Map of mushroom places in the Moscow region. Northern summer resident - news, catalog, consultations Where to pick mushrooms by car


Mushroom picking season is approaching. The Forestry Committee of the Moscow Region has prepared a map of mushroom places in the region. True, the chairman of the Union of Mushroom Pickers of Russia, the chairman of the Moscow Society of Mycologists, Mikhail Vishnevsky, is confident that due to the rainy and cold summer, the “quiet hunt” in the Moscow region will be unsuccessful. To begin with, the good news is that last year 400 people got lost in the forests of the Moscow region , patrolling of mushroom places by rescuers and foresters is organized here.

Mushrooms should grow, according to foresters, in all directions of the Moscow region. If we take the Belarusian direction, then “noble” mushrooms are expected there, that is, mushrooms of the first and second categories - boletus, porcini, aspen. You need to “hunt” for them in the forests near the railway stations “Sushkinskaya”, “Petelino”, “Portnovskaya”, “Tuchkovo”, “Dorokhovo”, “Shalikovo”. The most mushroom place: south of the stations “Sushkinskaya”, “Petelino” " and "Portnovskaya" there is a large forest in which there are many boletuses and boletuses.

In the Volokolamsk direction you need to get off at the Opalikha and Novoierusalimskaya stations. Here, according to the foresters, boletus and boletus mushrooms are waiting for you again.

For boletus and chanterelles, you need to go in the Kazan direction, to the stations "Danino", "Grigorovo", "Gzhel", "Ignatievo". In the forests near these stations you can also come across boletus and boletus.

The most mushroom place: to the north of the Gzhel station, in the vicinity of the villages of Minino and Konyashino, porcini mushrooms grow.

If you travel in the Kyiv direction, you need to get off at the stations "Alabino", "Selyatino", "Rassudovo", "Bekasovo", "Zosimova Pustyn". Here, the portal of the Moscow region government promises mushrooms of many types - from honey mushrooms and boletus to chanterelles, milk mushrooms and porcini mushrooms.

The most mushroom place: east and south of the Bekasovo platform towards the villages of Afanasovka, Ivanovka, Mogutovo and Savelovka.

In the Kursk direction we get off at the stations "Grivno", "Lvovskaya", "Kolkhoznaya", "Stolbovaya", "Sharapova Okhota". “Silent hunting” here will be successful for porcini mushrooms, russula, nigella, milk mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms.

The most mushroom place: to the east of the Lvovskaya station, in the forest behind the village of Meshcherskoye, a lot of white mushrooms grow.

If the Leningrad direction is more convenient for you, we recommend getting off at the stations "Firsanovka", "Radishchevo", "Povarovo", "Golovkino". Local residents collect russula, milk mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus, porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and saffron milk caps from the forests near these stations.

The most mushroom place: to the northeast of the Firsanovka station near the village of Elino there is a dense mixed forest. This is the land of boletus, white mushrooms, mushrooms, honey mushrooms.

In the Savelovsky direction we get off at the stations “Iksha”, “Morozki”, “Tourist”. Here honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus and russula bloomed their caps to the summer sun.

The most mushroom place: to the west of the Morozki and Tourist stations, in the vicinity of the villages of Novlyanka, Grigorkovo, Paramonovo, Strekovo, boletus, boletus, white and chanterelles grow. Another direction where you can collect mushrooms is the Paveletsk direction. Here you need to get to the stations "White Pillars", "Barybino", "Velyaminovo", "Privalovo", "Mikhnevo", "Stupino". In this direction you can collect valui, russula, nigella, white and boletus.

The most mushroom places: about 6-7 km from the White Pillars station, south of the village of Sonino, there is a forest. This is where the kingdom of porcini mushrooms begins.

In the Yaroslavl direction we reach the stations "Zelenogradskaya", "Sofrino", "Kalistovo", "Abramtsevo". White mushrooms, russula, boletus and honey mushrooms await you here. The most mushroom place: 3 km west of the Sofrino station in the direction of the villages of Mitropolye and Novovoronino, russula, honey mushrooms and chanterelles grow.

I would also like to dwell on when is the best time to pick mushrooms and how to do it. To the first question, experts clearly answer that the best time to pick mushrooms is early in the morning, when the damp mushroom cap glistens with dew. This mushroom is noticeable from afar.

Most mushrooms are found on the edges of mixed forests - coniferous and deciduous, along paths; there are no mushrooms in the forest thickets. Myceliums cannot survive next to powerful trees, whose roots take all the nutrients from the ground. In addition, it is easy to get lost in the thicket of the forest, so it is better not to take risks.

