City in China Shenzhen Shi. Shenzhen City (People's Republic of China)


Do you believe that a huge metropolis, with a population of over 10 million people, will be a worthy place to spend your vacation? A full-fledged vacation: with the beach, sea, shopping, viewing wonderful sights?! Don't believe me?! In vain! There is such a city in the mysterious, wise Celestial Empire!

What kind of strength, intelligence, creativity do people need to have who managed to build and equip such a city in such a short time and make the world talk about it? Ah, this fishing town, which back in the 70s of the last century was inhabited by only 30 thousand people, today captivates, impresses, delights!

Shenzhen! Today it is a multimillion-dollar colossus that attracts the attention of tourists, investors, manufacturers, buyers, and whoever is not attracted to Shenzhen! It’s difficult to evaluate its merits and beauty in a short note! Moreover, we Far Easterners are probably still closer to the land, culture, and people of the Celestial Empire!

And it’s easier for us to go on a trip to China; after all, it’s nearby, which simplifies the journey and requires significantly less money. Russians living in the European part more often head to Western European countries, Turkey, and Egypt. They probably don’t realize that China is not a small dirty province, but a large-scale, modern state developing at incredible speed!

Oh, what sentimentality, I love these loud-mouthed, tirelessly working people. Nowadays, Shenzhen is like a funnel attracting investments and new technologies. This is one of the cities in China, whose rapid development has taken one of the first places in terms of export volume.

I will not praise - I will admire! On the coast of the South China Sea, where Shenzhen is located, it is a wonderful place to relax; there is the cleanest sea: swim, sunbathe! If you go out into the city - please, at your service public transport, for those who want to move quickly - a taxi that will take you in an unfamiliar city to any park, store, exhibition!

Did you know that Shenzhen is a concentration of various exhibitions, a concentration of electronic and electrical industries? But this city is considered the youngest city not only in Guangdong province, but also in China. Yes, there are maps at bus stops showing your location, so you won’t get lost. Well, aren’t you already eager to “rush” to this miracle of China at the first opportunity?!

Shenzhen began its development as a special economic zone, which naturally allowed technical and cultural development to take off. Created in close proximity to Shenzhen, it became a kind of response to Hong Kong, which in 1979 was still a British colony (until 1997). Already in 1999, the first high-tech fair was held in Shenzhen, which has been held annually since then.

Climate and weather in Shenzhen

Since Shenzhen is located in a subtropical zone with a mild climate, you can relax here all year round. “There are no comrades according to taste!” says the saying. Therefore, despite the changing weather, the abundance of rains and typhoons in the summer season, the dryness of winter and spring - everyone who wants to visit Shenzhen will be able to choose the time of year and month in which they want to visit this Chinese miracle.

What month is best to go to Shenzhen?

It is believed that the most favorable time of year for a holiday in Shenzhen is from October to December. The weather here is cooler and drier at this time.

The city is simply surrounded by greenery, breathing its clean air is a pleasure. Walking around the city, it is impossible to get lost. It is narrow and long. The streets in the city are straight, so walking around an unfamiliar city is simple and easy. Shenzhen stretches along the coast for tens of kilometers. And Shenzhen's waterfront lives up to its promise. It's nice to walk along it.

Beaches and hotels of Shenzhen

The length of the city along the coast provides an excellent opportunity to relax on the coast, on which the beaches are located: Da mei sha, Xiao mei sha (main beaches), Xichun, Defu, Shuishatou, Siyun. Much has been written about Dameisha. There are many hotels here. However, so many hotels mean a lot of vacationers, so lovers of secluded relaxation can reach the Si Chong Peninsula in just two hours.

More things to do in Shenzhen

You know, we have different preferences: some people like to just wander along beautiful unfamiliar streets, some like to spend almost all their time on the beach, swimming and sunbathing, others “wander around until they drop” shopping. Such lovers simply need to visit the streets of Renmin Nanlu and Jiangshe Lu.

Expectation will not deceive you: electronics, tea, clothes, fur coats, national goods - everyone will find something interesting and necessary for themselves. There are fans of club and restaurant entertainment; for them there are numerous dance halls, karaoke, bars, tea houses; and someone “squeaks” from all sorts of attractions. They will be interested in: the ethnographic village of China, the Window of the World park, the OCT (East) park, the botanical garden. Magic Lake", oceanarium "Ocean Park.

