Mountains in Hungary. High mountain in Hungary What is the highest mountain in Hungary its height


Hungary is an amazingly beautiful country with its own special history, incomparable architectural monuments and indescribable natural beauty. The most famous natural attraction is the highest mountain in Hungary, Kekes, located in the northern part of the state and belonging to the Matra mountain system.

The name of the highest mountain in Hungary comes from its bluish tint, visible from the side, the word "kek" is translated from Hungarian as "blue", according to this, the name of the mountain, "Kekes" can be translated as "bluish".

Directly on the mountain there is a television tower, from the observation deck of which an unusually beautiful all-round panorama of the highlands opens, and if the day turns out to be cold, you can always hide in a cozy cafe inside the same tower.

The thickness of the snow cover covering Kekesh reaches 40 cm, and from a distance, framed by floating white clouds, the mountain seems iridescent and luminescent. It is known that Kekes is the highest mountain in Hungary and its height of 1015 meters, although not among the ten highest mountains in the world, is nevertheless almost daily a large number of tourists begin their climb to the top. It is recommended to consider as a starting point small town Matrakhaza, from where it is most convenient to get to the mountain by any vehicle.

The climate in this part of Matra is quite mild throughout the year, without sharp temperature changes, and long sunny days make this area most suitable for a warm summer holiday. Even in late autumn - early winter, when at the foot of the mountains, in cities and villages it is already dank and foggy, on the top of Kekesh it is still quite warm due to the warming gentle sun.

On the mountain itself there is a lot of entertainment: ski slopes, all kinds of excursions, a restaurant serving Hungarian cuisine, playgrounds for children, etc. All people who have visited the mountain note the beauty of nature on the slopes: here you can see birches, spruce, fir, oak and chestnut trees, beech is a little less common, and in some places, at the foot, there are minerals: manganese, copper and lead ores.

The quiet and peaceful nature of Hungary is adjacent to diverse world animals: deer, hares, wild boars, foxes, etc., including such rare animals protected by the state as otters and beavers.

In addition to climbing Mount Kekes, in Hungary it will be very interesting for tourists to see other natural attractions, such as thermal springs, lakes, the Danube, etc.

One of the most famous of the Hungarian lakes is Balaton, so blue and clear that on a clear day it can easily be confused with the sea, if you do not pay attention to the fact that the water there is not salty. Balaton is located in close proximity to Budapest and is the largest European lake. Previously, it was open only to rich people, but nowadays anyone can stay here. Another one of the most large lakes Europe - thermal Heviz, located right on the site of a former volcano, which now heats the water and makes it possible to swim in the lake even in the cold season. Heviz is considered a quiet health resort, but many people come here on the way from Budapest or Vienna just to take a little break from the hustle and bustle and admire the extraordinary nature.

Almost the entire territory of the country is located in the Danube River basin, only within Budapest itself on the banks of the river there are seven islands: Csepel, Hayodyari Sziget, Molnar Sziget, Nepsiget, Haros Sziget, Palotai and the most famous and popular - Margaret.

The Danube Bend, located just 13 km from the country's capital, is a favorite place to visit for both tourists and locals. It offers extraordinary picturesque views of the surrounding nature with green fields stretching into the distance and the soft contours of the hills; in addition, many beautiful towns are scattered along the banks of the river, among which Esztergom especially stands out. This is a small but historically significant city: throughout for long years it was he who was the capital of the state and here, in Esztergom, the legendary king Stephen the Saint was born.

The Hungarian city of Tokaj is interesting to visit. It is the center of the large wine-growing region Tokaj-Hegyalja, where the famous variety of white wine or “liquid gold”, as it is often called, is produced. This place has been attracting true connoisseurs and gourmets for many years, and Hungarians are rightfully proud of it unique place and the vineyards located in it.

Hungary, and especially its nature, is also famous for its national parks, the most famous of which are Hortobágy and the Balaonian Upland Park. Hortobágy is the largest state reserve, where you can enjoy the view of endless steppes, various lakes and oak groves, see untouched nature and the birds and animals living in it. Another national park- The Balaton Upland is located in a mountainous area (which explains its name), which allows you to see caves and several extinct volcanoes; in addition, there are certain species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book and on the verge of extinction - which is why the territory of the park is strictly protected.

The nature of Hungary is unusual in its beauty and diversity, its sights fascinate at first sight: mountains, islands, resorts, parks - all of them are real national treasures countries. In general, this state is suitable for both active recreation and quiet contemplative tourism and health promotion; extraordinary views can forever leave a mark on the minds of any person.