It is also not recommended to pick mushrooms near the Moscow Ring Road, since mushrooms perfectly absorb toxic substances from the air left after exhaust gases from cars. Rescuers also recommend wearing bright clothes for a “silent hunt”, which will be clearly visible in case you get lost, and be sure to check the battery charge of your phone so that you can call the rescue service if you get lost.

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Mushroom hunting in the Moscow region usually begins in July and ends at the end of September. In the Moscow region there are a wide variety of mushrooms - from ordinary moss mushrooms to milk mushrooms. It's just not so easy to find them. As mushroom pickers say, you need to know the places.

Leningrad direction

To the north and south of Pokrovka station there are porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and chanterelles. Near the Firsanovka and Frolovskoye stations, mushrooms can be found right along the railway track, from which, of course, it is better to move a little to the side for 1-2 kilometers. The same applies to the Berezki Dachnye station. From the station, move west to the Istra Reservoir or east to the village of Terehovo. There you can collect a good mushroom harvest. If you get off at a station called Golovkovo and move north to the village of Ermakovo, then the basket will definitely not remain empty. In the area of ​​Podrezkovo station, on the right bank of the Skhodnya River, there are also mushroom places.

Riga direction

The forests near the Yadroshino and Rumyantsevo stations are favored by porcini mushrooms, boletuses and honey mushrooms. The area near Opalikha station is also rich in all kinds of mushrooms. Only to these places you will have to walk 2-3 kilometers to the south. From Lesodolgorukovo station to the mushrooms you need to walk almost the same distance, but not to the south, but to the north.

Yaroslavl direction

If you move from Sofrino station to the village of Novovoronino, then after 3 kilometers you can find a lot of honey mushrooms, as well as russula and chanterelles. These same mushrooms should be hunted near the Semkhoz station, moving 2-3 kilometers away from the railway track in any direction. The same can be safely said about the Pravda and Ashukinskaya stations. There are a lot of mushrooms in the area of ​​the Yaroslavl highway. It is better to stop at the 76th kilometer station, go to the highway and move along it to the Gremyachy waterfall. The forests located near the village of Sharapovo will also delight you with porcini mushrooms.

Savelovskoe direction

Not far from the Morozki, Lugovaya and Turist stations there are porcini mushrooms, boletuses, chanterelles and boletus. From Lobnya station you will have to walk about three kilometers east to the Pyalovsky reservoir. And from Nekrasovskaya it’s a stone’s throw to the mushrooms – just a kilometer along the road to the village of Ozeretskoye. Two kilometers west of the stations Katuar, Vlasovo and Iksha there are also many mushroom places.

Paveletskaya direction

A wonderful mushroom place of the Paveletsky direction is located near the Belye Stolby station. You only need to walk about 3-4 kilometers in a western direction. There are honey mushrooms, aspen boletuses, boletus mushrooms and porcini mushrooms. You can pick mushrooms near the railway tracks near the stations Velyaminovo, Zhilevo, Privalovo, Stupino and Mikhnevo.

Belarusian direction

These places are proud of boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms. From Sushkinskaya station to Portnovskaya station there is a forest rich in mushrooms, so you can choose any stop on this section. In the southwest near Khlyupino station you can get hold of chanterelles. And if you go to the Petelino station and, having got off at it, move towards the Petelino poultry farm, you can collect a fair amount of honey mushrooms.

Mid-summer and autumn are the favorite time of mushroom pickers, as you can safely go “hunting”, armed with knives and baskets. Where are the most mushroom places in the Moscow region, let's find out. First, let's decide where and how to collect mushrooms.

When to go mushroom hunting

The mushroom season in the Moscow region can be considered open already in mid-summer. It lasts until mid-October. In general, mushrooms can be found from the beginning of April, however, the greater variety is from July. At this time, near Moscow, mushroom pickers collect many different mushrooms. Towards the end of August, the forests abound with boletuses, chanterelles, honey mushrooms and saffron milk caps. Late autumn is famous for late russula and autumn honey mushrooms.

Where to look for mushrooms

Experienced mushroom pickers know that mushrooms cannot be found in tall grass and dense thickets. It is simply useless to look for them there. Their habitats are considered mixed and coniferous forests. Particular attention should be paid to birch, oak, aspen, spruce and pine trees. Mushrooms are also often found on the edges of forest paths.

Experienced mushroom pickers say that you need to pick mushrooms at least 50 km from Moscow. Mushrooms tend to accumulate heavy metals. This should be taken into account when mushroom “hunting” - avoid places along roads and highways, as well as near polluting objects.

