Tribe of the Canary Islands - Guanches. Passing Variables in PHP


- ancient civilizations

The Guanches are an amazing people who have lived in the Canary Islands for a very long time. The conquistadors who arrived here were amazed to see white, red-haired people in the "African" region. Ways of communication of the islanders surprised no less. The mystery of the appearance of Guanches on the islands has not been revealed to this day. The Guanches are considered extinct, but people with signs of aborigines are still found in the Canary Islands.

The Canary Islands are off the coast of Africa. The archipelago consists of 7 large islands, the largest of them are Tenerife and Gran Canaria.

Written evidence of the Guanches people appeared around the 1400s, during the conquest of the islands by the Spaniards. According to written testimonies of those cruel events, it became known that the conquerors were literally “stunned” when they met such an unusual people for those places. They were tall, under two meters, white-skinned, blue-eyed people with chestnut and red hair like fire. No less, they were surprised by their customs, and very specific methods of communication between them.

Who are the Guanches, where did they come from, why and how did they disappear?

It is assumed that the Guanche people appeared on the islands about three thousand years ago.

In past centuries, there were theories about their connection with the ancient myth of Atlantis, the Egyptians, the Phoenicians, etc. Also, the Guanches had similar physical features to the Cro-Magnons who inhabited Europe in those ancient times.

The Guanches, without a plow, successfully grew cereals, wheat, barley, and cultivated legumes. Dough was made from barley processed into flour, which to this day is the national food of the peoples inhabiting the Canary Islands.

Of course, the main occupation of the islanders was cattle breeding. They raised goats, sheep, pigs (the appearance of these animals on the islands remains a mystery). The Guanches also collected fruits and caught coastal animals.

They dressed in cloaks of sewn, brightly dyed goat skins, which was not always necessary, since the climate on the islands is rather mild and quite constant.

In addition to cattle, the Guanches bred and ate large dogs. These dogs are different large sizes and an evil character, their eyes are very bulging, unfortunately now they are considered extinct, but now their descendant (perro de presa canario) Dogo Canario lives and thrives on the islands, often frightening good-natured tourists with their appearance.

Dogo Canario

This breed appeared as a result of mixing with the local breed of the Bardino Mahero and the English Mastiff, brought there in the 18th century.

This people did not know iron and other metals, but they successfully managed with tools made of wood and volcanic stone. Their tools and weapons were in no way inferior to metal ones, which is very clearly confirmed by the serious rebuff they gave in the war against the conquerors - the struggle was fought for decades.

The dwelling of the islanders was deep caves dug under the rocks, and in some areas they were carved right into the rocks, where there were soft caves. Tellingly, such dwellings are still used on the islands today. The descendants of the same conquistadors who conquered the islands in their time, in some places live in small "villages", in dwellings carved right into the rocks, 15-20 families each.

As you know, these contemporaries are not going to change their place of residence, although local authorities have repeatedly tried to overpower them in modern housing. It turned out that such a dwelling, unlike ordinary buildings, is very environmentally friendly and has its own constant microclimate, as they say in any weather.


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Reconstruction of the life of Guanchi

During the Spanish conquest canary islands, the aggressors were very struck not only by the appearance of the Guanches, it resembled a European one (and this is near the coast of Africa), but most of all they were surprised by the unusual manner of communicating between the Guanches with each other. The islanders easily communicated with each other with the same lips, that is, they could not use any voice sounds at all. Being nearby, they simply moved their lips, as if they had no language, while for them it was natural and they understood each other very well.

The islanders could also communicate while being at a great distance from each other (several kilometers). They did it with the help of whistle language. Scientists call this language “the language of Silvo Homer”, this name was assigned to it because only the inhabitants of the island of Homer retained the skills of this language. Often, modern Canarians use it, surprising the tourists who come here.

The social structure of the life of Guanches was quite complicated, each tribe had its own head, he was called "Mensei", the entire population was divided into two classes - plebeians and people of a noble, high level. There was also a separate caste, these are confessors. An indicator of their rather high culture is their practice of mummifying their dead. She is not as perfect as the ancient Egyptians, but she was quite skillful.

Reconstruction of the life of Guanchi

Internal organs were removed from the body of the deceased, then the body was washed for a long time with salt, sea water, rubbed with a special composition, this is a mixture of sheep fat, pumice, and resin of coniferous trees.

Mummy returned to Tenerife

Since the 18th century, it has been kept in the Madrid National Museum of Anthropology.

The best-preserved Guanche mummy

Then, after drying the mummy in the sun, they stuffed it with various aromatic herbs, wrapped it in animal skins and tied it with strong leather belts. After that, she was placed in special ancestral tombs, which were located in deep, secret caves, far in the mountains.

An amazing similarity was discovered by the European scientist von Humboldt, while in the Canary Islands in 1806. During a deep survey of the islands, he found a large number of mummies and all of them had a "filling" containing the herb ambrosia. The same plants were found in mummies by another scientist, Paul Marcoy, who traveled around South America, but these were already the mummies of the ancient Incas near Lake Titicaca.

stone covered

unknown letters

According to research data, at the time of the discovery of the Guanches by the Spaniards, by all indications they were at the stage of development of the Stone Age, but at the same time, scientists managed to find traces of writing. These were rock paintings in the form of signs similar to symbols or letters, some were in the form of geometric shapes. To this day, it has not been possible to decipher these inscriptions. In part, they resemble ancient Libyan and Numidian scripts, but they are still a completely separate type of writing. Scientists claim that they are over 2000 years old.

