New secret of the Cheops pyramid. Scientists have discovered a secret room inside the Cheops pyramid


Great Pyramid Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops) has not yet been fully explored and tightly keeps its secrets. Each subsequent expedition trying to study the pyramid encounters unknown obstacles. They discover a previously unknown door - behind it they find another...

In 1993, the secret door was discovered by the German engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink, who explored the pyramid using miniature robots. Gantenbrink launched the robot, which he named "Outauout-2", into the ventilation duct on the northern side of the Queen's Chamber. Equipped with powerful lights and a television camera, the robot encountered a wooden pole blocking the passage. After repeated attempts, during which the robot was improved and modernized, it managed to penetrate the barrier and reached a block similar to a door. An image of a block similar to a door, equipped with metal handles, appeared on the monitor screen. A crack was visible under the lower western corner of the “door”. The navigation laser beam aimed at her disappeared inside.

Here's what Gantenbrink said about the results of the study: “Footlines 4 mm deep were found inside the passage. Utuout 2 took photographs of them before walking over them, so these are not traces of the robot itself or anything similar. It is possible that we will find similar grooves on a good part of the inner blocks of the pyramid, and this will indicate to us how the Egyptians were able to achieve such a perfect system of connections between rock blocks. This technique would involve using a bronze saw to cut compartments into these rocks. While examining the rock that blocks the passage at the end of the channel, we discovered small triangular-shaped notches on its upper and lower right corners. Similar incisions are characteristic of the stones used to construct doors in other Egyptian designs. The one in the lower right corner has a size of 5 mm, in the upper - 3 mm. At the bottom of the block there is a small mark running parallel to the door, 0.4 mm wide. During the construction of the canal, this block must have remained suspended in the cavity above the location it now occupies. Marks made in bronze on the front were used as stops to prevent the door from rising again."

On September 17, 2002, with the help of another robot called Upuat II, Gantenbrink managed to penetrate even further into the structure. The robot managed to drill a hole in the previously found door. The thickness of the door turned out to be about 7 centimeters, and behind it, at a distance of 40 centimeters, another door was visible.

The most interesting thing began a few days later. The robot was launched into another, northern mine. And they found exactly the same “door” in it, with exactly the same “handles”.

French architect Jean-Pierre Houdin suggests that there are two secret rooms in the Cheops pyramid, the existence of which no one knows anything about. His guess is based on 3D modeling. What might be in them and for what reason the ancient Egyptians hid them from their descendants remains a mystery. According to Jean-Pierre Houdin, there are similar rooms in the pyramid of Snefru, where the father of Cheops is buried.

Currently, the Djedi robot has been developed to further study the pyramids. It is equipped with a video camera on a flexible arm, a compass, an inclinometer to determine the direction and angle of inclination of corridors, and an ultrasonic device to determine the thickness of masonry. On board there is a tiny assistant - an autonomous robot that is able to penetrate a hole with a diameter of only 20 millimeters. The robot also has a miniature drill that can be used to drill through the second door without causing any serious damage.

Like the very purpose of the pyramids, the methods of their construction still remain a mystery to us, but it is gradually becoming clear that the pyramids are not just tombs of the pharaohs.

Researcher Robert Bauval noticed that the location of the three stars in Orion's belt is similar to the location of the Giza pyramids. Moreover, the brightness of the stars corresponds to the size of the pyramids, and the position of the constellation Orion in relation to Milky Way, corresponds to the position of the pyramid complex and the Nile. When the map of Egypt was superimposed on the star map, several other groups of pyramids also aligned with the stars.

There are many details in the designs of the pyramids, the purpose of which is still not clear: granite lintels, grooves in the walls, height differences in the galleries.

To date, the door found in 2002 by Gantenbrink is the most intriguing mystery of the Cheops pyramid. Various assumptions are made, from the very real to the most fantastic. Some suggest that there is the tomb of Cheops’ mother with countless treasures stored there. Others are a hangar in which aliens left the equipment used in the construction of the pyramids...

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The world is on the verge of a major archaeological discovery. Not long ago, researchers Egyptian pyramids discovered new secret rooms in the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops. Using the Explorer robot, they tried to get inside through the narrow tunnels of the 4,500-year-old structure, but they failed.

Then the joint development of British, French and Canadian scientists came to the rescue - a robot called Judi. The device received this name not by chance. Djedi was the name of a magician who served Pharaoh Cheops. It would seem that there is no magic, just technology. However, this time the attempt was successful and the robot was able to safely overcome the mysterious southern tunnel emerging from the queen’s burial crypt into one of the newly discovered faces of the pyramid.