How to pick mushrooms

Mushroom “hunting” begins early in the morning, at 5-6 o’clock. It is also worth remembering that mushrooms almost always grow in groups, so if you find mushrooms in one place, be sure to look nearby for more. When searching, take your time; mushrooms are usually collected by calmly walking and carefully peering into the grass near the trees.

A successful find is not plucked, but cut off with a sharp short knife. Check the mushrooms immediately; if they are wormy, you cannot take them, it is better to leave them in the forest.

What you need for mushroom “hunting”

An important aspect of a successful “hunt” is the equipment of a mushroom picker. What should it include:

  • comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • plastic bucket;
  • mushroom knife;
  • a stick to push apart the grass in search of mushrooms;
  • first aid kit;
  • drinking water;
  • snack sandwiches;
  • navigator;
  • phone with full charge.

The most mushroom places in the Moscow region

The peculiarity of the mushroom “hunt” is that the mushroom places change every year. If last year you found a mushroom place in the forest, this does not mean at all that this year you will find them in the same place again. However, in the Moscow region there are special mushroom places where they are found year after year.

Belarusian direction

  • Mushroom places with boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms can be found at any of the stations: “Sushkinskaya”, “Petelino”, “Chastsovskaya”, “Portnovskaya”. On the south side of the tracks there is a large forest where mushroom pickers go.
  • Not far from the villages of Raevo and Alyaukhovo (Skorotovo and Khlyupino stations) there are many chanterelles, if you move in the direction of the southwest. But to the north of the railway tracks, mushroom pickers collect porcini and boletus mushrooms.

Gorky direction

  • Not far from the Fryazevo and Kazanskoye stations there is the village of Vsevolodovo. 3 km from it, mushroom pickers are collecting whole baskets of porcini mushrooms and chanterelles.

Kazan direction

  • There are a lot of porcini mushrooms near the villages of Minino and Konyashino (Gzhel station).
  • To the north of the Kuzyaevo station, chanterelles and porcini mushrooms are found. There are especially many of them on the territory of the former children’s camp “Podmoskovny”.

Kiev direction

  • The south-eastern direction from the Bekasovo station is famous for mushroom places.
  • There is a mushroom forest not far from the Bashkino platform.

Kursk direction

  • Kolkhoznaya station is rich in mushrooms. Russula and boletus grow not far from the platform itself. There are also many mushrooms in the east, southeast and west directions from the station.
  • There are a lot of honey mushrooms in the forest in the eastern direction from the Sharapova Okhota station, not reaching the village of Pleshkino.
  • All kinds of mushrooms are found in the area of ​​​​the Avangard station, in the forests, along the Rechma River.

Leningrad direction

  • Around Pokrovka station you can find boletus, porcini mushrooms and chanterelles.

Paveletskaya direction

  • 4 km to the west from the Belye Stolby and Barybino stations, mushroom pickers collect whole baskets of boletus, honey mushrooms, boletus and porcini mushrooms.
  • On both sides of the railway tracks of the Velyaminovo, Privalovo and Mikhnevo stations, within a radius of 3 km, there are also many mushrooms of different stripes.

Riga direction

  • In the area of ​​the Yadroshino metro station you can collect honey mushrooms, porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms.
  • There is also a mushroom forest not far from the Rumyantsevo station.
  • North of the Lesodolgorukovo station there is a rich mushroom forest. To find mushrooms here, you need to go towards the villages of Maryino and Nudol-Sharino.

Savelovskoe direction

  • If you get off at the Morozki and Turist stations and head towards Novlyanka, Paramonovo and Grigorkovo, you can find places rich in chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and boletus.
  • Mushroom pickers collect a lot of chanterelles when they get off at the Taldom station, walking 4 km southwest from the platform.

Yaroslavl direction

  • If you get off at Sofrino station and walk 3 km towards the village of Novovoronino, you can find places rich in honey mushrooms, chanterelles and russula.
  • The same mushrooms, plus more white mushrooms, are located on both sides of the tracks at the Semkhoz station.

“Mushroom trains” will take you to the most abundant places. For those who do not plan to move very far from home, it is better to choose mushroom trails closer to Moscow.

Podrezkovo station, Khimki, north-west direction

There are a lot of mushrooms in this area, and you need to collect them a kilometer south of the railway tracks. On the right bank of Skhodnya, not far from Ivanovsky and Korostovo, the most mushroom places are located.

