something to see.

Church of Santo Stefano dei Quaglieri (Chiesa) dei Cavalieri di Santo Stefano)

The church is distinguished by its construction style; it is not made in Gothic, but in the Renaissance style. The building takes part of its name from its purpose, since by order of Cosimo I de' Medici the church was intended for the knights of St. Stefan. The church was erected in place of the old one - San Sebastiano alle Fabbice Maggiori.

The view that is available in modern times was transformed until 1859, during which time 8 architects managed to work on the church.

Of particular value inside the room are the various flags that were obtained in battles and numerous paintings.

Palazzo del Orologio ( Palazzo dell'Orologio)

The “Clock Palace” is located in Piazza dei Cavalieri, and attracts attention with its unusual shape - a half-open book. Today, the library of the Normal School is located inside.

But if you look into history, the building has gone through numerous reconstructions and restorations. In general, initially these were two different buildings that were connected by a common basement.

The clock can be seen at the top of the central part of the building (above the arch). If you raise your gaze a little higher, you can replace the small bell tower.

At first glance, you wouldn’t think that at some time this building was used for the starvation of one family, the head of which was accused of high treason. But his family also suffered punishment.

Church of Santa Maria della Spina Santa Maria della Spina)

In appearance, the church is small and seemingly unremarkable, but if you take a closer look at the building, you will notice that the facade is made of marble and looks quite beautiful. Particularly striking is the top of the building with many sculptures by Pisano and figured decoration.

It is worth going around the building from all sides; it is better to do this in a hurry, carefully examining each element. But if you are in a hurry to get inside quickly, you will be a little disappointed, since the interior design is nothing unusual - one large room with a modest ceiling decoration.

True, the sculpture located in the center of the room – the Madonna Rose – attracts the eye. If you look around, you can see a few more rather interesting statues, but that's all.

Museum Ospedale Nuovo di Santo Spirito

(The Ospedale di Santo Spirito)

The building is located on the main square of the city – the Field of Miracles. And while tourists undoubtedly admire other buildings, they are at first perplexed by this, since it is immediately unclear what it is and what it is for.

In appearance, the building fits perfectly into the area: long, low, gloomy, dark. Now it houses a museum where visitors can learn a lot of new and interesting things about culture and world art. But previously this building was intended for the treatment of patients.

Hospital of St. Spirit was built instead of a small hospital in 1257. And it played a big role for poor and sick people, as well as for abandoned children.

At first, the building was even gloomier, but during the reign of Cosimo I de' Medici, by order of the Duke, a reconstruction was carried out, which allowed it to more or less blend into the surrounding environment of the square.

The hospital began to play the role of a museum at the end of the 20th century, when various frescoes and valuables damaged after the Great Patriotic War began to be stored in the premises.

We got acquainted with the city of Pisa, the sights of which were discussed in photos and descriptions in this article. When traveling around Europe, be sure to set aside at least 1 day to visit this beautiful city. Have a nice trip!

Wrong. You need to do at least four more things - try bachelato cheese, caciucco fish soup, picci pasta, and crispy bruschetta with white or black truffles. If you try all this and drink a glass of Chianti, it becomes clear that the most important thing in Pisa is to enjoy life, and not rush from stop to stop like a minibus. “Life is Beautiful” is even the title of a film filmed in the neighboring town of Arezzo.

Tourists with children are simply obliged to visit the local “Chocolate Valley” or Sunlight Park; tourists who are already 21 years old will have a great time in student bars and cafes. The nightlife of Pisa is famous far beyond the borders of Italy, because it is the most student-heavy of all student cities in the world (out of 100 thousand Pisans, 60 thousand are students.)

How to get to Pisa

Search for flights to Pisa (closest airport to Pisa)


Considering that you can walk from the airport to the Leaning Tower of Pisa in half an hour, and from the station in 20 minutes, then the story about public transport in the city will not be long. There are 15 bus routes in Pisa; tourists are interested in bus number 10, going from the Central Station to the sea. A bus ticket costs 1.20 EUR if purchased from vending machines at the station and 1.5 EUR from the driver. It is valid for an hour from the moment of composting, during which time you can transfer to another bus with it. From Piazza Sant'Antonio bus station, CPT suburban buses depart to Volterra (2 hours 20 minutes) and Livorno (30-45 minutes).

Due to the small size of the city, taxis have minimum prices for travel. During the day, a tourist will be charged according to the meter if it shows at least 7 EUR (even if less, the amount is the same). At night and on weekends the minimum cost is 9-10 EUR. Request and count your change!

The best way to explore the city is to rent a bike from MaxiRent (Via Cesare Battisti, 13). Opening hours: 9:00-13:00 and 15:30-19:00 on weekdays, Saturday - 9:00-13:00, Sunday - closed.

Italy: test of 11 difficult questions. Try to answer correctly 11/11:

Maps of Pisa

How to navigate the city

A half-hour walk from the railway station to the Piazza dei Miracoli (Piazza dei Miracoli), where that very tower is located, passes through pedestrian streets full of all kinds of entertainment: there is no shortage of shops, restaurants, souvenir shops, tourists and even attractions. So, the best way to explore and experience Pisa is on foot. The historical center of the city is very small, and parking problems cannot be avoided even in winter.

Rent a Car

Sloppy Italian public transport can ruin any trip. Therefore, many tourists prefer to explore Pisa while driving a car. Car rental is conveniently organized right at the airports of Pisa and Florence. Europcar, Budget, Sixt points are located in the arrival halls, but they work in Italian - not around the clock - from 8:00 to 23:00, but 7 days a week, without weekends and holidays.

Children whose height is below 150 cm are required to have seats (not included in the rental price). The navigator is paid separately if it is not built into the car. It is better to order premium cars in advance. There are practically none of them in Pisa; they will be brought from Florence.

Speeding - from 41 to 3300 EUR, any overtaking on the right - 80-310 EUR, driving on red - from 162 EUR to 200 EUR. Violations of traffic rules from 22:00 to 7:00 increase the fine three times.

There are no traffic jams. In Pisa, in general, there is little transport, but there are almost no free parking spaces. For incorrect parking, a car can be towed, and the traffic cops “carabinieri” do not know where the cars are being taken. You will have to watch it on Italian-language sites.

Hotels in Pisa

Guides in Pisa

Entertainment and attractions

Do not limit yourself to the notorious leaning tower. However, many tourists begin their acquaintance with the city with it. And this is quite justified, especially if there is very little time - in the area of ​​the Field of Miracles, along with the main symbol of the city, there are several other interesting buildings from a historical and architectural point of view.

In the center of Cathedral Square stands the medieval Duomo Cathedral, the main decoration of which is the bell tower - the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It is notable for its majestic façade in the Pisan-Romanesque style and interior with Byzantine features. Both of them can be looked at for hours.

After 17:00, entry to the main buildings on the Square of Miracles, where the tower stands, becomes free.