Do Russians need a visa for a holiday in Bulgaria, methods and deadlines for obtaining it. Visa to Bulgaria What you need for a trip to Bulgaria


Resort selection

The most popular beach resorts in the country are Golden Sands, Sunny Beach and Albena. The latter is very suitable for family holidays. At the resorts of Hisar and Velingar, you can improve your health by relaxing in the hot springs. And the resort of Saints Constantine and Helena, in addition to healing, also offers excursion holidays. In addition, large cities, and especially Sofia, are undoubtedly good for excursion holidays. The best places to go skiing in Bulgaria are Pamporovo and Borovets.


Brief information about the country

Bulgaria is located in the southeastern part of Europe and shares borders with Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Romania. In the east the country is washed by the Black Sea.

The capital of Bulgaria is the city of Sofia. Other major cities: Varna, Plovdiv, Ruse, Burgas, Pleven, Stara Zagora, Shumen, Sliven and Dobrich.

Time in Bulgaria is two hours behind Moscow.

The year in Bulgaria, as well as in Russia, is divided into 4 seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Winter in Bulgaria is cool, but most often the temperature stays at around 0 °C. In spring it is much warmer and more comfortable than at the same time in Russia. Summer, especially on the seashore, is hot and sunny, and autumn is very warm compared to Russia.

The official language of the country is Bulgarian. Many words in this language are understandable to Russians, although some familiar words sometimes have unusual meanings, for example, “pravo” means “straight”. You can meet Russian speakers in the country.

There is no official religion in Bulgaria, but most of the population there are Orthodox Christians.

Holiday seasons

· From the end of May to August – high season with the most expensive prices and the hottest weather;

· From late September to April – low season;

· From June to September – beach season. In general, some people start swimming already in May, but at this time the water is still cool;

· September is a velvet season with not too high prices for tickets and comfortable, not very hot weather. It is worth considering that by the second half of the month the sea cools down significantly, so it is better to plan your vacation for the beginning of September;

· From December to March – ski season. At different resorts it begins and ends at different times, but its peak always occurs during the winter holidays.


What you need to know and do before your trip

Some cards that work in Russia and other European countries may not work in Bulgaria, so it is better to cash out the money. Rubles are difficult to exchange in Bulgaria, so make sure to change them into euros in advance.

There are no special vaccinations required before traveling to Bulgaria.


You can get to Bulgaria by plane. Direct flights regularly depart to Sofia from Moscow, and there are several rare flights from St. Petersburg. Tourists often fly to Sofia with a transfer in Istanbul. In general, charter flights depart from most major Russian airports to Sofia, Varna, Burgas and Plovdiv.

A direct flight from Moscow to Sofia takes almost three hours, and from St. Petersburg – 3.5 hours. You can fly to Bulgaria by planes of Aeroflot, Aerosvit, Transaero, S7 and many others.

You can also get to Sofia by train - the journey takes only three days, and trains from Moscow depart regularly and pass through several major European capitals. Of course, traveling by train is not so convenient, but if you are afraid of airplanes or want to leisurely admire the landscapes of Europe on the road, then this option is just for you.


The flight to Bulgaria is not very long, so you are unlikely to get bored. For entertainment, you can take a book or other leisure activity with you. If you plan to sleep, make sure to wear a blindfold - the lights are usually on in the aircraft cabin.

Bulgaria Airport


If you choose to travel by train, then it is worth considering that you will be crossing the Romanian border, which means you will also need a Romanian visa. All borders are crossed directly on the train, so it is somewhat more convenient than when flying by plane. Trains can get hot in the summer, so be sure to bring water and don't dress too warmly.

Visa, Customs

If you have a Schengen visa, then it will be enough to enter Bulgaria. If you do not have a Schengen card, then obtaining a Bulgarian visa will take very little time.

Required documents:

· A foreign passport valid for at least three months after the planned end of the trip;

· A copy of the first page of the international passport;

· Color photograph 3.5 by 4.5 centimeters;

· Completed application form;

· For children, even those included in the parental passport, an application form and the entire set of documents are required;

· You will also need a copy of the child’s birth certificate;

· There is no need to provide proof of income.

The visa is issued within 5-7 working days, urgent processing is possible in three days. Tourists receive a six-month multiple-entry visa, and those who have already visited Bulgaria receive an annual visa.

If you apply for a visa yourself, you will also need a return ticket and proof that your income allows you to safely stay in the country during this time.

You can bring into Bulgaria duty-free 250 cigarettes or 50 cigars, a liter of strong alcohol or two liters of wine, any amount of foreign currency (amounts above 5 thousand levs must be declared). Jewelry and equipment are also subject to declaration.

It is prohibited to import weapons and drugs into Bulgaria, as well as chocolate, canned meat and non-canned food. Customs is usually easy and hassle-free.

Please note that Bulgarian customs officers treat accidental and deliberate violations differently. If prohibited items are in your natural places, they will simply be confiscated without issuing a fine. If, for example, you hide undeclared money in the lining of your suitcase, then if it is discovered you will also be fined.

Staying in a foreign country


In Bulgaria, a traditional classification of hotels by stars has been adopted. Please note that breakfast is almost never included in the room rate, so you will have to pay for it separately. A hotel room on the beach will cost significantly more than in the city. There are a lot of family hotels in Bulgaria that compete with large firms. These hotels offer guests home-cooked food, comfort and a particularly relaxing atmosphere.

On the coast, many locals rent out apartments and private houses. You can also stay in a bungalow, campsite or other cheaper, but less comfortable accommodation option.


The cuisine of Bulgaria is quite familiar to Russian people - all unusual and national dishes can be eaten without fear of getting an upset stomach.

The price of lunch varies greatly depending on the prestige of the resort. For example, in Albena, lunch will cost 30 euros per person, and alcohol and fruit are on average 1.5-2 times more expensive than in the rest of the country.