How to get there: by bus No. 465 from the Voykovskaya metro station, No. 484 from the Planernaya metro station to the Podrezkovo stop; by train from Leningradsky station to Podrezkovo station; by car - 9 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Leningradskoe Highway.

What's growing: boletus, boletus.

Opalikha station, Krasnogorsk north-west direction

There are mushroom places very close to Moscow - in the north of the Opalikha station along the banks of the Nakhabinka, Banka and Sinichka rivers. The local forest is rich in boletus, aspen and honey mushrooms. You need to go in the direction of Nikolo-Uryupino. But you have to cover about 3 kilometers on foot, because you can’t get to the place by bus or personal transport. However, the effort is worth it. One treasured mushroom place is located two kilometers north of the Opalikha station, behind Novonikolsky. And the other is on the banks of the Banka, between the villages of Saburovo and Fedorovka.

How to get there: by buses No. 372, 498 from the Tushinskaya bus station to the Opalikha stop; by train from Rizhsky railway station to Opalikha station; by car - 12 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Volokolamsk highway.

What's growing: mainly boletus, boletus and honey mushroom.

Sofrino station, Pushkinsky district, northeast direction

If you walk about 4 kilometers from the station in the direction of the villages of Mitropolye and Novovoronino, you can come across clearings of white milk mushrooms, russula and honey mushrooms. Boletus also grows here, and if you’re lucky, you’ll also find a porcini mushroom.

How to get there: by train from Yaroslavsky railway station to Sofrino station; by car - 36 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Yaroslavskoye Highway.

What's growing: russula, honey mushrooms, white milk mushrooms, boletus, porcini mushrooms.

Station "Gzhel", Ramensky district, south-east direction

This is one of the most mushroom places in the Moscow region, but at the same time the most popular. Porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and boletus mushrooms are found here in abundance. It is worth remembering that after prolonged rains, boletus quickly becomes wormy, so it is not worth going for them during such a period. You should collect in the vicinity of Minino and Konyashino; to these points you will have to walk 5 kilometers north from the station.

How to get there: special “mushroom buses” No. 325 and No. 36, which were launched by Mostransavto; by train from Kazansky railway station to Gzhel station; by car - 43 km from the Moscow Ring Road along Yegoryevskoye Highway.

What's growing: boletus, boletus, porcini mushrooms.

Stations "Vostryakovo", "Barybino" and "White Pillars", Domodedovo, southern direction

Another mushroom place in the Moscow region is located 2-3 kilometers from the Vostryakovo station. It is necessary to go south of the village of Zaborye. The local forest contains boletus and the most valuable white mushroom for any mushroom picker.

You can take the same train to the Barybino station. Here, in addition to boletus mushrooms, there are honey mushrooms. It is best to collect forest delicacies to the west of the station, behind the village of Rastunovo. There are also several mushroom spots scattered along the banks of the Severka River.

How to get there: by bus No. 404 from the Domodedovskaya metro station to the Prospekt Tupolev stop; by train from Paveletsky station to Vostryakovo station; by car - 26 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the M-4 Don highway.

What's growing: boletus, porcini mushroom, honey mushroom.

The settlement of White Pillars is surrounded by forests in which you can find russula and boletus mushrooms, but experienced mushroom pickers hunt here specifically for a rare delicacy - porcini mushrooms. They need to be collected 4 kilometers from the station towards the villages of Kolychevo and Sonino.

How to get there: by train from Paveletsky station to the station "White Pillars"; by car - 33 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the M-4 Don highway.

What's growing: boletus, russula, old mushrooms.

Stations “Grivno” and “Kolkhoznaya”, Klimovsk, southern direction

From the Grivno station you will have to walk east about 3 kilometers. Near the villages of Berezhki and Kharitonovo there are places that will delight lovers of a wide variety of mushrooms. Here you can find boletus, boletus, russula, nigella, milk mushrooms, chanterelles and boletus. You should look for chanterelles on sandy soil under broad-leaved trees, and boletus under coniferous trees, even if they grow alone.

The same assortment awaits a little further along the train route, not far from the Kolkhoznaya station. Three kilometers east of the station, behind the village of Sharapovo, the forest begins. And in the west, in the direction of the villages of Panino and Zhokhovo, you can find a couple of mushroom glades.

How to get there: by train from Kursky railway station to Grivno station; by car - 26 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the M-2 highway.

What's growing: boletus, boletus, russula, nigella, milk mushrooms, chanterelles and boletus.