Shenzhen is a city for every taste and desire! Don't forget that, among other things, China is a delicious gastronomic paradise! And we all love to eat! There is only one conclusion: a great place to relax, especially if you have not been to China. Let your acquaintance with it begin with Shenzhen; it is no coincidence that it is considered one of the cleanest and most pleasant cities for living and relaxing!

Today Shenzhen is popular. This is one of the largest and most modern cities in China, a metropolis with a population of over 10 million inhabitants. In 2011, the World Summer Universiade was held here. Shenzhen is China's "silicon valley", one of the largest centers of the electronics and electrical industry. Most iPhones and iPads are made here. And it’s hard to believe that just three decades ago in this place there was only a fishing village with a population of 30 thousand people.

Shenzhen owes its birth to the father of the Chinese economic miracle, the great architect of Chinese economic reforms, Deng Xiaoping. He did not wait for the British colony to return to the bosom of China (Comrade Deng did not live only a year before this joyful and historical event) and decided to build his own. And not just anywhere, but right on the border with the British colony. However, this was not done for ideological or political reasons. Shenzhen grew not so much with Chinese money, but with Hong Kong money. But more on that later.

And Deng Xiaoping is remembered and honored in Shenzhen. Posters with his image can be found everywhere, and in Lianhuashan Park there is a monument to Deng.

To the border by metro

We were traveling to Shenzhen from Hong Kong. This border crossing is the most unusual in my life. You can get to Shenzhen by... the regular MTR metro. You get to the Lo Wu station, enter the station building and there it is - the border with China. First, we passed Hong Kong border control without any problems, then through the hall through Duty Free stores we crossed into Chinese territory. A stamp in the passport and we are in the Middle Kingdom. We went out into the street and found ourselves in the China that is familiar to us - with chaos and dirt. Although Shenzhen is considered a showcase of China. However, I only saw garbage at the station. The city itself turned out to be very clean.

The China-Hong Kong border is probably one of the busiest in the world. Every day about 20 thousand people cross it in both directions. Vehicle. And in a year, about 150 million people pass through various border points (there are six checkpoints on the border in total)!

Apple: Made in Shenzhen

As mentioned above, the rapid development of Shenzhen was started by the then leader of the People's Republic of China, Deng Xiaoping, who chose it as the location of one of the special economic zones as part of the new course of market reforms in China. Shenzhen is one of the first SEZs in China along with Zhuhai, Shantou and the port of Xiamen in Fujian province.

Initially, in January 1979, the Chinese state-owned company China Merchants, in order to attract Hong Kong businessmen, created an industrial zone in Shekou (Nanshan), and in March 1980, the central authorities officially approved the creation of the Shenzhen SEZ.

Thanks to large-scale foreign and government investments, in a fairly short period of time the city has become a major industrial, financial and transport center of the economic region of the Pearl River Delta and the entire country as a whole. From 1980 to 1999, Shenzhen's gross product growth averaged 31%, with exports increasing at an average of 42% per year. In October 1999, the first China High Technology Fair was held in Shenzhen, which has since become an annual event.

Today Shenzhen is one of the most dynamically developing cities in China, the largest among Chinese cities in terms of export volume. This is also a kind of gateway for attracting investment and new technologies to the country. The vast area north of Shenzhen is home to one of the world's most efficient and active superfactories, producing absolutely everything. More than 30% of all branded clothing in the world, almost all Apple products, are manufactured here.

City for people

Shenzhen is certainly impressive. First of all, the number of skyscrapers. Shenzhen is one of the ten cities in the world with the largest number of skyscrapers. In 2011, the 100-story skyscraper “Kingkey 100” with a height of 442 m was commissioned. But this, as they say, is not the limit. The city is building a complex of buildings at the Pingan International Finance Center, which will include a 115-story tower with a height of 648 meters and a 66-story tower with a height of 307 meters, as well as the 85-story East Pacific Center with a height of 306 meters. Construction should be completed in 2015, after which the building should become the tallest in China, surpassing the Shanghai Tower, and the second tallest in the world until the construction of the India Tower in Mumbai after 2016.

However, unlike Hong Kong, in Shenzhen the skyscrapers do not press on you. There is no feeling that you are in a concrete jungle. And in general, a person feels comfortable and good here. The city is surrounded by greenery, there are many squares and parks. There are clean streets, good roads, public transport works like clockwork, and there is no crime. It is no coincidence that Shenzhen is included in the list of the cleanest and most comfortable cities in the world. There are only two of these in China - Dalian and Shenzhen itself. By the way, in Russia – not a single one.

