If you have lost your passport and need to fly. Is it possible to fly without a passport in Russia?


Imagine that on a trip or on vacation you a bag with documents was stolen. We understand that when you go on vacation, you don’t want to think about the bad, but it’s good to be prepared for it. It turns out that loss of passport is not so scary, you can only get away with additional financial expenses, loss of time and further problems in restoring documents. But fly without a passport Maybe!!!

So, what should you do if you lost my passport, But fly need to go home.

1) Go to the police. There they will try, just like here, to brush you off. The police will give you telephone numbers of the Russian consulate or embassies.

(We were on the island of Tenerife. Our arguments that we are on the island and it is difficult to get to Barcelona and Madrid without a passport fell on deaf ears: “You are citizens of Russia, your problems are solved by the Russian consulate.” Thank you for the phone numbers. And personal thanks to the telephone operator Anya , who gave us all the advice over the phone (we, although not on the first try, got through to the embassy in Madrid, keeping within exactly the amount that was on the phone).

After a telephone conversation with Russian Embassy go back to the police. Do you need a piece of paper with their stamp on it?, with which they will sell ticket without passport.

Next you need get there in person in itself The Russian Embassy in the country where you lost your passport!!! There they will send a request to your hometown, receive confirmation of your existence and give you a document according to which you will be allowed into Russia. (Without paying attention to the visa you previously received or did not receive) With it, you can move around Russia if you need to fly with transfers to get home.

(The policeman assured that this was not a reason for selling us a ticket and tried in every possible way to evade. After our remark that although we are Russian citizens, we were robbed in their Spanish Tenerife, and we want to write a statement to the police about the theft, and he, as a guardian of the Spanish law, he cannot prevent this, the policeman contacted someone by phone. They do not accept paper statements. There are specially trained people on the other end of the line, speaking different languages. But not in Russian. again we had to answer all the questions (What was stolen? Where was it stolen? When?), we received printed 5 copies of our application in two languages ​​- Spanish and English. We read it, signed it, got a stamp, just in case)

2) With the stamped document received from the police, calmly go to the airline ticket office and buy a ticket without a passport. You also need to have money or a card with money with you. (If you have already been to the embassy or consulate in person, buy a ticket to Russia, if not yet, then to the city in which it is located embassy or consulate Russia in the country where you lost your passport. You have already been told the opening hours and address of the embassy by phone)

(The two companies we contacted, Air Europe and Span Air, agreed to sell the ticket. The other companies did not check and chose a flight that was more suitable in terms of time and cost.)

3) With a ticket and a document from the police, you go to check-in and board the plane and calmly fly in Russia without a passport.

We hope that this experience will not be useful to you. But in reality, everything turned out to be not so terrible. The main thing is to write a statement to the local police.

If you lose your passport during a long journey, for example, first of all contact the organizers; they have practical experience in traveling when you lose your passport and extensive experience in crossings. But it’s better not to lose it, and to have a photocopy of your passport with you just in case. 🙂

Going through customs control before boarding a plane is an important and responsible procedure that requires a passport to confirm your identity.

Sometimes force majeure happens in life right before departure.

For example, your passport was stolen. What to do in such a situation if the flight tickets are already in hand and the departure is any minute?

Is it possible to fly on an airplane without a passport? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

First, you need to understand all aspects of your problem. If the flight is within the country, then to board you will need to present a temporary certificate of lost passport and a similar document from the police, which explains all the circumstances of the incident. If the ticket has already been purchased, then your passport details are in the database and after verification you should be allowed on board.

If we are talking about traveling to other countries without a foreign passport, then the answer is categorical - without an international document confirming your identity, you will not be allowed on board the plane under any circumstances.

Each airline has some exceptions to the general rules, so if you lose your passport, it is better to immediately call the hotline and find out if you can fly without documents.

In chapter Documentation to the question, what should I do if I lost my passport and need to fly on a plane in a week? given by the author Natasha Larina the best answer is if outside the aisles of the Russian Federation - then it’s a difficult question (only the price of the issue), and if within the aisles of the Russian Federation - a fly to the mints, they give a temporary identity card

Answer from Natulya is a beauty :)[guru]
If you are flying within Russia, you may be given a temporary identity card, which you can use to travel on trains and planes. You need to apply for it in the same place where you apply for a new passport.

Answer from IIK[guru]
A certificate of loss of passport is issued.

Answer from LAVRENOVA IRINA[guru]

Answer from Caviar lover[guru]
They give you a certificate instead of a passport. As for what Irina Lavreneva says, be careful with such advice. If you lie that your passport was stolen, you will also be prosecuted for perjury, because if your passport was stolen, the police must open a criminal case. You will have to go to the Federal Migration Service, write an explanatory note under what circumstances you lost your passport, then you will have to pay a fine, and after that they will issue a new passport. In the meantime, you will go with a certificate.