Another mystery is kept by the Canary Islands, these are the pyramids. Who and when built them, no one knows for sure, but they still adorn the island of Tenerife with their grandeur. Rectangular pyramids, very similar to the pyramids of the ancient Maya. Under one of these pyramids, the residence of the ancient rulers of the island was equipped.

Pyramids of Guimar Tenerife

The Guanches did not have a fleet at all. Archaeologists who excavated on the islands did not find a single artifact confirming the presence of at least some primitive watercraft. At the same time, it is argued that the islanders could easily swim between the islands in a swim, and did it regularly.

One day, Spanish ships arrived in Gando Bay on one of the islands. The purpose of their arrival was to expand the Spanish possessions and subjugate the local population.


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The Guanches gave a serious rebuff to the conquerors. Despite their primitive weapons compared to the aggressor, the war continued for many decades. The proud, island people did not want to submit to a stronger enemy. But still, by the end of the 15th century, the conquest was completed, the island of Tenerife was the last to be captured. As the legends say - "the last inhabitants did not want to surrender to the mercy of the enemies and everyone in the place threw themselves off the sheer cliffs."

But today locals The islands are said to still have Guanche blood. And if you meet a tall, red-haired and blue-eyed local resident on the island, then you will not be mistaken, this is definitely a descendant of their distant ancestors.

Not so long ago, anthropological surveys carried out on the islands confirm that the ancient people of Guanches were not completely exterminated by the Spanish conquerors. In part, they mixed with the European conquerors, and some of them retained the features and signs of their distant ancestors in full.

More than 500 years have passed since then, and the modern world lives and thrives on these beautiful islands. Now here is just a paradise for tourists, with great beaches, great weather and of course, with ancient history, which can be touched here face to face. And now the islands are under the jurisdiction of Spain and are one of the autonomous communities of this country. Autonomy has two capitals Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In the city of Santiago del Teide there is a monument to the leader of the Guanches tribe.

They were virtuous, honest and brave,
they combined all best qualities humanity:
generosity, dexterity, courage, athletic strength,
fortitude of soul and body, friendly faces,
inquisitive mind, ardent patriotism, love of freedom...”.

Antonio de Viana (Canarian poet)

Information about this people hooked me for a long time, but somehow there was no time to post it, and it’s quite difficult to look for the Aryans among the destroyed tribe ... I was inspired by the post sibved Aqueducts of the Azores Azores - ancient aquiducts, in the Canary Islands - mysterious Guanches ...
Talking about this people, almost all sites talk about the bloody drama (genocide) that unfolded in the Canary Islands during their conquest by the Spaniards in the 14-16 centuries. and about the courageous defense of the Canarians (Guanches) of their land. Like that:

"The time of the great geographical discoveries was remembered by mankind not only for the courage of the conquerors of unknown spaces, but also for the bloody wars that unfolded in open lands.The Canary Islands were no exception.

This piece of paradise - azure water, golden sand, emerald green palms - has witnessed many dramas unfolding under the bright sun of tropical latitudes. One of the worst tragedies that happened here is the extermination of the Guanches, the most mysterious people on earth.

When in the XIV century the Spanish conquerors first arrived in the Canary Islands and landed on Tenerife, they were amazed - going to these places located near Africa, the Spaniards expected that the locals would be dark-skinned, curly-haired, with wide noses and thickened lips ...

But the natives were no different from the inhabitants of Europe, and its northern part - the Pomor Slavs, the Swedes ... They were tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed people. So European civilization first encountered a mystery that has been haunting the minds of mankind for more than one hundred years - where did these amazing people come from in the Canary Islands. In character and temperament, the Guanches also resembled Europeans, but at the same time they walked in skins. Despite some differences between the inhabitants of individual islands, they were all similar to each other and spoke dialects of the same language.

The discovered tribe was called "Guanches", which meant "children big volcano". In the ancient legends of the Guanches, it was mentioned that the people of the tribe came out of the bowels of the fire-breathing Mount Teide - high volcano Canary Islands…

When the Spaniards conquered the Canary Islands, the development of the Guanches was somewhere at the Neolithic level. They used caves carved into the rocks as housing, walked in skins and used stone weapons.

At the same time, they resisted the Spanish and Portuguese colonialists for almost a hundred years. The Guanches mastered the complex technique of fighting on poles, and so far it has not been forgotten on the islands.

The Guanches, without a plow, successfully grew cereals, wheat, barley, and cultivated legumes. Dough was made from barley processed into flour, which to this day is the national food of the peoples inhabiting the Canary Islands.

Of course, the main occupation of the islanders was cattle breeding. They raised goats, sheep, pigs (the appearance of these animals on the islands remains a mystery). The Guanches also collected fruits and caught coastal animals. They dressed in cloaks of sewn, brightly dyed goat skins, which was not always necessary, since the climate on the islands is rather mild and quite constant.

