How to conclude a rental agreement for a room in a hostel? Nuances and rules of compilation. Rental agreement for a room in a dormitory Rental agreement for a dormitory for workers


Dorm room rental agreement sample 2018 download

renting accommodation in dormitory No. _________________

________________ "__"_________20

___________________________________________________ (name of the owner of the service residential premises or an authorized ___________________________________________________ government body of the Russian Federation, a government body of the subject ___________________________________________________ of the Russian Federation, a local government body or another person authorized by it, ___________________________________________________, acting on his behalf, name of the authorizing document, its date and number) referred to in hereinafter, the Landlord, on the one hand, and citizen_____________________, hereinafter referred to as the Tenant, on the other hand, on the basis of the decision to provide residential premises dated “____” _________ 20 ___, No. ___, entered into this Agreement as follows.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

2. The Landlord transfers to the Tenant and members of his family for a fee the possession and use of residential premises located in _____________________________________________________ (state, municipal - as required) property on the basis of the Certificate of State Registration of Rights dated “____” _________ 20__ No. ___, consisting of apartments (rooms) with a total area of ​​_______ sq. meters, located in _____________________, d. ____, bldg. _____, sq. _____, for temporary residence there.

3. Housing is provided in connection with _________________ (work, training, service - indicate as necessary)

4. Characteristics of the residential premises provided, its technical condition, as well as sanitary and other equipment located in it, are contained in the technical passport of the residential premises.

5. The tenant and his family members may be provided with separate isolated living quarters in the hostel. Together with the Tenant, members of his family move into the residential premises:

1) ____________________________________________________. (last name, first name, patronymic of the Tenant’s family member and degree of relationship with him)

2) _____________________________________________________. (last name, first name, patronymic of the Tenant’s family member and degree of relationship with him)

3) _____________________________________________________. (last name, first name, patronymic of the Tenant’s family member and degree of relationship with him)

6. This Agreement is concluded for the period of _____________________________________________________. (work, service, training - indicate what is needed)

7. Rights and obligations of the Tenant and his family members

8. The employer has the right:

1) to use residential premises for living, including with family members;

2) for the use of common property in an apartment building;

3) on the inviolability of the home and the inadmissibility of arbitrary deprivation of residential premises. No one has the right to enter residential premises without the consent of the citizens living there legally, except in the manner and in cases provided for by federal law, or on the basis of a court decision. Citizens living in residential premises legally cannot be evicted from the residential premises or have their right to use limited except in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;

4) to terminate this Agreement at any time;

5) to retain the right to use residential premises during the transfer of ownership of this premises, as well as to the right of economic management or operational management if the new owner of the residential premises or the legal entity to which such residential premises are transferred is a party to the employment contract with the employee - Employer;

6) to receive subsidies to pay for housing and utilities in the manner and under the conditions established by Article 159 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The employer may have other rights provided for by law.

9. The employer is obliged:

1) use the residential premises for their intended purpose and within the limits established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;

2) comply with the rules for using residential premises;

3) ensure the safety of living quarters;

4) maintain the proper condition of the living space. Unauthorized reconstruction or redevelopment of residential premises is not permitted;

5) carry out routine repairs of residential premises;

6) make timely payments for housing and utilities (mandatory payments).

The obligation to pay for residential premises and utilities arises from the moment of conclusion of this Agreement. Late payment of payments for residential premises and utilities entails the collection of penalties in the manner and amount established by Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;

7) to move during major repairs of a residential building with family members to another residential premises provided by the Landlord (when repairs cannot be carried out without eviction). If the Tenant and his family members refuse to move into this residential premises, the Landlord may demand relocation through the courts;

8) allow a representative of the Landlord into the residential premises at a pre-agreed time to inspect the technical condition of the residential premises, sanitary and other equipment located in it, as well as to perform the necessary work;

9) if faults are detected in the residential premises or sanitary and other equipment located in it, immediately take possible measures to eliminate them and, if necessary, report them to the Lessor or the relevant operating or management organization;

10) use residential premises taking into account the rights and legitimate interests of neighbors, fire safety requirements, sanitary, hygienic, environmental and other legal requirements;

11) upon vacating the residential premises, hand it over to the Landlord within 3 days in proper condition, pay the cost of the current repairs of the residential premises not carried out by the Tenant and included in his responsibilities, as well as pay off the debt for payment for the residential premises and utilities;

12) upon termination or termination of this Agreement, vacate the residential premises. In case of refusal to vacate the premises, the Tenant and members of his family are subject to eviction in court. The tenant of a residential premises bears other obligations provided for by law.

