Tserknishko lake. Lakes of Slovenia: the magical beauty of the country The largest lake in Slovenia


Residents of Slovenia believe that it was over their blessed land that the Creator deliberately or accidentally scattered all his treasures: this small European country is so rich in natural attractions. Mountains and meadows, sea and beaches, waterfalls and pine groves– everything pleases the eye and warms the soul of an inquisitive traveler. But there are two nuggets in Slovenia that serve as a worthy decoration in the necklace of its beauties - lakes Bled and Bohinj.

Lake Bled. Paradise landscapes...

Just one and a half square kilometers of area earth's surface This natural wonder occupies a place, but this is precisely the case when the spool is small but expensive. Every person, finding himself on the shores of Bled for the first time, freezes in admiration, unable to utter a word, the landscape that opens up to his gaze is so amazing. The purity of the local waters cannot be compared with any crystal - the lake is so transparent that every pebble can be seen even at a depth of thirty meters.

...and mysterious legends

In the very heart of the mirror surface lies small island. On his palm, it seems, the ancient Chapel of the Assumption, built in the 16th century, barely fits. Mysteries and legends shroud the ancient temple, and one of them says that the bell in the chapel fulfills any wishes of those who can reach and strike it. And at night in bad weather, the barely audible voice of another bell is heard from the bottom of the lake, drowned along with the people in a strong storm.

The thousand-year-old guardian of Lake Bled

On the shore of the lake, at the very top of a 130-meter cliff, stands an ancient castle, which was mentioned in historical documents already at the beginning of the 11th century. Over its centuries-old history, Bled Castle has seen a lot of glory and sorrow, prosperity and oblivion. Its first German owners, after the collapse of Austria-Hungary, ceded the magnificent structure to the monarchs of Yugoslavia. It then served as the headquarters of the Nazis during the war and the residence of Tito during socialism.

Today Bled Castle is one of the main architectural pearls of Europe, and many guests come to see it every year. On the territory of the monument there is a historical museum, a restaurant with local cuisine and Observation deck, the view from which, after the royal dinner, evokes thoughts of the perfection and harmony of the surrounding world. They say that a walk through the castle’s courtyard makes you listen every now and then: amazed tourists can clearly hear the clanking of medieval armor and the ringing laughter of girls filling the goblets of tired travelers with wine.

Holidays in style

On the shore of the lake there is a small town of the same name, which since the beginning of the twentieth century has turned into one of the most luxurious European resorts. Thermal mountain springs, famous for their effects, as well as their fashionability, make this place attractive even to royalty, who have been repeatedly spotted on the local promenade.

The swimming season on Lake Bled lasts from July to the end of September. The water warms up to +25 degrees, and mountain ranges protect the resort from cold winds and precipitation. Pleasant weather lasts from early spring to late autumn, which allows you to come on vacation to the wonderful lake most of the year. By the way, winter time is successfully used by sports fans - just three dozen kilometers from Bled is Lake Bohinj with its famous ski resorts Vogel and Kobla.

Lake Bohinj. Beauty test

The largest lake in Slovenia, this large blue bowl lake is located at an altitude of just over half a kilometer in the Julian Alps. Here you can fully experience unity with nature and feel its harmony. On Lake Bohinj, the camera captures landscapes of such beauty that your head will spin and your heart will sing. Transparent water reflects the gray peaks of Triglav - the Slovenian National Park and the smooth emerald of the alpine meadows.

Beach holidays and more

The beaches around the lake are rather wild and poorly equipped. But here you can completely retire and get true pleasure from the silence and transparency of the air itself. The bottom off the coast is usually sandy, and the water warms up to +24 degrees by the beginning of July.

Bohinj is considered a quiet and peaceful resort, but there are plenty of opportunities to relax actively and variedly here. It is interesting to go for walks in the mountains, for which you can choose trails of varying degrees of difficulty. Fans of mountain biking will enjoy climbing with the help of a two-wheeled friend: bike rental points here are open throughout the season. And finally, Bohinj is a real paradise for fishing lovers. The bite here is guaranteed to everyone who purchases a special fishing permit.

The two Slovenian lakes are unique gems of the nature of the former Yugoslavia, which is so amazing and diverse that everyone who discovers it becomes a little better, kinder and purer of soul.

Lake Bohinj is the largest lake in Slovenia; many travelers call this place the most soulful and calm. Not all tourists come here, limiting themselves to visiting a more popular place - Lake Bled. However, Bohinj is worth the 26 km journey to reach the largest lake in Slovenia in the Triglav Park.

general information

Bohinj – unique lake, which arose from a glacier. The attraction is located in the Julian Alps at an altitude of 525 m. The lake has an elongated shape, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and a road approaches it on the fourth side.