With all their primitive development, the Guanches, one of the three peoples who made mummies from their dead, the Guanches' mummification technique was more primitive compared to the Egyptians, but in many ways they are similar.

The English archaeologist Grafton Elliot Smith writes in his book The Migration of Early Cultures: “When a person dies, the Guanches take him to a cave, put him on a flat stone and open him up, after which they take out the insides, and the body is washed from the inside with salt water, smeared with a mixture of sheep fat, pine resin and crushed pumice. The body prepared in this way is dried in the sun for 15 days and, when it becomes almost weightless, wrapped in sheepskins, tied with leather straps, and then placed in caves located next to the living quarters. Due to the constant temperature in the caves, the mummies have been perfectly preserved to this day.” This method of making mummies is very similar to the ancient Egyptian, although less perfect. Guanche mummies are now exhibited in the museums of Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Special cave or burial mound.

An amazing similarity was discovered by the European scientist von Humboldt, while in the Canary Islands in 1806. During a deep examination of the islands, he found a large number of mummies, and in all of them there was a “filling” containing ambrosia grass. The same plants were found in mummies by another scientist, Paul Marcoy, who traveled around South America, but these were already the mummies of the ancient Incas near Lake Titicaca.

The ancient custom of mummification, passed down from generation to generation, was kept faithfully by the Guanches as the most sacred secret. That is why they did not know what death was, all the Guanches simply fell asleep and slept until the Great Mother returned to her people and called her lost children to her bosom.
Therefore, the Guanches preserved the remains of their relatives, sparing nothing to perpetuate them. Before his death, the man himself prepared tanned skins, where his remains would have to be wrapped. The recipes according to which the best mummies were made - "haho", have been lost. Among the Canarians, the position of mummifier was despised. Their work was well rewarded, but they lived separately. Men and women dissected bodies according to their gender. The chroniclers say that it was a separate caste of priests, whose deeds were surrounded by a sacred secret, and with their death the secret of mummification left.
The Guanches emerged from the bowels of the Great Mountain, the Teide volcano, at least that's what the legend told by the grandfathers and came from the depths of centuries. The Guanches, the children of the volcano, people with white skin similar to volcanic ash, hair red like the sun and gases blue as the sky, have always lived here and considered themselves masters of this land and its part.
They were the keepers of secret knowledge, the will of the ancient gods who built the great pyramids. The Guanches also built pyramids.

On the tops of these pyramids, they made sacrifices to unknown gods, whose writings covered the sacred stones. And under the pyramids there was a whole system of branched corridors and caves.

The Guanches mostly lived peacefully, several tribes from time to time clashed with each other, but all skirmishes were resolved peacefully, with the help of the advice of the wisest. All Guanche warriors were excellent swimmers, the test for swimming speed was the main one during the ritual of initiation into warriors. After all, the only enemies live on neighboring islands, you can only get there by swimming.
The Guanche warriors were armed with stone axes, and the most experienced and skillful, after a while, made themselves an ax from the “black stone” - the tears of the Teide volcano, a material with extraordinary sharpness and strength.
The ceremony of initiation into warriors ended with the application of a ritual tattoo, designed to protect against enemy arrows and provide divine protection and bestow good luck in battles. The tattoo was applied by a shaman, using special clay stamps with needles, a secret art known only to shamans who learned it from fiery spirits from the bowels of a volcano.

The world of the Guanches was quite small and consisted of their own island and islands nearby. The old people talked about the unknown great land, where the sun rises, but most of the Guanches considered this to be fairy tales and inventions of the old men who had gone out of their minds. After all, anyone knows that where the sun rises lives a great god - Achihuran, who every day releases the sun from the cage for a walk in the sky and every evening locks it tightly so that evil spirits do not steal it.
Big water has always been a taboo for the Guanches - anyone who encroached on her virginity did not return from there - terrible monsters and evil gods vigilantly guarded their possessions. They never knew what ships and even boats were. They were the only civilization that, being the indigenous inhabitants of the islands, never mastered navigation. And that remains the biggest mystery so far."
On another site I find:
"The Guanches in Europe have been known since ancient times, the Greeks mentioned them in their legends and myths, Hesiod and Homer called the Canary Islands "the abode of the blessed." There is a version that the Guanches are the descendants of the Atlanteans who escaped after the death of Atlantis. The Carthaginians and the Egyptians, the latter called the Canary Islands the happy islands.
IN " natural history» Pliny the Elder tells that the Guanches bred huge dogs, who were called "berdinos", it is believed that this occupation gave the name to the Canary Islands (from the Latin "canis", in the lane dog)."
It turns out that they knew about the Canarians in Europe, which means that the Canarians should have known about the ships and boats, but by the time the Spaniards arrived, they had already forgotten about this ...

Another paradox is that the Guanches, who were at a rather primitive level of development, had their own written language. But very few of its samples have been preserved and it was not possible to decipher them. On the net, from a reliable one, I managed to find only this:

Rock paintings in the form of signs similar to symbols or letters, some were in the form of geometric shapes.