10. The temporary absence of the Tenant and his family members does not entail a change in their rights and obligations under this Agreement.

11. The tenant does not have the right to exchange residential premises, or sublease them.

12. Members of the Tenant’s family have the right to use the residential premises on an equal basis with the Tenant and have equal rights and obligations under this Agreement.

13. Members of the Tenant’s family are obliged to use the residential premises for their intended purpose and ensure its safety.

14. The capable family members of the Tenant are jointly and severally liable with the Tenant for the obligations arising from this Agreement.

15. If a citizen ceases to be a member of the Tenant’s family, but continues to live in the residential premises, he retains the same rights as the Tenant and his family members. The specified citizen is independently responsible for his obligations arising from this Agreement.

16. Rights and obligations of the Lessor The Lessor has the right:

1) demand timely payment for residential premises and utilities;

2) demand termination of this Agreement in cases of violation by the Tenant of housing legislation and the terms of this Agreement.

The lessor may have other rights provided for by law. The lessor is obliged:

1) transfer to the Tenant a residential premises free from the rights of other persons and suitable for living in a condition that meets fire safety, sanitary, hygienic, environmental and other requirements;

2) take part in the proper maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building in which the residential premises are located;

3) carry out major repairs of residential premises;

4) provide the Tenant and his family members with flexible housing (at the rate of at least 6 square meters of living space per person) for the period of major repairs or reconstruction of a residential building (when repairs or reconstruction cannot be carried out without eviction of the Tenant) without termination of this Agreement. Relocation of the Tenant and members of his family to the residential premises of the maneuverable fund and back (upon completion of major repairs or reconstruction) is carried out at the expense of the Landlord;

5) inform the Tenant about major repairs or reconstruction of the house no later than 30 days before the start of work;

rooms Gr. , passport: series, No., issued, residing at: , hereinafter referred to as “ Landlord", on the one hand, and gr. , passport: series, No., issued, residing at: , hereinafter referred to as “ Tenant", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. The Lessor provides for rent, and the Tenant rents a room m2, in a one-room apartment located at: .


2.1. The Lessor undertakes:

  • provide the Room to the Tenant from "" 2019;
  • carry out maintenance of the apartment and equipment;
  • pay for all utilities during the rental period, with the exception of non-local telephone connections and other services not included in the monthly subscription payment of the GTS.


3.1. The tenant undertakes:

  • timely pay bills for non-local telephone connections and other services not included in the monthly GTS subscription payment;
  • use the room for your own residence, not for subletting or as an office;
  • bear full financial responsibility for damage to the apartment, furniture and equipment, as well as adjacent premises, caused through the fault or negligence of the Tenant;
  • The tenant is not responsible for the natural depreciation of the apartment and equipment;
  • have pets in the apartment only with written permission from the Landlord, while the Tenant bears full responsibility for damage caused to the apartment by his (her) pets;
  • The tenant bears full responsibility for damage caused to the apartment due to the fault or negligence of his guests or family members;
  • respect the peace of your neighbors at night.


4.1. The lessor guarantees that the apartment belongs to him by right, all necessary permissions from the co-owners, if any, have been obtained and the conditions for renting the Room have been agreed upon with them.

4.2. The lessor guarantees that the apartment is not under arrest, is not mortgaged and is not the subject of any claims from third parties.

4.3. The tenant guarantees to pay rent and other payments stipulated by this agreement on time and without delay.


5.1. The monthly rent is set at rubles.

5.2. Payments will be made in advance no later than days from the beginning of the paid period.

5.3. Late payment by one or more days is considered a failure to comply with the terms of this agreement, which gives the Lessor the right to terminate it unilaterally.

5.4. The first payment, in the amount of rubles, is made at the time of signing this agreement, and is an advance payment for the first paid period and.

5.5. Electricity is paid for.


6.1. The lease period is set from "" 2019 to "" 2019.

6.2. The terms of the contract may be changed and the rental period may be extended subject to the written consent of both parties.


7.1. The agreement can be terminated by one of the parties if the other party does not comply with the terms of this agreement.

7.2. The Tenant/Lessor reserves the right, unilaterally, to terminate the agreement by notifying the other party in writing days before the date of termination of the agreement.

7.3. In case of early termination of the Agreement at the initiative of the Lessor, the Lessor undertakes:

  • notify the Tenant in writing one month before the date of termination of the Agreement;
  • return to the Tenant the fee for the paid but not lived rental period;
  • reimburse the Tenant for the costs of renting another apartment.