The “magic” robot managed to safely overcome the tunnel and even looked behind the “secret door”, behind which the recently opened chamber was hidden. What the video cameras on the robot showed alarmed the whole world

In a secret chamber, the robot discovered strange maroon-colored hieroglyphs dating back to 2500 BC.

It is noteworthy that the tunnels (southern and north), passing at an angle of 90 degrees from the queen’s crypt, were found by researchers at the end of the 19th century. They were discovered by engineer Waman Dixon from Britain. Twenty years ago, German Egyptologist Rudolf Gantenbrink first equipped a robotic expedition through the northern tunnel, but the robot was unable to reach the goal. He hit a very sharp turn and crashed. The next expedition of another robot through the southern tunnel was also unsuccessful.

Having traveled 63 meters in the southern direction of the Cheops pyramid, he came across a strange door with brass handles.

No one knew what was hiding behind the mysterious door. Fans of mystical theories and anomalous chronicles fueled interest. Fans of Cheops assumed that behind the door was hidden a secret vault containing knowledge and books from the lost Atlantis, alien instruments or other “magical” artifacts.

What can I say, even the brass handles themselves were very intriguing. Until that time, no one had found a single metal object in the pyramids. A lot of crazy and daring hypotheses arose that these handles are elements of an electrical system that was left by aliens and is capable of teleporting the pyramid to another planet.

Ten years ago, a crawler robot, Royer Pyramide, manufactured by the American company iRobot, rolled up to the secret door. He managed to drill a hole in the monolithic door and insert a miniature television camera inside the mysterious chamber.

The inside of the cell was empty. Millions of people holding their breath saw another door appear in the distance...

And the other day, almost ten years later, tireless seekers of ancient artifacts are making a new attempt. The researchers again sent the robot to the first "secret door". There are rumors that last time they managed to discern something suspicious and were now collecting more complete information. Robot Magician Jedi is essentially a copy of its predecessor, but only with a much more modernized camera. A special device is controlled by a rod and resembles an endoscope that takes pictures good quality. With the help of new technologies, it was possible to see the first “secret camera” in great detail.

For the first time, scientists looked at the “secret door” from the reverse side. The surface of the doors is very carefully processed, being perfectly smooth and polished. Brass rods pierce the door right through and are crowned with small loops.

Robot Jedi confirmed that behind the first secret chamber there is a second one. Scientists think that Pharaoh Cheops may be buried in a sarcophagus there. And the empty sarcophagus that was found before, which is known today, was made deliberately as a distraction.

On this moment The most important find is the dark burgundy hieroglyphs depicted on the floor of the “first secret room.” Egyptologists have already begun to decipher them and the results will be ready in a few days.

In the meantime, researchers and interested people are left perplexed. There were suggestions that the tunnels were built for ventilation. But the question arises - what is the door for? And besides, so carefully crafted and with elegant brass handles? The tunnels are made in the shape of a perfectly even square 20x20 cm. A person cannot crawl through them. Maybe a cat? But why do cats need brass handles?

The spatial location of the southern tunnel adds mystique. It is oriented strictly towards the constellation Orion and the star Sirius.

Many scientists come to the conclusion that the souls of the pharaoh were supposed to travel through the tunnels and fly out into the Universe. But there are doors and plugs? It will obviously interfere with "traveling..."

Researchers do not despair and continue to work scrupulously. According to their plans, the final report will be ready in 2012. Will they open Pandora's box on the fateful date?

The world is on the verge of a major archaeological discovery. Not long ago, researchers of the Egyptian pyramids discovered new secret rooms in the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops. Using the Explorer robot, they tried to get inside through the narrow tunnels of the 4,500-year-old structure, but they failed.

Then the joint development of British, French and Canadian scientists came to the rescue - a robot called Judy. The device received this name not by chance. Djedi was the name of a magician who served Pharaoh Cheops. It would seem that there is no magic, just technology. However, this time the attempt was successful and the robot was able to safely overcome the mysterious southern tunnel emerging from the queen’s burial crypt into one of the newly discovered faces of the pyramid.

The “magic” robot managed to safely overcome the tunnel and even looked behind the “secret door”, behind which the recently opened chamber was hidden. What the video cameras on the robot showed alarmed the whole world

In a secret chamber, the robot discovered strange maroon-colored hieroglyphs dating back to 2500 BC.

It is noteworthy that the tunnels (southern and north), passing at an angle of 90 degrees from the queen’s crypt, were found by researchers at the end of the 19th century. They were discovered by engineer Waman Dixon from Britain. Twenty years ago, German Egyptologist Rudolf Gantenbrink first equipped a robotic expedition through the northern tunnel, but the robot was unable to reach the goal. He hit a very sharp turn and crashed. The next expedition of another robot through the southern tunnel was also unsuccessful.