Station "Dachnaya", Naro-Fominsk district, south-west direction

Get off the train and immediately from the platform walk 2 km into the forest beyond the Desna. The villages of Svistino and Timonino are located nearby, and white mushrooms, boletus, boletus and boletus can be found here. Moreover, boletus should be looked for in areas of coniferous forest.

How to get there: by train from Kievsky railway station to Dachnaya station; by car - 31 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kyiv Highway; special “mushroom buses” No. 50, 490, 1031, which were launched by Mostransavto.

What's growing: boletus, boletus, boletus, porcini mushrooms.

Holiday village Khoroshilovo, Mozhaisky district, south-west direction

Around the dacha village there are forests rich in chanterelles, boletuses and honey mushrooms. Chanterelles grow in large families, so if you are lucky enough to find only one clearing, the catch will be very significant.

How to get there: by train from the Belorussky railway station to the Mozhaisk station, then by bus No. 28 to Khoroshilovo; by bus No. 457 from the Park Pobedy metro station to Mozhaisk, then transfer to bus No. 28 to Khoroshilovo; by car - 112 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Minsk Highway.

What's growing: boletuses, honey mushrooms, chanterelles.

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Map of mushroom places in the Moscow region online. The proposed mushroom picker map will help you map out the routes for collecting these gifts of nature. The map shows the distribution of mushrooms in the forests of the Moscow region. Scale 1:435000.


Table of mushrooms of the Moscow region

Mushroom places in the Moscow region


Platform KONEV BOR. East of the railway on the way to the villages of Shelukhino and Klimovka.

PLATFORM 63 km. To the northeast, three to four kilometers from the railway tracks.

Platforms FAUSTOVO, Vinogradovo. North of the railway, three to four kilometers

BRONNITSYA platform. Towards the northeast of the platform 5 - 6 km. from the villages of Biserovo and Plaskinino.

Platform SANDS. 5 - 6 km. from the platform near the villages of Berdniki and Novoselki.


Platforms GRIGOROV, GZHEL. 4 - 5 km. north of the railway around the villages of Minino and Konyashino.

SHEVLYAGINO platform. North of the platform 2 km. on the way to the villages of Averkovo and Shabanovo.

PLATFORM 64 km. On both sides of the railway. North of the platform - 4 - 5 km. from the village of Kolomino. To the south - 5 - 6 km. from the platform, south of the village of Turygino.

PLATFORM 73 km., ANTSIFEROVO platform, PLATFORM 82 km. 1-2 km. from the railway tracks on the south side, near the villages of Astashkovo, Sobolevo and along the right bank of the Nerskaya River.


Here mushroom routes, compared to other destinations, start much further from Moscow.

FRYAZINO platform. 3 km. south of the station beyond the village of Vsevolodovo.

PLATFORM 61 km. On both sides of the railway. To the north - 2 km. from the platform towards the village of Subbotino. To the south - 5 - 6 km. near the villages of Vlasovo and Semenovo.


SOFRINO platform. 3 - 4 km. west of the platform towards the village of Voronino.

Platform Pravda. 1 - 2 km. from the railway tracks on both sides. To the east - towards the village of Nazaryevo. To the west - towards the village of Stepankovo.

SEMHOZ platform. On both sides of the railway. To the south - near the villages of Vysokovo, Morozovo, to the west - towards the village of Shapilovo.

Platform ZELENOGRAD. 2 km. west of the platform in the direction of the village of Daryino.

KALISTOVO platform. 3 - 4 km. west of the platform in the forests near the villages of Golygino and Artemovo. To the east - towards the village of Golygino and along the Vori River.

Platform ASHUKINSKAYA. 4 - 5 km. to the west of the railway tracks in the direction of the villages of Voronino and Martyankovo.

ABRAMTSEVO platform. 4 - 5 km. to the west of the platform near the villages of Zhuchki and Akhtyrka.

From the platform 43 km. in the west there are deciduous forests. You need to move along the highway or forest paths. Then from the village of Mitropole along the bank of the Vyazi River. It will lead to the old village of Eldigino. Then our path goes southeast to the villages of Daryino and Matyushino. Then follow the road through the forest for 3 km, which will lead to the Zelenogradskaya platform.


Along the railway there are mainly deciduous forests, among which there are large areas of mixed and coniferous forests.

LOBNYA platform. 3 km. the eastern line of the railway in the direction of the Pyalovsky reservoir.

Platform MEADOW. On both sides of the railway. East of the platform - 3 km. in the direction to the village of Fedoskino and further along the banks of the Pyalovsky reservoir. To the west - 2 km. in the direction to the village of Ozeretskoye.