8.1. All disagreements arising during the implementation of this agreement must be resolved in accordance with current Russian legislation.

8.2. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies having equal legal force: one is kept by the Tenant, the other by the Lessor.

8.3. The agreement comes into force from the moment of signing.


Lessor _________________

Tenant _________________

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Unfortunately, the real estate market is filled with scammers who are happy to take advantage of users' lack of legal knowledge. To better understand the criticality of the situation, consider a typical example where a rental agreement for a room in a hostel is a trap for inattentive tenants.

If we assume that you urgently need to settle in a metropolis, then it is not easy to detect the problem at first glance: there are many promising advertisements, affordable prices, and a convenient location.

However, it is possible that behind all this lies a cruel scheme of deception:

1. An authorized person from a “shady” company introduces himself as an intermediary and promises to check into a hostel for a commission (an option is described that the client cannot refuse).

2. The interested user enters into an agreement with such an intermediary and pays the agreed upon monetary compensation.

3. A representative of the company, under a valid pretext, informs about the impossibility of checking into the agreed room and offers in return many other, completely unprofitable and irrelevant offers.

4. The tenant is left without housing and money.

The peculiarity of such transactions is that they are legally correct, since under various formulations they do not assign to the company the obligation to provide the promised room for use (as a rule, such agreements are signed for the provision of information services).

It turns out that before downloading a rental agreement for a room in a hostel, you need to find out the legal status of this type of housing, as well as establish who its owner is and on what basis the cooperation takes place. Let us consider these points in more detail, since the safety of any tenant depends on them.

A dormitory is a housing facility that is used as temporary housing for employees, students or workers. These persons are allowed to use the premises assigned to them during employment, provided that they do not have their own real estate in the selected locality.

There are a number of legal restrictions that apply to dormitories:

Legal entities and authorities to which the residential premises have been transferred for management cannot privatize it or use it for commercial purposes;

Individuals (tenants) cannot exchange or sublease the living space provided to them for use (Article 100 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

In Art. 99 of the RF Housing Code states that any premises suitable for living may be provided for use only after a decision by the owner of such real estate.

Municipal (state) housing stock;

Public entities;

Municipal (state) enterprises or institutions.

Thus, decisions regarding the settlement of a particular person will be made by organizations that directly own the facility, which is subject to the legal status of a hostel.

In order for the relationship to be formalized correctly, it is important for the owner and tenant to always comply with the written format of the transaction. In addition to the standard clauses inherent in a residential lease agreement (full name, passport data, details of participants, subject, term, signatures, rights and obligations, liability and additional conditions), renting a room in a hostel has its own nuances. In each case they must be taken into account separately.

Taking into account the above factors, we can highlight a list of key circumstances that distinguish a rental agreement for a dorm room from other types of rental housing:

The agreement will be void if one person receives less than 6 square meters for their use. m. of living space.

All residents must have an employment relationship with the organization or enterprise that owns the property being studied. Occupancy by any other category of citizens is not permitted.

A rental agreement for housing in a dormitory can be concluded only after the owner organization makes an appropriate decision. Such an agreement will only apply during the period of study or employment.

A typical condition for this type of lease is the provision of isolated living space. Accommodation of several persons who are not related to each other is also allowed (except for cases when the room is rented by a family).

If the tenant does not live alone, then all persons living with him must register (after which they will have equal rights and bear joint liability).

In Art. 101 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 105 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation define cases when concluded contractual relations can be cancelled. According to generally accepted standards, eviction from a hostel is not accompanied by the provision of new living conditions to the tenant (with the exception of certain categories of citizens, the circle of which is defined in Article 103 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

Living in a hostel in the Housing Legislation is recognized as a fact sufficient to obtain free accommodation (except for cases where a citizen has other real estate for his use, but for certain reasons does not use them).

When the hostel is transferred to local governments and other legal entities, the status of the landlord changes. Such a change means the termination of the lease agreement for living in the selected dorm room (the company that provides them with living space ceases to be their employer). On the other hand, these same persons cannot be evicted without the provision of new housing and therefore such relations must be re-registered (a social tenancy agreement is drawn up).

In modern conditions, many categories of the population are unable to purchase their own housing, and even the entirety can be quite difficult. In such cases, you can take advantage of the opportunity to rent a room. It's not as convenient, but it's definitely cheaper. To avoid problems, you need to carefully study the offers on the real estate market, make the right choice and document it correctly.