5.12.2019 at 12:08 · VeraSchegoleva · 40

Top 10 highest mountains in Hungary

Hungary is a country of plains and lowlands; there are no high mountains here, but more interesting topic. Compared to others, mountains less than 1 km high seem like hills, but they have an enchanting beauty. On their slopes you can find unique, dense forests and rare plant species, and due to their relatively low popularity, there are not many tourists here. Thanks to this, the most high mountains in Hungary is a great place to spend your holiday if you like that kind of holiday.

10. Zengyo, 682 m

Zengyo- the highest point in the Mecsek massif, which is located in the south of Hungary. The mountain rises (if one can say so about such a “baby”) in the southeast of the country. The main one is located at the top - these are the ruins of a modest one, built on the site of an old watchtower that belonged to the Roman Empire.

The name of the mountain literally translates as “ ringing" According to local legend, the noise that is heard from time to time in the surrounding area is caused by hunters who went to the mountains hundreds of years ago and never returned.

In 2005, the Hungarian government abandoned a plan to build a NATO radar on the peak of the mountain, after fierce opposition to the plan from local residents and green activists who argued that the radar and construction of an adjacent road would harm strictly protected plant species, including the peony, 90% of which grows on the summit.

Forcing the government to abandon this plan was the most successful action of the advocates environment in Hungary over the past ten years. Zengö's defenders included the former head of the Constitutional Court, Laszlo Szolyom, who was elected President of the Republic in 2005, despite the discontent of the ruling Hungarian Socialist Party.

9. Dobogo-ke, 700 m

Dobogo-ke- this is the most high peak Vysehrad Mountains in Hungary. The mountain range is the northern neighbor of the Pili Mountains. The history of the entire region is disputed by the so-called Pilis explorers, who claim that the arrangement of the three mountains - Arpadvara, Ram-Hegi and Magashedj - is similar to the arrangement of the three stars of Orion's belt.

This peak is also a place of pilgrimage for Hungarian neo-pagans (followers of the revived Talta faith, similar to shamanism), who believe that this place is the "heart chakra" of the Earth.

8. Korish-Hegy, 711 m

Mountain Körish-Hegy in the Bakony massif consists mainly of limestone and dolomite and there are often mineral springs. The slopes are lined with deciduous forests and landscape reserves, so tourists who appreciate natural beauty that has not been spoiled by human influence regularly come here.

7. Pilis-teto, 756 m

Pilis is a mountainous region in the Transdanubian Mountains with the highest point Pilis-teto– 756 meters. It is a popular tourist destination in Hungary and the direct southern neighbor of the Visegrád Mountains, which are based on volcanic rocks, unlike Pili. The origin of the name is not known for certain: it may come from the Slavic word pleš, meaning “ bald».

The region used to be a hunting ground for the Hungarian kings. Numerous hunting lodges have been preserved. The history of the area is disputed to this day, as Pilis researchers claim that it was the center of medieval Hungary with some historical cities and the hermits of the Order of Palos.

6. Nagi – Milich, 894 m

Peak Nagi-Milich– the most high point the Tsemplen mountain range, part of the Carpathians. Steep mountain tops were often used as sites for the construction of medieval stone castles.

The highest point of the massif rises 894 meters above sea level. It is located on the border of Hungary and Slovakia. The mountains are located near the northernmost point of the country.

5. Chovaños, 938 m

Chovanhos- a mountain in the Börzsony range of the northern Hungarian mountains. It has a height of 938 meters and covers the borders of the counties of Nograd and Pest. This area was geologically active during the Miocene era, 18-19 million years ago. In the Quaternary period, when volcanic activity began, Chovanhos arose. The eruptions also created bodies of water high above forests of blue beech and Austrian pine.

The mountain lies in the basin of the Ipoli River, which is a transboundary river between Slovakia and Hungary, and the middle and lower basins are located in Hungary.

Chovanhos, as part of the Börzsson mountain ranges, is located in national park Danube-Ipoli in northern Hungary: the park is one of ten Hungarian parks created to “protect forested hills as well as coastal and low-lying areas.”

The nearby Dregelipalank alder forest and Diosenu red pine forest have been described as "almost mystical" and well worth a visit. In addition, the forests are home to more than 100 protected species of birds, rabbits and deer.