Most of all, the conquerors were surprised by the unusual manner in which the Guanches communicated with each other. The islanders easily communicated with each other with the same lips, that is, they could not use any voice sounds at all. Being nearby, they simply moved their lips, as if they had no language, while for them it was natural and they understood each other very well. The islanders could also communicate while being at a great distance from each other (several kilometers). They did it with the help of whistle language. Scientists call this language “the language of Silvo Homer”, this name was assigned to it because only the inhabitants of the island of Homer retained the skills of this language. Often, modern Canarians use it, surprising the tourists who come here.
Meanwhile, the Guanche language practically disappeared. As Wikipedia writes: Several hundred words and sentences recorded by the missionaries have survived, as well as undeciphered inscriptions in letters resembling the Berber Tifinagh alphabet (the writing was forgotten by the time the colonizers arrived).
According to grammatical indicators, the Guanche languages ​​are classified as Berber-Libyan languages. At the same time, in the Guanche languages, there are a number of features that are alien not only to the Berber-Libyan languages, but also to the Afroasian languages ​​in general: for example, in these languages, vowels in the stems of words played a significant role, while consonants could alternate (in Afroasian languages, on the contrary, the stem words form consonants, and vowels usually alternate during inflection). Guanche words had an open-syllabic structure, which resembled the Eteocretan language - however, a correct comparison is impossible here, since Eteocretan has long disappeared, the study of its grammar and vocabulary is at an early stage. The numerals of the Guanche languages ​​are alien to the Afroasian languages, their origin is unknown."
Wikipedia contains a dictionary of Guanche words I've been hooked: Acaman = Sun-God, Amen = Sun (something clearly Egyptian), Ataman = Sky, Cel = Moon (Selene?).
And the names (moreover, the list of names is taken from the bills of sale for slaves that the Spaniards took out of the islands), i.e. in the transcription and perception of the Spaniards, the names sounded like this: Sasa f., Nati f., Agora f., Asoria f., Assa f., Oto m., Patric m.
And the name of the father of the leader Beniharo II is quite impressive.

So this is the name of this man's father - Serdeto(or Benejaro I) (i.e. he could be both Hearty and Angry :))

In addition, it is proved that the Guanches had a rather complex social organization. The Guanches on the islands lived in clans, at the head of the clan was the king (mensei) and the council of elders. Tenerife was ruled by 10 kings. The religion of the Guanches was in many ways similar to the beliefs of the Egyptians, the main deity was Achman (Lord), they also worshiped the sun, stars, moon and believed in spirits. They called themselves "children of the Sun" about whom their deity forgot, but in due time it will come for them.

The most interesting sites on this topic: , , http://www.spletnik. ru/blogs/vokrug_sveta/54902_guanchi , ,
I guess this could be the end, but I want to answer my own questions:
Are they Aryans? - Undoubtedly. In the sense in which I am looking for them - these "children of the Sun" are distant descendants of immigrants from Mars. Although, according to their genetic roots, they are rather Egyptians and Iberians - (a link to the forum where this is discussed in detail But for me, external symbols are more important, but they exist - see their pintaders. Plus the look, as well as the language. There are not many words and names, among the word-forming parts there are no "ar" s, but there are "as" s and "at" s. Guanches are definitely the end of the branch that, leaving the Urals, passed through Central Asia, Egypt, North Africa and "stuck" in the Canary Islands (taking barley, wheat, goats, sheep, pigs from Egypt and the Middle East - Wikipedia about " Fertile Crescent", as well as mummification skills).
And the genetic component ... For the people who were exterminated and assimilated, this is more of a prank of scientists.
On the example of the Guanches, one can very well understand that the people are running wild breaking away from the mother "civilization". Only the most important skills and traditions remain, and they acquire a different meaning over time.

“The Mystery of Plato's Atlantis” after Termier's report captivated many people. Not only geologists, but also other specialists entered into the dispute about Atlantis: zoologists, botanists, historians, anthropologists and ethnographers.

Some geologists argued against Termier that the sinking of the mainland in the Atlantic Ocean occurred much earlier than the time that Plato tells about, because the coastal terraces of the ocean are geologically more ancient in origin. Others believed that glassy lava, raised from the bottom of the ocean, could have formed under water.

However, everyone recognized the existence of a vast continent in the middle of the ocean during the geological life of the Earth, only denied that this continent could be Plato's Atlantis. They proved this by the fact that, according to geology, large islands and land areas in the ocean should have disappeared, sinking to the bottom already in the Tertiary period, when there was no person on Earth who witnessed this event.

Others recognized that the islands scattered across the Atlantic Ocean are the remnants of Atlantis that once died. Firstly, a certain regularity is noticeable in the arrangement of the islands. The Azores lie in three parallel rows, as if they were the remaining Mountain peaks three sunken mountain ranges. Of the Canary Islands, two large islands lie parallel to the African coast, while the rest are parallel to the Azores. Secondly, all the islands have active volcanoes, which indicates the seismicity of this part of the ocean. On the island of Tenerife (Canary Islands), the main volcano rises to a height of 3 kilometers above sea level, and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have occurred here as far back as 1909.