Answer from Nikolay Klimovsky[guru]
On the day of transfer of documents to the territorial branch of the FMS, you can receive a certificate of loss, but it is more appropriate to obtain a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation, where in the column in connection with which they will indicate issued, “due to the loss of the passport, series number...”, just don’t forget take one more photo, this is enough to travel to the Russian Federation.

25.07.2019, 14:50

You are about to go to the airport, or maybe you have already reached it and even successfully checked in. But suddenly you discover that there is no passport. You checked the hotel room, searched all the pockets, shook out your bag, turned over the things in your suitcase, but still did not find your main document. The first thing you need to do is calm down. You are not the first to encounter this problem. But what to do now, how to fly without a passport?

What to do if you lost your passport before flying to Russia?

If you are planning to fly from the city in which you live to another Russian locality, then you are in luck. On the way to the airport, it is enough to stop by the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (at the place of registration) and write a statement about the loss. You will be given a temporary certificate with which you can go to the airport.

However, there is one caveat - you should go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately and along with your suitcases in order to be in time for registration and boarding at the airport.

In cases where you are in another city and need to fly home, contact the nearest department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They can also issue you a certificate with which you can fly home. Already at home, you will need to contact the relevant authority with an application to restore your passport.

Important! In both cases you will need a photograph.

In some cases, it happens that the passport is lost on the way to the airport or in the terminal itself.

On domestic flights, one untested method can help. Please note that it does not always work! As a rule, for domestic flights, your passport is checked at the check-in counter. Therefore, walk past it to the self-ticketing counters. It’s good if you remember the series and number of your passport and checked in for the flight in advance. And then - depending on your luck. If neither the security service nor other airport employees ask for your passport, you can fly home and restore your passport there.

In this situation, it is more correct to contact the law enforcement officer on duty and politely explain the situation. He will either help you find your passport or explain what to do next.

What to do if you lost your passport abroad right before departure

A person who has lost his foreign passport right before his flight has only one choice - to the police department. It doesn’t matter where it is located - right at the airport or on the road to it.

Without an identification document, you will not be able to board the plane or leave the arrival area. Stamps must be placed in the foreigner. One - immediately upon arrival. If a person does not have a foreign passport with him, then airport staff do not have the right to release the passenger into the city. The situation is similar on the way back.

What to do if your passport is missing at the airport

If you lose your passport after checking in for your flight, just before boarding, you need to contact the airport staff - they will immediately start looking for it. It is recommended that you notify the airline immediately of the incident. If your passport is not found, some of the money may be returned to you or sent on another flight.

What to do if your passport disappears before flying abroad

In 2019, you can fly from Russia without a passport to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Abkhazia, and Kyrgyzstan. Russia has an agreement with these countries on mutual visits of citizens without foreign passports. Unfortunately, it is not possible to travel to other countries without a passport. To restore it, you need to contact the territorial department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of registration. Urgent

None of us are insured against losing our passports, so I was once “lucky” - my bag with documents was stolen. Is it possible fly home without a passport? Yes! But if you are interested in how to do this, follow me. ;)

How to fly without a passport

When going on vacation or on a business trip, the last thing you want to do is think about the bad, but it’s still worth knowing how to behave in such a situation. To fly home without a passport, you will need:

  • go to your local police station. There, most likely, they will brush you off like an annoying fly, however statement of loss/theft of documents they are obliged to accept, after which they will give you phone number of the consulate or embassy Your country, where you need to apply;
  • by contacting the embassy or consulate in person, go back to the police. You need a piece of paper with their stamp, which allows you to buy an air ticket without a passport;
  • We go to the embassy of your country, from where a request will be sent to your hometown, after which confirmation is received that you exist (yes, everything is so confusing). If everything goes well, you will be given temporary document permitting entry into the territory of the country of residence.

How to buy a plane ticket without a passport

Having received all the temporary documents from the police, you can completely calmly buy a ticket at the airport ticket office. You only need to have with you cash or bank card(I hope you kept it separately). Then everything is as usual: with tickets and documents received from the police, you should go to check-in and board the plane and wait for your arrival home. Important Note: don't come to registration back to back- customs officers can double-check your temporary “pass”; it took me about an hour.

Having recovered a little from the shock, take up the restoration of documents, since temporary papers are valid only until arrival in your country.


Losing documents, of course, is annoying, but flying home without a passport is quite possible- the entire procedure for obtaining temporary documents will take you from several hours to a couple of days.