4. Ishtallosh-kyo, 959 m

The main attraction Ishtallosh-kyo It is not the mountain itself, but the cave located in it, which was first explored in 1911 by Pal Roscoe. It serves as a place archaeological excavations, and some objects found in its depths are 30,000-40,000 years old, including cave bear and bison bones, tools and things. The most interesting finds are now on display in the Hungarian National Museum.

Later, the cave was studied by Ottokar Kadic and Maria Mottle, and another excavation began in 1947 by Laszlo Vertes. Latest on this moment Excavations began in 2000 under the leadership of Arpad Ringer, who once again proved that the value of the cave lies in finds related to almost 70 species of Ice Age animals.

Thanks to the cave in Mount Ishtallosh-kyo, three new species of mammals and twenty new species of birds were found. Now it has the status of a specially protected object.

3. Galya-teto, 964 m

Galya-teto is the third largest mountain in Hungary and in the Mátra mountain range (after Kekes and Hidas Berk, which we will talk about later). It is a major tourist attraction with an altitude of 964 meters.

The area officially belongs to Matraszentimra in the county of Heves, which is interesting because it is a “dacha village” and only about fifty people permanently live in it. Do you want peace and quiet, away from the noise of big cities? Then this is definitely the place for you.

2. Hidas-Berk, 971 m

Hidas-Berke is the second highest peak in Haves, and also the second highest mountain in Hungary. It is located near Parada in the already mentioned county of Heves. Hidas Berk is a volcanic mountain with steep slopes and one of the country's main tourist attractions, loved by fans of hiking and rock climbing.

1. Kekesh, 1014 m

Mountain Kekesh rises 12 kilometers northeast of Gyöngyös in the district of Heves and is part of the Matra massif. In terms of popularity among tourists visiting Hungary, it is second only to Lake Balaton and the Danube. There are several hotels and ski slopes here, and at the top stands the Kekes-teto TV tower.

The name Kékes comes from the often bluish color of the mountain. In Hungarian the word "kek" means " blue", and "kekes" indirectly means " bluish».

Hungary is not a country where you can count on climbing high mountain peaks. Almost its entire territory is hilly; many places in Hungary are elevated above sea level by about 200 meters. Despite the circumstances of the Hungarian relief, on the lands European state yet there is a high mountain peak.

Mount Kekesh and its features

If you translate the word “kekes” from Hungarian, its meaning will be close to a shade of blue. The Hungarian Mount Kekes rises 1014 meters above sea level.

The modest height of the mountain does not prevent travelers from climbing it to use the mountain as a natural observation deck. From this mountain you can see many amazing things: beautiful sunsets and sunrises, on the Middle Danube Plain, on neighboring peaks mountain range Matra.

Mount Kekesh has several uses. In addition to the observation deck, there is a small ski resort for beginners on the mountain. The slopes of Kekesh are gentle and even, so skiing there is suitable for those who want to master this science without getting injured.

At the top of the mountain there is a television tower, the height of which is 180 meters. There is also a cozy cafe with national cuisine open to visitors.

The natural attraction is included in several Hungarian travel guides. Holidays on Mount Kekes help you get to know the nature of Hungary better.

How to get to Mount Kekesh?

Begins near the town of Matrakhazy highway, leading straight to the top of the mountain. There is also a pedestrian road there. There is no transport connection to the top of Kekesh, so you can get there by taxi, rented car or on foot.

The article tells about Hungary, briefly outlines the history of this European country, its main attractions, talks about ski resorts, and Hungary itself is not forgotten.

Brief historical background

Hungary is one of the oldest countries. Its more than thousand-year history is known for numerous battles and conquests. The country is also famous for the launch of the first European metro in 1869. Since the mid-twentieth century, due to the invasion of Soviet troops into the country in order to overthrow the German occupiers, the communist regime prevailed in it. However, in the late 90s, Hungary switched to a capitalist system and is currently a member of NATO and the EU.

The area occupied by Hungary on the Middle Danube Plain is relatively small, which does not guarantee an exceptional diversity of climatic zones. The climate here is temperate continental, without sudden temperature fluctuations. Thousands of tourists from all over the world flock to Hungary to experience the special atmosphere of the Middle Ages that prevails in the capital, as well as to visit the ski resorts of this miniature country.


Why do tourists love the country?

The main tourist attractions of the country besides Budapest are the city of Miskolc, Lake Balaton, Aggtelek caves and several springs with thermal and mineral water. This also includes Heviz, located near Lake Balaton. In general, the healing springs of Hungary are considered the most valuable asset and bring a stable income from visiting tourists.

