How to write a story about your city. How to write about a fictional city


Do you like the city where you live? I like!

I live in the best city in the world. Because he is beautiful, he is dear. This is where I was born and raised. My friends and parents are here. It was in this city that I took my first steps, said my first words, and for the first time saw the dearest person on earth: my mother. Every street, every house is familiar to me here. My city has the most beautiful sunsets; they are either bright scarlet, soft pink, or variegated orange. The most charming blooms. The bluest sky, which is covered with soft snow-white clouds, similar to cotton candy. The greenest grass where my friends and I ran barefoot as children. The brightest sun, which woke me up in the morning all my life with its warm, gentle rays. If it rains here, it’s not just water from the sky, it’s the kind of weather that makes you think about the meaning of life, the rain, knocking on the windowsills of cozy houses and apartments, plays a melody that touches the soul. In my city in the morning everyone is rushing about their business, with a smile on their face, everyone is happy about the new day and, in anticipation of good luck, they walk and smile at passers-by.

There are so many memories associated with my city. It was here that I heard the school bell for the first time; it was in this city that I learned about the world. If I go somewhere, then I really miss home, school, local streets, parks, which were so much fun to walk in.

I don’t know how you can not love the city with which your entire past is connected.

Many people complain that they live in a dirty city, where there is nowhere to walk, where there are many dangerous places, they talk about this with indignation. But they don’t think about who is to blame for this. People themselves spoil the environment with their ignorance and laziness.

They don't want to fix anything, organize voluntary groups that will help keep the city clean. People simply complain about the city's shortcomings, but don't want to change anything. You just have to think about who is to blame for everything. And start correcting your mistakes before it’s too late. And only then the city will begin to flourish and delight all its residents with its appearance and good ecology.

It doesn’t matter whether your city is big or small, the only thing that matters is what kind of people live in it. And what desire they have to improve their place of residence. And if you try, then any city can be turned into the most charming, cleanest, most cheerful city in the world. It is only important to understand this and set such a goal for yourself.

No matter what they say about my city, for me it is always the best in the world. And I am doing and will do everything possible to make him better and better. But, I think that you just need to take care of what you have. And love your city not for its size and population, but for the fact that it is your native land. For those pleasant, positive, unforgettable moments that you experienced in this city. Because your family is here. For the fact that you were born here and spent the best years of your life - childhood!

I live in a city in a beautiful city. My city is not very big. About 450 thousand people live in it.

We have a clean city. It is most beautiful in summer in clear weather. There are many universities and technical schools in our city. People come to study with us not only from all over the republic, but also from other countries. We have many monuments. For example, Lenin and Chapaev.

We also have museums. In them you can learn the history of our republic. Exhibitions from other cities also come. Recently the Kunstkamera came from St. Petersburg.

In recent years, new playgrounds have been installed in the courtyards. They also built many new hospitals.

My city stands on the banks of the Volga River. And in the summer, townspeople love to swim in it and sunbathe on its shore. There are several beaches on the Volga where people relax. In summer there is a ferry to the other side. And you can go on it to the other side.

It's beautiful in winter too. You can go sledding. There are ski resorts in different areas. And fans of this sport can have a lot of fun.

There are many churches in my city. There are several mosques. I have a calm, quiet city.

I really like it here.

My favorite city is Oktyabrsky.

Our city of Oktyabrsky is very beautiful and cozy, with wide streets, tall buildings, parks and squares. It is located on the right side of the IK River, on its bank, next to a small artificial lake.

The city has about one hundred and fourteen thousand residents, at whose disposal are theaters, libraries with huge book collections of more than a million books, Children's and Youth Theater with many clubs and sections, a Sports Palace with gyms and a swimming pool, houses of culture and recreation, a stadium with seats for ten thousand spectators, a local history museum, winter sports facilities. Nurseries and kindergartens are open for the city's children. Almost all preschool children have the opportunity to attend special institutions. The city accepts students from twenty general secondary schools, several vocational colleges, two music schools, a music school and the general technical department of the Ufa Petroleum Institute.

We have a large area. In its center there is a huge flower bed, where bright flowers bloom in the summer, and on New Year’s Day a city Christmas tree is installed here.

The city also has hotels, restaurants, cafes, and many different shops where you can always buy goods for every taste. Markets and frequently held fairs have become quite popular. It is interesting to visit Sabantui, where competitions are held in sack running, team tug-of-war, dangerous log climbing for valuable prizes, and others.

Now the city is very fabulous and beautiful. Autumn time painted the trees in bright yellow and red colors, so all the streets of the city where there are many trees became very bright and colorful.

I live in a wonderful city for me. When I came here, everything was interesting to me. At this time I lived in the village. But I told myself that when I grow up I will live in it. A year later we moved to the city. After class, I walked around the city, learning that I had brought in a lot of interesting things, and I decided to go around everything. I went to museums, theaters, cinemas, and we have enough of them in the parks.