If you are staying in a less popular tourist city, the prices there will, of course, be lower. This, however, also depends on where the cafe is located - eating in the city will be cheaper than on the beach. If you really like a certain cafe, you can negotiate with the administrator about permanent meals. Then you will pay in advance for five days, and you can easily come here for lunch. The price for three meals a day is 10 euros, since there is a serious discount for regular lunches. Also keep in mind that the dishes in the cafe will be chosen for you yourself, that is, it will be similar to eating in a canteen.

Bulgarian soup - chobra


Most people come to Bulgaria for a beach holiday on the Black Sea coast. The beaches here are clean, there are many free places where you can get additional services in the form of a towel or sun lounger for an additional fee. The beaches are well equipped and usually crowded.

Holidays at the sea can be diversified with various active sports: windsurfing, diving, volleyball, tennis, etc. You can also go banana boat rides, water skiing, etc.

Bulgaria also has all the opportunities for skiing - there are several ski resorts of European level with a very developed infrastructure.

In addition, in Bulgaria there are several health resorts where beach holidays can be combined with mineral waters and wellness treatments.


Recently, Bulgaria began to organize an excursion to the Turkish capital Istanbul. Such a two-day excursion costs about 180 levs. Tourists travel by bus from Sofia to Istanbul, where they leave their things at the hotel and travel to several popular attractions, and for an additional fee you can visit several more interesting places. In the evening there is also an entertainment program for an additional fee, and several more excursions are planned for the next day. It is worth considering that for such a trip you need to obtain a double-entry Turkish visa in advance.

Prices for excursions in Bulgaria range from 20 to hundreds of euros, depending on where you want to go. There are both excursions to monuments and entertaining excursions for children and adults, such as a yacht trip or a playful pirate battle.

Beach in Bulgaria


There are three main places for shopping in Bulgaria - bazaars, fairs and shops. Bazaars are constant, they are open from morning until 4 pm and are found both in small resort towns and in big cities. Fairs are organized according to a schedule, and tourists can only get to them by accident. Bulgarian stores are open on weekdays, sometimes on Saturday, and sometimes even seven days a week. There are 24-hour shops. Please note that Bulgaria is not a cheap country and you shouldn’t go there specifically for shopping - however, during your vacation you can treat yourself to buying souvenirs.

Here you can buy quite colorful pottery, jewelry, and inexpensive leather goods. At the market you can buy national sweets, wooden crafts and beautiful knitted items. Very high quality spices are sold here.

Prices at resorts are sometimes two to three times higher than in cities, especially for souvenirs, so it’s better to buy something in Sofia or other large towns. But at the resort, unlike in the city, you can buy delicious honey in clay pots.

The Albena indoor market sells silk scarves and stoles, as well as cashmere mufflers and scarves. And the Golden Sands resort offers tourists products made of stones and silver, as well as wicker bags and hats.

There are many Greek shops in Bulgaria where you can buy fur products at Greek prices.

What to do in Bulgaria

· Get ​​to know Alyosha - a monument to the Soviet soldier-liberator in the city of Plovdiv. In general, this 11-meter sculpture is nameless, but the Bulgarians gave it a name, and now it is one of the favorite monuments of both local residents and Russian tourists;

· Feel like a real Roman by watching a performance in an ancient amphitheater from the 2nd century BC. This amphitheater is located in Plovdiv - one of the most ancient cities in Europe;

· Visit the Valley of Roses - 30-meter-high flower fields planted with oilseed damask rose. The aroma here is simply magnificent;

· Visit the village of Rupite, where the famous clairvoyant Vanga was born;

· Look at the city under water - part of Nessebar, a city with a three-thousand-year history. During the earthquake, half of the peninsula on which the city is located went under water, and now from the boat you can see ancient buildings resting on the seabed;

· Dive to the sunken TU-154. This plane was sunk specifically to attract divers;

· Look at the strangest building in the world - a house in the shape of a multi-colored snail.

Snail house


Tourists in Bulgaria definitely need medical insurance - without it they won’t even issue a visa. Ambulance care for Russian citizens will be provided free of charge under a special agreement, but subsequent treatment will cost money. You can see a doctor at a hotel, but his services will cost more than the services of private doctors, and it is cheaper to go to government agencies.

The quality of medicine in Bulgaria is high, especially since it is profitable for local doctors to treat foreign tourists. The equipment is not particularly modern, but it is well maintained.

Bulgaria is a clean country, so for prevention here you just need to follow basic hygiene rules.


Bulgaria is a fairly safe country for tourists, but you still need to be aware of what may await tourists.

Often in Bulgaria, due to economic turmoil, demonstrations and rallies occur, so there are interruptions in the work of taxis and public transport. Rallies usually do not cause any other problems for tourists.

Tourists usually become victims of minor crimes. In transport, crowded places and on busy streets of resorts, you can easily become a victim of a pickpocket. To avoid this, constantly monitor your bag and pockets, and avoid carrying valuables in your backpack. It is also better to leave documents, valuables and large sums of money at the hotel - they offer special safes for this, often free of charge.

Fraudsters often try to deceive tourists near ATMs, so be careful that the PIN code from your card does not get into the hands of unauthorized persons.

Some problems are associated with Bulgarian taxi drivers - they often greatly inflate prices for services. It's better not to get into cars without meters - you'll lose more money than you really should.

Actions in case of emergency

If you have been robbed, you should immediately contact the nearest police station, where you may encounter an English- and even Russian-speaking officer. When applying, have at least a copy of your passport with you.

If you have lost your passport, immediately call the Russian Embassy - they will give you further instructions for action.


To call from Russia to Bulgaria, you need to dial 8-10-359 (country code) - city code - subscriber number. To call from Bulgaria to Russia, on the contrary, you need to dial 00-7 - the city code - the subscriber’s number.

City codes:

· Sofia – 2;

· Plovdiv – 32;

· Burgas – 56;

· Varna – 52;

· Dobrich – 58;

· Nesebo – 554;

Official contacts

· Firefighters – 160;

· Ambulance – 150;

· Police – 166;

· Russian Embassy in Bulgaria - (+359 2) 963-44-58, 24-hour number;

· Consular Section – (+359 2) 963-40-21;

· Consul on duty for emergencies - (+359) 884-510-955, 24 hours a day.