Ski resorts

Ski resorts in Hungary have recently begun to gain popularity among connoisseurs of this sport. Several Hungarian mountain ranges especially loved by ski tourists.

The most famous ski resort in Hungary it is generally accepted mountain system Matra, located one hundred kilometers from the capital. This area is famous for its long-lasting snow cover (up to 100 days). At a time when real snow leaves the mountain range, it is replaced by artificial snow, which is supplied by specialized cannons. The tourist influx here does not decrease year-round.

What is the highest mountain in Hungary?

The country does not have high mountain peaks, although almost all of it is located 200 m above sea level. We can assume that almost its entire territory is a hill.

The most in Hungary is the peak of Kekes. It is part of the Matra mountain range and has the longest ski slope in Hungary. Its length is about two kilometers, but skiing from the slopes of Kekesh is more to the liking of inexperienced and novice skiers.

The highest mountain in Hungary, whose height is 1014 meters above sea level, is famous for its magnificent scenery, the snow cover is quite soft and the slopes are gentle, without drops. Accordingly, professional skiers who prefer more adrenaline visit other slopes.

Nature is one of the main attractions of the country. Flora and fauna

In general, Mount Kekes belongs more to the class of attractions than to the name of the highest mountain in Hungary, translated as “bluish”. This mountain is unusually picturesque. This is why it attracts guests who, after the Danube, prefer to visit nature almost untouched by civilization.

The forest on the hills is represented by well-known oaks, birches and spruces. In some places you can find chestnuts and fir. By the way, forests occupy only 1/5 of the country's area. This guarantees visibility from the top for many kilometers ahead and creates an unforgettable landscape, virtually unchanged for several generations. In addition, in some of the hills of Matra, minerals are found lying at the foot in the form of copper, lead and manganese ore.

The diversity of the animal world, the lion's share of which falls on wild boars, in addition to the familiar foxes, hares and deer, includes several rare species of animals. These include beavers and otters, which are protected by the state.

On the top

You can get to the top of the bluish mountain by car or on foot from the town of Matrakhazy, which itself is interesting with miniature temples and a chapel. Of course, walking is quite difficult due to its distance. However, it's worth it, as the trails leading to the summit have exceptionally beautiful surroundings, which will brighten up the walk and allow for stunning photos.

TV tower on a mountain 180 meters high, with observation deck and a cafe, will allow you to appreciate all the beauty of the middle mountains in the northeast of the country. It helps you not to get lost on the numerous paths on the way to the top. According to visitors, all paths towards the mountain lead to the top. The cafe offers guests Hungarian cuisine - hearty and aromatic. Pork is the main product for cooking. Here you can also see a delightful exhibition of miniature bottles of locally produced drinks.

From time immemorial, the black earth lands of Matra are famous for their vineyards. Tokaj is recognized as a world-famous wine here.

What is the highest mountain in Hungary? This question can often be heard from tourists who prefer leisure. The highest mountain in Hungary is called Kekes, which translates from English as “bluish.” It does have a bluish tint when viewed from a distance. Framed by floating clouds, Kekesh appears almost luminescent. It is the third most popular attraction in Hungary after Lake Balaton and the Danube. The mountain is located on the territory of the Matra mountain range between the local cities of Gyöngyös and Eger. The height of Kekesh is 1014 meters.

Although Kekesh is not in the top 10, he has enviable popularity. Many tourists start hiking to the top of Kekesh from the town of Matrakhaza. Alternatively, if you don't mind paying about 500 forints ($2), you can take the elevator to the observation path on the TV tower, which is located on Kekes. It offers a fantastic view of the rest of Matra and allows you to take wonderful photos of the surrounding views. A mild climate all year round and long sunny days make Kekesh a popular summer holiday destination. Even in November-December, when the cities are foggy and cold, it is sunny and relatively warm at the top of Kekesh. If you still get cold, you can warm up in the cafe located in the TV tower. The pride of this establishment is the exhibition of mini-bottles.

To get to Kekes you will need to either rent a car from Budapest or take a direct bus from Nepliget Bus Station (Budapest). It runs three times a day, every day. It will take about 2 hours to reach the mountain.

Hungary's largest mountain is one of the country's few ski destinations. Hotels and ski slopes scattered throughout the Matra mountain range and conditions vary depending on the weather. It's not the most popular ski destination in Europe, but there are plenty of activities here, from night skiing to a restaurant for lovers of Hungarian cuisine. And nature lovers can hike along the slopes of the mountain and pass through dense beech forests. This is one of the interesting places