The best panorama of Shenzhen can be seen from the observation deck of one of the tallest buildings in the city - Shun Hing Tower (height 384 meters).

From here you can clearly see how geometrically correctly the city is laid out. There is a rectangular street layout, so it is difficult to get lost in Shenzhen.

I would also like to say something about the Shenzhen metro. It is simple, understandable and convenient. Tickets can be purchased either at the box office or from a machine. You point on the map on the screen at the station you need to get to and the fare amount is displayed. You throw in money and you get a ticket. On trains, all announcements are duplicated in English, but it is so terrible that you can’t understand anything. But above the exit from the carriage there is a light board on which everything is drawn and written. True, while everything is clear in the metro itself, there are problems with the exits. At one of the stations, all exits were written only in Chinese. It’s not clear where to go. And the names of the stations are tongue-tied. However, this is typical for all Chinese cities.

Around the world in one day

Shenzhen is a young city. This explains the fact that here, unlike other cities in China, there are no ancient attractions or historical monuments. But this does not mean that there is absolutely nothing to see and do here.

In the southwest of the city is Dapeng Bay, whose beaches attract tourists. Shenzhen is also known for its theme parks. The most famous and popular are “Magnificent” (Splendid China), “Window of the World” and “Happy Valley”. Unfortunately, we did not have time to visit all the parks. That’s why we chose the “Window to the World” park.

It opened in 1994 in Nanshan District. Here, on an area of ​​48 hectares, replicas of many landmarks of the world are presented.

The entrance ticket costs 120 yuan. Then, however, it turned out that inside the park you have to pay separately for all the rides and other entertainment. Yes, this is not Ocean Park in Hong Kong, where you bought a ticket and then spend the money only on food.

The Window to the World park is simply huge. The territory is divided into 9 main parts: World, Asia, Oceania, Europe, America, Center for Modern Science and Technology, Sculpture Park, International Street. In the center of the park stands a 108-meter replica of the Eiffel Tower. For 20 yuan you can take the elevator to observation deck and look at the entire park from a bird's eye view.

We started our tour from Asia - the Royal Palace in Bangkok, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Korean and Japanese palaces. Some copies are very plausible.

Then we moved to Europe. Here you will find London's Big Ben, the Parisian Arc de Triomphe, the Roman Colosseum, and the Greek Acropolis. We were, of course, amused by the copies of the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral, which in English sounds like Basil The Blessed. There are also copies of wooden houses “a la Kizhi”.

In the evening we found ourselves on some European street that reminded me of a corner of Belgium or France. A very cozy and beautiful place.

I was also impressed by the “Wall of World Civilization” - the entire history of mankind is carved in stone.

The park also has a huge indoor skating rink and a snow slide where you can go sledding.

When it got dark, billions of illumination lights came on, and pleasant romantic music sounded everywhere. At this moment I absolutely did not want to leave the park. It's really great here. And even the rain that poured throughout the day did not spoil the impression of visiting the park.

Russians will also be interested in visiting the military theme park CITIC Minsk World, opened in 2000 in the Yantian region. The main attraction of the park is the former Soviet and Russian aircraft carrier Minsk. Once the flagship of the Pacific Fleet, Minsk was decommissioned in 1995 and sold for scrap to South Korea for $4.2 million. And the Koreans resold the aircraft carrier for 16 million dollars. The Minsk was berthed in the suburbs of Shenzhen and was used as a military museum and amusement park. True, it did not bring happiness to the new owners - the Minsk World Industries company. The company was never able to repay the large loan taken out to furnish the ship, and in March 2005 it was declared bankrupt. Minsk was bought by another Chinese company, Citic Shenzhen, which invested in turning Minsk into a state-of-the-art entertainment center.

Shenzhen is a dream city, it is also called the “second Hong Kong”. It is here that you will find recreation for any most demanding taste: theme parks, museums, wonderful shopping, best beaches all over China. Just think, in just 30 years, a huge metropolis has grown up on the site of a small village. Indeed, until the end of the 20th century, no attention was attracted to the village, whose history goes back more than a millennium. Of course, such rapid development destroyed most of the examples of ancient buildings, but the most valuable examples have been preserved to this day.

Best way to get to Shenzhen

Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport accepts limited flights from other countries: Thailand, Malaysia. You will have to make a connection in these countries. There is a metro from the airport to the city center, the cost of the trip is $1, the travel time is just under an hour. If you prefer to take a taxi to the city center, it will cost you $15. The route with transfers will be from .