The official currency of the country is the lev, equal to 100 sotinkas. Money can often be exchanged without commission at exchange offices; it is not profitable to do this in hotels. Banks are open on weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm. In addition to lions, the euro is in use in the country. One lev is equal to approximately 20 rubles.

Prices in Bulgaria are quite comparable to ours, so if you want to relax comfortably, eating in restaurants and going on excursions, then for two the amount starts from 300 euros for 10 days. If you plan to buy gifts and attend expensive excursions, then the amount should be increased. You'll also spend more at a popular resort.

Bulgarian money


Public transport in Bulgaria consists mainly of buses, trolleybuses and minibuses. Sofia has metro and trams. Buses stop running at midnight; tickets must be purchased at kiosks or from drivers.

You can also get around the city by taxi. It is not customary to hail cars on the side of the road, but people often take taxis at train stations and bus stops. A taxi will cost an average of 25 cents per kilometer; you have to negotiate with some taxi drivers, which is not very convenient and does not always work out in favor of the tourist.

Buses, trains, and water transport run between cities. Some places can be reached by plane. Rail transport is usually more convenient than buses.

Renting a car in Bulgaria will cost $50 per day + gasoline. You can find it cheaper. To rent you will need an international license. Please note that the road condition in Bulgaria is not very good, and drivers often drive old vehicles, so you should be careful when driving. There are toll roads that you cannot enter without a special card.


Tips usually amount to 7-10% of the cost of the service. You can give rewards to maids and receptionists. It is customary for waiters to round up the bill, unless, of course, a tip is already included in it.


There are no specific clothing standards in Bulgaria - you can safely wear what you wear in Russia. Even the climate in this country is similar to Russia, so choosing clothes should not be a problem - just take what you usually wear at this time of year.

National characteristics and traditions

Bulgaria as a whole is very similar to Russia in terms of traditions and norms of behavior.

Remember that when they agree, Bulgarians shake their heads from side to side, and when they deny, on the contrary, they nod. However, in tourist areas it is sometimes the other way around, so to avoid misunderstandings it is better to use words, especially since “yes” and “no” sound the same in Bulgarian.

Bulgarians are generally very friendly and tolerant of people, their religion and worldview. They are also very proud of their homeland, so try not to accidentally insult their country or hometown when talking to them. Also, Bulgarians are not known for their punctuality. Bulgarian men are very temperamental, almost like Spaniards and Italians, so they often show signs of attention to girls, but, as a rule, unobtrusively.



Items of historical or artistic value cannot be taken out of Bulgaria without special permission, so before purchasing an expensive piece of art, be sure to find out whether you can take it home. Also, you cannot export more money than was declared upon import. To export undeclared equipment and jewelry, you will need a receipt for their purchase.

Our first trip was a fact-finding trip. I wanted to expand my travel list by adding a country to which it’s not far to fly and where there is a sea. Then we discovered many advantages for ourselves, without finding any significant disadvantages. After the birth of our child, Bulgaria became completely ideal for us:

  • A short distance. Flight from 2.5 to 3.5 hours;
  • Mild climate. There is no sweltering heat and excessively high humidity;
  • Food. Very tasty, inexpensive, and in any cafe you can find dishes that fit into the “children’s menu” category.
  • Language. Bulgarian, somewhat similar to Russian. The signs are written in Cyrillic, not Latin. At the same time, many, especially the older generation, know Russian. We never had any difficulties with communication.

Why do we organize the trip ourselves? Because it's interesting and not difficult. Moreover, every year more and more services appear on the Internet where you can book a hotel. All this does not take much time, and significant money is saved.

On holiday to Bulgaria. Where to look for cheap flights to Bulgaria?

You can get to Bulgaria in various ways:

  • By car, through the territory of Ukraine or Belarus;
  • By train. Until 2014, there was a railway connection between Moscow and Sofia; train number 59/60 ran between the cities. It has now been cancelled. So you can get to Bulgaria only with transfers.
  • By plane. This is the fastest and most common method.

We do not consider ourselves aerophobes. That’s why we always fly to Bulgaria. This is especially convenient with a child. We never had any problems: fast, comfortable, affordable. There are several ways to find inexpensive air tickets:

  • Search for air tickets on airline websites;
  • Search for air tickets for charter flights;
  • Search on metasearch engines for air tickets.

Airplanes from the Russian Aeroflot, its subsidiary Rossiya, S7, the Bulgarian Bulgarian Air and others depart to Sofia, and the resort towns of Burgas and Varna from Moscow and other cities. Most often we turn to the site AviaSales. To search for tickets you can either use the search form right here:

In the resort area of ​​Bulgaria there are international airports in and. The distance between cities is 150 km. Burgas Airport is slightly larger than Varna and in summer the passenger flow is higher here. From Burgas airport it is more convenient to get to, ,. From closer to Kranevo, Balchik.

Visa to Bulgaria

Bulgaria is an EU country, but is not officially part of the Schengen zone yet. Although you can enter here with a Schengen visa category C and D, if you have one. And so to travel to the country you need to register. We have never had any problems receiving it. We collect the necessary documents, take them to the visa center and, on average, after two weeks we have the entry permit in our hands. If you don’t want to deal with applying for a visa yourself, you can contact.

You can enter Bulgaria with an open national visa from Cyprus, Croatia, Romania. And with a Bulgarian visa you can safely travel to these countries. There was also talk that Russian citizens would be able to obtain a Bulgarian visa upon arrival at the airport. But this is contrary to EU laws.

Travel insurance for people traveling abroad (TII)

Medical insurance with coverage of 30 thousand euros is required to obtain a visa to Bulgaria. It can be issued by any insurance company. We recommend comparing the cost of travel insurance (TI) on the website (an online service for comparing and selling travel insurance)and on the website - “with the best assistance in Russia - the Mondial company. This is the only assistance with an “AA” rating by Standard & Poor’s.” By the way, we have always dealt with this particular assistance, not knowing that it is “the best,” and we have only good impressions about it.