Having traveled 63 meters in the southern direction of the Cheops pyramid, he came across a strange door with brass handles.

No one knew what was hiding behind the mysterious door. Fans of mystical theories and anomalous chronicles fueled interest. Fans of Cheops assumed that behind the door was hidden a secret vault containing knowledge and books from the lost Atlantis, alien instruments or other “magical” artifacts.

What can I say, even the brass handles themselves were very intriguing. Until that time, no one had found a single metal object in the pyramids. A lot of crazy and daring hypotheses arose that these handles are elements of an electrical system that was left by aliens and is capable of teleporting the pyramid to another planet.

Ten years ago, a crawler robot, Royer Pyramide, manufactured by the American company iRobot, rolled up to the secret door. He managed to drill a hole in the monolithic door and insert a miniature television camera inside the mysterious chamber.

The inside of the cell was empty. Millions of people holding their breath saw another door appear in the distance...

And the other day, almost ten years later, tireless seekers of ancient artifacts are making a new attempt. The researchers again sent the robot to the first "secret door". There are rumors that last time they managed to discern something suspicious and were now collecting more complete information. Robot Magician Jedi is essentially a copy of its predecessor, but only with a much more modernized camera. A special device is controlled by a rod and resembles an endoscope that takes pictures in good quality. With the help of new technologies, it was possible to see the first “secret camera” in great detail.

For the first time, scientists looked at the “secret door” from the reverse side. The surface of the doors is very carefully processed, being perfectly smooth and polished. Brass rods pierce the door right through and are crowned with small loops.

Robot Jedi confirmed that behind the first secret chamber there is a second one. Scientists think that Pharaoh Cheops may be buried in a sarcophagus there. And the empty sarcophagus that was found before, which is known today, was made deliberately as a distraction.

At the moment, the most important find is the dark burgundy hieroglyphs depicted on the floor of the “first secret room”. Egyptologists have already begun to decipher them and the results will be ready in a few days.

In the meantime, researchers and interested people are left perplexed. There were suggestions that the tunnels were built for ventilation. But the question arises - what is the door for? And besides, so carefully crafted and with elegant brass handles? The tunnels are made in the shape of a perfectly even square 20x20 cm. A person cannot crawl through them. Maybe a cat? But why do cats need brass handles?

The spatial location of the southern tunnel adds mystique. It is oriented strictly towards the constellation Orion and the star Sirius.

Many scientists come to the conclusion that the souls of the pharaoh were supposed to travel through the tunnels and fly out into the Universe. But there are doors and plugs? It will obviously interfere with "traveling..."

Researchers do not despair and continue to work scrupulously. According to their plans, the final report will be ready in 2012. Will they open Pandora's box on the fateful date?

MOSCOW, November 2 – RIA Novosti. Physicists have found a previously unknown void area in the Cheops pyramid that may be a secret tomb or a passage into it, according to a paper published in the journal Nature.

“When we saw this area of ​​emptiness, we realized that we had come across something very interesting and big, we abandoned all other projects and concentrated on studying this area, located directly above the corridor to the tomb of Cheops. Now we are sure that it really exists, and this "This is the first discovery of its kind in the Cheops pyramid since the Middle Ages, when it was opened by Caliph Al-Mamun in the 9th century," said Mehdi Tayoubi from the HIP Institute in Paris (France).

Physicists have found two “unknown voids” in the Cheops pyramidArchaeologists and physicists have discovered two, as they put it, “previously unknown voids” inside the Cheops pyramid, which may be secret rooms where the remains of Pharaoh Khufu rest.

Secrets of the Pharaohs

The Pyramid of Cheops, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was built in the middle of the third millennium BC, during the time of Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops), a representative of the fourth dynasty of the Old Kingdom, at the same time as all the “great pyramids” Ancient Egypt. This structure, 145 meters high and 230 meters wide and long, remains one of the tallest and largest buildings ever created by mankind.

Over the past two centuries, scientists have discovered three rooms in the pyramid, in one of which the pharaoh himself was supposedly buried, in the other his wife, and the third was considered a bait or trap for robbers. In the walls of the corridors that lead to Khufu's tomb, unusual channels and structures were found, which scientists believe are elements of the “security system” that protected the pharaoh from defilers.

The mummies of the pharaoh and his wife were never discovered, which is why many archaeologists believe that in fact their tombs are still hidden in the thickness of the pyramid. Two years ago, scientists from the universities of Nagoya, Paris and Cairo began searching for these secret rooms, studying the pyramid using cosmic particle detectors and telescopes as part of the ScanPyramids project.