The region is part of a national park. Here is the most high point country - the peak of Triglav (almost 2900 meters). The area of ​​the lake is 3.18 sq. km, and the depth reaches 45 meters. The water in the lake is renewed three times throughout the year.

Interesting fact! A century ago, Bohinj was the largest metallurgical center in the country. Thanks to the efforts of Baron Sigismund Zeuss, the region became a resort and today attracts thousands of tourists.

People come here to stroll through the picturesque area and taste delicious Bohinj cheese.

Where to stay and what to do

Transport from the capital of Slovenia comes to the eastern part of Lake Bohinj (Slovenia), there are two villages: Rybcev Laz and Stara Fužina. A little to the west is the village of Ukants.

Interesting to know! The length of the lake is 4.5 km, its greatest width is 1.5 km. It takes 2.5 hours to walk around the lakes.

If you travel by car, choose any settlement you like to stay. Lovers of peace and tranquility will find the villages of Stara Fuzina and Ukants suitable. Rybchev Laz is a fairly noisy place; most of the attractions are concentrated here.

Rybchev Laz

This village can be called the center of social life in the Lake Bohinj region. There is a tourist office, a supermarket with all the necessary goods, cafes and small shops. The village is very beautiful. Here you can visit the church built in the 11th century, stroll along the winding paths, and rent bicycles, canoes or kayaks. Tourist ships depart from the pier in the village.

It is important to know! All transport from the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana, comes to the lake in Rybcev Laz. Many buses go to Ukants, some buses turn right and go to Stara Fuzina.

Housing in Rybchevo Laz is rented out first, so if you want to live here, book a hotel room or apartment in advance.

Stara Fuzina

Fuzhina translated from the local language means mine. Previously, miners lived in the village, today it is incredible a nice place, decorated with flowers. There is a supermarket and a tourist office here. They are located next to the bus stop.

The village has an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. Many travelers come here to feel harmony with nature and simply contemplate the beautiful landscapes of mountainous Slovenia.

When booking accommodation in this village on Lake Bohinj in Slovenia, consider the distance to tourist infrastructure and attractions. You will have to walk about 2 km. You can, of course, rent a bicycle.

There is a cafe in the settlement - Mikhovch, next to it there is a museum where old photographs and household items from different historical eras are collected. They also show the process of making local cheeses.

Helpful information! The main advantage of living in Fužin is that the climb to the top of Triglav begins here.

The most remote village and the final stop for transport from Ljubljana. There are quite a lot of houses near the stop, but if you walk in a western direction, you find yourself among spacious apartments, with a mountain river flowing nearby. Many tourists call this village the most beautiful, but housing here is quite expensive.

Helpful information! The tourist route to the Savitsa waterfall passes through the village; there are corresponding signs installed from the stop and further along the route.

Accommodation prices

The cost of living depends on the type of housing, its location and amenities in the room. Approximate housing prices are as follows.

  • Room in a 3* hotel – from 55 € per day;
  • Rural estate – from 65 €;
  • Private rooms in the houses of local residents – from 40 €;
  • Accommodation in an apartment will cost from 75 € per night.

You can also book a room at the camp site, its cost starts from 50 € per day.

The cheapest accommodation is offered by campsites – 30-40 €.

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What to do on Lake Bohinj

First of all, you need to purchase tourist map, which comes in two types:

  • for car owners (parking provided), costs 15 euros;
  • for tourists without a car, costs 10 euros.

The card is valid for the entire duration of your vacation on the lake and entitles you to discounted visits to attractions and rental of sports equipment. Along with the card, a person receives a transport schedule, location and description of all operating shops and cafes. You can purchase a card at the tourist office.

After purchasing the map, you can start exploring the surrounding area. It is easy to get around the reservoir on foot or rent a bicycle. Several routes of varying difficulty levels have been developed for vacationers.

The Savitsa River flows from the lake, on which the Savitsa waterfall is located. There is an entrance fee here. The shortest river in Slovenia, the Jezernica, flows from the waterfall. There is also a lift to the top of Mount Vogel.

Fishing and active sports

Another popular entertainment on the lake is fishing. Fishing is allowed not only in the lake, but also in the river. To do this you will need to purchase equipment and a license. If you don't want to waste time on the river bank, just order a local fish dish at the restaurant.

You can swim in the lake, of course, if you are not afraid of the water, the temperature of which is no higher than +15 and only in the summer months it warms up to +24 degrees. The bottom of the lake is strewn with small stones, so for swimming it is better to have coral slippers with you.

During their holidays, people here enjoy engaging in various sports – yachting, paragliding, kayaking. For lovers of comfort, there is a boat.

Visitors must visit the Church of St. John the Baptist, which is recognized as a historical cultural monument. Inside the church there are unique frescoes that date back to the 14th century.

Helpful information! There are not many places where you can eat on the shore. Some cafes are open exclusively during the day; in the evening, many of them close and you may be left without dinner.