It is more convenient to get to Shenzhen from international airport Hong Kong. You can take the train for $60 and reach the city in an hour and a half, although you will have to transfer to the Lo Wu commuter train line.

There is a ferry service between Hong Kong Airport and Shenzhen. Ferry schedules can be found at the airport information desk.

Season to visit Shenzhen

Shenzhen has a subtropical climate with high temperatures in summer. Typhoon season begins in mid-summer and lasts until late autumn; during this same period, the city experiences abnormally high humidity. In spring, Shenzhen is often engulfed in thick fog and severe thunderstorms. Therefore, it is recommended to visit the city from October to January, when you can comfortably experience its unique architecture and culture.

Prices for hotels and shopping in Shenzhen

Shenzhen has a huge selection of hotels, hostels, and boarding houses. So a hostel in the city center will cost you only $14. Prices for a three-star hotel room start at $70 per night. And for lovers of service and comfort, luxury hotels will charge from $200 per night.

Shenzhen is a popular destination for spa treatments and massages. A one and a half hour full body massage will cost you $100. In large spa centers, for just $250 you will get access to all rooms of the center for a day, free juices and fruits. A visit to the beaches will cost you about $4. The two main beaches for tourists are Da Mei Sha and Xiao Mei Sha.

For family vacation Shenzhen has huge amusement parks: HappyValleyThemePark, MinskWorld and others. The youngest and most modern of them is OST Park.

Tourists coming to China expect ridiculous prices for goods, but in reality this turns out not to be the case. In China you have to bargain, prices can decrease by 2-3 times. If you know at least a little Chinese, then the initial price for you will be much lower. If you want to buy branded items, then feel free to go to local malls: CITIC, MixC, etc., prices will be lower than in Moscow. You can look for high-quality copies of famous brands in the Dong Men center, these are several blocks in which boutiques, shops, and private shops are located. At Lohu Station you will find a huge five-story market, but you will have to spend a lot of time there before you find a quality item. TerminalMarket is a whole warehouse store: many pavilions that sell everything that is somehow related to tea.

Transport prices

The city metro is the easiest and most accessible way for tourists to travel around the city. Opening hours: from 6 am to 11 pm. Train interval: every three minutes. The fare costs $0.3-$1.5. You can buy tickets for a single trip from the machines at the entrance to the station. If you plan to use the subway frequently, it is worth purchasing a Shenzhen Tong card from the ticket office. You can also pay in mini-markets with this card. Before you decide to take the subway, please note that exit signs are only in Chinese, with the exception of a few major attractions, which are also indicated in English.

Taxi services are widespread in the city. Fares start from $1.5 for the first 2 km of the route, and then $0.3 for each kilometer. Also, a single fuel surcharge of $0.5 is added to all tariffs. Make sure your license is displayed in a visible place in your car. In Shenzhen it is rare to find a driver who speaks English, so take a piece of paper with you Chinese name destination. If you order a car from a hotel, agree on the price right away - it is quite possible that they will offer you an expensive private driver.

Bus routes are located throughout the city. The cost of a trip starts from $0.3, the longest trip will cost $1.5. As a rule, buses are equipped with air conditioning, all announcements are duplicated on English. To pay for travel, you can use a single metro card (Shenzhen Tong).

To get around the city, you can rent a bicycle; many areas of the city have bicycle paths.

What to see in Shenzhen

Shenzhen is one of the greenest cities in China. Huge areas are given over to parks. Lianhua Mountain Park is the central city park. Its contents are carefully monitored. From the top of the mountain you can enjoy indescribable views of the city. The Botanical Garden is the most beautiful park in Shenzhen, and the Hong Kong Temple is also located here. You'll find privacy next to one of the tranquil lakes surrounded by teahouses. Be sure to visit the Shiyan Lake hot springs; the temperature of the water gushing out of the ground reaches 40 degrees. Swimming will cost you $2.

There are many museums in the city: Dafen Village, Art Museum, Art and Design Gallery, Shenzhen Museum. The OST gallery displays household items and clothing from all over China. At the art museum you will be invited to look at exhibits of contemporary Chinese art. Read about it on our website.

The temple of Tin Hau, the Goddess of the Sky, guards the fishermen. It was founded in the 15th century and has been rebuilt and restored several times to this day.