On holidays there are beautiful fireworks. I really like watching them. There is also a square, an eternal flame, in the summer I went to the beach, there are a lot of different people there. And in general there are a lot of things. I love my city very much.

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Even the streets have their own memory. They reliably store the footsteps of people who have long since died down, conversations that led nowhere, and dreams that did not come true. The streets remember the fun, the rays of the most unforgettable sultry summer in life, hopes and successes. An essay on the topic “My City” is mandatory in the school curriculum. And every time teachers have to read the same thing. Maybe we should offer something new at least once?

What are they writing about?

Essays on the topic “My City” mainly describe local attractions, famous personalities and add a little history. The most creative essays are obtained when reviews of foreign tourists or the uniqueness of the location of the settlement are added to all this. Without a doubt, each of these details is important for writing an essay on the topic “My City”.

However, you don’t need to limit yourself to only them. You can add a few suggestions about the weather, which makes the city look better. Also a good solution would be to add emotions, be it nostalgia or the joy of living here.

How to write interestingly?

To make an essay on the topic “My City” interesting, you need to write about what is interesting to the author himself. For example, if a student likes that in his city there is a street with old houses, let him write about it, specifying why he likes such a place and what feelings it evokes. If you like that a lot of people live here, let the story be about it. And even if the author only likes the presence of an old library, let the text talk about it.

An essay on the topic “My City” is not only a list of attractions and a retelling of historical facts. But also revealing the uniqueness and originality of the locality.

Favorite city

The locality that a student can write about does not have to be his hometown. It could also be a place he's only been to once. An essay on the topic “My favorite city” may have the following content.

“One day I came to the city of N. Although I was there for only a few days, I will always remember it. There was none of the ugly bustle to which residents of large cities have long been accustomed. There were no hours-long traffic jams and large crowds of people at bus stops. It seemed that everything was frozen in anticipation of something beautiful. People walked slowly through the streets, smiled cheerfully and were in no hurry. Laughter could be heard from small and cozy coffee shops; the smell of fresh baked goods and aromatic coffee with milk was in the air. Everyone here was enjoying life and being polite.

The narrow streets were surrounded by flower beds with bright flowers, the city park had a beautiful lake, and the alleys simply shone with cleanliness. An ancient theater building stood majestically in the central square, street musicians played, and tourists took pictures at the monument to the great commander. N struck me with his measured flow of life. And if we talk about our favorite city, it will undoubtedly be N.”

Little homeland

But most often, students describe the place where they were born and live. An essay on the topic “My hometown” will have a completely different content.

“I love my hometown. Even if nothing changes here and nothing interesting happens, this is the place where I live. Every day here is similar to the previous one. The same bends of the streets, the same cars and the same candles of high-rise buildings. In the center are the main government institutions, opposite which stands a monument to the famous writer. The city park no longer has any attractions, but people still come there to sit on the old benches and admire nature. On one of the central streets there are many shops and beauty salons; on the outskirts there is a sugar factory.

This is an ordinary provincial town. The same as thousands of others. But only here can I feel at home, comfortable and good, because this is my hometown. Here I know every street, turn and intersection. This is a place that holds memories of my childhood. And although this city is a little boring, for me it is the best.”


Using exactly the same schemes, you can write a mini-essay on the topic “My City”. School work is not only assignments in language or literature, but also an excellent opportunity to give free rein to your imagination. The main thing is to remember that in the story you must indicate the name of the city and make a brief description, and the rest is at the discretion of the author. You can, as in the examples, be guided by emotions or simply highlight the key characteristic of the locality as a whole.

It is customary to start this kind of work with the name of the city, but there will be nothing wrong if it is mentioned at the end. You can write where and what attraction is located, but if you simply list them, the essay will not lose its meaning.

Any creative task should begin with sketching. For example, you can write in advance what is interesting in the city, and next to it make a list of things that the author himself likes. This will help structure the information, and then you will get a good essay. There is no need to chase standards. Just as the streets keep the secrets of their inhabitants, so the inhabitants of the city must write something special about them.

video transcript

Hi all! Today I am with you again, Elvira Baryakina, and the Writer's Handbook.

Today I will talk about how to describe the area the hero entered for the first time.

Beginner mistakes

What usually happens? Writers with no experience usually write long, long descriptions in which the reader drowns and becomes bored. Or, on the contrary, the writer brings the hero to some area, but does not give any description at all.

As a result, the reader is lost: Where is he even? What's going on here?

A little trick

To avoid this problem, there is one small trick.

You must follow the character's feelings and sensations and write down exactly what he pays attention to due to human, animal or some other characteristics.

What may be included in the description?

Temperature. How is our character: cold or hot? Or does he not feel any discomfort?

Smells. Does it smell like anything in here? Does this smell somehow characterize this area?


Lighting or time of day. What's in the background? Morning? Day? Evening?

Such things are important because without them the picture does not come together, there is no visual image.

What does the hero see?

When a hero comes to a new place, he looks around. And in the text we describe not everything in a row, but what catches the eye first.