All this makes it possible to assume that the islands of the Atlantic Ocean are the remnants of ancient land, most of which sank along cracks and faults to the bottom of the ocean. At the same time, grandiose volcanic eruptions should have occurred at the same time.

Indeed, the Canary Islands give travelers the impression of the wreckage of some fantastic country. The bizarrely formidable appearance of the rocks that stand like gloomy giants over the sea and over the steep cliffs of the coast is striking. Some coastal cliffs are so high, steep and sheer that it seems as if it was here that a fault occurred, along which part of the mainland or island sank into the water.

With a dull roar, waves beat in deep bays and grottoes, and a booming echo carries the sound of the surf, like distant thunder, into the depths of the island, where the tops of volcanoes rise. Fantastic mountain roads go among trachyte rocks and basalt pillars that form huge colonnades bizarre shape. Monstrous boulders, as if taking off into the sky, hang motionless over deep valleys covered with bright and dense vegetation. And on the tops of the mountains, above the flowering terraces, dark openings of caves gape and sometimes the craters of volcanoes smoke.

The Azores make the same impression. When approaching them, the most surprising thing is the huge number of hawks flying over the rocks. Therefore, when the islands were first discovered by the Portuguese in the 15th century, they were called Azores, which in Portuguese means “hawk” (“azores” - “hawk”).

Page from the book of nature

Hawks feed on these islands mainly on rabbits, mice and weasels. These small mammals were found on the islands before the arrival of Europeans. In addition, it turned out that the Azorean weasel belongs to a special subspecies of weasels, which is unknown in Europe. And rabbits were brought to Europe from America, and Europeans could not bring them to the islands until the discovery of America by Columbus. Obviously, wild rabbits on the Atlantic islands, like mice and weasels, the abundance of which was noticed on the islands in the 15th century, remained here as if on the ruins of a dead mainland. Such "residual" animals are also some species of snails that are found, in addition to the islands, in the region mediterranean sea and in America. Land snails are always closely associated with the soil and spread very slowly. In no case could they be carried by sea currents to the islands. One family of snails is currently distributed only in the Mediterranean region, on the Atlantic Islands and in Central America. In America they are large in size, and on the islands and on the shores of the Mediterranean they are small. In ancient deposits of southern Europe, they are found as large as modern snails in America.

The world of land snails in general on these islands is extremely rich, and this suggests that the islands once belonged to a large land.

The same is observed in the vegetation of the Atlantic islands. Here, most of the species are common with the Mediterranean region and with northwestern Africa. And some species are common with the Antilles, Central and South America. There are also local species characteristic of the Atlantic Islands, but they are also closely related to the species of the Mediterranean coast and Central America.

One species of fern, found as a fossil in Europe, where it has long since died out, is currently growing in the Canaries and Azores. Another species of fern is found in the Atlantic Islands, in West Africa, in America, in Ireland and in the Pyrenees. Several species of beautiful evergreen tree, called strawberry, grow on the islands and in the Mediterranean region. Other species are found in Central and South America.

There are a lot of examples of the commonality of animal and plant forms for the Atlantic Islands, Southern Europe and North America. On this basis, biologists began to prove that the Atlantic islands are parts of a vast continent, connected by a chain of other islands or isthmuses with Europe, with northern Africa and with America. The destruction of this continent occurred gradually and began in the west. The mainland plunged into the ocean, from which the highest parts of the sunken land remained in the form of islands. Apparently, the last catastrophe separated the Canary Islands from Africa. This could have happened in the postglacial era, in other words, when the lost mainland could already be inhabited by people. Perhaps the legend of this terrible event was conveyed by Plato in his story.

Guanches - descendants of the Atlanteans?

If Atlantis existed so recently, then not only the descendants of the animals and plants that inhabited it, but also the descendants of people could be preserved on the islands that survived from it. Indeed, when Europeans discovered the Atlantic Islands in the 14th century, a special people lived in the Canary Islands - the Guanches - “a man from the island of Tenerife” (“guan” - “man”, “shinet” - “Tenerife”).

by the most large islands from the Canary archipelago are the islands of Tenerife and Homer. When the Europeans landed for the first time on the island of Tenerife, the Guanches greeted them kindly and cordially, but when the Spaniards began to oppress them, they rebelled in defense of their independence. The Spaniards, of course, were much stronger than the Guanches, they partly exterminated the population of the islands, partly enslaved them. The islands still belong to the Spaniards, and the entire population speaks Spanish.

Skulls and skeletons of ancient Guanches were found on the islands of Tenerife and Homer.

According to the French anthropologists Catrfage, Ami and Vernot, most of the skulls and skeletons of the Guanches were a striking resemblance to the Late Paleolithic, the so-called Cro-Magnon European race, that is, to the inhabitants of the Stone Age in Europe. This opinion is now recognized by science. And a smaller part belonged to people of the Semitic type from Syria and Palestine.

Modern Guanches, although heavily Hispanized, still retained the features of their ancestors. They are distinguished by their olive skin color, from dark to yellow-red Indians, and long, often blond hair and light eyes.