NEKRASOVSKAYA platform. A kilometer west of the platform in the direction of the village of Ozeretskoye.

CATUAR platform. 2 km. west of the platform.

LABOR platform. In a southwest direction.

IKSHA platform. 2 km. to the west of the platform near the villages of Rtishchevo and Khoroshilovo.

MOROZKA platform. On both sides of the railway. To the west - 1.5 km. from the platform in the direction to the villages of Marfino and Grigorkovo. From the east - 2 km. towards the villages of Sboevo and Novinki.

TOURIST platform. About four kilometers from the railway tracks on the western side towards the villages of Paramonovo and Dyachkovo.

Route with the most mushroom spots

Two kilometers from Iksha towards the village of Khoroshilovo. Having reached Khoroshilovo, you should turn northeast to the Morozki platform.


PODREZKOVO platform. 1.5 km. south of the railway line along the right bank of the Skhodnya River in the direction of the villages of Ivanovskoye and Korostovo.

FIRSANOVKA platform. On both sides of the railway. In the north - 1.5 km. from the platform near the villages of Bolshiye Rzhavki, Nazaryevo and further towards Klushino. In the west - 3 km. from the platform beyond the Goretovka River towards the village of Ruzino and near Pyatnitskoye Highway.

Platform ALABUSHEVO, Radishchevo. West of the railway line 2 km. on the way to the villages of Andreevka and Maryino.

POVAROVO platform. Two to three kilometers west of the platform, extensive forests begin, stretching for 10 - 12 km. to the shores of the Istra Reservoir.

BEREZKA platform. 1 - 2 km. from the railway tracks on both sides. On the western side - towards the village of Snopovo and to the banks of the Istrinsky reservoir. On the eastern side - on the territory of the former Verkhne-Klyazminsky Nature Reserve towards the village of Kochergino.

GOLOVKOVO platform. 1.5 km. north of the station in the direction of the village of Ermakovo.

POKROVKA platform. On both sides of the station. From the north side - on the way to the villages of Koskovo, Dulepovo, Shakhmatovo. On the south side - to the villages of Zamyatine and Nadezhdino.

Platform FROLOVSKAYA. Two to three kilometers from the railway tracks on both sides. Eastern station - near the villages of Dulepovo and Golenishchevo. To the west - to the villages of Marfino and Vvedenskoye.

Route with the most mushroom spots

Go northeast from Firsanovka to the village of Nazaryevo. Then move northeast. Near the village of Elino, the route will cross the Leningradskoye Highway and lead into a dense mixed forest. This is the land of boletus, white mushrooms, mushrooms, honey mushrooms. Banks of the Klyazma River. The trail leads along the river to the village of Poyarkovo. 2 km. to the south is the village of Beijing, from here buses run to Skhodnya station. The length of the route is about 12 km.


Platform OPALIKHA. Two to three kilometers from the railway tracks on both sides. In the north - towards the village of Saburovo and in the forests along the banks of the Nakhabinka, Banka and Sinichka rivers. In the south - near the villages of Nikolskoye-Uryupino and Voronki.

Platform NAKHABINO. About four kilometers north of the station in the direction of the village of Kozine along the banks of the Gryazeva and Nakhabinka rivers.

Platform PAVLOVSKAYA SLOBODA (branch from Nakhabin). South of the station across the Istra River. 2 km. southeast of the platform, beyond the village of Velednikovo. In the direction to the villages of Stepanovskoye, Petrovo-Dalneye.

Platform DEDOVSK. To the north of the railway line near the villages of Turovo and Nikolo-Cherkizovo. 3 - 4 km. from the platform.

SNEGIRI platform. On both sides of the railway. In the north - 2 km. from the platform in the direction of the village of Eremeeva, in the south - a kilometer towards the village of Zhevnevo and along the right bank of the Istra River.

Platform KOLSHCHEVIKI. A kilometer from the platform in a southern direction and further in the forests along the right bank of the Malaya Istra River.

YADROSHINO platform. On both sides of the railway. In the north - a kilometer from the platform towards the village of Kursakovo-Markovo. In the south - behind the Volokolamsk highway, 3 km. from the platform, in the direction of the villages of Troitse and Novo-Daryino.

KURSAKOVSKAYA platform. To the east from the platform towards the village of Kursakovo-Markovo.

RUMYANTSEVO platform. Two to three kilometers from the railway line on both sides. In the eastern and northern directions - towards the villages of Rybushki, Savelyevo, Dolevo, along the banks of the Maglushi River. In the south-west direction - to the old lake Trostenskoye.