Resorts in Bulgaria

Without exaggeration, we traveled all over the Black Sea coast. And among our favorite resorts are ,. When going to, you need to know exactly the main purpose of the visit. Will it be a family and leisurely vacation, noisy and youthful, exclusively beach or excursion. This is where we need to start.

The currency of Bulgaria is Leva (BGN)

The national currency of Bulgaria is the lev. Not the euro, although the country is part of the European Union. To avoid confusion, rubles at home must be exchanged for euros, and upon arrival the euros must be exchanged for levs. Rubles can be exchanged for leva in Bulgaria, but not everywhere and the exchange rate is not very favorable.

According to Bulgarian laws, you cannot pay euros, but some shops and shops violate these laws. And the main thing here is not to fall for the bait. All prices are indicated in national currency. The tourist, not knowing this, pays in euros, actually overpaying twice. According to the official exchange rate, 1 euro is equal to approximately 2 leva. And for information, 1 lev is equal to 35-40 rubles. The international designation of Bulgarian money is BGN.

It is best to change money in banks and street exchange offices, rather than hotels and airports. Cards are accepted in large cities and shopping centers, but in remote areas there may be problems with terminals. Don’t neglect local kopecks – stotinki. For 70 stotinki you can buy an ice cream cone, for 50 a bun, for 40 you can buy coffee from a machine.

Accommodation: private sector or hotels, which is better to choose for a holiday in Bulgaria

During our travels, we lived in various hotels and also rented accommodation. Each option has its advantages. A hotel holiday frees you from everyday worries, thoughts about an umbrella and a sunbed on the beach, about what to eat for breakfast. But a long stay in a hotel is still a costly affair even in budget Bulgaria.

If we go to the country for a long period, we rent housing. Apartments are often rented here in very modern residential complexes. Where there is a closed area, there are swimming pools and decent dining rooms; maids clean on request for a reasonable fee. Such housing in the summer will cost on average 50-70 thousand rubles per month, this is for three people. So the terrible picture of eternal cleaning, cooking, ironing on vacation is not so real.

When the child was very small, having a kitchen was a must for us. At any moment you could sterilize the bottles, cook something, or heat it up. In hotels, food options depend on the travel program. If it is full of excursions, breakfast is enough; if it involves lying by the pool, “full board” is an option, but not necessary. There are so many restaurants and cafes in Bulgaria with reasonable prices that you definitely won’t go hungry.

Booking a hotel or renting an apartment is not difficult at all. For those looking for an apartment, the site is suitable Airbnb. Here you can compare prices, read reviews from other guests, see photos and geolocation. Many people praise this service on the Internet ( Airbnb) - we haven't used it yet. In our opinion, the housing rental service is more convenient, but each tourist chooses for himself what is convenient for him.

When looking for a hotel, we can recommend such booking systems as and Both of these hotel booking systems have their own separate contractual relationships with hundreds of thousands of hotels around the world, so you can use both of these systems to find a hotel and find the best prices. But for a global search for hotels, there are also search aggregators - metasearch engines that look for hotel deals among many booking systems. One of them is a Russian project Hotellook and an international project.

We compare prices, choose, book, pay with a card and prepare for the next trip.

Transfer, taxi and public transport in Bulgaria

And now you have booked a hotel room or apartment, bought air tickets - the question arises: how do you get from the airport to the holiday resort of your choice? For example, Burgas airport of arrival (for Varna airport the algorithm is approximately the same), you have several options:

  • Taxi. Taxis in Bulgaria are expensive, even compared to Moscow and Sochi, from 60 to 120 rubles/km (depending on the resort). At the same time, unscrupulous drivers can cheat and take an incredibly long route, and the meter can spin much faster than it should. Taxi drivers won’t bargain at the airport, not because they don’t want to do it, but because their colleagues won’t let them do it (by the way, this applies not only to airports, but also to large shopping centers like Burgas Plaza, we just moved away from the shopping center onto the road and caught a taxi there for one and a half times cheaper; such a reception at the airport is not very convenient - after a three-hour flight with suitcases, you don’t want to go anywhere).
  • Public transport. There is a bus stop about 300 meters from Burgas airport, and if you are light and not so tired from the flight, and you want to wait for the bus, then you can save a lot, a trip to Sunny Beach will cost you 6 levs (3 euros), up to Pomorie - 3 leva, Sozopol - 4.5 leva.
  • Car rental. If you plan to rent a car in Bulgaria, then when booking a car online, you can indicate that you will pick up the car at the airport, this way you also save and save a lot. You need to book a car in advance via the Internet; you can find favorable car rental offers on Myrentacar.
  • Transfer. “Transport transfer is the transportation of a passenger from an agreed place to another pre-agreed place” (Wikipedia). We recommend ordering a taxi from the airport to your chosen resort in advance through the following online services:And

Cost of holiday

When calculating future expenses, travelers should remember about the dependence of prices on a specific month. During the period of influx of tourists, the cost of both services and products increases noticeably. The only thing that remains unchanged is