We know about the culture of the Guanches from the chronicles of the XIV and especially the XV centuries from the first Europeans who visited the Canary Islands.

The Guanches hospitably welcomed the Spaniards. At that time, on the islands of Tenerife and Homer, there were still walls of some fortifications built from large stone blocks. But no one knew the purpose of these walls. The Guanches, according to the chronicles, did not suspect the existence of other countries and peoples. They didn't have boats and didn't even move from one island to another. Why, by whom and when were these defensive fortifications built? And how to understand that for centuries not a single inhabitant of these islands has thought of swimming across to neighboring island at least in a simple shuttle carved from a tree trunk?

Religious ceremonies connected with the sea occupied a central place in their cult. The Guanches, apparently, considered the sea a sacred and inviolable creature, they were afraid of it and therefore did not even know how to swim.

Back in the 17th century, when Europeans asked them where their ancestors came from, the Guanches answered: “Our fathers told us that God transferred us to this island, that he forgot us here, but someday he will remember us and return to us together with the sun."

Guanches dressed in goat skins sewn with thin veins, wore leather shoes on their feet; the neck was adorned with necklaces of long clay beads, shells and tusks of a wild boar, which were found in abundance on the islands. The weapons of the Guanches were spears, darts with tips made of stone or obsidian (volcanic glass), slings and axes made of polished stone.

The Guanches wore pointed hats on their heads, and the inhabitants of the two islands (Lanzarote and Fuerteventura) decorated their heads with feathers, like the ancient Libyans and Iberians.

According to the observations of the Spaniards, it was an honest, freedom-loving and brave people, distinguished by moderation in life and respect for women. The Italian poet Boccaccio, who visited the Canary Islands in 1341, says that the Guanches "seemed to him a happy, enlightened and peaceful people" and that "they had a chapel with a statue depicting a naked man with a ball in his hand."

The Guanches lived in natural or rock-cut caves, but sometimes they built round or oval houses from rough stones. The entrance was decorated with two large stone slabs, on which, like a roof, lay a third slab. Their houses, like those of the inhabitants North Africa, half went into the ground - a feature that the German scientist Frobenius considers characteristic of the Atlantean culture.

The Guanches knew how to fish, raised sheep and goats, and tamed wild pigs. They were engaged in agriculture, using artificial irrigation. The earth was plowed, making furrows with a stick with a sharp bone tip, and barley was sown. Women ground the dried grains with hand mills and baked cakes from coarse flour, as all modern Berber tribes in Africa do.

The Guanches worshiped the Sun. Like the Egyptians and Peruvians in America, they had a religious custom of embalming corpses and preserving the mummies of noble dead and kings. When the Spaniards took possession of the Canary Islands, each of them had an estate, a kind of caste of embalmers. They knew how to wrap the bodies in bandages and prepare mummies, using the same techniques used by the ancient Egyptians and Peruvians. Mummies were buried in graves, over which, however, not everywhere and not always, stones were stacked in the form of a small pyramid.

The priests wore high conical headdresses, similar to the headdresses of the Canaanite and Phoenician nobles. Priestesses in the Canary Islands were called "garimaguadas", which is reminiscent of the name of priestesses in ancient Mesopotamia: "gariman-gagyum", meaning "women of the temple". Interestingly, in ancient city Ur (Mesopotamia) priestesses big temple obeyed the same rules and performed the same duties as the priestesses of the Canary Islands.

The Guanches loved music, sang a lot and were engaged in athletic exercises. In the Spanish chronicles it is written that "nowhere in the world can one meet more beautiful and more cheerful people than in the Canary Islands, both men and women." The Spaniards liked the dances of the Guanches so much that they began to imitate them.

When scientists later became interested in the Guanches, they found among their household items the remains of pottery with a geometric pattern similar to the ornament of Kabyle ceramics (Kabiles are part of the indigenous Berber population of Algeria). On some of the vessels there were handles in the shape of a pig's head, reminiscent of the handles of vessels found in Malta.

The small stone idols of the Guanches are similar to those of the Stone Age in the Mediterranean region. But the so-called "pitanders" are especially interesting - stone or clay seals with a handle for imposing geometric patterns on the body. On the flat side of the seal was an ornament covered with paint. Similar seals have been found in Mexico and Yucatan (America), as well as in prehistoric Ireland and at various prehistoric Mediterranean sites, in Liguria, Apulia, Transylvania and Thrace.

In addition, the Guanches had their own calendar, in which the year was divided into twelve months, as in the Berber, Egyptian, Greek calendars and the Mayan calendar in America. The similarity in the existence of the caste of embalmers and in the methods of preparing mummies among the Guanches, Egyptians and inhabitants of ancient Peru suggested to scientists that their ancient culture was common. Could it be that the Guanches were indeed the accidentally surviving descendants of the numerous people who inhabited Atlantis?