Breath of space

Every second, millions of muons are formed in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere - charged particles resulting from the collision of cosmic rays with gas molecules in the air. These collisions accelerate muons to near-light speeds, thanks to which they penetrate tens and hundreds of meters deep into the surface of the planet. Scientists' measurements show that every square meter of the Earth's surface absorbs about 10 thousand of these particles.

French archaeologists and physicists, together with Japanese scientists, have adapted telescopes that can “see” muons to search for voids and hidden rooms in ancient architectural monuments.

© ScanPyramids mission

© ScanPyramids mission

This technique works very simply - the flux of muons decreases in the air and in empty space much more slowly than when passing through rock or earth, which makes it possible to search for secret rooms by bursts in the muon background.

Last October, participants in the ScanPyramids project announced a sensational discovery - they managed to find several previously unknown voids in the pyramid, which could be the secret tombs of the “lord of two houses” and his wife. This discovery caused sharp rejection among archaeologists and Egyptologists, who accused physicists of incorrectly interpreting the data obtained.

Physics and lyrics

These accusations forced scientists to take repeated measurements using three different muon telescopes. This time, as Tayubi emphasized, the observations were carried out according to the same rules and principles by which the Higgs boson and other particles unknown to science were searched for at the LHC and other accelerators.

“Our measurements absolutely rule out that this void area could have arisen due to differences in the properties of the stones or due to errors in construction,” says Zahi Hawass. Voids of this size and configuration could not have appeared between the blocks by chance, neither with engineering nor any other technology. "The Egyptians were too good builders to screw up the pyramid, leave a hole in it and create a room or corridor somewhere else," said Hany Helal of Cairo University.

Checking whether this is true or not, scientists installed a set of films sensitive to the action of muons in the supposed tomb of Cheops’s wife, and placed semiconductor particle detectors at the bottom of the pyramid. After a few months, they collected the data, processed it and compared it with how muons should move through the pyramid if there were no other voids in it, except for the already known corridors and rooms.

© Illustration by RIA Novosti. Alina Polyanina

© Illustration by RIA Novosti. Alina Polyanina

If the initial results of scanning the Cheops pyramid were erroneous, then, as Elal notes, the “pictures” obtained by different muon telescopes would not match. In fact, they turned out to be the same, which confirmed the assumptions of physicists and refuted the insinuations of archaeologists.

The images showed that above the main corridor of the pyramid there is a zone of emptiness thirty meters long, eight meters high and about two meters wide. As Tayubi noted, it can be either a solid corridor running parallel to the ground, up or down, or a suite of rooms. So far, physicists do not have enough data to rule out the first or second option.

Scientists emphasize that they are not interpreting their discovery in any way and do not claim that they managed to find a secret room - this task, according to them, should be carried out by Egyptologists.

Jean-Baptiste Mouret, a physicist at the University of Paris, hopes his team's discovery will convince Egyptian historians that they were wrong in their assessments and will open the door to debate whether it is worth trying to penetrate this void zone. if yes, how to do it.

A new round of history

In the near future, as scientists noted, they plan to continue studying the void zone, as well as other sections of the Cheops pyramid, including the tomb of the pharaoh himself, and will begin to scan other pyramids that may hide secret rooms and unknown voids.

These data, physicists hope, will help us understand exactly how the pyramids were built and whether we can trust the descriptions of their construction, which have come down to our time in the works of Herodotus.

At the same time, as scientists noted, muon scanners can not reveal all the secrets. ancient history. For example, according to Tayubi, they cannot be used to search for the secret tomb of Nefertiti in the tomb of Tutankhamun, the existence of which was recently announced by the famous British Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves.

© ScanPyramids mission

© ScanPyramids mission

“Muon scanners cannot be used to study the tomb of Tutankhamun and other burials in the Valley of the Kings for the reason that we do not know how the voids are distributed in the rocks located above them,” the scientist explained, answering a question from RIA Novosti.

Such research, added Sebastien Procureur, a colleague of Moret, is further complicated by the fact that man-made particle accelerators cannot be used to scan pyramids and other ancient buildings, since delivering them to Giza or the Valley of the Kings would entail unacceptably high costs.

“In short, this is simply not feasible. Muons cannot be created directly - they arise from the decays of kaons and pions, and there are too few particle accelerators in the world capable of accelerating them to the required speeds. In addition, they are all very large - at least 700 meters in length. It would be easier for us to transport the pyramid to such a facility than to try to build it in Giza or other parts of Egypt. Therefore, we have to rely on space for such observations,” the agency’s interlocutor concluded.