Hong Fa Buddhist Temple, perhaps, the phrase applies to it: “it’s not the place that makes the man.” After all, the attraction of this temple is the 104-year-old novice.

The ancient Dapeng Fort has been preserved since the Ming Dynasty. It was built to guard the entrance to the Pearl River. Another fort, Chiwan, was one of the main defensive structures on the Pearl River.

Particular attention should be paid to the Ancient City. Although this area was also rebuilt, unique buildings from the Ming Dynasty remain here: walls, gates, a silver shop and even a brothel.

Chinese Silicon Valley, as it is called in Asia. A former fishing village, with a population of just under 30 thousand people. Becoming a free economic zone in 1980 and receiving the status of a city, in more than three decades it acquired the status of a cultural, prosperous metropolis. Today it is a trade and financial center of the region, and is in the TOP 10, with the fastest development. Here is one of the indicators: almost all electronics and electrical equipment produced in the People's Republic of China are from Shenzhen or its suburbs.

Shenzhen Map

Upon arrival in the city, you should definitely purchase a map in Russian. There are so many attractions here that if you don’t decide in advance and plan the correct route, you can not only miss something, but also get lost among the high-rise buildings.

Shenzhen has many theme parks of various types. For example, “Magnificent China” or “Window to the World” reflecting the entire historical architecture of the country over the centuries. Or the “Ethnographic Village” dedicated to national minorities. Minsk World Park with the decommissioned Russian aircraft carrier Minsk, where visitors are greeted by Russian-speaking sailors, Happy Valley water park. A village of artists where you can not only admire works of art, but also buy them as souvenirs.

The theme park OCT (Overseas Chinese Town) East, located in the eastern part of the city, has absorbed not only the traditions of China, but the culture of other peoples of the world from different time and historical eras. And there are also a considerable number of botanical gardens, with plants from all over the globe.

City map - satellite view

If you are already tired of walking around and seeing the local attractions, take advantage of satellite map. By enlarging and bringing the image closer to you, you can safely continue your journey without leaving your seat. With its help, you can even see the names of small shops and their assortment displayed in the window.

Shenzhen on the map of China

The lands on which the city is located are located in southern China, in Guangdong province, near the Pearl River, and bordering Hong Kong. Before these places were declared a free economic zone, the city was surrounded by hills covered with forests. But with the development of industrialization, the forest was cut down and the hills were leveled for new buildings. Today the city's area is about 2,000 square kilometers.


According to the latest data, the number of residents of Shenzhen was 10.5 million people. There are still 7.8 million registered labor migrants and about 3 million without registration. However, it is now difficult to surprise anyone with the overpopulation of China.

Most of the residents adhere to traditional Asian religions: Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. But a considerable part professes Christianity and Islam. Buddhist temples, Catholic and Protestant churches, and Islamic mosques coexist quite peacefully in the city. There is even a Jewish center, Chabad.

Residents of the city are mainly employed in the production of various electronics, trade and services.

City metro map

Another attraction of Shenzhen is the city metro. Commissioned in 2004, today there are five lines and 137 stations. Three more metro lines are under construction.

The rapid expansion of the city's infrastructure and the constant increase in population forced city authorities to think about underground transport. And bring this idea to life in record time.

Ply in the subway modern carriages with air conditioners. Each station has free toilets for passengers. For the convenience of foreign guests of the city, announcements and the metro map are translated into English.

Shenzhen is a striking example of how, in a short period of time, a small fishing village turns into one of largest metropolises countries. Thanks to smart development and convenient economic conditions, the city has turned into a huge industrial center.

The headquarters of the world's most famous companies producing mobile phones, computers, and telecommunications equipment are located here. All areas of industry have their representatives here.

Relaxation and spirituality are not forgotten here, thanks to the innate culture of the Chinese people.

Any citizen of the world, visiting the city of Shenzhen, will be greatly shocked by how, in such a space and with such a large population, factories and gardens peacefully coexist with protected plants. There are no interfaith disputes.

So, welcome to Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, and you will have an unforgettable trip experience and many positive emotions. And don't forget to buy a guide to this wonderful place before your trip.

Shenzhen is located in Guangdong Province in the south of the People's Republic of China, bordering Hong Kong. Population 14 million people.



30 years ago Shenzhen was a small fishing village. The development of the region began in 1978, when the leader of the People's Republic of China, Deng Xiaoping, chose it as one of the special economic zones as part of a new course of market reforms. In addition to a platform for economic reforms, Shenzhen was then considered by the PRC authorities as “China’s answer to Hong Kong,” the issue of transferring it from the rule of the British crown to China had not yet been finally resolved.