On the shore of the lake there is a monument to the white chamois. In Slovenia there is a legend about a chamois with golden horns; she lived in a garden with treasures located on the top of a mountain. One day a gold hunter shot a chamois, but a miracle happened and the animal came to life.

There is another legend according to which Bohinj is a land given by God himself to people who patiently waited for their turn while God was dividing the land. Translated from the local language, Bohinj means the place of God, which belongs to people.

Weather and climate, when is the best time to go?

The warmest month in Bohinj is July. At night the air temperature is +12 °C, and during the day – +23 °C. In mid-summer, the water in the lake warms up to +24 °C. The least rainfall occurs in December, and the most rain occurs in June.

The weather on Bohinj is conducive to holidays throughout the year. In summer you can go to the mountains to a waterfall, ride bicycles, swim in the river and lake. This lake in Slovenia is perfect for lovers of a relaxing holiday and contemplation of nature. However, admirers active rest They will also find a lot of interesting things for themselves here - the opportunity to conquer a mountain peak. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a climber to do this; the routes are thought out and laid out in such a way that anyone can climb the mountain.

In winter, Bohinj is a ski resort in Slovenia, and skiers with different skill levels come here. Skiing is possible from December to April. If there is not enough snow on the slopes, snow cannons are used.

How to get to the lake

The most convenient way to get from Ljubljana to Lake Bohinj (Slovenia) is by bus. Flights depart every hour from Ljubljana Central Bus Station.

  • The distance is only 86 km and tourist buses cover it in 2 hours.
  • The first flight departs at 6-00, and the last at 21-00.
  • The ticket costs 8.3 euros.

You can view the current schedule and book a ticket on the website of the Alpetour carrier - www.alpetour.si.

You can also take the train, but this route is not very convenient, because railway station you will have to travel another 8 km - by bus or taxi.

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Lake Bled is commonly called the living room of the Julian Alps, and Bohinj is called the heart of the mountains. People come here for a few days to fully experience the leisurely pace of life and enjoy the solemn beauty of nature.

Lake Bohinj attracts with its intimacy, untouched nature and, of course, high level of service. It's incredibly soulful here. When going to Bohinj, remember that all parking here is paid, but this is unlikely to spoil your vacation.

What else you need to know about Lake Bohinj - details in the video.

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Slovenia is a compact country that can surprise tourists with an abundance of natural attractions. locals They believe that it was over their land that the creator scattered all the jewels: this small country is so rich in natural beauties. Mountains, sea, beaches, meadows, groves - all this pleases the inquisitive vacationer. But there are lakes Bled and Bohinj in Slovenia, which are a worthy decoration of its beauty. In any season of the year, tourists happily visit the resorts that are located around the lakes.

Lake Bled

This natural wonder occupies only 1.5 square meters. km of earth's surface area. Every tourist who finds himself on the shores of Bled for the first time freezes in surprise, unable to utter a word - the landscape that opens up to his gaze is so amazing. It is impossible to compare the purity of the local waters with any crystal, because the lake is transparent, and at great depths you can see every pebble.

It is thanks to the mountain rivers that the lake has clean water, which changes three times a year. Off the coast of Bled you can see swans and ducks swimming. Thermal springs bubble up near the lake, and a balneological resort was built near them. It provides opportunities for health improvement, good rest, and conditions for sports. In summer, the water in the lake reaches 24 degrees, and vacationers swim in the clear alpine waters. Many people really like to conquer the mirror-like surface of the lake on Pletna boats.

In the center of the water surface there is a small island. It barely fits on it Church of the Virgin Mary, which was built in the 16th century. Legends and mysteries envelop ancient temple. According to one of them, the chapel bell will fulfill any wishes of the one who reaches and strikes it. And in bad weather at night, from the bottom of the reservoir, the ringing of another bell, which was wrecked in a strong storm along with people, can be heard barely audible. In order to climb the church tower, you need to go through a staircase with 99 steps. In the warm season, due to the lush vegetation, buildings on the island are not visible from the shore of Bled except for the spire of the church, which today houses the Museum of Church Art. Hearing the enchanting ringing of the unique belfry located on the island, tourists seem to freeze in place, forgetting for a moment about the bustle of the world around them.

On the shore of the lake, on top of a high rock, you can see an ancient lock, which already appears in historical documents at the beginning of the 11th century. Over its long history, Bled Castle has experienced a lot of grief and glory, oblivion and prosperity. After the collapse of Austria-Hungary, its first owners ceded the grandiose structure to the monarchs of Yugoslavia. Later, during the war, it was the headquarters of the Nazis, and during socialism, the residence of Tito.