According to some atlantologists, this is also confirmed by the similarity of the Guanche language with the language of the Berbers in Africa and the ancient Celts in Europe. Berber words are often found in the Guanche language. In addition, the “whistle language” is still preserved on the island of Homer. Often even now the inhabitants of the island express their thoughts not with words, but with a whistle. With the help of tongue, lips, teeth and palate, they achieve such a variety of sounds that they can freely talk to each other. The whistle of the Guanches resembles the "bird" language of the Bushmen in South Africa and the whistling language of the Pygmies of Akka in northern Congo. And exactly the same whistling language was discovered about thirty years ago among the Indians from the state of Oaxaca in Mexico.

The Guanches also had writing. Their hieroglyphs have not been deciphered, but they bear some resemblance to the written signs on dolmens in Portugal and the most ancient hieroglyphs from the island of Crete.

That the Guanches were the offspring of a more enlightened and more numerous people is proved by the fact that they had a written language, astronomical signs, the veneration of the dead, the embalming of bodies, public buildings, a love of singing, music and athletic exercises, solemnly performed during popular festivals.

Written signs on the rocks.

So, we again continue to study the basics of PHP and in this article we will get acquainted with the ways of passing variables in PHP, namely with GET and POST methods. Each of them has its pros and cons, and is used in appropriate situations, which will be discussed in this article. We'll also look at code examples that demonstrate how the POST and GET methods work.

Passing variables using the GET method

This method of passing variables is used in PHP to pass variables to a file using the address bar. That is, the variables are transmitted immediately through the address bar of the browser. An example would be, for example, a link to an article in WordPress without the use of CNC (SEF), which looks something like this:


That is, in this case, the $p variable with the value 315 is passed. Now let's take a closer look at the GET method using an example. Let's say we need to pass three variables $a, $b and $c to the file GET method and display their sum on the screen. You can use the following code for this.

$a = $_GET["a"]; $b = $_GET["b"]; $c = $_GET["c"]; $summa = $a + $b + $c; echo "Sum of $a + $b + $c = $summa";

Since all variables will be placed in before passing global GET array(), then we first assign our variables the values ​​of the corresponding elements of the GET array. We do this at the very beginning in order to avoid various errors when passing variables. Next, to demonstrate the work, we write an arbitrary formula and display the result on the screen.

To test the operation of the GET method, simply add a question mark "?" and through the ampersand "&" list the variables with their values. Let's have a file get.php, which lies in the root of the site. In order to transfer variables to a file, it is enough to write the following in the address bar.


As you can see from the example, first we add a question mark right after the file name. Next, we prescribe a variable and specify its value through equals. After that, through the ampersand, we list other variables in the same way. Now, when we click on this link, we will see the sum of the variables $a, $b, and $c.

This method is very simple and does not require the creation of additional files. All the necessary data comes directly through the address bar of the browser.

Well, now let's move on to the second way of passing variables in PHP - POST method.

Passing Variables in PHP Using the POST Method

This method allows you to covertly transfer variables from one file to another. As you already understood, two files are usually used for these purposes. The first contains a form for entering initial data, and the second contains an executable file that accepts variables. To demonstrate, let's look at the following code.

The code of the first file with the form for submitting data. Let's name it post-1.php

  • action - specify the file to which the variables will be transferred.
  • method - method for passing variables. In our case, this is the POST method.
  • name - the name of the form. At the same time, a variable with that name will be transferred to the file.

Text fields:

  • name - variable names. In our case, this is the name and surname (variables name and lastname).
  • type – field type. In our case, this is a text field.
  • name - the name of the button and the variable that will be passed along with other variables.
  • type - button type. In our case, this is a button for submitting data.
  • value - text on the button.

The code of the second file, which will serve as a receiver of variables. Let's call it post-2.php

$name = $_POST; $lastname = $_POST; echo "Values ​​of variables passed by POST method - $name and $lastname";

As with the GET method, we first assign the values ​​of the corresponding elements to the variables global arrayPOST. Further, for clarity, we display these variables on the screen using .

Now, when the first file is loaded, the form will load. After entering the data, click on the "Submit" button, as a result of which a page with the second file will open in a new tab, on which the values ​​\u200b\u200bwritten in the form on the previous page will be displayed. That is, the values ​​of the variables from the first file will be transferred to the second file.

This concludes this article on passing variables in PHP. If you do not want to miss the appearance of other articles on the blog, I recommend subscribing to the newsletter in any convenient way in the “Subscription” section or using the form below.

That's all. Good luck and success in mastering the basics of PHP.

I decided to summarize information on anthropology and genetics of the Guanches.

They often like to expose the lost tribe of Israel as wild white Europeans. And lovers of conspiracy theories - Atlanteans, Aryans, maybe even Russo-Cro-Magnon, as it turns out. In the eyes of such storytellers, the Guanches are all blond, tall, and white-skinned. Their striking difference is emphasized not only from the North African peoples, but also from the Spaniards, and indeed the South Caucasians in general. One gets the impression that these very Guanches are clearly newcomers from much more northern regions. It’s already true, the felts of the vandals fooled around, the felts of the Cossacks took a walk. Well, or the paleorusians rioted in the late Mesozoic.

In fact, everything is much more prosaic.