  • Bulgarian resorts today are among the most developing in all of Europe. Every year in the reconstruction of hotels, improvement of infrastructure, etc. millions of euros are invested. Therefore, when choosing hotels, ask the managers of “1001 Tour” for the latest information on them - it may well turn out that last year’s nondescript “three ruble” is now a quite decent four stars. At the same time, hotel prices often (especially in the first year after renovation) rise more slowly than their quality. So there is always the opportunity to get good service for less money.
  • All beaches at all resorts in the country are public. Therefore, you can use any, despite the proximity of a “foreign” hotel.
  • Another thing is that the sunbeds and awnings on them do not belong to hotels, but, frankly speaking, to someone unknown. And these “it’s unclear who” set their own arbitrary prices - from a dollar all the way up to ten for a package of a sun lounger and an awning. You don’t have to buy it, but just lie on the towel provided by the hotel. Or you can save money - then choose beaches or near three-star hotels, or near rental points for jet skis and other entertainment - prices are lower there.
  • However, when choosing beaches near inexpensive hotels, keep in mind that in these hotels there are a lot of “Germans” who came there to relax under the German social program. It is not uncommon to meet on the way to the sea a 70-year-old woman weighing over a hundred kilograms and naked at the same time. The spectacle, frankly speaking, is for strong-willed people.
  • But on many beaches there is a system of discounts and reservations for umbrellas and sun loungers. If you reserve a sunbed for seven days, you get one day absolutely free; for 14 days - two days, etc. After paying for the reservation, you will be given a receipt, which will indicate: the exact date of the reservation, which day is free; row number, umbrella number and number of sun loungers (mattresses), in conclusion the amount paid is indicated and a sign with the inscription “Reserve” is attached to your umbrella.
  • In principle, the working hours of the beaches are until the last client. But in life everything is a little different - after 18:00 the cashiers begin to slowly collect the free sun loungers.
  • But the good thing about Bulgarian beaches is that you don’t need to buy any special shoes. Firstly, there is fine sand almost everywhere here, and secondly, there are no sea urchins or other prickly things.
  • In the evenings, if you decide to drink a couple of bottles of local wine on the shore, you will almost certainly be approached by security from one of the nearby hotels. Moreover, it is suitable not for the purpose of making a remark, but simply to communicate. If you treat them, you can get an additional guide to the resort. Or you don’t have to give them a treat - and they’ll calmly go home.
  • If you want to learn something from a Bulgarian, then first contact him in Russian (and not in English, German, etc.) - they treat us with warmth. Even if he doesn’t understand you, he will still try to help.
  • But if you go deep into Bulgaria, then in some towns there may be problems with understanding: not everyone there knows Russian. And especially the younger generation. Also, few people know English. For ease of communication, it is better to get a phrasebook.
  • When talking to a Bulgarian man or woman, remember that an affirmative shake of the head for us means “no”. And vice versa. It can be confusing at first.
  • Many Bulgarian beaches have a blue flag, which is a guarantee of environmental cleanliness. If this is important to you, then ask the managers of “1001 Tour” about such beaches.
  • When choosing a hotel (especially a three-star one), always look at the year of construction or reconstruction. If it is from 2000, buy it calmly. There will be quite decent rooms by European standards. The same applies to those hotels whose owners are, for example, Germans or well-known hotel chains.
  • But in relation to three-star hotels built in Soviet-Bulgarian times and reconstructed before 2000, one must be careful. The service there is often, frankly speaking, bad. True, the prices are low.
  • If you are traveling with children and decide to take a trip deep into Bulgaria, then keep in mind that in many hotels there porn channels work after 11 pm. And free of charge. This practically never happens at resorts. It is absolutely impossible to say whether this is good or bad.
  • If you travel deep into Bulgaria and away from popular resorts, you may have problems with your credit cards - finding an ATM is not always possible. It is also not always possible to change money there. So on such trips it is worth changing money in advance.
  • You can have a good rest in Bulgaria not only at sea, but also in the mountains. Reaching a height of almost 3000 meters, the Bulgarian mountains of Rila, Pirin, Stara Planina, Rhodopes and Vitosha offer good conditions for hiking, rock climbing and mountaineering, mountain orienteering, mountain biking, caving, hunting and fishing, rafting and photo tourism.
  • In Bulgaria there are three national and eight natural parks, 90 nature reserves and reserves that have preserved the beautiful Bulgarian nature. Near almost any resort there is either a park, or a nature reserve, etc. There is no need to skimp on excursions there - the places there are truly very beautiful. In addition, in some of these places, folklore villages have been preserved, where, in addition to contemplating patriarchal life, you can buy original souvenirs.
  • For wine lovers, let us inform you that, according to a long-standing tradition, varieties are grown in the south of Bulgaria for the production of red wine, and in the north - for white wine. Accordingly, depending on where you are, you need to buy this or that homemade wine.
  • What is curious is that it is customary to drink red wine in the months that have the letter “r” in their names, and white wine in the rest. Therefore, in hot weather in the summer, they drink cold white wine. Which is right.
  • But the drink, familiar to everyone since Soviet times, which the Bulgarians call cognac after the Slynchev Bryag resort, should be drunk only by those who are nostalgic for the time when it was considered the 16th Soviet republic. Because its taste is, let's say, strange.
  • Of the strong drinks, the main one in Bulgaria is rakia (Bulgarian vodka). Prices are low - from 2 to 7 levs, the choice is wide - from grape (which is not very good) to peach (which is better) and apricot (which is also not bad). How good is nutmeg. Although everything, of course, is not for everyone.
  • . Almost all bartenders, if you are a man, will recommend you try mastic. According to the firm Bulgarian belief, it increases male strength. We won't lie - we didn't check it. But the taste, thanks to a herb called alteyka, is original.
  • If you are satisfied with the services of the bartender or waiter, then it is customary to leave a tip in the amount of 10 percent of the order value.
  • To say that there is something to see in Bulgaria is to say nothing. There are more than 30 thousand historical monuments of different eras, 36 cultural and historical reserves, 160 monasteries, 330 museums and galleries. Therefore, when planning your trip budget, it’s worth bringing money for at least a couple of excursions. Ask your agent about their approximate cost. By the way, out of three hundred world cultural monuments and natural phenomena included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, nine are located in Bulgaria.
  • But here’s some advice on which monasteries in Bulgaria you should definitely visit if you are near any of them. These are Rilsky, Bachkovo, Rozhensky, Troyansky, Zemensky, Preobrazhensky and Aladzha rock monasteries.
  • If you are going on excursions to monasteries, and especially caves in Bulgaria, then even in the heat you should take warm clothes with you: the caves are always cool and damp.
  • . If you want to feel the local flavor, then next to any more or less famous resort there are folk restaurants. They are typically located in the mountains and are shown on most resort maps. In addition to tasting local dishes, they also entertain with local fun - such as walking barefoot on coals.
  • If you come to a folklore restaurant even during the day, then keep in mind that many of them have a tradition of treating guests on an empty stomach with rakija at the entrance. In principle, it is not accepted to refuse.
  • Also in most of these establishments you can buy very good light homemade wine inexpensively. And inexpensive.
  • When choosing a resort, follow a simple rule. - the place is the most respectable, Albena is a little simpler, a little cheaper and ideal for a family holiday. Sunny Beach is still the cheapest resort, although good hotels are being actively built there. In addition, it has the most entertainment venues, discos and nightclubs.
  • In Albena, the main contingent of vacationers are Germans and French, there are many Russians on Golden Sands, and Sunny Beach has everything. However, when choosing a hotel there, ask your agent whether there is construction going on next door.
  • If you are vacationing in the Varna area (Albena, Golden Sands), then do not be lazy and visit the ancient capital of Bulgaria, Veliko Tarnovo, located nearby in the mountains (just over an hour by car or bus). This town is one of the most beautiful places in the world. In addition, there is the largest number of beautiful girls in Bulgaria.
  • If you find yourself in Tarnovo, then in the evenings several days a week there is a light show near the old fortress. The spectacle is impressive - but you should book tickets for it in advance.
  • On some Varna beaches you can take a hydrogen sulfide shower. There are many sources. The skin becomes soft and silky. The only problem: the smell, which not everyone likes. And some people can’t stand it at all.
  • Tap water in Bulgaria is safe to drink. Drinking water can also be found on many beaches - it flows from small marble fountains.
  • Please note that in Bulgaria you do not have to buy a hotel. In small towns like Nessebar, the private sector is also active, where for a reasonable fee you can rent part of a house, or the entire house. Ask the managers of "1001 Tour" about this.
  • By the way, Nessebar is an ideal place for budget shopping. Many things here have the lowest prices along the entire coast.
  • In general, you can buy leather goods, handicrafts, handmade silver, the famous rose oil, wines, and honey in Bulgaria.
  • Shops are usually open from Monday to Saturday, and on Sunday only in the morning. Lunch break from 13 (14) to 16 (17) hours. Small shops in resort areas are often open until lunchtime and until 10 pm.
  • In Sofia, the best shops are located along Vitosha Boulevard and in front of the NDK Palace of Culture. In Varna, all the shops are located along the pedestrian zone, which starts from the intersection between the Black Sea Hotel and McDonald's. There are a lot of new and modern shops along the street from the side of the Cathedral.
  • But when shopping, keep in mind that bargaining in Bulgaria is accepted only at the clothing market.
  • But it’s worth knowing that in many stores, when you make a repeat purchase, you get discounts ranging from 5 to 20%.
  • To raise the imperial spirit and simply because it is beautiful, it is worth going on an excursion to Shipka. Just keep in mind that you can only climb to the very top of the mountain on foot. True, the view is worth it.
  • In general, I would like to note that the rather vulgar saying is “a chicken is not a bird, etc.” has long been morally obsolete. Bulgarian resorts have been quite modern resorts for several years now. Hurry up before they become European-style expensive. Moreover, the service there is already European.
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    Victor Pashinsky