Platforms USTINOVKA, LESODOLGORUKOVO. To the north of the railway line towards the villages of Nudol-Sharino and Maryino.

Route with the most mushroom spots

At 2 km. north of Opalikha station, beyond the village of Novo-Nikolskoye. On the banks of the Banka River. The forest here extends for several kilometers to the west and east. Go around the village of Saburovo from the west and head towards the village of Fedorovka. From the village of Yurlovo, on Pyatnitskoye Highway, you can take a bus back to Moscow. The length of the route is 12 km.


LARK platform. 1 km. south of the station near the villages of Mitkino, Sumino, Dachnaya, Malye Vyazemy. Two three kilometers north of the railway line towards the village of Nazarieva, as well as in the forest along the banks of the Bolshaya and Malaya Vyazemka rivers.

Platform KHLUPINO (Zvenigorod branch). From the southwest the forest came close to the railway line. Lay the route near the villages of Raevo and Alyaukhovo. To the north and northeast of the platform you can go through the forest to the villages of Chigasovo and Goryshkino.

Platform SKOROTOVO (Zvenigorod branch). To the north from the platform towards the village of Dunino, to the east - towards Chigasov, to the south and southwest - to the villages of Raevo and Alyaukhovo.

Platform Zvenigorod. In the western and eastern directions from the platform around the villages of Maryino, Salkovo, Dunino. In the west - near the villages of Klopovo, Pestovo, as well as along the banks of the Nakhabnya and Ostrovka rivers.

Platforms SUSHKINSKAYA, PETELINO, CHASTSOVSKAYA, PORTNOVSKAYA. Two or three kilometers from the platform to the south of the railway tracks, a huge forest stretched south for many kilometers, to the Kyiv direction railway.

THEATER, GARDEN platforms. Two to three kilometers from the railway tracks on both sides. In the west - towards the village of Makeikha, in the east - towards Trufanovka.

GUERILLA platform. On both sides of the railway. The beginning of the collection is 2 km. in the direction of the village of Oblyanishcheva, 3 km. towards the villages of Petrishchevo, Nikolskoye forest, starting across the Desna River, around the villages of Svitino, Timonino.

Route with the most mushroom spots

From Petelino station, along the Ostrovki River to the north along a country road. Pass the villages of Tatarki and Ivonino 6 km. The village of Pokrovskoye-Zasekino spreads from the platform. It is better to continue the route along the forest path along the bank of the Ostrovka River to the village of Pestovo. From here head north-east through the forests to the village of Klopovo. 2 km. Eastern Klopova is the Zvenigorod station.


The Kyiv direction railway ran through vast deciduous and mixed forests. Mushrooms of all kinds grow here, and in the fall there are especially many honey mushrooms.

Platform VICTORY. A kilometer from the railway tracks on both sides. In the southeast - towards the settlement of Kalugino. In the west - to the villages of Sumino and Sanniki.

Platform RASUDOVO. At 2 - 3 km. east of the railway line in the direction of the village of Glagolevo, as well as around the villages of Kuznetsovo and Ignatovo.

DACHA platform. 2 km. south of the platform in the forest starting across the Desna River, around the villages of Svitino and Timonino.

SELYATINO platform. To the south and southeast of the platform near the villages of Glagolevo and Syryevo.

BEKASOVO platform. 1 - 2 km. from the railway tracks on both sides. To the east and south of the platform, the forests are rich in mushrooms, especially around the villages of Ivanovka and Monutovo.

Platform BASHKINO. In numerous forests on the western side of the railway line.

Platform OBNINSKAYA. To the northwest of the platform, two to three kilometers along the way to the villages of Samsonovo, Belkino, as well as on both banks of the Protva River.

Route with the most mushroom spots

A path goes south from the Ozhigovo platform. After 1.5 km. it crosses the Kiev highway. Then the path goes through fields. In the west you can see the village of Sotnikovo. From here it is better to move in a southerly direction. You cross the small river Ladyrka and find yourself in a vast forest - Kuznetsovskoe forestry, with interesting clearings. They begin at the forester's house and spread out in twenty-five rays in all directions. These rays are intertwined with circular clearings. It is easy to get lost here, so you need to take a compass or navigator. The length of the clearings is over 150 km. You need to return to Moscow from the Bekasovo or Zosimova Pustyn platforms, which are located to the west of the mushroom collection site. The length of the route is 12 - 15 km.


Along the Kursk railway, deciduous forests predominate, but there are also large areas of mixed forests. Here there is an abundance of russula, nigella, milk mushrooms, boletus, aspen, chanterelles, and boletus.