The name of the city comes from a combination of two hieroglyphs “shen” and “zhen”, which means “deep boundary” or “deep drainage” (so local residents called a system of irrigation canals in flooded rice fields). Ancient name settlement- Pengcheng, which means “eagle city”.

Before the reforms began, Shenzhen was part of Bao'an County. In November 1979, Shenzhen was placed under direct control of the provincial government. In May 1980, Shenzhen officially became the first special economic zone of the People's Republic of China. Since November 1988, Shenzhen has become an administrative unit with provincial level of economic powers.


There are over fifty attractions in the city and its surroundings. Among them: the theme parks “China in Miniature” and “Window to the World”, an ethnic village, the Shenzhen water park, Lianhuashan Park, on the territory of which there is a statue of Deng Xiaoping, the “architect” of Chinese reforms; Shenzhen Sculpture Park, Xianhu Botanical Garden (Magic Lake), Shenzhen Wild World Safari Zoo; panorama of Shenzhen from the very beginning tall building the city “King of the Earth” (height 384 meters); Dapeng Fortress, Dongshan Monastery and Bell Tower in the suburbs of Dapeng; ancient city Nantou (Nanshan District), etc.

Shenzhen won the fight for the right to host the 2011 Summer Universiade.

The city is home to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

The city is home to the headquarters of the largest Chinese companies

  • Huawei (telecommunications equipment manufacturer)
  • ZTE (ZTI) (manufacturer of telecommunications equipment)

Shenzhen is one of the five hundred cities in the world that is included in the list of the cleanest and most comfortable cities to live in. There are only two of these in China - Dalian and Shenzhen proper (in Russia, by the way, not a single one!) But just 30 years ago in its place there was a small fishing village and the name of the city, and if literally - “deep boundary” is more suitable village, but in 1978, just two years after Mao's death, Deng Xiaoping decided to make its Chinese equivalent on the border with Hong Kong, and Shenzhen became one of the special economic zones. It received the status of China's first free economic zone in 1980, and a year earlier the town was directly subordinate to the government of Guangdong Province.

This explains the fact that there are no ancient attractions in Shenzhen, but tourists can visit ethnoparks, theme parks “China in Miniature”, “Window to the World” and others. But Shenzhen itself is an interesting attraction. Here there is a constant mild climate and only the rainy seasons in spring cause inconvenience; there is a rectangular street layout, so it is difficult to get lost in Shenzhen, the city is surrounded by greenery, and its skyscrapers are not overwhelming. Naturally, public transport works like clockwork, and taxis will take you where you need to go quickly, relatively cheaply and extremely safely.

There are quite a few foreigners here, but not as many as in Hong Kong or Shanghai, so they are not as snobby as in these cities.

What is striking about Shenzhen, besides the skyscrapers, greenery and magnificent roads, is its magnificent embankment from which you can see egrets fishing on the rocks.

The gap between the new Chinese and the Chinese from the hinterland is especially noticeable here. Right against the backdrop of huge office skyscrapers and employees hurrying somewhere, beggars, of which there are many on the streets, sit and lie on the streets. southern cities in winter and spring, when most of China is frosty. There is a mixed feeling here when you see a poor Chinese man delivering drinking water on his bicycle. This is a thankless job - it is not only hard, but also does not allow one to ever escape from a state of extreme poverty.

Shenzhen is a provincial city, but it is also the center of several districts and satellite cities. Nanshan (South Mountain) and Futian (Happy Field) are directly adjacent to Hong Kong; in Nanshan there is a passenger port from which you can go to Macau or Guangzhou, but the Yantian area is especially interesting for Russian tourists. Judging by the name, which translates as salt pans, this is exactly what they did here for a long time before the rise of Shenzhen. Yantian is only 10-15 kilometers from Shenzhen, but the road to it is covered by rather steep mountains, which were a serious obstacle until they were pierced by tunnels. Now there is a huge container port, its size can impress anyone. Only the territory of a container site can accommodate a medium-sized Russian city. There is also one of the most famous gem cutting and watch production factories in the Celestial Empire. Shenzhen is worth visiting and worth staying in for your entire holiday. There are beaches here interesting places, it's really beautiful and modern here. The fact that it was Shenzhen that won the right to host the Universiade in 2011 from Moscow speaks in favor of the city.