    You can go to Bulgaria on your own in your own car or fly in by purchasing tickets from.

    In this article we will try to describe in as much detail as possible the process of independently organizing a holiday in Bulgaria and highlight the main ways to save on a hotel, tickets, insurance or visa.

    Do you need a visa to Bulgaria, how much does it cost and how to get it?

    To Bulgaria indeed need a visa, but it's very easy to get. To get a visa to Bulgaria, you will need:

    • Bank statement— on the account at least 70 Euros per person, the statement is less than a month old. Done at your bank.
    • Certificate from place of work(on letterhead) - you must indicate your position and salary. The certificate is also no more than 30 days old.
    • International passport- when you leave Bulgaria, there must be at least 91 days left until your passport expires.
    • Regular passport- must be valid.
    • Your photo– 2 copies of photo for a European visa
    • Medical insurance- for a minimum amount of 30,000 Euro.
    • Hotel and flight reservations— issued immediately after their purchase.
    • Payment of consular fee- 35 Euro regular (per week) 70 Euro - urgent (per day).

    In fact, a visa to Bulgaria is issued very simply. For example, we did not submit either a bank account statement or a certificate of employment. And nothing, we got everything fine (however, for Ukraine, tourist visas are processed according to a simplified scheme). You can get a visa yourself at the embassy - it will be cheaper than through an agency.

    If all this is difficult for you, we advise you to use it - everything is described in detail there. All you have to do is get a consultation, collect the necessary documents, and the visa will be delivered straight to your home. This simplified visa service costs approximately 2,500 rubles including delivery.

    Travel insurance for a trip to Bulgaria - where to get it cheaply and quickly?

    To obtain a visa to Bulgaria, you must purchase health insurance. For example, we bought a trip through an agency and our insurance didn’t include anything: even insurance against rain and hurricanes. Seriously. It’s scary to imagine how much we overpaid for all this happiness.

    The minimum insurance amount of medical insurance for obtaining a visa to Bulgaria is 30,000 Euro. It's up to us to choose the ideal insurance - he compares the prices of reliable insurance companies that will really help if something happens. We use it ourselves and recommend it to you. By the way, if you add a couple of additional options to your insurance, the price often increases very slightly.

    Prices for package tours to Bulgaria in 2016

    It is no secret that package tours to Bulgaria on the Internet can cost less than those from travel agencies - their markup is about 10%, but on the Internet it can be only 1-3% due to reduced costs.

    When searching for tours, we use a service that automatically searches for the most profitable options among the largest tour operators and offers them to you at reduced prices (less commission).

    But this is not even the main advantage. At an agency, you usually choose from 2-3 options, but here you can choose from dozens of offers.

    How much will you have to spend on air tickets to Bulgaria?

    The most profitable way to buy tickets to Bulgaria is from Moscow to the airport. If you do not have a clear connection to the departure dates, we advise you to look for tickets to neighboring dates. This often results in savings of about 20-30% of the flight cost.

    It is quite difficult to search for tickets on airline websites (although sometimes there are exclusive offers, and sometimes the same flights are more expensive), we recommend using the low price calendar from Aviasales:

    You need to select the city of departure and arrival (it’s worth looking for both Burgas and Varna), indicate the number of people, select the month in which you want to fly and evaluate the minimum ticket prices by day of the week.