Platform LVOVSKAYA. To the southeast of the platform towards the village of Ivino.

HRYVNO platform. Two three kilometers east of the railway line near the villages of Berezhki and Kharitonovo.

KOLKHOZ platform. Two or three kilometers from the railway on both sides. In the east - towards the village of Nikonovo and in the forests along the Rozhaya River. South-east of the platform in the forest behind the village of Sharapov. In the west - near the villages of Panine Zhokhovo.

Platform CHEPELEVO, CHEKHOV. Mushroom picking can be done in the direction of the villages of Alachkovo, Maksimikha, Oksino. From Chekhov station you can take a regular bus to Melikhovo.

LUCH platform. 4 - 5 km. from the railway tracks on the western side around the villages of Popovka and Milyachino.

SHARAPOV HUNTING platform. Vast forests approached the railway line almost closely on the eastern side. Mushroom routes lead to the villages of Pleshkino, Voskresenki, Petrukhino.

Platform AVANTGARDE. The collection originates two to three kilometers east of the platform, in the direction of the village of Vskhody, as well as in the forests stretching along the banks of the Rechma and Lopasnya rivers. It is more convenient to get to the valley of the Lopasni River and the city of Serpukhov by bus to the village of Gurovo or by boat to the Priluki pier.

Route with the most mushroom spots

Start collecting at 2 km. east of the Lvovskaya platform in the forest behind the village of Lagovskoye. From this village to the village of Meshcherskoye it is 6 km. not a single village will be found. In this forest, along the gentle slopes of ravines, in open birch forests, along the edges and old forest roads and clearings, whites grow. From Meshchersky to Kolkhoznaya station you can walk along the picturesque banks of the Rozhaya River or straight through the forest.


Takeoff platform. On both sides of the platform, in a birch forest, located 3 km. to the west of the railway tracks behind the village of Redkino or in the forests to the west of the settlements of Bityagovo and Yusupovo, as well as to the east of the Vzletnaya platform on the road to the village of Elgazin.

VOSTRYAKOVO platform. On the western side, two or three kilometers from the railway tracks, south of the village of Zaborya.

Platform WHITE PILLARS. In the numerous forests stretching west from the railway tracks, mushroom picking begins three to four kilometers from the platform in the direction of the villages of Shchebantsevo, Kolychevo, Sonino, and Kurganye.

Platform BARYBINO. About four kilometers west of the platform, behind the village of Rastunov, around the villages of Yusupovo, Shishkino, Uvarovo, as well as in the forests along the Severka River.

Velyaminovo platform. Two to three kilometers from the railway tracks on both sides. In the east, near the villages of Tatarinovo, Linkovo, Kaverino and in the forests along the right bank of the Vostets River. In the west - around the village of Velyaminovo.

PRIVALOVO platform. Two to three kilometers from the railway tracks on both sides. In the east - near the villages of Konstantinovskoye and Kishkino. In the west - around Nemtsov, Sidorov.

MIKHNEVO platform. Two to three kilometers from the railway tracks on both sides. In the east - on the way to the villages of Koshelevka, Vasilyevskoye, Ignatiev. In the west - around the villages of Razinkovo ​​and Usady.

STUPINO platform. Two to three kilometers from the railway tracks on both sides. In the northeast - along the road to the village of Staraya Sitnya. In the west - in the direction of Matveikovo, Saigatovo.

SHUGAROVO platform. 3 - 4 km. to the west of the platform, on the road to Torbeevo, Zavarykino.

Platform ZHILEVO. Mushrooms can be collected on both sides of the railway. In the east - 1 - 2 km. on the road to the village of Petrovo, in the west - three to four kilometers on the way to the villages of Pochinki, Sitnya-Shchelkovo, Psarevo.

ACRI platform. In a huge mixed forest, to the west of and south of the station near the villages of Saigatovo and Sokolova Pustyn.

Route with the most mushroom spots

It is better to start the hike from the White Pillars platform. A deciduous forest begins a kilometer west of the platform. Russula, boletus, nigella, and valui are common in these places. 6 km. from the platform, south of the village of Shebantsevo, you need to cross the Kashirskoe highway and go deeper into the forest south of the village of Sonino. This is where you need to be especially careful - this is the kingdom of porcini mushrooms. After picking mushrooms in the forest south of the village of Kurganye, you need to turn northeast in the direction of the village of Shebantsevo. From Shebantsevo you can return along the road to the Belye Stolby platform or take a bus to Domodedovo or Mikhnevo stations.