At the present time Bled Castle is one of the main European architectural pearls, which many visitors come to see every year. He can't help but attract attention; especially the way the castle is reflected in the waters of the lake. The structure looks fantastic at night when it is skillfully illuminated. On the territory of the castle there is a historical museum, a restaurant and an observation deck, the panoramic view from which will not leave anyone indifferent and will evoke thoughts of harmony and perfection. It is believed that a walk through the castle courtyard forces you to listen every now and then: surprised tourists hear the clink of medieval armor and the laughter of girls who fill the goblets with wine of tired travelers.

On the shore of Lake Bled there is a small town with the same name, which has become one of the luxury resorts since the 20th century. Thermal springs are known for their healing effects, as well as comfortable hotels make this resort attractive to wealthy people who have been seen in this place more than once.

The swimming season on the lake lasts from July to the end of September. Mountain ranges protect from precipitation and cold winds. Favorable weather lasts from early spring to late autumn, which allows guests to come to the lake for vacation most of the year.

People go to this place not only for treatment and relaxation, but also to experience the party life. The resort organizes many different cultural events, which attract large crowds of tourists. Those interested can see performances by famous Slovenian musical groups and theater groups. You can buy unique products from local artisans. If you visit Bled at the end of July, you have the opportunity to attend the annual festival, during which beautiful fireworks displays are organized on the lake. An international folk art festival is held in August. Fans will be able to listen to classical music concerts. There are also sporting events: in the summer there is an international rowing championship, in the winter there is a biathlon championship.

Lake Bohinj

Slovenia's Lake Bohinj is of glacial origin and is located 28 km from Lake Bled and less than 90 km from Ljubljana. It is located at an altitude of 525 m above sea level and is surrounded on three sides by the Julian Alps. Not far from the lake is the highest point in Slovenia - this Mount Triglav, which is national pride and a symbol of the country.

Lake Bohinj is wonderful place to relax and sports in any season of the year. The small resort of Bohinj attracts lovers of a quiet holiday in nature, because this is facilitated by clean mountain air, pristine nature, and breathtaking landscapes.

The lake will not leave indifferent those who are interested in active sports: horse riding, hiking, rafting on mountain rivers, cycling.

In summer, not only admirers come to the lake family vacation and connoisseurs of fishing, but also lovers of extreme sports such as paragliding, kayaking, rafting, mountaineering. In warm months, the water temperature in the lake is 23 degrees, so in summer the shores of Bohinj turn into beaches.

At the boat station you can rent a boat, thereby ensuring contemplative relaxation for the whole day. In the evening you can spend time in cafes, bars or visit a disco. Bohinj has many excellent restaurants that are known for their excellent cuisine.

In winter, Lake Bohinj becomes popular and famous ski resort. Not far from the lake are the Vogel and Kobla ski centers.

On this lake, tourists can feel the full sea unity with nature and feel its harmony. The camera will capture landscapes so beautiful that your head will spin. You can see the reflection in the clear waters of the lake mountain peaks and emerald of alpine meadows.

The unique precious Slovenian lakes are so diverse and amazing that everyone who discovers them will become a little kinder, better and cleaner. A holiday on the Slovenian lakes Bled or Bohinj will leave the most vivid impressions, give you a great mood, help you improve your health and give you the opportunity to visit a fairy tale.

Sights of Slovenia. The most important and interesting sights of the cities of Slovenia: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

    For lovers of a romantic getaway among beautiful landscapes and the purest air, nature created two lakes, Bled and Bohinj, and placed them in the small European country of Slovenia.

    Lake Bled is located in the Julian Alps at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level, due to which a specific microclimate has formed in its vicinity: there are no sudden temperature changes, there are practically no strong winds, and the number of sunny days per year is very high. In addition, the undoubted advantage of the lake is the warm thermal springs on its shore. The first hotel for lovers of balneological holidays was built on the shores of Lake Bled in 1854. Later this place became a favorite resort for many Europeans. In summer, lovers of swimming and fishing come here; there are excellent conditions for rafting, hang gliding, cycling and tennis. In winter, the lake attracts lovers of alpine and cross-country skiing and snowboarders.

    Lake Bohinj located in the Julian Alps in the territory national park Triglav, its height above sea level is 525 meters. The lake is surrounded on three sides by picturesque mountains and protected from the winds by them. There are practically no entertainment establishments in the Bohinj resort; it is designed mainly for lovers of a quiet holiday and extreme sportsmen who are interested in mountaineering, skiing, rafting, paragliding. Thanks to the proximity to Ljubljana (50 km) and other major cities Slovenia, the lake can be a convenient starting point for excursions.

    The unique Lake Cerknica lives a pulsating life: it is filled with water from the aquifer and underground streams, rain and melt water. Depending on the season and the weather in the region, it can either be almost completely dry or filled to the brim with water. It is difficult to predict the water level in the lake, therefore, despite the local beauty and picturesque landscapes around the lake, few people decide to vacation on Lake Cerknica.