    How to choose hotels in Bulgaria at the lowest price

    To search for hotels, we usually use . It allows you to automatically compare prices in different booking systems and choose the cheapest option.

    The key advantage of the service is the ability to quickly sort hotels by the desired number of stars and price, go to the map and choose a hotel near the sea and away from the noisy center.

    It is also very important to be able to look at prices in different months and book a room with a sea view in literally 15-20 minutes.

    Of course, each hotel is accompanied by a photo, description and list of services and a rating with reviews from guests.

    In Sunny Beach, for example, there is a very good selection of hotels

    Many of them are in no way inferior to the best 4* and 5* hotels in Turkey and Egypt

    There are, of course, cheaper options, which you can easily book using the button below.

    Prices for renting apartments and rooms in Bulgaria

    If you want to live not in a popular resort like , but in a normal city, we advise you to stay not in a hotel, but in a rented apartment. In our experience, the price is almost the same, and living in your own apartment is many times more pleasant than in a hotel.

    We usually search for and rent housing through the popular rental service AirBnB. It is quite convenient, very fast and very reliable. As they say, we use it ourselves and recommend it to you.

    Pomorie is divided into a new and an old part. The new one is being actively built up, while the old one mainly houses apartments that are several decades old.

    The hospitable country offers wonderful beaches, inexpensive hotels, it is suitable for spending time with a cheerful company and a quiet family vacation. This is the choice of people who know how to combine quality rest with reasonable costs. In winter, ski lovers are attracted to the slopes of the Pamporovo and Bansko mountains; in summer, the Black Sea caresses everyone who wants to sunbathe. Oddly enough, Sofia, the capital, is not the most beautiful city in the republic, famous for its historical monuments, cozy fishing villages, a large water park, fields of sunflowers and roses.


    Capital: Sofia.
    Location: 22% of the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula is occupied by the Republic of Bulgaria. In the south it borders with Turkey, Greece, in the north with Romania, in the west with Macedonia, Serbia, and in the east it is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. The area of ​​the state is only 110,550 square meters. km, the population is slightly more than 7.3 million people.
    Official language: Bulgarian, many speak English, German, Russian is often spoken.
    Currency: BGN - Bulgarian Lev. Be careful when exchanging currency. Many exchange offices lure tourists with an attractive leva exchange rate. In most cases, the signs indicate one price (it is not known whether it is a purchase or a sale). You will be offered a receipt and asked to sign. After the operation, you find in your hands one and a half times less money than expected (for example, on the receipt two numbers “swapped” places and, instead of the promised 193 leva, you get 139). No requests or threats will return the money given back: you signed the receipt voluntarily.
    State system: parliamentary republic.
    Traditional Religion: Orthodoxy.
    Climate: from temperate continental in the south it becomes Mediterranean.
    Weather: For those who like to sunbathe on the beach, the most pleasant time to relax in this picturesque region is in the second half of summer, when the temperature ranges from 23°C to 30°C. At this time, you will not languish from unbearable heat; your vacation is unlikely to be overshadowed by rainy weather, since rains brought by northwestern and western winds are typical for the first half of summer. The beginning of autumn is a dry time.


    If you are interested in historical monuments and excursions, visit Bulgaria from May to October. The swimming season continues into September.
    The state is part of the European Union, and therefore a visa is required. The embassy does not issue Schengen: this republic is not included in the list of zones. But if it is already open, then since 2012 it is possible to enter the territory of this state with your own visa, which costs 60-65 euros.

    Getting around Bulgaria

    You can drive a vehicle from the age of 21; you must have an international driver's license. Be prepared for the fact that driving a car on the highways is not an easy task, because the quality of the roads is very low, warning signs are often absent, and a huge part of local motorists do not try to follow the traffic rules. But if you are not afraid of all these disadvantages, rent a car, and it will be very convenient for you to move along the intended route.
    Rail transport
    One of the advantages is the prices, which are thirty percent lower than bus trips. Among the disadvantages: the trains are old, the toilets are most often in very poor condition, air conditioning is a rarity and is more the exception than the rule, and it is cold in the carriages in winter. For a more comfortable trip, you will need to buy expensive tickets for trains on international lines, partially passing through the country.
    Usually these are cars painted yellow with a price list attached to the side windows. For your own safety, it is better to call by phone, since illegal immigrants do not bear any responsibility for your life. If the cost of the trip is “negotiable”, then you can bargain. Usually the price depends on the time of day and location; payment is most often made by meter.
    City transport
    In all settlements you will ride on buses and trolleybuses, sometimes trams; in the capital you have the opportunity to use the metro line. The downside is still the same - old models, as well as overcrowding, especially during rush hour. The standard of intercity buses is much higher, tickets can be purchased from the driver, prices are affordable, the staff is polite, and the interiors are clean.
    Water transport
    If you want to enjoy the beauty of the local landscapes and admire the sights, then you should not refuse boat trips along the Danube and the Black Sea. The price of such a trip will be slightly higher than the cost of tickets for city transport, but, in general, the price list for boat trips is much lower than at other European resorts.

    Attractions Bol garii

    If you plan not only to sunbathe, but also to see the sights of the country, you should pay attention to the most beautiful places in the republic.
    This is truly a pearl of the Black Sea coast. The city was founded in the first millennium BC. Here you can see the remains of four dozen churches built of stone in the fifth century. The windmill is a symbol of Nessebar known to every tourist.
    Less than four hundred people live in Melnik; it is the smallest town in the country. A walk along the main street will only take you a minute, but this is a city of winemakers, and therefore wine tasting in local taverns will truly turn your head. For this reason, before tasting, visit the Rozhen Monastery.
    Valley of Roses
    Between Sredna Gora and Stara Planina there are thirty kilometers of flower fields. Kaanlik has a Thracian tomb and a rose museum. You will get an unforgettable experience if you arrive in the Valley at dawn in early June. Try spending the night in this splendor and watch the rosebuds open in the morning. In a couple of days you will be taught how to collect buds. If you are lucky enough to visit the Rose Festival, you will see parades of local residents in ancient Greek, Thracian, and Roman costumes. You will look at the election of Queen Rose, who will shower the people with rose petals while sitting on the throne (the throne with the queen will be carried by local young people).
    This is both a sea beach and a fishing village. Here you can watch the unloading of the day's catch and sunbathe on the rocks, of which there are many located along the shore. Just forty years ago, the Apollonius Amphitheater, built in the distant second century AD, was discovered. A landslide moved layers of earth and happy Bulgarians found this most important landmark of the country. At the beginning of September, a cultural festival is held here; at this time, the city always gathers a lot of spectators, and the amphitheater’s seats are occupied by a large audience.
    Rila Monastery
    To the south of the capital is the so-called Bulgarian Jerusalem. You will be amazed not only by its appearance, but also by the harmony of the interior decoration. The monastery is surrounded by forested mountains.
    About six thousand years ago the second largest Bulgarian city was founded. The Roman amphitheater, which is very well preserved, is admirable. Here you can wander through the hills, check out various museums and galleries, enjoy colorful houses and excellent architecture in general. Don't miss the Dervish Monastery, the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Dzhumaya Mosque, the Hissar Kapiyah Gate.