Let's say I now have a panorama of the city of Long Beach behind me. If I come here, what will I see? Skyscrapers.

I would describe these skyscrapers at the very beginning - because it is natural in this situation.

Order of elements

Once again, let’s talk about the order in which the elements of the description are arranged:

When the hero finds himself in a new place, he experiences certain bodily sensations - we describe them.

After that, he turns his attention to the overall panorama. What does he see? What catches his eye?

If you follow this simple plan, then all descriptions will be short, succinct and natural.

Description example

In the evening, Jack looked into the Old Boatswain bar. The small unheated room was crowded - on Fridays the British sailors had their pay, and they drank it away in the company of pugnacious stevedores, port punks and disheveled girls with greedy eyes.

Let's take a closer look:

The “Old Boatswain” bar is an indication of where exactly the hero ended up.

The small, unheated room was crowded with sensations and a “panoramic view.”

British sailors, loaders, etc. - these are the details that caught the hero's eye.


Every happy person has his own favorite city. There is a favorite city not because they are happy, but happy because they have it.
Most often, a favorite city, town, or region is the place where a person was born or spent a lot of time.
Often the favorite city is called the one where a person spent his childhood, because it is with childhood, if it, of course, was not difficult, that most people have the kindest memories. No matter how old a person is, he always remembers some moments from his childhood, and with them the places where they happened, that is, in his favorite city. Moreover, this city does not at all have to be the capital, a millionaire city or some other big deal. It can be a quiet, abandoned town and at the same time be the most beloved city, as many pleasant impressions are associated with it.
Everyone's love for the city manifests itself differently, if at all. For example, poets write poems about their favorite city, composers write music, artists draw pictures, thereby glorifying the city and perpetuating its memory for many years.
I love Krasnogorsk! Soon my city will have a holiday, and that means I will too. This small town is my homeland. I was born here, studied here, and made a lot of friends. I have many memories associated with Krasnogorsk, because I have known it for almost eighteen years. I love this city, I don’t know why. Not for anything in particular, or more precisely, probably, for the fact that it exists and that it is exactly like that, unlike any other city. There is simply a feeling that I cannot explain in words, but I can only draw an analogy with love for parents or a loved one. After all, we love them not for anything, but simply for the fact that they exist.
One February night, inspiration struck me and I wrote a poem, which I called “Night City” and dedicated to Krasnogorsk. Here it is:
I will go to the cold window: Outside it is winter, and the night is deep. I see the city is lonely and it doesn't sleep, And I won't sleep tonight.
The lights in the neighboring house were turned off. Everyone fell asleep, tired of worldly worries. I’m the only one who doesn’t sleep: I can’t sleep, Although I’m also tired somewhere.
The frosty air whistles through the crack in the window, Goosebumps run through my body. Perhaps then, at that moment, I will understand that the city is telling me something.
He probably wants to tell you how tired he is from the day he has lived today, that he can’t stand the noise and rigmarole, and he wants to sleep quickly.
His dream is impossible, because I,
Because I'm sitting and talking to him,
And in response he blows white smoke from the roof
And reluctantly cradles me.

When I was little, my family and I lived in one of the towers that are located on Volokolamsk Highway. Our apartment was on the very last, fourteenth, floor, and from the window there was a magnificent view of the entire city. I loved looking at him from a bird's eye view.
It is impossible not to pay attention to one of the main advantages of my favorite city - this is the Palace of Culture “Moscow Region”, because it is with it that the majority of the site is associated - 2001-2005 cultural events in Krasnogorsk. There is probably not a person in the city who would not look here at least once. At the recreation center, children engage in various clubs in dancing, drawing, foreign languages, modeling, singing and much more. Various concerts and performances are regularly held here, and famous artists come here.
Another special place in my city is the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant, or KMZ for short, known in many places as a manufacturer of excellent precision vision devices, optics and other necessary things.
Krasnogorsk has a huge advantage: there are many forests around the city, thanks to which the air remains relatively clean. At any time of the year, you can easily go to a barbecue with friends or just wander through the forest. Beauty!
The most popular place in winter will probably be Chernevskaya Hill. More precisely, it is not a hill, but a ravine, which over time was equipped as a ski slope. I come from a family of skiers and look forward to winter every year.
I never really thought about the name of the city. It is worth analyzing the word etymologically, and it is clear that it is formed from two words: “red” and “mountain”. The word "red" means "beautiful". It turns out to be a beautiful mountain. Interesting.
They say that there is one very beautiful place in Krasnogorsk, which is located behind the House of Pioneers. I’ve never been there, but I always wanted to visit this place, as it is affectionately called “my Switzerland”: this park has very beautiful and unusual nature.
In my city there is a State Archive that houses important films and materials. Having visited it once, you will certainly want to return there, because you can learn a lot of very interesting things there.
In general, Krasnogorsk has been transforming in recent years: new buildings are appearing, the city is growing before our eyes and becoming more beautiful every year.