In fact, isolation and selection work wonders. At one time, Academician Vavilov successfully proved such a phenomenon as the pushing recessive traits to the outskirts of the range. In practice, this means that if the population is located either in hard-to-reach places, or somewhere far away from the center of their own kind, marriages become less and less genetically diverse individuals. This is where the roots of this recessive lie. By the way, Vavilov observed this on the example of the Afghans (where there are also a lot of light supposedly descendants of the alleged Aryans or soldiers of Alexander). You can still remember the Chechens and many others, the principle is clear. Much more interesting is the real anthropology and the origin of the Guanches.

Modern research allows us to conclude that among the Canarians two types were distinguished - one narrow-faced Mediterranean, and the other wider, with lower orbits, pronounced supraorbital relief, similar to the type of the Mesolithic population of North Africa. The results of blood tests and craniological observations of recent decades cast doubt on the "Cro-Magnon theory" of the settlement of the islands directly from the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, a survey by Spanish scientists of blood types showed that the phenotypes of the ABO group in the Canary Islands series are similar to those in the population of North Africa. 81 mummified Guanches and 191 residents of Gran Canaria had ABO blood types. This is close to the data from the Moroccan Atlas. It can be added that the O group is a distinctive feature of the inhabitants of the Canary Islands. In the modern population, however, it is not so frequent. Observations have shown that the inhabitants of the Atlas Mountains also have group O. However, it is not as common there as among the population of the Canaries, but the mountains are not such a powerful isolate as the islands! The percentage of group O is high among the Basques and the inhabitants of Western Ireland.
A kind of confirmation of the hypothesis about the settlement of the islands by immigrants from North Africa is the data on the color of the skin and hair of the Canarians. Espinosa also wrote: “The skin color of the inhabitants of the south of Tenerife is dark from mixing blood or from the climate, they walk almost naked. But in the north, their color is light and gentle, their hair is long ... ”Later, R. Verno noted in Morocco a lot of people with light brown hair and bright eyes. He pointed out that black straight hair predominates in the Eastern Berbers, curly and curly where there is clear intermingling with Negroids, and in Western Berber populations blond hair is even more common than fair skin, especially in childhood. In many North African tribes, hair color changed and turned from light to dark during entire historical periods due to mixing with alien tribes.

"In conditions of extreme isolation a population has survived that brings to the present the reflections of the ethnic processes of a distant era, a fragment of some ancient ethnic world already hidden by subsequent events. The Upper Paleolithic origin of this population seemed very probable, but at the same time, the incompleteness of the evidence and the speculative nature of the hypothesis itself left many ambiguities and pushed research thought in a variety of other directions. As a result, data on the indigenous populations of the Canary Islands have been used in a wide variety of ways, including to prove unlikely concepts. I will mention the hypothesis, which is still defended today, according to which the inhabitants of the Canary Islands are the descendants of the population of the mythical Atlantis (Zhirov, 1964).
A new word in the understanding of this problem made it possible to say data collected relatively recently and covering various aspects of the anthropological characteristics of the ethnic group under consideration. Preliminary results of a somatological examination have been published (Schwidetzky, 1956) and huge newly obtained craniological collections have been described (Schwidetzky, 1963). The latter are evenly distributed over all the islands of the Canary archipelago and very fully characterize the population of each island. They weaken the early impression of the Cro-Magnon features of the modern type of Canarians and show that the Canarians, for all their massiveness, differ from the most ancient forms of the Caucasoid race by a much greater grace. On the other hand, the distribution of phenotypes of the ABO system in the total series from the Canary Islands when determining blood groups on the bones is similar to the similar distribution in the populations of North Africa. All this deprives the problem of a halo of mystery and at the same time puts it on the solid rails of objective observation. Question of inclusion of the population of the Canary Islands, like the Berber populations of North Africa, in the composition of the Western Mediterranean group of populations is decided positively".

(c) V. Alekseev. "Anthropogeography"

It is worth remembering that not only the ancient Libyans were portrayed by the ancient Egyptians as brown-haired, but almost modern Berbers also came to the attention of anthropologists. Thus, the American anthropologist K. Kuhn described the Rif Berber groups as follows:

Representatives of this group have the lightest pigmentation and the most European appearance.

Skin color: 65% - pinkish-white shades (1-3 and 6-9 according to Lushan). In some tribes, pink shades can be found in 86%.
. Freckles - 23%.
. Hair pigmentation: 10% - light brown and blond hair (in some tribes - up to 25%); 4% - red hair. Among the light shades, golden and reddish prevail, ashy hair is a rarity.
. Beard color: light and light brown beards - 45% (in some tribes - up to 57%); red beards - 17% (in some tribes - up to 26%).
. Eye pigmentation: 43% - dark eyes; 20% - dark mixed shades; 35% - light mixed shades; 2% - light eyes. In the Beni Amart tribe (they have the lightest pigmentation), 18% have dark eyes; 73% have mixed pigmentation, and 9% have light eyes (the Highlanders of the Rif have slightly lighter pigmentation than the inhabitants of Southern Europe and much lighter pigmentation than the inhabitants of the lowlands of the Maghreb).
. Hair form: 50% - curly wavy hair. Curly African hair is not found among the Rif Berbers (but curly hair is found in 12% of the Shluh Berbers).