Features of renting part of the housing

The choice of where exactly to rent an apartment must be made taking into account many parameters. And they include not only convenient location, living conditions or the expected cost of living. Each option has its own nuances that you need to know about before moving to a new place of residence.


Renting a room in a hostel. Not everyone has the right to live there. If you are not in an employment relationship with the owners of the building (or are not a student), in accordance with current legislation you do not have the right to live there. Even if such an option is offered, agreeing means dooming yourself to complete lack of rights with the possibility of being evicted onto the street at any time of the day or time of year. Moreover, if the labor relationship is severed (study ends), the rooms are automatically torn apart.

The mandatory area allocated per person when renting in a hostel is only 6 square meters, but if this is not enough, the contract is invalid. If the hostel becomes the property of someone else, all contracts also become invalid and are concluded again, or eviction follows.

Communal apartment

Rent a room in a communal apartment. It matters who has the right of ownership to the provided living space. In the case of a privatized room, it is sufficient if the owner has obtained consent from all persons registered in it. Otherwise, the contract is invalid. On the other hand, the consent of neighbors in a communal apartment is also desirable. Otherwise, the tenant will have a hard time; he will actually be forced to look for other housing.

If the room is not privatized, the Housing Committee must give consent to sublease. His practical property includes housing. In addition, written consent must be given by all persons registered in the communal apartment. This is quite difficult to achieve, but if the conditions are not met, the contract is not valid. But in a communal apartment, the minimum area per person for a rental period is 12 square meters.


Rent a room in an apartment. Renting a room in an apartment gives significantly more rights to the tenant. These include the possibility of temporary residence for temporary residents for six months if they do this free of charge. The limitation is the footage; they must have enough living space. This rule does not apply to minor children.

The contract includes the persons who will live with the tenant. If changes occur in the composition of persons, they are included in the contract with the consent of the owner of the room. With his consent, subletting is possible, when the tenant, in turn, rents out part or all of the room.

How to draw up a room rental agreement?

The contract form is easy to find on any legal portal, and written form is required. If it is not planned, but is necessary to rent for more than a year, state registration is required. It lists in detail the rights and obligations of both parties.

Usually contracts take into account the features mentioned above, but there are some more details depending on where the room is rented.

  1. In dorm. A special point is compliance with the hostel life schedule, and failure to comply may result in eviction. But all everyday problems are solved by homeowners. Solving utility problems, providing furniture and repairs usually does not concern residents. If things are different, there should be a corresponding clause in the contract.
  2. In an ordinary and communal apartment. Specify in detail the date of payment for the rental, the amount of the rental, the possibility of changing the payment during the term of the contract and the percentage of this increase. You can also clarify the time in which the owner must notify about changes in payment.

It is also important to clarify in the agreement:

  • Are utilities included in the payment?
  • Who repairs plumbing, furniture and appliances, and the apartment as a whole during your stay? At whose expense, or in what percentage terms, if expenses are shared.
  • In addition, it is worth taking into account all tenants living with the tenant, who receive the same rights as the tenant.

A separate clause may include force majeure circumstances in which m. This clause depends on the identity of the owners of the room, and can be very different, up to frequent visits by guests in the middle of the night. However, they must be spelled out as accurately as possible.

The housing delivery certificate is attached to the contract. It must be formalized, accurately describing the condition of the home, all the valuables in the room, household appliances and furniture. This will help in the future to bear fair financial responsibility both for the repair of the premises and for the condition of the furniture and equipment on both sides at the end of the contract. Moreover, damage to the home and furniture may become grounds for termination of the contract through the court by the home owner.

You can download a sample form of a standard agreement for renting out a room in a communal and regular apartment, as well as in a dormitory directly.

Sample room rental agreement between individuals

Sample room rental agreement between individuals - 1

Sample room rental agreement between individuals - 2

Sample room rental agreement between individuals - 3

Sample room rental agreement between individuals - 4

Sample room rental agreement between individuals - 5

We will tell you further about how to rent a room for a long time from the owner, without intermediaries.

Of course, using the services of realtors is quite expensive. It is much cheaper to take an interest in advertisements in the press, on the Internet and go through the indicated addresses in person. This takes time, but also allows you to personally get to know the proposed conditions and property owners. You have to choose one or the other.

It is worth considering:

  • location in relation to the workplace (study tenant);
  • proximity to public transport;
  • who owns the ownership of the apartment and whether it is subject to collateral;
  • the condition of not only the room, but also the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, which he has the right to use;
  • the condition of the house as a whole;
  • availability of furniture and household appliances;