    Resorts in Bulgaria

    The most inexpensive resorts are Ravda, Kamchia, Lozenets, Sunny Beach, Burgas, Kiten, Kranevo, Obzor. Dear ones - Sozolol, Rusalka, Golden Sands, Varna, St. Constantine and Helena, Elenite, Nessebar. A quiet family holiday awaits you on the beaches of Tsarevo, Rusalka, Ahtopol, Kavarna, Obzor, Kamchia. For entertainment and developed infrastructure, you should go to Golden Sands, Albena, Sunny Beach, Varna, Burgas, Sveti Vlas.
    Golden Sands
    The most popular, albeit youngest, resort in the country. There are more than fifty hotels located near the coast. Many shops, cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, and a variety of beach activities will brighten up your leisure time. If you choose this place to relax, visit the old chapel of John the Baptist, visit the Aladzha mountain monastery, and have fun in the huge water park. On an excursion to the Chiflika complex, you will get acquainted with ethnographic exhibits, taste national cuisine, taste brandy and wine, and also take part in local rituals and games.
    Sunny Beach
    The needs of every vacationer are taken into account here: many shops where you can order goods for every taste and buy wonderful souvenirs, an open-air cinema, discos, attractions, and a casino variety show. Physical fitness can be maintained on basketball, volleyball and tennis courts; there is a riding school, mini golf and fitness rooms, and various water attractions. Not far from the resort is Nessebar, and it is also worth visiting the ethnographic village of Veliko Tarnovo.
    A quiet resort, it will be comfortable for a family to relax here. It is famous for its unusual nature: a combination of liana forest and sea landscape. There is a historical museum and an icon gallery, a lot of entertainment for children, and there is also a huge balneological center in the Dobrudzha hotel.
    St. Constantine and Helena
    In these beautiful lands you can not only relax, but also improve your health. There are many indoor and outdoor swimming pools filled with mineral water. On the beaches you can also take a shower with mineral water. Hydrogen sulfide sources are not suitable for everyone, because they may have contraindications and also be repulsive with their pungent odor. But your hair, skin, nervous system, and your entire body will thank you for this voluntary torture. In this place, even in extreme heat, it is easy to breathe thanks to the abundance of trees. The infrastructure is well developed.

    Ski Bulgaria

    Several centuries ago, this city was a favorite hunting ground of kings. Here you can find the most comfortable and longest routes, and as trainers you will be offered not ordinary people, but real athletes, Olympic winners. Many high-level hotels, evergreen forests, fresh air, the knowledge that kings once spent their leisure time here - all this makes your vacation unforgettable.
    Its location among the high mountains gives this small town a special charm. The city has its own history and architectural monuments, which is why this ski resort is the most popular in Bulgaria.
    In the middle of the mountains there is this cozy place, decorated with mighty leis. If you are visiting this country for the first time, be sure to go on an excursion to the Bachkovo and Rila monasteries, the Asenova Fortress, visit the capital, and the speleological museum in Chepelare will be of interest.

    What to bring from Bulgaria

    Mastic and brandy
    These are alcoholic drinks that can be given as gifts to colleagues and friends. This forty proof brandy is distilled from fruit juice. Rakia can be melon, plum, grape, apricot, pear, etc. It will be interesting for a tourist to go to the factory for a tasting and directly buy a product there that will appeal to their taste. Mastic is a drink of real strong drinkers, as its degree rises from 47. This alcohol, made from fennel and anise, can knock even an experienced taster off his feet.
    Rose oil
    All women will be delighted with cosmetic products made from the well-known oil (perfumes, face and body creams, aromatic soaps, etc.). When purchasing a product, remember that it must be in sealed bottles and have a registered certificate. Liqueurs and delicious jams are made from flower petals.
    Local craftsmen are famous for their icons made on linden or cypress boards. The paints used to depict the holy face are based on egg yolk. The art of Bulgarian icon painting is more than a thousand years old. You can buy goods both in numerous shops and at cathedrals and monasteries.
    Ceramics and wood
    These are truly high-quality, beautiful dishes worthy of your kitchen. Pottery has been a national art for hundreds of years. Buy original wooden bowls for meat dishes, barrels, wine glasses, jugs for compote, milk.
    The gift will please your relatives. This is an aesthetically packaged multi-colored salt with various herbs, it is called “sherena salt”. Kimion is in demand among visitors, as it is suitable for almost all dishes. Gastronomic balms, vinegar tinctures, all kinds of bottles and jars with spices are displayed in the windows of street shops and large stores.
    All those with a sweet tooth love oriental sweets. Everywhere you can see many beautiful boxes with different types of Turkish delight, which has already become a national product. In addition to sweets, buy cheese, which is superior in taste to what our supermarkets offer.
    Local residents and hotel staff will always tell you where you can order the product you want to purchase.

    Bulgaria is a beautiful country, and it is impossible to list all its attractions in one article. It is famous for its resorts, rich history, architecture (especially cathedrals and monasteries), and products of folk crafts. But the country's most important asset is its impressive landscapes.